Best of: MTV Cribs ft. Lil Wayne, 50 Cent & More! 💎 SUPER COMPILATION | #AloneTogether

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(funky chill hip-hop) - Whassup, y'all? Big Snoop D-O double G. I wanna welcome y'all to may house. The doghouse. Slide in. (funky music) this the room where nobody get to kick it at. It's called the untouchable room. Touch on basis of untouchable-ism, you know? Talkin' to my playas, we have a proper lil meetin' right here, one playa there, one playa there, ya know. (chill hip-hop) Don't nobody come in this room either. I guess this the playa's room where we try out the game, you know. Playa's table. (chill hip-hop) Lil Snoop Dogg right here. (chill hip-hop) I'm usually in the studio or either outside on the basketball court. And that's what I usually do. All o' this area right here, is, you know, the wife put that together. Elegance and all that. Look good, ya dig? (chill hip-hop) (upbeat music) This the livin' room right here. (upbeat music) See this artwork right here? Beautiful. For the most part, we watchin' videos or movies or the kids come in and watch cartoons. The awards is cool. We tryna get some new ones up there. But I like the one in the middle. The Favorite Artist. The hip-hop and rap. '95, American Music Award year. With Dick Clark. Dick Clark a real playa. Sup Dick? (chill hip-hop) This my family right here, this before I had my baby girl. (chill hip-hop) This is me and Anita Baker after I won the Soul Train award. (chill hip-hop) She like one o' my favorite singers. (chill hip-hop) This was me and my first son right here. Spanky. (chill hip-hop) See what this sign say right here? This is not a kick-it spot. If you don't have any business in here, get out. (chill hip-hop) This is where it all go down. Where we create all the musical madness that we do. It's the wall of fame. Every gang bang homie I got come through here and sign the wall. Some o' 'em still alive, some of 'em in jail for life. Some of 'em still on the streets. But this is what we represent right here, these gangsta wrap thang. (chill hip-hop) And that's my dog Killa, rest in peace. Don Corleon, he hung himself. And that was my dog, who I loved the most. (chill hip-hop) Yeah, y'all this the backyard. And the wonderful world of Doggyland. This the lil patio area right here. (dogs barking) Where you know the playas like to kick it. The jacuzzi, the swimmin' pool. Right now I'm the best swimmer, but my uncle Junebug think he can out-swim me, he's 60 years old. (chill hip-hop) Now look at my dogs, they gon' show off for ya. (chill hip-hop) Hey Daddy! Hey! This my dog White Boy right here. (chill hip-hop) Hey White Boy! Hi Whitey! He look like Gray Boy right now. 'Cause he ain't clean. (chill hip-hop) This neighborhood is all about Snoop Dogg. (chill hip-hop) I bring that ghetto environment out here to this nice neighborhood. That neighbor over there used to get on my nerves. He used to always call the police on me. Say I've made loud noise and party hardy. I'm a young man, y'know what I'm sayin'? I was born to party, you dig? (chill hip-hop) Welcome to the Dogg House. (chill hip-hop) This is a real basketball court, y'all. But as you see we got a whole lotta room out here. It's quiet, don't nobody bother me. I need to have a palace like this where I can just relax, y'know what I'm sayin'? On the inside o' the house, there's so much energy, and it's always off the hook, and out here it's so quiet. So it just complements each other. (chill hip-hop) This the owner's bench right here. That was given to me by Death Row Records when I was on Death Row Records. I had it painted purple and gold since I knew my basketball court was gon' be purple and gold. When the game is goin' on out here that's where I sit at. (chill hip-hop) This is the section right here where we get our eat on at. Chicken wings, french fries, macaroni and cheese, corn bread. My wife does all the cookin'. (chill hip-hop) And lotta liquids, juices, pickles, butter. My favorite. (ding) Crystal. (chill hip-hop) What would life be without it? Or. Some Moet. Why not? (chill hip-hop) We keep it gangsta up in here, man. Popsicles. Lego my Eggo. (chill hip-hop) (laughing) Come up in here though, this where I be at. This where the junk food is. Ding Dongs, donuts, cookies. (chill hip-hop) Supposed to be for the kids, but I'm the biggest kid in the house. (chill hip-hop) This my baby's room right here. My oldest son sleep right now. Spanky. He over there knocked out. (chill hip-hop) Just like his daddy, he a true playa. (chill hip-hop) This my baby girl room right here. My lil daughter. Her bed in our room, so she ain't got no bed in here. She growin' up so fast. (chill hip-hop) This is how we doin' it for the two thousand Dog House office. We got big stars like Warren G. choppin' it up on the phone right now. And this the radio right here where we survey demos, people send us demos, CDs. (chill hip-hop) We listen on that radio right there. If it's whack, that's the trashcan it go in. (chill hip-hop) This the garage right here we'll be kickin' it. Smokin'. Playin' dominoes, cards. This my G wall right here. (chill hip-hop) Me and Pac. Me and Dre. (chill hip-hop) This the other lil studio. If you make a hot beat back here you get to take it in the big studio. You basically auditionin' tryna get yo music into the next room where we can actually record it and take it to the next level. (chill hip-hop) See what the signs say? No food or drinks in the studio. Now look. Look right here. Look how they pay attention to the rules around here. That look like food and drink, don't it? I love by my house errybody follow the rules. (chill hip-hop) This the old school Batman and Robin Riviera the Navigator for all the playa haters. And this here's my girl right here. Annie May. My five-deuce Pontiac. She means so much to me. (chill hip-hop) I'ma show y'all to the door. And the same way y'all came in, is the same way that we go out, I love y'all. I appreciate y'all for comin' through here. Sharin' your beautiful afternoon with me and my family and seein' my home. Y'all drive safe here, and buckle up, 'cause the police will jack yo ass. (chill hip-hop) (chill hip-hop) Cribs, this is Redman, we comin' to y'all live. Should I give y'all the tour right now? O' my whole house? How it looks in here when it's real (blank) in here. Come on. Let's go. Over here. Is what I call (blank) exhibit A. This is where I got my clothes and crap. (chill hip-hop) Got my ironin' board right here. You know, we iron on the floor in here. Y'know it's easier. And watch TV at the same time. (chill hip-hop) This is the bedroom so you know a lotta entertainment. I like to get right in in here, watchin' a lotta DVD movies and stuff. The nasty movies, the freaks, you know. This is for the freaks right here. (chill hip-hop) Over here, is what I got, you know, the walk-in closet. Hangers, and crap. Don't even worry about that. (chill hip-hop) Notice how big and section here it is, see I step in and I step out. I walk in, and I walk out. (chill hip-hop) Long as I got my video game section here, this is all that matters. (chill hip-hop) See this TV screen is straight from Japan right here, they gave me this when we opened up the Def Jam Japan, in Japan. But I keep the Nintendo and the Dreamcast. (clicking buttons) All day bro. (chill hip-hop) Over here we got the De La Casa bathroom. (chill hip-hop) This consists of a shower, you know, little Noxzema, and, you know, Herbal Essence, body wash ingredients. You know I like usin' that it keeps me smellin' good for the women. (chill hip-hop) Let's go to the music area. (chill hip-hop) (upbeat music) Yo! In this room right here, is what I like to call the De La Casa Studio. (upbeat music) In here's where most o' the funk the beats, the rhymes, ideas. Start-up. You see everything is right in place right where I need it. (chill hip-hop) Over here I got the record collection, this is my hobby here. (chill hip-hop) This is where, you know, the money generate at. So I call this the De La Casa's Money Room. (chill hip-hop) Let's journey downstairs. I can show ya the rest of De La Casa's Red House in this mother (beep). (laughing) (chill hip-hop) Okay. Now we gonna journey downstairs. And show y'all the rest of my beauty that I got, you see how the walls and the lights and stuff is all goin' around? This is really hand-crafted. Myself and me and my boys. You know, paintin' and stuff like this. It was really (blanked out) in here before that. (chill hip-hop) The vibe I'm lookin' for in this apartment is the bachelor's crib, don't even have a coffee table. (chill hip-hop) This is what apartment look like when a brotha doin' his album. Or he ain't runnin' off to the hills and buy a big crib, away from the hood. Y'know this apartment is right in the hood. And it's nice. This gives me a sense of feelin' that I can move up and get somethin' bigger, way bigger than this! I like stayin' right here in the crap. Keep me movin'. (chill hip-hop) These movies right here, just you know, what I like to watch right here. This is like my movie collection, my CD collection too. (chill hip-hop) You know, Stripes, and Bad Boys, Wild Things, I still got a X-rated one here too though. Gotta keep it real. Joe's Apartment. Y'know these are movies I like to watch to get ideas from. Prolly get ideas for my album or somethin' you know I watch a lotta movies. Me and Meth do that, that's a hobby. (chill hip-hop) Oh yeah, that's my cousin right there. He be knocked out ova here. You know, chillin' in the cup. That's Sugar Bear right there, don't worry about him, he don't even hear y'all. Y'all not like he even here. Let's go journey to the kitchen, shall we? (chill hip-hop) Over in this left wing o' the crib we got exhibit E. (chill hip-hop) This is where I got gifts I ain't give my god-kids yet for Christmas, old tour emblems you know I be savin'. (chill hip-hop) It's still a lotta crap but I still know where everything is in here. (chill hip-hop) Over here is where I keep stuff I don't use. You know how you got a shoebox o' (blanked out) in yo house, well I keep that in the kitchen. This is what I call the dolla box. If I need some money, I just run to the dolla box and go get me some bread, or some juice. What I need. You know, it comes in handy. You should keep one in the house. (chill hip-hop) These things right here. I recommend. If you live alone and you like fish, this takes five minutes, three minutes to cook on the George Foreman grill. Mm. (chill hip-hop) I like to thank y'all for comin' out to Red's De La Casa. Hope y'all seen and enjoyed yourself. (chill hip-hop) Next time y'all need to find me, just rub these two wires for the doorbell I know it don't work, and you gotta knock. It works. Don't worry 'bout the screen too. You know, it's still good. You know this is what I like to do, man. I'll see y'all next time, peace! And bring me somethin' to eat back! (chill hip-hop) - Hello and how you doin'? Good to see ya here, let's get right to it. Come on. (chill hip-hop) This is my living room. (chill hip-hop) I like to keep flowers in my house. I like to be one with the earth. I have a lot of stones in this house. (chill hip-hop) I name all of my plants. This is Big Papa right here. (laughing) Tupac is on the other side of the room, we had to keep 'em separated, you know. (chill hip-hop) So here we are in the kitchen. I always like to stay real healthy. That's how I keep this body. Keep this six-pack. I eat a lotta fruit, as you can see. (chill hip-hop) And me and my friends spend a lotta time here. If we not in the kitchen cookin'. Right, I don't even cook. As you can see, there is nothing in my refrigerator. But water. Water and wine. Keep a clear mind. (chill hip-hop) This is the dining room. We don't spend a lotta time in here. So it looks very nice and well-set. (chill hip-hop) Like the chandelier. It's not your normal chandelier. (laughing) It's kinda funky and fun. (chill hip-hop) This painting, reason I like it so much 'cause imagine this all bein' black and the artist does everything with a razor. Every image is basically carved out. This entire piece. (chill hip-hop) Now we move on to the (clap) best room in the house. This is the music room. (chill hip-hop) This piece behind me, it's magnificent. It's a portrait of Marvin Gaye. (chill hip-hop) One o' my most prized possessions is some o' my photographs. I got Charlie Parker up there on the horn. Sarah Vaughan up here. (chill hip-hop) I don't play the piano but I do have a lotta musical friends. And so they come over here to play and we just sit around here, sing, and just have a good time. (chill hip-hop) Now we make our way to the bedroom. (chill hip-hop) I'm somewhat of a guest in my own house 'cause this room hasn't been finished. We're actually in the middle of construction. (chill hip-hop) I wanna tell you guys 'bout what it's gon' look like. My designers, they've made the plans for the room, they set everything out. This is some of the different textures, like different furs, the bed is gonna be made o' leather. This is sorta how the room is set up. (chill hip-hop) Gotta fireplace in the room, beautiful chandelier ova here. (chill hip-hop) This closet over here, is just specifically for my suits. And more dressy attire. It's very bourgeois. In here. I say I collected over two thousand pair of shoes. (chill hip-hop) I don't dress up that much. When I wanna dress down. This where I come. That's where I keep all o' my tennis shoes. I collect mad Jordans. I have every Jordan ever. (chill hip-hop) So now I'm takin' it upstairs. (laughing) I'm laughin' because every time I walk up these steps I'm very cautious. Last Christmas, I fell down this entire flight of stairs. (laughing) And I stepped and I just shoop! (imitating falling sounds) Rolled down, it was terrible. (chill hip-hop) This is where I sleep until my other room gets done. (chill hip-hop) My mother designed this room. She basically set it up for me, it's real elegant. (chill hip-hop) Eventually this will become a guest room. (chill hip-hop) This is my mother's area. (chill hip-hop) She lives down the street. When she's not here, if I wanna get close to my mom, sometimes I might sit in here, and just sort of feel her. I mother's like my best friend, my heart, I love her to death. (chill hip-hop) Everything form the lighting to the textures, the colors, everything is my mother in this room. (chill hip-hop) And this is where hidden closet is. (chill hip-hop) This is my Cedar closet. Most of my tour clothing, or just clothing from different seasons I have up here. (chill hip-hop) This right here is my favorite faux-fur coat. My mother bought this for me. 'Bout two years ago. I feel like the Mac when I got this thing on. It's basically pimpin' you know, do my thing. Matter o' fact, I'ma just keep it on. We jus', y'know, roll out through, out the house stay what I'm sayin'. You see what I'm sayin' baby? (chill hip-hop) Now we gon' take a look at my cars for over here the guest house. (chill hip-hop) I have a nice car, I got a Lincoln Navigator right here. (chill hip-hop) It doesn't have the twanky-twankys on, it doesn't have the 22-inch-rims, but it's got nice sound system. And a lotta me. This is the first car that I ever purchased. This Porsche was given to me by L.A. Reid. His first gift. That back there. That's my dog right there. I call that my (foreign word). (chill hip-hop) See this is where the party happen right here. We come in, music is blastin' it's like all-out fun. Lemme take this thing off I'm gettin' hot. (laughing) (chill hip-hop) That's my sofa. Nobody sits on that sofa but me. Kitchen area. We'll make our way down to the studio, come on. (chill hip-hop) Come on. This actually is L.A. Reid's old house. I remember as a kid sittin' up in the kitchen, sayin' wow, L.A. Reid, man one day I wanna own a house like this. And I ended up buyin' his house, aint' that somethin'? (chill hip-hop) This is the hottest studio in Atlanta, for ever. (chill hip-hop) When I'm here in the summer time, we all get together, just have a good time here at the pool. (chill hip-hop) We can't really explain this too much. You got furniture, and pool. You can sit down or get in. (laughing) (chill hip-hop) This how brothas should do it, y'know, we don't have to go out in the city and have a good time, we bring the party to us. (chill hip-hop) Listen, I hope you guys had a wonderful time in the wonderful world of you. This is my humble home. Thank you, it was a pleasure havin' you here. You ain't gotta go home, but you gotta get the hell outta here! (chill hip-hop) (chill hip-hop) - Yeah, yeah, yeah, whassup? This Wheezy Wayne. - And this Cash Money Numba One Stunnna. - And me and my pal 'bout to show y'all what we call home. (chill hip-hop) - First, I got to start with the S. (chill hip-hop) It ain't a Cash Money house without a dolla sign, you know what I'm sayin'? (chill hip-hop) We got surround sound through the whole house and this side here is strictly for the pool outside. And we gon' get to that. (chill hip-hop) This right c'here look, Pimp o' the Year award, we won. Y'know what I'm sayin', comin' up out the hood. (chill hip-hop) - Pimpin'. - Yeah. Believe that. (chill hip-hop) I wan' show y'all the whole lil front, you know we got the jacuzzi. (chill hip-hop) We come home sometime, we jus' wanna chill. And we ain't want no furniture. We gon' just do somethin' different. (chill hip-hop) - Throw quick girls in the hot tub. (chill hip-hop) - And I'ma bring y'all to the master bedroom that's goes in the back so y'all come walk with me, this way. (chill hip-hop) All this whole house is connected to a swimmin' pool. (chill hip-hop) My brotha like to come chill in this room. So we got the big ceiling, you know, Slim tall. (laughing) So we got to have it space-y for him. (chill hip-hop) You got the bathroom. Which is stand-up shower. And a stand-up tub. (chill hip-hop) We don't sit down, we stand up and do our thing. (chill hip-hop) - All right, I'ma take you around and show you a few more thangs. Which, kinda a favorite spot for me is the dining room. Because I like to eat and get chubby. Gangstas don't do nothin' but get chubby. (chill hip-hop) Exotic but gangsta, you know. (chill hip-hop) We from the hood. Anything look good to us. (chill hip-hop) Errybody eatin'. (chill hip-hop) Right here you got the refrigerator. (chill hip-hop) We got the fried chicken. We got more chicken to cook. (chill hip-hop) That's my favorite thing. I drink Coke. My kidney gon' be gone by the time I'm 25. I don't care though. (chill hip-hop) - This here's the game room. This where we come play our lil games. (chill hip-hop) - I gotta show y'all this though. This is really real. Right here. (chill hip-hop) That one, money that I seen was big. (chill hip-hop) - The wall symbolize all our hard work. Wayne, The B.G., the Turf the Hot Boys Juvenile, Man Fresh. - Wayne. - And Wayne again-- - Did we say Wayne? Wayne. (chill hip-hop) - See that hallway? Look at that. Look how long that hallway is. We could play a whole football game in-- (laughing) (chill hip-hop) All these bedrooms up here is for Wayne. (chill hip-hop) - I got a girl in that one, I got a girl in that one. You cut right through here through the bathroom. (chill hip-hop) All love, cash money. (chill hip-hop) - I'm 'bout to show y'all a view that's incredible. (chill hip-hop) Now this is a sight. When we have our jacuzzi party, pool party, you can just sit right c'here and peep the whole plate. (chill hip-hop) I wan' show y'all mine a duck-off. (chill hip-hop) It's cool, I like this here. You know, I can just duck off, y'know what I'm sayin'? (laughing) Get in the shade and jus' go in a whole 'nother world, y'know? (chill hip-hop) (chill hip-hop) This the spot where you know, where we zone out right c'here. - Let him do his thang. (chill hip-hop) - Where I get to share my teardrop tears, ya dig? I sit c'here and I zone out. Ya dig? And just appreciate how I came and thank God for the blessings. (chill hip-hop) And now I'ma bring y'all to the pool. (chill hip-hop) This where we throw it off, this where it all goes down. - I don't swim though. They say I'm shallow, I never learned to swim. (chill hip-hop) - We got to have it bumpin'. JBL all the way around. They got bass under the pool. So if we cut it on, you would think you in a car out c'here, you gon' feel the beat. (chill hip-hop) From here, I jus' will bring y'all outside and let y'all see some o' these cars. (chill hip-hop) - We like a lotta lil bitty cars. 'Cause I had a certain phase I was at, I was a lil kid, so y'know we got the Prowler. (chill hip-hop) Ya got the lil cruiser, the four-by-four. (chill hip-hop) Then you got the big PT Cruiser. (chill hip-hop) you got the big Z66. (chill hip-hop) and the rim's as big as me kneelin' down. (laughing) That crazy. (chill hip-hop) - We got the Cadillac. We got the Prowler. (chill hip-hop) - You'd think this is a regular Excursion from here. And then we do it like this. (blowing out air) (chill hip-hop) - And sure we got my brotha name on the seats, my name on the seats, we got Hot Boys, was customized, done in the truck, like ten DVDs, we jus' basically play this here when we gone to a event o' somethin' you know what I'm sayin'? Hold like 25 people. I love it. (chill hip-hop) This the Lexus. 2002. Look how, look. You can go in from here. (chill hip-hop) - You got speakers everywhere all in yo ears. (chill hip-hop) You got the back, that's just nothin' but speakers. You got TV right here. Got a TV up there, so. It's crazy. (chill hip-hop) This is my Porsche Boxster. (chill hip-hop) I got the black rims. They on 19 because I'm 19 years old, and I feel me and my rims are grown. (chill hip-hop) - My lil hybrid. Lexus, I love this lil baby. (chill hip-hop) This one I'm ridin' in the day, I'm ridin in my lil bubba. (chill hip-hop) See y'all, every whip that I own, and I own 50 whips right? So that mean 200 pair o' rims. Every last one of 'em I can do this. (vrooming) Automatic start, homie. (chill hip-hop) You have seen a beautiful house. A lotta chrome. Beautiful cars. Me and my son haven't ate nothin' yet. I'ma show y'all some beautiful teeth. (car vrooming) Now, we goin' inside to eat, and always come to my crib. And ball with the ballrifics. Ya dig? We gonna get our grub on. Drank a lil bubbly. - Come back when ya feel like it! Hot boys! (chill hip-hop) - Yo whaddup Nick, it's your boy Bow Wow. Welcoming y'all to my crib. Know wha' I mean? Check it out, now before I bring y'all inside I'ma show y'all my whips first all right? (chill hip-hop) This the bumblebee right. (chill hip-hop) My Ferrari 360 Modem. Y'all be pronouncin' it modinus because y'all prolly don't got one o' these bad boys. (chill hip-hop) The engine is crazy. (chill hip-hop) Any y'all lil Mustangs, y'all lil Corvettes, ya lil Porsches. Y'all pull up against this? Y'all gon' lose. I'm movin' to this black thing right here, which is my baby. My BMW, my 645 black on black. (chill hip-hop) I call this thing the Night Rider right here. (chill hip-hop) Burgundy insides, how rare! (chill hip-hop) It smell good, too. Lias, come here, you smell that? (chill hip-hop) For the ladies, man. (chill hip-hop) My boy Dian right here. He live with us. Been my best friend, been holdin' me down since day one. (chill hip-hop) His SL's sittin on low, lookin' real sick. Drop the top for 'em one time, D. (chill hip-hop) Voila. We gon' holla at Dian in a minute, for right now we gon' curve up this way and I'ma take y'all to the main entrance, all right? (chill hip-hop) Now we in the inside. This my dog Precious right here. A hundred dollas she's gon' lay down. (chill hip-hop) Y'all see that? That's what them bulldogs are for man they are the laziest dogs, man, ever. But they're the coolest dogs ever. (dog talking) (chill hip-hop) We gon' make our way over here. Into the living room. (chill hip-hop) A area where I don't spend that much time. (chill hip-hop) My mother is like, so crazy, we can't even walk on the carpet because the carpet is some type o' fur carpet. (chill hip-hop) My momma gon' be mad, but, uh! I just had to sit down. Ma, you watchin' this? Sorry. (chill hip-hop) You are now in the kitchen, where everything goes down. (chill hip-hop) I know I watch Cribs, I be seein' the refrigerators and everything, but when y'all see mine, just bear with me, all right? (chill hip-hop) Lots and lots of Gatorade. That's like my favorite drink. Turkey sausage. That's all I eat, I don't eat pork, I don't eat beef. (chill hip-hop) This right here is my area, the freezer. I love cookies. Anytime y'all see me make sure you make me some homemade chocolate chip cookies. (chill hip-hop) This right here is a nice lil area, we jus' come here and relax at. All right y'all so now. We in my mother's room. (chill hip-hop) What you tryna do? - None o' yo business! - Better not be no man. It ain't-- - Come on! - It ain't goin' down, all y'all men out there, it's not goin' down. (chill hip-hop) My mom is what you call very bougie. And see why is I'm gonna show ya-- - No! Don't sit on my bed-- - I can't even sit on her bed. (chill hip-hop) Bye mom, we 'bout to exit your room. - Okay, get out my room. (chill hip-hop) - Come on Precious, let's go. Precious the only one in the house I really care about, my man. (chill hip-hop) (clap) All right y'all. We upstairs right now. 'Bout to take y'all to the prince's throne which is my room. (chill hip-hop) Ladies, this what y'all been waitin' for. (Hallelujah Chorus music) Yes ladies, that is my bed. Okay? And you know it's official. I mean just look at the wall, man. Bow Wow, man. (chill hip-hop) Everything is black. I'm a big Batman fan. And I tried to make it close to, like, Gotham City. (chill hip-hop) I didn't wanna hang pictures in my room. So I hired a artist to come airbrush. It was only right that I had the greats on my wall. (chill hip-hop) you betta step yo game up man. 'Cause I don't think nobody touchin' me right now when it come to this jersey game and this sneaker game, believe me. And I'm 'bout to show y'all exactly why. (chill hip-hop) I got Jordans galore that you might not even see. (chill hip-hop) I even got the official Bow Wow shoe, man. (chill hip-hop) Y'all see this? All jerseys. (chill hip-hop) I got a mink. Y'know what's funny? I got this two Christmases ago, and I still haven't wore it. (chill hip-hop) I live in Atlanta, man, it hot! (boom) (chill hip-hop) Now, we gon' curve this way. We gon' keep it movin'. Let's go Precious. (chill hip-hop) So now you're enterin' the game room, this where all the boys come. (chill hip-hop) My man Lou Will right here, Louis Williams. (chill hip-hop) He don't wanna see me on the basketball court. you know my jump shot is crazy. - Gangsta. (chill hip-hop) - He talkin' noise right now. (chill hip-hop) The pool table, I 'on't really gotta say much about this. Y'all 'on't want none o' this neither. Ay yo Lou, D. Boutta head out to the pool, y'know what I mean? (upbeat music) Of course you know every house ain't right without a pool. (chill hip-hop) We got a jacuzzi right here, the lil waterfall. Dian gon' show y'all the bubbles. (upbeat music) When the ladies come over, we come out here, we chill, man. We relax. Y'know even Precious come out here, she chill, relax. (bark) And jus' look at the golf course, y'know what I'm sayin'? (upbeat music) Holla back. (chill hip-hop) Y'all done seen my whips, y'all done seen my clothes, my sneakers, the crib, y'all done seen everything, so I think it's about that time, y'know what I mean, for y'all to say goodbye. But in the meantime, hey dang, Dian, look at that girl right there, dog, look at that girl, D. (splash) (laughing) Look at Dian doin' his lil dance, y'all. (chill hip-hop) Do your lil dance D! (chill hip-hop) He doin' his lil da-- (laughing) Outta here, man, we gone. It's a wrap. We signin' off. (vocalizing) Get outta here man. Go on! (chill hip-hop) - A beautiful day in the neighbor of the hood. MTB Cribs, it's your homeboy T-Pain, y'all already know. This what we gon' do first though. I want y'all to see my cars. (chill hip-hop) this is what I call the Lebron James 'ghini. T-shirt and jeans edition. Got the t-shirt on the outside, jeans on the inside. (chill hip-hop) That's how that is. That's what we do. (chill hip-hop) Now, if you wanna wake up the baby, you call the big baby. (chill hip-hop) Ford F-650 right here. (chill hip-hop) Look how tall, I ain't even. Look at this. Who does this? Who can do this? (chill hip-hop) Who would do this? (chill hip-hop) Now some of you would not expect from T-Pain right now is a 2008 Scion xB. (chill hip-hop) Brand new paint job. (chill hip-hop) I wanna show you my favorite feature of the whole car. (chill hip-hop) (air whooshing) It's the best thang in the world. (chill hip-hop) Check out the inside! (chill hip-hop) Inside, with the AC. Best thang in the world right now. (chill hip-hop) This where we chill at. This where the family be at you know what I'm sayin'? This my wife, right there, Amber, right next to her is little Lyriq. That's my daughter! Yeah! (chill hip-hop) This the Grammy I got for Good Life y'know what I'm sayin'? Kanye, 'preciate it. (chill hip-hop) Make sure errybody see that. (laughing) 'Specially all the haters. Let's move on. To the food. (chill hip-hop) There's big time cookin' in here right now. I got a whole team baby, you don't even know. (laughing) (chill hip-hop) Sub-zero, dog. (sniffing) It's cold as ice. (chill hip-hop) I'll just be honest, we just did this like ten minutes ago. (laughing) It didn't look like this at all. (chill hip-hop) It's a whole cake in there, where the cake come from? Y'all jus' made that cake? (laughing) Let's go to the master bedroom, where I lay my head-ling at night. (chill hip-hop) Everything goes down in here. (chill hip-hop) 60-inch TV right here. Same one I got in my livin' room. (chill hip-hop) Let's look at the bed, shawty. (chill hip-hop) It's a platform bed. No, it's not cheap. This is prolly way more expensive than any bed I've seen on Cribs. But, it's very easy to get out of. (chill hip-hop) In ya face. (chill hip-hop) Let's go to the bathroom, baby! (glimmering) (chill hip-hop) This is one o' my favorite parts. (chill hip-hop) I wanna show ya how the water come out. Oh. That's just prestige right there. (chill hip-hop) Let's check this shower. (grunt) (chill hip-hop) I wan' show you a couple thangs, we gon' turn this thang on. (chill hip-hop) This one here is called sunny clouds. Yeah. Clouds go by. It's a sunny day in my shower. (chill hip-hop) Now I wanna show you somethin' that I had to have in this house. (chill hip-hop) We got a blank bookshelf right here. But it's also the way to get (door opening) down the stairs. To the Bat Cave! (chill hip-hop) (door shutting) (chill hip-hop) Let's go see the studios. (chill hip-hop) This is one o' my three studios. We got studio A, B, and C. (chill hip-hop) Got everything you need, man. Got the brand new D-Link 32-channel. (chill hip-hop) 30-inch screen right here. (chill hip-hop) So after all the work is done, we can go to where all this noise is comin' from. This is Club Nappy Boy right here. (chill hip-hop) As you can see, this where we chill at. (chill hip-hop) My wife got me this as a surprise for the house renovation. A fiber-optic stripper pole. (chill hip-hop) (creaking) (chill hip-hop) Got the bar back here. DJ setup back here, DVD player. Pretty much what we got, what we got, what we got! (chill hip-hop) So we gon' go check up our stairs. (chill hip-hop) But I 'on't like walkin' upstairs, (laughing) y'know what I'm sayin'? (chill hip-hop) I'ma let y'all walk. And I'ma take my elevator. (vocalizing) ♪ Back up a lil bit hey backup backup ♪ (door slamming) (chill hip-hop) Sweet! Upstairs we are. (chill hip-hop) I'm 'bout to take you to the best game room that you ever seen on Cribs. (chill hip-hop) This is way more than I've seen in anybody's game room on Cribs! (chill hip-hop) Time Crisis. Who don't like Time Crisis? Come on! It's Time Crisis! (chill hip-hop) Our daughter over there struggling to stand up on the arcade. (chill hip-hop) Now let's go check out the pool, baby. (laughing) (chill hip-hop) Outside is the best side. (chill hip-hop) All this at night light up, everything change colors. (chill hip-hop) This right here is the jacuzzi. All ya gotta do is hit this button right here, bam! (jets) Oh! (chill hip-hop) You're way too far in my business right now. So we gots to go. Y'all seen my crib. You gon' see 'bout six, seven mo' of 'em. Understand that. (rap music) - Yo Will, lemme in, man. - No doubt, yeah, yo. (gate screeching) (dramatic music) (upbeat music) ♪ That's my jam ♪ ♪ Aw yeah ♪ (chill hip-hop) (motorcycles vrooming) ♪ That's my jam ♪ (motorcycles vrooming) ♪ Aw yeah ♪ (chill hip-hop) ♪ That's my jam ♪ (chill hip-hop) (knocking) - Yo! Someone answer the door, man. Yo! Yo! (knocking) (door opening) - What's the matta witchu man? (chill hip-hop) - MTV Cribs is here. - I don't wanna do Cribs unless I can do the whole thing. So I'ma take over the whole show. (laughing) (chill hip-hop) - Let's go. (boom) (chill hip-hop) (beeping) (chill hip-hop) C'mon, MTV Cribs. (gentle music) Damn. - This is my dining room area. Now I'ma tell you the truth, all right? (boom) We never ate at this table. But it's pretty though, right? (chill hip-hop) I ain't even gon' tell you no lies, these chairs came from Mike Tyson. (chill hip-hop) They was here before we got here, but this table I had flown in. (chill hip-hop) Mora know what this is right here, 'cause she doesn't spare five dollas. (chill hip-hop) This right here, you see this lil red part right here? It indicates to you this is Baccaran crystal. That's 80 thousand dollars right there. (chill hip-hop) I coulda bought a BMW instead o' that right there. (laughing) (chill hip-hop) And this right here is one o' my favorite things in the house, right here. (chill hip-hop) You look closely, you see it's me. (chill hip-hop) My uncle made this for me, in a penitentiary. He's been in jail for 15 years. And he hand-made this for me. It got mad details to it. (chill hip-hop) The G in the logo. This stuff is priceless. You can't go buy this. So if I dropped it, I'd have a heart attack. (chill hip-hop) I'ma take ya over here to the kitchen. (chill hip-hop) See I gotta sound system in here. (chill hip-hop) The cook could be jammin', the new Curtis album, while you actively cookin'. (chill hip-hop) Now I wanna show you my refrigerator. (chill hip-hop) This is my favorite flavor of Vitamin Water right here. Bam! (ding) Formula 50. (chill hip-hop) Well enough o' that. (chill hip-hop) I got all this new stuff, look at this. Nobody ever cooked in there. (laughing) You on to me? Are you on to me yet? (laughing) Now lemme telly you the truth, right? This house has six kitchens. And in this particular area, no one's touched it. (oven closing) (chill hip-hop) Now I'ma show you the rest o' my crib, but first I'ma go change into some clothes and then I'ma come back, show you everything. (ding) (chill hip-hop) Whassup? You like my new outfit? See, I changed my clothes for you and everything. I work it baby, I work it. (chill hip-hop) This is supposed to be a sittin' area. You're supposed to sit and maybe read somethin'. Look, I got a lotta cool pictures but this the first picture I'ma show you. That's my grandma visiting. My grandma is def-- she got her back turned to you. (mumbled) Nah. (chill hip-hop) Lemme take ya over here so you can check this stuff out. (orchestral music) This is it right here. This is my empire. (chill hip-hop) East Coast Playboy Mansion. (chill hip-hop) Come with me, come check out my awards. (chill hip-hop) Every now and then they decide to give me somethin'. (chill hip-hop) Prolly don't see these in errybody house right there. 2003 GQ Man o' the Year. (chill hip-hop) MTV, I got the Moon Man right here. Best New Artist. Featurin' Eminem. They only gave it to me 'cause Eminem was in it. (chill hip-hop) See, his name's even on my trophy. (chill hip-hop) Oh, oh look. Grammy. This means nothing. I just put it in the middle because errybody else has cares about it, but the Grammys, never acknowledged my music, so they don't count. (chill hip-hop) I get ASCAP Writer of the Year 2004, 2006, and I'll be predictin' I'll be ASCAP Writer of the Year 2008. (whoosh) Come with me. (chill hip-hop) I'ma show you my office. (chill hip-hop) This right here is a picture o' me. And Jessica Alba. She's beautiful, look at that. Me and Justin Timberlake. (chill hip-hop) Me, Em, Young Buck, Tony Yayo and Banks. And these are the stars right here, for real. It's my son and Eminem's daughter right there. And then that's me and Madonna. This is me and Bill Gates. This is my godson, Machai. I'ma show you, this is Kanye West. Kanye West the teddy bear. (baby crying) And here's 50 Cent. (roaring) (chill hip-hop) (crying) (chill hip-hop) Kanye wants to say goodbye? Say goodbye, Kanye. Goodbye. And y'know now we gotta go. (whoosh) And we outta here, show you some more o' my crib. (chill hip-hop) I'ma take you show you my movie theater. (chill hip-hop) I spend a lotta time in here. That's why this chair's already moved back. Got to motorized joints. (chill hip-hop) When I put it back like that, you see me in the laid-back position. Nine times out of ten I'm not gon' finish the movie. (chill hip-hop) I may be sleepin'. (chill hip-hop) (whoosh) (chill hip-hop) I got some cool stuff on here, look. I got this thing, this system on here. I got three thousand movies. Inside this actual system. (chill hip-hop) I like technology, the new stuff. (chill hip-hop) I be havin' stuff first all the time. (chill hip-hop) (laughing) (whoosh) (chill hip-hop) - Yeah, what's poppin' man, you know who it is, your boy Lloyd Banks. I'm always rippin' and runnin' but when I do come to the mansion this is where I crash at. (chill hip-hop) I'm up early in the studio every day. (chill hip-hop) She's not. (chill hip-hop) I got one plant. I'm not too big on plants. At the end o' the day, all our hard work. It gets you that right there. (chill hip-hop) You ain't got this right here, you stupid. Straight up. Go get that. (chill hip-hop) But right now it's time for y'all to get the hell outta my room, man. Go check out Yayo's stuff man. - Ballin'! Yeah it's the talk o' New York, Tony Yayo. A.k.a I'm livin the American dream. (chill hip-hop) This right here is my room. (chill hip-hop) I gotta straighten up. 'Cause I knew y'all was comin' but who cares? (chill hip-hop) This is real important to me because this is my album. And this is why I feel like I'm blessed. Because I came home to a lotta beautiful things like that. 'Cause see, I got the beautifulest view, man. I gotta view of the pond, the waterfall, pool. I jus' got a view of everything. (chill hip-hop) Show you my part o' the house. Y'know, Junior Mansion. Right now we're gon' go to my man DJ Whoo Kid, he don't even scratch, he just press buttons. (vocalizing) I'm out. (chill hip-hop) - Hey, what's goin' on here man? You guys invadin' my space. I am DJ Whoo Kid. (chill hip-hop) Lemme jus' get up and show y'all around. (chill hip-hop) There's one thing I want y'all to know. (chill hip-hop) I been hidin' this chain here for the last six months. This is 50 Cent's first G-unit chain. He spun it on a lotta videos. And I be hiding it under the seat. (chill hip-hop) It's still worth around like 200 thousand. I'm jus' makin' 50 to totally forget about it. So I could go put it on Ebay or somethin'. (chill hip-hop) This is where I hang out. And I can't hang with 50 all day 'cause he's crazy so I think y'all should go find him 'cause he's gon' show y'all the rest o' the house. (upbeat music) - Show you my master bedroom. You gon' like this. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) You ready? (chill hip-hop) It's cool, I'm surrounded by entertainment. (chill hip-hop) So I could watch TV here. (chill hip-hop) Or I could watch TV there. (chill hip-hop) I like to watch MTV. But there ain't enough videos. (chill hip-hop) Love you ladies. Love me back. And then I just be doin' like this. (chill hip-hop) This is my shower. You can watch TV from the shower. (chill hip-hop) And the toilet's right in front of it in case you gon' be there for a lil while. (chill hip-hop) These are my hats and stuff. (chill hip-hop) I put my jeans up in here. (chill hip-hop) I wan' show you my shoes. (chill hip-hop) Now this is gon' bug you out. 'cause the majority o' these shoes that I got in here are G-unit shoes. (chill hip-hop) I dunno, I dunno when it's gon' be the right time for me to wear the yellow shoes. (chill hip-hop) Lemme show you the ladies side. This is the female side right here. (chill hip-hop) There's plenty o' clothes. Plenty o' now female clothes. (chill hip-hop) Whoo! (chill hip-hop) Come here. Come here, man. Feel that. That's the good stuff right there. Feel that, come hold it. (chill hip-hop) That's the good stuff right there, that's Armani. (chill hip-hop) (vrooming) Lemme show you my pool. I ain't the best swimmer right? So. I wanted to feel like I'm on a beach. You pretty much can just walk down and it ends up bein' like 12 feet. It's just a slant all the way down. (chill hip-hop) Nice waterfall on top, Grotto pit. (chill hip-hop) You seen the Playboy Mansion. This the East Coast version, baby. (chill hip-hop) Come on, we gon' go check out my pond, show you where my fishes at. (chill hip-hop) Ya gotta stomp so they can hear the vibrations they know I'm comin' to feed them. (chill hip-hop) Watch this, watch. Look. (chill hip-hop) They love me. Watch this, watch this. (lovely orchestral music) See how they came? (tape rewinding) I'm done feedin' my fish. Now we gon' go to the basketball court, see what they doin'. (chill hip-hop) (shouting) - Oh that's good! - You see that? (mumbled) (chill hip-hop) - My son is around playin' ball all the time. 'Cause these guys are all crazy. (shouting) (chill hip-hop) This is the observation deck. (chill hip-hop) That's what this is for actually. For you to sit back, and watch the actual game. (shuffling) - Oh, in one ref! In one! (chill hip-hop) (bang) All right I'ma take you on my ATV track. (chill hip-hop) (vrooming) Come on MTV, get on. (chill hip-hop) (vrooming) (screech) (laughing) (vrooming) (chill hip-hop) Lemme share some o' my cars. (chill hip-hop) Now I know you ain't see these before when you was watchin' Cribs. Because errybody ain't got these. Y'know what I mean? (chill hip-hop) This is Curtis right here. You understand what I'm sayin'? It's the Ferrari F50. (chill hip-hop) If you look inside the car you don't got no music. Hardly lie, this is like stock car. (chill hip-hop) I don't use it too much. Whatever I do is I use it for conversation. (chill hip-hop) I get around my really rich friends, and they say I got a Ferrari F50, I say me too. (chill hip-hop) This is the Enzo right here. (chill hip-hop) It's one million dollars. (chill hip-hop) Keep this car you keep 'em nice and neat you start up every now and then ride around the block. And the value just goes up, up, up. (chill hip-hop) This a Ferrari you get after you got these. (chill hip-hop) It's a 599. (chill hip-hop) This is the only one that got a actual stereo in it. I got Kanye west CD in there. (laughing) (chill hip-hop) This a Trans Am right here. (chill hip-hop) Wait, somebody callin' me. That's Floyd Mayweather. But we ain't gon' talk to him right now 'cause we doin' MTV Crib. He dancin' with the stars. (laughing) Lemme stop, he gon' be mad at me. (chill hip-hop) This right here'll be the car you see me in, this is my baby right here. (laughing) (chill hip-hop) This right here is the new G6 GXP. (chill hip-hop) Hottest car on the street. (chill hip-hop) I had a opportunity to get with Pontiac and kinda create the vibe that's goin' on. Cool, and it got my style to it. (chill hip-hop) - Damn, here y'all again, man. I'm takin' over a lil bit man. 'Cause I know 50's tired, walkin round this big house. It's like the biggest house on the East Coast. Matter o' fact, I'm tired o' walkin' man. I'm takin' the elevator. Y'know what I mean? C'mon it's goin' down. (chill hip-hop) (groan) (chill hip-hop) (chill hip-hop) Right now we in the Gucci room. (chill hip-hop) Lotta money was spent on these walls, man. Gucci print all over the place. And also suede. (chill hip-hop) Custom-made pool table. (chill hip-hop) (clack) Have a good time, play pool. (chill hip-hop) And you know a lotta stuff happens on that couch over there. (chill hip-hop) Don't wanna talk abut that on camera. 'Cause it's MTV. (chill hip-hop) We gon' go back to 50 catch up with him. (clap) Come on. (chill hip-hop) (shouting) - Yo wassup. This is my indoor pool right here. (chill hip-hop) I have a trainer come, to work, work out with me, and then we work three times a day, and the third workout, it's in the actual pool. (chill hip-hop) We gon' head to my studio. Follow me. (chill hip-hop) This is where I made my new album, Curtis. Ah, lemme show you this. Look, you gotta see this right here. (chill hip-hop) This is my mix tape plaque right here. (chill hip-hop) - That's right we started this mix tape thing. You heard? (chill hip-hop) - Vocal booth. (chill hip-hop) This was Tony. Ay yo see, he write like garbage. See how his-- (laughing) his writin' is terrible. Scribble scrabble. But it be soundin' supa good though. It's the unit, baby. (chill hip-hop) This is actually the strip club area. (whoosh) (chill hip-hop) We have the lovely adult entertainers, for adult entertainment. (chill hip-hop) Swing. (laughing) Swing hold a big girl. (chill hip-hop) This is the nightclub area. (chill hip-hop) When I have a real party it be like two thousand people. (chill hip-hop) Gotta have security come stay keep goin' through the house 'cause people be tryna stay in the bed. The DJ booth got everything and it's all state-o'-the-art. (chill hip-hop) Changed everything from the mic. Had to upgrade it. (chill hip-hop) This the dance floor right here. (chill hip-hop) We use this as a strip club right here. But this is not strong enough. You see it's weak? I gotta get this fixed. (chill hip-hop) That's because the girls be whammin', you get the big girls? (chill hip-hop) (whoosh) (chill hip-hop) (helicopter whirring) (chill hip-hop) This is it, man. (chill hip-hop) So you guys have to see some o' my toys, you saw some o' my cars. Had a chance to see the crib. But we finished. I'll see you next time. We do MTV Cribs on my new house. I ain't gon' tell you where it's at yet. (chill hip-hop) (whirring)
Channel: MTV Vault
Views: 2,221,585
Rating: 4.8188143 out of 5
Keywords: best of mtv cribs, mtv cribs compilation, mtv cribs supercut, snoop dogg, dr. dre, doggystyle, usher, usher raymond, lil wayne, weezy f baby, weezy, baby, birdman, cash money records, young money, bryan williams, bling bling, carter 5, bow wow, lil bow wow, t-pain, buy u a drank, shawty snap, 50 cent, this is 50, curtis jackson, get rich or die tryin', luxury, mansion, cars, diamonds, jewelry, jacuzzi, ferrari, lambo, mercedes, mtv, mtv cribs alone together
Id: 6ix3twBu17Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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