More Garage Rehab Progress - From "Rot" to "Not" - Re-Framing & Replacing Overhead Doors

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the show everybody we're up here working on senior's Little Garage on the field once again so I'll give you progress update since the last time we have this wall completely resheet we only had to replace one Bay of insulation up there where the mice had got in uh back wall is done I should also say new window in over there two new windows back here we will get up into that upper Gable end last that is going to be redone as well third wall finished again two brand new windows over here as well but then we get to the front wall we knew that we had some problems going on above the overhead doors so senior has the first Overhead Door ripped out that's what's left of it on the ground right there and you can see he's already ripped this header out up here because as you can see from this one uh we don't think those doors were ever really very well sealed at the top Edge so any water that came down this wall hit the top edge of that door and then soaked into the header so you can see this one we've got quite a bit of rot going on in that whole upper opening so that's why we've got this one torn out already the plan today is we will begin rebuilding building these door openings that's why I had to bring that fork load of lumber up from the main place so that we have some working materials on hand so I think I about covered it huh yep we're fully up to speed so let's get started all right everybody we've got to get some of this stuff off Pi make sure we pick that up before I step on that nail we'll denail that get it thrown in the pile um yeah so we've got some some pen uh boards around under where this header went and Senior decided let's take all these down to the studs back there and the stud right here uh they frame these in with uh 2x4s along the face here the new garage door spec that's kind of dark sorry spec at least a 2x6 right here for added uh real estate to install hardware and you can see we've got got got some Roth going on on that anyway so we'll finish taking all the rest of these down from our home son and plain Lumber yep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he a [Music] let should do it [Applause] got play [Applause] well everybody it's oh good hour and a half later we ended up having to take a trip to town we need some materials so this is probably going to eat up I would say a good uh 3 hours of the day uh tyranny of distance is very much a thing for us but we're up here at in town now I should say and uh we'll get our shopping done head back home hopefully salvage a little bit of the rest of the [Music] day and here's some wet dry sanding sheets because I think somebody's going to have some um wet sanding to do on some orange peel paint finish 22500 all right we'll get plenty senior's selecting the grade of plywood that he needs all right let's walk the yard finding any good candidates in there oh yeah that one ain't too bad for what I need it for you just need one or two I'm going to get two of them [Music] [Applause] yeah there's one on this end here okay tag just need one yep all right all right good to go will wonders never cease will wonders never cease I realize Sasquatch sightings are quite rare but this this Takes the Cake Rick borke actually coming after his equipment he gave me a call just a few minutes ago I wasn't 10 minutes back from town he's like hey I might need a push assist I'm like well 2 minutes back from town yeah we we just been in Duan back I was like oh well let me help you then looks like he got her though think you're running a little wide that's probably good thing too cuz the plan was tomorrow morning we were going to wait war on this thing and I mean War I even gave Hollow threats in the episode prior to this you trust me if I didn't see it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it get this Gap closed up some new insulation here look at this the sun's out all it takes is for Rick Fork to come get some broken equipment off of my field and clouds part sun is out the universe is back in balance want to make sure that plastic is behind first piece of uh new plywood going in on the inside wall this is one of those we bought today at the store have to get it finished off in here so that we can get the new garage door hung to block this opening ready to nail it you can put some screws in there just temporary for now temporary I don't have my nails up here I can bring them up next time just we get her sealed up for tonight it's all I'm worried about this end looks good [Applause] all right that side goes in okay [Music] first of the outside cheating going on now and in case you're wondering why we have started in the center and we are sheathing that way it's all due to stud spacing uh to keep our 24in centers we couldn't start from either end wall and work to the middle we have to start from The Middle work our way out and then we custom patch this last piece because that's a narrower gap between those two funky stuff going on here you see in this corner our blockness alignment yeah it sticks out on the corner there 3/4 in there 3/4 of an inch in there yeah and then the wall sticks out past it over here the block doesn't line up with the edge of the slab there there's all kinds of different things going on and that Center that stud was Plum so I fig might as well start from there and go both ways yep known good starting point yeah we're doing our 24 in from the center of the building yep we're just building according to how it was built originally basically finding some real interesting stuff in here [Music] looking Gap looks good here okay we're all good [Applause] now centered on that stop Jam okay another yep so assembling the garage door panels senior's got some special brackets here that he made they say drive a nail in and bend it over mhm I didn't quite like that so I made these you just fold over screw them in and then they just hold the panel hold the panel until you get your panels assembled then you start doing your track way if you don't finish at night you can you can leave it it's good to go I don't have to worry about it good yep all right everybody we've reached the end of another day so this half of the building is what we started with broken down garage door rotted hitter pour insulation this half of the front of the building now new garage door system new header everything around the opening has been made structurally sound once again new sheathing so the progress continues once we finish working our way across the last of this end of the building then like I said at the beginning of the episode each Gable Eve end will be torn into new sheathing new insulation new everything whatever it's going to need up in the attic portion and then it will be new steel siding on the whole exterior to match the new steel roof that it got last summer so um making progress on senior's Little Garage field out here um it's a good thing I know this episode was a bit chopped up lots of here and there and back again and extra Adventures that's just the way the average day goes so um tomorrow we have rain moving in once again so if the weather turns senior will be inside we don't have any of the garage door track system or torsion spring installed yet that's good bad weather work he can finish up those details in there and he says he wants to get this new garage door system completely functional before he goes to rip that old one apart can't blame him uh less openings that you have to try and seal up in the front of a building so I thank you all for watching I hope you enjoyed the episode and I hope to see you all back once again
Channel: Squatch253
Views: 11,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage, renovation, rebuild, overhead, doors, header, framing
Id: xqRAcbPiqgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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