Meet Tiernan, Staff Nurse

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the beauty about training on island is predominantly you don't have what you have in the UK like I've been to University in the UK and you're in a lecture hall of 400 students when I done my training over here we have classroom scenario upstairs and the way it's kind of worked out is we're in the classroom of 10 students so it's a lot more intimate you do tend to get a lot more one-to-one time with your tutors being a newly qualified nurse the senior staff nurses support you in a real as well if there's anything that is near you like I had someone with a tracheostomy and I've never really had much exposure with tracheostomies so the senior staff nurse basically took me and showed me how to suction that's showed me how to clean that so there's always learning opportunities on the ward as you're doing your day-to-day job working in Kerry Warden going to say is definitely it's a lot more it's a lot more special we don't have Junior doctors we've got clinical side coordinators as a nurse the doctors trust you a lot more that kind of come up to you than know you're in a first name basis the work-life balance is there if you wanted you can work your three long days so it can have four days off and go and explore the beaches I remember initially flying over from the interview and I got off the plane and the first thing I thought was I need to live here we're in a very gifted position the weather's always stunning we do seem to have longer summers than what you would have in the UK our summers could range from March until September moving the Guernsey a lot of people might think well it is an expensive Island however the best thing is that I find celery matches the cost of living and I can't think of any other place that I'd rather be
Channel: States of Guernsey
Views: 834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p2H3xiHPW6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 51sec (111 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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