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today is going to be a powerful time in the spirit hallelujah praise the Lord I wish you can clap better for the Lord hallu Jesus thank you Jesus why I said it's going to be a powerful time in the spirit is because what I'm about to teach you will open the gates amen glory for you in the spirit thank you Jesus we ready Papa you know I've been asked by so many people to teach on meditation and I've already taught ex extensively on meditation in Holy Ghost Academy but I believe that before we get to intimacy summer Retreat I want to teach some things to open your spirit so that when we begin to enter into some Realms at intimacy summer Retreat You're Not Afraid am amen thank you Jesus you can clap better hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord you know meditation is one of the deepest things that I know in the spirit amen and it is very important that every believer must have an understanding of this Mystic practice amen are you still there we here papa how many of you meditate or you've tried to meditate before me see Hands okay how many of you meditate on a constant basis it's okay don't worry amen amen amen I want to begin to open the realm of meditation to you beyond what you have been taught hallelujah hallelujah Hall the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord and I know some of the things I'm going to say are going to sound a too out of place if you have been growing up in church for a while you'll be like I don't know amen hallelujah praise the Lord but I would open the scriptures for you also for you to see what I'm saying amen amen amen you see what imparts faith in the heart of the believer is the word of God so this is why many times when I teach about things that may sound crazy to the Natural natural ear or to the canal ear I always come back with scripture to impart faith in what I'm talking about amen this is the reason why every believer must be glued something is wrong with that camera I don't think it's sharping enough every believer must be glued to the word amen I said glued to the word amen because without the word of God faith cannot be imped parted into you for anything wow so this is why no matter what I share with you from the Realms of the spirit I have to find at least one scripture that can actually even suggest what I'm saying so that faith can be imparted in you amen concerning what I'm saying because I am not raising a people that are outside of the word I'm raising the people of the word amen thank you Jesus you can clap for Jesus Hallelujah [Applause] and God willing I will come back and teach you on the meditational practices that are in the word of God Amen but today I just want to open that realm for you okay is that all right today thank you papa now what I want you to understand is that every spiritual man is known by two important activities and that is fasting and meditation wow every spiritual man is known by two important activities fastings and meditation amen today we are not going into the realm of fasting but I'll take you there very soon amen but meditation is one of the practices that anybody who calls themselves spiritual must understand and they must practice amen you can't be a spiritual man or a spiritual woman without practicing meditation amen there is no spiritual man or spiritual woman I know personally that does not engage in the acts of meditation that's so true Papa are you still here somebody we here if you are just low I will just reserve some things oh no no we ready Papa so heart better be open Hallelujah huah praise the Lord so when you study the lives of spiritual men it was customary and it is customary for them to observe these two practices fastings and meditation I'm not talking about uh Christian men I'm talking about spiritual men wow so whether they are spiritual in darkness or in light they have to go through these practices consistently as part of their training in the spirit wow that's deep are you still here we're here if they are going to become spiritual and scale the Realms of the spirit they have to know these two practices fastings and meditation wow but you see most Christians think that meditation is only for them but what they talk about is too limited wow that's de help us power I said I I was going to say some things help us Papa the meditation that we are used to is a very it's it's just one aspect of limit of meditation wow and it's very limited are you still here we're here Papa in my understanding of spiritual things you know you can never walk in true power without fastings and meditation wow that's so true you can never walk in true power when I talk about true I'm not talking about faking power or magical Illusions are you still there I'm talking about walking in true power amen you can never walk in true power without fastings and meditations wow understand and there's going to come a time where I will teach you how to couple your prayer time with meditation amen and also how to fast and pray amen because usually they just tell you to fast and pray but they don't tell you how to go about fasting and praying that's so true Papa help us Papa help us Papa Hallelujah are you still there somebody we here Papa so meditation and fastings understand that these practices are not Christian These Are Spiritual practices both in The Realm of Darkness and in the realm of light there are practices in the spirit if a man must understand the spiritual world he must engage in meditations wow he must he must it's not oh it's not an optional thing you know there are many of you that desire to walk in the prophetic and to see in the spirit believe me you will never enter the realm of the prophetic without meditations wow that's deep and that is why I'm excited about intimacy summer Retreat hallelujah praise the Lord because I'm going to be showing you my practice my practice oh wow thank you Papa thank you papa are you still there somebody we're here so I have a lot of packages for you at intimacy some I Retreat I'm going to open your world Amen are still there somebody here Papa now oh Jesus so much to say today are you still there somebody we here Papa you see other religious sexs they practice meditation as a lifestyle wow as a lifestyle when you speak concerning the Hindus this is their lifestyle it is not something that you know you have to tell them to do no it's just a lifestyle that they leave they leave a meditation lifestyle amen even the Buddhists they live a meditation lifestyle a lot of these religions in the East they live a meditation lifestyle it is not like they feel like it's a requirement you know like how you know Christians you know when the Lord tells you something you feel like all this do and don'ts do and don'ts know uhuh for some religion they know what is supposed to be inculcated with life wow I don't know if I'm speaking your language oh you speak it to us so the way I eat food on a daily basis is the way I meditate on a daily basis wow that is why the Bible says you meditate day and night that's so true he didn't tell you to pray day and night but he told you to meditate day and night because it's inculcated in your lifestyle wow I feel like I'm just by myself oh we here Papa we here so you have to climb to that point where meditation becomes a lifestyle a habit is something that you do just like you eat on a daily basis you meditate on a daily basis amen listen the realm of insight and wisdom and Revelations comes from meditation wow the reason I'm this deep in the spirit is one reason wow meditation meditation thank you papa meditation because once I sit there to look at the scriptures and I meditate on them there are things that open up wow the world of the Spirit open up I can take one letter of a verse and break it down not because you know I had that information before no because meditation is actually a birthing Place wow you see when you pray there are stages to prayer when you go to pray in your first approach to prayer you worship amen are you following we're here Papa and I've talked to you about how to make your prayer time effective and I told you that the first approach to prayer is worship amen and that's what worship does then the second approach to prayer is communing with the Lord amen communion with the Lord then the next approach is meditation wow and meditation is where your answers are birth wow that's deep meditation is the womb of answers to prayers wow that is so deep you see what you do is that you go and plant seeds but your seeds fall by the wayside they don't enter the ground wow so usually when you go to pray you just make noise and you come out that's what you have done wow what you are supposed to do after making your request you are supposed to sit there and meditate on the results of your requests of what you have asked amen and then in that moment you will now conceive the answer in your spirit then you will birth it into your natural life wow that's deep so when you go to pray and all you did was talking to God and you didn't spend time to meditate you were making noise the whole time wow help us Papa are you still there somebody we here you must always practice meditation it's a lifestyle I meditate every day wow every day every day I meditate even if it's for 5 minutes I must have a time all to myself amen all to myself and Pastor Elena knows there's one corner of the bed once I sit there don't don't dist help me amen oh maybe another time I'll Teach You How Your bed can become your altar wow help us Pap we ready we ready it's in your Bible praise the Lord are you still there we're here some of you want to go to create a big house and say this is my this is my sanctum no the bed can become your altar wow that's deep pap but you know that means that let's leave it leave it alone want to know I'll teach you about it leave it alone glory to God glory I said glory to God glory now Christianity is the only religion that I have known that refuses to teach on Ancient practices wow other religions are so on a quest to understand spiritual practices but Christianity is the only religion that doesn't go into spiritual practices that's so true like I said all they know about is prayer reading the Bible and that's it and I told you if that's all you know about God you have failed wow you have failed you have failed big time that's so true am I speaking to somebody here he's speaking to us and then they believe that those who are going into the ancient practices you know they are going into demonic things the question I should ask you what makes something demonic what makes it demonic you have to understand I've explained that before so I don't need to go into that but you have to understand that these practices are ancient it is not glued to one religion I told you that there was a way of life that Jesus came to introduce on the earth amen he didn't come to give you Christianity he came to give you a Heavenly life amen a life force from the heavens he brought that here and there practices that engages that life force amen am I talking to somebody speak it to me I feel like I'm just speaking my language alone we here we here he speaking to me hallelujah praise the Lord oh when you clap clap every body Christ hallelujah thank you Jesus but you see these things that Christians failed to observe these were the ancient practices of the patriarch they followed these things they did these things am I speaking to you here he's speaking to me they observed these practices as their way of life wow not as a religious ritual right right even though we have made some of these things ritualist but in that time it was more of a way of life amen am I speaking to somebody he speaking to me and listen maybe one day I need to talk to you about the way of life the Bible says this Peter says thou has shown me the way of life there is the way of life you know when I keep saying that I feel like people are not catching the spiritual statement I'm making there is the way of life amen when you came into this world and you were being told what to do and what not to do it is because some people who came before you came to understand a way of life Wow help us Pap are you still here we here and I want to tell you about that way of life very soon I will come to one day and teach you about the way of life what what did the apostles mean by Lord you showed me the way of life amen oh are you still there somebody we here Papa okay let's come back to topic amen you see the only thing that we as Christians have managed to learn in Christianity when it comes to the subject of meditation is meditating on the word that's so true Papa that is all you know about meditation wow help us Papa help us Papa I'm about to take you somewhere are we ready Papa we ready listen to me meditation is not the same thing as meditating on the word wow understand it understand it let it sink into your spirit amen are you still here we here Papa when we speak of meditation immediately the mind of the Christian is going to meditating on the word because they think that's what meditation is that's so true that's not what meditation is wow meditating on the word is one aspect of meditation it is not meditation in its entirety so usually when preachers preach concerning meditation what did they tell what do they tell you to do what practice do they give you go and meditate on the word that's so true that's the only practice you know about meditation that's so true Papa that's so true are you still here somebody we here Papa but it's only one aspect of meditation understand that meditation in itself is a spiritual exercise wow it's a spiritual exercise amen so when we say meditation most Christians they are thinking that what we are referring to is for them to go and get their Bible pick out a verse and begin to brood over it and contemplate over it that is not meditation wow oh help us Pap it is one aspect of meditation it is not meditation in its entirety the exercise is called meditation the word is what you use to meditate on wow that's Papa I feel like I'm talking to myself are we here Papa so usually we have only been taught one aspect of meditation which is what we meditate on that's true meditating on the word but meditation in itself is a spiritual practice wow so don't think that meditation or meditating on the word is the only meditation there is that's true Papa all you are doing is meditating on the word amen amen I feel like I'm just by myself here we here Papa we here the subject of meditation does not only deal with the word understand the subject of meditation goes far beyond dealing with the word wow I know I'm saying something amen am I talking to you here you speak it to me Papa the word is just one thing you can use to meditate on Wow you can meditate on trees oh wow that's de that's D I told you I'm taking you somewhere amen hallelujah you can meditate on animals wow you see you become so used to certain things that when I say you can meditate on treats it feels like you committing a crime that's so true amen say how can this man of God be telling us to meditate on [Laughter] trees because that's all you have been exposed to that's so true but you feel to understand that the Bible was only telling you to meditate on something it wasn't telling you that medit meditation only deals with the word wow meditation is a spiritual exercise that is very expansive amen you can meditate on trees you can meditate on animals you can meditate on the Stars wow oh that's deep Papa oh my God deep Papa listen after this you will understand what I'm saying amen hallelujah thank you Jesus listen to open up the world of the Spirit come on you need to understand the other Realms of meditation amen and the other ways of meditation amen am I speaking to somebody here speaking to me Papa am I talking to people here are you talking to me papa you can meditate on fire wow you can meditate on water wow that's deep how I wish I can teach you how certain Miracles Jesus did was by meditation wow teach us Papa teach us Papa are you still hear somebody when you say things like this some people are going to call me heretic for what I'm saying because I'm teaching people some other kind of meditation outside of meditating on the word they're going to call me heretic and I know it's is coming but please before you say anything listen to me first amen so somebody say how can you say that there are other things to meditate on beside the word the word is the focus the word the word the word I didn't say you shouldn't meditate on the word I said it's not the only thing you should meditate on Amen don't misconstrue what I'm saying so you see many people have been told to meditate on the word for so long that you know you know they believe that that's the only focus of meditation but meditation has nothing listen to me to do with just the word it is a spiritual practice please get that into your head amen it is a spiritual practice on its own amen so if I ask you those in the East they don't have your Bible are they meditating or not yes but do you know we only know meditation because of those in the East wow meditation started as an eting practice wow that's deep are you listening to me we here Pap they don't have your Bible yet they meditate wow so if you think that meditation is only reserved to when you are taking the Bible as a you know taking a me a verse putting in your memory and contemplating on it you have missed it wow you are missing a whole Realm of the spirit to to to explore and to observe help us Papa are you still with me somebody we're here Papa I wish people online can be more excited than what they doing hallelujah thank you Jesus but then this meditation on the word which is one of many meditations has has what it produces and according to the Book of Joshua the chapter number one the verse 8 when you have this meditation as a practice it produces good success and prosperity wow so if a man is seeking for good success and prosperity he must go and find the meditation that deals with the word wow that's deep that's deep Papa take it to the word Hallelujah can we read it you can clap better I don't like this your clapping you're doing hallelujah thank you Jesus it says this book of the Lord shall not depart out of thy mouth thou shall meditate there in day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then Thou shalt make thy way prosperous and thou shalt have good success wow so when it comes to a man's success in life being successful as a Believer as a child of God it will require the act of meditation that deals with the word wow or with the book of the law are you still here if you as a Believer want success good success not any kind of success good success success in God's eyes success in God's purview that kind of success can only come when you meditate on the word amen but it is not telling you that meditating on the word is the only meditation there is wow it is just giving you what meditation on the word produces amen help us Papa are you still here somebody we're here that's all it's telling you that when you meditate on the book of the law you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success but he never told you that meditation on the word is the only meditation there is amen that's so true are you still here we're here Papa so now Hallelujah you see if you don't begin to learn these things you will have a lot of limitation in your spiritual experiences wow that's deep a lot of limitation in your spiritual experiences meditation goes beyond the focus of the word it goes beyond that amen and that's where I want to take you into tonight hallelujah praise the lord we ready you see I've always told you when I give you a topic don't claim you know what I'm going to say Amen because I'm not your conventional preacher amen are you listening to me I know when you saw meditation you know how he's going to come and tell us about meditating on the word no no we have left that realm amen are you still there we're here Pap Now understand something can I take you father Yes Papa I want to make these things very plain and very clear so that you know when when we begin to delve into some real stuff in the spirit your mind will not hold you bound or hold you captive amen so that your spirit can be released to experience all there is of God in this universe amen am I talking to somebody here speak it to me now understand something you see unless you are willing to grow spiritually you will keep yourself at a certain stage of spiritual experiences wow but understand if all you do is to meditate on the word you will only have access to success wow come on that's the it's in the word let me say it again if all you do is meditating on the word you will only have access to success and prosperity wow that's deep Papa help us somebody's like ah that's beautiful and you getting excited but what else you see when you are like that when you think like that I know you don't understand god wow I know your imagination and your perview of God your perception of God is too limited wow that's so true are you still here we're here Papa the god experience is much bigger than being successful amen than prospering amen I feel like I'm just by myself [Applause] Hallelujah the god experience is so much more much more bigger than just being successful you are now successful and so what that's so true what else that's so true you are not prospering and so what what else help problem if that's all you ever get to know about God you have not touched anything wow that's deep but you see because we have been raised to think that making it in life is what you know you should go after you think that's the height of life it may be the height of life for you but it's not the height of god wow and your experience of God that's deep that's deep so when I tell you that meditating on the word only guarantees you good success you may get excited but you don't know that you are living out many other things about god wow that's so true yeah yeah welcome to Supernatural Church Hallelujah where we take you further and deeper amen into the things and the Deep things of God Amen We Ready Papa hallelujah praise the Lord hallelujah praise the Lord I want the people in this house to have a deeper experience with God hallelujah I want to introduce you to a deeper experience with God praise the Lord to a pleasurable EXP erience with God something you have never felt before something you have never experienced before something you have never touched about God before amen help us Papa that's where I want to take God's people amen I'm tired of the good old church life amen that's so true Papa are you still here somebody we're here Papa we are ready to move on higher like when like when you know the Lord says come up here th to John come up either oh Hallelujah prise the Lord are you ready to come up either are we ready so that you can see things from God's prview amen thank you Jesus that's the church I'm interested in amen so all these people going around dancing in church and doing going back home and not knowing anything about God we don't want that here amen after you dance all your dancing and you do all your prophecy all your healing ings all of that and you go back and you still don't know God in the entirety of who he is right that's so what is all of that about that's so true what was it all about no one of the Prophet Jeremiah declared If any man Rejoice let him rejoice in this fact that he understandeth and knoweth me amen that's my happiness that's my pleasure in life Hallelujah that I have come to know God hallelujah are you still there we here not that I was able to see in the spirit amen you see when I look at ministers bragging about their giftings it's just it's so funny to me it's so funny amen and then you hear their teachings and their messes like ah this is all you have known about God and you are bragging about prophecy that's so true bragging about being able to cast out Devils I do that too but I don't brag about those things because they are Elementary things of the Kingdom amen what I rejoice in is that I have understood God and I know him amen hallelujah we have a prophet praise the Lord oh this is not a personal attack I'm just telling you for real how I think about things amen how I observe the kingdom amen when I observe the kingdom of God I look for people who are interested in knowing god not in doing acts and performing signs amen we here Papa that's Elementary I told you during the study how even the resurrection from the dead is an elementary course element in the Kingdom it's Elementary raising the dead wow finger painting wow fingerprint finger painting preschool finger printing wow Elementary so what are you really after in this world people is what I want to ask you what is really your interest in this world help us Papa we want to know God you came here to buy cars that's what you came here for you came here to have a famous name that's all you came here for help us you came here to own big houses don't think about life life is much bigger so much deeper you came here so that your name can be seen on TV that's what you came here for really that's real us help us Papa so you can be known as the greatest man of God on the earth us help us that's what you came here for you have not touched God you have not touched his heart that's so true you don't know him you see I'm Awakening something in your spirit that's what I'm doing amen hallelujah thank you Jesus praise the Lord are you still there somebody we here Papa when you understand that being successful is just too minute compared to the whole experience of God that will make you begin to seek out more providences by which you can come to know God deeper amen because if you only choose to meditate on the word you will only produce good success and prosperity wow it's in the word that's all you will get I know somebody's like how how does this man see these things in the scripture meditation amen amen because you see I'm not going to come listen this is one thing I refuse to do when I look at the scripture even if I've taught right now I'm teaching on this right concerning this the next time I go to that ver verse I refuse to think the same way I saw it wow that's so deep Pap I must meditate until I can produce something else amen help us Pap are you still here somebody we here glory to God glory we are still not flying yet we are still we are still pacing around the terac amen we haven't taken flight yet am I talking to somebody here speaking to me now understand something here when you understand all the providences of God you would realize that being successful is a very limited experience in your quest of god wow it's a very limited experience that's the in our quest of God being successful having a name being famous driving good cars is very limited in our experience of God very limited amen and I speak to you as one who knows people who have all those things yet their lives is a misery wow oh even people in God all those things because you see we have made Christianity about you know having Goods that's so real eating well putting clothes on our back no Christianity is not about it's about God Amen that's why he said if you seek me first then all these things shall be added unto you amen he didn't say Seek those things and then God shall be no because you see the point is there is that when you are after God you don't need to ask anything that's so true Papa oh you didn't hear me that's so true when you read the verse the preceding verses it tells you of the things you should ask however it started going into some depths he says hey but wait if God becomes your focus you don't need to ask wow let me tell you in my life but Pastor Elena will tell you there's no day we have held hands when I when I caught a revelation about who God is there's no day me and Pastor Lena will hold hands like Lord provide for us in this house none wow that's the give us H food in this house none when we were down to the Earth not understanding the things of God that's when we were doing that stuff that's the help us Papa that's the when I awakened I realize if I just keep God at my view amen even when I'm thinking about something many times many times me and pastor we are just discussing ah not prayer just discussing oh um and I I want money for this stuff before we finish our statements something has happened that money has come wow that's so deep Hallelujah I'm telling it's a reality I'm not making up any story I'm telling you a reality amen a reality the trouble that we have in the world the biggest problem we have in the world is that our focus is on things that's so true Pap correct that if you correct that I'm telling you you'll be amazed you'll be amazed at the flow that the Lord God will open toward you wow amen hallelujah praise the Lord isn't that why Jesus says take no thought what you shall eat what you shall wear he understood these things amen amen you know what Jesus said Jesus was a mystery he said tomorrow will take care of itself listen let me not even go into that statement help us pap tomorrow will take care of himself do you know the depth of that statement wow that's so deep tomorrow will take care of itself take no thought of tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself wow let's leave it to alone we're here Pap are you still here we're here I'm trying to stick on meditation guys am glory to God glory but understand the experiences of God are Beyond being successful amen Satan has a way of using even the things of God to keep us bound wow that's deep let me explain Satan he has a way of using even the things of God to keep us bound because when I say that meditation meditating on the word is not all there is you have believed for many years that when it comes to meditation it is about the word that's so true and as powerful as that sound Satan has made you to believe that's the only thing there is wow and so that kind of understanding has now become your limitation where you are not able to see the other Realms of meditation there is because all you have been told and all you have ever exercised all you have ever known is meditating on the word that's so true Papa help us so even when the truth is coming to you concerning other forms of meditation it is like it is ruining your per your perception it is ruining the way you think you can't even dare to think it it is like you're committing a crime wow that's so true listen this happened to me I'm telling you amen when I was venturing beyond the the Ambit that was given to me by the church it was scary that's so true Pap all the things I've been teaching you do you know I've come from the opposite side wow help us I didn't used to believe the things I'm telling you wow that's so de so some people think that I just appeared here and I'm teaching people heresy no I've lived from the other side and I know what it is that's why if you bring that stuff to me I know how to knock it down amen hallelujah I came from a deep Pentecostal background where certain things I'm saying now doesn't hold ground in any service wow if you try it you'll be excommunicated wow so people think I just came I just came to town yesterday no I've been in church since I was s years old wow doing Church yes amen so there is nothing you can come and tell Prophet glovis about church that he doesn't already know or he hasn't seen but you see people love trains they like what they are used to and so anything that challenges their knowledge they feel like it's a threat to them wow but it's actually for your upgrade amen hallelujah is actually for your upgrade because you have been taught most of the time truths in absolutes that is the problem of the church is that when we teach about truth we teach about truths in absolutes only wow I feel like I'm just by myself we here Pap maybe the words I'm saying is too much we here Papa this is why we've become so blind and so Li mited because when they talk to us about certain truths they teach us these truths in absolutes not in progression that's so true that's so true there are absolute truths in the Kingdom but then there are progressive truths amen Progressive truths that's why the concept even of love has to do came in progression wow love thy name neighbor as yourself oh yeah it was a truth it is a truth Jesus came and said no love your neighbor as I have loved you that's so true amen so many different things in the Bible that are in progression but if you just take that standard and say do onto others what you want them to do to you ah do you know there are people who do bad things to themselves so should they do that to others so that truth has to fall to the truth that is much higher amen that Jesus brought so there was a time Jesus would say do on to others what you will have others to do onto you and then there's another time he said no right now love them as I have loved you amen because you have to realize it's not everybody that loves themselves that's right so true so if you're expecting them to love you yeah they will kill you wow are you still there we're here go kill you cuz not everybody loves themselves not everybody values themselves but now when you begin to love people as he has loved you is a different thing amen so understand that the truths in the Bible are not all in absolutes there are absolute truths Jesus is the son of God absolute truth there's no progression in that amen are you listening to me we here Papa Jesus came to die for sins absolute truth amen there is no progression in that but don't think that all there is in the Bible is absolute truth so what we teach people in Church most of the time is truths in absolutes that's true not truths in progression so that is why when they believe a certain idea they think that's all there is to it wow I feel like you're not listening to what I'm saying here Pap we here it's so true they think that's all there is to it so they are not motivated to want to understand better or have a higher understanding they don't want to get more that's right am I speaking to somebody here you speaking to me never think that what you were taught concerning a particular subject is all there is to know about that subject that's so true never think that that's deep this is where your limitation is wow help us whatever you were taught concerning a part particular subject never think that that's all there is to that subject amen because you will definitely limit the experience of God you can have wow am I speaking to somebody you speaking to me Pap that is where you begin to put a cap on your Experiencing God but Jesus said amen I will send the Holy Spirit and he shall guide you into all truths amen praise the Lord I will send the holy spirit amen he shall guide you into all truths Jesus knew there were still more things to know amen he shall guide you into all truths amen that is why my excitement is because I know there is still more to know about God hallelujah this is what makes life exciting for me amen because there is still more that I can find out amen about this God that's so true Papa hallelujah praise the Lord so don't be nervous what did I say don't be nervous don't be nervous especially when you hear or when the truth you know is being challenged to grow amen don't be n nervous amen what did I say don't be nervous when the truth you know is being challenged to grow don't be nervous amen it is a platform of experiencing more of God amen hallelujah thank you Jesus this is so good and Satan doesn't want you to increase in knowledge because he knows that it is the lack of it that destroys the believer it's in the word says my people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge that's so true so Satan will find every way to keep a cap on your knowledge Bank wow that's deep every way he will look for every way to make sure there is a cap on your knowledge bank so you never come into higher knowledge wow help us pap are you still with me somebody we here Pap so I'm saying this so that you can bring yourself to the place or so that I can bring you to the place where you can be comfortable with growing in the fullness of the knowledge of God Amen accepting higher things about God Amen so when I'm talking to you about meditation don't immediately think that it's only based on the word amen theallu that will limit you oh God the powerful experiences you can have in meditation is limited if just the word is the focus wow please understand it sir amen please catch this sir if the word of God is just the only focus it will limit your experience of God I tell you wow amen again I'm not telling you to not meditate on the word I'm just telling you that's not the only form of meditation that's so true meditation itself is a spiritual exercise it's so much more take for instance what the word the word of God tells us something can you can you can you listen amen are you still here we're here Papa do you know Abraham and Isaac these were people who were very spiritual and schooled in the things of the spirit wow I feel like you're not here oh we here Papa we here we ready Hallelujah Abraham and Isaac did not have the book of the law neither did they have the Bible wow yet they meditated and it's in your Bible wow it's in the word when you read the book of Genesis the chapter number 24 Genesis chapter number 24 amen verse 63 we saw a man called Isaac going in the fields to meditate can we put that scripture can you read it amen Genesis 24 uhhuh verse 63 uhhuh and Isaac went out to meditate in the field in the field at the evening tide at the evening tide and he lifted up his eyes and saw and saw and behold the camels were coming let's not touch that that's so deep it's in the word and Isaac please only verse 63 went out to meditate in the field I need I would find time to break that down at the evening tide and he lifted up his eyes and saw and behold the camels were coming wow let's leave it alone oh help us Papa help Papa list listen listen listen listen listen the point I'm trying to make to you today is that these guys and you know definitely Isaac learned meditation from Abraham because Abraham was a practical guy who went to the fields all the time to meet God Amen are you still there we're here Papa so what Bible were they using to meditate on wow that's so true if the only meditation there is is the meditation on the word of God what Bible what book of the law did they have to meditate on WOW so it makes you want to consider what were their meditations all about that's so true hallelujah oh my God praise the Lord what were they meditating on what were they using as their meditation course amen what were their meditation exercises oh dear Lord that's so true this is deep are you still here somebody we here Pap what were they meditating on I'll tell you trees wow oh that's deep the trees fire WoW animals the Stars that's deep that's deep praise the Lord meditation is actually one of the greatest secrets of longevity wow oh that's de if you want to live long in this world meditate wow all that's deep the reason a lot of the patriarch lived a long life was because of this practice wow we are sh meditation meditation if you do this as your lifestyle please we will see you many years to come amen yeah Hallelujah and that is why if you understand anything about monks these people don't die early that's so true have you noticed that all the monks you see if they're not starting the ones who have been they they look well of age yeah that's so true because there are many secrets of this world that we have not been taught or told as Christians wow we just come into Christianity and just play Church the whole time yet we don't know anything about this universe that's so true and we claim the god that made this universe is our God yet we know nothing about this universe help us Papa help us we understand nothing about this universe and we allow other people to to experience God in the universe of our God that's so deep he just said something let me tell you something fastings and meditation deep secret for longevity wow thank you papa deep secret amen let me tell you something if the church will take up teaching on meditations the practices of meditations I'm not just talking about just on the word I'm talking about the practices of meditations if the church will take it up as a serious cause 80% of the sick in the church will never be sick wow that is deep that's deep that's a huge number 80% if the church would teach meditation as an exercise and help the people of God to come into the understanding as to how to meditate there is the meditation for your body's Health wow that's de if the church would teach these things I am telling you we you will not have healing Services wow we would even need it that's deep you see we have become so used to a certain pattern we think that's the that's the norm that's how it should be that's so true Pap I'm telling you we won't if you would teach people on how to meditate you will hardly have people stand up in church say I'm sick wow I need prayers no no no meditation oh that's deep amen meditation the way meditation removes diseases from the body I'm talking about all kinds of diseases I'm not talking about some all kinds of diseases wow it is powerful and there are different types of meditation to engage the health of the body amen are you still there somebody we're here Papa we're just shock in Holy Ghost Academy I taught concerning the meditation that deals with your Naval amen your Naval wow understand the spiritual conduit of the naval wow there's deep Secrets at hga this thing that you see here is uncommon in the spirit do you know how you were attached to the spirit world when you came into this world was by your NE wow RSD that's theep Papa oh that's so good Papa hallelujah thank you Jesus that's why they have to cut that bad boy and according to science they actually supposed to when they bring you out they should keep that connection for a while they should not cut it immediately wow because the life force in this I told you that your mother's womb is a realm in the spirit that's true the life force in the mother's womb is supposed to feed that baby when he comes into this natural world that Naval this thing right here wow that's why if there are certain diseases in your body that are terminal and that deals with your organs you should anoint your navor and pray consistently wow that is the help thank you Papa thank you papa because this is one thing that is connected to all your vital organs right wow oh goad research it that's deep if you want to understand it better get Holy Ghost Academy course amen Holy Ghost Academy are you still there we here Papa the spirit wealth and the design of The Spirit Well the way is so connected to your neighbor god wow Malik hallu Hallelujah let me not say that help us Papa this is why we have prophetic acts amen and Mystic service Hallelujah so that these secrets can be unveiled to you amen are you still there we here Papa so now understand something are you still with me we here Pap 80% of diseases can be cured by meditation cured wow and I'm not mixing words when I say cured wow that's day cured you would hardly find a monk sick hardly why meditation meditation is a principle in longevity a principle of life it supports your immune system wow it supports your brain functionality it keeps you cons ious of everything that exists in this world wow when you get into the heights of meditation you begin to see not with your eyes but with your spirit's eye amen that's de that is why if you are going to be a prophet or walk in the prophetic and you don't meditate please let me tell you you you you have problems wow you know one brother got a whole of the teaching I did on meditation you know using the breath and I was teaching what to do at Holy Ghost Academy to see in the prophetic and I taught him about something about the breath I was teaching about the breath he got it he called me he said ah that stuff is deep he's like Prophet this stuff is for men of God hallelujah I said yeah but they call it demonic wow and you find those same men of God who are calling it demonic some of them they will go to Native doctors do some rituals for their eyes to be open wow yet the things I'm teaching are all in the word amen it's in the word thank you Jesus Hallelujah we have a prophet are you still there we here Papa when you meditate your spirit man that is when the the world of the spirit becomes accessible wow you can access the word of the spirit at that time amen now just in case you are thinking I'm going in another route we here Papa meditating on the word like I said only produces Prosperity you remember yes Pap and there is what meditation produces meditation on the word produces and like I told you it produces prosperity and good success understand that there is also what meditating on trees can produce wow that's deep there is also what meditating on Stars the Stars can produce wow there is what medit meditation on on meditating on plants animals fire can produce that's so deep when you see certain things around you don't just bypass them that's so true sometimes stand by it hey meditate upon it Hallelujah I'm teaching you how to be spiritual somebody thank you Jesus [Applause] Hallelujah meditate upon it don't say oh this is witchcraft no it's not witchcraft because your Bible talks about it amen when you read the book of Psalms the chapter number 77 let me show you a few scriptures because as for you if I don't show you the scripture now you'll be like he because all you have been told is meditating on the word that's true meditating on the word yet David was convinced that there's more to meditate meditation than meditating on the word he also said I meditate on on thy words oh Lord but then he said something else wow there is what is known as meditating on Christ creation wow that's the or there is also the elemental meditations wow when you meditate on the elements so in the Book of Psalms the chapter number 77 verse2 watch this man David who was highly spiritual amen he says I will meditate also on all thy Work and talk of thy doings wow it's in the word I will meditate also somebody said also also it means that it's not only on the word that's so true I'm meditating I will meditate also of all thy Work amen what are his Works wow that's deep are you still there we're here Papa Psalms 143:5 amen God Psalms 143:12 Psalm 143 ver verse five verse five thank you verse five uh-huh I remember the days of old uh-huh I meditate on all thy works I Muse on the work of thy hands I Muse I Muse that's another realm of meditation wow oh my God Psalms 143: I remember the day of old I meditate within I meditate on all thy works all thy works all thy works is it the word is Fire part of the works yes are trees part of the works yes papa are the stars part of the works yes papa I meditate on all thy works I Muse on the work of thine hands wow it's in the word yet you thought meditation only de with the word wow David said I meditate on all thy works all all all all all there is nothing you cannot meditate on that's what he's saying wow that is so deep hallelujah thank you Jesus as long as it is the work of God as long as it is part of the works of God you should meditate on it wow that's deep you should meditate on it wow you should meditate on it now let me take you to another he says I Muse wow you know sometimes I always tell you when we study even the scriptures we are not just reading the words from a page sometimes we go into it amen and peruse Amen in the scriptures and see it as it were even when it was then at the time of the story being performed or being uh uh uh uh uh written we go into that time where that story was happening and we peruse amen that's when you have gone to the realm of musing wow musing is become it is what makes you look like you are losing your mind wow oh that's deep that's deep I feel like you're not catching me here here listen there is a way you meditate and you begin to start talking to yourself people are wondering what's going on with this guy you are musing you are aming wow oh that's deep there's a way you meditate and you lose your your your dignity wow and you begin to walk like you are some crazy guy some have you ever seen somebody who has lost their their mind like a mad person what they do is Muse they are not in our world wow that's D David said I Muse so he will go by a plant and start talking to the plant wow and people are watching like David what are you doing he's musing wow he has left you guys in this world he's in the world of the plants wow that's so deep hallelujah hallelujah these are the spirit Realms that I'm I want to bring you into amen [Applause] hallelujah you've come to a place you start musing wow she like where where is Prophet going where is he's musing sister where are you going music that's deep that's why in most times when they are ready to go meditate and to Muse they go where they cannot find disturbance distraction or they can be injured wow because sometimes if you are not like in the fields or in a garden you can Muse your way into the streets wow that's deep that's deep are you still there we here papa papa yeah music but I I want to show you something somebody find Hallman Bible for me and read Psalms 1 111 verse 2 I like the way it puts it there Amen in the H man Bible I don't like the way King James puts it amen but keep it up Psalms 111 verse2 the Lord's works are great get the mic please amen the Lord's works are great uh studied by all who Delight in them Jesus Jesus Jes us what you see J Jesus Jesus Jesus oh people are you still here go the Lord's works are great they are studied by all who Delight in them first of all understand the first principle of meditation is to Delight in that thing wow that is why if David said I will meditate upon the Lord he says my heart Delights upon the Lord my heart Delights in his words amen amen the first principle of meditation for you to get anything out of meditation you must learn to Delight in something that is why you must begin to love plants love animals love the creation Hallelujah you can't go and receive anything from the creation if you don't Delight in it Jesus Jesus my God I feel like I'm just talking to myself in this here sir you must be a lover of nature because you can't meditate on something your your heart does not Delight in you won't get anything wow he just said something that's deep so all these meditations we are doing is fake because the things we meditate on our hearts are not delighting in them wow even the word of God there are people whose Hearts Don't Delight in the word of God they go to meditate that's why you come back you never get anything wow because you are trying to work something from your mind not from your spirit wow that's de if you're going to ever grow grow in the Realms of the revelations of God's word your heart must truly Delight in the word you shouldn't be one when the picture is preaching oh you are ready to go home you will never get anything when you study the Bible never that's so true that's so true it will continuously be abli to you you will not see what is inside wow because you don't have a true Delight for the word I feel like I'm talking to myself we here Papa we here you must come to a place where your heart truly Delights in the you listen I had to come you know I was one of I was some of you Christians because listen when I was growing up all I delighted in was Worship in church wow the moment worship is over I am leaving the church because I know message is about to start I didn't want to hear anything from the Bible wow I'll go outside and begin to play with my friends no wonder every time I open my bible nothing was coming out because I would just do it because hey they said it's important to read the Bible read the Bible to show your Christian lifestyle that's so true but I will get nothing and so I thought that this was just a game but until I began to learn to seit myself in church you know I did that training I was sit you know one day they were preaching I was always used to when they preaching even when I was giving myself to the to the word I would I would always sit down after every so often I would leave and go outside then come back one day one mother in church called me says you are always stepping out during the message sit down she rebuked me you see I thank God for people who understand these things in the church who can call you to your attention amen I remember the day I was praying we're doing a small prayer in the family you know I was praying I was fidgeting around my mom said stop doing that from that day I learned to sit amen are you still there we here Papa so when I began to learn to Delight my heart truthfully in the word you know how I started I began to say I love the word of God Amen I I I I I can't live without the word amen and I will say things like the word of God gives me goosebumps wow the word of God gives me butterflies Revelation even when I teach I would always say that there was one church I was always used to going to teach there or to preach there a uh a cultural Church like an Ethiopian cultural church and every time I would go there the first thing that come out of my mouth the word of God gives me butterflies and that's what I've come to share with you today wow amen thank you Papa I love the word of God I said that until it became a reality the word of God is truly in my heart am I desire it I Delight in it I and that's why I will spend hours listening it is not because it's for fake or because I wanted to have a message I just love hearing deep things I want to I want to see all the intricacies there is in the word of God Amen my heart delighted in it so when you have opportunities to hear the word of God and you choose something else your heart does not Delight wow that's so true oh be real with yourself if you want to grow that's how you have to be you have to come to a you accept ah me I don't like the word of God oh but I need to like the word of God because these things that I do shows that I don't like the word of God be real sir if you're trying to fake it you will never grow wow that's de that's deep so I admitted to myself brother you you and the word of God you have problems what's going on but I didn't want to be that Christian amen I started to Delight my heart any opportunity I got to listen to the word of God and and hear the word of God I would take it I will spend hours there was one year After High School two years I was always in the word my wife will show you the Bible that I did I was it's messed up I mean it's completely messed up and that Bible is a treasure in my heart amen because that was when I did the most study as a young man in the word am I listen to messages write notes everywhere it's from that season my heart began to Delight amen amen amen are you still there we're here Papa I just thought to share that with you amen thank you papa now hallelujah thank you Jesus now let's read the scripture again this is where I'm really taking you thank you Jesus read it again one more time hey the Lord's works are great the Lord's works are great studied by all who Delight them studied by all who Delight when you Delight in the works of God you study it amen amen powerful that's power I'm taking you somewhere take us there when you Delight truly Delight in the creation in the handy work of God you have to study it brother sister on Amen oh don't just say oh h God's creation is beautiful look at all the things God has made is wonderful how wonderful it is how wonderful are thy Works no according to the Psalms when you Delight in the work you study it come on make it make sense sir that's so good yet we have allowed those in the other religions to study the works to study the stars to study all these things yet we who are believers who our God is the one who created these things we fail to study them Jesus open up our eyes the proof of your Delight is in the studying of The Works come on now wow you can't say I Delight in something and if I ask you about that thing what is this thing all about you have nothing to say did you really Delight in it Jesus Jesus how can I say I Delight in something but if I'm asked concerning that subject I don't have anything to say what kind of delight did I have that's wow you're not only supposed to Delight in the work of the Lord if you Delight you study come on now amen you study it yes sir am I speaking to somebody here oh yes we're here you study it Jesus you think that the only study you have is to study the word But please understand you are also supposed to study the works come on Hallelujah of his hands yes Lord Jesus you are also supposed to study the works of his hands on somebody's only oh I study the word of God daily I when did you study the works of his hands when last come on help us well when I say the word of God is not the only thing to meditate upon you think I'm crazy but you don't only study the word come on now as Paul would say study to show thyself approved yes amen you study even the works of his hands hallelujah thank you Jesus you study it and in studying you meditate amen yes when you meditate on trees it is not idol worship come on help us are you listening to what I'm saying here right here it is not idol worship it is because meditation op oh K Hallelujah the realm of trees to your understanding wow I want to take you into into something I don't know if you're ready to come with me we ready Papa we ready Hallelujah when you study trees oh are you still here we here Papa or when you meditate on trees what you are doing it is opening that realm of trees where you are not only going to have insight about trees in just the sense of what you have been told when I see a tree and I want to understand more than what I've been told about a tree a tree has its realm wow that's and so when I see a tree in meditating on the tree the tree unlocks its realm to me wow and begins to teach me things concerning the tree's life hey that's deep oh that's deep Papa hey Hallelujah yeah yeah yeah this is how when the Bible says the creation the heavens The Works of your hands declares Your Glory how are you going to find out the glory that the works of his hand declares It Is by studying The Works of his hands amen through meditation Hallelujah when I see a fire I begin to meditate on the fire very soon the fire begins to communicate the mysteries of fire wow what fire is all about where fire is heading Amen in the plan of God oh my God we are not here hallelujah when I begin to meditate on trees trees begin to talk to me and tell me what they going after in the plan of God Amen oh that's de let's de we are not yet to be walking Idol there is so much to find out amen there is so much to find out amen thank you Jesus how can you be in this world and all you've ever known is all you you've ever been taught that's so true you have not gone on your own Expeditions in understanding The Works of God Amen in studying The Works of God there is still more knowledge in the trees than what have been exposed that's so deep God there is still more knowledge in the Stars than what have been exposed and the stars are ready to uncover that knowledge wow Hallelujah but it takes meditation to enter into the gates of the world of trees the world of animals amen the world of the Stars am the world of fire amen the world of anything that has been created if you want to have access into their world is meditation wow let de hallelujah praise the Lord that's the how is it that Prophet glovis is able to know what certain plans can do for the body wow it's because I sit by plants and I meditate and they begin to talk to me this is what I am made for this is what I oh that's re us that's Revelation to us sir my God my God the other day I'm talking to my father concerning a certain condition and while we were talking immediately the man turned I'm like okay what's going on immediately he turns and oh Jesus wow this man immediately he turns and I'm wondering what are you looking at there is a plant that is very far away wow and what I'm talking to him about about he has never so to speak researched on that plant concerning what I'm talking to him about because I was asking concerning a certain condition immediately he was trying to teach me about something else immediately he turned wow you know what he said to me he said a plant is calling me wow oh that's deep oh that's deep that is deep oh that's deep that is it's not all we go outside cuz we're in the hotel lobby we go outside and he goes I'm like Papa how did you see that plant all the way he says it was calling me wow we go to the plan he sees the plan he say oh this is this plant he says now put it in Google I put it in Google exactly exactly what I was asking him about is what the plan does hey that's deep wow that's deep for reals oh you want to just remain with your normal Christian Life no no no no no imagine a man who can hear the calling of a plant wow that's deep that's de um how I mean just think about it in that moment he doesn't know what I'm about to ask him but we are just in a moment talking wow and immediately by the ordinances of nature the plan says I have the answer wow oh that's that's and we put it on Google it is the exact thing that's wow Glory thank you Jesus you can choose to live your kind of Christian Life you've been using that's so that's for you as for me as for me I will enter the Realms of trees amen I will enter the Realms of animals amen I will enter the Realms of the Stars amen I will enter oh my God [Music] hallelujah come up here with me people amen hallelujah so hallu I here we here Papa that's why I keep telling don't be missing our conferences amen they so good let me put some ads here and there because that's where I go deep amen if you think this is deep imagine what you will hear that's so true are you still there somebody we here Papa we are not playing games these Church games that have been played for so long we are not doing that amen we are we want to understand God for real we want to experience this God for real amen imagine your lord Jesus having a conversation with a tree wow the Bible says he answered the tree that's true it's in the word meaning the tree talk to him are you still there somebody we here I showed you the scripture on live stream how trees are having conversations among themselves amen it's in the word imagine if you could meditate you will enter into their realm and hear their conversations wow that's deep that's deep you think medit I meditate on the word only I don't meditate on plans that's idol worship okay all you will get is success in this world that's it wow that's it the only requirement in meditation of the works of his hands or in meditation is to meditate on the works of his hands amen are you still there we're here Papa and when you read the book of Psalms the chapter number 104 verse 34 amen the only requirement in meditation is that whatever you meditate in or on is pleasing on unto the Lord amen Psalm 104 David knew it read it verse 34 uhhuh my meditation of him shall be sweet shall be sweet I will be glad in the Lord I don't like that translation are you still there we here Papa Psalms what Psalm 104 verse 34 Psalms 104:34 can we read it praise the Lord let the passion version is only Old Testament you have been following me forever haven't you are you still EXC excuse me are you still there we are here Papa all right I want you to read it for me hurry up amen okay all right read it for me in the new American Standard Bible amen Psalm 104 verse 34 uh-huh may my praise be pleasing to him as for me I shall rejoice in the Lord is that New American Standard Bible nasb NB there's a NSB 2020 in the 1995 all right I want the version that says let my meditation be pleasing to him the Hallman Bible actually says it read isv amen okay let's do the amplifying amen may my meditation be sweet and pleasing to him may my meditation be sweet and pleasing unto him so our meditations are supposed to be sweet not evil amen not Bitter Sweet and pleasing to him so if I'm going to meditate on something it has to be sweet and pleasing to him amen are you still there we here Papa then Paul comes about and says it in another way in the book of Philippians chapter number four the verse eight amen so when you are thinking the only thing I meditate on is the word Paul says whatsoever things yeah oh I love the word I love amen hallelujah can we read the verse eight finally Brethren uhhuh whatsoever things are true uhhuh whatsoever things are honest uhhuh whatsoever things are just uhhuh whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report uhhuh if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things meditate on these things amen are you still here somebody we here Pap this is the only Ambit you have it is not telling you meditation only deals with the word whatsoever things are true meditate whatsoever things are honest meditate whatsoever things are just meditate whatsoever things are pure meditate whatsoever things are lovely meditate whatsoever things of good report meditate if there is any virtue in it trees are virtue wow they make they they give you substance to eat that's so true that's deep wow wow Jesus Jesus the stars have virtue they produce light for you wow if there be any praise meditate on these things amen this is De you can clap for the Lord better thank you Jesus hallelujah praise the Lord so don't let any religious guy bound you keep you only in meditating on the word whatsoever things amen there are many more things to meditate on Amen David says if they be pleasing to the Lord if they be sweet hallelujah praise the Lord hallelujah praise the Lord if you don't understand these things the realm of the spirit cannot open up to you I'm telling you wow that's deep it can't open up to you you will only be at a certain level when it comes to the things of the spirit wow imagine my father a plant is calling him he wasn't I'm just talking to him IM like till today I was telling my wife this she's like what a man I was like me I got confused I'm like why is he turning around s so it's like he calling me wow wow there are people who have access to plants wow to the Plant World some of you just see it and ignore it and pass it so you just even kick it and you don't know that you are interrupting plant life wow that's deep that even to just go and cut something from a plant you must understand it's interrupting plant life if I begin to tell you some things you would think I've gone crazy wow that's the oh all these things that you know we used to do as kids where we would just destroy things and listen that is as a result of the fall of Man wow wow because in the command of man being created he was told to keep and to dress it not to destroy it that's so true okay I feel like I I've gone too far no that's so true Papa have I gone too far have I left no papa we right here we here we're just listening Jesus is known as The Gardener oh wow that was his Joy Jesus he loved to take care of plants in his resurrection You Found Jesus in the garden when he goes to pray in the garden that's so true we don't understand the things of this world that's why when you're about to cut down a tree you should never just go there bring your guys or take your saw and just cut it down you must you must talk to the tree first wow that's deep SD so what is all this about I thought God gave us Dominion your Dominion is not to destroy that's true it is to rule and to develop the Earth that's so true it is not for Destruction amen hallelujah and sometimes they still have tendency in me sometimes I'll just go to a plant because when I was a kid I was so used to doing that even when you go to get a plant for a spiritual Direction you are supposed to say I'm sorry I need this for this I will come back and bless you with water wow or you bring water and bless it before you take it wow that's the oh this world is very spiritual you don't understand amen welcome to prophetic acts Hallelujah we have a prophet when you live with that sense of understanding the Realms of this world of the works of God begins to open up to you amen but when you ignore it and think it's nothing that you're doing they shut their Gates you don't even respect them wow you don't value them you can't go go deeper with them wow amen are still here we here Papa oh some people don't like I teach you this they don't like that I'm teaching you these things they don't help us Papa we are in the time when knowledge shall be increased amen whether they like it or not we will bring this message to the end of the world Amen so that the glory of God can cover the Earth Hallelujah as the waters covers the sea amen hallelujah as the waters covers the seeds we will make known of this knowledge of the glory of God Amen this is the glory of God being unveiled to men amen thank you Jesus hallelujah praise the Lord lift up your hands toward heaven and magnify the name of the Lord the name of the Lord bless His holy name bless His holy name exalt his mighty name glorify him glorify him for [Applause] [Music] [Music] EST [Music] [Music] let me tell you something these things I'm sharing with you it would take other people 10 years before their hearts will be open to this wow but by that time we have gone so far amen hallelujah thank you Jesus those of you who are watching online and you know engaging with our channels on YouTube Facebook wherever we come to bring this message I'm telling you by the time some people wake up to these things we have gone deep amen hallelujah thank God that God has chosen to bring this things to your ear now amen thank you Jesus Hallelujah we are the forerunners of this message amen hallu yeah you know sometimes when I teach certain things and then and I'm I'm around listening to some guys you know I'm hearing them say some of the things I've said like oh it's going it's going it's going hallelujah praise the Lord but you see they can fight it all they want but after sometimes they will start stitching it too you can't run from this because one day you will get tired of saying the same old things to people that's true I'm telling you but by the time your eyes are awakened we have gone too far so we are calling you now to join the [Music] party join the party now let us let us run this race together let us forun this message together amen hallelujah so that the world may know amen that God is the creator of all things [Music] amen and that everything is created display his glory amen show it his glory amen show it his mighty Works amen don't walk as ignorance as ignorant as other people don't be them when you see other people fighting me they are fighting you they're not fighting me because let me tell you what I know I know what if I only keep it to myself it is not to my disadvantage it's to your disadvantage because I already know it amen so who are they fighting is you wow they know when you get to understand these things you will leave their churches that's why they must demonize Prophet gloves understand it because you get tired of listening to the same old things that's so true that's so true Pap so they will make Prophet glov his Public Enemy and we have not seen anything yet it's still coming because I've not said anything yet I'm still coming amen we have a problem hallelujah thank you Jesus I'm still coming I haven't said much I have not said much at all amen and their tactics is to find a way to shut me up another time I heard somebody said oh you know he's saying all our secrets I said so you wanted to keep it wow why why why I'm sing to build the body of Christ amen I'm saying thank you Jesus not to make them my subordinates I am here you are there let's enjoy God together amen hallelujah but you see the problem I have with some of you Christians is [Music] that my daughter sh is like M papa is about to give us our [Music] you see the problem I have with some Christians is that when you begin to get small you think you have [Music] arrived you think you have arrived but what I show to you is because I want you to grow but never think that it's all I know if you break from the source of the information you got and you know sometimes people want to use what I teach them to fight me I say how how do you use what I taught you because you thought I told you everything no we don't work like that me I'm very smart because I understand men you never show everything you know never Jesus had the multitude then he had the 12 then he had three then he had one you don't show everything you know to everybody you don't do that it's one principle you have to learn in life as somebody when God blesses you with a certain realm don't give it out carelessly count the people you share things with come on thank you because people only come to feed and then they will take it as if now they have grown Beyond you they have now understood what you taught them Beyond you can you [Music] imagine you know you know I was sharing these things some saying this to my father my father was telling me ah Prophet you anything you know I remember I was at my father's church when I went to see him somebody he had just helped when I got out of the church was speaking badly about him Christians how quickly they forget somebody he just helped the girl's father was in a dire situation I mean I'm talking about near death experience and my father helped and the father came back to health and I got outside of the church she began to say nonsense I say huh I told my father me I don't shut up when it comes to my father I'll go and tell him I was like look at this girl you just met you look at what she saying she said ah Prophet you don't know what I've experienced in Ministry [Music] the day that it bad for me I was listening to my father he says he say even you some of you pastors I'm speaking now you're against what I'm saying and men don't play don't play when you when you are blessed with a certain knowledge the heart of the man that gave you that knowledge you should hold you should make sure you please his heart in every way that's why if there's anything I am doing in this world is to make sure my father's heart is glad about me because I know but he if if you just come to somebody and you make what he has shared with you of no value you will stop sharing especially if you start using it against him you don't do that you are creating an error in your destiny in the realm of the spirit you may not see it now it's later some of the things that I was doing that my biological father was telling me my son this is not how you do it it is later that I found out some of the things you're doing this empty Pride that we carry out in church when we think we have something to say to Pastor have something to say to the man of God you have you something is wrong with you it is later you will understand that life is not about who is [Music] right there are people God hon because of their sacrifice not because they are right understand it so if you come and think that because he was wrong and you were right and that's what you want to take before God you will lose and you you like is God Fair he's very [Music] fair are you still there h no is something you don't play with you never play with that never I'm saying this because the things I'm about to reveal to you if you play with my honor me and God I will stand like Moses Lord you have not listen they have not blessed me don't do anything Moses did that one time he stood before the people he said God you can't do anything for them they have not blessed me because if a man has been so kind to draw you close and to impact on you give whatever little he gave you don't use it as a means to mock you don't use it there are things that a lot of pastors are dying with because of how people they helped treated them afterwards some of the things that I didn't understand until I came into Ministry myself things I've seen in Ministry brother you know when I when my my biological father was experiencing these things you know in my naivity I thought it was just something that he would experience me I will use wisdom and my wisdom will help me evade ah no no no no no God will teach you not to put your hopes in people he will teach you I said he will teach you you will learn by force so you can protect what he has given you are you listening to me [Music] somebody so understand you can't AG grow the one who taught you can never ever understand it no matter how deep I become how special my words sound I will never outgrow my father never never it is a desire to outgrow your father but understand the moment you claim you have outgrown him understand that God have taken him to another [Music] level it should be your desire your desire to outgrow now when the man is taken you can outgrow him but as long as he's still working in his work on Earth Aspire Aspire but don't come to a place where you think ah now I can say something to this [Music] man you see this is the problem with a lot of American churches permit me to say all right permit me to say I'm not prophesying today so I have time to speak like this this what is wrong with because they don't understand these things they don't understand these things and now these things have actually now begin to creep into the African churches talking about churches in [Music] Africa if I don't share these things with you and you make those mistakes it will be as though nobody told me but it's good that I teach you on these things and I help you to understand so that you grow in the Lord the right way am there is the right way in Walking with God there's the right way don't do things out of emotions feelings and then you feel like you have a right don't do [Music] that praise God lift up your hands toward Heaven ask the Lord to renew your heart before him and then ask the Lord to help you to open up to Creation because that work must be done in your heart you must begin to find a place where you can start delighting in the works of his hand and tell the Lord Lord I really want to understand creation for what you have created it to be and all the things that are still yet to be known about your creation I want to know it everything comes as a result of deep desire desire it desire it desire it talk to the Lord somebody talk to the Lord somebody I can hear you I can hear you [Music] Shand oh Jesus oh Jesus let our hearts be open to this reality to this realm of experience that we will be able to go into the world of the creation and understand it so that we can find you even in creation even in the works of your [Music] hands Jesus understand I am not speaking about the worship of creation because sometimes when I speak people trying to use my words and say something else like I think I saw on our comments in on YouTube somebody is saying that why do I charge for baptism I'm like ah when have I charged anybody for [Music] baptism so you are listening to a whole message all you are thinking the whole time is that this man is charging for baptism when did I say that baptism is free I have never charged for baptism neither will I ever charge for baptism if you paid for uh intimacy summer Retreat baptism is one of the benefits you will get it is not what I'm charging you for because there are those who may not even come to the retreat but they will also be involved in the baptism so what are you talking about people are just out here being crazy and it's one of those fake accounts I don't know who who saying that but in my spirit I felt like it was somebody I know that wrote [Music] that oh sometimes I can pick up things the way I hear when sometimes people talk about me the way I hear it ask my wife and I would tell her I said just watch this watch how this will happen listen don't play with me because I'm quiet and I don't talk or I just act like you know nothing is happening me let me not boast let me leave it alone let me end it before the Holy Spirit stri strikes a cord hallelujah praise the Lord hallelujah praise the Lord the only thing I charge for is the information I give to people because it's not every information you should get for free amen when you went to school nobody you didn't go to your principal and say why am I paying for school you didn't ask them that question don't come and ask Prophet glov that question that's so true because not every information is free amen and with what I give out here just just on online normally where do you go and find that information nowhere nowhere Papa that's why I think somebody the person who said that statement I know the person God bless him amen amen good spirit you see all our people they have been so trained and so wired to walk in love even the comments they were writing it's like hey brother this is not what it is is but bless you Shalom Like These Are My People amen you know other people will go there and be attacking no we don't do that we don't do that carry the spirit of your man of God amen amen hallelujah praise the Lord take what you want to give to God to honor him tonight wait make way makeer Miracle work promise keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are you are way maker Miracle Worker promise keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are you are way maker makeer Miracle Worker promise keep light in the darkness my God that is who you are you are way maker way maker Miracle Worker promise keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are that is who you [Music] are promise keep light in the darkness my God that is who you are you are way maker way maker Miracle work promise keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are oh that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are oh that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are you are way maker way maker Miracle Worker promise keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are oh you are way maker way maker Miracle Worker promise keep keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you you are that is who you are that is who you are that that is who you are that is who wave your hands to him say that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are oh that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is you oh that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you [Music] are even when I don't see it you're working even when I can feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working you never stop you never stop work even when even when I don't see it you're working even when I can feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working you never stop even when I don't see it even when I don't see it you're working even when I can feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working you never stop you never stop even when even when I don't see it even when I can feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working you never stop you never stop working even when I don't see it you're working even when I can feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working you never stop that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are and that is who you are that that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are no that is who you are that is who you are that is who that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are my God that is who you are that is who you are that is who you [Music] are that is who you are even when we can't see it you are working even when we don't feel it you are working Lord I know you're working behind the scenes of everyone's life in this place and everyone that is watching by way of the media you're working behind the scenes of their lives and soon and very soon soon and very soon they will burst forth with joy of testimonies filled on their lips soon and very soon what you're doing behind the sins will burst forth with shouts of Glory with praises unto you oh God Amen help us to trust you even when we don't see it help us to trust you even when we can't feel it thank you Jesus because you're always working amen that is who you are amen that is who you are that is who you are we thank you because our confidence our whole confidence is in you amen our whole confidence is in you amen we thank you we bless you we exalt you somebody say I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I thank you Jesus I thank you Jesus I Praise You Jesus I Praise You Jesus I honor you Jesus I honor you Jesus you deserve all of me you deserve all of and nothing less nothing less you deserve all of me you deserve all of me and nothing less nothing you have all of me you have all of me you have all of me you have all of me thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you have all of me you all of thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Jesus Blessed Assurance thank you hallelujah praise the Lord hallelujah praise the [Music] Lord listen I can stay in this atmosphere for an hour and not one to detach from it amen his love his love his love his love is like a symphony in my heart his love just keep playing brother I'm just going according to you oh his love his love his love his love his love is like a symphony in my heart Jes Jesus your love your love your love your love your love it's like a syphony in my heart that's why all I want to do is worship all I want to do is worship that's why all I want to do is worship that's why all I want to do is worship that's why all I want to do is worship because your love your love your love your love you're love your love your love it's like a symphony in my heart your love your love your love your love your love your love your love your love it's like a symphony in my heart that's why all I want to do is worship that's why all I want to do is worship that's why all I want to do is [Music] worship that's why all I want to do is worship because he love he love he love his love he love is like a symphony in my heart all I want to do worship oh his love his love his love his love his love it's like a syphony in my oh you love your love your love your love your love it's like a symphony in my that's why all I want to do is [Music] worship that's why all we want to do is worship that's why all we want to do is worship I want to do is worship that's why all we want to do is worship all to do hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord amen amen God is amazing amen he's so amazing he's so amazing he's so amazing ever so lovely ever so faithful ever so kind reach in Mercy reaching Mercy where would I be without you lord don't forget to register for intimacy summer Retreat amen hallelujah I am excited for what God is going to do in your lives Hallelujah I charge you don't miss this one amen don't miss this one don't miss this one do the best you can to be here hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord I bless your seed and your offering I cause it to have a multiplied return that as you come to give let every door that has been shut against you be open unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ thank you father in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name you can come to give us we close God bless you shalom shalom [Applause] [Music] this [Music] w
Channel: Prophet Glovis Online
Views: 6,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K2ojyD2-LOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 50sec (8450 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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