Louisiana Style Hot Sauce - How to Make Your Own

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[Music] hey everybody it's mike from chili pepper madness today i'm going to show you how to make a very simple but flavorful louisiana style hot sauce louisiana style hot sauce is super popular in america across the u.s you'll find it all over the place some of the most famous examples would be tabasco sauce or crystal hot sauce there's really lots of different kinds you can use all sorts of ingredients and flavors to build up and create your hot sauces but really a louisiana style hot sauce you only need three simple ingredients you need chili peppers vinegar and salt and that's basically it so this one that i made today i'm going to show you how to make it it's uh there's three ingredients i've got a variety of fresh chili peppers and i have some white vinegar and i have salt and there are a number of ways again as i said to customize it like you can use different vinegars you can add other flavors like garlic you can change up the peppers and salt and other seasonings but again super simple super flavorful and it's one of my favorites i love this stuff so let me show you how to make it all right let's make some louisiana-style hot sauce so my recipe calls for one pound of chili peppers and you can realistically use any chili peppers that you want to i chose this selection here for some heat and for the color i want a good red louisiana style to kind of look a little bit like you know like tabasco or crystal kind of something you'll find in the store um so i chose some red habanero peppers which have a great level of heat i have some fresnos which are about jalapeno heat and some thai chilies good level of heat there again if you want like a milder version you can use maybe something like some fresnos or even mix in some red bell pepper and you can use any color really that you want to it works for any chili pepper but for me got some heat some tropical flavor and it's going to be delicious so uh first thing you want to do is just chop up your chilies pop them into a bowl and then we'll get naked so all right let me cut these guys up here going to remove the stems from the peppers just get rid of that and you can seed them if you want to remove the seeds or i like to leave them in it doesn't bother me because we'll be straining this out at the end but the seeds never really bothered me so all right just get these chopped up and we will continue when we're all chopped up and good to go [Music] all right i got all my peppers all chopped up and you can do a rough chop on these they don't have to be all minced or anything you know it's going to get processed anyway so all right so go ahead and add this all to a pot and let me get in there without making a mess like i normally do all right just get that set in there and uh we are using here i've got a half a cup of white vinegar you can use your favorite vinegar for this and you can use more vinegar if you want to i'm using a half cup for now and i can add more if i want to up to a cup and here i have a quarter teaspoon of salt just set that in there and you can use more salt to your taste as well up to up to a teaspoon or so all right get this mixed up in here and i'm going to bring bring the liquid to a real quick boil and we'll just let it simmer we'll reduce the heat and let it simmer for 15 minutes to soften up the peppers and again this is a super easy recipe it's a base recipe i'm using fresh peppers but you can also use frozen peppers thought out of course and you can do with dried if you rehydrate them and that's a different type of sauce but it's amazing that way as well so all right i'll come back when this is all simmered up [Music] all right i got my peppers all nicely softened up so i'm going to take it off heat we'll get our food processor ready and just a quick note to say that you may want to do this in a well ventilated room with a fan going or maybe some windows open because the pepper fumes can sometimes get you so just just uh keep that in mind okay so go ahead and just set this into your food processor or blender is fine nicely softened up and you see there's probably a good couple of cups of peppers here set that down and all right process it up all right let me check the thickness here all right yeah it's nice and pureed and you can at this point if you want to add a little bit more vinegar to it or a little bit more salt you can totally do that just give it a taste and adjust it could be pretty hot there but yeah all right i'm gonna process a little bit longer and then we'll we'll strain it and enjoy some hot sauce [Music] all right nicely processed up so okay grab yourself a bowl and a strainer and uh all right we'll move forward all right i got my hot sauce all processed up and i actually did add a little bit more vinegar because i want it to be a little bit more liquidy that's something you can easily adjust to your own preferences so go ahead and strain it into a bowl honestly at this point you can keep your sauce unstrained and just use it as it is it's very good this way but more louisiana style it's uh it's strained and they're usually more liquidy so again super easy to make just go ahead and get it strained out as needed look at that so we're straining all the salads you can see how many salads are left in here all the seeds and all the like extra pulpy material and you can process this up a little bit more if you want to maybe a little bit more liquid to you know get a little bit more hot sauce out of it but one thing i like to do sometimes is i'll take this pulp and i'll dehydrate it with my dehydrator and grind it up and it becomes a really great seasoning all right here we go look at that probably got about uh maybe a tablespoon and a half or two or so of the pulp left so i'm just gonna throw it away for now i don't need to save it set that here and here we go there's your hot sauce let me give it a quick taste here still warm nice level of heat on that baby oh yeah i like it delicious all right so i'm gonna go ahead and add this to bottles and then uh we're good to go pretty easy right all right be right back all right i got myself a hot sauce bottle here a little woozy bottle and we're just going to go ahead and pour it into the bottle just like so it's nice and thick and oh oh oh look at that still got a little bit left over so this made roughly six ounces of hot sauce and again you can adjust that by adding a little bit more vinegar to it maybe a little bit water but boom yeah look at that nice and thick again you can thin it out as much as you want to but that's it guys that's how you make a louisiana style hot sauce again this is a fresh pepper version if you're interested in a fermented pepper version i actually have information on the website for that on the post i'll leave the link in the comment section below so that's it uh mike from chili pepper madness let me know what kind of peppers you like to use for your hot sauce super curious what you think and uh keep it hot and spicy hot sauce i love it so all right i'll see you next time have a good one bye
Channel: Chili Pepper Madness
Views: 466,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recipes, spicy, habanero, hot sauce, hot sauce recipe, homemade hot sauce, homemade tabasco, tabasco recipe, crystal hot sauce, louisiana hot sauce, making hot sauce, cooking with peppers, chili pepper recipe, spicy hot sauce, vinegar hot sauce, homemade condiment, hot sauce making, easy hot sauce, habanero hot sauce, ghost pepper hot sauce, reaper hot sauce, scorpion hot sauce, how to make hot sauce, recipe, hot sauce ingredients
Id: NSyceMzUsbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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