Meeting Your Child

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[Music] it's always more than you could ask or imagine it's always more than you could expect it's always there's always more feeling and there's so much anticipation that goes into an adoption and so meeting your child for the first time you have a certain expectation and it's so much more than you could ever expected there's a miracle that happens it's a miracle and there's no other way to describe it then when we were in nithi Opie when we first got to meet him when he came out of the transition home and one of the nannies was carrying him I just felt a great deal of peace and joy knowing that here this child was was left on a street corner God moved in his lives and helped saved him and guide him to a position where her family could come in and give him a future and so it was just really really neat to see that unfold and watch him be handed over into Jennifer's arms you know kind of completion a part of the journey that God had started this on anding in front of the America world transition home and the nanny walking out with him in her arms and literally placing him and my arms in my heart at that moment it's very special it was a beautiful day in a beautiful time and that the people in America world make it very special also and I didn't ever want to set him down when he came out it was more of a he kind of leaned away where they put him in our arms and I was you know I guess you have this image of running to you and very happy to see you but first couple days worked ah you definitely want to be with the nannies and the staff more than us and that was something that I didn't anticipate going in you wouldn't look at us he looked down but he just he let us hold him it was it was still really special we can took a few days for him to really to warm up to us you initially he was very timid very afraid of us and you know although he let us hold him right away he was still kind of leaning away and wanting to go back to the nanny and so it just took some time the time we got hope it was very emotional because you know the process is about 14 months and so for me it was this longing you know and then finally I meet this little girl that we prayed for and I'm very emotional is um it was like gotta be answered every prayer um he came right to me and you know for me my I was a little worried about being african-american and um what she would think birthday or you know whatever and um she just came right to me and it didn't matter of my color I was her mom and she loved me from that moment and um she still does so there's a bond there that you know we have that's very close and special they bonded immediately miraculously however you want to say it and to the stage that that bond is still very strong and you know we joke about it because in the in our video that we took hope kind of pulled away from me and once mommy immediately she's known her mommy for 10 min and so our next adoption was a little bit different mommy tried to bond with Amelia immediately and it just didn't happen the same way as hope with Amelia I thought oh my gosh this kid waved me off he wants nothing to do with me and I thought oh you know how it you know is she gonna like me and I realized at that point we just needed to ask the the nanny tip to go and so she she left the room so Amelia would actually be able to focus with us and I just took her over to the window and I was a high-rise and she was screaming and I looked out the window and I just prayed to God you know lord please calm this child calm the situation will bring peace where there's none and he did just she was fist-bumping me within the first five minutes of meeting so it was pretty amazing experience you know it was one of those moments where you want her to immediately smile at you to jump into your arms and for me that didn't happen yeah she had adapted to Mandy a little bit quicker than she did myself but yet it was two days later that I was going to leave the hotel room to go get a drink for us and she screamed and she cried and why I didn't want to hear a cry as a dad I said they're going oh thank you you know she doesn't want me to leave the room I couldn't even breathe for a second I thought oh my goodness we've been waiting for these kids from us two years and we're getting ready to to lay eyes on them now so it was time for our meet today and we lined up to go onto the porch and we could hear Ruth's squealing I mean you could hear her just back there just be conservative just laughing it was in there squealing and they came out on that porch and we just actually couldn't stop crying I mean it was it was the craziest thing dipper came out and we hugged her and Ruth we had to Ruth immediately attached herself on to Ed's neck it would not literally would not get off of him so he was just she was like a test like glue onto him and Joshua came out and my parents were there and we were all just it was the most amazing day to think that we were looking at our kids for the very first time [Music] you
Channel: America World
Views: 214,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adoption, gotcha day, meeting adopted child, Ethiopia adoption, China adoption, India adoption, waiting child, child profile, international adoption, adoption agency
Id: P_aSTWVP-v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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