Meet Sheikh Mohammed Tim Humble w/ John Fontain | Young Smirks PodCast EP27

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in a demon Ashburton bismillahirrahmanirrahim Salam aleikum Salam welcome to the young smokes podcast we have a very good friend of mine sheikh Tim humble some shared wedding salaam lovely to see somali it's been a long time in a long time I remember the last time we met we was fishing well you were fishing I was watching yeah I couldn't do it I was just learning a little more sense yeah we went to my Sunday music oh yeah my send them in it's like a small corner of the UAE and all Avis my mind yeah yeah with lovely beautiful very beautiful place yeah so have you been doing anything yeah animals you going so when when we started we had just we were just I was just in a very beginning I just done a course and I had my teacher my instructor safe yes sir and since then I've been I've gone up to a few places recently the Maldives was was very very beautiful as well Angela sorry do hamdullah shake you know I started this podcast basically I'm trying to introduce the everyday Muslim you know to brothers out yourself you know to show your journey yeah you know people to get people inspired and benefit you know from other Muslims you know to become more motivated learn you know more about the basics of Islam and introduce them to the right people that sounds beautiful me like yes I feel okay so so Paula I know you've spoke about this a lot I don't want a long story I'm happy to hear that you know to say air all day but basically for those who don't know because my audience is slightly different from other people I do actually have a lot of non-muslims also follow I can see them watching you know so you've not always been a Muslim that's true yeah he's born and raised in Newcastle I was yes yeah northeast England yeah and subhanAllah you find it found this farm at a very young age yeah I was 14 years old when I became most and that was I mean it's sometimes difficult to sort of especially as time goes by to sort of put it but to remember in order and how it happened but the short version is it was it was through school through re classes in school obviously there's a lot happen before that and that kind of got me to the stage where I was interested in hearing about religion but definitely when I went into the re class I wasn't expecting to become anything I wasn't expected I wasn't looking for Ally I didn't think I was looking for a little I wasn't sort of sat there thinking that I'm looking for I'm looking for religion I'm looking for guidance but honestly whatever I heard about Islam it just made so much sense to me and it was so natural and easy to understand and it just it was just so perfect that slowly over time I think in the beginning I just kind of became a bit sort of warm towards Islam but you know I know that sounds really good I really like the way they think about things but I still didn't jump up and say let me become Muslim then as time went by it became becoming defensive about Islam so when people would start to talk about Islam negatively I'd become very defensive and I was thought you know saying to people at no that's not right you don't know Islam and then it got all the way at this point I was 14 for tell ya as this was this was yeah I either it was I believe was year 10 in in school more or less yeah might have been the end of you and I but I think was year 10 and and then obviously got to the point where I started thinking well if I'm defending Islam like that and I'm so glad that what does that make me because that even make me a muslim or does Danny and then I I sort of went home and started research and I went the internet I started paying more attention to Muslim friends who I had some Muslim friends was there many Muslims in your school not a lot Newcastle doesn't have a huge Muslim population and I was in an area of North the northern area of Newcastle which has even less a lot of the Muslims are sort of gathered in Newcastle in the West End of Newcastle when I was in the north of Newcastle which has even less there were probably in this school there might be 50 or so there was a really not fair number so the were like probably around about 50 or so and it wasn't a huge number they didn't maybe it's unfair to say they didn't give me dower they didn't they didn't directly say to me but definitely as I became more interested in Islam I paid more attention to them and then I sort of became more interested about what they were doing they weren't really practicing to be honest but they were did there was a there was a variety some of them more than others but did it happen it did it influenced me towards the end of that time of any sort of lawyer you did it yourself through I like this myself so how what was it was you Christian before did you actually believe in Christianity yeah I think I think probably I would say I was certainly brought up as a Christian mhm mix in my find mostly Church of England but some one or two converted to Catholicism and also my mum actually my grandfather on my mom's side he actually was a Jehovah's Witness he became a Jehovah's Witness and after some so strange interaction with some general agent thing happens there and got really scared and and those Javas witness who actually converted him did he go but soon when you after you study drug you know he actually passed away was very young so I was only about three years old when he passed away so but my mom's fat man was all brought up in that and then she left it like with she left it with a vengeance you know actually she didn't want to be part of it at all and then that obviously what that did is that kind of made the family nominally Christian but not really deeply practicing I think because of my mom like moving away from it so much and being sought maybe this sort of felt like sort of after my granddad passed away they sort of felt like that was a part of it and that it didn't help and it hadn't helped the family so they moved away from it you know sort of perhaps even more than what they were before thought this would become nominally Christian I definitely would say I've always broad or had always believed in God yeah probably I would have said if someone had asked me I would have said yeah I'm a Christian I'd probably been to church weddings funerals yeah that same with me so you know the thing with Christianity is that the the belief has to be taught you know it's not something that's just passed down with the fit through the end that's very very true you know every generation has to learn that belief you know and it's not it's not hmm easy there are certain laws parts of it they didn't sit well with me I mean I I don't I wouldn't say that I'd ever sat and thought about for example the Trinity I can't say that I've ever sat and really thought about it but whenever it came up it definitely it wasn't something that made it wasn't natural to me and it didn't make sense and it had to be explained like someone has to sit there and through and lay into you for a long time and then tell you that what you won't really understand it till you have faith and it's just a matter of faith and then you know one of things that struck me is when we when I first one of the first things I learned about Islam I mean the teacher who taught us Islam she wasn't she was not Muslim and when she taught us about Islam she was very factual you she wasn't very friendly about it wasn't like oh Islam is wonderful it was just like I remember when she explained the concept of God and just this idea of one God you know always has been always will be no sons nor daughters you know it just and all-powerful knows everything it just just that simple just basic like factual explanation it just sat so well with meows forget that that's that actually that's what I believe that's what makes sense and then I just thought I have to think well does that even make me a Christian now that I think but that sort of process I went through a thing yeah that makes that makes a lot of sense so how do you actually take that that was a bit that's a bit of a story I I had some misinformation so one of the things you read I don't have you ever come across this but I was I was told from well from out I'd always read that you can't take a Shahada without two witnesses mm-hmm without you know sure he did I don't you have to have like you have to have two witnesses and you have to have an imam or a copy or and in Mahara no matter what but you it was it was very it seemed very scary so I started looking for a way out I started looking for a healer basically a looki looking for a loopholes where I could get out of this thing of having to go in front of an imam and bring two witnesses because I was it like so many people when they first became Muslim I wasn't ready to tell everybody about becoming Muslim I just wanted to become them let it settle and then maybe a few weeks later start to tell people so I decided that I would just memorize the Shahadah and I would you see I didn't understand about the two witnesses that they had to be you know certain conditions for a witness in Islam right I just had an idea they have to be two people yeah so I thought I wonder if I can use my parents without telling them what it was yeah so I just came into the room one day and I said to my mom that switch off the TV for a minute I said mom I found something on the internet that I want it I want to tell you about and all I want to say to you I've been practicing something and she was like okay what go on tell me quickly using a forward to say and I just said a shadow and light either hey Lola why shadow and I mom don't know and she would look at me like what did the same thing - he's just looking like what's that and I said always that's something in Arabic I found on the Internet and that for me was enough that I look up how that happened - people do it this is so yeah that was a bit and then the problem was the biggest problem was explaining to my friends who all thought that you had to have two witnesses in the Masjid which Masjid I went to to take Shahada so this was a real problem because they were like you know I had finally told them and they were all amazed it was a few weeks later they were like oh it's amazing finally it's great you know and then wait which Imam did you go to so then I thought oh either admit I have a kind of knew that I hadn't done it in the in in what I was told was the right way so I had to sort of explain my way around it and I was like yeah that Imam is it becames really and they wouldn't drop it for weeks it was like but which Masjid was it and I was just trying to avoid this avoid the question you know there's a lot of my students a lot of masajid and you know but which he might Emily so Paula it was I'd found myself in a very difficult situation with that and really the answer was to say that you don't need anybody anybody's witness it except the last opponent Alice or it was important I mean we really need to clarify to the people because there's many people who were watching even me out when I I believed I was a Muslim without taking the Shahada yeah I was a fasting wrong I've never been so much people do that you know and but I didn't think I could be a Muslim you know as an English person it wasn't till seeing like some you know English people became Muslim but it's really important to know for the people out there you know that if you do want to become a Muslim you can you know it's just declaring it and believing in Allah to accept it from you that's it it's really really important point and it's between the two things isn't it it's that you've got that one side of the people who are really Muslim in everything except when you're making that statement and and they have to make that statement ofcourse unless they consciously saying they don't want to say the Shahada you know like they saying they don't want to be a Muslim even though they believe but an important point you raised that is you know because a lot of times you see different dour organizations and things like this as soon as they become a Muslim they put their pictures and videos online and these people are about to go through the biggest test of their life you know like you said you didn't want to tell everyone in the beginning you know it's an sometimes you don't you know your parents you think your parents gonna be happy for you but it's not always the case most of the time it's not the case yeah you know so I advise people not to tell anyone in the beginning especially like non-muslim family you know to get the basics of Islam you know well I totally agree that just take it take it slowly because now when you tell someone it's not even whether they're happy or not it's in you're gonna be questioned you know about a lot of things that you for me were my born I told my parents my mom sat me down and she wanted to know a lot of things that I didn't really have the answer to and that wasn't because I wasn't sure about Islam it's just that Islam is very very its vast and it governs every part of your life and to be grilled like that and you know sort of an interrogation type of thing like well what about this in Islam what about the sensor why do you do still women Islam and what about it since time and I'd just become Muslim I knew estamos the truth I was totally and utterly convinced by that but I didn't have the answer now if I'd had enough knowledge to say that mom I'm new in Islam and I don't really have the answers to everything let me go back research it and come back to you rather than tell you something but of course I didn't do that I tried to just there was humble humble answer I doing it I just and it did make it made a lot of difficulties for me with my parents later on because I said a lot of things that weren't work just weren't true like they weren't they weren't correct but I was just trying to find a way and you see that sometimes a lot of CC as much as Muslims when they get us things about Islam and they don't know the answer and the first tendency is just to say something relatively then sounds right or it's relatively convincing but it's it's a huge problem it's far better for a person just to say you know I don't know the answer to that but I there is an answer Islam will would give you that answer but I just don't know it how did you maneuver around that the festivals are Christmas Easter birthdays like from and how did it change as you progress I think that I don't really remember in the very beginning of becoming Muslim what I did but I far as I remember I was that was one thing that I was pretty strict with straight away I pretty much said to my mom that look I'm not gonna be celebrating Christmas and I don't think I said it to her when I became Muslim but I think as I became Muslim I became Muslim and as far as I can tell I never wrote the date down as far as I can tell around the end of October sort of maybe beginning of November time so when Christmas slides get near me I don't know the first one I don't remember at all I just have no recollection but I remember pretty early on saying to my mom that look I'm not gonna do Christmas and I'm not gonna do birthdays but we have to eat so all my Christmas presents you're gonna give it to me on one of them and all my birthday presents you're gonna give me give it to me on the other and I don't know whether I just tired my mom so much that she just was like okay how old was she when when she found out you are you actually a Muslim so in my family's interesting dynamic my mom makes all the decisions and sorry for asking these personal enormous I can put not at all not at all a burden any like it's no problem so my mom makes all the decisions and my dad is very quiet and very reserved and it's just just generally very patient and reserved and calm so obviously I told my mum first because I was after school or something like that I told her and she already guessed before that she had said Tim can I ask you something I said yeah go for it she said have you become Muslim I said Muslim what are you saying so where'd you get that from and I and then after that I came back to her maybe week later or two weeks later and said you know Mom you know that day when you said about become Muslim well I have and she didn't say anything she said we wait for your dad to come home and to be very to be fair to them they were they were very they were very they were very fair with me and they didn't they did they didn't make it very difficult all but they sat me down and you know my mom sat my dad down and she said look he's told me something his tummy's become a Muslim and I want to know what's going on so sort of you know I'm on one sofa two of them are on the other sofa and my mom said scorning what's this all about so I still 14 and I was 14 and I said to my mom I might have been six weeks after I became asleep I said to my mom that you know I want you to know that I'm not being forced in fact I didn't even have any friends tell me you know Tim's you become Muslim I this is something I did for myself and and I tried to address what I thought maybe some of their concerns would be this is sort of pre 9/11 right so this is before Islam is really notorious for a lot of things that have nothing to do with Islam at all but that media frenzy and that media attention wasn't there so I had it a little bit easy I think if it was after that it would have been extremely extremely hard there but before that I had a I mean there were some negative things said about Islam there had been some things happened in the news but it wasn't at that level that it was post 9/11 where the the spotlight was on a slab like that so I just said mom that you know I'm not doing something crazy I'm not going off to do anything daft I'm just you know this is what I believe and and then they started to try and pick it apart a little bit not really in a really horrible way but they just started say well how can you believe that and then my dad my dad sort of different to my mom my dad's is very my dad's very much into philosophy and he's quite well-read and you know he was quite like well I he's got a brought more sort of philosophical sort of thought or arguments and things like that well you know how do we know that this is right and so I didn't really have many answers I tried my best but I just sort of muddled my way through it and the end result was we've never been able to tell you what to do you just you're very headstrong you just do that you want so we're not going to tell you what to do now but here comes the condition no preaching in the house because we're not having the house turn into and this is I understand completely where mom's coming from that she lived in a house of Jehovah's Witnesses where preaching was just day and night everything you know was just about going out and preaching to people and she didn't she hated it and she didn't want it to happen again so she said I'm not having my house turned into a place where we're just gonna be you know preaching at each other so Lacombe dino Morea did you have your religion I have mine that's it and I thought that was great at the time in hours that doesn't that's brilliant I didn't have this idea of Dawa or even inviting my parents to Islam it was just that wow that's brilliant yeh look don't talk about stamp won't talk about Christianity we'll just pretend that this isn't happening yeah fine but my mom did give me some advice and actually the advice she gave me was fairly we mentioned it earlier she actually said that I would advise you not to tell too many people in the beginning because it is gonna put a lot of pressure on you and your at school obviously and an age where there's a lot of bullying and peer pressure and you know I would suggest that you don't tell you don't announce it to the world because I mean she her reasoning wasn't quite right she said you might change your mind and go back on it later on but the actual advice was pretty good that you just you know slow tell people who are gonna make a difference to you tell your teacher tell your friend who's gonna support you know you know tell people who might be convinced by but maybe you know shouting out to the whole world for some people it's fine especially those people who've studied Islam extensively prior to becoming Muslim there are some people like that right you know they've studied years and years and they're really confident whereas a lot of people yeah a lot of people it's it's very new for them and they're very very unsure I mean so I tell in the world just puts pressure on them that they don't need hamdullah my parents were very and still until today that they're not Muslim but until today they're very accepting and very accommodating obviously it's intermediate step towards them actually taking the Shahada disciple which I was gonna ask you when did you break the treaty oh yeah thank you yeah the Treaty of November 2000 that that treaty got got really truly broken but later on when I realized that what an obligation it was and I realized that yeah that's you know that's not gonna really work for me and and that obviously came as a transition of me learning more by slam and feeling more confident about Islam but that it put me in a big problem because obviously it put me there look we are you know we had understanding here obviously when I moved out it was a little better because that understanding was sort of like while you're in my house you're not gonna it just it made it difficult to open the subject with them and it's still difficult like they're very accommodating of Sam but we we don't have that many conversations where we sit down and say my kids are better at it actually my oldest son I told him you didn't make the treaty I made it you didn't so you go and you'd killed open it open everything you want to tell them about his life and he also has that sort of personality where he doesn't really think too much or doesn't worry too much about what people think so I said to him go for it and he's always telling them about Islam having conversations and then they come back to me and say look he told us about this and and I have a little bit more knowledge now to be able to explain it to them maybe a little better than I used to be able to when I was 14 no after you accepted Islam you actually studied you went to study in Medina I did yeah and you know masha'Allah you've learned the Arabic language you've studied a high level of mashallah especially you know compared to the average Muslim and you've actually used this knowledge in your work I know we also my own piece TV I forgot fun that was another thing you need to remember I do remember remember that until you - no I just remember that Mouse if I was Apollo we did I think 12 shows about Rocky or something yes yeah I remember I remember that complete just how about to me now I remember totally yeah I didn't remember I remember the fish I remember the fishing but yeah so how was your time in Modena how old are you in it when you went to Medina I was 20 I just turned 21 see what happened actually is when I just when I first became Muslim I went through a period of not really practicing Islam me very well I didn't know much about Islam and maybe I would sort of say in my defense that I didn't have really anyone to teach me but that in reality it was it wasn't that it was it was that I I didn't take the step of learning and I wasn't continuously learning and I always tell the new most every new Muslim that I meet that day if there's one thing that I would advise you to do after you know things like sticking to the prayers and what-have-you is just to be just continuously learning and implementing and because I wasn't continuously learning I just started to sort of fade away I was very passionate about Islam sort of in a general sense but I wasn't really practicing it day to day and when I was at I had I was at work at I was about maybe 18 19 I was still in 19 and I was at work and a friend from school who I hadn't seen for a very long time and he actually came to me and he actually joined joined the same company I was working the IT department and he was working in maybe customer service department or something like that and he came he came to see me and he said to me oh you know haven't seen for a long time how are you doing and how's everything inspiring hamdullah and he said you know we've got a new Masjid and would you like to would you like to come and and just you know we haven't seen you for a long time and its brand new mustard and and when I came to the Masjid I found I sort of started to be around good people and people who are practicing and that was the other problem about being around people who were practicing and then that sort of led me to sort of really start to want to study and the same brother or his brother the two two brothers actually the two of them together they actually came to me and said you know why don't you go and study abroad I'd love to but you know like I'd only imagined if I was working at the time but I was sort of like I don't see how that how that's gonna work is well there's scholarships available you can go there you can learn Arabic and to be obviously in Medinah to have access to the domain so I went and I tried to apply it was a crazy experience during Hajj and Hum Dil I got in and I was so sure that I wouldn't get in that actually got married so you actually traveled to Hajj at 19 I traveled to Hajj at 20 I'm assuming 20 or 19 or 20 and you're applied on Hajj and that hatch is another funny thing because I got a phone call say from from one of the older to lab in the UK who had been involved in doubt for a very long time and he said to me that would you like to go to Hajj I said I would love to but I don't have the money to go to Hajj I can't afford to go to Hajj he said would you like to go to Hajj for free I said yeah I'd love to and and they had you know those sort of blue awful Emir type things where the AMIA brings one of the princes brings new Muslims over and does you know does Hajj with them and things like that so we did that and during the Hajj I thought oh I'm gonna go to Hajj I'm gonna be in Medina I'm gonna be in Medina and these guys been telling me how wonderful the Islamic University is I'm not gonna reply so I took some documents I didn't have all the things I needed I you know the usual getting a reference getting in her ski I was a bit of a pain and going back and forward and in the end I went there and tried to apply but I was just current tautly convinced I would not get in because even the documents I couldn't even get my passport because it was with the the mitosis Nevison whatever so I couldn't I couldn't get the passport for the four to apply and I didn't have my documents and I was missing a test gear and there's all sorts of things so I was sure I wouldn't get in and then I got married I'd say okay get on with my life if I'm if I'm not gonna be able to go to medina and dedicate myself to it and definitely you know inshallah I would like to get married so got married and you know started just live in my life and then a few months later I get a phone call that your name you've been accepted and I'm like oh so Paulo like that's amazing but now what how is this gonna work and then that started a whole new journey so far somehow that's so what use are you or twenty twenty-one twenty twenty I was actually twenty-one when I went to the University because I applied when I was twenty and it was very I think the Hydra sort of a January type time and then it was maybe September and no maybe earlier than that maybe end of July August for me a lot then the names came out and then I went in I we had all sorts of problems going because the embassy wouldn't issue any visas they were just so how long did you stay in Medina and altogether six and six years in Medina and six months in Riyadh so did you start all six months and realize after that year did you start learning Arabic in Medina or did you begin before and when I knew I was going to get accepted I grabbed the Imam of one of the Mossad Yulin Birmingham and I said to him where I think I was staying at the time and I said to him I'm gonna get accepted and I don't know any Arabic and you need to teach me something so he taught me like the first three chapters of one of the Medina books or four chapters something like that we did and then so I had almost nothing and I went to Medina and then obviously started a two-year Arabic program and then I was from there so it must have been an amazing experience it was it was one of the most I really absolutely they after becoming Muslim it was it was the best experience that I've ever had no doubt yeah now one of your specialities is rookie and nothing if you always get asked this question but it's a big problem in the society especially definitely now in the West scene more problems with people who have problems of jinn but I wanted to ask you a question I mean what's the fine line between like depression and mental illness and people who actually suffer with genuine gian possession and these several issues I think that that there's no doubt that Islam recognizes the existence of mental illness aside from that which is caused by the diamond and the shape man and there's so many words for you know for example for sadness and depression you have a has a person and you have you know all of these different words for for for what what doctors might term sadness and depression so Paula I think that for me what what I what I said the way I see it is that Rukia I'm trying to sort of detached rakia from being just related to issues regarding the Djinn and I think it's really one of the saddest things I've ever seen since learning how to perform Rocky and since teaching people how to do it is that people will only use it if it's a Djinn problem just like a cure they'll only use it for a fairy jingshu they won't they wouldn't use it for for example depression they wouldn't use it for someone who has maybe mental illness or someone who has a psychological disorder or some you know a child who's maybe autistic for example they would they won't use real care because it's not it's not jinn related and for them the day they find out it's not Jen related is the day they stop reading the Quran and they stop seeking a cure from the Quran and that for me is it's the wrong approach so a lot of people ask the question how do I know the difference and I often tell them well why do you need to know the difference like why when you're gonna start that what's gonna change if you if you find it's a jinn or you find its sadness and depression or you find that it's bipolar or schizophrenia or anything else what what will change why surely that nokia would be a heart of that cure no matter what you do and so this idea of a list ish verbal Quran actually using the Quran seeking and cure from the Quran it has to be broader than just Djinn possession and no doubt the reason why it's so associated with jinn possession is because it's so effective because we don't have any other medicine that could even potentially work for for issues of jinn possession you know we don't have there is there is nothing else so people sort of like okay I can't go to the doctor I can't take a pill I can't get anything from the pharmacy I have to do rock here but in reality I would love it if people said I'm not well I've tried maybe a brief you know maybe I've her headache and I've tried some paracetamol and didn't work okay I think I think that I should read on myself or my child has a temperature I think I should recite on my child that would be so much more it would be so much better and it would also produce a song a much better result than people just having this idea look is it gym possession what isn't it and if it isn't I'm not going near the Koran and rukia and I think that's that's not the right way of dealing with it very nice advice of Allah never never thought of it that way so far ah yes it doesn't really matter the approaches and then obviously if it turns out that it isn't you didn't you know you're doing the right thing right you just more of the same and obviously you might you might and change some of what you're doing it might make them know specific I'm one of the point people towards your series actually on YouTube you've got a series on a quite extensive detail series on rockier and I have a new I think the one that I would advise people in a very general way like is the one that we call the simple guide to self Rokia something like that that one is just a 2-hour about two-hour video and it just goes through his on youtube yeah and we sure to put the link for everyone is watching but basically it's just some it's just a very short guide I think this the long series are on they were amazing to record I I loved recording it but the only difficulty is if you have a problem or you or you just want general information okay there's a lot of information it can take a long time to go through that and maybe you would go through and get to the end and say okay well what do I will actually do right now yeah so for people actually want a very brief overview of rope ear wax you just want to just practice it right now today tomorrow then the two hours sort of summary simple guide to social games pretty and when I say self okay I don't always just mean reading on yourself but more about Rukia without the Rakhi without brilliant professional you know dedicated or practitioner to read on your reading on yourself reading on your kids read no husband reading on his wife or wife weeding on a husband not sort of that's the other thing and you have senior advisors quite a lot more so and I think there's there's two reasons for that I think on one side it's very very hard it's it's it's almost impossible could you imagine a hospital which had no nurses no junior doctors no you know no pharmacist you only had the the top consultant you know and everyone has a cold has to go to him he's gonna be way way way overloaded you couldn't run a medical system like that you have you know your first call to your pharmacist then after that you might go to your GP then after so you have to have levels of expertise and and at a basic level when you're not well you self treat right like that you go and buy from you go to the pharmacy or you go to and you buy medicine to treat yourself with and I don't see why we were in fact if we don't do that for rocki rocki I would just not work because you have this huge burden on five or six people in a country who have this massive burden on it it can't possibly do it effectively that's one thing and then on the other thing like you said the presence of these charlatans liars you know people magicians and not just magicians just people faking things you know people just taking people's money for I've seen people taking people's money for you know for taking hundreds of pounds for reading pull over be robbed bill fell up on them three times and he's taking two three hundred pounds and I'm thinking well you could have done that for yourself like you've lived outside of the UK for a long time now you spent time in Modena he lived in the UAE would you ever go back to England yeah I've actually the last lusts sort of few months I've been spending a lot more time last couple months I've been spending a lot more time in the UK and the moment I'm sort of probably spending more time there than I am elsewhere for me yeah I don't know what I feel like I kind of live between the UK and Dubai and I always have it's always be it's never been I mean maybe my house might be last year my house was in Dubai and this year in the UK but it's I'm still splitting my time between the two and I travel a lot so you know I I mean I I really enjoy being in the UK obviously there are things that makes it make it difficult like to practice Islam there there are not it's not as easy as being in a Muslim country but I do I do miss the country I miss you know for example whether I like and the weather in England I love the weather in you guys have a crime a personal I'm a winter person I love the snow and cold and rain and the yeah life I used to travel when I was in Dubai all the time I should specifically for the winter to the UK you know like I just I'm a person for the Newcastle I love the cold cold the wind in the rain and I'm done with the weather the UK so far a little hard so yeah I mean living outside of the UK can you tell us some of the benefits especially with raising children and also some advice on raising children you know especially in that if you can give some advice on raising children in the West as well yeah I think definitely living in a Muslim country is a completely different experience there is no doubt about it and I think just one thing you can point out just hearing the Adhan I mean five times a day and having a Musti that's on your doorstep how many people for example in the UK can say that I mean hearing the Adhan almost nobody how many people can say that they have a message on their doorstep very few I mean there is obviously some but generally people will be travelling quite a distance to get the message era and they won't be going there five times a day it makes such a huge difference and there's another thing that I feel I was filled whenever I come to Yui is you just feel so comfortable being just being yourself being a Muslim because there's a Muslim country and while in theory there's a little lot of non Muslims but at the same time they recognize that this is a Muslim country and therefore it's me behaving like a Muslim and being like a Muslim and you know just be mine or self dressing how I do and whatever that it's not strange to people here and you feel very comfortable with it and definitely having your family my wife feels very comfortable with you know her new car band I buy and what have you in you know in the UAE because it's just it's totally normal nobody nobody finds it to be strange in the UK it's very different Newcastle is obviously not a place where there's a lot of Muslims there is no Muslim community but it's still pretty strange and I don't change really how I dress or anything so I still wear my my phone when I still go around so I I do feel that a little bit and the difference in the UK but in terms of children I mean where you start children are a huge responsibility and a huge investment right so the responsibility that you have for your children is is is immense it's an immense responsibility and we know the hadith cool-lookin Brian Roku console and a variety all of you are shepherds and every one of your going to be asked about your flock at the same time it's also a huge investment because of the hadith is a matter for Adam and kata I'm an 11th Aleph a person when a person dies all the all the deeds are gonna finish except for three and the last one is volatile sorry honey a ruler a righteous child that makes to offer you saw it then the biggest investment and the biggest responsibility and they in children are like a sponge right they absorb everything and when they're in that environment away you know when they're in an environment which is is surrounded by things that are not allowed and not right they absorb some of that no doubt and we are means adults too but you see it in the children more because you see that innocence and you see it become tainted and corrupted by by the environment they're in their friends they have the school they go to and that's not just in non-muslim countries even Muslim countries if you send them to the wrong kind of school and the wrong kind of environment the wrong kind of friends the same things happen that's why in Dubai we're busy working with the young kids and trying to help them to you know sort of change themselves but you see that you you see it so much more in children you see that that sort of that they if you give them the right upbringing and the right direction it's Parliament those kids will will there's no limit to what they can achieve by the permission of Allah and that's what Toby is wearing the idea of nurturing and it's super lights it's the more it's not like anything else because it's it's a job that doesn't ever stop hmm it does I mean it doesn't it's 24 hours a day 7 days a week almost forever or as near to forever as you can get it just it's just you you're always in that role of trying to nurture them and guide them and struck them until you know you part basically until you part ways I mean you've worked with the youth in the UK and in Muslim countries would you say there's a huge you know difference between night the the the worst level of a Muslim kid in in a Muslim country and yeah you know I mean like this is so many doubts and and problems that they have no which I don't have it simply don't exist in the Muslim country I think one thing I see in here in Dubai is that generally the difference being the cause of the kids to go astray here generally the kids know their religion generally speaking it's not out of ignorance it's not because they've never seen a Masjid or never been into a Masjid it's not because of you know that they they didn't know or they got confused by doubts and and sure Baha generally speaking the main thing is it's just I know it's wrong but I do it anyway kind of thing that's the problem here in the UK it's much more the issue of you have kids that really are are really cut off from their religion you know completely almost their friends are and the level of what they're doing is also not the same I mean we have kids the kids who sometimes come to the camps hear that as long as it's some of the more more Northey ones you know the ones a little bit more naughty they like if I if I transplant them and put them in the UK they would be considered one the best of it like easily my wife reception in Kuwait and it was it was a secular school and the worst thing they do is like maybe go to the cinema you know and and and all that and then Kuwait the cinemas like that they edit everything anyway yes that's like the worst subhanAllah and when you look at the UK yeah definitely definitely I mean we had like kids with you know I don't like it as an example you know the worst do some of the some of the kids bring it in like a cigarette sand things like you like and in the UK you've got some of these kids dealing drugs you know we're not talking about like you know we're talk about that they've you know they tried an e-cigarette or something like that you've got kids who are who are involved weighing gangs who are drug dealing with stabbing other people and over here you know the worst of them is the one who brought a little you know of a cylinder or something to the camp you know so there's a big difference there's a big big difference you know if you know brother Lee from Newcastle I know Lee very well he's a lovely boy it's been pushing me to try and do like a series on you know because I've traveled quite a lot so he wants me to basically present every country as a possible place to kind of be beautiful you know kind of weigh up the pros and cons and you know kind of how much it is to live there work and things like that that was that's why I'm kind of asking about that would be these sounds yeah definitely I think I think it's a really really good I sure I'm gonna be amazing if you did it maybe pushing about that in the future yeah we could do a Dubai or we can do a UK do you want to shake I'm gonna let you go just like along via touch a pleasure just and it's a pleasure seeing you again hopefully we'll go fishing again are in the shelter he'll be shot okay be managed
Channel: Young Smirks
Views: 17,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tim humble, young smirks, new muslim, revert to islam, isam, english muslim
Id: xMS5p4DuHfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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