What to Expect at Your Pediatric Sleep Center Appointment at St. Louis Children's Hospital

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welcome to the pediatric sleep center at st. Louis Children's Hospital we're happy that you've chosen to stay the night with us parking is available in the garage accessible from Kings Highway across the street from the hospital from the garage head down to the second floor and across the walkway to the Welcome Desk to get your name badge to wear during your stay good I need to get a name badge where your first sleep study thank you so much from there head down to the first floor to get registered for your study for your bro sleep study okay great thank you after a short wait one of our staff will meet you and walk with you up to the lab every patient has their own private room with a bathroom and pull-out couch to serve as a bed for the parrot the technician will have some questions about your recent sleep patterns and will explain what to expect during your stay at least one parent is required to stay overnight but siblings should stay at home you will have some time to change in your pajamas use the restroom brush your teeth and do anything else as a part of your bedtime routine when the technician returns it will be time to start the hookup okay guys you're all ready this process takes about 40 minutes and is pain free okay just Ella I'm gonna start getting you all set up for your sleep study the first one I'm gonna put on is gonna be this cool little nightlight it's gonna go on your toe and it's gonna make your toe glow in the dark tonight isn't that cool do you want to touch it now I'm gonna put this on your big toe put it on with a little piece of tape cold sticker but it'll warm up really fast okay you're gonna have two stickers on each leg this is gonna go around your chest it's gonna be kind of like a little hug there we go next Gisela I'm gonna put some stickers on your chest they're gonna tell me about your heart tonight [Music] one more sticker for your chest okay Gisela now I'm going to start putting the stickers and wires that go on your face what's your favorite color okay well the first one I'll put on is pink [Music] this one's gonna go right here on your forehead right where we cleaned with that special soap we just smush it on there just so it sticks really good tonight I'm gonna put an orange one this one's gonna go down here on your chin can you look up like this good job another one for the other side of your chin [Music] okay just Ella we're all done putting the ones on your face now I'm gonna put one that's gonna sit right underneath your nose and on top of your upper lip so this might tickle or feel funny but it's not gonna hurt here I'll show you what it looks like on Woodstock it's gonna look really cool tonight okay now it's just sellers turn okay you ready tickle tickle moustache good job [Music] these are the most important ones tonight because these are gonna tell me about your breathing will show you what it looks like on wood stack see just like that no big deal okay now it's your turn you ready ready tickle tickle good job big girl I'm gonna put two little pieces of tape they're gonna kind of hold it in your nose okay just sell it now I'm gonna start putting the ones that are gonna go on your head tonight they go on with a gluey paste it's gonna leave like a little bit of a residue and her hair tomorrow mom the best way to get this out is lots of warm water just let the water run over her head continuously for about 5-10 minutes and then I'll slide right out okay okay just tell it to get these to stick I'm gonna push down a little bit on the top of your head you ready okay here we go [Music] okay one down six To Go good job okay mom if you can make sure your cell phones turned on silent or vibrate and that no alarms are gonna go off in the morning I wake you up at 6:00 a.m. take everything off of her and you're discharged after that you do have a private shower and bath if you want to get her cleaned up here you're welcome to or you guys can go home each room has video and audio equipment so that the sleep technician can monitor the patient overnight at any time during the night the patient may get up and use the restroom or a drink of water good morning Giselle you're all done you ready to get all this stuff off and go home in the morning your sleep technician will come in and remove all of your hookups you are welcome to take a shower before leaving as many of the hookups may leave a sticky residue on the skin good job you like get this one off your forehead okay you're all done bye guys have a great day for more information about the pediatric sleep Center at Saint Louis Children's Hospital please visit our website
Channel: St. Louis Children's Hospital
Views: 83,308,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pediatric sleep study, sleep center, st. louis children's hospital, central apnea, Narcolepsy, pediatric sleep center, sleep disorders child
Id: H1359kRK6mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2016
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