Mentalist Week: Lior Suchard

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alright are you ready I'm excited for this I'm not gonna lie I'm nervous I know what you're thinking he knows what you're thinking for sure he's known as one of the best mentalists in the world he's performed in over 60 countries please welcome master Mentalist Lee our sushar [Applause] you live in Israel I live in Israel I travel all over the world making people blown away it'd be amazing do you know what we're thinking yes now I understand that you performed a Kanye West birthday party I think so yeah yes see easy to perform Mentalist tricks on is that we don't do you know what is Jesus nobody's easy you need to adopt yourself as a person into where are you I see that's the key points of what I do oh that's very cool oh look we made them all hold their finger up to their mind-reading posed I influence them I include them to do it you're influencing the influencer exactly Wendy how did this begin when did this start when I was seven years old I was fascinated about how people are thinking and the way to influence people and can we be influenced and can we read people's mind that I was very good at what I did I read everything about it loved to perform now I'm I love to perform at the private parties and all of the big events and small events and I just became well yeah over the hardest people to perform mental trick Israelis you are in the Israeli Air Force did you ever utilize your mental tricks to to your benefit waiting alone to say that you cannot say that maybe maybe not who knows we know we know we know what you're thinking I tried because right I'm trying all right how how do you do it how does this work this is the most common question yeah I always say to people if I tell you I'll have to kill you you know the once was a guy by the way in the show who asked me how do you do it and I told him if I tell you I will have to kill you he then stood up and say can kill me spend my wife tell the true story but no I'm kidding I'm kidding this audience is very tough very tough very tough no no but let me try to do this we'll do an experiment okay we can do something impossible so try let's go with the calipers say close your eyes and I won't you think of something that impossible no way on earth anybody could not think I'll give you an example Orion you remember your first kiss one of them don't say it don't say it can you think of your first kiss but don't say it don't say it okay now look at me look at me look at me that's very interesting because you are like debating with yourself when was it what was your age back then first kiss presently returning the first first kiss or the go for like the person first kiss okay four years old for four years old yeah this means I have to go back like 20 years ago and say it's like wow it's a like a weird name or not a weird I'm not sure wait wait take it somewhere is it five letters maybe it could be yeah I could be think of the first letter think of the is it F no wait it's F you thought of s right now I'm not sure this is this is interesting I'm gonna I'm gonna show the entire audience in a second I wrote the name it's pretty cool what was the name of your first kiss here the person next to you what was the name and before I said the name you nobody knows his name here right you can open your eyes by the way I'm sorry nobody knows he's napping nobody knows his name you did not get what what was the name of your first kiss Scott or Scotty if you're watching us right now and it's interesting I don't know because you guys like a strange name in your mind I'm not sure I felt something with an F and aged and weird letters like like but it's an animal it's not a person okay what is Farah and Sarah okay what is going on when I was a teenager yes tell you the story okay when I was a teenager I was invited to a spin-the-bottle party I had never just what's your funnel and so I practiced I had this head of Farrah Fawcett that you style the hair on the mouth so she was technically so here's the thing so we guessed this but this is the coat the cost of a minor eating but let's try to influence you a little bit okay so this games of you know if I has the entire audience to think of objects everybody will think of different objects okay any objects and Ryan you think but don't say yours don't say yours I also want to you to concentrate and I'm going to ask you to touch a few numbers but without looking any but without looking so it's gonna be unaffected but everything so hold it with your hand close your eyes look at the dial first look at the dial first look here area and touch a few digits I can't look I can't look touch a few so one two and three okay number two more last one that's it stop stop so you got you got the number you can do I've seen it you can't int it I mean I might have seen some of it okay so don't say to me just a and you have an object you have an object I having to think it's a you think it's original object - I think my object is you know I do because I try to put something in your mind I'm not sure I succeeded what what was your object you already tell you yeah I have something here I'm not sure what him the object that I was thinking of is a globe look a big lobe with lobe countries on it you spin is there any way anybody could know these and did you tell it to anyone I did not okay what your number what was your number you just X what was my number here about three eight zero seven nine if this says three eight zero seven nine inside would that be pretty impressive that would be impressive for me amazing yes yeah I actually wrote before three eight zero seven and nine not sweet but when you turn this it turns to your object which is the globe do you see do you see that so it's kick-ass to carry you your thoughts are not your own thoughts did you do my workout for me today [Applause] god no sorry no that is our name impressive congratulate hey you are the show tonight tomorrow night our Center in Miami we've gotta get to the airport
Channel: LIVEKellyandRyan
Views: 1,065,861
Rating: 4.8514342 out of 5
Keywords: kelly ripa, lior suchard, live with kelly and ryan, mentalist, ryan seacrest
Id: o9LpcIg1Dkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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