Better Transport Plan

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we need more affordable homes for our economy for our future for all of us but more homes means even more pressure on our roads our narrow Lanes weren't built for heavy traffic and already they're under strain so what if we could build more homes and ease the pressure on our roads and give people more choice in the process a new area wide better transport plan for the north of the island has been developed this will require Developers building new houses and government to improve our transport infrastructure giving Islanders more options for getting around better safer walking and cycle routes better bus networks and the availability of cars and other vehicles that neighbors can share easing the cost of living New Road layouts and measures to make Journeys better and safer for all Road users on four wheels two wheels and on foot if we give ourselves more good choices is we can change the way we move around our Island making the journeys better for everyone even if your choice is to keep traveling the same way as before these changes will happen over time as new homes are developed some will begin soon making sure our Travel and Transport infrastructure is improved when and where it's needed more homes more Choice more freedom for more information visit gov. g/ better transport plan
Channel: States of Guernsey
Views: 386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gfi-_OGeuqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 30sec (90 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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