Meet the Boy Friend (1937) COMEDY

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] well so long fancy while working with you how long pal hope to meet you again on another job now this isn't my racket i just filled in for one of your men that was sick hey i've seen your face somewhere before sure you did a good job on it too i told you not to let tony page out of your sight that's what you're hired for but mr potts he locked me in the bathroom i ain't no magician listen wilbur if anything ever happened to tony page half the women of america would go in the morning look mr potts i got the interest to breathe all at heart but just critter ain't normal one day he's driving a taxi the next he's working as a busboy now he's probably running for congress [Music] oh wasn't that divine that was highly flat above high sea shark never mind viewer i'm busy but i have so much to offer the world ever since pop struck oil in bentonville i've been waiting for this moment you know what my singing teacher told me today well at twenty dollars a lesson he should have told you plenty he said that mrs pop your voice is your turn it's a gift you better give it back but darling don't you see now i'm ready to sing on your program that's all i need if you ever sang on breathe or i'd go into the red red red that's just your color animal so hockey so masculine oh mr wilbur don't you think my husband would look wonderful in red he'd look just ducky there i mossy bueller sometimes you bring out the homicidal tendency in me why you darling you haven't said anything so nice to me since our honeymoon greetings j.a hello mrs potts hi wilbur now what have you been up to i've been painting the face of america's biggest pain in the neck mr tony page ever heard of him silly that's you oh no that isn't me mrs pott i still like to think of myself as a human being that's ridiculous when are you going to act like a star never i hope you think it's any fun being mauled by thousands of dizzy women mr tony page five minutes warning hurry up tony millions are waiting for you well adios and now we bring you tony page the breathaller troubadour singing those songs which have made him america's boyfriend tony page thank you for my first number i'm going to sing sweet lips dedicated to the tony page club of waukegan are you listening ladies [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweetly bring good news my way play some sweet something your kisses poses that makes me lose my loneliness bring good news my way play some sweet something your kisses poses that makes me lose my loneliness sweet lips kiss my blues away [Music] sweet lips kiss my [Music] [Applause] oh tony that was divine i'm just geek pimples all over now my boy we must be leaving you have an important engagement what's up now why tony have you forgotten the ladies clan big society of ho-hocus are dedicating a statue to you this evening i don't want any part of it but you can't offend the ladies clan big society of ho hocus my job's finished for today i've got a date your duty is to breathe ola my duty is to a very charming young lady and she's waiting for me right now now look here tony sorry you can have my share of the clan wow this is perfect you're a funny boy tony imagine bumping along on this old bus when you might be riding in a rolls royce oh don't you understand vilma this is where i belong it's one of the four minutes tony you're missing so much fun i'm not missing a thing i've got you my evening's complete but i like to go places where people know you after all you are america's boyfriend no i thought we were gonna forget that name after seven o'clock at night i want to be the real tony page that's the guy nobody ever looked at twice nobody well you can look three times you can somewhat never the guy hello chief oh hello mr wilbur i was just playing secretary well what did you find out the females are scandal whovia her name is vilma vlaire bill mclare that's pretty there was a young lady named bill mclare who loves tony page who sang in the air boom boom boom boom booler go ahead she came to this country about a year ago in a show it was a flop polo but vilma decided to stick an actress that's bad it's worse than that tony goes for like malts for a raccoon coat i got it from a good source he's always sending her posing now isn't that sweet that's what you used to do admob remember i remember this flair dave's been telling all her friends he's going to marry tony i knew it if she does the breathe ola program is washed up i know it but what are you gonna do when a guy's got spring in his core puzzles you know if you wanted to stop a man from getting married what would you do well now let's see what did father do when he tried to keep you from marrying me before he had the firm send me to south america that's it you mean we're gonna take a trip uh gloria get me some uh get me a messenger boy come in vilma what's going on here tony darling isn't it wonderful what's wonderful mr potts he found a path for me in hollywood i'm leaving on the five o'clock train but darling don't you see it's a trick to keep us apart oh really tony i thought you'd be delighted to hear about my good luck but you belong here with me i must say you're being very selfish you know what this would mean to me i know what it means for both of us more crowds more publicity all my life i want to say darling i'm only trying to talk since into your pretty little head let's tell potts to go to blazes there's no use tony i'm leaving for california today [Applause] right hey oh that was beautiful admiral you look just like a cadet no respect that's what's the trouble with you you don't appreciate your husband nice work mr potts you got rid of vilma very neatly didn't you no my boy why worry about that blair girl she's not interested in you all she wants is a career you've interfered in my private life for the last time when i signed that contract with you i thought i'd be the happiest guy on earth plenty of money a chance to sing why it sounded perfect i didn't know i'd have to give up all my own plans and live a phony life 24 hours a day i didn't know i'd become public freak number one see that's the thanks i get for making a national hero out of a truck driver all i want is a chance to be a normal human being like anyone else and if you think you can cheat me out of it you're crazy goodbye tony is he cute when he gets mad listen tony you got me in a pipeline panic the broadcast goes on in 15 minutes step out at old field what do you want me to do fly look silvia there's tony page why it's tony all right oh my public you better get out of here that was close i beg your pardon well you see those women they're chasing me right i don't see why pardon me may i introduce myself i'm tony page not america's voice i see you've got it too huh you flatter yourself i always turn off your golden voice you mean you don't like me personally i prefer hillbilly hey you're all right are you having fun slumming well i'm not going to chinatown i'm due at the radio station in five minutes don't let me detain you it's not you it's that gang of amazons hey will you help me out of a jam fine mr page i'd be honored i'll stop your kidding all right you see this sure well it's the suit but what do i want with it yes this see chinatown chinatown see chinatown folks a trip you can't afford to miss hey where you going i'll be back in a minute who is that dame anyhow new shell i put on last week she's okay brings in lots of cash customers i told you never to hire any shills without an okay from the boss hey you don't think she's a copper do you i don't trust nobody all right we'll replace 20 pages you mean to say here you need you those female tacklers must have them on the 40-yard line by now relax i actually saw you an american husband instead of i know america's boyfriend if you don't stop ripping me i'll drop this bag oh no you won't it's my snuggle out to pretend that we're married a pleasure madam hurry dear the boss is coming home for dinner catch him now i'll hold the door i'm telling him to run for it hey ladies please that's my gentleman there's absolutely no truth to that report as long as tony page is under contract to me there'll be no marriage oh a marriage odd well why didn't you tell me i can just see you giving the bride away in duchess oh of course i mean she'll be wearing the lace i do ramble on don't i you rubbed me the wrong way why darling i haven't read you since you had lumbago actresses duchess lace reporters it's a wonder i'm not dead and you haven't any insurance who'd write a policy on my life they'd say that any man who marries you is a bad risk no i'm not this is no time for compliments quiet if you feel death approaching you should do something about it well what is it [Applause] the women in our town refuse to buy any more your products if tony page marries as long as my name is jay yard more pots he won't marry here it is i found it what the madison insurance company will ensure anything from a pekingese pup to a floating rib there you see if they'll ensure a pekingese they often have to mind you insurance eula will they insure a man against love no i'm out there you're getting feverish you've got to take a cold shower give me that card where are you going i'm going out to buy myself some love insurance but they won't give you a policy on something that's already dead mr fox i've written many weird policies in my day but your proposition is the strangest i've ever heard if you can ensure a man's life why can't you ensure his heart pardon me please send mr lanian please i'd like her advice on this matter do you want me uncle ned june this is mr puffs of the breathola company mr potts my niece and business associate miss delaney how do you do i want an insurance policy that will obligate you to pay me 300 000 if tony page gets married oh i see you intend to keep him america's boyfriend exactly and i'm willing to pay a heavy premium would mr page submit to an examination examination certainly if our test shows he has a weakness for the ladies we'll need to poor risk that's impossible tony knew i was doing this he'd raise the devil does he have to know now mr page you please relax i said relax mr paige we're drifting through a kingdom field with beautiful women think of eve think of venus think of helen of troy i'd rather think of a number from one to ten amazing what did you say doctor your heart it's amazingly strong say what is this a fashion show oh mrs grogan oh mrs grogan doctor that girl it's last time you beat the occasion hey get this thing off me hurry up i gotta get out of here come on the most amazing specimen this tony page the one time he showed any great emotion was when scrub woman appeared then he quite lost control of himself i can't understand i can also then i'd advise you to write this policy but my dear the young man is an unusual case i think i can deal with him you must be a superwoman oh no all mr page needs is a young lady who will keep him guessing tony page is bored with all women who pursue him now find the girl who pretends to dislike him and he'll move heaven and earth to please her this delaney is right mr page needs to be frustrated by some young woman and i'm a candidate for the job nonsense june you've got to work on our case against the bus company the trial is scheduled for next month but i'm ready for that uncle ned right now i'd like to tackle america's boyfriend but he might fall in love with you oh the better then he won't marry some other girl in a moment of weakness well how are you going to do all this you're going to help me mr potts i want you to arrange a casual meeting with tony page good afternoon gloria will you please tell my husband i'm without but he's in conscious with mr page oh that's quite all right they won't bother me oh god marvel wonderful thing has i i haven't tied i've written a new song and you simply must put it on your program agamemnon yes my inspiration nay i i'm expecting a visitor it's called a you are my rosebud [Music] beautiful [Music] you [Music] i want to tell you you're delicious you're determined you're disrupting you're delirious [Music] [Applause] [Music] i never heard anything like it miscellaneous here send her in will you get out of here and take these two wolf hounds with you okay [Music] you wouldn't answer my letter so i came here myself my lifesaver i've been looking everywhere for you where have you been who are you pardon me i didn't mean to interrupt you mr payne no you don't i let you get away from me once but it's not going to happen again there's nothing you can do for me no one must see mr potts i'll be all right in a minute oh you're gonna sit right down on that couch there and listen to dr page here try a little of this young lady we're gonna have to do something about your case give me that easy now let's check over your visible assets we've got one handkerchief one purse one potter compact and one key ring too bad you can't mind your own business and one dime are you gonna finance pots with this oh why i left a twenty dollar bill at home fine let's go right back and get it just take it easy now there that's much better what's going on here this little lady won in a diet until she could get a kind word from you and she's nearly starved to death oh mr boss i'm june delaney the singer from galesburg and you simply must listen to me of course he will dear and i've got a song of my own you can sing it goes you are be quiet i hope you're not fooled by this lady's training spell tony that's the oldest gag in the world but she needs money she needs food i've heard these stories many times mr laney you better leave my office odd more you brute pay no attention to my husband he isn't himself or is he villa i'll be glad to leave mr pop thanks so much for your courtesy but wait a minute you can't go like that well i don't want any help from you mr america's boyfriend potts you've got the soul of an iceberg we businessmen know how to handle these fakers that girl's no faker she's desperate and i'm going to help it worked it worked mr laney wait well you're the first girl ever walked out on me let me go oh no how about a nice cup of coffee a sandwich and you and me i wish you'd let me alone i wouldn't go anywhere with you mr tony paige okay that's the way you feel about it oh quit acting like a prima donna you're gonna throw yourself in front of a nice juicy steak down right your treatment was a great success doctor paige but you're not cured yet i always keep my patients under very close observation i'm on the recovered list already just send me your bill the first of the month where do you think you're going to look for work oh no you're not you're going home and get a good night's rest and i'm going to see that you get there safely thank you but i'll manage no now don't argue with me this doctor paige is a stubborn cuss so am i and you're not going to take me home [Music] you've been riding around for an hour miss delaney are you quite sure you live in this city well i seem to be a little mixed up perhaps you better let me off here i can find the house myself you're a very good actress but you can't fool me i'm going to find you a home take us to west 53rd street here we are how do you like your new home well i couldn't stay here why is a grand little roost come on someday it might be a landmark here's where that first straight truck driver tony page used to live you a truck driver one of the best hello mr cleaner i brought you a new customer well that's very thoughtful of you julie mr laney meet mrs grimes the pride of west fifty thirds are gone how do you do my dear how do you do you think you can find room for my protege sure any friend of yours is welcome here you know that she's a little behind in the red don't worry because i'm going to find her a job well i can fight my own battle of course you can but it's a good idea to have a truck driver in your car and don't forget we've got a date at 7 30. oh no i can't well well i can't see you again 7 30. wear a smile and we'll go places goodbye mrs grimes goodbye come to you no there's an opportunity for you young lady how about it you mean you want me to sing in the contest that's right sure look in this great democracy of ours you got to start at the bottom remember me a humble truck driver oh mr page i'd be scared to death well i'll be there to cheer you on i'll even sing in the contest myself oh the only good oh no no they recognize you in a minute i'll fix that if you got an eyebrow pencil and now my ducking dreamers the sponsors of your favorite mattress that magic carpet which washed you to slumberland bring you the stars of the future and who might you be my dear side well i'm oldest clap saddle and these your fellas they're the ozark beau brommel greetings my lad and what are you when the beau brahma's going to offer the ducky dream public i'll have you know we hitchhiked clean from oklahoma to sang on the radio the folks down home says we're a regular sympathy orcas well play my fine fellow well i'll do my best better go fellas burn them to a frazzle one [Music] i have got a letter from a man in town telling me to leave the hills and come on down make a lot of money on the radio oh singing my hair belly song ain't nobody wants to hear my tunes at all i have watched the heavens but no pennies fall up and down the alleys with judith singing my hair billy song well can't they see a movie starring me well don't they know a personality if i could only get a little break i would buy a great big juicy steak i'm so hungry i could eat a table leg but i'm much too proud to ever try too fake wish that i was sitting at my own back door singing my hairbelly song [Music] evie [Music] evie wow [Music] eevee [Music] so walter so you think you'd like to get on the air or should i say get the air what's your name uh elmer throckmorton well elmo what's in your mind uh i i'd like to give a my impression of tony page ladies and gentlemen mr element throgmorton will gargle a few cadenzas so sit back and imagine that you're listening to tony page sweet lip kiss my blues away sweet lips bring good news my way there's some sweet something [Applause] sorry elmo but i had to stop you we just had a phone call from tony page and he threatens to sue the station the next amateur is this little lady come on up what's your name oh the nervousness i'm the singer of hot songs well come on burn us up ladies and gentlemen miss minerva fetch the toast of new york what is it that takes you and makes you a slave what is it that won't let your poor heart behave what's the mysterious feeling why does it make you rave it's the funniest little thing this business of love cute and cunning is little big this business of love it lifts you up to the ceiling there's nothing right above it though at times it makes you so unhappy still you learn to love it it's the busiest little thing this business of love that's the dizziest little thing this business of love you may think you've got the laugh on it but you don't know the half of it this frantic sweet romantic business of love [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so and although you may think you're immune it soon will make you change you too this frantic sweet romantic business of love [Applause] well miss fitch you won first prize yeah may i have your autograph oh pleasure mr frogmore poor mr throgmorton he didn't even win the mattress say julia do me a favor yeah send me that prize money i'll make good come on hey i've been looking for you everywhere there was a mistake about the prizes oh yeah sure you won first prize the judges got the names mixed up when they went to look for you were gone on the level mister you ain't spoofing you can ask my girlfriend yes yes dog gone we sure needed that money it's all yours tony that was sweet oh the poor fella needed the money but don't worry the 50 is still yours well i wasn't thinking of that well i might as well be a real gambler penny for your thoughts they're not with a plug nickel say anything about you is the real mccoy with me hey is we're getting around that i sort of like you i think we better go miss bill mcblair the little swedish girl who arrived in hollywood last month clicked beautifully in her screen test and superba pictures have offered her a contract well that settles little miss blair bueller you married a smart man why admiral you know i've never been married before you're the only man in my life all right all right just forget it what is it mr pot mr mcgrath super pictures is here to see you send them in i think you can go in now mr mcgrath thanks very much miss temple you are my role i'm going to have a very important conference that's quite all right angel just lower your voice you won't bother me in this oh mr mcgrath i've just been reading about our little protege pots are you trying to ruin my company what do you mean i sent you bill mcblair didn't i look exactly you sent us phil leblaire we spent thousands of dollars on a publicity campaign for her and what happens can we have three guesses don't bother i'll tell you ms flair's been in this country over a year without a permit and now the government is going to send her back to sweden she's an alien and she looked like such a nice girl send her back well that's fine that's a fine state of affair well we may get out of trouble but it's no thanks to you well of course you could make the picture on ellis island we'll do better than that we'll get her an american husband miss blair tells me that your tony page is ready to marry her right now well she can't do that i'll sue her i'll sue you osmo your face is so red wouldn't he be wonderful in color hello get me mr madison yes oh hello mr potts now see here madison unless you act quickly miss blair will marry tony page and i'll collect 300 000 from your company and i'll get a new first coat no jewel know how to deal with him she reports that tony has been with her every night this week this is the floor's primeval murmuring pine in the hemlock i'll bet you recited that in school well i was the best darn orator in the class they gave me first prize see i'd like to have known you that i'll bet i'd have licked any kid in school that wanted to walk home with you oh i was a psych my hair was in pigtails and freckles i'd have loved every one of them tony darling you're a lifesaver just when i was beginning to think that life wasn't worth a plugged nickel in warfu and that's a man i thought was the most conceited war in the whole world it turned out to be you we're going places we too and we're not going to let the rest of the world horn in our party tony you can don't you say you've got a job on your hands and there's no room for me in the life of america's boyfriend let's forget about him you and i'm so crazy about you you see what i mean yes i see tony there's something i must tell you what do you want i'll take it easy mr madison this is just a friendly call you can tell your boss that i'm going to prosecute the bus company to the full extent of the law well you don't have to get so tired it's high time we ended your little game of robbing sightseers in chinatown and then collecting insurance from me now maybe we can get together on that sure you wouldn't want to have no serious trouble would you you men can't frighten me we'll fight that out in court okay madison don't slam the door when you leave i'll go there why hello dear that's her all right well uncle ned i'm tired i need a vacation can't we turn tony page over to someone else june have you lost your mind well you have the young man eating out of your hand but this is no time to quit but i'm fed up well i don't like the job i've just talked with mr potts and he tells me that tony page is in love with a swedish actress she's coming back to new york to marry him oh that's impossible bill mclare has told the newspaper that she and tony will be married this week so you see my dear i can't afford to release you why if we have to pay mr park 300 000 it will ruin the company i understand after all the policy was your idea you've got to go through with this all right uncle ned when insurance policies come in the door love flies out the window oh hello miss grimes i'd like to see miss delaney she's not here but when will she be back mr peach there's something funny about that carol she hasn't spent one night in her room what are you talking about well i'm not a buddy to dish the dirt but why does she come back here only the nights when you're visiting her and who's this mr pot she's always teleporting plus sure and i can't help it here and one night she said it's working fine tony doesn't even suspect well i don't like that funny kind of business thank you mr grimes and you promised to keep him so interested in you he wouldn't look at another girl and you did a good job too i can give mr laney a swell recommendation tony but it was a waste of time i'm marrying bill mclair tonight after the broadcast if you do that i'll have to pay mr box 300 000 fine you can use that money to buy me a wedding press now see here tony you can't make a fool out of breathola hello mr potts we have london on the wire i don't want to talk to london congratulations june really was a marvelous act you know for a while i thought you really liked me oh tony you don't understand i understand perfectly you're a very clever girl no nonsense no sentiment strictly business tony we only did this to protect you you owe it to the public yes here's your call to france france you must have your wires crossed mr page i appeal to your sense of fair play fair play i think you'd better speak to miss delaney about that goodbye june it was great fun while it lasted i think i'll wire my congressman and have him send you a medal mr potts i think i can stop this marriage get wilbur in here what are you going to do i'm going to take advantage of the fact that tony loves me even if he doesn't know it another all mourn i'll have to deliver you to this tony page i'm sorry david if there were another solution for us you know i prefer to become lazy banning it's essential that you marry an american citizen i understand bye darling i'll call you at the hotel goodbye together again my darling yes it's it's grand so now you're a great hollywood star eh now i'm the future mrs tony page you made all their arrangements of course we'll be married tonight after the broadcast are you sure these two men are the type well public enemy yearbook gives them top freedom for the entire year wonderful wilbur you know the nicest people come in come on in boys reckon that's okay older oh come on we we we pronate scared nothing fellas this is mr lane pleased to know your mom i'm i'm pleased to meet pleased to meet please him in there hello there you mean to say these two boys are desperate characters as tough as a mother-in-law's heart yeah well they call it they call it the the texas terrors well we come from milk alley and the further up the alley ago the thicker the milk yeah and and we're just two chunks of butter yeah we was doing swell back from texas until the drought ruined business you got that's rather that drought ain't anything you got to drive back there that that the crick started squeaking when it runs and now boys i want you to make this a nice refined kitten sure ain't nothing vulgar about our message is it elmer oh no you you can you can trust you can trust it we're okay sure ladies and gentlemen we bring you the breathe ola program starring america's boyfriend tony page thank you i want you folks to be the first to hear the good news tonight after the broadcast i'm going to marry the sweetest girl in the whole world i'm dedicating my first number to her to know you care i'm potentially speaking how do i race with you are my chances brighter [Music] you wanted me the way i want you to know you care to know you're thinking of me [Music] that's all i care to know [Music] to know my places beside you there it makes a world of difference [Music] underneath please let me share [Music] my [Music] ladies and gentlemen we interrupt the program just a moment to bring you an important news bullet this evening miss june delaney was kidnapped by two armed men who seized her in front of the madison home forced her into a car and drove off any person having information as to the whereabouts of mr laney will please communicate with the police uber you sure got this town in the roar i think i did a pretty good job myself i still don't like the idea that delaney dame using my club as a hideout suppose the cops crack down on us it's just like i told you the gal stays here tomorrow night by that time the swedish day will be on the boat we send june back to tony with love and kisses well 10 grand 10 grand i guess we can take a chance come in we got to go we got the good we got the kidney now here she is gee this is mr lenny your guest for the weekend oh yeah oh yeah i promise not to make any trouble you'll find me a very reasonable customer that's okay with me but i think you're taking a big chance just to keep some guy from getting married well i hope it worked well just to kill some time let's start a poker game poker oh no i've never played it before in my life really no it's a cinch all you gotta do is get the right card i'll be back in time for the payoff i gotta get a glass of milk wait a minute well beginner's luck i guess great work this rate you'll soon win back all the money you paid us yeah well looks like there's good enough scoop that's awesome yeah i thought you two guys were big shots well if you think write a little sizzle well as you've got another class class compliment that's comfortable thinking yeah our sis is the one that teached us how to be plenty tough one day she walked into town to deposit her egg money in the bank and just she stepped in the bank 50 bank robbers armed with shotguns machine guns and gun attacks stepped in do me give me your gold outlet outlaw snoop smith they outlawed me snapped yeah and our system what was happening and started swinging the first thing you know she'd knocked out ten of them bennett's just colder in a wagon tire her name was scrawny next thing we've seen over she come marching down main street with both arms full of them machine guns and all of them bank bandits walking ahead of her with gunny sacks over their heads yeah and then the sheriff just give her all her machine guns did that just for arrest reward she learned how to shoot them too she used to set up a tin can at the bottom of the and start with one of these here machine guns and cut loose and just roll it right up over the top she sure did just just like a nunchuck yeah we we got so we could shoot them things pretty good too me and also just set them machine guns up on the back porch and cut corn cleanup in indianapolis north 40. yeah just like this why we're the best we're the best machine gunners in the country and we ain't skinny now scared of nothing hi chief come on eddie this game's wide open sure i got to hunt this in my lucky day mr laina you can't quit while you're winning i think you better excuse me hey what's this dream doing here all right she's a house guest at the furnace club for over the weekend mr lainey mr wilson house guest huh well that's perfect let go you're hurting my arm take it easy buddy what's wrong with you you know who she is i never saw this man before in my life you mean you wish you'd never seen me before sit down she tipped off our bus racket i hired her for a shill why she's got enough dirt to send the whole gang up the river for life you mean she's mixed up with the insurance company george she's old man madison's niece she's going into court next week and tell everything she knows thanks for saving us the trouble of finding you we'll just see to it that you don't get to that trial next week lock her up where do you two think you're going we're going after ourselves we're going after our sister scrawny sit down we'll sit down when we're good and ready sit down well you sat down well we was ready hello hello tony this is wilbur i'm at the finest club listen tony dunes in trouble yeah they're going okay wilbur get going yeah sure hello hello wilbur hello hey jim you know this guy tony paige sure well if he tries to get into the club tonight stop him okay dan's got a swell idea for publicity he's not tonight the first time a couple's ever been married on the floor of a nightclub bring it upstairs to our lady guest yes ladies and gentlemen we offer you the most novel feature ever presented in the nightclub two throbbing hearts will be united to the music of teddy winston and his furnace club bluegrower here's your grub i can't eat me noises all i'm strong how did you get here never mind how i got here how are we going to get out of here hey fitz what do you want hey step up ladies and gentlemen dan walters owner of the furnace club has offered a furnished apartment to the first couple that get married on this dance floor tonight come on folks get married at the furnace club and live like a king with big dan paying all the bills hello sergeant o'hara this is wilbur corrigan listen wallace gang i've got june delaney and tony page down here yeah at the furnace club what's wrong with you folks here's judge carter all ready to tie the knot a clerk to hand out the license oh come on folks people are still getting married why not you ah here's the happy young couple ladies and gentlemen here is love in person will you step right down this way for each friendship is this the happy pair sure it'll only take a minute folks just sign the license we'll go ahead with the ceremony tony we can't do this 300 000 against our lives go ahead when that guy comes off the floor get him uh join hands please sure well reckon scrawny be plasma proud of us now do you anthony paige take june delaney to be your loving wedded wife and to love and honor her during the natural course of your life i do oh no he doesn't well yes i do do you june delaney take anthony page to be your awful wedded husband promised to love and honor him during the natural course of your life no better say yes at the natural course of your life will be about 10 minutes all right yes right this way sergeant by virtue of the authority vested in me as judge of the municipal court of this city i pronounce you man and wife congratulations mrs page how soon can we have this marriage you know there's no argument madison i want my 300 000 but i'm willing to have the marriage you know it's no use the harm's been done odd more you brew here you go building school houses all over the country and how do you expect to get them filled if you act like this i'll make you a sporting proposition young man i'm not interested oh yes you are she's a grand little singer i thought you meant me june's a grand little singer and if we went on the air together we'd make my whole program sound like an also i never want to speak to you again quiet mrs page you'll sing and like it why i think it's a beautiful idea to see sweetheart that's what you'd be right and our first number will be you are my rosebud oh tony i've always wanted to be a bust in the hall of fame you're a bust right now i wouldn't even consider the idea jay odd more pop this is my great chance and no nobody's going to stop me oh how about it potty if we don't knock the country for a loop i'll pay you well i odd more all right it's a deal i give you the singing sweethearts mr and mrs tony page sweet lips kiss my blues away sweet lips bring good news my way there's some sweet something your kisses poses that makes me lose my loneliness sweet lips kiss my blues [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lipsticks you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 112,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FREE, #classicmovies, Robert Paige, classic movies, classic movie, heartthrob singer, COMEDY, filmstruck, Warren Hymer, Carol Hughes, CLASSIC, MOVIES, Swedish actress
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 22sec (3202 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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