Meet the 17 Year Old Who Drives Bugattis

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see skis wait for it wait for it please also van in a roadster backpack time to rope welcome back race fans we are here at the Utah Motorsports campus yeah Byul we are in the right spot check that out there's ty looking smug Nick still erased car come on baby paw I wish you guys get an experience with that just was like I'm gonna be helping negotiate entire of the trailer so wish me luck cool I didn't really have to do anything but that could have gone bad restricted area so we're on this side and that area is restricted and that's yeah we're getting hooked up we're getting hooked up we're getting an exclusive access front-row just for you guys each and every day we always try to get front-row oh here comes Nick right here so this is the official lap time of the 570 at the Utah Motorsports campus come on Derek let's see it do it for the viewers so Derek is a professional driver the owner makes them all as you guys know Derek is the Huracan Super Trofeo Evo that's not so good if I was out on the track right now I would embarrass the car so Derek is driving it because he's a professional we got to get an accurate lap time fast forward about let's say 45 days 60 days from now we're gonna come back when the 570s is fully built to see the beast we've turned it into so he comes here 123 come on Derek come on Derek never lift full send full send [Music] the official lap time one forty six point six zero one weekend stared rise by five seventy on the way [Music] super-tough are you kidding me it sounds amazing it's a Lambo it's a v10 Lambo [Music] [Music] there is a madman's he's just warming up right now to go out in the 570 it's now my turn to ride shotgun with Derek I had Taco Bell for lunch so that's kind of curious but oh here we go oh thing about having the camera I can use the screen to watch this but can you guys hear me I think you frakking hear me yeah yeah we're good we're good this isn't going to do to those graceful entry into a 570 I can feel that chicken quesadilla [Music] this crazy could not tell you how amazing I told you guys Derrick was a madman that seatbelt my shoulder the brakes boys the brakes god bless the brakes whoever wins this car it's so hot whoever wins this car I can guarantee with 100% certainty you will be 100% satisfied this seatbelt just like has been engraved in my shoulder we're out here testing the limits we are at zero miles left and the gas station is well quite a few miles away we made it we're still sitting on zero but we survived sometimes in life you got to risk it all zero okay I know kind of an awkward sequence in the vlog but when you see where we're headed right now I think it all makes sense so I'm going to California thank you like I was saying there's a very very very good reason I'm here in the beautiful state of California you guys you guys have been here before you remember the he'll be the hellbug and we got the vision Gran Turismo now before I take you on the whole tour there's someone I want to introduce you to Matt so Matt is gonna be taking his driving test tomorrow yeah so Matt which which which Bugatti are you driving a good time I think I'm gonna take the Chiron are you sure you sure you don't want to take the vision no I don't know how comfortable the vision isn't street-legal so maybe yeah so tomorrow Matt is gonna be taking his driving test and a Bugatti Chiron as you do I did some research on how to pass your driving test and the number one thing was to practice so Matt is gonna be taking up the Veyron and we're gonna be practicing driving so without further ado this is a one-off Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse here we go hopping into the hellbug the first time I drove a bugatti veyron I broke it so Matt don't don't do what I do this is a one-off called LaRouche is your partly Paul francais my French isn't very good that's kind of basically what I said I'm pretty sure this could be right this could be wrong the paint job on this car is a five hundred thousand dollar option what's up mate oh you know him don't erase no no no Matt is practicing he always keeps them right under fifty five always 1200 horsepower right under 55 but maybe after he passes his Tesla race oh man are you kidding me the clouds the cloud matt has been driving this car for two minutes and one of his friends just saw him driving a Veyron at 17 are you kidding me usually I'm always trying to kind of persuade whoever I'm with to like go full throttle but right now we're trying to act very mature because tomorrow when the instructor is sitting in the passenger seat with Matt but yeah we're not gonna be speeding that's that's one of the things I read online speeding is frowned upon we're taking a driving test okay I want to launch this car so bad I know do it for the no no don't do it for the block we have to be very mature so that button right there that is a launch control happiness 1,200 horsepower but unfortunately we'll get a 10-piece chicken McNuggets and a medium fry if you're triggered that I'm getting out navigating math through the drive-thru at the end of the day it's a Bugatti Veyron and well neither of us on the car so yeah this thing it's so so sick obviously we're not gonna eat the chicken nuggets in the Veyron because well the interior is very very expensive and Oh chicken nuggets Matt invited me down here to Southern California because I'm I'm a bit of a guru I'm a bit of an expert when it comes to taking your driving test and when I say that I'm being incredibly sarcastic so like 12 minutes ago on Google I just made a google search and said tips to passing a driving test and this is what I found this is from driving test org so it sounds like a pretty pretty good organization so the for driving test tips everybody should know get playing practice which is what we're doing today so we're already doing that know your car so this is a Bugatti Veyron 1200 horsepower okay we know our car prepare and adapt to anything this is this is critical now at some point when you're driving the shear on tomorrow there's an outside chance a Mustang might pull up next you had a red light and start revving what are you gonna do I'm just gonna ignore him that's right an absolute my driving test I'm gonna race it okay you see that's exactly right pay attention to driving not that that really needed to be said but pay attention yeah ie son son there you have it that's driving - test org and on that bombshell chicken nuggets ladies and gentleman I mean riding in the Bugatti was pretty exciting but honestly like I have not had chicken nuggets from McDonald's in quite a long time wait for it wait for it done mmm did we get ten at ten dig in dig in it was a good body it's a Bugatti no our car not noses Carson Parvati hi there know about today's video is not a paper route replacement for McDonald's in any way shape or form they're not bad though okay I understand we are about to launch it in three two one here we go see that was a test that was good that was good I was testing Matt because if he would have floored it he wouldn't be driving this year on tomorrow but he's good as always we keep it right under 55 except for after we pass well know even that well maybe we go to Mexico we might go to Mexico tomorrow more to come or to cuff Loki I'm the worst influence on that right now because I've we're in the Veyron we're in like one of the world's fastest cars and we want to go full throttle but we can't because we need to practice driving conservatively even slow I got to get my signature view the pay work is just sensational ladies and gentlemen we got views all views also like bumble the time is done good well tomorrow the share on your time might really be done more to come you OG subscribers and when I say oh gee I'm talking the Oh Gees of the oh geez I must have had around 6000 subscribers when I filmed this video so the owner of this car took it up to the Sun Valley Road rally and he hit two hundred and thirty five point seven miles per hour I'm gonna show you a clip of that footage the thing sounds like a fighter jet so check it out check it out welcome to the Department of Motor Vehicles so tomorrow we will be here with the he'll be to just scoping out getting a lay of the land Matt's appointment is right here tomorrow at 2 p.m. now this is not a Department of Motor Vehicles sanctioned event so we're not really sure what the instructor is gonna think when he pulls up in the shear on hopefully it's a car person but most likely it won't be so we're gonna put a couple GoPros in the car I just real discreet say they're kind of just dash cameras and hopefully it kind of works we don't really know what to expect so if you're not subscribed you should subscribe because that video is coming tomorrow like that's the next video after this video that's the very next video and Matt's gonna pass she's definitely a path I hope it passes he's gonna pass it you can see the w16 right there 1,200 horsepower when this car came out is the world's fastest open topper roadster according to the Guinness Book World Records this glass roof piece right here is fully removable if we open up the door right here is the port for the top speed key now unfortunately we do not have the top speed key today Matt wears the top speed key give you have the top speed key right that's for tomorrow that's for tomorrow this is just a practice session Oh check this out I don't know how matt has been so mature if I was driving this car so right here on the bottom left-hand side you can see the horsepower gauge all the way up to 1200 we got the speedo here on the right 280 miles an hour this Alcantara steering wheel like I have never felt softer Alcantara in my entire life guys I wish you could I wish you could feel the steering wheel and also these door panels are so cool if you wonder what we're doing or where we're going we really don't have a plan we're just practicing Matt just needs to get as many miles as he can behind the steering wheel of a 1200 while he's gonna be in a 15 Norris power Baron Sharon cheer on we're innovate on tomorrow as the share on I'm getting my Bugattis confused just like the owner of this car he has multiple key tags for multiple Bugattis if that's not a goal I don't know what is a goal that's goal that's goal so when you see that sign says sto P that means you have to stop and Matt just killed it that was killer that was good you see now we're rolling now we're rolling I'm out here trying to hook you guys up as you might say ladies and gentlemen we got views on it we got a motorcycle ruining my cliff few zombies all right so it's my understanding we're getting burritos so if you thought the vlog was good it's only gonna get better so Matt tells me these are the best burritos in the state of California this thing has french fries in it apparently this has steak french fries cheese and guacamole good call good call arguably this is the best modern day Bugatti collection in the entire world we got the healthy the help ugh and the vision Gran Turismo so we have the front license plate here on the healthy to make sure this car is legal for Matt's driving tests tomorrow gran turismo says the only one in the entire world it's a one-off concept car nobody else in the entire world has one of these cars I don't know what to really say but I feel like I should say something we have the Centenario roadster one of 20 roadsters in the entire world laferrari I want a 499 vision Gran Turismo 1 of 1 Veyron 100 450 he'll be one of 500 in the comments below if you could have just one car in this entire collection which would it be let me know bear in mind the vision Gran Turismo obviously that's what you would take this car is not street-legal so if you take this you're not I mean cat yeah yeah you know what I mean it's a street-legal you know I cannot believe you're driving this car tomorrow like what you're the only person I think in the history of the world to ever drive any kind of Bugatti for their driving test now you could be the first in the world to fail or you could be the first in the world did pass dude you're totally gonna pass you're gonna kill it dude you're gonna kill it just be confident I'll see you tomorrow at noon its sleep well I'm gonna be fine I'm just chilling I'm just chillin it I'm just chilling enjoy this view because when it's gone it is gone Oh what where I mean we're gonna see it tomorrow but for the night it's gone and that is going to effectively into this video tomorrow Matt is taking his driving test in a bugatti chiron I'd imagine he's not probably sleeping tonight I'm gonna sleep like a baby and on that bombshell today's video is over as always I hope you guys enjoyed it if you didn't like squad be sure to smash that like button but just like that this vlogs over anima [Music]
Channel: TheStradman
Views: 3,033,032
Rating: 4.8727264 out of 5
Keywords: Bugatti, Bugatti Chiron, Veyron, Divo, Vitesse, Supercars, Hypercars, Exotic Cars, Super Cars, TheStradman, Stradman, Supercar Vlogger, Vlogger, Rich Kids, Lamborghini, Centenario, LaFerrari, Vision Gran Turismo, Streetspeed717, Tj Hunt, Vehicle Virgins, Tanner Fox, Mo Vlogs, DDE, Daily Driven Exotics, Effspot, Cleetus McFarland, Tavarish, Cheap lamborghini, How to make Money, Buying a Supercar
Id: WT5jq-oIST8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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