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oscar buddy how did we get from here all the way to right here in park city with a 2005 lotus elise in laser blue i bought this car four months ago in san francisco california today is truly the day that i have been dreaming about taking delivery of the car was fun but today we're actually going to be driving the car ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel and welcome back to vlogs so kind of sort of an ironic funny story i guess i'm really sure last night tess and i took the car for a drive we went up into the mountains we went out to dinner had a great time and then on the way home i did a fat pull like an absolutely enormous pull on the freeway there was a toyota camry next to me it was an undercover police car he flipped his lights on and then for some reason i have no idea why he turned his lights off he exited off the freeway that was my exit obviously i continued one more exit i ended up on some dead-end gravel dirt road the car is caked in dirt we live we survived really a story of perseverance and survival but i think i need to get a good attorney on retainer so if you have a good one let me know because i'm gonna go to jail please do not make fun of me this is a cold start up on a bugatti veyron i know it sounds worse than a dyson but it has four turbos it's got four turbos boys that is four more than the porsche taikan turbus so let that sink in as you fall asleep to the cold startup on a bugatti okay anyways trust me i'm upset i'm triggered just as much as you guys but let me explain my side of the story so the cop fiasco happens late last night i get dumped on this dead-end gravel dirt road there's nowhere to turn around there was no signage there was no warning there was nothing i could do i'm driving five miles an hour there's a bunch of cars behind me there's a dust cloud around the car the emergency flashers are on and now the car is covered in gravel and i'm like i i yeah uh anyways um so yeah this happened and uh well yeah we're just gonna we're gonna move on there's legit a police car in my neighborhood this is not good that is a police truck right there in my neighborhood he's looking for me um i have no idea why that cop was in the neighborhood i've never seen him there before driving a bugatti you just feel like you have this target on your back there's only two bugattis in the entire state of utah my veyron and then post malone has his shiron and and that's it like there's only two bugattis so if i do mess up they're going to notes me go oh my gosh i have to point the camera this way because you guys cannot see the speedometer that is go to jail speed out of nowhere we have the lamborghini urus right there looking fresh i think this yours wants a piece of me and we go bye-bye i think this yours wants a round two eat a lamborghini for lunch maybe i don't know it seems like a good idea think he wants it bye bye oh geez okay we gotta chill like we honestly i need to get an attorney this is gonna sound so dumb my eye sockets hurt from so much pressure the car gets so much attention this is i already said this it's the only veyron the entire state of utah post malone has the shiron i think he's maybe driven at one time for the music video and that's pretty much it this car just has like this force of nature it's like getting hit with a freight train i've never felt acceleration like a vapor on oh i can't even imagine what a shareholder would be like this has a thousand and one horsepower this year has 1500 that's 50 more than this car this car is not safe like you should have to have a special license to own this car and obviously i i don't have one yeah anyways yeah go geez oh my gosh the editor needs to blur out the speedo i say okay we gotta chill we have got to chill i am not mature enough to own this car i can't contain my excitement and yet it gets to go to jail speed so incredibly fast i'm gonna reckon go to jail speed is maybe 135 miles an hour the veron de 060 i think in 2.6 i bet from 60 to 130 is like another 2.6 so in five seconds you can be go to jail speed i obviously i wouldn't i would i would i wouldn't do that i mean i'm not i'm i would never utah is just showing off right now so we're headed up the alpine loop just chasing views on views if you live in california i recommend that you stay there don't come to utah please do not do anything to this car oh my gosh what that's crazy welcome to utah state california just like i said i thought with those horns he was gonna bash into the car that was so cool and so terrifying i know there's a lot of you guys that were hoping that i would get a mclaren p1 i also want to shout out daily driven exotics congratulations for your mclaren p1 there's a couple reasons i got the bugatti veyron a lot of it is just because this car left such an impact on me as i've been growing this youtube channel it's kind of like a representation of kind of sort of the success i had i know that sounds really goofy and silly but i remember when i was living in my audi tt in beverly hills california generally speaking i would only eat out one time a week all my other meals were peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and there was this one sunday night it was always sunday night when i would go out to eat i went to this pizza restaurant and i got two slices of pepperoni pizza i walked outside i'm sitting outside i take three bites at a bugatti veyron grand sport vitesse the jean-pierre romeel edition flies by on cannon drive in beverly hills california i remember instinctively throwing away the pizza grabbing my camera and sprinting as fast as i could because i knew if i could somehow catch that bugatti that video will get enough views to pay two meals so i was willing to give up that slice of pizza that tasted so good to me it's a silly video but i think it has like 60 70 000 views nope i probably made 100 bucks on it nope so looking back in retrospect it was worth it but i still remember being so disappointed that i had to throw away that pizza but i had to pursue the dream and now here we are boys that's enough of the sappy nonsense the sap vlog is effectively over we need to move on to more important things most of you guys figured out that the veyron is a wrap satin white satin black we're going to be unwrapping it in maybe two or three weeks if you know the original paint underneath it please don't share it i want it to be a surprise when i unwrap the car that being said we're gonna unwrap it and then we're gonna wrap it there pretty soon you know what color we're gonna do it if that upsets you if that triggers you if you're disappointed like you knew it was gonna happen so you might as well just accept it that being said what do you guys think of the chrome anarchy wheels i love the style generally speaking like chrome is an absolute no-go but on the veyron there's so many chrome features that it kind of sort of works but should we powder coat the wheels black or should we powder coat them white as soon as this video goes live i'm gonna do the instagram story pull go on there go vote that being said i know black is gonna win i'm pretty sure we're gonna do white though because it's i mean it's my color palette it's kind of sort of my thing i bought my veyron in orange county california from ilu so if you're looking for a cool supercar hyper car they are your number one source not a paid product placement it was just a fantastic experience dealing with donnie and i lose so now you can see the car was wrapped by protective film solutions they went full send on this thing the entire door the inner door as well as the door jams are also wrapped white so unwrapping this car is going to be kind of sort of chaos the interior is like a bluish gray what do you guys think of that what if we reupholstered it like i don't know purple whoa if the editor wouldn't mind blowing out the speedo and yes i'm referring to myself because i still edit all my videos wait for it and go yo oh my gosh the force this thing exerts is unreal wow wow i've driven a lot of hyper cars a lot of hyper cars that are worth way more than this car yet i'm an absolutely nervous wreck driving this car i'm watching every car so careful like please don't hit me don't hit me don't i think because it's obviously because it's mine not that i'm you know careless when i'm driving other people's cars it's just a different experience when it's your own baby and you're just thinking of the repercussions if somebody hits you and you think of your insurance and like i want to blow the socks off this f-type but at the same time i don't know if i should and we go bye bye this car is so fast that your eye sockets get sore from laser focus the force on this car okay we are going to jail speeds oh my goodness wow okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i just thought of an odd fact that is backed up by no actual evidence this is purely just a gut check that i'm pretty sure is right it could be wrong i am pretty sure without a doubt i am the only bugatti owner in the entire world that does not own a house and rents a bedroom from the guy he used to work for a lot of you guys are going to make fun of me that but oddly i'm kind of sort of proud of it this guy like what are you doing bro getting your mustang washed in the front yard i legit was worried about coleman passing out when you pulled up in the buggity so i just had to check it's a bugatti butt bugger francaise a couple last details the airbag malfunction light is on as well as the tpms sensor now whenever you park a veyron you always drop it into handling mode a few other random details on the veyron here on the driver's side you have this hidden compartment right here this houses the bugatti branded first aid kit i have no idea how much this cost to replace and i definitely don't want to find out now if you want to check the oil on the veyron you actually need to open up this door right here by pushing this button right here lefty loosey this is how you check the okay so i need to put the camera down uh this is a this is a take two i don't know how well you guys can see this but we are a little bit low right there i need to order some special bugatti oil i think it's like 5w60 maybe i need to double check that that could be right it's probably wrong though proving yet again that i'm an idiot castrol slx bugatti 10w60 this key right here this unlocks 236 miles per hour in the bugatti veyron looks like a volkswagen key 236 miles an hour okay 236. this key right here this unlocks 254 miles an hour i don't know why this is so cool but i own a bugatti top speed key yo i still remember hearing about the top speed key as a little kid this is like the key of legends right here it unlocks the full power potential of the bugatti veyron 254 miles an hour so the key just plugs in right here you twist it and that engages top speed mode now we're not going to do 254 miles an hour today we're definitely not going to do it tomorrow and we're surely never going to do it on these tires and wheels because they're aftermarket i don't know what they're rated for but i don't want to risk my life to find out i also got the factory bugatti car cover we're just gonna put this on some other nonsense i got with the car navigation and cell phone package pretty self-explanatory bugatti test cd a bunch of bach uh but unfortunately there's actually no cds the owner's manual 392 pages a replacement battery for something i i i think this is for the pda the bugatti branded trickle charger and accessories right here and and that's it that's that's what we got today's video is effectively over but one final item the strad backpack is for sale link below the we dropped it two days ago there's only a handful of them left if you want it you better get it before they're gone link below the because when they're gone we're never making one ever again i guess this marks day one of bugatti ownership i'm just so excited to have this car i have so many cool videos coming for you guys very very soon obviously i can't say what we're up to but i think you're gonna enjoy some of the stuff i had planned for this car if there's anything you guys want to see with the car any questions you could have on the car please let me know in the comments below but as always i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did like squad be sure to smash that like button just like that this vlog is over
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,773,050
Rating: 4.9192324 out of 5
Keywords: TheStradman, Stradman, Supercars, Super Cars, Hypercars, Stradman car collection, Bugatti, Veyron, Stradman Bugatti, Lamborghini, Aventador, buying a Supercar, How to buy a Supercar, Making Money, How to make money, rich, wealth, finances, financial advice
Id: nPKBL-gaBZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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