Love Has Come - An Adoption Story

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around the world we go to learn what we don't know who lives here um Eden what does she live in India he how are we going to get to Eden the plan is going to and all the way to Eden play yeah we had always talked about adoption but we felt too young to adopt and we thought that you know like we'll pursue this down the road when we have more money or you know we're more stable at the same time felt this like certainty in our spirit even only having Meg at 6 months like felt way too soon to even be kind of rushing into our next child but thankfully you know the process began when it did because it's taken uh more than 2 years and so now we're like chomping at the bit ready to meet Eden and get her here you see those first pictures and her legs are all twisted and her hands are you can't even see if she has any fingers and it's scary and you can't Vision your life with a child like that in it at first then you say yes and all of a sudden she's not like this child she's yours you start to take on this like mentality of already she has everything of ours now Hey listen do you remember where Mommy and Daddy are going today mhm where are we going play on a playe and make you eating we'll miss you we miss I miss you too we love you Meg can kiss 2 days from now we'll finally like see the child that we have talked about for years I am excited to like be able to like feel her little skin and like feel the texture of her hair and just like all those little things that I know about Meg like where her little scars are and all that like I want to just take it all in as we see her and hold her for the first time like is that like complete certainty you know that she is ours that like nothing will change that there have been so many hard and good moments in the last 3 years and they've all pointed to this week that we get to come and and take her to a home and change her life and ours forever so passports I have those in a little back I need you to guard this with both of our lives and Aiden I'm about to throw [Music] up father thanks for bringing us here um safely around the world we thank you for just the peace that you've given us from the many prayers that have been prayed but just trust that our encounter with her for the first time in just a few minutes will be exactly what um is best for her it's exactly what's best for us and father we just rest in that truth and that reality just put aside our expectations or our worry or our concern and just just allow joy and peace and and for us to just accept Eden in whatever state she decides to present herself you bring her in let me know when you're [Music] ready [Music] gosh it's okay it's okay who is it you know who is it this is Mama yeah and that's Daddy and that is your sister Meg that's your sister she is so much fun you're going to love her we've come a long way we are so excited to get to know you [Music] sorry we can't break you I think until I saw her she wasn't fully real to me and then when she came in everything just kind of crashed in all at once and her loss and heartache and our waiting time of 3 years of tears and prayers and unanswered prayers and frustrations and it was just such a heavy feeling that I couldn't attach words to it so all that felt appropriate to do was just like mourn oh no no no no no no no no no no oh the silent cry no Hey Kevin we understand Eden's limited perspective you know that she's an infant she doesn't understand like the brevity of what's happening and the reality that you know what our intentions for her are only good this will pass and as she begins to understand you know our relationship to her and our love for her the distance that she wants at this point will fade I mean she's going to embrace us ultimately and we feel sure [Music] but there in [Music] theage beneath bricks [Music] and Love Has Come love has come for you happy and thank ful as I am that we get to be her parents I hate that this is how she's getting parents that she had to be abandoned and tossed out and go through that intense loss when he walks in everything worth keep it comes through want we want to show you Eden Eden's sitting here with us hi Eden I feel like there is a difference between rescue and delivering and that whoever picked her up off of the side of the road and decided she was worth taking to a hospital and all those nurses that cared for her her first two months in the orphanage I feel like they rescued her they saved her life but we uh are the ones that get to deliver her into something into a [Music] [Applause] family yeah my hope for Eden is that she never grow up feeling disadvantaged or unloved that her story of rejection and abandonment stopped the day that she became our daughter [Music] ready to get home our time in India has been like a dream and so when we go home it's going to be reality and a lot of times when people say that they mean that in a negative light but that reality includes Meg it's such a good piece right now it's such a good piece of Eden and us but it's not completely whole yet so when we touch down and we walk out and me there it's just going to be perfect so [Music] much off Love Has Come love has come for you oh love is come love has me oh Love Has Come Oh Love Has Come For You [Music]
Channel: Robby Followell
Views: 390,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: India, Adoption, International Adoption, Kolkata (Indian City), Mississippi (US State), Documentary (TV Genre)
Id: DvjZl5nKxzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2015
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