Baby Moses: The Full Story

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severely malnourished and there's not much that we can do except for trying to get them good fluids with nutrients today and then um besides taking them and dropping them off at an orphanage because clearly the mother doesn't want him um his name is moses and we're actually right next to the now river um my world was changed when your love you gave for me my purpose found and all that you want for me and i found myself in your and i found myself in yours amazing left by his mother his name is moses and the only reason we knew that he was left is because some of the mothers that were around told us and um none of them tended to him none of them picked him up one of our fellow team members found him carissa found him and the bus actually almost hit him because nobody knew he was there and it's just so sad to see these children this is my second trip to uganda and i've seen a lot but i've never seen any child that malnourished in the whole time that i've been here so it's just very sad very sad um the only things that we can do for him is to get him to a hospital get him on an iv and possibly find a an orphanage that'll take it but it's really hard not to take him home with you my name is rene bach i came to uganda for the first time in 2007 when i was 18 to work at a baby's home and the lord just really just grabbed my heart for the people of uganda and this community in particular uh missy right outside of the town of jinja and so in 2009 i started a non-profit called serving his children and moved back to missy to start what is now serving his children we started out as a feeding program we fed uh 1 000 children on tuesdays and thursdays and we had bible clubs for kids and moms and that was kind of our start and that really turned into what is today our largest program which is our malnutrition rehabilitation center which is mainly what we run out of this compound moses was kind of a unique baby for us i actually was out to dinner with my family and another missionary in town came up and said that she had heard of a little boy who was left with a team of people from the states that were doing medical clinics and could we assist them and so i was waiting for the contact information i heard that he was at a hospital in jinja but was just waiting to hear back from her and meanwhile the next day i got a phone call from the government children's hospital in jinja town and they called and said that they had a baby that would really benefit from our program it was a really desperate situation and wanted to know if i would come down and look at him so we went and saw him and immediately when i went into the ward i could pick him out because they said he was pretty severe and so we went and we talked with his grandmother who was his caregiver there at the hospital and some of the staff he was severely dehydrated incredibly wasted you could tell that he was in pretty rough shape i hadn't really been receiving his medications on time and so we waited and i went back three times that day trying to get him discharged but the intern doctors weren't there and so we continued to just go and check on him i went really late in the night and then early the next morning and ended up finding an intern doctor and then it turned out that it was the same baby that we heard about that was on the bus and also we got the call about and so we met this team from florida and got connected with them and were able to get a discharge and have them transferred here to our facility moses was tested had lots of tests run at the children's hospital he was there for three days before he was transferred he tested negative for hiv and tb but he does have pneumonia so that's a huge complication for him uh many many children with malnutrition have pneumonia it's really common their immunity is just so low they kind of just catch a lot of things so he has pneumonia he's currently on treatment that was prescribed by the pediatrician there and he will be for the next two weeks but he will be in our facility for probably two to three months every child that comes in their treatment plan and kind of course of action for them is different but he is pretty severe and so i would say he'll be here for about two months and then he'll be integrated back into his home with his grandmother we have a website it's serving his and myself and any volunteer that we have also have blogs that are linked that have more current information more stories on the kids and pictures and kind of day-to-day information and those links can be found on the website some of the biggest ways that you can be involved with serving his children is to be a prayer warrior what we do is for christ we're here as his ambassadors and so that's first and foremost our priority secondly it seems kind of cliche but financial support we run completely off of donations from the states from individuals churches groups schools you name it and and that's where we get our funding from so uh monthly sponsors is also a huge way for people to be involved in what we do jesus loves the little children all the children of the world red and yellow black and white they are precious jesus loves the lives of children of the yellow world and white they are precious
Channel: JDE1YON
Views: 23,815,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baby, Moses, By, The, Nile, In, Egypt, KGEA, Kelly, Green, Evangelistic, Association, Africa, Uganda, Mission, Trip, Medical, Camp, Malnourished, Malnutrition, Starving, Child, Abandoned, Hillsong, Found
Id: NaMUMWdewjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2011
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