Medicinal Seeds Must Grows 2024 | Whispering Willow Farm

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hey friends I'm Jill with Whispering low farm and today I'm going to be chatting with you guys about medicinal herbs I'm growing this year on our farm so we are a small scale flower farm in central Arkansas we're also growing all of our own family's produce year round while raising a few animals uh here and there as well also have a beautiful Cottage Garden that is just packed full of perennial herbs that we're using for holistic remedies for our health our Wellness our family our friends um and so each year I'm trying to build out the things that I am establishing in that Cottage Garden as I have been transitioning more into holistic wellness and herbalism so I thought I would share with you guys today what I'm starting in my Cottage Garden so before we get too far into this if you are interested in medicinal herbs for beginners my friend Kaye Richardson and I over at the honey said she is a beautiful beekeeper and holistic herbalist in Virginia we created a beginner's guide to growing a medicinal Garden it is a fantastic ebook with over a 100 Pages packed full of the top 20 easiest herbs we recommend growing with growing guides harvesting supporting material Meda recipes you name so if you are interested in checking that out before we get started you can just go to the description down below and check out that ebook we've had such great feedback on it I know it's going to be a beautiful resource for so many of you guys but without further Ado let's jump into today's video so I am starting my seeds from a survival garden seeds they have these really lovely packs which is really nice because I find with medicinal seeds um it's a little bit harder to Source those out or at least the ones that I was wanting to grow so the fact that survival seeds have these packs this is the ultimate medicinal herb collection there are 36 heirloom seed packets in here just super excited to grow these they also have a ton of other packs I have not dived into these yet but they have the Homesteader pack which is 50 heirloom seed packs and then they have a home Garden pack um which is 30 heirloom seed packets full of just all the great things if you're interested in their seeds I'm going to put a link down below but today let's dive into the medicinal garden collection let's open this up see what's in here and I'm going to share with you which of these I'm growing and what I'm growing them so they're all beautifully rubber band which is super helpful so you get four packs and let's go through what they are so first up we have common plantain now this is native to a lot of us so we actually have plantain here in Arkansas um that we can forge and harvest um there's a lot of great saavs you can make with plantain um we don't actually have enough to be able to meet the needs uh that I would want so this would be one of those that I would want to start so plantain is great it's going to be great for all things skin care it also the leaves are edible so that's nice too it's little Dual Purpose packed full of nutrition um and then it's a perennial so for me I'm not really wanting to grow a lot of herbs that are annuals especially in my Cottage Garden I'm wanting to set that up as a perennial garden that really kind of um takes care of itself right it's one of those areas I don't have a lot of time and attention so I'm trying to create a space or if I am growing an annual maybe like Tulsi which is a basil I'm going to let it self seed so that it comes back so even the annuals that I'm growing I treat them as though they are perennials just to take a little pressure off my back of what I need to maintain so plantain is great I would say as you're building out your herbal toolbox plantain is one of those that I would add in but do a little research on it because I guarantee you you could probably Forge for it right in your backyard especially this time of year next up we have the Beloved peppermint now not only is peppermint great for so many different things you can use it um in the kitchen for culinary purposes it has a lot of great medicinal properties as well one of the things about Mint one of the things I'm very mindful of when growing any sort of mint spearmint peppermint uh you name it is it can be very very invasive so in fact I've got mint still growing from the previous owners of our farm that they planted who knows how many years ago so I am actually not going to be planting this peppermint because I have an abundance but if you are growing peppermint maybe try to put it in a container it's going to grow really well in a container and just make sure that you give it enough space if you do put it in a bed um that it can have that full space over time because eventually it will end up choking out most of your other plants um so either put it at the end of a bed where it can kind of grow out along the ground or just put it in its own separate container so you don't have to worry about that but if you do not already have peppermint or spearmint growing in your medicinal Garden this one is a must have because it just has so many beautiful properties we're using it mostly in teas it's really great right now I'm bottle feeding Lambs so I'm drinking a spearmint tea every day with peppermint as well just really open up my sinuses help me breathe really well and this is a great one for that next up we have chamomile now I started this last year in my Cottage Garden and I just want more uh this is a great calming soothing herb I'm using this a lot for my children I make a bedtime tea for them every night with raw honey and chamomile is is the base of this they love it it tastes floral it smells floral it's really easy to harvest and store which I really appreciate as well and honestly with these Daisy like flowers I mean you just can't have too much chamomile in your garden in my opinion I mean you need to grow a lot though because you can tell they are very very small flowers and by the time you harvest them to dry they are even going to shrink up more so you're going to want to grow more than you think you might need but camomile is a must grow in the medicinal Garden it is so great to have in your tool belt as well especially if you have Littles this is a great way just to um add those calming soothing properties and teas and things like that next up we have echa also known as cone flour I love this one because every single part of this can be used so I put in eona the first year we bought our farm so this year will be 3 years you can harvest the roots of eona after 3 years and make so many great tinctures with those but you have the entire petals and leaves that are great to use as well um echan is one of those herbs that you really uh want to grow a lot this time of year to store up for the fall and the winter when you start dealing with uh flu Calon colds things like that it's not one of those herbs that you want to take over a long period of time but if you notice you have an elet coming on and you're feeling little sinus see a little sick um you want to come in treat it fast with eonia it does the trick but you're not going to take it long term but it is so easy to dry um it makes a beautiful cut flour as well so super beneficial and it's great we just cut it down at the end of the year we'll mulch it a little it comes back bigger and better it attracts so many different pollinators and there are so many wonderful properties toona that it is definitely a must grow now this one you might not think would be something you would have in your medicinal Garden but let me tell you cayenne pepper is crucial for the medicinal Garden not only is it a great culinary pepper you can do so many things with it there are so many great medicinal properties to Growing cayenne pepper that I highly recommend you guys look into this but this is one of those that you might think belongs in the vegetable garden but in fact it belongs in your medicinal garden now the thing with cayenne pepper is this would be considered an annual you are going to grow it just like you would grow you know a culinary pepper in your vegetable garden so you are going to have to regrow this year after year but on the back of these seed packets it actually shares with you how to save the seeds and since these are all Heirloom Seeds you can easily do that so I would really recommend just be diligent about saving your own seeds so that this is a onetime investment and either let them s seed which the peppers are going to have a harder time with that so with things like the peppers just go ahead and ensure that you're saving some seeds so you have enough to plant for the next year next up we have got cingula aside from it being absolutely stunning I love having this growing in my Cottage Garden I use this a lot when I'm baking sourdough to decorate different loaves um aside from the beauty here it is an annual um I have tried to let M seed this year I will check back with you guys to see if that worked or not but in case it didn't I am starting more and so cingula is one of those things that is going to be great for a lot of those extern Cuts wounds you can make it into saves um you can also put it into teas to help with digestive issues as well but primarily we are using this as a Sav for burns Cuts wounds scrapes um it's really nice as well as comfrey I would say the main two savs we are making each year are Cula savs and comy savs and they are great great powerhouses but there are so many other beautiful properties that cingula and all these other herbs have as well and so if you really want to dive into what all those properties are all the things you need to know I really do recommend you guys check out the ebook that I mentioned earlier down below because it's going to go into all of these in much greater detail we'll provide a Materia Medica now there might be some herbs I'm sharing with you today that are not um in my beginner's guide to growing a medicinal Garden but there are probably going to be some that you find in there that you also won't see on this list today so the next up we're going to talk about is oregano now I love growing herbs that are multi-purpose right for me um there's just something about getting a good deal right getting the most bang for my buck if I'm going to grow it I really want to be able to use it in the kitchen we bake a lot of sourdough I'm making sourdough every single week for my family so I love being able to go out into the Cottage Garden and grab different herbs to decorate loaves with um to cook with and things like that but then so many of these different herbs I'm going to share with you today oregano Sage Time stuff like that they not only have all these great culinary purposes which is how we might commonly know them they are packed full of so many medicinal properties as well and oregano is no different so oregano is one of those you want to stockpile and grow as much as you can during that summer season to make sure you have on hand for the fall and winter it is an antioxidant it's antimicrobial it is great for Respiratory health for Digestive Health this for me if we're getting sick I making into a tincture and it is really nipping things in the bud next up we have th which is a great perenial herb this is going to come back year after year bigger better Fuller which I absolutely love we'll just do a big hard Harvest at the end of the summer um or even into fall and then we'll mulch really well and I'm telling you it's a great um time I'm usually making into some sort of like oil we'll do a Time infused oil but time is really great great for Respiratory so even putting it into a tincture um It's A Little Bit Stronger herb to mix into a tea but if you have any sort of cough or bronchitis um this is going to be a great herb for that it can help with indigestion bloating gas it can be great for your oral health so it is one of those that has multi-purposes which again I told you guys I totally love and because th is such an easy herb to grow grow and it does have all of these great medicinal properties but I can also cook a ton with it so I like that a lot especially if you are a beginner this is a very beginner friendly herb to grow and I highly highly recommend it next up we have basil I believe everyone should be growing basil you grow it once you smell it once you will totally be hooked I will not have to convince you anymore um basil I'm using primarily in teas it has a fantastic flavor and Aroma but it's known for its ad Cogen properties meaning it's going to help you um handle stress better it's going to help reduce stress so for me um I've always dealt with a lot of adrenal fatigue um because I'm not really nurturing my adrenals really well so one of the things I implemented was taking Tulsi every single day to really Target and address and help nurture and heal that area and it has helped me wonders just putting it in a tea every single day with some oats and some some nettle it tastes beautiful adds some raw honey um so it's really great for Stress Management but aside from that it has a lot of immune boosting properties it's really great for your gut health really great for your digestive system and you can also use it topically for a certain skin infections so there are so many different things you can do with basil so like I mentioned basil isn't annual but it is one of those annuals that it does self seed really well it'll lay dormant all winter come back early spring and to the summer and so I am growing this one I just don't feel like I have enough um I've officially ran out of basil and so I realized oh I still need to grow enough to carry me at least a couple more months so that is why I'm adding in more basil this year but it is a great self cater super easy to harvest just Bunch it hang it upside down um out of a sunny window that it definitely needs to make your must must medicinal list this year next up we have Yaro now this is the common white Yaro which is something to be mindful of because if you start looking for Yaro you might see a lot of different varieties maybe like um pastels Berry or summer pastels these are all varieties that I grow however I am growing these for cut flowers and they do not have the same medicinal properties as the common white so it is really important to know um the scientific names which is why we really recommend looking at Materia medicas to make sure that you are buying the right herb that has those medicinal properties that you actually want and so uh as you're kind of diving into herbalism um into growing medicinal Gardens you'll become more familiar with material medicas and why they are super super crucial but I do recommend you guys get familiar with that yarao is one of those specifically there are um varieties that are just work cut flowers that don't hold the same medicinal properties so be mindful of that I growing both but I am only growing those colorful beautiful ones in a different area now Yaro can be made into a Sav and it's going to be great for cuts and wounds things on the exterior part of your body it can also help regulate your menstrual cycles if you deal with a lot of cramping and bloating you can make it into a tea and you can take it during your um menstrual cycle and it's really going to help just reduce all of that for you also has a lot of respiratory properties so it's great to take um during cold and flu Seasons to help clear you out make it to work you can breathe a lot better and then again it is commonly known for um just kind of being a Warrior when it is applied externally um into some sort of Sav so the Aros skin Sav is pretty common it's a great um entry too I find that sometimes uh tinctures and decoctions and infusions those can kind of intimidate a beginner and rightfully so so I find that making different tea Blends are really a good point of entry if you are getting started and then savs you really can't go wrong with savs you really can't have too many savs that is really one of the things I first started making um many many moons ago when I had entered into this holistic journey and it's because it didn't feel intimidating to me and so if you're thinking about growing these herbs and you're not sure what to do with them one they're going to store uh for a really long time if you dry them properly so why not start with a Sav something that's a little bit easier and you can gain knowledge and experience and then maybe start tackling some of those things that might be a little more intimidating to you like a tincture or a decoction now let's talk about St John's wart this will actually be my first year growing this in the medicinal Garden why I have waited this long I have no idea because I have heard Raves and Raves about it it is a perennial which is great which is why I knew I wanted to get it established this year when you think about St John's think about everything okay this is antiviral antimicrobial it's good for your nervous system if you make it into a tonic it is good for mood support there are so many different things that this herb can do it's so versal that again I really like having those herbs granted I love growing chamomile I know it's going to calm me down it's going to nurture my kids it's going to calm them down that is primarily what chamomile is known for right those calming um properties when you think about some of these other herbs and they serve so many diverse properties and meet so many needs it really is great herbs to add into your toolbox cuz you can pull from them and add a few other things with them and then you really have yourself a well-rounded holistic um approach to lots of different elements that might come up which if you're on a farm or a homestead you know how crucial that can be so St John wart add it on to your grow list this year as well another new one for me is tooth AE plant you can see it just looks so so cool while we do not deal with a lot of oral issues in our family knock on wood um you just never know right I'm raising Litt um you just never know and that was one of those things that when I look into my holistic toolbox I don't have really anything that is supporting your oil health so essentially what you're doing is you will chew the plant and it has a numb effect and it has really great properties for your oral health and so while this isn't something that I think oh man um we really need this right I'm thinking things that support our respiratory Health that boost our mind our spirit um really stocking up for the winter months on how to treat colds and flu sinus infections earaches um I wanted to still have this because I knew that it was something that was lacking and so even though I don't necessarily uh need it now it's not something that we typically gravitated to I just wanted to have it on hand and I have the space to grow it so that is why I'm trying out toothache plant this year I will keep you guys posted on how it goes next up let's talk about Sage super beginner friendly it is a perennial it is fantastic in the kitchen but it also has a lot of really great medicinal properties as well some of those being it's great for your respiratory health so again if you got um a cough I find with my family when we get colds we have this LAN lingering cough that lasts forever and so I'm really trying to find those herbs that can really um go in and treat that and can really nip that in the bud for our families which is why I'm kind of growing a lot of things that really support that respiratory health because I find that that's what we're dealing with the most aside from that it is great for digestion and your gut health great for oil health so again trying to add those versatile herbs in there and you can also make it into a Sab and use it for different skin um infections so just one of those great ones has culinary properties medicinal properties it's beautiful it comes back year after year you're looking for an easy herb this is a good one so here we have stinging nettle which is definitely a must grow it is so versatile I think it steers people away because of its name and while yes it does have stinging properties you can just be mindful when you're harvesting to wear gloves but it is so great for your respiratory Health it's anti-inflammatory it's a diuretic um you can put it in a tea you can we have a recipe in our ebook for a pesto that you can make with it super super versatile I've been drinking this a lot right now as I'm dealing with a lot of allergies so it really helps just kind of get all of that out it can easily be made into a tea with some things that taste a little bit better like you know Tulsi or a basil oat something like that um so stinging nettle as long as you're mindful of harvesting um and preparation and things like that it definitely still needs to make your list because there are so many great properties um in fact I know so many herbalists that say if they could only grow one herb nettle would be one that they would not ever live without so that's just food for thought and of course I could not do a video on my must grow medicinal herbs without chatting with you guys about lavender now lavender does have a very floral taste and I know not everyone enjoys lavender and a tea but there are so many other things you can make with lavender we're making bath salts we're making bath bombs um we're making essential oils and we're infusing it it has so many great calming properties which is what it is known for now I actually love lavender I make a lot of simple syrups I love having a lavender honey um latte is one of my guilty pleasures so there are so many fun things you can do with it um I am also again decorating a lot of sourdough breads with it so we use it a lot in the kitchen but aside from that I like to have those kid-friendly herbs that I don't really have to worry about I make this into a spray I spray it on my kids pillows at night just to um really achieve a calming effect help them calm down before bedtime it smells really great we're diffusing it a lot but aside from all of those calming properties that Lavender is most commonly known for it can help relieve muscle tension um it helps great with headaches I will just put it on my temples it alleviates a headache really really quickly also do that with peppermint it's a great one for that as well it is great for your skin so if you can incorporate this in different moisturizers or skin oils it's very nourishing to your skin um I find that I have U just better glowing skin I deal with less dryness and redness when I'm incorporating um lavender into my skin routine it's going to help reduce stress it's going to repel bugs um it's great for your respiratory Health there are literally so many different things and I mean just look at it you guys it's stunning um I'm also growing this as a cut flour and I'm using it a lot in dry arrangements for wreath and things like that so when I just think about versatility um it is super versatile I would say for me in central Arkansa I've had a really hard time getting my lavender to Perennial eyesee I will mulch it much like I do my Rosemary time um all of those things but I do find it has a harder time coming back but I'm not giving up I'm going to keep trying so these are the things that I'm adding into my medicinal Garden this year some of these I already have I'm just adding more I have not even touched the surface you guys when you get this packet it comes with all of these herbs I didn't even touch now I might eventually add these in right now I just don't have space for them I wouldn't um I was really just picking out the ones we use the most as our family but there are so many other great ones we've got lemon balm borage valan uh fennel cilantro Horehound parsley bergamont lemon mint anise wormwood white sage soril pcan fig Greek mirold loveage like everything you could possibly want is in this pack but I get asked a lot especially as I'm sharing more of this holistic uh Journey we are really prioritizing our health and our wellness and a holistic approach so I've really been emphasizing on the medicinal Garden where it's kind of taken a back burner in the last few years and so I just wanted to share with you guys what I growing what I'm adding to that medicinal Garden um this year and these are the some of the things that I am adding some of the things I think you should add as well it is never too late to start saying yes um to your health and wellness and to really kind of take control of that and find a holistic alternative that can support you and have so many multi-purposes as well so I hope you guys will consider growing some of these if you have questions let me know again if you want to snag the ebook it's down in the description also I have a home Apothecary course I recorded with Kaylee at the honeystead as well I will put all of the information down below you can bundle the course in the ebook and get a pretty big discount so if you want any of that information you want information on the seeds it's all going to be down below but now I'm about to go get busy in the flower tunnel so thank you guys for hanging out with me today and I'll talk to you soon
Channel: Whispering Willow Farm
Views: 31,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whispering willow farm, small farm, gardening tips, gardening for beginners, what im growing, growing herbs, medicinal garden, herbal remedies, medicinal plants at home, medicinal herbs, medicinal plants, must grow medicinal seeds, herbalism, holistic living
Id: he6xpmAu2mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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