Meet Robert Herjavec in Conversation with Barbara Corcoran

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like to remind you that the taking photographs and use according equipment are difficult if it didn't uncle please say it's going out design photographers hi good evening I'm Natalie Cohen and it's my pleasure to serve as the assistant director of nine to I talks on behalf of everyone at ninety two I thank you so much for joining us tonight we are here to celebrate the newest book from Robert Herjavec you don't have to be a shark creating your own success if you haven't already picked purchase your copy of the book I encourage you to do so they're on sale in the lobby and Robert will be signing following tonight's program we will also have time for your questions following the conversation please write them down on the note cards that were handed out to you and our Usher's will collect them midway through the program and now it is my pleasure to introduce our guests and notable sharks our moderator Barbara Corcoran is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country she went from waiting tables to starting the first female owned real estate firm in New York City which grew to be the largest real estate brand in the business we are thrilled to welcome her back to 92 I her subject for the evening Robert Herjavec is the son of Croatian immigrants who fled communist Yugoslavia over the course of the evening you'll learn about his childhood his growth as a dynamic IT entrepreneur and his secrets from Shark Tank we can't hear wait to hear what they have to say so without further ado please give it up for Barbara Corcoran and Robert Herjavec we've been having a heck of a good time backstage I've been flirting with Robert knowing he's got a gorgeous new wife and then I don't have a chance so I could talk to him dirty to whatever I want he doesn't care very nice to be with you Robert thanks for doing this Barbara good evening everybody Wow we can't see anything cause the lights there's actually people out there Barbara this is so different than Shark Tank oh yeah yeah we don't see anything we don't see anything it's a big old camera well we have 45 minutes for questions and answers and I wrote 45 questions I I ignored all the ones his PR company gave me because I thought they were so pouring but that only leaves Robert like 45 seconds for each one so let me start with what he's dying to tell you about which is his immigrant story I've heard at least 5,000 times on the shark tank they always edit most of it out but he wants to tell going Robert tell us about the boat you came over Barbara I talked about the rats I have to eat on the boat on the way here as long as you make it short I don't care what you told ya no we always make fun of I was born in what was a time communist Yugoslavia and my mom and dad and I came to Canada on a boat with one suitcase I can't tell the story anymore cuz Martin always makes funny she's like oh my god if I have to hear that story one more time but it's true and you know we were like most people were just immigrants to this country and made our way mm-hmm now what about your dad was he your role model was he a tough data easygoing dad you never really flesh out the story more than that did you love your dad did you love your mother I love you Wow it's like hard-hitting no not at all just no I still he's curious I think I was like most immigrants I was really embarrassed of my dad I hate to say it you know he wasn't a very he didn't take me to a baseball game so he was a typical immigrant he thought his job was to work and put food on the table and that's what he did work two shifts most days and walked to work and you know back home in your Slavia he was an entertainer he loved to sing and that I don't know well I didn't like any of that but and he was very good at he was a great singer and I don't know how I didn't get that quality but when he came here it was really hard on his pride because he had to sweep floors in the factory and it I think it really hurt him his whole life is really hard on him but as I got older and you know when I was younger you're embarrassed because he looks funny and he had this big thick accent he talked like this anyway he would always wear this red I'd like this black babushka type hat that they wear in Eastern Europe even in the summer Oh God and I was like it's a hundred degrees outside is my head cold and but I learned to appreciate got older how hard he worked and give us that opportunity and really drove me for many years well I would say knowing you and I've known you for seven years I would say if I had to rattle off three dominant traits interesting enough I would say one would be you're a hell of a good dresser and perhaps that's a reaction to your dad's babushka thing no I just I'm just wondering I would say that you're probably the hardest-working man I've ever met you never stop working I mean you certainly play hard but you're such a hard worker got to believe you got that from your dad I did yeah absolutely and I think you're a phenomenal entertainer you're entertaining with on TV or TV so what did you get from your mother love biggie you know it's funny we're doing a lot of interviews today and somebody asked me what's the greatest thing you learn from your mom and I've learned love and humility because when we came here you know when we were back in Yugoslavia we lived it you've never heard this story but it's we lived in this little village with dirt floors and Kim and I actually went there but I didn't know it was poor because everybody lived like that you know it just seemed normal but when I came here I went to school the first I didn't speak the language I wore the same pants every day because we didn't have any money they were always clean my mom washed them and kids would make fun of me and you know beat me up and stuff my mom would always be there with a big hug and she would say I love you and then one day when at a really rough day she said to me I go oh I'm you know I hate it here I hate it here and she said no one in life you will ever meet will be better than you but you are no better than anybody else and I always taught me about humility all right well I would have to differ with you because I do know another part of you how many sports cars you own that you lived in the biggest house in all of Canada I think I think this humility thing I don't think you got that one ah no no no no you know what Barbara I love to play at things I do and I I am as excited about getting a new car today as I was when I had no money I'm as excited about my new Rolls Royce or Ferrari as I was about my 1987 Mazda rx-7 in gold where the door wouldn't shut and if I went around the corner actually had to hold the door because I was afraid it would open and I have this incredible joy about things like that and I always think I couldn't afford any of these things I how great is it that we get this opportunity and same with the show how great is it that we get to do this TV show and inspire people oh my god that's not a given that's something I think we will appreciate every day absolutely all right now we're going to move right on to you're a great interviewer by the way I hear it I've never interviewed anyone my first time losing my virginity was Robert tonight never interview you're so talented okay save it for the suckers so tell us how you sold yourself on your very first job because selling is such a large part of the book and I don't think I've ever heard anyone describe better how important the act of selling isn't anything we do in business or in our personal life I think your book is hugely effective in conveying that but tell us how you sold the first guy I'm hiring you that was you start well thank you for those comments everything I learned in that book and in sales was nobody taught me I did it all wrong and then I had to learn from it you know and Daymond I have this talk one time that we're saying you know will the will the smart people will the strong people get farther ahead now we think it's the people that are more adaptable and I think I've always had that skill that I'm not really that quick but when I put my hand on the stove and it gets burnt I learn I don't do it again or try not to so what was your pitch to that guy you sat down he said hey hire me why why did he hire you so I'm sitting there and I actually was in the film business you don't know this story actually I did or you know that a hunter turns to and I produced the Winter Olympics for Canada when I was like 19 or something it was a big deal and my head was this big but I couldn't get a job so my roommate Steve who has a master's in computer science and a doctorate in math went for this interview with a computer company and he didn't get the job and so I'm complaining how I can't get a job in film he's complaining and he tells me the starting salary is $30,000 this is way back Wow and I'm like what so I called the guy out by going for an interview I'm sitting there and this was the former head of IBM Canada he's starting this little tech company and he's looking for employee number one and he realizes really quickly have he says do you have any sales experiences no says to have any computer experience I said no and I can tell he's he's kind of getting up slowly to to leave and I said but you have to hire me and it looks something said but you have to hire me I said I'll do anything you need people to answer the phones you know people to unpack boxes I'll do it all and so he's halfway up he's like now you have no experience I say I'll tell you what I'll work for free and he stops and he says kid if I hire you for free I can't depend on you and today I have a lot of confidence back then I didn't and somehow I mustered up this confidence and I said his name was Denis Denis Hummel I said Denis you can depend on me and I put out my hand and he put out and just before we shook Kansas in one condition six months from now if I can do the job you'll pay me what you would have paid me if I have the experience how I got my first job so the downside of that story is great story so I leave it I'm like wow I got the job I'm like holy crap how am I going to pay for my rent so I left that job interview drove to the fanciest restaurant in you in downtown Toronto got them to hire me as a waiter and so I waited after work until 2:00 in the morning to make enough money to pay for my rest why are you yeah and you say that that business many years I think he didn't leave it there for many years I ended up running the entire business no surprise you know it was great it was a great learning experience that's always tell kids when you're in your 20s never take a job for the money always take the job for experience you only get one or the other you never get both right yeah that's true I really think when you're young either get the experience or you get the money but it's hard to get a job when you young for both well go for experience oh-ho always yeah bro shut up what you had to do me or what I'm curious now what was your what was your first job I was a playground supervisor on summer in the summertime when I was 11 I was a good one really and that's yeah were you very organized your final question i'll stream lisa all right in the book what i found more interesting in the main storyline or the very well expressed lessons along the way we're little nuances that left me pause and wondering here's one of them overcome I'm quoting you Wow did you really write this book overcoming the dark corners of our personality that make us insecure is the key to being accepted and you're very convincing argument is you need to be accepted in any sales situation you need to be accepted for who you are if you're going to sell anything so what do you mean by overcoming the dark corners of our personality that make us insecure is the key I think that people see us on the show and they and people say so all the time must be great to be you you know you have no fee here you're confident it's easy and I always think no matter how big you get the difference is those insecurities for me never go away I mean I wake up and I'm scared of this I'm scared of that I worry about this or that I wallow in my own misery some days can I think the difference is how long I let myself stay there I think when I was younger it affect me for days now I just don't have the luxury of that time I try to limit those darker moments into you know small boxes found it fascinating when you tell me when you realize that your marriage was going to end and how distraught you were about that that you went to your local priest for advice because you were feeling depressed and so shocked over the whole ordeal and feeling sorry for yourself I read between the lines but you marched over to Seattle Washington and you signed up for serving homeless people in a mission and then you later went on to describe how that really helped you get over your own pain there was that I wasn't sure I got why that worked and you know I know it did you know I don't want to make it seem bigger than it is and makes me sound really wonderful you know I have to be completely honest with you I only did it out of pure selfish reason sure you wanted to heal yourself and I want to believe in us and I was very honest with a friend of mine his best friend is the priest who runs all the homeless missions in the state of Washington and he went there and he said oh how great that you're here to help others and I said at I said no I'm you know I that's great I'm just here to heal myself and I just felt like if I went I was so low that I felt if I went and hung out this could make me sound awful I felt if I went and hung out with people who were worse off than me God that sounds awful you know I think sometimes you just need to feel like you're the ability to affect someone else's life I think when you feel that loss that you have no hope or you have know that I felt like I had no VAD you to add to anybody amazing you're running a big company you have beautiful it'll drink but you know I felt like I need to be around people who were really lost and I thought maybe in that I could help I felt if I could help another human being it would help me which sounds really awful and selfish and it was but it was an incredible experience and I'm really glad I did it I was just I had never heard that I mean that's a great story to tell on Shark Tank instead of the other one you know which one I'm talking about yeah yeah yeah but you know here's the amazing thing I learned out of that so you would think that and this was really not a fun place it really dark with people who were abandoned and homeless and addicts and a recovering program and I was there for a couple of weeks and you would think that it would be very negative and you would think it would be very dark but I learned there was so much joy these people were so happy to have a place to sleep or to get a meal or to know that tomorrow they were going to have a roof over there because every night you have to line up to see if you're going to get into the main so there's no guarantee that just because you're sleeping under a roof today that you'll get to tomorrow and it's incredible I it was completely the opposite of what I expected it was a lot of joy I'm surprised we're going to move on to a very joyful subject Kim where's Kim she here stand up and let people have a look at you baby my first question is when did you fall in love with Kim and tell us why put it in the context suddenly you're going to be on Dancing with the Stars tell us a little bit about after you tell us when you fell in love with Kim tell us about the prep work the hours of dancing what it really took how you got in shape before that when did you fall in love with Kim when I first saw him I was scared of entire experience I was so petrified and I really didn't I mean I was like a deer in the headlights I mean she's beautiful and I noticed that right away but I was just so scared of the whole experience I thought what am i doing why am I here and then we have to go for a ride in the car and she was supposed to interview me and I ended up asking her questions you know how we're already in on the show or she was my first they're going to do the very first day when we started rehearsing and so we're driving down the street now how nosy I can be so I started asking all these questions and I realized that she's beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside and she's an incredible woman and I fell in love with her in that moment right there I mean she just made me believe about a future that I thought I would never have and in that moment I knew it would be there you go now she fell in love much later I was be meet in my life there was a lot of selling between that hole and then that was my line I was going to deliver okay well I bad news for you she never felt why I always say that is my testament to what a great salesman I am because your she is today I think women would stand in line to marry you Robert I differ with that for those cars you have all those houses you have no problem what was the biggest challenge of Dancing with the Stars with the sheer physical necessity for formance anxiety and you had never danced before I would think you're nuts but whatever each of their own well it was really hard people don't realize how physically demanding it is what people may not realize is Shark Tank ABC buys 35 episodes Thursday we have more episodes than any other show on network television and we film 17 days that's nothing Kim and I were on the show for 75 days in a row we rehearsed 8 to 10 hours every single day I mean it was really really hard I got into great shape in that but you know the hardest thing and I learned this from Kim on the at the beginning I said how does the audience and how do you know when someone can't dance you know what Kim said she goes it's in their eyes really gosh let's get kill up here you sit down these are people that can't dance are lost they look everywhere and they don't have any confidence and so that was the hardest thing is trying to learn the steps stay the routine not let her down and try to sell myself to America very hard and how many actual episodes were you want we were there we only missed one week we got really far I know it's shocking is it you know first day I met Kim and the very first day of rehearsal Kim won to know what she was working with so she says so Robert you're at home the music comes on show me how you move and I was like what oh come on oh yeah and I said I don't know what you're talking about I wasn't a dancer but now I am let's switch over to shark Jay when did you realize I was your favorite shark now I know I'm not I know Lori's I see it there's a magic between you and Lori that really makes me upset well it's me you know it's not I don't know if that's true you were you and I were there since day maybe you never flirted with me the way you flirt with Lori well you never I never got to sit next to you you you wanted to change seats and sit next to Mark Cuban because he has more money Absalon any smarter than you do you remember that first day when we started filming we sound like old folks no I don't excel oh the first day yes was so scary it was so you know so Kevin the mean bald guy and I we did the show in Canada and so when we started filming the first day was Kevin Barbra Damon myself and a guy named Kevin Harrington Kevin yeah and so we were all sitting there five of us and Kevin and I did the show for seven years so they say go first picture comes out Kevin and I are like bullets yeah no problem and everybody else is ready first guy comes out Kevin's like ba and I'm like blah blah blah and the other three are like but you want to know what's very interesting I don't know if I've mentioned I must have met you too I didn't know that the two of you were experienced sharks you just thought we were so good better you were so much better than instantly well and you know what happened at lunchtime I said to Damon I said hey Damon I don't know about you I just know we're going to get fired we're terrible at this no it was sincere and Damon said now you're the token woman on the token black our job I'm speaking of dating is hard what people don't realize is people always think that we you get a chance to speak that's what they guess sharks always say to me it's so hard like when is my turn to talk yeah because we don't give you a chance knock you got to learn how to jump in you got Elise is very very good at that no I'm not just you are know I'm always trying to jump in you're ignoring me no and I have a bone to pick with you later okay now Damon John this is what I find so curious a perfectly smart business guy a lot of money in his pocket able to invest very much tells it like it is good judge of people I just think he comes with a big package but despite all that why why are you laughing I haven't answered question why haven't you ever invested with Damon what's what you don't shake on your mind what's the scoop on you don't like this guy I don't think nose be honest be honest I'm not too sure of that okay okay because we're really you know we're really good friends and our daughters are really good friends all right the big beauty never invest with me I want to know why I don't know I've invested we do I am of course I have invested with Lori with Mark with everyone with everyone but coming up I'll sit here and barbara's you're right I don't like you oh I was enjoying man oh this is nice so why do you think he has investment you feel offended and injured by this yes I mean we went in on whole bunch of five-shot deals but that's true that's true that doesn't count why does it like that selecting you to be his partner it's a whole different gig yeah I think we go against some of the same products you beat me on a couple of that that longboard remember that yeah yeah you've been yelling couple I don't know that is a good question maybe I like you too much you know was with Barbara I have no problem calling her and being mean to her yeah do you guys still collaborate on deals I tend to not want to do deals with anybody I don't know about deals yeah we I think we will learn that the only reason is I feel it's not that we dislike each other but it complicates the deal with us we have our own group management groups we have our own vetting process we have our own attorney and Mark Cuban just gives everybody all the money they ask for right away okay and never call out I'll never forget we had this deal I did with Mark and my teams on the phone with the pitcher and his team is on the phone the pitcher and we were going to give them six hundred thousand dollars each to buy inventory and upgrade the factory and the entrepreneur says I changed my mind I want to use all the money to redo the website 1.2 million and my team is like ah that's ridiculous Roberts never going to go with that so we get off the phone we go to call mark and marks already giving her the money that's rich yeah yeah you know um I remember him saying well you know I keep my people employed or all the people that work on the deals and so the Billy Blanks deal you know when he when I go out to get Billy and so darling fearless yeah it was great one and Billy couldn't clear the name so Marc gave them all the more exercise coming yeah yeah but I just quite a market more than mine I took the credit for it so it's just really nice to have Marc around remember that gig that we did with Marc where was a large amount of money I don't know $100,000 or something like that the heat investor no help for uh he was speaking was like 300 I only one paid more he doesn't even answer the phone so I said come on down and and and do the gig it's for a great foundation he going to do the gig that's background a number of the Sharks are doing the gig together and he didn't want to do it right will you be good enough time Barbara says on stage we don't get paid as much this guy one says oh we can pay for this they send mark the bill it's a foundation they send mark duh they send mark the invoice to say invoices for $300,000 he sends them three hundred thousand dollars they call back and said I swear this guy sent two three because it was a charity he thought that he had he keeps okay that kind of gotta start sending our invoice that's right Barbara yeah that's although I think I want to put my name on a charity yeah that's what I'm gonna start sending my wedding bills to it there was another deal that I actually valued how cheap you were about it because it saved me money we invested together the first year we ever invest in but I increase company of some kind Greece for a bike great names my Sparky yeah right great great name great product two great young entrepreneurs a woman who was a dynamite and a sidekick that was so so anyway we were born into her right and then she made an application to get a scholarship to graduate school and got it and called me up said I'm sorry even though on Shark Tank she said I promise you I'll never leave you within a month she was gone you know and she said she got the scholarship and I said I'm sorry Robert looks like I'm gonna lose the money because they're sidekicks a clunker and and you said wife that's not the deal I signed up for I'm asking for the $50,000 back ask for money back and he went NASA money back and I said quick call it back and say I want my money too and I that are we good money the only woman back that we are talking to me right yeah okay all right well I'm supposed to be moderating even though now I feel like just having a beer injury with you guys like usual I didn't want to crash on one I want to listen to it as well I'm excited I'm very tonight about the baby as well she's really good you know that Damon just had a baby girl he has two daughters already almost grown I would say yeah well I didn't have the baby someone else's yeah then Peters are the or baby yeah beautiful we would say that no matter what that baby look like no we would again they both were there right right out the next day I get you with only people we allow in the room really there's probably her mother and my mother that's it yeah I was there as I was leaving Barbara was coming in yet yeah great night great night for all of us all right so so going back to your book because that's what this evening is really about even though we have an uninvited guest here you clearly don't believe in predestiny and I'm going to quote a phrase in your book that stopped me and made me think when we arrived on this earth this is your words you wrote the book right when we arrived on this earth UBL we begin our lives we can't control where we land oh sorry miss I mistyped I type myself there's many arrivals at our bond the show yes it does that you'll remember yeah when we arrived on this earth we begin our lives and we can't control where we land if we work to control where we go every step we take on our own as a measure of truly the kind of person we are I don't get it what were you talking about I thought whoa this sounds amazing and I thought what's he saying but I know it's important you know I I think it's just then I think all three of us I think it's the journey that we get to people always want to get to the end result I think it's the path that we take and all the little things are do along the way and but you don't feel that when someone's born just their happenstance in life what they're born as who their parents are where they live doesn't predetermine most of what's going to happen in their life you think after that it's the steps you take individually that determine odd I think I believe I know this isn't true but I believe I'm in absolute control of my own destiny I believe I'm responsible for everything that happens to me I know that's not true and I know that crops going to happen and bad things are going to go this way and good things that way but I control how I react to them and if I would have believed the opposite I wouldn't be where I am today I'd be in a little town in the middle of nowhere I mean what other choice do we have if we don't go out and make the most of this opportunity and I think that's our nature I think as human beings we want to do better I don't think anybody wakes up and says I want my life to suck you know I don't think that right I think it is human nature to want to do better whether it's for ourselves to buy a nice car take care of our family whatever the reason are they so you're saying that people don't say I want my life to suck but we become what we think about most of the time are you saying that if they convince themselves that no matter what life will suck because it sucks for this person sucks for that person we can't get out of our circumstance do you believe they convince themselves that life will suck that's great point I think we're a function the things we think about and that's why I try to be very careful with the words that I use you know because I think the subconscious is so powerful that if we if we wake up every day and say off I have to go to work I have to do this I have I try to always say I have the privilege of doing this like we're launching this book I'm super tired I was up at 6:00 this morning you know what it's like and I try never to complain because I think I've really worked my ass off to be this busy and I have to tell you something the man really does my oldest story not therefore I'm just gonna want to ask a question about this really great work okay look what I all got my oldest daughter my oldest daughters a competitive ballroom dancer she's very good yeah I tried dancing with her and I don't have I don't have the drive or discipline to dance with her and to see what you did I with our schedules I I really can't imagine you doing that I'm curious I mean I may have missed a little bit cuz you know like it was late but you don't have to be a shark did you explain what that meant do you know what Damon I really resent because let me take that mic from him really fit it's all question I'm going to ask I just want to know the theory of it it's a great question and when I overlooked why don't you ask the guy so what is the thesis on you don't have to be a shark is it not everybody's going to be in that position or is it you really are a shark you don't just have to you because you're in control of your life oh no no one else it's not multiple char bro I'm talking like on the panel you go ahead Robert you know under the thing I find on the show is a lot of people and if you this happens to you guys a lot of people come up and say oh you know I can't start my own business because I'm not pushing enough and I wasn't born like that I'm not aggressive and you know I can't be like that and I always think you don't have to be assured you don't have to be pushy you don't have to be something you're not I think you have to be able to stand up for yourself but it's okay to be nice you don't okay to be nice but you don't think someone any entrepreneur starting their own business has to be pushy and aggressive I know those have negative connotations I don't happen to think they're negative words I think there's a difference between a pushy and firm I mean I think it's better to be nice than not but you have to be careful people don't take advantage of you just because you're nice doesn't mean other people are going to try to manipulate you you have to be wise that way but you know when I started out in sales I'd know anything about sales so I just tried to be nice I try to be the guy that people want to do business with and people who say to me you don't know anything about the product you really don't know that much about sales but my gosh you're a lot of fun every time you call me there's a smile on my face and I to be perfectly honest you're like the wolf in sheep's clothing I don't know if that's true oh yes I've competed with you yes you're slick as they come you got those baby blues and blah blah blah and then you take the deal like a living with you you know what I believe what do you believe with all the entrepreneurs that I've invested in that have done well they've all been very nice truly nice people good people coming from the shows you do invest in those people with all the people I've invested in that I lost my shirt they've all been very nice really nice people but I think the dividing line is their degree of hood spa hustle push determination not feeling sorry for themselves which you refer to earlier and so I feel I'm going to have to write a book to compete with your book in spring it's going to be called you do have to be a shot to create your own business there you go what do you think Dave well Damon I don't want to go too much more the time when listen David has a great book called the power of broke and when I went for the photo shoot for the book they said you know wasn't happy with the pictures and I said and Damon looks really good on the cover he's like this he always looks so cool and me and I said to photographer make me look like Damon ya know yeah and I said I don't look mean you know because you don't have to be a shark all that is beautiful yeah I drink in it I think we're going to turn now it's a 46 we're going to turn to the audience for questions so I think we have questions that people already handed it always going to allow the audience to raise a hand a shadow question to if anybody has any yeah I want to I want to read the really good and then get to the others why does the panel out kevin o'leary to be so nasty to them everybody wants to know that right do you think Kevin's nasty yeah is your panel and I'm just here I I think I think you know you what you see is what you get yes I think Kevin is really blunt yes and he has no problem he is the guy that when you go for dinner and you know your steaks not quite done the way you wanted it but you feel bad for the waiter you don't want to say anything yeah healthy like I say take this stupid thing back like he won't even think about it and I think he comes across that way you know what I think I think Kevin is a great actor more than anything in person I would have to rank him probably the nicest shark as an individual out of the group he's a pushover he shakes when his wife comes on the set no he will investigate was any stupid business truthfully if he likes the person and so I think he's just a phenomenal actor in plays a big guy tough guy thing that's what I do I think he says honest I think he says sometimes what's really needed you know there are those individuals out there who will mortgage a house sell order the house you know have their whole family depending on them they're doing it for a vanity reason because they purely just want to be this in that and they have a lot of people at risk and Kevin is the one who will say you know those people that you say you know maybe there's a chance to make in all the hair it is going to make it Kevin no is it I'm not you're not confusing what I said this sucks stop I think that if we didn't have the Kevin and you can't help wishing them luck with oh good luck knowing they're never gonna make yeah Kevin close no kill yourself but don't you say it's a to don't you think he goes too far sometimes don't you think that he puts the I mean I've had all TV I've had incredible arguments with him both on camera off camera because I think sometimes he puts the people down I think there's a line that he goes beyond sometimes and it really bothers me your mother is great for ratings remember yeah I don't I don't normally see him put somebody down to me I see him put down the dead meat to me desta said you did to me your dare not broach ya know I feel he says cockroach he goes and he even says when he got into a certain business he was the cockroach of that business meaning small comparison everybody else I mean listen I I don't live my life like that and I wouldn't do that but that's just okay so we've concluded we don't like Kevin okay next one do you ever broadcast if your rejects I assume someone means by that rejected entrepreneurs that we don't buy into make it big do you ever broadcast that yeah they do yes yeah always yeah always I like it yes we hated it sharks because we reject sell we lose love really believe that they're not going to succeed and then the production team follows up finds out their big winner and they go and film them how insulting for us hate that yeah yeah but it's unreadable like it at home yeah we're wrong a lot okay please talk about how running has inspired you I was going to say but I don't run but I forgot this is your show how inspiring I love to run I've been running for many years I find that the busier I get the more I need to exercise it just I'm a pretty hyper guy and it just calms me down and I know it's going to sound really weird but running for me is really hard I don't enjoy it I've never looked forward to it but you're always happy when I see you coming back to the hotel after work whenever I finish that run I feel like I've accomplished something and there are days where I feel like the entire world against me and if I can get just that little win it makes me feel better and if I can win a little bit every day I can keep going okay good answer next week do you think that following your passion is the biggest indicator of success following your passion what do you think no you're not asking about me you're on the spot tonight I think a lot of people confuse passion with an industry I think that's true mayor when you say industry what do you mean by that well so I'm a pretty hyper guy and I fell into the computer industry once I fell into it I found out oh the computer industry is really hyper it changes every three years there's a lot of change that suits my personality I see a lot of kids say oh I don't like this industry unlike that industry I think you have to find the things that you're naturally good at and then find an industry that applies to yeah but I think that's true I think if you're not passionate about something you're gonna have a hard time working 23 hours a day what do you think I absolutely I would add that I think passion is overrated has been my experience because my passion about roaster no couldn't kim crap about real estate wasn't i think but what i was there i don't believe i that's the truth somewhere along the way you fell in love with real estate somewhere along the way I did not and this either sure how could you work all those hours and not love it because I was in love with finding great talent nurturing great talent managing salespeople motivating them putting on a damn good party or a sales meeting designing my offices to make them look like spas putting my face in magazines and marketing the crap out of myself love you love managing you love leading people wait why are you telling me what I love because I find it hard to believe you didn't love real estate I feel safe but I just told you and believe it or not it's up to you okay but let me just say to you of my point was in now working with so many of these entrepreneurs in the many years we've been on Shark Tank I think passion is grossly overrated - Rochelle Rochelle Suarez's you don't like the lobster guys love no a lobster I think the winners are passionate about what they're doing maybe not their product always like my product was realistic but I thought my real product was salespeople I was in love with salespeople okay but to the point to be very direct I have invested in a lot of businesses where I've lost my shirt and they've lost tremendous time and money and they're extremely passionate about their product or they believe but they were dead wrong nobody else was passionate enough to pay for it and that's a problem well so I think it's overrated I you can be passionate but you can't be blind well you have to humble enough to know when you're wrong yes right I'm anybody or not but they go to blogging along with great passion what are you in the wrong about pressure yes it's your petals okay all right all right Robert into a barber sorry Damon you're not even on how involved you get in the businesses you invest in and how do you have the time to help run them I'm going to ask Damon first because this was written before you arrived so you're on on the spot I'll just ask how I'm very bald obviously and we have a tea you'll have different styles Joe I'm very involved and I have a team that works with them on a daily basis so brand managers that are hired to facilitate and/or be the you know be the liaison and then somebody was a licensing manager and it's only who's a retail retail manager who converses all that so you act as a mentor do you feel like you're their mentor guiding their guiding their hand as I go yes I am in some cases but as you both know you know it's kind of like um they believe they may need a shark and many of them when the honeymoon is over and are you're telling them something that they may not want to hear like no don't spend that money no don't go over there and to retail then also they couldn't care less about what you're saying true Robert how about you it depends similar you know we have a team of people to work with in our daily basis some of them we really like and you know like the tip sales guys we've become friends and I think I'm a mentor to them in a certain way but it really depends I mean I've just gone back to one of the investments that makes flowers now and we're trying to get involved with them flowers as in growing flowers yeah because I've learned how you know I have a wedding coming up and flowers can be you cheapskate you can go s for free free is such a strong word but we like to be involved what about you let me just warn Kim listen up Kim this is who you marry I love to be involved with the good ones and it's a I know I like to be involved with everyone until I find out that someone's just not going to make it and then I'm very impatient and get the heck out of there because you have limited resources in your own right but I have to say that it's interesting it took me many years to realize this but I feel like my smartest entrepreneurs my most successful entrepreneurs always ask my advice as though I have something to give and I feel very flattered by it they'll come and say what would you do it's like Oh what would I do and then they do exactly like they want to do they ignore me and I've learned to notice that that's an indicator that I've got a winner on my hands because I think that's part and parcel of the entrepreneur personality to see counsel but in the end they do exactly what they want to do it's a sort of headstrong thing that I've learned tied up you want somebody who's strong absolutely it's going to ignore you next one in your first book driven you talked about the importance of saying no why are we talking about your old book this is the one we want to buy here when is it acceptable to say no and what is it acceptable to say no just now you're in sales obviously yeah that's one of the things I always try to teach my salespeople good sales people look for yes great salespeople find no entering that objection around you know time is the most limited resource we have especially in sales especially when you work in a commission type of job it's more important to know when you're wasting your time we have a term in our industry that we call happy ears good salespeople have happy ears because they always hear yes even when the customer is giving off no and is never going to buy from you they want to waste time they want to buy lunches and they're happy that happy years I'm always saying look for the note and in my business is the same because in fashion you know a buyer a store never won to say that they said no to you because in the event that you go up and do well so they always say you know I'm not sure if we take it into season try these colors do this they give you a job to come back you'll keep doing that and every buyer is a out of work designer so they're always gonna want to design your line so you have to find them you know that's what I find in in Hollywood you somebody said to me a long time ago there is no such thing as a bad meeting in Hollywood well sit because everybody loves you it's always a great idea and nobody ever says in the event that you end up going somewhere there now we're gonna say I didn't say no it just wasn't the right time yes it is and of course most of the meetings go nowhere at all it's true all right well this will be our last question with two minutes left and I think it's a good one to end on by the way no name on this I'm glad I am here listening to this into you versus watching Donald Trump versus this is mrs. Kelly megyn kelly megyn kelly I would buy those mrs. Meighan gun question if you were to start from scratch again today what industry would you invest in as a young entrepreneur I think they probably meant what as a young entrepreneur what industry would you get involved and I would think but I think if I started again you answer it however you wanna go what if if I started again I will get into computer business and I love I mean I don't a you know good size cybersecurity company and I love the computer business because it is brutally based on value nobody cares what you did yesterday I go to meetings I tell people all these great things I used to do and people don't care and then nobody cares what you did before it's all about the value you can add right now you don't think that's true of every industry I don't know I think in fashion you have a brand you can you can get a certainly way would you say that's true yeah I think I think your theory sucks does yeah I want them to know what I did in the past okay it will work towards the future because what if I'm not on the cutting edge at that moment but they know that I have the fundamentals of business and the fundamentals of this industry to then sooner or later get another bite at that Apple if I apply myself right in our industry if that happens - you're not the edge anymore yeah when you're done you go back that Andy Grove who founded Intel has a great saying in our industry which is only the paranoid survive paranoid was that oh yeah and I'm very paranoid I think Olin was a dessert question your most favorite moment on Shark Tank your most memorable I hear bells they call Whitney though are we getting married right now everyone's invited everyone come my favorite moment on Shark Tank don't like it serious this is like an ending type answer you know probably the first day of filming really yeah it was such a fun exciting time for you not for Damon tonight yeah I thought was might what was yours I would say the time we had that weird old guy with the Bluetooth device in the ear whatever because he was so scary and I was so frightened I hadn't been that frightening since I was like eight year so that's my best memory actually how about you Damon uh-oh my mine is when they had that um that spray of vitamins or something like that that's what people hate to take pills and robber being is you know the robber I call robber like the gomer pyle of the show so happy and goofy and and so Laurie says how she you know she obviously has fallen pills and Robert says to her so let's say Laurie who hates to swallow and they Cuban lays on the floor literally on ha that was funny and I would really know these things it would yeah now he's a fun moment yeah now congratulations on every graduate wonderful conversation
Channel: endurbendur
Views: 122,189
Rating: 4.832685 out of 5
Keywords: Robert Herjavec, Barbara Corcoran, Daymond John
Id: 0XSPaCjf3v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 1sec (3361 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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