MEGA COINS in the River Waiting HUNDREDS of Years to be FOUND!!

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this week on the hoover boys be up there that's gotta be a coin gotta be a coin something old anything old oh my goodness all that and i just got a silver welcome to this week's hoover boys episode i hope today is going to turn into an episode at least uh i started today was just bad luck started the day six o'clock this morning when i got off of work and then i remembered i didn't bring my gear with me to work my metal detecting gear with me because i was gonna leave work and come meet mark at the river and hopefully find some old coins and relics in the river today well i had to run home this morning grab my stuff then my truck wouldn't start and just everything was just working against me and i almost didn't come but it's a beautiful day a little windy i'm glad i'm here we're on the river going to try out some new sights and hopefully save some history let's get going 75-76 got it whatever it is don't be a bottle cat don't be a bottle cat melted aluminum fun 82 this yeah this sounds like a coin but we have been finding some melted aluminum but this is definitely beeping higher and more pure than melted aluminum we got here we got her oh uh big coin come here the large scent i think i'll take you to this spot it's a machine it's beautiful nice 18 20 exactly 200 years old how cool is that sweet that's the way to start it off huh buddy grass bro what this be some paw tree yeah actual like clay that looks handmade actually look at look at it like yeah it looks not very new yeah well that's the way to start it yes sir wow i'm glad i came out today mark the day was working against me but wow that's beautiful let's do a close-up of that this coin is absolutely perfect for a river copper and i'm gonna leave it just like this leave that light stuff on it to highlight the details they don't come out too much nicer than that in the water 1820 matron had large scent absolutely beautiful i really hope i didn't jinx this place with that one it's like my third hole thank you i mean my day's made already going like that puts a huge smile on my face let's keep going 50 dang here on the surface got it oh it's a nickel got a nickel a v nickel wow the coins are coming up beautiful here 1883 maybe is that a first year it might be i think that's the first year 1883 unless it's a 93. i guess we'll do a close-up of that bang bang two old coins huh who to thunk it here's the v nickel literally two signals after the large center dug a hunk of goo machine in between but it is an 1883 first year v nickel which means underneath the v which stands for the five for the five cents it doesn't say cents down here they had to change that later on because when this nickel first came out people were gold plating them and passing them off as five dollar gold coins it's a interesting little fact there about the v nickel and another good old coin which gives the site hope so hopefully we didn't jinx it with the large scent there it is oh yeah the muck boots is on the board right next to where i found the v nickel he just scored himself a shield nickel and this is the first nickel we actually made or i should say first five cent piece we made out of nickel there's the five and stars and there's the shield barely coming through now you're going to get a date on it but nice 1860s nickel action coins today any any any flat buttons boots this trash distress yeah like we're a lot of big nasty melted aluminum things but congrats thank you put that in there all right now i want to see you fill that thing all the way up today okay buddy yeah buddy well i wasn't recording so i just turned on i thought this was gonna be a fishing sinker we're literally right next to the boat we parked on it where'd it go i just put my probe away there's a big copper in here there it is looks like a smooth one beeped in the 70s so it's got to be british my guess definitely not i don't know that's gonna be a tough one i guess we'll uh attempt to do a close-up uh something's coming through here it looks like sidelight's gonna give you something something maybe possibly this coin is uh pretty tough i don't think i'm gonna get a true id on it it does appear to have a bust there facing to the right possible king george the third the reverse is uh nothing stands out at least it almost looks like the king george the third bus that they had on the hibernia but we'll probably never know the weird thing is we haven't dug a button yet like i don't understand these sites where we come out here there's a couple of old coins right off the bat and no no i do have a butler my first signal was actually a button but i don't think it's terribly old i've got some lead and stuff in here as well it's i think it's got iron back but possible sportsman's button it's got a doggie on there it might just be crust i did chip a little crust off the sides here so we do have one button but it's not a flat button two-piece maybe 1840s maybe nowhere the ironback always makes it suspect to me because it could just be a more modern blazer button you know mid 1900s instead of mid-1800s a lot about traffic today and it's windy and wavy putting in it 83 84 but it's got a little crunch to it so i don't know definitely too much of that melted aluminum in here hard to pick and choose oh that sounds good though hard to pick and choose your signals as you're gonna live dig uh i think i got a copper dude do you hear me muck huh it's another copper yeah sweet right off the bat it's looking like king george the second what the is it a button oh please tell me it's a button turned into a copper i mean a copper turned into a button no doubt it's a coin you can see the back of the bust here like a king just a second but this side i don't know maybe they just marked it looks like they were just rubbing on it i do not believe it was a button dude it's so shiny yeah yeah i think it's king george the second awesome uh yeah i'd say that's pretty awesome i think i think we're on pretty good on to a site but see this side is that a counter step no i think they're just rubbing on it with something you know they mess with stuff oh yeah wow congrats i don't know what to tell you thank you one of those days yeah it's good stuff well there's a nice close-up of it no doubt king george ii i know the back of his head better than about any coin out there you can see what i was looking at on this side which made me think it was turned into a button at one point in time but looks like they're just rubbing on it with something alternate making it theirs maybe they're making it into a good luck coin hopefully it's my good luck coin now we could all use a little luck certainly could this morning but that's my problems always hear about my prize everybody's got problems right muck you're up buddy i knew it was your turn buddy yes sir we got lucky but i think i see a little bit of something on there but not it's really hard to tell it's a pretty big one yeah you always find the big ones that's delivery what's that this is fairly fat yeah gosh come on via 96 liberty camp it could be yeah did it beep high high no actually it yeah look at that you got some of that on your coin it's a mud coin there you go that's a little muck for you i don't think we're gonna get an idea on that one unfortunately yeah dad come on real quick right yeah i'll beep it see what it is i always beep a coin yes sounds like a bottle cap 75 yep congrats awesome thank you why are we beeping in the water so much easier up here i came here to get my sandwich and i got a flat button first of the day i wonder whose that was billy's well it's mine now billy thanks billy i got a button put it there next to my other button [Music] 67 68 sounds big bigger at least oh button finally hopefully that's got to be a big dandy button oh yeah anything on her anything oh that almost looked like an off-centered gw eagle but big dandy button don't believe i have a design unfortunately but my first legit flat button of the day is a big one that's a massive one take that shank is intact just smashed nice 81 double tappy probably something big but it could be a coin on the surface i love me some surface coins nothing's been deep today because everything's sitting on this clay layer that's right on the surface yeah definitely something big be a breast plate be a brush plate be a breast plate not a breast plate not much clue on that one it does look like it's getting corroded so whatever metal it was it wasn't very pure not pure send it back [Music] 82. get in there melted stuff [Music] hey got the melted stuff that melted stuff it's a scrumadinger huh what if that was a hand drill something here and a pin went there definitely a turning knob thing for something heavy brass relic nice well we jumped in the boat had to adapt the river a little bit because that site turned off and uh it turned all the way off all at once pretty much filled off a whole whole bag here full of non-desirable tons of melted stuff in there so we're at the site probably from last week's episode where we brought chris the 44 guy we know there's more stuff in here this is a nice hard bottom and that's what uh our feet have been hoping for really mucky over there so let's see what's here definitely found a lot of indians at this site [Applause] and this definitely could be one of them and the problem is this site was pretty tough on coins oh we got something oh look at all that gravel sight for sore eyes oh and it's a coin and it's gonna be an indian a worn out indian absolutely you are watching the hoover boys we have an episode pretty tough but it was just like that indian head scent rolling around in this gravel smooth i can barely make a wrap just enough nice take it all day long i love you lady liberty did you really cuz like we said with all like the indians and flying eagles and two cent coins there's got to be a chime in here somewhere did that oh i saw it right here somewhere here it is yeah pretty sure uh it's got to be a triumph i mean it's so tiny i saw the c123 i think when i flipped it right oh it's uh a little wore out yeah i mean it's got to be a triumph nothing else is that size yeah i can see i can see the sea barely yeah i don't know yeah that's right heck yeah he's talking about how he uh it's been a while it's been a while for me too absolutely a triumph though it's coming through now we'll get a close-up of that congratulations yeah man thank you good job some silver yeah well there's mark's trying no doubt about it three cents silver you can see this side the star side not much going on unfortunately but another trying for mark out of the river apparently i got one a few weeks ago with brad a day that i couldn't make it out here and that trine was mark's first tribe in about a year and a half apparently so that's pretty awesome i've always loved the odd denomination coins a three cent coin and the whole reason behind the three cent coin was the post office changed the price for stamps from five cents to three cents and instead of paying for it with three huge large cents you'd use this itsy bitsy little three cent coin so that's a little fun fact on the three cent coins i am all the way tired i've had a lot of caffeine today and it all wore off all at once i'm right up by the grass and boy does that sound like a coin i don't think this site here has ever given me a silver but i think it's giving at least one to everybody else but hey i'm not picky got it be up there that's gotta be a coin gotta be a coin something old anything old oh my goodness all that and i just got a silver i got a silver muck a dime that's a merc i will gladly take a merc nah i'm not sure the date we'll go do a close-up right now turns out to be a 1926 mercury dime i've always loved the mercury dime ever since i was a little kid and i started my first coin collection mercury dime has always been one of my favorite coins i remember as a kid going to the flea market and this is one of the only coins i could afford that's probably why i loved it so much but voiceover is a beautiful coin it still is hi mark check this out this is just absolutely gorgeous absolutely perfect out here right now the winds died down the boat traffic has subsided and this is my favorite time to be on the water just perfect in every which way shape or form we're going to stick around here for a couple more minutes if we find anything we'll show to you but we're going to be getting out of here very shortly so if we don't find anything we'll see you at the wrap up what a crazy coin day exactly what i needed after this week it's beautiful view like that so pretty well thank you brother i i needed today like i know you guys saw an episode last week but that was like from two or three weeks ago i've been out in a while and uh let's go over this yeah let's let's do that here's all the stuff we had to root through to find what we found today you guys are just watching highlights but we put in the work you gotta dig it all at these old sites there's the board not got a nice net weight i didn't even look at yourself i probably did this beforehand a little drawer pull a bunch of lead uh maybe pewter spoon maybe a six ounce fishing sinker that's a nice one little bits of lead and stuff oh you did pick up some some jasper and some possible native yeah you got a little buckle over here he's got some old pottery memorial a jefferson nickel a couple little buttons not not a ton of relics today very few buttons but he's got a wedi get the little side light there's the shield nickel and unfortunately his copper we can't can't identify it it's it's thick but it's smooth let me uh fix this little trim guy here a little bit and there's the trim a little side light on the trim might be aloe branches and arrows they'll give you so that means it's not a 52. he always uh finds 52s apparently there's some really early handmade pottery there a little what's it spinner thing with gender they get a piece of shoebuckle frame maybe a a lock slide there there's all my little bits of lead and things got the dandy button the little puppy button golden retriever maybe memorial that's the indian get that side light again there's the v nickel first year v nickel the mercury dime i don't know why the details on that aren't showing up because that's really pretty coin um that thing might be a woods hibernia the one that may be a kg3 i don't know there's definitely a nose on it that's king george the second there and that's lady liberty the 1820 200 year old cop coin the other ones are much older than that but until next week help clean up the ground take it all and take your trash with you i'm up oh holes matter yes sir let's do this get the trim in there oh i'm delaying it [Music] oh bottle cap to a shorty somebody's out here enjoying a shorty and a 40 and i found this shorty cat well it sounds like a nickel but i had like a few shotgun shells today and it's one of those winchester coins oh it's worth 12 cents now this one's worth 20 cents cool
Channel: The Hoover Boys
Views: 41,458
Rating: 4.958745 out of 5
Keywords: treasure, found, metal detecting, gold, coins, mega, silver, gold coin, real treasure, underwater, treasure hunting, insane, Diamonds, Pirate treasure, Incredible, Best, Finds, Compilation, Rare, Valuable, Historical, Old, Deep, Unbelievable, Amazing, Coin collecting, War of 1812, Civil war, Big silver, Silver spill, Silver dollar, Dime, Penny, Large cent, Colonial, 1700’s, Wow, Funny, Diamond ring, George Washington Button, Native American, Arrowhead, The Hoover Boys, Metal detector, equinox, AT Max, usa
Id: kG0kT-6y6BE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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