17 Year Old takes DMV Driver's Test in Bugatti Chiron

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you know what we need we need some lights we definitely definitely need some lights ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel the keys where do I put the keys though hmm keys keys where did I put where did I put the keys I'm trying to decide what kind of day is it is it wiper roadster no I'm not feeling it not today maybe another day maybe another day oh it's definitely it's definitely it's not a chanting REO kind of day you can't go wrong with the latest and greatest from Ferrari but you know what nope my insurance agent arty vetoed the vision Gran Turismo so maybe we should take out the hell bug I don't know I don't think so not today on the 6th of September 2018 it's a Bugatti kind of day a he'll be kind of day it's 1:00 p.m. at 2:20 p.m. my friend matt has an appointment at the Department of Motor Vehicles he is taking his driving test today to try to get his driver's license he's in class right now I think he's in like algebra I need to go pick him up from class in Chadron and then he's going to drive this year on from class to the DMV taking his driving test in a 4 million dollar Bugatti when I was 16 I drove a 1995 Dodge Grand Caravan se it didn't it didn't quite have the same effect it definitely did not have 1500 horsepower all right we're on Lake Conroe yes are you kidding me no way this is a cold start up on a bugatti chiron [Music] we are driving a 1500 horsepower Bugatti Chiron oh my goodness I helped my insurance agent as I'm watching today's video I want to punch the car so bad but I have to be mature and I have to have restraint okay we're just gonna have like the dummy key kind of looks like a Volkswagen piss off right here to the left that is where the top speed key goes that unlocks the full potential of the shear on we got launch control right here we're not going to be doing that today maybe tomorrow but probably not look at that speed Oh 300 miles an hour we got the horsepower gauge right over here 1500 horsepower picking up Matt from high school Dana Hills High School in the Bugatti Chiron this is so ridiculous and so so cool there is the man there is Matt look at smug smile what's up dude how's it going thank you are you excited did you look nervous this is like this is the most important day of Matt's entire life oh yeah I got to put your backpack in the boot I was algebra is your pastor test so nice now leaving the high school at first we have to say hello to the proctor apparently that's the person that says whether or not you can leave give your permission slip yeah that was kind of a joke thank you thank you so much all right we're good we're good we didn't have Proctor's when I was in school just got picked up from high school and who got easier on to go take his driving test like just let that sink in for a moment this is unreal this is crazy two hands on the steering wheel absolute focus clear eyes full hearts can't lose I don't have anything to say but I got to get my signature shot here in the helvey ladies and gentlemen we got a views on news in the comments below let me know what car did you drive when you took your driving test I drove a 1995 Dodge Grand Caravan se it was white and had nice hubcaps a CD player it didn't have 1500 horsepower and it did not have a W 16 but yeah let me know what did you drive for your driving test in the comments below and if you're not yet sixteen what do you want to drive for your driving test in the comments below ladies and gentlemen this is actually coming right now Matt is inside right now just waiting for his turn for his driving test he's gonna give me a call as soon as they're ready I'm gonna pull up the car to the front of the DMV and other s is in his hands now today's video is not a DMV sanctioned event and what I mean by that they don't know that we're filming this I don't know if we're really allowed to but it's one of those things if you ask then they know so we haven't asked and they don't know check this out inside this year on we have a sneaky sneaky GoPro setup right here behind the driver seat so that's we're going to be using to film the actual driving test so hopefully the instructor doesn't notice it I don't yeah that's yeah that's that's though everything I need to say it's 210 the test starts in 10 minutes so Matt's gonna be calling me shortly and when I say shortly the DMV is notoriously slow so it could be 10 minutes it could be an hour maybe a couple hours are you ready to roll yeah let's do it read means go red means stop yellow means stop don't speed don't crash stay in between the light lines you're gonna kill it you're gonna kill it Department of Motor Vehicles ok so I got to be you super low key as the filmer guys so if this footage is not very good I'm sorry but it's what I got to do a super super discreet the DMV doesn't really like filming so we don't want Matt to not pass because I'm filming look at that smug smile sat behind the Tucson DMV restricted area drive test and verification only we're gonna do a safety check on the vehicle alright so turn your left turn signal on wait to the windshield wiper control plenty foster control ease there very few people can say they can do so you're going to be evaluated on your ability to drive safely and skillfully during different driving situation okay make any lane changes necessary to follow my direction sounds good perform all maneuvers when safe if I don't tell you to turn or change lanes you just go straight don't worry about what I'm writing here I want you to just focus concentrate on your driving mm-hmm any questions no but I definitely know there'll be a lot of people taking pictures and stuff just so don't be alike will you be and yeah and I am and and drive safe turn left [Music] here reversing nice and slow straight actually I start when you're ready in your own the intersections are right right nope [Music] very good and they got one marking is when you accelerate your accelerating at one point was a little jerky okay I passed yes thank you very much here we go the moment of truth let's find out did he pass there it is is that smug smile dude congratulations how was it it's good yeah for the first time ever bugatti chiron successful driving test here at the Department of Motor Vehicles in the beautiful state of California look at that smug smile did where we go in Mexico Mexico let's go to Mexico it's just like 100 miles that way that's right let's do it no nobody's ever done it before some say 260 some say 270 some say can do 300 Mexico Mexico here we come finally mom and dad good five 1500 horsepower license free man right foot is gonna be very happy dad tonight finally we can do some full throttle all right let's see this to figure out some proper way to celebrate mat passing his driving test so naturally it seems like a prime opportunity for a food vlog so we're heading to McDonald's we need some chicken nuggets okay this I mean I like chicken nuggets yesterday we had chicken nuggets very surprised at how good they were and I'm just craving them against it this share on is so wide format nearly meant to drivers just killing it can I have a large coke extra ice a strawberry smoothie and Oreo McFlurry two medium fries a 10-piece chicken McNugget I do you want anything twine or excuse me dear price that was what you wanted medium we'll have the medium we were here yesterday in the Veyron and now we're here in the sphere come kickoff [Music] here I'll take them but [Music] [Music] [Music] today's video is effectively over but actually the same time it's not because we're going to do a full walk-around of the vision Gran Turismo this is the coolest Bugatti in the entire world it's a one-off concept car this is the only one in the entire world like there's no amount of money in the world that can get you this car and it's at here and we're gonna take a little tour this is the famous vision GT remote so we're gonna turn on the headlights check this out oh cool and now we're gonna sneak on inside check this out so could open now we're gonna do the interior lights like this is actually a video game in real life this is absurd I don't know what any of this does but I don't really care get the ignition right there you got an emergency stop air-conditioning we are inside the vision Gran Turismo this is gonna be a cold start up like this is this was never even a goal in my life let alone to even see the vision let alone to sit in it let alone to start it up so here we go Yuriko ladies and gentlemen this is a cold start up on the vision Gran Turismo check this thing out behind the steering wheel of the vision of Gran Turismo what check this out Oh Beast well there you have it that is going to you effectively in today's video Matt dude congratulations killed it the Chiron driving test has been passed as always I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did like squad be sure to smash that like button but just like that this vlog is over anima [Music]
Channel: TheStradman
Views: 15,723,093
Rating: 4.6895308 out of 5
Keywords: Bugatti, Chiron, Veyron, Divo, Vision Gran Turismo, Bugatti Chiron, TheStradman, Stradman, Supercars, Hypercars, Exotic Cars, lamborghini, Centenario, LaFerrari, Pagani, Supercar Vlogger, Vlogger, How to make money, how to buy a supercar, Real estate, Mo Vlogs, Tanner fox, Jake Paul, Casey Neistat, Faze Rug, Cleetus mCfarland, streetspeed717, Tj hunt, Vehicle Virgins, DDE, Daily Driven Exotics, Doug Demuro
Id: cKSLmFoszwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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