Top 15 Plants That NATURALLY Repel Mosquitoes 🦟 Natural Repellent Plants That Keep Mosquitoes AWAY 😱

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hey everyone in today's video we're looking at top 15 plants that naturally repel mosquitoes want to keep mosquitoes away without chemicals we've got you covered with some amazing plants that do just that we'll show you which plants can make your garden a no-go zone for mosquitoes so you can enjoy your time Outdoors without the bites make sure to like subscribe and share this video with friends who hate mosquitoes as much as you do ready to find out more let's jump in first up is Sage a plant it's not just for cooking Sage can be your garden alley against mosquitoes simply Crush its sleaves and rub them on your skin or clothes to keep mosquitoes at Bay hosting a backyard bonfire throw a bundle of sage fresh or dried into the Flames for a mosquito repelling smoke that'll keep the pests away from your Gathering no fire no problem light a sage bunch and let it smolder safely on a fire resistant surface besides its repellent properties sag adds Beauty to your garden it thrives in pots or as a border for your flower beds needing just full sun and well- drained soil to grow let's make your outdoor spaces both beautiful and mfo free with sage next on our list is bbong known not just for attracting bees butterflies and hummingbirds but also for keeping mosquitoes at a distance unlike many plants that require you to crush their leaves to release mosquito repelling oils B balm does the job as it naturally grows and blooms sending out fragrances mosquitoes can't stand B balm is a versatile perennial offering a range of colors and sizes to beautify your garden one standout variety is the balmy Rose Monarda a compact type that grows up to a foot tall perfect for edging flower beds or growing in containers let B bal's vibrant flowers and moso repelling abilities enhance your garden year after year number three on our list is the sunny maragold a garden favorite that's as effective as it is beautiful not only do these vibrant annuals add a splash of color to your garden all season long but they also naturally ward off mosquitoes and other pests this is thanks to the Natural insecticides within the plant which give marigolds their distinctive strong scent when touched it's not just the maragal flowers that do the work their leaves also play a part with the blossoms delivering the most potent protection placing maragal in pots around your patio can help make your summer evenings more enjoyable and pest-free they're also great companions in the vegetable garden repelling pests while adding a cheerful pop of [Music] color fourth on our list is the ever elegant lavender a plant as renowned for its beauty as it is for its ability to repel mosquitoes lavender varieties like provant and Gro are particularly effective thanks to their High camper content which acts as a natural insect repellent on sunny days lavender naturally emits its aromatic oils creating a fragrant barrier against pests for an added mpia repelling boost simply crush the flower buds and leaves and rub them onto your skin in the evenings Lavender is versatile in the garden too plant it in pots or directly in your garden beds if your outdoor space leans towards the formal consider growing lavender topies to add A Touch of Elegance alongside its bug fighting Powers fifth on our list are scented geraniums known for their incredible variety and sensory Delights unlike traditional bedding geraniums with larger blims scented geraniums Captivate with their diverse foliage and smaller flowers what makes them special in repelling mosquitoes is the unique fragrance they emit when their leaves are crushed or rubb thanks to the chemical compounds they release from Citrus blends to Rose peppermint nutmeg apple and cinnamon each variety offers a unique scent however it's the lemon scented geraniums that are believed to have the strongest mosquito repelling Powers these plants are not only effective against pests but also add Beauty as container plants perfect for patios or as part of your garden decor for those in colder climates don't worry you can bring your scented geraniums indoors during winter or prop at them through cuttings to ensure they continue to thrive until spring returns six on our Roundup is cint a hearty and aromatic herb that's a favorite among gardeners not just for its appeal to cats but also for its mosquito repelling abilities known for its Lush gray green foliage and spikes of lavender to blue flowers cint adds a burst of color and texture to any Garden setting what's great about cint is its easygoing nature it thrives in full sun to partial shade and adapts well to a variety of soil conditions plus once established it's drought resistant making it a low maintenance choice for busy gardeners but it's not just the looks and ease of care that make cat mint a must-have its strong minty fragrance is a natural deterrent for mosquitoes allowing you to enjoy your garden with fewer pests whether planted along walkways in Borders or as a part of a herb garden catet provides continuous blooms throughout the summer attracting bees and butterflies while keeping mosquitoes at [Music] Bay seventh on our list are mums or chrysanthemums well known for their pest repelling Powers thanks to the Natural insecticides they contain these same compounds are used in the natural pesticide pyrum which combats a variety of pests like fleas ants and ticks not all Ms are created equal when it comes to repelling insects the painted Daisy and dalmatian Daisy varieties are especially potent often used in commercial Pythor extraction but beyond their bug busting capabilities perennial garden mums bring vibrant daisy likee flowers to any garden planting garden mums not only enhances your Garden's aesthetic with their colorful blooms but also contributes to a natural chemical-free pest control strategy whether integrated into planting beds or used as part of a broader planting design mums offer a double benefit of beauty and protection from pests eth on our guide is time a herb celebrated not just for its culinary uses but also for its moso repelling abilities from rent Creeping Time to English Time Each variety has something to offer in the fight against these pesky insects the trick is in the leaves crushing them releases volatile oils that mosito can't stand for a natural repellent scatter Crush time around your patio or directly apply the leaves to your skin or clothes for Gatherings try burning time leaves for a smoke that keeps mosquitoes at Bay offering up to 90% protection for about an hour and a half time is versatile in the garden too plant it in pots for a movable repellent or use it as a fragrant edging for your flower beds regardless of how you incorporate time it's sure to add beauty while keeping those unwanted guests away n on our list is eucalyptus a Powerhouse plant known for its strong refreshing scent that mosquitoes tend to avoid this fast growing tree is not only admired for its aromatic leaves but also for its ability to keep mosquitoes at a distance the secret lies in the eucalyptus oil widely recognized for its natural insect repellent Properties by planting Eucalyptus in your garden or more keeping cuting around your outdoor spaces you can enjoy a mosquito reduced Zone plus its oil can be extracted and applied directly to the skin or used in mosquito repellent formulations for added protection ukus trees thrive in full sun and well drained soil making them a great choice for adding Greenery and height to your landscape whether you're looking to create a natural barrier against mosquitoes or simply want to enjoy the fresh scent of eucalyptus this plant is a fantastic addition to any Garden [Music] tenth on our journey through moso repelling plants is Lantana a vibrant addition to any garden with a secret weapon against pests it's the scent of Lantana that mosos find off-putting the leaves release aromatic compounds especially when warmed by the sun creating a natural repellent right in your backyard by strategically placing pots of Lantana around your patio or seating areas you can enjoy a significant reduction in mosquito presents with studies showing between 27 and 42% protection but it's not just about keeping mosquitos at Bay Lantana also attracts butterflies with its colorful nectar Rich blims adding life and Beauty to your outdoor space Lantana thrives in full sun and appreciates regular moisture when potted in garden beds it's remarkably resilient tolerating poor soil drought and high heat number 11 on our list is the delightful hummingbird Min also known as aniso true to its name this plant is a magnet for hummingbirds as well as butterflies bees and other beneficial insects thanks to its nectar-rich blooms Beyond its appeal to Wildlife the entire plant emits a pleasant licorice scent that some gardeners use as a natural mosquito repellent by rubbing the leaves on their skin through thriving in zones 5 to9 hummingbird mint is perfect for adding vibrant color and texture to your garden beds or serving as a striking Thriller component in container gardens but the benefits don't stop at its aesthetic appeal and insect propelling qualities you can also dry its leaves and blooms to add a unique licorice flavor to teas cakes or cookies p in our lineup is basil a culinary favorite that doubles as a mosquito repellent this herb isn't just for enhancing your favorite dishes it also contains natural oils that mosquitoes dislike simply planting basil around your outdoor living areas or in pots on your patio can help keep these pests away plus when you brush against the plant or Crush its leaves it releases a pleasant Aroma that enhances the environment while deterring mosquitoes basil thrives in warm conditions and loves full sun making it a perfect addition to your herb garden or as a potted plant that can be moved around to suit your outdoor needs Beyond its mosquito repelling abilities Basil's easy to grow and harvest providing fresh leaves for your culinary Creations throughout the growing season coming in in number 13 is Rosemary a fragrant herb that gardeners love for more than just its culinary uses Rosemary is known for its strong scent which is Pleasant to humans but a natural deterrent to mosquito growing Rosemary in your garden or in pots around your outdoor spaces can help keep these pesky insects at Bay allowing you to enjoy your garden or patio without unwanted guests thriving in full sun and well- drained soil Rosemary is a hearty plant that's both drought resistant and low maintenance making it an excellent choice for gardeners of all levels whether you're using it to add flavor to your dishes or as a natural mosquito repellent Rosemary's aromatic leaves are a valuable addition to any outdoor area incorporate Rosemary into your garden for its beautiful needle-like foliage delightful Aroma and the added bonus of mosquito repelling properties number 14 on our list is adrum this charming flower is not just a pretty face in the garden it packs a powerful punch against mosquitoes adrum contains cin a compound that's actually used in many commercial mosquito repellents planting ageratum in your garden or in containers around your outdoor living areas can help create a mosquito resistant Zone thanks to its natural repellent Properties Plus its fluffy blue flowers add a splash of color and texture to any Garden setting adrum thrives in full to partial sun and prefers well- drained soil making it a versible addition to borders flower beds or patio [Music] pots last but definitely not least at number 15 we have Citronella grass this plant is perhaps the most well-known natural mosquito repellent thanks to its potent Aroma that effectively masks other scents keeping mosquitoes at Bay it's the key ingredient in many moso repellent candles and oils you find on the market growing Citronella grass in your garden or in pots around your outdoor areas can provide a natural barrier against mosquitoes allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space without the annoyance of mosab bites Citronella grass thrives in full sun and well- drained soil making it an excellent choice for adding both functionality and tropical flare to your garden its tall grassy appearance and Lemony scent make it a standout addition that serves a practical [Music] purpose and that wraps up our list of the top 15 plants that naturally repel mosquitoes from the aromatic Sage to the potent Citronella grass these plants can help you enjoy your garden and outdoor spaces without the worry of mosito bites thanks for tuning in if you found this video helpful please give us a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe for more gardening tips and tricks have you tried any of these plants in your garden let us know in the comments below happy gardening and see you in the next video
Channel: PlantDo Home & Garden
Views: 215,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden answer, garden media, garden trends, garden crossings, garden tour, proven winners, summer blooms, wishlist plants, linda vater, plant haul, houseplant haul, gardening, plants that repel mosquitoes, natural mosquito repellent plants, mosquito repellent, mosquito repellent plants, plants that repel bugs, mosquito repelling plants, indoor plants that repel mosquitoes, mosquito repellent diy, citronella plants for mosquitoes, plants that repel insects, Insect repellent
Id: QIed2_pbdBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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