Test Driving the Koenigsegg and Bugatti.

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typhoon number 42 has descended on ohio oh my goodness gracious welcome here to home sweet home ah yes it is early it is cold and it is rainy but ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel welcome back to vlog and welcome here to beautiful columbus ohio if you're new to the channel my name is james i have traveled the world i've scoured the world chasing the most rare hyper cars we've been to hong kong we've been to london monaco dubai all over america but here in columbus ohio in that garage is quite possible the greatest hyper car collection i have ever seen welcome to triple there's only 20 wire pcs in the world there's 80 regards 500 centers bro you are driving this car remember when i told you i wanted you to come to ohio and you're like why would we go to ohio in march yeah i wait i'm driving that oh yeah driving that you're driving that and i'm driving this i didn't know do they know they must not know triple f must not know i sent him an email i know i did too oh oh whoa hello three million one and a half million three million three million maybe four million four i don't even know i don't know what's going on we're in columbus ohio johnny welcome to ohio bless remember when i invited you to ohio and you're like where why well i'm going to stay home and eat cereal i made a better choice as a wise baby burlapper says best of luck bro did you call me wise uh yeah that was a mistake my chariot awaits me bro oh thank you so much i appreciate it i am mildly freaking out right now i am driving a conexera in the rain by myself so we're gonna turn the ignition on we're gonna let everything prime and then we're gonna turn it on we're gonna casually close the door right there that is so cool this car is legit a transformer and now engine start denied immobilizer active put kinky oh we got to put the kimchi we are actually dodging puddles right now i'm just following the track on that sheeran right there that car looks menacing on the road right now i'm kind of sort of getting like a little bit emotional so we're headed to marshall goldman in cleveland ohio when i was eight years old i visited marshall goldman i actually have a picture of myself standing next to a dodge viper rt10 fast forward nearly 20 years we're driving a koenigsegg regera in a hyper car tandem to marshall goldman in cleveland ohio i have no idea what side the gas tank is on this is so embarrassing what side do you know what side it's on oh great nobody knows driver's side so baby burlacker's over there driving a wider vc the funny thing about the regera you have to flex the car to fill it up with fuel check this out as we engage transformers mode so the fuel tank is right there oh you guys got 93 here in ohio oh come to utah we need this premium unleaded we only have it's garbage we got the good stuff everybody's inside right now the wider bc door is open the center door is open we're going to close the regular here real quick the car looks so crazy i just love the tech on this thing it is legit the ultimate transformer you're telling me that your caboose is sitting right there that caboose is right here on this fine leather italian alcantara when i got out the guy in the car next to me is like you didn't look that cool getting out of that car i'm like i know i think your dad just signaled it's time to go he's just revving the shield that's his way of saying let's go let's go best of luck best of luck to both of us true i don't know how to drive this car i'm gonna figure it out though i don't know now yes the regular does have 1500 horsepower but unlike the shear on it's a rear-wheel drive whereas that car is all-wheel drive we're probably going to use maybe 50 horsepower today we got johnny rocket driving the ford gt looking so smug bro you look good in the ford gt johnny needs a ford gt nothing looks quite like a bugatti shear on this mazda6 like look at that car in traffic right there what those blue wheels that car is so sick oh my goodness what do you guys think is it time to swap out the veyron for the sheer on i'm always john back and forth how this is the greatest that is the greatest i think it's safe to say this is the greatest convoy we have ever been a part of or will ever be a part of like all of these cars they're not houses they're neighborhoods burlap is gonna pee his pants right now he's driving that wider bc they are right up on that minivan i know he is not comfortable right now he is sweating like crazy i'm sweating like crazy oh oh they're going go go go go go go that's sheer on look at that thing taking off i don't know what's going on these guys got the wise idea that we should take the top off i'm the one driving it this is gonna i mean it's 55 degrees how many guys does it take to take the roof off of koenigsegg one two three four we got two cameramen that's six right there burlacker got lost though he missed the exit check that out when in ohio and 55. now we are truly living the cunning seg high life open top living so close the door and it's quite cold and windy here in the cut exactly i need that swedish heat but the swedes they don't literally need heat so yeah it's a little bit brisk now taking the top of the cutting cyber garage northeastern ohio at the end of february it seemed like a good idea it wasn't a good idea now the sun is out as stefan says tons of bugs out but in this scenario we should have left the roof on this is the most epic entrance to a car dealership ever like ever in the entire history of anybody in the entire world we are arriving here to marshall coleman with a squad of hyper cars oh my god i think you're the first ever in the entire history of the world to get out of a pagani with a sleeveless hoodie am i how's your back bro you were before gt the whole time i feel like the little engine that could back there like trying to keep up a little engine that could wait this is kind of sort of graphic uh if the editor could please blur this out blurt out sorry kids turn away we have officially arrived here to heaven on earth check this out i would not mind a 16 m scooter reel there's kind of sort of a donkey here there's kind of kind of it wasn't i think we're gonna drive it back to utah and it's right there i wasn't in your guys's faces it's oh it's not really like a real dog it's kind of a dog though it's kind of can we investigate the dog yes yes yes yes instigation adopts the kids what does that happen it depends on how this dog's there's two dogs bro there's matching donks there's two of them there's a prowler oh we got a camaro duncan you're in the prowler wait prowler donk donk yes sisters realize bear in mind i realize they're not like real dogs but they're close enough and there's the prowler this is the dream trio get a lift a button you know bro well it's a hard arduous two-hour journey but somebody had to do it so it had to be us but check this out we have arrived to the back vault at marshall goldman for a very very special delivery the only heritage blue carbon series on the planet and that's awesome bdd has it that's right that's a v6 baby with two turbos that's two more than the porsche nikon turbo s but half the cylinders have a lamborghini if there's any ford executives watching today's video what a while bye did you have to reject me for my allocation not that i could afford it but if i could have oh my gosh that color under the sun that's crazy that's like mermaid we can sell your kidneys you can get one i can sell both kidneys can i sell both i only have two kidneys i don't get 12 like you have you guys ever seen the movie groundhog's day i wish this was my groundhog's day right here i could relive this day over and over and over and over again i just drove a coney segregate two hours here to cleveland and now we're driving two hours back i might take the shirt on i might take the wire i don't really know we started this epic journey with five cars and we're taking a six one home this ford gt looks so so sick guys in the comments below if you have just one car of all these six which would it be and why i would take i'd take your hair is this happening right now are you buying a yellow prowler to match your yellow viper do you know 42 42 000. i mean look at that 41. 41. 40. i don't got 40. shake his hand i'll shake it for you yes did you just buy it all right wait did i just buy it um wait did we just buy a prowler i think you just bought a prowler that happens it happens doing a weird exchange i'm i'm passing the car don't drop them don't drop them bro don't drop it oh goodness come on i have to pedal that thing to keep it up but you got you did leg day bro you're good i'm tired i need to eat i'm not sure what sequence of events has led us to this but i'm not driving a bugatti chiron johnny's driving a pagani water bc and baby burlacker's driving a county sec this has officially gotten ridiculous what is even going on right now i am driving a bugatti chiron burlap is driving a koenigsegg like i just said those words i'm driving gushier on burlacker's driving a koenigsegg we're driving two hours back to columbus this is legit the greatest day of my entire life i've driven shirons before but like for four minutes i'm driving one for two hours i'm not gonna i'm not glad you i'm going to oh [Music] [Laughter] my soul just left my body right there oh my gosh okay a veyron is fast a sheer on i don't know what is even going on that regard looks like a fighter jet right there that thing is crazy oh my gosh you see it on the road that's the only con exec in the state of ohio johnny is just grinning from here here no way what are you doing in ohio i like your car same bro i didn't know you picked up a regera looks good you must feel good it's just another casual day here at the convenient express we've got the mclaren center of the bugatti chair on the ford gt the new ford gt the honda crx the konigsegg regera and the pagani wire pc well i gotta say 10-10 would recommend the convenient express is convenient and efficient so on that bomb show we're headed back to columbus uh first we got to navigate this little driveway kind of sort of off-roading a little bit just in case you guys are wondering we're averaging 49 miles per hour and 10.6 miles to the gallon that's not bad actually when you think about it we got 16 cylinders and we're averaging nearly a mile per gallon per second that ford gt it is so sick ford executives where are you at i want one of those cars so bad i get the thumbs up oh goodness that gt that color it's almost like a tiffany i don't even know what to say right now guys but i feel like i need to somehow capture it like my best friend is driving becoming sacred camera right now oh yeah there's a 704 gt johnny somewhere back there in a pagani and we have a ford escape that is ruining our video is that an escape well that's a hybrid listen that's a nice spec mark this day on the calendar the day that nick and i raced me and shiron and him and aguero in three two one go and we go bye-bye okay so i kind of i kind of sort of forgot to tell muta racing but i just want to win did you hear that boys oh my gosh what well where even are we we're like entering the stratosphere you see what i did there because my name's dried oh that is gorge what in the world is this us entering heaven is that what's happening this is beautiful oh my goodness i never want today to end bro how am i so lucky how is today even possible i cannot thank the triple f family enough guys check out their channel link below go subscribe to them we just went full center bugatti show and i just spit at the camera because i got so excited but can you blame me no you can't i just have so much motivation right now boys like this is incredible this is so cool and what i love about the triple f family they're just sharing the cars with everybody like they let johnny drive the pagani i'm driving the bugatti nick's driving the koenigsegg like they're just sharing everything such goals such a nice family unfortunately today is over but tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow i'm just gonna leave it at that we just drove a bugatti shiron for two hours right there i feel refreshed i feel ready to go i feel really for round two i just wanna drive this car back to utah i'm legit losing my voice because i had so much fun today how's the back that's a three million dollar baggage that's right you need a chiropractor asap all out of skittles oh we can get you more don't worry okay um wow um you put the roof on bruh oh my gosh this is not your look bro actually why'd you put the roof on that was pretty good yeah yeah wow oh are you okay we all have bad backs we all need contractors why'd you have to put the roof why do you think i chose the bugatti we're all getting old [Music] [Applause] well fellas that was quite the crazy day we just drove hyper cars for four hours they let me you and johnny each drive a hyper car it doesn't make sense do they know how they watch the videos you don't know they don't i don't know how we i don't know how we skirted by but we did now i'm looking into their warehouse right now and i could show you guys that but tomorrow yes yes yes tomorrow guys check out the link below go subscribe to the triple f collection they have so many more hyper cars on order it's ridiculous they are great dudes link in the description below but as always i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you like squad be sure to smash that like button but just like that this vlog is over add them out [Music] you
Channel: TheStradman
Views: 2,058,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stradman, TheStradman, Stradman Bugatti, Stradman Car Collection, Supercars, hypercars, Koenigsegg, Regera, bugatti, Chiron, McLaren Senna, Pagani, Buying a Supercar, Ford GT, Stradman Lamborghini, Veyron
Id: Q1UrOd3WVV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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