Mega Man 2 by coolkid in 29:14 SGDQ2019

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[Applause] all right so first and foremost like to introduce my couch Gus Piper how decipher I was going on sinister1 and yeah if they'll do most of the commentary I'll just be trying to just yeah play the game but right so I'm playing the Japanese version meaning that uh so yeah Oh see no so you can take it away but yeah all right so bad we'll explain everything don't worry go so a cool kid is ready to start so let's get him counted down in five four three two one go alright serious time that's enough haha no seriously this the air man is one of the trickier stages cool kid is right away gonna have to do some very very dangerous jump so I'm gonna be quiet while he does that [Music] okay just take some all right yes I'm playing all right he made it right this part is a little tricky too but not a critical yeah this person not as bad so he's getting very far to the right here cuz he wants to spawn these guys as early as possible that's why he seemed doing that jump over to the right and then coming back so by spawning those guys earlier obviously you got to use their platforms to kind of traverse your way across this open-air section and he's gonna have one more enemy this one's a little tricky very nice okay great all right so that's that's the that's the trickier part of the levels so um I school kit mentioned earlier he is playing on the Japanese version in this game which is rockman 2 that essentially means that your weapons deal half as much damage as they would in megaman 2 so he's gonna have to shoot the bosses 14 times for instance if he's using Buster which obviously is gonna be doing in this first fight against air man you do make up a lot of time though in the cutscenes the cutscenes are a lot faster that's the main reason to play on this version and of course we are starting out with air man because air man has item 2 item 2 is actually the key item in this category zipless item 2 is really really important you can use it a lot to kind of reach certain areas and obviously get through certain sections quicker so coming up on air man air man's got five different patterns that he can open with - or favorable ones kind of medium and - are not so great that's a good favorable pattern cool-kid gonna take some intentional damage one more intentional hit there and that is the end of air man beautiful pattern so I so didn't really explain like how to go we're doing right now hello what I'm doing for this run and there's yeah so yes I'm playing a zipless which you should which uses a very different route compared to the the regular run with yeah so the Zips route plays through Flashman he men and airman first to get all the items right away but in this category you can't make as much use of item one to save a lot of time through zips so we do a different route that is more focused on getting the boss weaknesses in a more traditional manner now he is gonna go to quick second this is another really really difficult stage but after he gets quick man's weapon then he is gonna go ahead and use a lot of the weakness order so we are gonna get to see a lot of fancy item two placements though hopefully this level you do have to manage your health very well because quick man is an incredibly difficult fight with only the Buster as your weapon again you have to you have to get 14 shots in and that room is really awkward and stilted so right now he's just trying to avoid these lasers no problem he's gonna switch on over to item to hopefully get this item to placed at just the right height that looks good and he's gonna be able to get over some of these enemies nice gonna have to take some intentional damage from this last guy here but that's okay that guy doesn't sit doesn't hit so hard it's really the enemies at the end of the stage that he has to worry about so not having time stopper here of course you got to just be careful going through this section those lasers are a one-hit ko don't want to get touched by those thankfully cool-kid knows where they're coming from let's just hope he doesn't go for the death jump very terrifying saves a couple frames okay good I thought he was gonna go I was worried he worried over it man all right tricky setup coming up here all right looking good he's gonna take some intentional damage there uses iframes to get through that second enemy and he is on it's a quick man so he's got enough health but a quick man again he's gonna deal four damage with either his boomerangs or if you take a body shot from them so you do have to be a little careful here all right not the most favorable start the reason this fights so awkward is you have to be on the same level as quick man be able to hit him with Buster which is not the case with crash man's weapon in Norman tips and that was coolkid made some really good adjustments there he did not get a very favorable pattern at all so a great job on that fight and as you can see he had a not too much health ending there so it's definitely a tough fight where am I going go metal just making sure that's you know I'm surprised you tested Finister not me alright so metal man we're gonna start out here taking a little bit of damage and he's gonna have to do some really tight movement to get through this area you want to skip as many of these crushers as possible so looks like he is clear by the way that this run is dedicated to all the YouTube warriors who always ask to see the runs played without big skips and zips so how tall you guys in all seriousness though this is I think the most popular category for this game actually so people people really do love it and I think it's the first time it's been featured in gdq so it's really nice to see it yeah cool kids switching on over to item two he's gonna just do a big old item to fly across the top of the screen here just has to be careful not to place it too high if you place it too high it'll actually be spawn but he's got a good height jump it through these enemies they actually don't have hit boxes until they land on their wheels so that's why he's able to do that without getting hit and gonna switch on over to a quick boomerang which is of course metal man's weakness metal man has three different patterns that he can do but a cool kid is gonna do a couple jumps at the beginning of the fight which will evade whichever pattern happens to occur [Music] and he got two metal blades and nice jumps shot one boomerang to the left just for the heck of it yeah stylin that was actually a slight adjustment because if you get too far to the right in your metal man he'll jump to the left side of the screen and waste of time so you don't want to get too far close to him all right where we going now safer we're going to all right bubbleman who is of course a weak to metal blade and we are gonna go ahead and use item to go ahead and fly across this section with these toad enemies okay taking some intentional damage there and he is to safety so he's gonna break out the metal blade and he's gonna have some enemies to kill hopefully they don't have too many drops but he can avoid the drops anyway in rock bands who you you get drops much less frequently than you would in Megaman 2 so you can see all this section which she normally skip in the Zips run oh missile one shot there those guys actually hit pretty hard but yeah they hit like a truck for I guess there's sort of many bosses they're big enemies but it hit do like 10 damage or 12 damage or something yeah it's quite a bit thankfully you don't need a ton of health for the bubble man fight a very nice jump there that's a really tight jump to get that's very dangerous also you can hit your head on the spikes but cool-kid got just the right positioning there so he survived and very nice mashing there look at that nice those things take 10 shots so bubbleman also has three patterns but unlike metal man some of those patterns are less favorable most notably the three bubble pattern which causes quite a bit of lag so we're hoping to see a one bubble or a two bubble pattern you think we're just gonna see anything spicy here I don't know man I'm a little nervous hold your breath crowd alright we got the three bubble so there is some lag that double ko feeling confident that is not just for style points coolkid actually will save a little bit of time because he's exiting the screen from a much higher position than 20 frames yeah 20 frames right there guys you saw it alright so now that we have bubble we can head on into heat man who is of course weak to bubble and this is one of those stages where you're gonna get to see a lot of item to usage not right away this this early section it's mainly just you know don't fall in the lava pretty simple stuff a couple enemies to get out of the way just some platforming a little one tile wide pillars yeah the good stuff is in the second long section in this stage coming up in a little bit yeah that's one thing you definitely missed with the Zips is you skip that whole section so yeah I was gonna say I do personally prefer the zips around at this game but this section coming up has some really cool item to usage and another thing about item 2 you can see coolkid is used to item twos but he hasn't lost any item to energy yet that's because he placed them very close to a wall and very nice dodging on that enemy there that's pretty tricky so you want to leave yourself with enough item 2 so that you can get across the lava sections to get the yoku blocks all together definitely a section that terrorized a lot of people when they were playing this game as kids you always want to have item 2 here so cool kids got plenty of item 2 energy he's gonna be able to make it all the way across no problem yeah I'll see you one up that was really good I'm I should not waste any time at all so that's good yeah that was a great stage really well done and thankfully heat man is only gonna take seven shots here from bubble is it seven it's that's five right is a five okay I'm sorry yeah and he got the bubble head bobble head number two coming up no oh he missed it run it this guy takes 14 hits and so there's a random component where it he'll take 30 60 or 90 frames to start charging at you and when the fight goes on much longer there's a much more random component all right so now we're gonna come a little longer cutscenes they probably a good idea to throw some donations all right we have a few donations here we have $30 from mr. Eric Adam saying what is Mega Man's favorite classic rock band Rush we have a hundred and fifty dollars from t turtle my man had to donate during the megaman block and especially for cool kid running my favorite category of megaman - good luck on the run ck no mercy for wily thank you very much alright keep on going actually flash man stage is a pretty basic all right we've got $40 from Ataris classic Mega Man is best I've been playing Mega Man 2 all week so I have to donate during cool kids run we have two hundred dollars from thunder carnival really enjoyed the rock man infinity run and looking forward to gdq's first Megaman 11 run let's hit that two mill folks alright so the main reason for saving flash man for so much later in the run is actually the menus you don't want his item in the menus cuz you'll have to scroll by it quite a bit so that's why he's put a little bit later he is weeks metal blade he'll go down in 7 shots the stage is is pretty straightforward that you just kind of have to know where to go cool keeping our breakout item to get a little fancy there that's a little bit faster and you do get to save a little bit of time here as well using the item 2 to fly across this section if you can use the full amount of item to fly I think it's about a three second time saver PSA's walking you don't get to use the full thing here but you know you probably save a couple seconds by the and one more usage there very nice and we're gonna break out the metal blade this this fights not quite as stylish with metal blade cuz it's over so quickly but it's still pretty nice yeah it's roughly equivalent of a normal mode fight with Buster oh wow okay cool kit made it stylish just there there are some phantom awkward shot I said yeah yeah alright so two stages remaining it doesn't matter which which one of these two I go into next but I'm gonna choose to go into wood man next and play flash Lance yeah and they do the best stages for last yeah yeah so what man stage is actually it's got some some tricky elements to it but coolkid is gonna get to use the one weapon you can actually charge in this game you can you can charge up heat man's weapon and it deals quite a bit of damage takes out some of the harder enemies oh nice Birds nice Birds so you can actually spawn Birds on the robot master screen right there by just holding a alright this guy's this first guy's got to go the next guys okay though cool keep gonna do some jumps to manipulate these carrots as well so that they don't get shot towards him and a very nice jump over that one that's it's it's really tight to jump over those guys so these big dog enemies are really what you need this is heat weapon for take them out gonna switch on over to timestopper use that and there would be two more of those dogs that would spawn and each of these respective screens but fortunately timestopper takes care of that and then of course it's time to break out everybody's favorite item item - another thing to note is you can actually grab these ladders in such a way that you can get a boost off of the ladder if you can grab it off screen by pressing down you'll kind of get a slight upward boost so this section is really tricky here coolkid gonna do a nice high placement there he's got to do a tight jump here face the other way to get the bird to spawn despawn the bird display on the other bird and he is through that screen that was very nice well done [Applause] and he's gonna be able to just kind of jump over these last few enemies oh hope maybe not that guy man those guys hitbox are so big they are they're massive and now it's time for ground chicken got to get ground chicken come on can he get it oh that's tough sorry guys no ground chicken for you catchin the next tip let's run in 2025 yeah and just a reminder the reason coolkid is using airs because a1 charged-up heat shot would not be enough to do would man in unlike a normal mode of this game seed you have to use the air weapon very fast fight nicely done yeah there is a tiny bit of randomness in that fight where one of the earlier shots can go off screen more quickly depending on like your exact pixel placement and you got the fastest despawn for the tornados there all right final robot masters stage coming in Clash man this stage is a doozy yeah there's a lot going you get to use all three of your items in this stage so cool kid's gonna be getting pretty fancy here he's gonna start with item 2 gotta take some intentional damage there to get past these guys and then he has a pretty tight placement here you can't place it too far over it'll despawn another one there he's gonna grab that ladder get the ladder boost place that nice and high nice dodging of that shot he's got to jump over this last enemy got it great job all right now it's time for item one I like me some item one it's funny how you almost never see item one in this category even though it's so ubiquitous and some of the other categories yeah yeah so a lot of upward climbing now so you're gonna you're going to see all the item ones get used here now you don't have quite as many as you would in some other categories so cool kit gonna just save some he wants to make sure he has three for this next screen so you can get all the way up to the top of the screen time to switch on over to item three and he's got some very precise item three drops to do so these are very tricky there's a four pixel window every recurring tile where you can throw the item three and you can land on it instantaneously and so you want to do that periodically through these screens and he got every single one perfectly he's got one more all right so now coolkid is gonna do what's known as the frizzy strat he's gonna shoot a shot immediately at the start of the fight to the left that's gonna force clash man to jump at him there's two different jumps that clash man can do and coolkid us to adjust very quickly to which one he does he gets the long jump didn't quite get the double there but he did still get a fast kill so nice adjustment there goodbye all right but that was the eighth and final row with master and I think about time for a couple of more donations all right we have a two hundred dollar donation from Rose our mega man was my favorite series growing up and too was my favorite of the series so happy to see it get destroyed in record pace let's keep the donations coming we have a one thousand dollar donation from a UT's fans let's go congratulations to all the participants of sgdq 2019 we greatly admire all the time and effort everyone has put in to benefit Doctors Without Borders alright let's get started with these wily stages the wily stages are tremendously difficult in pretty much any category of this game that you want to play so cool kid he's gonna do a nice little turnaround there that's how he got that bird to spawn from the left side instead of the right side switch on over to item two again he's gonna try to get these placements as close to the wall as possible so as to not use any of the item two weapon energy got the first one and he's gonna go ahead and use item two as well to fly over this section nice jump there to avoid the toothpaste does anyone like this song does anyone like this song alright some some more of these tricky item three drops coming up where's the oku sin mobs in the crowd yeah alright this is the trickiest one oh he got it alright nice job there and item one stairway to heaven all right let's see if cool kid tries to get fancy here oh yeah you know it that last one I almost went through the corner there you got to be careful my nipple is though God knows it knows it yeah all right and push it on over too quick boomerang we're gonna get to see some hardcore mashing here at the end got this fight with the dragon this is one of my favorite things in this game actually it's like the first time you're playing this game like you're already stressed out doing these little tile block jumps and then all of a sudden this massive dragon appears behind you is like chasing you such a great experience really a really good job by the developers here all right you know what's your mash and cool kit oh yeah oh yeah that is some nice master right there [Applause] all right so on into Wiley - so Wiley - there's a very long spike section at the beginning in the stage cool kid of course gonna use item two to get past that and the idea is he wants to have four weapon energy left for his item - because he's gonna need it again in Wiley for the most dangerous of all the wily stages thankfully there's this nice weapon energy right there who could able to save a little bit of time because he was able to conserve his item - earlier so he's placed his item - before he got the weapon energy oops a little oh and I'm a little low on ammo that's okay he can pick some up right here there's a little two spot so no problem there swishing on over to flash he's gonna use this there's a long hallway section here where the screwdriver enemies you saw and metal man stage would come out but once you use the time stopper you have to worry about any of that just a nice quick walk through the hallway here and we're gonna switch on over to item one now [Music] fastest way to get up there and get over that crush you're gonna take some intentional damage here and let's see if he goes for this oh he went for it okay but at least he didn't die you can die therefore he overshot him in the right way yeah under shop so bad okay Larry's like when you land it yes it does look look very very nice so this boss is completely scripted where these these come from so cool cat knows exactly what's what's coming up here that's a pretty easy boss fight' one thing I note though is that if you do actually get hit in this boss fight deals a tremendous amount of damage so you got to be a little bit careful you don't want to you know when I get sloppy and start taking hits and that was that all right so while e3 was a stage that was purposefully put in so that we could have some donations Reds go ahead all right we've got a hundred and fifty dollars for Modi was never good at Mega Man games but always enjoyed watching and listening to the speedruns good luck to all the runners how many fishes are we getting get your table of things ready Chad it's gonna be 1 2 or 0 make your guests I'm gonna go with one two I heard someone say free haha there's one oh there it is oh the double right you win this round paper the fish is like cool case easily kill them all right so yeah the main thing with this stage you just got to avoid the spikes that's all and then you got to avoid some potential drops in this hallway here so you're gonna see cool kid doing some some jumps make sure he doesn't get the drops no drop they're nice Oh double no drop it is rockman two after all true alright can he get the three jump let's find out you got a mash hard Oh easily alright let's go very well done that's not easy to get into three jumps there yeah yeah very very tough you got up good mashing and you have to time your mashing well if you do it too early you'll take your shot off of the the guy's hand yep okay we're coming on into everyone's favorite stage Wiley 4 aka purple hell it's pretty dangerous a lot of bad things can happen in this stage a little kid guys accidental use my e-tank that should be okay hahahaha you can accidentally used to eat tanks in this game Eames you're like full health Fame she don't need it that's what happens yeah the only place we potentially need it would be in this stage or in the the next stage refights nice early or very fancy with the fake floor they're so cool kit should have just enough item three he wants that he wants to have two left after this climb steep once so they can use that in one of the spike screens and looks like he's gonna have plenty oops Oh before maybe not probably fine okay so now we're coming into the spike screens cool kiz' gonna take some intentional damage here so that he can use his iframes to get across to the other side nice tight jump there to avoid that enemy and of course he's gonna use the item three to make his way up here and then he's gonna be able to switch to item two so again this is one of those stages where you have to use all your items alright nice placement there he's through that screen nice and one more spike screen here he's just got to get this item one okay now that always looks so tight yeah it's very scary alright wasn't able to quite dodged that hit there so he's gonna have to be mindful of his health okay good he avoided that guy and he's got a tricky item one placement coming up at the start of the fight got it alright really well done there [Music] and he got the double excellent alright so cool keep in good shape he just needs to get one more double here very nicely done alright and now he's gonna go for the damage transfer oh okay guys ain't no damage transfer yeah it was a good fight otherwise that he's gonna be down one crash bomb that he would ordinarily have he usually has to crash bombs going into the machine fight at the end of these three fights so it's gonna make things a little more exciting coolkid it kinda has to manage his health a little bit differently can't go with a reckless abandon here but he is gonna be taking on quick man first quick man just the stuff in refights as he was before thankfully he start with a little more help this time but you still don't want to take too many hits oh great start Wow oh this is really good oh my god beautiful play what a fight that was amazing cool-kid the zero damage and it was really fast okay that damage was intentional cool-kid gonna go for the tas strat and this is a really tough one oh and not quite yeah that's alright it took some intentional damage from the leaf there but that deals only four so he's okay so hopefully air man gives a good pattern you can get a two cycle that's uh oh he got the first pit Opeth any yeah that was a really tricky pattern yeah not sure it was possible to get a two cycle there yeah I don't know that's I don't think so yeah that was a tough one it could have happened [Music] good old man still random fool kid his health is ok but he mean he may or may not want to pick up a drop we'll see very nice bubble fight excellent alright you want to say it aye metal by metal flash man it's nice and easy the cool kid elected to not take any healthier he'll be he won't be fine yeah he's able he's gonna dodge the first shot here this is this is key he just needs to dog the first shot alright dodged it cleanly and got his crash bomb in so now I just needs to mash he could not afford to have taken another hit there one more hit he would have been down a great job this place this place is good this is a pretty sweet indicate yes been a great run cool so wily six just one stage left it's very eerily quiet in this stage you know well that's cool kid kind of think about how good has run has been it's all come down to this he's just got one more fight he's got to take down the alien it is a tough fight UF you have to have really good matching and you have to time your mashing very well because you don't want any stray bubbles you don't you don't want any of your bubbles to miss because then you can't shoot as many bubbles time is as soon as he had his health bar it is zero all right let's see that mash cool kid [Music] [Music] pretty good looking good time amazing time incredible run that's the 29:14 school kid how do you feel about that [Music] yeah just shame that I didn't get this bike drop and wildly - oh yeah yeah that would be cool it was great there's a well under estimate now you're gonna have more than enough time to hear yes right yeah thank you so very much for they're watching donating all that thank you thank you cool kid yeah thank you great job all right let's hear it again for cool kid that amazing Mega Man too difficult zip list run if I was half as good at this single screen as he was it Oliver might be a little bit bigger better at Mega Man up next we have a any percent run of Mega Man three by Colonel fatso but for right now I'm going to toss it over to a quick twitch ad all right welcome back to summer games done quick 2019 powered by twitch right now we're setting up for an any percent run of Megaman 3 but for now let's read some of the donations we got during that last run we have a $5 donation from a dog 125 I did my part for Celeste and I'm not going to be able to watch Celeste so what about you and on that on that topic we do have another bonus game coming up later in the day at a spot playing Celeste we're still quite a ways sure we're at 58 thousand dollars out of a $175,000 goal let's go ahead and get those donations in so we can see that amazing tas bot run we have a two hundred and fifty dollar donation from na kasumi this goes to task plays celeste tas block is always fun to watch my favorite games get completely obliterated let's go we have a $150 in a donation from Ben s50 hello from the United Kingdom it's Friday it's paid a huge thank you to all the runners and admins who make this such a fantastic event we have a $50 donation from gals got moxie Megaman 2 is one of my favorite games of all time and I loved watching it get destroyed cheers to cool kid we have $50 from Dan 57 I absolutely loved the Celeste run last year I hope I get to see it again I just want to mention some of the other challenges we have upcoming we have the Dark Souls glitch exhibition still need quite a bit for that we have 7700 out of 60,000 for that that will be after the dark souls run later today and we also have a challenge to meet for some transistor bonus seems so if you want to see any of that make sure to get your donations in we have a $100 donation from Marcus sparks great speedruns this year sadly I'm at work today and I'll miss the megaman block good luck and save the animals we have a 40 dollar donation from metal nickers had to donate during the megaman block to show my love to my favorite small robot son shoutouts to dave a echo and all my discord buds also never forget to save the animals we have a $50 donation from Chuck megamanblock is always amazing time super difficult games made to look simple so entertaining we have a $6 donation for from Verdura KH thanks for the good job so far and keep it up let's get the donations rolling
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 131,302
Rating: 4.9164238 out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: YFandjbnlsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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