Robert Herjavec - How Rich People Think 5+Things They Won't Tell You

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we're back robber is here I said at the top of the show I am the super fan of the show it is our time we're lame enough to only do one thing on Friday night and nobody's lame that watches our show Jeff come on you know what I mean it's like Friday night and our date night is Shark Tank and we sit on the couch and we this is what we do we pause the show with our kids we pause it when they first pitch you and we say who's in anybody interested then they pitch you a little further and then before you guys decide you know how you're gonna mix it up we guess if you'll like it or if cubed how often are you right uh you know it depends you do you guys do tend to like certain things we do we're pretty unpredictable sometimes sometimes you think that we're gonna go for something and it's completely out of the blue so who writes the check in your household it's advised if we buy something well it depends which one of if it's the kids we say how much of your money would you be willing to invest but there's six eight eight we'll say something like a hundred million dollars I say okay you don't it's like my daughter my 14 year old daddy's he a billionaire you know she thinks everybody is a billionaire today that's part of the problem with media you know I think that people watch our show sometimes and they think it's really easy but it's really hard it's really hard but you remind me that in America and this shows on in many countries you're on the same version in Canada it is possible you have to work and you do have to have an idea but it's possible it's possible and you know I was just talking to Marc about this I think one of the things that scares me about America today is that success is becoming a dirty word I make no apologies for my money I make no apologies I make no apologies for my success you know my dad came here with nothing and I came here with nothing and I knew mean nothing oh my friend I mean nothing and and it was really hard and what a great country America Canada that you can get to where I am today you know I wake up every day and I think isn't this great I was happy every day as I was the day before would you be as happy if you weren't worth millions and millions of dollars I'm a pretty happy guy yeah you know I think that's one of the keys to success I read an article that the difference between successful people and people that struggle are successful people exude joy Jeff if you're not a happy guy and other people don't want to hang out right why would they hang out with right if you're miserable and nobody wants to spend time with you how are you ever gonna get ahead yeah it wife's from playing well and you know I think about that a lot when you think about just the simple thing of smiling in a day when how it changes your day I remember when we were really young this lesson was taught to me by my dad and I kind of had a miserable day at school cuz you know the kids make fun of you you're an immigrant you're poor and I came home and I was feeling sorry for myself and my dad came home it's gonna sound so melodramatic he walked a couple miles to the factory I was a blue-collar guy and I came home II just stood there and I was complaining about my day where were you living uh we were living in like a and oh this stage would be three times the size and a little Carson hears him oh my gosh oh it wasn't it wasn't Pleasant and my dad was just standing there and I was complaining and feeling sorry for myself and my dad looks at me and says never complain you should always be happy with the opportunities given you and that was it and so you you know if you feel back in all right we have a lot to talk about including the arguments that they get into on the show whether or not they're real because many times they are battling to buy into something like this real soccer shoes their Sarge all right we're gonna take a break we'll be right back with more you know it's funny when I was growing up everybody said that to me it's not what you know it's who you know is that true we are here with investor and shark from the show shark tank am I saying your last name right Herjavec you know the proper pronunciation will be the only guy who ever hear this on TV is actually Harry Ovitz but my dad came to the customs agent and the guy said what's your name my dad said Harry Ovitz and the guy looked him said nobody will ever bills say that from now on your name is Herjavec really and that was it and your heritage was shifted a little right there's a little bit but yes you're saying you're right okay so on this show there's five of you sitting there and you all like there's four other people on that show hey and you all have this money and experience enough that you could invest if you wanted to so a guy comes up or a girl and they pitch their their their product sometimes it gets there it appears to get very heated it does and it's it what most people don't realize and I'll tell tell your audience is most people are in front of us for over an hour really it's five minutes on the ship five minutes on the show we know nothing about them we don't know their name we're not much money they want we don't know anything that surprises me I would figure you at least had a little bit of a note about something know it's real it's real and and yes it's really our money none of my friends believe it's really our money we know nothing about them but we're writing those checks it's really our money and so okay best I I'm guessing so the problem is the guy comes out and not all of them make a lot of money but every now and then some make a lot of money we had a guy last season come out chordbuddy I remember for the guy came out for the guitar to try to play guitar in five minutes it's fantastic so before he came on the show Prada cost 39.95 him and his wife at their kitchen table were selling two to three on a good day nine months later our sales are approaching two million dollars we bought a factory in Alabama we employ 20 people now that is oh yeah and we just hired John Rich from Big and Rich to represent the product so that one erases a lot of ones that don't make money is there any part of this that Mark Cuban was on the show and he said you know part of it honestly just I'm not the first shark to be on your show will no I'm okay all right but only because he's friends with one of these executives it's not what you know it's who you know to you huh there you go but we didn't talk this much about Shark Tank we just talked about you know he wasn't on near as long as you either okay you're the only guest you know it's funny when I was growing up everybody said that to me it's not what you know it's who you know is that true so that well so there I am I'm 18 years old my dad works in a factory sweeping floors and my mom's our receptionist so if the key to success in life is who you know I I'm in trouble so I said to myself I don't believe that I believe I got to go out and become the guy that others want to get to know it's all about what you make of it well one of the things that Cubans said to me it might have been on the show or off the show is that part of this for you guys is a little bit of philanthropy in that if there's somebody you believe in and you're not sure and the investment isn't a lot but you might take a flyer just to say you need a shot and I can give you one I I love that I love that about our show that we can change lives for people so absolutely for me I can't disassociate myself away from the investor I mean some of the guys like Kevin or Mark can be pretty cruel and cold about it but but I can and I love the fact we do that for people we had a woman in the first season called grill charms and we did an investment there and it changed your entire life really it's wonderful but what's up pretty much what's the percentage of every ten that you invest in how many of those might so it's a great question everybody's different when I invest I expect to get my money back so I'm pretty involved with entrepreneurs like when chordbuddy went to Canada to do the shopping channel and QVC I went with them like I worked really really hard for my money when I give it to somebody on a speck to get back all right when we come back we're gonna see what Robert thinks of some entrepreneurs that we have here in our studio and maybe we'll be able to go in on something together or we'll say in the words of Shark Tank for that reason I'm out well I'm happy to write your check oh you're not you may not invest at all we'll see we'll be right back you
Channel: BigSpeak Speakers Bureau
Views: 73,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Robert Herjavec, Shark Tank (TV Program), Author of Driven, Author of The Will to Win, Herjavec Group, Entrepreneur (Profession), Keynote (Type Of Public Presentation), BigSpeak Motivational Speakers Bureau
Id: T2TAfk3cRH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2015
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