Medical Devices: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
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Channel: LastWeekTonight
Views: 7,190,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -tIdzNlExrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
wow, this main report really hit home for me.
i had a hip replacement 10 years ago just when they were hyping metal on metal socketed implants. at the time i specifically asked my surgeon about them, and he explained at my age having an implant with a plastic liner was better because it had a bit more "give" - that body joints are not meant to have the precision of machine parts, and how plastic mimicked the cartilage and fluid layer evolution designed into our joints naturally. what was shocking to me now in retrospect is; at the time all the online hype had been manipulated to favor metal on metal, so clearly that company was paying someone to do a social media managed campaign.
one of the arguments they used was metal on metal would last longer because there was no plastic liner to wear out - again my surgeon talked me down by pointing out two things; i was not a very active person nor had plans to become one, thus the plastic liner wearing out prematurely would be less likely, and second that plastic liners were a known commodity (with materials used improving over the years) that had been applied over the past 30 years, so it would be better that i had another hip replacement 30 years from now (it's a far less invasive procedure with faster recovery time - than it was a few decades ago), then take a chance on a new metal on metal design with no long term track record.
yeah, i know... boy was i lucky i had this surgeon at that hospital, instead of some hack who made his fortune in medical device kick backs. i was long aware of the fda cleared versus approved distinction, because since college i had known to avoid penny stocks that had "invented" and marketing fda cleared gimmicks and ignore late night cabletv commercials advocating fda cleared well-being and exercise devices, many that were based on fda approved inventions from over 50 years ago. however it truly never had even occurred to me that any such products were also being used internally.
Anyone else notice when they are talking about the terrible survey results that the answer choices are out of order?. Not sure if that's another intentional way to skew the data but no survey should have answers ordered:
Excellent --> Good --> Fair --> Very Good --> Poor
Guess I have to rate all my past boyfriends as excellent now.
I'm a doctor with a board exam coming up and I'm going to go ahead and count this as studying. Thanks, John Oliver.
hey something like this just happened to me. watching the millionaires cheer over it made me tear up and have to stop watching, but on the bright side at least i probably wont be around to think about it too long
also i take a lot of painkillers now
I used to intern at DePuy in their Hip segment group. I can at least say that they have since transitioned away from Metal on Metal hip replacements since I had last worked there a few years ago. Hip implants from them are now either ceramic on metal, plastic on metal, or ceramic on ceramic. Of the four components of a hip replacement, this critical junction occurs between the βballβ and the acetabulum liner, as those are the two parts of the component that move on each other, like a normal joint.
AS someone with an implanted medical device all I have to say is....OPOSSUM!
Again, how is this up on YouTube multiple hours before going on HBO GO?! I get the one day delay but if they have it up on Youtube that means it's ready to go out to HBO GO as well, why wait?