Meet thought reader Colin Cloud, the real life Sherlock Holmes - New Day Northwest

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[Applause] good morning everybody welcome to new day we start the day off with one of the most spectacular shows we have ever seen the illusionists features five of the most incredible and wildly different illusionists in the world from amazing magic tricks to death-defying feats this show leaves audiences breathless the tour hits Seattle for one weekend only and joining me now is the man known as the deduction Escala not mean well you mentioned there that every performer does a different type of magic within the show and the stuff I do looks kind of like mind-reading but there's nothing psychic about it I was fascinated by Sherlock Holmes as a kid I went to university when I was quite young I was 15 and I studied forensic investigation specialized in criminal profiling got into stand-up comedy mixed it all together absolutely but you actually worked in that field right yeah no I did in my fourth year of university yeah and I was performing at the same time and eventually had the option of either performing or working for the police and decided this was much more fun it is fun so what is your act look like what do we see when you're on stage so I would say the I am the performer who uses most of the audience within their act and every night for me is different because people are picked to genuinely at random and I never know who's gonna be brought onto the stage and no one some people worry if when they come to the show that they're gonna be forced to be you know made yeah it's not like that if you don't wanna come on stage you don't come on stage simple as that but people are picked at random they come on stage and then essentially I reveal all of their deep dark secrets and I mean I don't even I can't begin to guess is it what you're seeing in them how they behave what is loads of different things I mean obviously deduction is a big part of it psychology suggestion is mixed in as well but it's a combination of mind magic and brain science as is essentially the key to what it is I'm doing do you freak people out on a good night you also reveal some of your tricks why do you do that I think well that's the difference between my magic and the other guys is that I think some of the stuff I do is more interesting when you understand exactly what's going on as well and you get a sense of the of the the process because I think that is just as amazing I mean the I don't do any sleight of hand my magic if you want to call it that is based on the fact that I understand things I've learned knowledge it's not my gift some people think you know you're born with this I very much learned how to do it and yeah I think it's more interesting when people understand a little bit of what's actually happening at the same time well you hear people talk about mindfulness all the time paying attention and you've kind of honed that to a really really special skills yes yeah I mean it's all about awareness and observation so when you walk down the street do you have everybody pegged absolutely what will we see in the show what does it look like so the show essentially is a rock and roll variety show of magic with five of the what's been described as pop performers in the world coming together for the first time and the shows were beautiful from yeah that's the death-defying part but people from four to 104 there is grand illusion there was myself doing all the weird mind-reading staff there's Jeff Hobson the world's greatest comedy magician of all time he sort of hosts the show there's an her limb the world champion of card manipulation and yeah the show's fast-paced fast-moving and yeah people will see a wide variety of different genres of magic over the course of the over the course of the evening all right so do you have like a little sample yeah I do I do I do and I'm gonna warm up with you first of all in a minute I'm gonna have you imagine a crime but before we do that this is a little die from the game Dungeons & Dragons I don't know you've seen it before but unlike a regular die this is a nerd yeah me too but this has got this is twelve sites for people watching at home can you do rule that on the table just a couple of times to make sure different thing called a lauded die we're all with rules on the same number I want you to see that it doesn't do that yeah you're happy that it's yes so basically we're gonna use this to warm up then we'll get okay at the main event so I need to know how you think I will look away I want you to rule it so that it ran or put it to a number totally up to you and then remember the number that's on top then cover it with the cops are we looking I'm looking away so the number that's on tall can you remember that yes I can you perfect so I'm gonna look at you now and I want you nice and loud and clear to count from zero all the way up to 13 so that you say all the numbers okay start counting no 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 okay what was in fact this is a higher-up number am I correct in saying that yeah and what was interesting you only started tapping your foot when you went past a 9 so I'm gonna say that this number is 10 is it 10 you're thinking all right it's 10 is it yes okay good so I apparently am NOT a good liar okay so this is essentially what I'm doing I'm looking for these little tails these these cues and I did say to there think of our a crime no don't say anything but you're gonna so that everyone knows think about where you are what you're stealing and who you would do this with your partner in crime so it can be ridiculous or no as you'd like but say nothing okay so first of all the city in the world I want you to imagine there is a map between those okay so we'll do this from your perspective point to where Seattle would be on that map actually in the air good point to where Sydney Australia would be don't there okay perfect put this hand down for a second in your mind so don't resist but in your mind just think about which city where this city is that you're thinking of so it's more over this side so it's more but not too far that it's Asia somewhere in Europe am I correct in saying though somewhere in Europe and you could be thinking of anywhere but think about the country that you're in this is the United Kingdom yes Scotland mm-hmm no Emma are you thinking Glasgow right now my god yeah right okay right so it's still warming up still warming up think about what it is you would steal all right so don't say it just think what it would and imagine yourself lifting this thing carrying it running out and I said lifting there you saw she looked shocked right so this is some things you can't imagine herself actually lifting so it's gonna be something a bigger item just think is it bigger or smaller than an elephant don't say it just think okay and also no tensing your lip as well to try and give nothing away think of the how many letters are in this this object so just count count out loud in your you tell me at Lotus let's not as impressive okay yeah just think yeah I just think it's quite short word for Lancers no three three latches hmm think of the middle answer for me that's an a yes are you thinking you would steal a car I would yes final part think about who this who your partner in crime would be so don't say it but imagine them standing over there and you're shouting her name over and over and she looked down when I said her name so it's not a woman it's a man it's a man you're thinking of yes yes you steal cars with men don't you I mean if we're having an imaginary crime you're asking me like I would know I have never done that I swear right I wouldn't either okay so just just think just imagine I'm standing right over there do you know roughly when this person was born your other birthday no okay just think imagine you see them standing over here and you say : my name meet my friend then in your head you're gonna just stand sit finish that sentence okay so call and meet my friend Oh Alan yeah just all of it in your head - okay but no no that's perfect you're doing great just call him meet my friend I think if I'm correct people at home can check this August 15th 1769 is this person's birthday are you thinking of Napoleon yeah yes what is up with that good and you're not that Miss Jane you're not just agreeing to be nice you know I wrote it down I've got the pieces of the card I tore it up on perfect okay that is really strange and I feel invisible and kind of scared I love this song silence was everyone else panicked at the same time as well I don't understand how you did that tell me a little bit about what happened there at the end Oh so basically so yeah I start small then I build and build along exactly what's happening but basically when I start to read to the certain tales and cues that people are giving off I can then get more adventurous with it so some things I'm not I don't need to ask certain questions and much like when people go to see a psychic which again I'm not you remember all the things that they get right much like this if we hadn't videoed this you wouldn't you know you can watch back and you will see oh he asked they are in this year and I'm asking the right questions in the right way at the right time to make you essentially give off certain cues that I'm then piecing together to come to certain conclusions about apparently I wouldn't be a good poker player right I mean we'll play after the show I'm sorry Heidi say what did you say to me yep our producer was talking to me and I thought she had something that she wanted me to add thank you so much for this thank you for and if there's a car theft in Glasgow it's not me it's Napoleon's fault the illusionist opens tomorrow it runs through Sunday at the 5th Avenue theatre we will link you to tickets on her website but awesome news for the audience today because everybody's going home with a pair of tickets to see the show it is truly amazing way fun when we come back transgender activist Sarah McBride and a gripping new memoir about identity and equality in America will be right back [Applause]
Channel: KING 5 Seattle
Views: 95,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment, Television, Programs, New-Day-Northwest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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