The Richest Royal Families in The World

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one could easily see that being ultra rich is not the worst thing that could happen to a human being in fact most people enjoy having everything they desire god knows why however even the rothschilds raisos musks and gates of this world can't have everything well except for these 10 royal families they are the exception that proves the rule with vast wealth and political power they are among the most influential people on our planet here they are the 10 wealthiest royal families in the world number 10. house liechtenstein if you're not from austria or switzerland you'll have a hard time finding this small principality on the map liechtenstein occupies a tiny stretch of land 5 miles wide and 16 miles long across the rhine river in the alps the state is cuddling between switzerland and austria amidst the steep alpine peaks this tiny country is one of the richest in the world and its rulers the liechtenstein family are among the richest not only in europe but also in the world with a net worth of around 4.4 billion dollars most royal assets are in the ruler's name prince john adam ii of liechtenstein being a ruler has its perks since the family pays no taxes on its colossal income from the family-owned ltg group bank in addition the prince controls a vast portfolio of high-valued properties among which are castles and palaces across austria and the czech republic number nine house maktoum dubai the makhtum family has ruled the emirate of dubai for about two centuries now they turned a piece of desert wasteland into a paradise for the wealthiest during that time during this transformation the family accumulated a vast wealth worth 19 billion dollars the richest among them by far is the head of the dynasty and the ruler of dubai sheikh muhammad bin rashid al maktoum while his business flare quadrupled his wealth over the years the sheik knows how to have fun as well when it comes to his son the apple doesn't fall far from the tree hamdan bin mohammed bin rashid al maktoum has a vast collection of golden cars with some unique models that however is not the most extravagant vehicle in hamdan's garage he has a fleet of ultra luxurious tanks apparently they actually built such machines for the rich oil magnates to joyride in the desert number eight house alawite morocco this is one of the oldest families on the list with their origins dating back to the 13th century they have been ruling morocco for the past five centuries and naturally that turned out to be one pretty profitable gig the moroccan royal family consisting of 19 people has a combined wealth of more than 20 billion dollars the lion's share of them belongs to the king who on top of all his investments and business ventures gets an annual salary of nearly half a million not bad for attending ceremonies and waving to the crowd this generous compensation however covers only half a month of the maintenance cost of the family's palace in fez the operating budget of this lavish manner is estimated to be around 960 thousand dollars one palace would be enough for most kings but king mohammed iv has a dozen of them worldwide with an average price of around five hundred thousand each number seven house bulkier brunei brunei's royal family of house bulkier has been in power for about eight centuries despite british and other occupations during that time they've done an extraordinary job not so much for the country and its citizens but for themselves the bulkiers are worth around 30 billion dollars and have some pretty unusual taste even for extravagant royalties not many people would pay 21 000 for a haircut the sultan of brunei however definitely loves his hairdo or at least he tips very generously among the more outrageous purchases of the brunei leader is a 400 million dollar private jet which he decorated with another 120 million dollars worth of gold how this machine keeps flying is truly a miracle these expenses may sound a bit excessive but for a man who earns 147 dollars every second they're just small change number six house aduliadej thailand the thai royal family is led by his majesty bhumibol aduliadej their vast fortune of around 60 billion dollars has been acquired mainly thanks to the crown property bureau nearly half of their assets go through this holding which operates the royal money the royal family was highly beloved in thailand but not since bumabol ascended to the throne his frivolous lifestyle extravagant purchases and borderline insane and outrageous behavior have pushed the country to seek a democratic change for example boomibol spared no expense when it was time to say his final goodbye to his dog the pet funeral stretched over four days and cost several million dollars the king also spends a fortune on himself and cares little for the governing of the country number five house windsor the united kingdom the british royal family has long ago lost their status as mere royalties and have become something like superstars the queen and her weird hats have become part of pop culture the royal family has a combined wealth of over 88 billion dollars most of them in real estate in great britain the family's portfolio has around 10 billion worth of properties among which are prized palaces like windsor manor and buckingham palace typically when it comes to royal families the king or queen are the richest members however with the windsors the case is a bit different the richest among them will never even climb to the throne the queen's 500 million are just 10 percent of her great-granddaughters 5 billion yes princess charlotte who is still only six years old has astounding wealth thanks to her parents making her a baby fashion icon you wouldn't see the british royal family ever flash out their cash they're treated like royalties of course but unlike their more extravagant colleagues from around the world they don't have golden cars groundbreaking warships turned into yachts or dancing zebras who can recite god save the queen while juggling hedgehogs and balancing on a giant ball or at least they don't show them number four house nahin of abu dhabi the abu dhabi royal family led by his majesty sheikh khalifa bin zayed al-nahyan the family is worth around 150 billion dollars and as you might have guessed the primary source of income is the oil trade the family owned several seven star hotels as well as the tallest building in the world burj khalifa in dubai as you might imagine the nahin family doesn't live in a barrel in the gutter but in a lavish palace filled with all kinds of luxuries the royal palace of kassar al-watan costs roughly 2 billion and is the biggest one in the world covering an astounding 380 000 square meters with billions of dollars worth of property yachts cars and planes the abu dhabi royal family surely knows how to live the rich man's life number three house of thani of qatar sheikh tamim is the current youngest sovereign in the world at age 41. yet he leads the third most affluent royal family with an estimated net worth of around 335 billion dollars of course the main source of income is the exports of fossil fuels still the family has a vast portfolio of properties in the uk and even has shares in the empire state building in new york thani has invested heavily in prime industries and is a major shareholder in car manufacturers like volkswagen as well as other luxury companies like barclays and tiffany and co the qatar ruler certainly knows how to live large the family resides in the royal palace in doha worth more than one billion dollars the palace has several ceremonial and residential courts within that's not all however interestingly the qatar family owns more property in the united kingdom than the british royal family the thani family has spent billions on luxury and class with an extensive collection of cars planes and other luxurious items as rumors have it they even bribed fever officials to allow them to host the world cup finals in 2022 knowing how honest and unwavering the world soccer officials are i don't doubt this is actually true number two house of al saba of kuwait the al sabha family has ruled the country for the past 300 years and has accumulated a vast 360 billion dollar wealth in the process today the head of the family is the emir his majesty sheikh sabah al-ahmad al-yaba al-saba though a large portion of their wealth comes from oil exports the family benefits significantly from assets worldwide especially in america they have been strategically purchasing ever since the 1980s and today are paying vast dividends the family is famous for its lavish lifestyle their lavish lifestyle includes exotic animals and other luxuries not many can afford the family has turned their back on culture though they financed a 775 million cultural center which by itself is a piece of architectural genius inside there is an opera house theaters libraries and conference halls that's how you manage to preserve your culture while enjoying all the western luxuries you can get your hands on number one house of saud of saudi arabia with a vast fortune of 1.7 trillion dollars they are the richest royal family in the entire world and they certainly don't hide it saudi arabia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world thanks to its enormous oil reserves while the 1.7 trillion is a colossal number it's extended to about 15 000 family members which diminishes its value a bit still the royal family has extravagant taste and certainly knows how to live a luxurious and classy lifestyle for the saud family if it's not golden it doesn't deserve their attention this includes golden yachts cars and furniture i wonder if they have a golden bicycle their property portfolio is as big as one could imagine owning prime real estate in france the uk and worldwide the family has been well known to overpay for everything they want the most recent purchase that caught everyone's eye was the record-breaking price they paid for leonardo da vinci's salvator mundi the 500 year old picture cost 450.3 million dollars now what would a muslim family want with an image of jesus christ is anyone's guess still mine is that they try to divert their income from something different than oil export it's a brilliant move on their part which shows that their fortune is not simply because of the vast riches of the country they rule but because of their sharp business minds and smart investments these were the 10 wealthiest royal families in the world which one surprised you the most let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed this video make sure to like and subscribe to the channel thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Luxury Zone
Views: 2,713,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: richest royal family in the world, richest royals in the world, richest royal family, richest monarchs in the world, richest monarch in the world
Id: 9j_Jkfyd33Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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