Homeless Mom Collects Cans For Cash, Stranger Changes Her Life Forever | Dhar Mann

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[Applause] mommy i'm hungry what are we going to eat soon honey i just need to find a few more bottles and then we'll have enough money for food okay okay excuse me young man could you please ah you smell look if you're trying to ask me for money the answer is no no i just wanted you to hand me the bottle i recycle them for a living it's how my daughter and i survive but this is just trash one person's trash is another person's treasure can i please have it phew gross when's the last time you washed your hands look you want it you can get out of the trash can yourself [Applause] hey hon who was that oh just some dirty homicide in your daughter she wanted my empty bottle well did you give it to her no i wasn't gonna get close to her nasty hands and who takes you to the trash for a living anyway that's disgusting mom what's wrong well jasper some people don't have a choice you see after you were born your dad and i started fighting a lot he wasn't ready to be a dad so he left us when you were just a baby without your dad around to help i started falling behind on our bills i couldn't work and take care of you at the same time so we got evicted from our apartment with no place to go we ended up living on the streets but then i met a lady who changed my life forever she taught me how to make money from recycling cans and bottles so i'd go around with her collecting trash with one hand and holding you in my other just so we could survive [Music] so you see i never wanted to tell you but we were homeless i never knew you went through all that i feel so bad it's okay you were too young to remember i can't believe how i treated that lady all she was trying to do was help her daughter actually i'll be right back [Music] just a little longer okay excuse me miss i'm so sorry for the way i treated you earlier it's okay don't worry about it you know you're right one person's trash is another person's treasure so please take this [Music] wow thank you so much i really appreciate it see honey now we have enough money to eat thank you jasper i found another bottle you can give that talia is that you tiffany oh my god not a day goes by that i don't think of you this is talia she's the woman who helped us when we were homeless oh my gosh i can't believe it thank you so much for what you did for us you're welcome this is my baby girl bella hello bella hello [Music] you know you did so much for us it is my turn to return the favor [Music] i would like you and bella to come and stay with us um thank you so much but i don't i don't feel like we could be a burden to you please i insist you wouldn't be a burden you would be a blessing i don't know i don't know um what do you think about that honey of course i would love that well great well let's go we can get some food on the way here let me help you with this thank you this is gonna change our lives so bella are you okay with pizza pizza sounds so good come on [Music] hey dar man fam i hope you love that message please remember we're not just telling stories we're changing lives and when you share my videos you're helping to change lives too i appreciate you and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 26,618,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dhar mann, life tips, life lessons, motivational, inspirational, homeless, being a single mom, showing kindness, why you should help strangers, always be kind, kindness, don't judge others, the golden rule, helping the homeless
Id: 55WC5G9mj0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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