Using Anchor Points and Generators

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hello and welcome to this new substance painter video today we are going to focus on a new feature introduced in substance painter 2017 dot 2 which are the anchor points and more specifically how to resolve another problem that you could have had in the previous version so in order to showcase this what we are going to do is to go to file open sample and open with map that you may already know so once it's loaded you just we're going to focus on the head so just click on solo in the texture set list to isolate the headlight like this and then okay so the program is this one sometimes when you want it to paint so first I'm going to pray to metal on it so first of all I'm going to cook like a blue PVC and then some rest and like that and I'm going to create a black mask because I don't want to rest to the everywhere so to isolate and put it just on the edges like could you can crater the mask directly at a generator in the generator I just choose mg mass generator yeah so you see that it start doing something and then I'm going to tweak it a bit so I'm going to put a bit more contrast like this I'm going to choose maybe texture to influence a bit defect I'm seeing like that and maybe contra okay so let's say that's something I'm sorry satisfied with the problem is this one is substance painter is made to to paint some details as well without corral specular really if it's a trap but the when you were painting the the relief it wasn't taken in consideration the the general generator so for example if I add a new painting layer here and I make making sure that and just I just have the the normal map channel activated I remove the pressure on my Wacom and I'm going to choose a stamp like say this one for example okay so I have my mood something like this a stamp like that so okay have a nice time but you see that the edges are not taken in consideration by the mask editor here so before the latest version it was possible to to do something we had a rocky walk around which was to export the normal map of this project then we imported place it in the texture settings in the normal map slot and then we take all the additional map by using this feature here so it was working but it was very painful for many reason the first one is that first all this process is a bit tedious and second if you want to paint new details or to remove some details you have you had to do redo or the process so not free in that freehand indeed oops sorry [Music] or some reason I remove the normal map so ready to add it okay so here it is - to feedback yeah maybe babies we okay this for example okay just making sure that okay have something like that okay so that was tedious so now with the the new anchor points you can solve this problem easily just by doing this what is an anchor point is actually something that you can exit by doing right click on a layer whether it's it can be on a mask or on the material directly and at the bottom you can do add anchor points like this and you can give it a given name which is my really painting zr1 okay so the you here I just created a reference to this phone so which means that the content that is painting painted here can be accessed almost anywhere in the soft in our case we are going to use it with the math generator to do that we have introduced Schuster to new step in the generators which are at the bottom so first you see that there is a micro details section which is here which allows me to activate the details for the hive or for the normal normal horrible but for them and if you continue to scroll down you have to you have no to texture slots for the micro normal and the micro high so in our case what I'm going to do is first the bottle at the top here I'm going to activate the metronome app so you see that it starts to do something even if there is nothing so far thing is just take the regular color and I'm going to replace you see that here you have the resource but your success the mail and you have our anchor points that were just pretty then you see that sulphide doesn't do anything why because you have to specify which channel you want to reference so I'm going in our case to take the Nam 11 now you see that it works which is very fine but we still have a problem imagine that painting days I'm very happy but for some reason I want to add some information in a new layer over first you can check that if I'm coming back here if I let's say I'm going to do something like that you see that now as long as it's on the same layer it's taken in account no problem but if I had if I add a new layer here I'm going to change the normal I'm going to put something like that and if I paint this you see that you can see it here but it's not taken in account which of course is a problem so how to solve this so in this specific case the trick is to actually create a new layer like let's say this one and in this area what we are going to change for asks let me think about that we are going to make sure I think I can do it with the fillet away we're going to try so in this field layer what I'm going to remove is the color let me tell the ref and I'm going to leave just the height and the nominal maybe never kiss just the nominal and what I'm going to make sure is that if I go to the nominal channel here I'm going to change the mode to pass through which is here so what does it mean it means that when you go to pass through what it does it takes all the information below as the content of the layer so it means that everything that you are painting output below will now be stored in this layer and that's really of course for interesting so what I'm going to do now is to create an anchor point on this one and I'm going to call it from you know Cobalt it's no mistake thank you okay and now if I go back here I'm going to go to the reference I just created here okay boy and you may choose new anchor point and once again you have to define to say okay I want to connect on the nominal map and now you see that I've taken the relief phenomena information of these two layer and I can add another one I want and paint on it look so you see that it doesn't work because it's a ball but if I move it below now it's taking an account and you know this one is useless I'm going to delete it and that's actually it what you could do if you want is even mum it is no we are going to stop here because it's now so don't forget that you can do this you can even say you know what I would like to be able to eat up paint height map on a normal map below so in that case you can say okay take this fill layer I activate the height map I go here and make sure the height map isn't that's true as well so fine doesn't do anything and I'm going to go just here like this okay and I'm going in this new year here I'm going to change a bit I'm going to activate height map so it deactivate a normal map and activate height map and I'm going to use this for example like that changing this and I'm going to fit like this so once again you see that it's painted but it's not taken in account I just making sure here ITV both height and normal and now I go to the mask editor again in the settings I go down I make sure first that the mic returns micro high is activity and then I go here I go to the micro hive heb the same anchor point when I say this time in this anchor point I is normal okay I want the pike map to be taken American and now you see that it's taking in account just here in the height map so just with one fill layer here I can remain it like anchor constant good cop contempt sorry for the French accent so just with this one you can reference all the the room painting that you could have done either in the normal map or in the height map it will store everything that you have put below so that's it for for this tutorial I hope it has been useful the anchor point can be used for many different situations this is one of them if you have some recommendation if you found new ways to use the anchor points don't hesitate to - to expose them them in the comments so maybe we can do a new video thanks again for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Views: 62,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Substance, Substance Painter, Substance Live, Substance Designer, Sustance Source, texturing, texture, textures, ndo, ddo, quixel suite, megascans, painting, unreal engine, unity, pbr, physically based rendering, mapping, 3d art, materials, procedural, blender, generation, mari, the foundry, autodesk, maya, Allegorithmic
Id: LCud1p6lnCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2017
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