Meet the Happy Birds of Birdsmas | 40 Minutes of Animal Stories | Dodo Kids

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it's here it's finally here my favorite holiday in the whole wide world where we all get together to celebrate family and togetherness and birds that's right it's bird's miss wait you know about birdsmiths right the best bird holiday there ever is or was or will be oh i gotta tell you all about it allow me sheamus the bird to be your bird's misguide every winter us birds fly south you remember that right well it's because we're meeting up to celebrate there's even a song about it you probably know it on the first day of bird's mist a roaster screamed at me this rooster was extremely naughty rooster just arrived and he's gonna scream at you and everybody ronnie the rooster is a bad boy ronnie stop pecking at the windows this isn't even your house you can't just walk in uninvited okay i guess you can come in for a second but just make sure to stay wait now you're in the bedroom you can't jump on someone's furniture no feet on pillows and definitely no crowing inside bad boy now what are you up to hmm looks like you're getting petted i'm sure this is somehow bad no just enjoying some pets oh you're actually being really sweet good boy look at you perched so politely like a little gentleman i guess you do know how to be ronnie please stop crowing inside let's get down from there bad boy get on the broom ronnie ronnie get on the broom ronnie okay good oh it's like a little elevator very fancy there you go run around outside where roosters belong see how much fun it can be on the ground look at you playing with the other kids good boy you do seem comfortable here i guess you can stay for a while as long as you keep following the rules actually i think the humans here like you oh looks like you already found the bathroom wait you're not supposed to be in the bathroom [Music] ronnie stop trying to fight your own reflection [Music] finally you're out of the hey don't peck the nice humans who let you stay here bad boy [Music] oh great growing inside again do you think you make the rules now you're gonna make me say it bad boy you're in a time out for being so bad see wait that's your house the nice humans built you a home of your own right next to theirs you're part of the family now is that why you showed up pecking on their window you were lonely and just wanted a family well now you have dog siblings cow siblings look how many chicken siblings you have and two loving parents i was wrong about you ronnie you might actually be a good boy oh look how much you love to cuddle [Music] but they're growing why do you need to say everything so loudly hang on you're not rude you're saying thank you for your nice new perch you're welcome you're just excited but no talking in the morning okay ronnie get in here uh i guess your parents don't mind they love you and so do we you bad boy you bad boy [Music] oh i love that rude rooster roadster bask in my genius are you a bird's miss fan yet well i hope so because there's plenty more birds on their way and plenty more song on its way to verse two on the second day of birds miss an owl's injury needed rescue hero speedily it's a pretty amazing story and it's starting right now you okay from the moment he spotted this wild owl on the side of the road carson could tell that something was very wrong the owl wasn't moving and he looked scared carson wasn't a professional animal rescuer but he knew he couldn't just leave this owl all alone so he decided to become a hero carson had never cared for an owl before what do you give al for breakfast he was going to need some help but it was late at night and the local rescues were closed carson would have to keep the owl safe until the morning until then his new friend needed a name i shall name you roger carson and roger settled in for the night good night roger and by the next morning can you see him he's standing up guys hey rog roger was up on his feet and sort of hog in the bathroom um carson really loved his new friend but he knew it was time to take roger to the owl experts just because roger was up on his feet didn't mean he was ready for the wild again all right guys so they hit the road there he is and carson left roger with some professional rescuers bye roger he was sad to say goodbye to roger but he knew he had done the right thing for his owl friend when the experts got roger back to their owl sanctuary they gave him a thorough checkup and discovered the problem right away roger's wing was bruised he would have to stay at the rescue until he could learn to fly again they cleaned up his injured wing and gave him some medicine to make sure he didn't get sick [Music] roger was pretty nervous about all the attention he'd never been this close to humans before but the vets could tell roger was a very brave owl after a couple of days his wing was starting to feel better but before they could set roger free they'd have to make sure his wing was completely healed he would need some flying practice are you ready roger time for a test flight [Music] good job roger once roger started flying he couldn't be stopped after two weeks roger was finally feeling like his old self [Music] soaring through the air and happy at last the time had come to bring roger back to the wild so the rescuers got him ready they brought him to his home in the woods where somebody special was waiting for him his friend carson what's up roger took a moment and looked at all the people who had come to his rescue in his own way roger was saying thank you to carson and the other heroes they said their goodbyes and off he went [Music] now roger's back in the wild where he's happiest but he'll always remember his rescuers and they'll never forget him either it's not every day you spot an owl on the side of the road and become a hero [Music] let's keep the birds miss flock of flying on the third day of birds miss we had to save some ducks they fell inside a pool and got stuck like seriously stuck so stuck you wouldn't believe it want to see how they got out of course you do these ducklings are stuck in a pool their mama wants to help them but she's not sure how one thing's for certain these little ducks need a rescue when 10 fluffy ducklings got stuck in a pool their mama rushed over to help them what they're following her to the other side so mama can show them how to jump out [Music] they try and try [Music] but they're just too small mama duck doesn't know what to do the little ducklings are kind of scared [Music] but she has another idea she swims over to the steps maybe they can jump out there [Music] nope still too high for little ducklings what will they do now suddenly mama spots someone with a big blue net getting closer to her babies he's trying to help but she thinks he's trying to catch her ducklings she plops back into the pool and leads them away from the net the man with the net tries to lift the ducklings out of the pool one by one but they fall right back into the pool he tries again and again [Music] but the ducklings want to be with their mama wherever mama goes they go the man really wants to help but he doesn't know what else to do [Music] then he has an idea he makes another step out of some rocks he's hoping it's the right size for the ducklings but will it work [Music] one two [Music] three four come on five five and six [Music] seven eight there's nine but there's still one duckling left he doesn't know if he can do it almost little quacker you got this he wiggles his fluffy feathers and lifts his webby feet [Music] but he falls [Music] he gets back on the rock and he does it [Music] now all ten ducklings are back together and off to find somewhere else to swim because no matter how small they are or how many rocks they have to climb a fluffy little duckling never gives up [Music] my favorite part of birdsmas is how many birds are in birdmas like this next bird and his horse friend on the fourth day of birds miss a goose and horse were friends they'll stick together until the end their story is amazing you gotta see it to believe it and you gotta see it right now hemingway is pretty much your average goose except his best friend is a mini horse named waffles who he loves so much and even though it's kind of weird for a goose and a mini horse to hang out every second of their lives these guys don't care one bit why would you when you're best animal friends hemingway is your classic overprotective brother well if you want to talk to waffles you gotta go through me first excuse me waffles on the other hand is a bit of a free spirit he loves to run outside roll on the floor and do whatever this is so how did a horse and a goose get to be such good friends waffles and hemingway grew up together in an animal shelter a place where people take care of animals who don't have homes even though they liked living in the shelter they really wanted a family to adopt them a family ready for a mini horse and a goose because waffles won't go anywhere without his goose and hemingway won't go anywhere without his horse waffles comes with me understand okay then one day people who lived on a big farm came to the shelter [Music] before they knew it they were in love with waffles and hemingway and decided to adopt them both the friends were so excited to get to their new home hemingway got a little nervous when he was carried to the car first [Music] he hated being away from waffles and let everybody know it he was like waffles is coming right right of course he was soon waffles and hemingway arrived at their new home on the farm they got to check the place out waffles got to meet other horses too bigger horses and this goat all the other farm animals came to say hi this is peabody he's like [Applause] welcome home boys at first hemingway got a little jealous of waffles new friends hey buddy this is my horse move along but eventually he came around because he saw how much waffles loved their new home and their new backyard [Music] and their new friends and family and hemingway is cool with whatever makes waffles happy he's a good goose brother like that i guess you could say they fit in pretty quickly [Music] soon hemingway was telling peabody what to do you know in a cute goose overprotective brother way and waffles started training to become a therapy horse who looks after other people kinda like how hemingway looks after waffles and now all the other animals on the farm but even though everybody is very busy now and hemingway still make time for each other because nothing can ever replace that special bond between a mini horse and his goose these brothers are best animal friends [Music] oh this next bird is amazing like so super amazing on the fifth day of birds miss an eagle couldn't fly they rescued her and everyone cried but like good crying happy crying you'll see it's great this bald eagle has an injured wing and she is not happy about it her vet hadn't helped an animal as fierce as this bald eagle before so when he met her he was like whoa and then got to work he took an x-ray of her wing and saw that she needed surgery to fix it if she'd ever fly again but she looked fierce and unpredictable he'd have to be very careful and do everything he could to calm her down the vet gave her medicine until she felt comfortable and started the surgery dude you did well when it was over everyone was surprised to see that the eagle was calm it was like she knew the people who fixed her wing were her friends until she found out that her wing needed time to heal [Music] she wasn't ready to return to the wild she did not like the sound of that [Music] she was so fierce they gave her the nickname wolf wolf knew the rescuers were her friends but she couldn't stop herself from getting mad it's just who she was taking care of wolf wasn't easy but the rescuers didn't mind because one day they'd get to see wolf soar the sky [Music] and slowly wolf started feeling better every day she was like can i go now please but her rescuers still needed to make sure she could fly and when it was time for her first test flight they wondered if she had enough strength in her wing to get off the ground they were about to find out [Music] with time and practice wolfe was gliding through the air just like she used to she was like did you see that i am definitely ready now her rescuers agreed they took her out to a spot near the woods where the vet felt wolf's wing one last time and wolf oh did she kick out wolfe was still fierce [Music] finally it was time she gave a few flaps of her heeled wings and [Music] the rescuers got to see her fly free wolf wasn't easy on her rescuers she was fierce from the moment she arrived at the vet but they never gave up on her and now she's happy healthy free and grateful to her heroes [Music] [Applause] some birds like me just love love love to talk talk talk on the sixth day of bird's mist and emu talk to me he told me his entire life story i was on the edge of my seat take a listen excuse me oh hi i didn't see you there sometimes i'm going so fast that hey are you listening to me anywho my name is ernie and i am an emu at least that's what my mom says i might look like a bird but i sometimes suspect that i'm actually a kangaroo just like my brothers i can hop and run and sleep in a pouch what are you doing in there okay so they don't have feathers or a beak but that's not important what's really important is that me and the ruse are best friends we play and play until we're just so tired that we [Music] i can't fly like other bridges do but that's okay because i'm the best at everything else like sport he's got it right where he wants it he's bobbing he's waving let's go and i'm an amazing dancer oh yeah but my life wasn't always this fun let's take a trip to the past when i was just a little baby some humans found me all alone in the wilderness they were worried about me so they introduced me to holly who rescues all sorts of animals the moment i met holly i fell in love and she fell in love with me too i mean who wouldn't now holly takes care of me and i take care of her when the cat tries to get too close to holly i have to protect her honey i do anything for holly but the cat is small potatoes compared to the chickens get out of here you you chicken one time this chicken started pegging my mom [Music] so i had to teach her a lesson scram shoe vegan she won't be bothering her anymore i'm basically a hero and as a reward i get to do one of my favorite things no not that bad time my days are always so busy which is why it's nice to rest and recharge now and then so i can get back to wait was that a chicken excuse me i'll be right back hey get out of here you scram [Music] ready for another bird cause i sure am on the seventh day of bird's miss someone heard a screech a pelican was hurt on a beach oh don't worry they sprung right into action and saved her check it out when an animal rescuer got a phone call about a pelican with a hurt wing wandering down the road he knew he had to help her nadia's always saved animals sometimes he rescues them on the beach like the seal tangled in a fishing line or this baby shark who accidentally got washed ashore and needed nadia to put him back in the ocean [Music] other times his rescues take him way out on the water like when he freed this guy from a plastic bag or helped an injured sea turtle the turtle's probably thinking thank you nadia [Music] but nadia's biggest save of all time was this whale who was stranded on the shore nadiya gathered friends who worked together and pushed the humongous animal into deeper water so she could swim safely away [Music] so as soon as nadiya heard about a pelican who needed help he searched all over but he couldn't find her until the next morning when he took his son's school class to the beach and spotted something it was the hurt pelican since there was no animal hospital around nadia decided to take the hurt bird home where he would take care of her himself before long elsa was part of the family and she was really happy in her new home nadia put medicine in her food and helped her practice moving to make her wing strong again elsag was basically the queen of the backyard elsa loved her rescuer and best of all she slowly started to get better [Music] then something amazing happened one day elsa began jumping and flapping her wings it was her way of telling nadia that she was ready to try to fly so he took her back to the beach where he'd found her [Music] though elsa was a little wobbly at first she started running and flapping her wings until she did it she was flying it was the moment nadia had been waiting for it meant that elsa could live on her own in the wild again which is where she belongs nadia came back to the beach for the next few days to make sure she wasn't still there and she wasn't she had flown away for nadiya life is about rescuing animals in trouble and seeing his new friend fly strong and free made him the happiest rescuer on the beach [Music] are usually friends with birds but sometimes birds are friends with dogs on the eighth day of birds miss a flightless birdie teamed up with a scooty puppy and boy oh boy did they have the bestest time together hit it lundy's a teeny tiny itty bitty dog and herman's his pigeon lundy is so small herman used to think he was a bird like him a little baby bird who just hatched from an egg until lundy barked and was like hey i'm a dog and i guess herman thought that was pretty funny because they've been side by side ever since herman and lundy live in a very special place a huge house with an animal rescuer it's a place for animals who need a little extra help herman is a pigeon who can't fly when he was really little he was found outside someone spotted him sitting in the same place for days until the animal rescuer came and brought him inside it didn't take long until he found a perfect nest lundy's bed lundy was rescued because he was having trouble walking so for now he scoots like this little dog coming through they were the perfect match herman loved having someone to snuggle with and lundy didn't mind being sat on when you're so small it's good to have someone in your corner [Music] they help each other feel better lundy needs a lot of help learning to walk he does exercises to make his legs stronger he even has a walking cart that was built just for him and he practices every day in order to get better he needs to go one puppy step at a time with lots of breaks for food herman is there every step of the way having herman cheer him on helps lundy feel like he can do it and herman loves helping lundy he's happy to have someone to look out for herman and lundy spend almost every day together after lundy does his exercises the nest is a perfect place to hang out even when herman sits on lundy like he's an egg he gives herman a little lick to say thank you for your help they spend some time outside and then have lunch together after that it's time to play with their friends well lundy plays herman just likes to watch in the afternoons they go for walks outside in their special wagon or bus all aboard after playtime they both like a nice long head rub from their mom oh yeah right there they always have the best time except when lundy chews on herman and herman's like lundy we talked about this remember sorry herman i forgot [Music] as a pigeon who can't fly and a dog that can't walk they'll always need to do things their way but you don't need to be able to fly or to walk to be best animal friends [Music] are you getting the birds miss spirit yet cause i sure am and so is this seagull on the ninth day of birds miss a tiny gold baby group big from eating some spaghetti but not just spaghetti bugs too it's pretty amazing let's watch him grow hey little guy do you know what you are you're a baby seagull who left his nest and got lost but you found your way to us and didn't want to leave until you were big enough to fly [Music] so we fed you by hand just like your mom would [Music] until you figured out you could eat anything you wanted [Music] we didn't know how long it would take for you to fly but every day you did something new wait wait one second and got really good at squawking and after one week you started talking to other seagulls it was like you were saying wait for me i'll be flying with you soon after two weeks you were demanding people food [Music] that's a pretty grown-up seagull thing to do [Music] hey that's not food [Music] after four weeks your fluffy baby feathers had fallen off you were so much bigger and you started acting big [Music] you like to swim eat big fish stare down cats and one day you did something really big you started to flap [Music] maybe you were scared at first but we knew you could do it and so did they so we gave you a count of three one two three you were doing so good oh geez well no one ever said flying was easy six weeks later it was time you needed to leave our small backyard and fly in wide open spaces with the other big seagulls who'd been waiting for you we knew we'd miss you so much you were our fluffy little guy but you were ready to fly as the big seagull we always knew you'd be one more birds on the tenth day of birds miss a biker heard a peep she found two birds and helped them fly free baby birds to be exact watch when a rescuer found these tiny babies she almost didn't realize what they were roxanne was riding her bike when she heard something strange a bird's nest had fallen down in the rain with two tiny little baby chicks inside [Music] roxanne waited and waited to see if their mom would come back but the chicks were on their own so roxanne decided to bring them home these were tough little birds [Music] but they were still just babies so it would be a long time until they were ready to go back to the wild where they belonged she named them ken and laura i mean laura and ken she built them a new nest with warm stuffing and put them inside [Music] they were scared but they seemed happy to finally be somewhere safe next she had to get them to eat but they wouldn't even open their beaks that made roxanne nervous if they didn't eat they wouldn't grow bigger she tried again maybe a good night's sleep would make them hungry and this time soon they started getting bigger and their feathers got longer [Music] they eight and eight and eight you still hungry [Music] but they were still too little to be left alone so she brought them to work with her during the day by now she could easily tell them apart laura was the shy one who loved to cuddle she liked hanging out on roxanne's shoulder ken was always hopping around and was loud the birds were growing fast and soon roxanne realized she had to teach them how to fly with the birds sitting on her hands she would swing her arms up and down to make them use their wings learning to fly wasn't always easy one day while laura was flying around the room she hit a wall but that didn't stop laura from trying roxanne was happy to watch them grow up but soon they were too big for her little house it was time for them to go back to the wild where they belonged the first time she tried to set them free they weren't ready to leave she tried again and again but ken and laura just wanted to hang out until one day she bounced her hand one last time and this time they flew away she could hear them chirping as they left they were saying goodbye now whenever roxanne hears birds she wonders if they're ken and laura she knows they're out there somewhere flying high just like she taught them and that's everyone oh wait just one more guest you allow me to sing your special birds miss verse on the last day of birds miss you watched a ton of birds and we sang the greatest song you've ever heard at least i hope that's true i spent a long time writing it happy birds miss one hand [Music] solo kid help the kittens find the subscribe button
Channel: Dodo Kids
Views: 2,201,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dodo kids, the dodo kids, dodokids, the dodo, dodo, animals, cute animals, animal rescues, kids and animals, rescue animals, animal songs, animal videos, animal videos for kids, animals for kids, animals for children, funny animal videos, videos for kids, funny animals, for kids, animals for toddlers, for toddlers
Id: vF5hplGfkmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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