Is the SSC Tuatara as fast as they say? Racing my Bugatti Veyron.

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first off i want to thank the eastern oregon regional airport because they've lent us their runway today boys ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel and welcome back to the vlog we are racing the ssc 2atar today the ssc tuatara is on a truck from washington state headed here to race me for my youtube channel against my bugatti veyron this is going to go down as the single most epic thing we have ever done in the history of the channel you guys know for the past three months i've been overly obsessed with the ssc 2atar we're going to see the car today we're gonna go flat out on a runway with the founder jared shelby and then we're gonna race it against my bugatti veyron so i reached out to ssc about three or four weeks ago told them i was buying the veyron i was like is there any chance we could line up the two cars and sure enough here we are like jared shelby is bringing his tuatara to race me for my youtube channel and my bugatti veyron that truck is incredible it's a double decker i need something like that oh my goodness there she is [Music] and legit i'm getting like the chills right now never in a million years did i think we'd be filming this video on my youtube channel of my veyron against the tuatara oh my goodness we have entered the alien spaceship the tuatara this is not a prototype car boys this is an actual production car production car number one massive shout out to the owner for letting us use the car today go follow me on instagram cf charity show right here link below thank you so much your car is beautiful sir i'm starting to get kind of sort of nervous like we have an active runway at our disposal we're racing the tuatara how did this happen today so it's 6 300 feet in length obviously we need a nice breaking zone because the last thing we want to do is put any car in the thickets it's a beautiful day and that would be a bad day this is going to be a cold start up on a tuatara we're talking 1700 horsepower did i get a god bless america we have jared shelby himself the founder of ssc dude thanks for having me absolutely this is going to be unreal let's do it this is going to be kind of sort of embarrassing we're going to do a pulse drop on the veyron obviously the tour sounds incredible there's a lot of people here so it doesn't sound good it's got four turbos but it sounds like a vacuum the veyron's running right now if you listen you gotta listen really really closely you can kind of sort of hear it that tuatara is like definitely loud look at this thing it looks absolutely unreal but it's like i cannot wait for you guys to see a two atar in person it just has so much presence you can just feel the speed just looking at this car and hearing this car this is wild absolutely wild we're getting escorted out to the airstrip so we're gonna get some cool b-roll shots and then we're gonna race the camry against the veyron and then the tuatara against the veyron this is one for the record books boys i don't know how this all came together so ssc was here in pendleton doing some testing on the runway and i found out i was like is there any chance i could come film could i bring the bugatti and maybe we could line them up and they said sure jared is the man the founder of shelby he's gonna be racing me today this is just so epic like i was saying earlier it's somewhat of an active runway so we can only go when we get clearance but you guys need the beauty shots and we got stephanie's the best in the business so i think we should roll it in three two [Music] one incredible what what wow okay so that was like 60 throttle we're just getting some of that b-roll footage yo that's you atara no joke dude boys we are getting unprecedented exclusive access behind the scenes of the tuatara check that out 5.9 liter twin turbo 1750 horsepower wow just the engineering and the craftsmanship is unreal you guys just heard this car it sounds absolutely bonkers i think at some point jared's gonna take me for a ride maybe maybe we'll kind of start to see we'll see what's gonna happen but i think it might happen this car is so sick um yeah i need one like i said earlier race number one is the toyota camry versus the bugatti veyron just to give you guys a sensation of the speed of the veyron because once we go to the veyron versus the tuatara might be a different story buddy's driving the camry bro how you feeling we're mistaken i think we got a sleeper here i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure we do it's got six cylinders yeah and it's just how many turbos you got i got four uh i think we're doing a 1.9 liter maybe because this is all made up obviously or maybe you know your cami facts i'm not sure look i'm a camry specialist guy yes you are yes you are i know a lot of you guys think this is kind of sort of a dumb race but i just want to give you guys a sensation of the speed of the bugatti so we picked a random mid-size sedan the toyota camry it's got a six cylinder it's not a slow car it's not a fast car we gotta engage top speed mode and then we are going full sail we got just over a half a mile bye-bye i got him oh that's a hundred miles an hour this is a nice little warm-up this is so cool we need a runway boys wow that's 150 miles an hour [Music] for a second there you thought i had you what happened bro uh you got me like you took off and then i don't know what happened you hit the brake i topped out at 91 miles an hour maybe that should be the title of today's video yeah testing the top speed of a toyota camry rental car also if the rental car agency is watching today's video we definitely are not doing this you're not avis wait what this is the moment we've all been waiting for 2008 bugatti veyron against the ssc 2atar this is unprecedented the tuatara has never raced a car in the history of the tuatara and we're getting the world's first voice like the strat fam the youtube fam we are getting it boys i love my bugatti veyron and in 2008 this was the benchmark of speed the tuatara is going to be the new benchmark of speed it's gonna be so cool to witness this car in full action massive shout out to ssc the owner of this beautiful car jared you ready to rock and roll let's be safe see you out there my heart is starting to pound boys this is gonna happen i don't really have an ego i know that tuatara is gonna wallop me but this is just fun this is a good time i love my bugatti veyron it's just cool to be a part of history though bugatti versus ssc tuatara here we go [Music] [Music] wow look at that thing go [Music] that was crazy you could feel that car fighting for so much traction sure the all-wheel drive the bugatti was going and then once that thing hit like second gear maybe third gear it was out of here you could feel it when it grabbed traction he's just gone and that flame you guys see like that was one of the coolest things i have ever witnessed in my entire life we were kind of sort of neck and neck there at the start all-wheel drive with the veyron but as soon as that tuatara hit like third gear you could see it grab traction and it was just gone thank you so much for letting me be part of this absolutely that was a lot of fun that was i could see you fighting for traction there a little bit because all the dust on the runway because there's been all the ash from all the fires and then as soon as you caught traction you just disappeared yeah no it i felt it hook up at about 100 miles an hour and it was go time man go time i've ridden in nearly every single hyper car i can't remember the last time i was this excited to ride in the car we have an open runway we got 750 horsepower i'm kind of sort of nervous mom and dad i love you here we go boys tara i feel like a nine-year-old kid on christmas morning right now here we go this is sick okay we gotta buckle up this is the coolest thing in the entire of my youtube channel oh my gosh jared shelby in this tuatara thank you so much this is legendary boys the visceral experience all the glass the cabin is just so open and just look back at that engine bay that's 120. wow oh my gosh that is 200 miles an hour right there wow wow i did not soil myself when i came close there's a lot of moisture on this seat that turbo sound boys like the spool up and then the blow up are you kidding me you're an absolute legend jared yo that's insanity i wish every single one of you guys could be here to experience this acceleration what is going on these cars are built in the united states of america god bless america in washington in the tri-cities of washington the tuatara i don't know how but some way you guys got to figure out how to ride a tuatara it'll change your life i'm a better person for that 238 239 miles an hour in just over a half a mile like think about that for a split second in just over a half a mile we went almost 240 miles an hour we have a brief correction to make buddy is reviewing the footage you saw 242 i saw 240 to 242 it happened very quickly but that time from 160 to 230 nothing just like that just like that so in a half a mile we just did what the mclaren f1 did which was legendary back in the early 90s we did that in a half a mile that's correct wow i have to give another massive shout out to the eastern oregon regional airport how epic is this boys like i feel like we're in a top gear episode right now never in a million years did i think that i'd be able to drag race my bugatti against the ssc tuatara massive shout out to all the folks at ssc to jared shelby himself what an experience we just went 242 miles an hour and a half a mile every single detail on this car is built for absolute speed and maximum aerodynamics you got the michelin pilot sport cup 2 tires right there capable to withstand 240 plus miles an hour and i just love all the engine work the detail of that intake box is absolutely crazy the ssc two guitar boys this is not the last time you guys are gonna see this car i'm telling you like the boys at ssc are gonna change the game i'm just trying to put things into perspective right now think of legendary cars the ferrari f40 the mclaren f1 the bugatti veyron the ssc tuatara is gonna be one of those cars and we were here boys like the first race ever was against us in a veyron don't forget this day that car and that man is going to be a legend someday enjoy this view of the ssc 2 atari because the next time you see it it's going to be on a much bigger stage than mine oh my this guy sleeping on the job cracks open a cold exhausted i've been up since 4am the physical force that i went through at 240 miles an hour it's just well deserved you need to hydrate i do it's essential it's just a slow eight-hour drive back to the beautiful state of utah but one more massive shout out to the eastern oregon regional airport for letting us borrow the runway we also need to eat how did today happen that is absolutely crazy we went 242 miles an hour in an ssc tuatara on an open runway also one final item we had some drone we had a drone guy and it's very hard to fly a drone above an airport that's what we discovered but uh they're going to build up to 102 guitars starting at right around 1.7 million which begs the question what would one look like in purple with white wheels stefan and i are gonna ponder that for the next nine hours but as always i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did like squad be sure to smash that like button but just like that this vlog is over i rarely indulge in life but when i do when stefan and i do it's spongebob naturally i have a second one too you
Channel: TheStradman
Views: 4,439,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheStradman, Stradman, Supercars, Super Cars, hypercars, Exotic Cars, Stradman Bugatti, Stradman Car Collection, Bugatti, Bugatti Veyron, Bugatti Chiron, Bugatti Top Speed, SSC, Tuatara, 300mph, Money, Rich, Wealth, Finances, Financial Advice, Buying a Supercar, how to buy a Supercar, making Money, How to make money, Lamborghini, Stradman Lamborghini, Fastest Car in the World
Id: WKmAEgAwc5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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