MCC 16 with Grian, Smajor1995 & Fruitberries! (1ST PLACE OVERALL!)

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hello you couldn't hear me you idiot joel every time every time i start my stream and no one can hear me that is jolly embarrassing um you can't hear me of course you can't hear me because my mic was muted that's why you could hear me now you can hear me you should be able to hear me at least if you can't hear me then something's gone absolutely horrible wrong yep the mic mute is still there um give it a second the chat will catch up how's everyone doing purple pandas mcc 16 our teammates brian who you all probably know fruit berries who is also probably well known by all of you and scott who you all know as well fruitberries back to mcc he's gonna be our carry fingers crossed um and we're gonna have a really fun time it's gonna be awesome um we are here on the server you'll hear some stuff already here we are this is the skins we've chosen i've forgotten who's made them briefly but thank you to that person if you're watching um so yeah mcc today last time right we we had a good mcc we came like 11th which is good we're five points off tenth not bad and our team came off or fifth i think it was fourth we got screwed over by the last game um but last time i uh i spilled water from my keyboard on whole in hole in the wall halfway through and um yeah yeah this time that's not gonna happen because lizzy has got me this sippy cup here you see this this is a sippy cup it's no spill but if i do this i can get some liquid out it's quite hard so it's gonna be quite hard to drink from this because it's meant for children who don't drink much whereas i would gulp all this in like one go but instead i've got a sip yay isn't that fun we've also on our chest here got a little purple ribbon not sure if you can see that in support of your boy techno blade i'm sure all of you had seen his video yesterday uh oh look surprise um yeah so we're all wearing the purple ribbon to show our support this cancer sucks uh so yeah it was really like it's weird that video yesterday was like really sad about the same thai he's so funny i don't think i've ever laughed at a video before where someone's announcing they have cancer but he's just so funny that it's weird but like yeah that was a really weird video to watch when he dropped that i was like what uh but yeah we got our uh a little ribbon on here all of us on our team i think there's quite a few people that have it on let's see over here i think this yeah he's got his band his arm sort of thing lots of people sharing their support which is lovely uh but yeah we're gonna mute in a second everyone on our team is muted so if you've got any questions now is the time because i get hyper focused on this stuff i am very competitive all right very competitive techno support techno support yeah um joe you're amazing person thank you i'm not sure why how is lizzie hope you guys doing good lizzie is good she uh she laughed when she found out i had my mic muted so she's obviously listening to me uh she's fine she's been on a walk today i've done nothing i've been playing video games all day today i've been very lazy but i've got oh no sorry my sippy cup it's not just water it's peach peach squash i'm i'm a child this is like i'm literally drinking peach juice out of my sippy cup what is that noise who on earth [Music] that is horrible i hate that i'm moving away you can't escape the bell um i love your channel so much thank you jj i'm eating hot pockets when i'm watching this i have no idea what hot pockets are i've heard of them but i've never eaten one because they're very american we do not have those in the uk is joel winman yes joel will win man fingers crossed your win man let's hope i love your buildings thank you how's your keyboard intact at the moment and dry the most important part it is dry nice hair thank you i got a haircut uh before between now and the last mcc as well thank you for noticing go you uh yeah it's looking it was getting very long i might if you want to know a good barber it's my sister she cuts my hair i uh i go to visit her and my niece and nephew and she cuts my hair uh because i am too lazy to find an actual barber and she's a trained barber by the way it's not like i'm just going like hey come cut my hair but yeah let's hope green's curse won't affect this team now we're all we're all positive fruit berries did say he had his worst night's sleep ever uh which he had last time as well but this time he got like he's got like an ear infection or something i don't know uh but he's uh let's hope he's okay he seems fine he seems cheerful when we were talking to him earlier do you plan uh we don't really plan that much with this we've been practicing a little bit but we haven't i haven't said we planned anything out to be honest do you have a day what how is the misalien palace it is being worked on it hasn't changed much since last episode uh it's a big project that i don't really know how many blocks it has but i think it's something like i think it's about six or seven double chests maybe more maybe like ten double chests of just red sandstone stuff alone it is oh gosh they burped on mike insane i donated notice please did you oh gosh i forgot about that sort of stuff super chat where is it is it in here i turned that on i thought i turned that off last time i know there is hello king joel say hi to leslie maybe now uh she's i'll say hi there you go um she she's uh she's i'm not sure what she's doing how are you feeling i'm feeling good i'm uh i'm warm it's very warm in my office right now i normally don't have this ring light on but look my eyes they sparkle and they don't actually sparkle but yeah they uh that that's um that's really warm with that on so yeah that's that uh and it gets my office is quite small so it just gets hot in here with my pc on and everything so i get really warm uh but i'm fine i like peach juice good good on you jordan from brazil from sorry my south america can say hi to sarah hi sarah from south america in brazil that's awesome what time is it there it is 8 p.m in 2 minutes so we're we're nearly we're nearly ready to roll and uh we see yeah cause it's been a start in two minutes is everyone online it looks like everyone's here we're gonna mute in a second you're the best youtuber joel thank you the show is lizzy lizzy's not here guys she's she's somewhere else come here for me you're glowing thank you thank you probably uh from the sweat as it's so warm it's not actually glowing it's i'm shining why isn't green streaming i think he's streaming soon how many blocks will you will your entire mega base take in total i will tell you after it's done but for now it's so hard to calculate because um there's some ways i've designed it in my creative world audi partner from texas michael howdy how are you doing do you live in london now we live in the north of england which is why if you listen to people like you know like wilbur suits and uh who else can i think of uh english like george and all that they all sound like quite sort of posher than me whereas i'm like i'm proper nervous like callum you know cpk he's more and over than me but like my sister speaks like this you wouldn't understand my sister like she's proper nervous whereas i feel like my accent's not that nov and there's people like my next-door neighbor from when i lived with my parents none of you would understand him he's that norven you say axolotl gang axolotl gang there you go omg hi joel from denmark hi denmark i'm joel do you live in manchester no smallish can you say hi neuro high neuro how are you doing win a pov thank you say chickens please chickens please we love you i am from yorkshire ah a pixelated squid another child good good or less i'd say hi joel what recording software do you use i use a program called dxtory i would not recommend it it makes massive files so use obs or streamlabs that's what i'd recommend for people who are starting out um but i use it because i'm old-fashioned and i don't like changing can you say e why is callum hitting me callum this is rude got some fries does he want some fries take some fries calum he's taking my fries nice wait you can eat the fries wow the more you know hi i'm joe mama oh really are you do you play sims i've played sims in a long long time i don't know why i said that with that accent here's your old support from new york funny that's where i'm from i'm from a place called york i don't live there right now but i used to live in york and america well like york's pretty cool let's make a new version of that and that's how you got new york there you go i sold my soul purple son so purple panthers could win oh no that's awesome though i hope it comes out and we win now if we don't win that you just sold it for nothing joel what's up uh the sky um techno support yes take no support joe what made you such a dad i don't know because i've not got any children i think i've just been like this since i was about 12. my dad has a lot of dad jokes like my dad is the typical dad where i used to ring him up and i go dad it's me and they go homie like that sort of thing i'd say like stuff like that uh so yeah he's he's full of those sort of jokes so i kind of like got that from him i would say pass it down through the dads why do you hate chicken so much well cindy cindy they are horrible little things and they smell that's why adopt me uh what is lizzie playing lizzie is not playing no she is not here right now hope purple pandas win thank you very much i am we are very very hopeful hello life of baby yoda how are you doing hi joel from the northeast northeast that's probably like yorkshire in it that's york that's like lincoln is lizzy home yes i hope you join democrats season nine and we never know um can you tell say hi zen zanaya i've probably butchered that hello i eat my own pet chicken really we did that as well my parents had some chickens and i've eaten some of them so there you go only the roosters though we would keep the chickens for eggs and then like my parents have a business where they take chickens my parents have a business that sounds weird sounds really weird but my parents have a business where they take eggs into school just before they're about to hatch the eggs hatch the kids get to have a go have a go with the chickens have a look at the chickens and stuff and see them grow quickly and uh yeah so we used to have loads of chickens because of that we'd eat some and they were tasty hey look scott's here is he asking me to mute oh hellos hello scotty scott i've been sat here waiting and i was like my team are abandoning me none of them are unmuting but i see them running around on the server i thought no one else had muted so i was like okay you just didn't look for it come on i've been here say hi happy please hello everybody i saw something about caribbean the caribbean is lovely we went to jamaica on our honeymoon it was beautiful and call me a liar for it on your birthday you really think you can call me a liar on your birthday because you can by the way it's fruit berry's birthday today so can you call me whatever you want uh happy birthday to fruit berries if you uh you you see it see him i don't know what i'm saying what am i saying yeah wait you have a birthday cake yeah where is it where is it oh you got a hat as well oh that's so cute yeah did you see the car yeah i saw that yeah yeah it's cute yeah i don't have noises on for the bell i cannot hear the bell oh i could and everyone was ringing it earlier and i was trying to oh yeah crazy i don't know blah blah blah blah yeah someone's been playing some high pixel housing parkour and turned his sounds off that's definitely no it's definitely not that but sure yep we should get a photo on the purple pandas where's green where are you everyone when your team ready he might be he says yes i never clicked yes hmm joel can you say hi glinis hi glenn this will tommy in it play yeah he's playing in this happy birthday fruit boys look at the chat look at that that cake was so cute unless listening still play well love those vids uh not really anymore no sorry you tell us a dad joke man walked into a bar said ow we got a stroll look at us not me we're on the we're on the podium the team points party can i tp green to me i can't do it but you shouldn't have questions i'm not typing anything i'm not doing anything we're seeing it can i have fries no they're my fries elephant green at the very start of the game which means he cheated the entire thing i love those purple hearts get those purple hearts when we are playing i'll they give me the motivation who's from here from this simmers hello hello green come to the podium with the purple come on how are you also free next to the bridge next to the bridge you've played in several mcc's please friends it's also fruits birthday happy birthday fruit yeah yeah true tv oh yeah our team today is we should really be at the top though i don't know why we're all the way down here yeah we will be we can all the only way is up the old way is up yeah this is where we should be oh gosh enough for its birthday cake oh yeah fruit's got a cake what yeah behind the burger but fast van and then just follow around the side next to the water you can see me come over to me yeah you really screwed us over you were really like no actually no you say hi jesper hi jasper say a dad joke please i told you one i told you one man walked into a bar said ow that's the joke it's a birthday treat i'm gonna carry you to victory okay oh dream you're too kind green's like i've actually turned on the hacks now don't worry oh with countdown starts one one and a half minutes i'm gonna go up onto the big bridge at the back you know to get there when you go in the water and then you can like go under the tubing and back up you have high hopes about this mcc we've got high hopes but we've got just no hopes really i'm not saying we've got high hopes but we just like reasonable hopes let's say we want to do well we'll see how it goes thank you for all the amazing content joe go pivot pandas i'm sure you've perplexed people with your perfect performance wow cameron that was a real tongue twister thank you though very much and boshie how you doing thank you what you say your strongest game will be probably like buildmar or sansa time or something like that where do i go from here uh down down here yeah go down there and then swim down that hole take a left and you'll see a bubble elevator is it bubbling oh wow oh you're all up there yeah i'm missing the fireworks i can hear the fireworks you've got 30 seconds you're fine there you go and then come down to your left there we go what yay amazing we're here as an aqua just as an aqua oh but a bit annoyed that i'm not centered i love the little opening sequence it's so cool here we go because it makes me like this about five minutes i reckon oh it's pretty easy to be honest okay i expect it done this weekend oh i'm in the front nice first place like we should be right what do we want first what's the tactics today we need to see what games there are we want any of the like our we'll be good at team games so we want to save those we want the pvp games gone okay joel joe yes you know what would you know what we despite you know wanting to win mcec do you know what we're going to be working out today what which one of us is the nerf oh i'm not going to do it i can tell [Laughter] ace race i feel like if greg runners isn't here we want in the first half because no one knows how he plays yeah survival games i think everyone's gonna fix it oh we don't want an early sounds of time one time's a time late we want great runners on the first time we want sky battle early i hate that game with a burden passion or we want to avoid a better upside oh yeah i'd rather just not play it yeah get survival games out of the way as well just get it everyone's voting great around i feel like everyone will get rid of their parents should we go as well we might as well yeah be fun to try out something new it would be nice to take a risk though that it could like all the chickens move over the sands of time yeah yeah if you hit the thing where it says grid as well it slowly floats down yeah everyone oh i missed it i really wish there was a countdown to tell me how long i have left oh it is guys it's a new game mode no one's players before it'll be interesting never played this game so we don't know how this is going to go i think that's a good one to get out the way there's no pressure we can just enjoy the game oh yeah wait i'm stuck in some container no we're on the other side i can see you all hello all right okay all the summers are there all right trident tridents tridents i'd guess try my heart is going i can't remember that like we might have to split up into twos at some point who do you want should we just play yeah like just do like mean green and you and fruit because we're on those sides next to each other it makes sense yeah yeah sounds good divided it's confirmed scott you've not played this have you he has he told us he's played it 500 yeah yeah i only played when we did the team practice and that was the bedrock version yeah yeah yeah yeah you've not played this at all the bedrock version was terrible it's a good one not terrible but like bedrock is terrible so right so we we've basically just got a series of rooms that have mini challenges and we have to yeah we have to come we have to come back i feel like i'm back at a swimming competition when you've got yeah yeah yeah it's like at the age of the film already like tools i don't know why i'm saying yeah like i'm a green i i've only got my 10 meters swimming so uh i'm not very good at swimming i see ant frost in it oh i had cb game one side not for us on the other both oh wow yeah if you look if everyone stands in the glass bit you can look all the way down that's certainly not like yeah all right okay seven i've got yeah i'm not ready for this guy are we gonna try the dream since you've [Music] keep going keep looking around there's some silver fish i heard this yeah kill the silver fish i heard it yeah we have to go up just look around where is it i found it okay yeah there might be more below though that's not open it's not over oh is that the last one that's gotta be the last one surely nice there we go your team was tense to finish that one oh god all right don't worry yeah fruit you are lagging on my screen the door's going on right that's not good eat the cakes oh there's loads and lots of wait wait can you break block what i'll go up with scott or someone is that the only way to get in there i think you might be able to let us in is there a lever or pressure plate yeah come stand on here and the pressure plate let me in i run in nice green if you come around the front door eat every single cake just hold right click is clicking quicker no just right click sorry i said left okay we're catching up we're catching up okay okay okay push the goal let's push the gold there's that oh wait okay so it's up there okay oh wait so we need to we need to push this and then push that up no look so we're pushing up so if someone pushes this button we need to push it pushes across and if you push this button it pushes it up okay i have a greeting button up here i've got push button push your button push your button okay yeah so for you push this button yeah yeah and then you probably helped this one so what we'll do okay can we do we just spam it it's okay we can kind of do we have to just order just wait for it to go up yeah there you go that was okay we did it we got it this is an excellent game oh my god it made me too high not really i think i've got all of my oh this one there i think we're good i can i can't see it oh it's one of the right yeah i can't see it from my angle yeah left corner there you go okay go go go i can't see it from my angle sorry hey fall we're catching up we're catching up we're gonna do it gather the items okay so we need steak mushroom soup bread fish jacket potatoes right i'll take what type of fish what type of fish uh it is cod okay i'll get the potatoes i've got cod i'm gonna is it just one of each my right it's just the fish right oh someone else was making it who's got the fish we didn't communicate very well here we go okay go go go go right let's let's allocate better yeah okay go off your friends oh wait joel i think i need to hit you into the halls wait go and hit me okay i can just jump here and then someone oh oh fruit hit me into that greenhouse yeah nice all right okay nice where's the door okay down here wait down oh it's not going no it says up yeah okay go go go go oh wait yeah this is like a like a piston parkour so oh so we need to do the pistons on the outside to get you up all right okay so okay wait um so tell me which one yeah buttons don't hit that one unhit the not this one yeah i'll get that side green you go back to the side all right whereabouts on this one um in front of me one block up yeah get rid of that one um on green side the one that's like straight in front of you at like your head level that one uh yeah yeah okay and then the one next to that to the right two blocks yeah and then on joel's side up the one in front of me that one yeah and then i can make this jump green uh the the highest block that you have yeah bit oh we're like oh we've got a chance to go [Music] can't oh yeah there we go where's the sculpture i can't see it we've got the sculpture so yeah so we have oh we need to tell them we need to talk about it so in the very middle you do two blocks of iron up right big bacon iron golem um and then see on the corner uh closest to like between red no yellow and blue yeah okay put one an iron block there here but up no no so off of the iron golem oh okay in the iron golem's hand put one block yeah blue blue side there there you go right okay okay now on top of that block put a blue okay on top of the other hand put a blue and then in the back in the middle on green side on the back of the angle and put a blue nice there we go there we are once we figured it out we got it yeah that was nice how did we just finish finish finish okay finish i'm just taking safe jumps yeah same don't fall nice okay come on check it out nice nice good job that was one that screwed a lot of people over oh yeah tower was tough like we did we did that correctly but the one that can jump in red red got delayed on the pinker oh well done guys we might drop down a bit because of our start though because like even though we got second we're going to drop down a bit probably why because you get points you get points for finishing the room and all this sort of thing so we got like some nine eight ten sort of thing yeah but then towards the end we did well so the bet people are struggling with is the copying bills from each other ah some people might not finish that's the thing some people are like yeah i mean that's like the second last room i think everyone is kind of in there now blue are still on their towers we were two seconds from getting first yeah really it did really well literally let's go okay we did well well done yeah not bad i want the summers to figure this out let me let me do like communication on builds in the future yeah yeah it's where you kind of had good strengths of like the parkour but meant that only fruit needed to do it so that's three pictures yeah yeah yeah carefully it's a shame that fruit glitch lagged it seemed fine towards the end it was like when you rejoined it was a bit weird but yeah it was fine hole in the wall be better you're fanatic win hole in the wall just phase through everything i don't really like this hi chat how are you doing do you like ducks joel yes i like go purple pandas look at all those i saw all the pandas and purples uh which hopefully did okay on this we'll see how it is at the end that's a good game way better than the bedrock yeah i think i enjoyed that so much more than the bedroom okay so theory like they have to change this every time right because if you i think yeah we have a bunch we have a bunch of different rooms already made i think but you don't know that because you never played it before i said this is just i'm going based off of what we do you're trying to get me cancelled i'm just messing with you oh that tower one is where we picked up the pace yeah i think because fruit was just very easy to like we just took a side for it was able to yeah this one that one this one that one not that 500 points on the top it's not bad at all i feel like that's one of my favorite games if not like like that was crazy it was really fun yeah yeah that's awesome as well this map is huge it's there you crazy they're the only ones in it yeah what's the chest at the top the chest is the key that's a key oh do you have to jump and open it you don't realize that they've got to shut the one above this head i've inspected these [Music] get the key happy birthday lily how you doing so i'm late no worries welcome to the stream just jumping right clicker you can't hit it from that high oh you can't yeah i i was like i'm gonna cheese it and i couldn't because okay just right jump you had you punched it there we go i was like the man punched the crate you can get it i pushed it how long will be mcc this will be about two hours or so so we've only just started you got all the time left still oh no they have just one okay they split easy they're not gonna get there this there's literally no chance they're getting this in eight nights they don't even know where the blocks are they don't realize they're in the basketball thing oh well gg i enjoyed it i thought it was really fun that was fun yeah that was it's even more fun when you come second it's even more fun when you were underdogs and killed it back right now we came fifth in the end yeah it's not bad that's fine oh yeah it was all like there was yet a few hundred between that was fun everyone's seen the stuff yeah after playing the bedrock version i was like oh gosh everyone's going to hate this but it was actually so much better that was really fun i think this might fall into the never getting skipped category along with sansa time perfect yeah it's going to be a statement especially if the rooms are like slightly different each time or just different in general it's so even just changing the order would mess up quite a bit like yeah yeah all right well played everyone that was pretty good hi i have some sad news though i need to inform you all off i've been told there is in fact no elevator joke no my favorite one of those was definitely the uh willy wonka one that was so nice yeah it was just so nice i love that highlight video watching everyone's reaction yeah it was so good i feel like dudes i know that there's an elevator i didn't know there was a joke that goes with it every time oh that's what when it falls yeah green that's when it breaks like the last time it was the slime was actually what we were making the burgers out off like uh okay yeah come look at the the individual right who's first is it is it all green it's all blue and it's all red it's big yeah because that game is completely splashed so it would just be yeah that the team is your tell the reader it's right it's all lame and then it's all aqua and then it's filling well because all the coins are the exact same that's funny what um what what do we want next uh it's one of those words like i would rather it was in the first half because otherwise we risk it get into late half and it's going to be a bad game for us but i would also prefer we never played it at all absolutely survival games one of them is going to get played probably most likely yeah i feel like we do bear in targeting because we just survive like we just don't engage yeah i struggle with that pole surviving thing last time and i think fruit did as well oh decided to end it himself it was like this is already the worst i've ever done let me just end it with this this will make the highlight video don't worry because he would have survived the first lava pill but then he put it back down oh my god was i not holding my food and then i tried it again like a girl [Music] so on this list some of our strongers are ace grace santa time to get to the other side there's definitely a big seven yeah i don't like schneiderlin that's gonna be a good one to um like see i think parkour tag comes you're gonna be pretty good at ace race yeah i don't think i've ever tried a player on parkour oh well doesn't matter what we want it ain't happening why james we i would never be scaring you on in the last supported yeah smelly simmers i think it's sky battle i think everyone's going to sky battle or sky battle is a sure-fire way to cave my my my motivation like which is good to do now and we build it back up okay yes we get out of the way right let's do it you are the master what what do we do it's cool if i just eat off the side just do whatever it tells you to do okay fruity what the hell i do cause yeah next to as well like you guys want to try to be crazy because we can try to be crazy what you mean by that that scares me for i mean mine literally our iron box on the island iron box on the like the mid thing again next to us mine a crafting table if you take care of the bridging i will follow you to death yeah those towers have good stuff in there they have the creeper eggs and the tnt and the towers i'm pretty sure i yeah if you want to risk it on round one see how it goes if it goes badly we can play more conservatively if it goes well we continue we follow your leads we'll have a look which side we go what do we make what should we make out the iron that's the thing that like should we try and get we get i say we get fruit some chest plate and uh leggings and we can get like some stuff we can all armor up equally just kind of like okay get all the iron get a crafting table and we just if we rush them in we can like bow and roll so if joel wants to get the iron on the island fruit and green go to the first thing i'll go up and grab what's in the chest above us uh what do you prefer do you want to do lime which is quick and nicki or do you want to do i feel like lime has too good whereas for the right is like four equally skilled okay so we go we go left okay okay yeah well you get some stuff out of the chest if you want something yeah green grab the stuff in the chest and then take it over there's any sticks oh yeah there you go it sticks let's go fruity b is there crashing on the island greens here green's close i'm gonna block them off and i'm gonna try to bridge just don't be careful be careful hit him back if he needs to because we have like we have some pictures of the iron by the way okay i'm gonna try to go to the island i didn't they've gone to they're leaving to the other one okay i made it across oh we're going crazy if you guys can uh just be careful but come across well i have 16 iron okay there's a crafting table do you want to bring the crafting table or is that one up here another one right here bring the crowd get it and ride the other side screen's closed make sure you don't get shot okay we need a bridge okay let me come up and then let me put the crafting table down first so we can craft some armor because there's no point in going yeah i don't have any extra armor that's what joldon is yeah no no sorry i've not got the iron left there's a sword here um there are some pants in that chest okay we're up board mate there's a sword here for you if you want it yeah what you got left scott for iron oh yeah sure orange yeah we can try and stop crazy coming in there's people below us maybe we can start a safe bridge if someone wants to help me like get make sure there's walls but i'm just going to bridge kind of forward to the left yes there's a lot of pearls i'm going to a mess i got him he missed this shot i'm going to jump mid and purl back okay okay okay um how do i pearl yeah yeah green green limer come in let me come in bridge keep keep the bridge going i can see and see the bottom so don't go down oh wow over here actually wow yeah just keep the bridge going someone someone blow us no green green in the border yeah just keep going keep going let's talk about the border if we ever have to drop them in i mean we can but we're just gonna get tnt like we have a good spot nice nice go played my job here is just not kill my teammates there's people top above us george is there yeah we can build the walls a bit higher but yeah and there's careful captain puppies to the left as well i don't like this we're kind of chilling just if you're looking to eat up if you've got steak we can kind of just chill with the rods because they're probably not going to jump us i might just try and ender pearl to quicken that and then knock them from behind yeah puns puns this team's probably going to jump us so like actually get ready like right now for that i see them feel so weird in this position oh my god nice nice good job yeah let's go i i thought i caught four of them i all i did was build i did nothing do it again again i've peaked sabotage my team you could go right green's right you're right okay right i'm following you free to be i told you not to bottle you'd miss the block it fell to the side grab it which side oh it's here oh freaky no okay who's got the sticks i have them here oh no i'm pretty good i'll pop it in the chest there it's okay it's okay my issue is because i like popped off last round my hands are shaking now yeah yeah i got a helmet for you let's go to the middle helmet oh wait i already have a chest why did i make a chest play i didn't realize we were doing it okay there's lots of people on the islands across from us maybe we can go there now yeah yeah go go now go now gonna i can't be in charge of bridging i can't there's two pink two yellow why am i stuck jordan if you can nice nice nice you have all the reason okay oh yeah grab all the subcribe stuff there's fantastic where's everyone there you go ah here not good yeah okay trying to get up to the to the yellow ass why am i building breaking song don't worry for tv it's all good pearl's team is doing the mid thing so there's people to the right greener to the right yeah get onto the get onto the yellow structure yeah and then you're building to the middle whistling yeah i had to play so many blocks to actually get up here sorry fruity b is our build man start bridging inwards just like put put like start the walls going yeah we just wanted to be safe wait oh he's coming tomorrow all right below you like right now like right under you turn around blow down get him this time it's not coming in you're good okay sapnap above you sylvia above you they're both flying oh yeah watch they're there oh yep oh help me i've gone everywhere we're here yeah you're ready where's my team oh they are we should probably bridge right yeah start just try to like wallbridge inwards if everyone wants that oh yes nice okay well done get me some more arrows i need some more uh that was a serious request i oh gosh trying to they're trying to rob me around this program is up there oh dear snap naps on his own oh it's quite hard to bridge then uh borders water's very close very close you need to go nice you got tommy yeah ice cream nice build build build build build oh scott's amazing oh my god go on scott did you get him [Music] all right nice not too bad that's not bad not too bad i'm popping off apparently as soon as i get in for problem my brain's like do it do it do it again let's go live i got your back you leave the sticks in the chest so i can make her sword yeah leave a couple keeping my distance just in case i had anything to do with the last okay abridged it's not safe bridge but it's okay and crazy is like watching green do you have a ball yeah here you go oh okay um i'm just gonna run across oh no that's okay that's okay everyone meet up at the tower uh orange just blow i'm louder yeah yeah i'm coming up oh what's it hit orange they're gonna find it uh yeah don't worry it happens yeah no it happens i did some damage there's a team we just needed to take the tower we ripped guys on that background we did well on the fence this is this is one of our weaker games remember yeah [Applause] their way up there themselves it's because i think he wants to try and kill them oh he's going for it i forgot to put my blocks in my off hand there chat so i was trying to like right click and it just didn't work so i just messed up completely there oh well thank god oh sylvia and all they're gonna die though what are they doing there oh no so shovel was on one heart i was like someone hit her someone please i think we may we may end up closer to the bottom this uh no i think nothing will be like yeah i think it'll be like three or four okay yeah because greener and third and two of them have died i think that's one of my that's gotta be one of my better uh sky battles normally i sabotage my team normally i'm like a hindrance i have never popped off like that in the sky battle end of my life you might be if i am not if i am not in callum's top 10 place behind aqua do you like pineapples yeah they're all right i can't eat too much of it it's quite acidic isn't it someone please shoot yellow off there they're asking for it pink are out so they were the ones below us only left on green i don't think anyone can i think we are just cannot fish to save himself oh if he'd pulled it as though someone right click yellow right click what are you doing what are you doing pog you got a hook shifted yeah if they're shifting it won't do anything he was hoping for her to stand up to you okay or rather people that they're above because then they'll just they can get like pull them up oh one day and that we're going to struggle oh green is dead bye sylvie oh my goodness so many people what is going on oh my god oh my god wait who's live oh my god nice i got six kills i got four kills last round what oh wait what i don't know how i got five kills on twitter oh maybe i got six it says your kills six no is that real i think it's total that's total yeah okay don't think i hit it no i hit people first is internet car in the first game then mean green had to pop off there it's fruit we're cutting wait green you might be top ten with that score wait okay so i don't want to brag anymore it says event coins third third go on who's i'm seven he's the top 40 player now oh take a foot one and then just never edit yeah yeah yeah i got a screenshot to prove that i am the best you're better than dream and sat nap yeah wait wait i need a picture of me on the on the pedestal quick this is the closest i'm ever gonna get keep it up you never know telling you it's the coffee as the event goes on you're just going to deteriorate green screenshot yeah i'm running i'm so far away i've got one for you in case there you go hey yeah there we go do you know what's really bad is i can't account for all the greens third overall and in that game that's mad last a bunch of people like that as they went into the void well i i or it's the fact that like if you were the last person to hit them and they died within a certain time to the void you get the point right well i hooked a couple of people in with a fishing rod so that was a couple i i got a couple of crossbow shots off but then the rest are a mystery who knows lime got a mad lead they won both last games that's crazy but we are second guys so but we only need to get second right yeah yeah i think we're gonna do better at team like build martin such than they will yeah we'll see how we do at what their next games are i'll take anything to be honest the next few games if they make it to dodgeball i don't feel bad about beating them in dodgeball so we can go for them there's other teams i would feel bad about it but i'll take my my zero kill battle box here that's very cool we couldn't have gotten without your bridges to be fair wait yeah the time you died joel's bridges were nowhere near as useful yeah sorry about that right what we what do we want now i'm i'm hyped uh called tag i really i despise puck just wait for the like five second money oh yeah if you look on the right now and it says voting closes in so you can she'll be on the floor wait where is she oh yeah what the heck okay 15 seconds once you throw it i was trying to get it but you get in there i punched the green one in yay we can do it get this one get this one in who's i think it's mine it's joel's he hit me with that i'm the i'm the one that's letting everyone down shelby shelby's had too many drinks so far she's okay i think that's good for us yeah so far we've got every game we won and the order we want to yeah but we don't want to um we don't want to avoid any of our strong games so maybe we can avoid this i think from now on we just go for whatever we want to play right just go for it yeah yeah yeah yeah no everyone's discord broke [Laughter] no it doesn't it must be it must be the u.s side maybe it's just for it no it was he's on canada discord question mark in the chat no none of us we still hear you what okay what funny can you hear so you can hear us here i can hear you now okay okay i've had the same issue yeah some of the people said fruity b fruity b free to be right you're you're up let's get games well no wait let's yeah let's wait and see what teams we're against and then we say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i think we need every 10 seconds to survive two seconds runners split if you survive all 60 seconds six for tagging each runner less over time 42 for tagging all three runners right wait my message just sent yeah because it mutes chat oh i see you see um yes yeah i'd say it wants to run against say lime pink orange and red yeah and then we can work can i go against dolly i want to go against you want to go against green okay you can get i'll [Laughter] well you know what i i went against yellow yaks and i almost lost yeah i believe in you all right what's wrong with yellow punk wants to pee right does he know that everybody's waiting punk control your bladder i need to pee as well but i'm not going i mean they said they're positive for two minutes i don't blame them for that we said it's because we thought peck was still broken when everyone was fine well we didn't stop when wilbur's building was on fire why are we stopping for e-brakes yeah yeah what on earth hi joe it's my first stream of yours thank you dasha dream uh impress lizzy joel do your best thanks say hi to neve hi neve hey joel i don't know where you read this but i want you know that you brought my day and you helped through the pandemic i just want to say that thank you thank you this is a kind message panda king so confused oh goodness gracious me if it is that bad you sit with a bottle and you hit your mic and you put the camera off yeah let's see co2 in my office is getting very high i'm gonna open the door it's like now i want to go to the bathroom let's do it no no no no no this is unfair one for advantage i think everyone's here okay okay you're up for it you're going and communicate yes yes either i'm good at communicating he's going in the middle right he's got a few jobs oh i didn't realize you you go scott i'm staying here okay i'll call out he's down in the middle at the moment he's going to cut off turn around turn around no he's getting him he's following you below he's dropped keep going keep going oh i was getting told he's above you and below you at the same time like i didn't know if i should try climb where i should drop down i don't know what to do here nice fruit oh fruit got them all anyway just survive as long as you're all right green he's falling down he's coming up just keep moving he's behind you right behind you okay nobody was fine we survived i think what we see is whoever dies first is the only one to make the calls yeah let's do that okay because i had green tell me one thing joel tell me another but joel's one who's inspector more so you can see there yeah so if you die first you're a shot caller before that when we're all live we work as a team oh okay let's see we get against next guys i'm surprised her synergy's so good because none of us know each other so that's pete preston preston is [Music] keep getting real tight rotate your rotate round rotating no apparel oh he's got me again oh my i didn't realize he could jump down from there all right um he's behind you he's below you now he's going to come up with a lot that behind he's coming behind you yeah yeah he's in the tunnel he's he's quite far behind you at the moment he's catching up now though right behind you just copying your move yeah he's just copying you exactly right now do you keep making these jumps oh my god your beers go on come on he says he's right behind you still he's fallen yeah like five second head start oh he's trying to cut you off on the left nice oh my god nice you you cracked he's right behind you now save me oh nice try nice try oh i just got spiffy that's so annoying just i got pete i'm happy you get them all yeah i got literally like a second after you said save me i don't know it's my face it's not fun being chased for a lot of it at least we got them all that's good green you're right wait you really don't want me no fred green needs to try he needs to carry this after your sky battle games we can't rescue you oh wait did they did they beat us last round uh yeah just by like a second oh shame yeah just uh his middle going right going already he's on you he's on you me oh yeah oh my gosh why do they target me first every round why do you keep going to the side they run to it's not my choice oh i can't see them all right she's below you she's in the middle now i mean that's james sorry if you just stay there he's gotta try and make his way up right here i know i know zeus we went to disneyland together come on there we go got him nice all seconds right i don't like hunting i was surprised complete opposite corner of the map right now he's now coming towards you he's getting closer he's in the light he's coming close to you yeah no sorry not scott yeah it's hard to see with the names he's following you scott uh right on your right how did you not get hit i just can't i did like a quick card yeah he was like i did such a quick turn under the corner and then i like did like the head hit onto the iron bar to like push me a little bit faster all right you want to chase you're up you're up fruit we need to survive puns that's an issue yeah fontina [ __ ] very fun puffy i'm coming over here with you oh god if we all go to the same side okay i'll go to that side [Music] okay wait uh i think he's fallen he's falling he's coming up oh he's got me we sh we should have rotated that was oh he's got me as well i didn't realize that behind me right scott right let me let me communicate right he's right keep going he's going into the middle to cut you off if you keep going that way he will gain on you he's nice just oh well done fruity let's go let's go it's when joel's like he's right right now i'm like jewel [ __ ] no more greens i'll communicate angels like he's next to you [Laughter] either way i'm having a lot of fun yeah that's fine arena doing pretty well second when is this round zap nap was very very good who put these teams together i don't know i hate that man yellow yellow yellow this can be jolt yeah i can go yeah yeah yeah there you go who [Music] sparkles sparkles is on us so you're up joel [Music] uh it's probably just gonna go right everyone goes right yeah i just walked off probably gonna jump on me no wait maybe is he buying me uh i can't hear you okay got one um recharge almost he's uh i can't see him where is he he's on he's chasing him i know i'm just trying to delay him as long as yeah yeah you're doing well you're doing really really well right above you right above you oh okay i shouldn't have survived as long as i did to be here okay um keep going he's coming for you so just he's he's doing that he's gonna jump on you oh he's cutting you off yeah go get up if you can i know you slip you slow down keep going you get up watch yeah yeah okay yeah just get up he's [ __ ] still on the ground okay um he's coming for you green he's coming for you he's going to cut you off keep going [Applause] we'll survive nice well done we're done we're done i kept sparkles busy for way longer yeah yeah i'm a pretty weak hunter and uh weak runner you did really well that runner i'm not just saying that you did really well all right we've got funding probably going to head no he had left he's going head left right rotate rotate rotate everyone rotate yeah he's not grouping we're grouping have intentionally oh me and me oh he's oh who's that me behind you i didn't have i never eat sure oh this is bad where is he uh i can't actually see him oh he's on the opposite side opposite side on the bottom on the floor yeah okay keep going forward keep going forward that's it keep going straight nice rope rotate left rotate left yeah that's it uh i've lost i've lost him oh yeah he got he got a bit stuck stay there stay there okay go right yeah i got them all oh my god yes keep running that's it doesn't matter [Music] below us as well which is good we're doing well mm-hmm i think we still got to play against one you wanted to hunt yeah wait let's see if ollie goes in no way they're talking about yeah [Music] bottom right hasn't went up yet he's following you uh scott at the moment they're they're very still stuck at the moment nice you're popping off [Music] pog guys that was a sick round 20 seconds i got them all oh no turn around by the middle he's struggling he's getting he's trying to get up yeah they're probably going to try to come here nice if you free all survive that's that's it we got it we got it we should wait we should all stack oh i was going to say we should all crowd and then ships chasing us oh god i want to chase this team okay dream i believe in you callum's good these guys can run i know that hey they're going for you he's going to say which way is he coming is he coming behind me i think he's going for me he's a guy for me yeah he's behind joel's danger um he's in the corner he's coming close to you now he's above you scott me he's right behind you scott he's going to cut you off okay green he's in the complete opposite corner at the moment to you use your pill he's in the middle now he's right below down below in the middle i need to make a call on which way to go he's got to get up remember okay he's cutting you off that direction but he's fallen yeah green you're running towards him he's right behind you now he's he's he's trying to cut you off to your right he's falling he's going yeah keep going don't go the ladder you'll get caught no no no no no neverland sorry they're good they're good i didn't listen i did not listen you gotta get through oh dream oh classic oh yeah that was ooh to be fair this is a very good pink game like their team is very good yeah he knows the map so well ah should have oh yeah she listened not dream just you just went crazy all right line okay so we all [ __ ] let's all stand right next to the door and the last second for you're going to go on and just push it doing crazy so it doesn't really matter right now [Music] where is he uh he fails we don't want a group like this on the right behind you get three points i'm going to try and rotate round oh yeah oh good okay he's in the middle right now just saw him oh oh no that did not just happen he's behind someone right now that's me yeah yeah he's he's going into that corner i'm heading to this where that's is he now he's below me he's over yeah he's there nice well done he's chasing towards you he's right behind you uh scott okay that's fine i brought him down to the floor though so at least i'll give you some time um yeah he's coming for you joel uh don't yeah keep running run he's right behind neutral so just try and keep turkey okay but really you just need to keep away from for five seconds he's in the middle right now green yeah just keep running to the other go into the spawn bit oh yeah he was like grabbing your t-shirt like that i could i could feel his hand on the back of my neck yeah he was there guys we did work really well top three yeah yeah and the points between that point nothing nothing yeah points are nothing between us but lime got 400 less than this and they were way ahead come on free yes yeah after that shocking skype my score's gonna be so bad in this i know it's not too bad but we all can either wait like we all dream guys first that's not a crazy difference in the scores between us yeah and little standings we're getting really close to second there i believe where are you on the leaderboard now i'm third still fed let's go yeah i'm sick i went up a spot nice you must have gone up quite a lot from that oh he's not there you're going to be all right so lime is still ahead by quite a substantial way yeah but we are currently we're getting like we're gradually pulling away from that yeah joke mainly because they're doing well yes go you mean it's not because you're on a team with you doing so good guys thank you paige let's og tommy in it wow thank you for all the purple panda support guys i appreciate it love you all there's a hackajal spam the chat what the team standing so hard to see yeah they are hard to see aren't they here's a better way so the blue bats 1086 yellow yaks three four red green orange aqua cyan pink us and lime what do we want next um i mean or honestly like i'm i feel like any game from nowhere is fine you enjoy strawberry milk i do not fear i do not if you want to play belle's mark yeah yeah yeah yeah well what do we want to do because i'd be at this point i'm up for to get to the other side that's what i'm feeling like race ace race i'd be definitely down for a little bit i think one of those three would be good for us just not survival games anything but survival games i think we need to skip survival games yeah i would happily we can try but everyone likes a survival games finish there's a lot of teams in this that don't like survival games knocks crew like a survival games finish yeah dude if i get my hands on a lava bucket that was my first time ever like trying to off-hand something and it was his last time ever it was so painful to watch fruit i'm not gonna lie it was funny build mart would be okay as well actually so to get to the other side and if it goes to build mart so be it oh the towers they're still being built something about last but it might get skipped then james just came up with the dunk thing and aimed at us and i was like no no no no no no then he left i saved it you're welcome i negotiated with you so much [Music] people are voting survival games oh and ace race oh it's kind of split i don't know oh my god the nigerians got in belmar i don't mind that yeah i don't mind melbourne how much is the big chicken worth like four i think it's i think it's actually still to get to the other side yeah yeah nice yeah oh we are on fire no people all think i'm wrecking it people won't think i'm rigging it why is nicki said sorry purple i think she accidentally threw her chicken into our grip okay she sent a spy angel that oh it is terrorist route force but which one oh there's a lot there's a lot of room for things to go wrong on tunnel two especially when there's people and you can't see so after it gets to about like 30 40 seconds you physically can't finish it like yeah i i almost finished it yeah we got this we got this we got this we got this find your center i have got i have got the gong but i don't know if i can do i can do it i can do it we've got a minute we've got a minute i need to turn off the suppression uh noise depression is off right are you ready yes yes please absolutely one everyone take a deep breath in and out beautiful pewter there we go that's all i have have you all found the hard bottle really have you found the hard button before what the wallet come to turn that helped that helped hard i thought you meant it make the course harder no like it gives you just hard it's from the original terrorist workforce when you selected the difficulties [Music] uh oh god yeah i i have fun using your eyes this is crazy oh i can't see anything okay i made it past the ballistic amount of people at the beginning yeah me too yeah so you guys are going crazy this is that this is our match no there's still chances oh there's so many people oh my god i'm so fast i'm way too fast pete is lagging right in front of me it's really distracting oh i hit something ah i'm gonna crash no that's so annoying i was like too fast daddy slow down no no no i got stuck oh no i can't get up oh my god just die how i'm stuck in the i'm stuck in this i don't know what this says i can't see yourself oh this is awful oh that's awful i was first guys i was first and i just crashed again i'm having an absolute nightmare i glitched into the side of i don't even know what happened there it feels bad man oh yeah i was gonna get like fourth or something but the map didn't it doesn't load in quick enough i just got my man vision blocked by someone that is awful i don't even know what happened i need to i need to watch that back i don't really know what happened i'm not going to finish it sucks lyme was the first full team to finish and they just finished so we're not doing like particular most people don't have a team finish wow this is finished let's go separately i'm so upset all right where's pretty baby where are you there's no bridging on this one i can't believe that the ladders were blocked off so i couldn't get out of that hole there was no way for me where am i oh who punched me where did we go i will not unshovel my god i think i like it whatever okay third place green i just got hit off no wait everyone's punching the people are you getting high what i was like they're fifth and i just couldn't get it joel i saw that that was so annoying that was so annoying i just kept getting punched by captain sparkles so i couldn't reach them phelps kept hitting me so i couldn't finish but neither could he i was gonna get sick okay when it comes to the bridging rounds i'm going to follow you but i'm going to prioritize punching people out the way so you can really get in your stride yeah 39th who's still alive punching me in the face i was not a fan to whack purely random okay so i'm going to play i'm gonna go i'm gonna go far right where do you go uh once you're through here there's like another one of these today it's the metalish one far right also works oh wait you go up oh good thing i lagged back on someone oh oh that's not the right way it's left left or left good far left yeah there's middle one middle one not you have to just pick one randomly and go up oh this one's not right stop punching me okay this is not very nice i think it's the middle on yeah it's the middle on the left side i can't get out apparel no on the left side that's the one i was doing i don't worry it's far left that's what that works as well okay it's just 11 11 not too bad right once you get i think we'll be first to finish oh just beat us so much randomness in that one yeah yeah well you got a nerd on the pros we got some decent points so we all finished quite high yeah i think you can guarantee that one of the back ones is going to be the correct seeing as we haven't got any bonuses yet we're doing pretty well we're fourth yeah yeah to be fair it was awesome on three of them so half of them no four of the six went up no sasha where are you going sasha follow the animals at the floor three seconds i'm going far right through yeah go far right this is hard you just get like punched ever i mean i'm gonna go right you can yeah i'm gonna i'm i'm gonna clear the clear the way it's gonna get rid of the refrigerator one bad punch so i'm gonna go for my first or do we just want to tear up through the middle and not do this we're going to get gonna get rid of the riff roughly up front running no i've i've gone off off oh my god we're getting battery back no someone's not me off oh i can't see anything oh i'm in a cobweb with preston are you kidding me how you doing first please okay fret i just cranked i just blocked people off too ah no no no who's not me off there you absolutely ah i think i'm dead last i don't even know where the top is oh yeah i did last oh no oh no no i almost felt so bad i punched and then said it wasn't that kind of screamed and no but luckily she fell into the water oh we just need we just need to finish guys i'm done we're good i can't get out of this hole 30 seconds that's my normal place in mcc i've been treated someone knocked me off the edge very much i got knocked off at the start and they just put me behind everyone captain sparks deserves have to knock me off in the other round punching me so we can get in tenth girl aziz there we go nice okay not great that's knocked us quite down quite a few spots that has oh what are the next ones please don't be the boats so this one apparently if you go up yeah i'm gonna go forward oh okay i got boyd ah i did this the same just happened to me come on respawn me i got punished by someone phil no stop oh dude no dude i got a bodybug i literally had first oh my god i'm refusing to punch one of the simmers i hate whoever that was i was being nice i was like you know what i don't want to punch one of the simmers man 25th that's not great i shouldn't have gone for the wing in the end yeah yeah i i ended up being just a i ended up in a punch battle with phil for at least five seconds i was bridging a cross if someone had just not pushed me we could have both come first and second but they punched me off yeah this this one's not not great i got not my not my favorite i suppose i told it's a good one to go that way now i didn't want to punch glue on it was just punching people so i was like i'll let him go and then someone punched me behind one of the pinks is uh nearly last so that's pretty good for us right yeah but they're still very far ahead who hasn't finished awesome sasha i killed puns though but i know it puns off into the void she's not going to make it no no [Music] no all right last one let's see if we can redeem ourselves we can please no punchy one please not a superpower i said the first four games of the event don't matter too much so it's like oh it's the actual bridge one right where do you want it let's go dead center what if we what if we just go up a few blocks and then you just speed the bridge and we just follow up all oh god i just tried to jig him out not worth it i blocked everyone off got first no [Music] okay i got 11. i played oh at 20. to finish man yeah i didn't even mess up i just sort of glitched and ended up in the hole i don't know i don't know what happened because i actually punched someone as well so weird i'm gonna have to look back and maybe it wasn't yeah see oh okay only eight hundred coins off there we'll see how we did it yeah yeah i said the first four gate like is the last four games lime limer below us again so oh cp what about the team what are we doing on our team hey not too bad not too shabby there we go yeah that's good go on callum right we're fed now but it's not far off i feel like every mcc terrorist workforce gets harder and harder no tears at first um to get to our side just gets harder and harder yeah there's a there's a lot of luck involved in the other side all right great time isn't it i'm gonna go pee quickly it is break time guys i'll be back in a second i'm gonna get a drink be right there and if you've got any questions to ask them now because by the time i get back zippy cup has been refilled if you've got any questions please ask away everyone take a second to please hit the like button for our guy joel yeah sure like charlene joel are you the imposter i'm not the imposter we're not in the best event so far but let's hope we can pick it up in the second half uh we failed overall though our team's doing well rhian's popping off green's carrying us at the moment i'm pretty sure uh fruit's having it starting to like get into it as well it seems which is good and scott's just having a good time as well i am the i am the nerf at the moment scott's in 10th and greens and fourth so uh yeah i'm pretty happy with uh how everyone else is doing just not the great i'm doing all right what makes a joke a dad joke it's just so bad that it makes you groan how's your pets they're both good they're both really good mary's downstairs in the kitchen buddy's probably asleep somewhere it could be in the house it could be anywhere he just sleeps a lot who's the biggest competition well at the moment lime are popping off pink are doing pretty well as well um but i feel like the next few games if we get sounds of time we're quite good at that uh big sells at build mart we're quite good at that uh wells ace race we're pretty good at that so hopefully there's hope for us yet can you please say hi to me hello what makes uh how often is mcc a year i think they have like one a month at the moment they took a break for a while i'm not gonna be in the next one because we are busy so i can't do it uh i don't know when the date is but we're just busy all next month so i think so i'm not even signing up fave outfit you own i just wear black t-shirts and black jeans all the time that's my only outfit when is the newest empire's snp out uh probably on like monday or tuesday we're going away for five days starting on wednesday so might be a few videos away when we're there who is your favorite teammate i have to have a favorite way like we're all equal you say hi panic not found there you go do you think you could win i think we could yeah i think if we get then if as long as survival games isn't played or it could be played and we could get really lucky and win it um but yeah i feel like we have a pretty good chance i feel like we could get into the dodgeball finals whether we win that on a scale of one to ten how much do you like pigs four i don't know i don't know favorite drink vanilla coca-cola that's my favorite but the coke zero version what is your zodiac sign it is a cancer i'm a crab you look tired i'm not tired i'm just really warm i'm gonna have to open my windows it's so hot in my room now if anyone's outside they will hear me shouting about minecraft which is very embarrassing my spaghetti is done heating up congrats who's your worst teammate scott no i'm kidding i'm kidding it's not scott scott's top 10 at the moment uh and i know scott very well he's he's he's the best teammate i'm the worst teammate at the moment where's lizzy next door fave color purple at the moment my camera's just moved stop that camera we've got two minutes left any more questions can you say hi beans from my sister jess or i think it was jess hi to your sister my dog rolled in poo today piano needs to know that that's disgusting just kidding that's hilarious oh dog i'm telling scott no he will never put me in mcc again what's your favorite song it's called bohemian like you by the dandy warhols what time is it it's half past nine at night here all right we got a minute left i swam a mile today wow i see bunny go on i can only swim for like 10 meters and then get tired i can't swim very well fave mcc and minecraft build you've done the castle on my hundred days world or my missalien palace when it's completed that'll be my favorite i've got a feeling but yeah the castle on the 100 days is iconic you like 80s music yes some do build that for me it's my birthday we will try you say hi anthony hi emily can you get a can you say bowl cut yes i thought you said can you get a bulk and i was gonna be like echo not a chance you're gonna shave your beard soon never i'm keeping the beard forever it hides my chins yes multiple of them i'm watching all the way good luck joel thank you mcdonald's favorite harry potter house uh hufflepuff because i'm a hufflepuff when will season two of third life happen not sure all right i'm going to mute now guys hello i think it wasn't us but dreamwater said brought signs of time if it wasn't signs of time turn the same would have been the one oh wait what is it it's revival games [Applause] i can't believe they've done this i wonder what it is i think it's survival games green is survival games in the poll please please it's survival games i'm sorry no it was almost times of time but then dream tweeted vote sense of time so then people did [Music] that means one of our good games is being left out yeah yeah i hate the audience why is uh right okay we need a team captain who's gonna be making all the calls i'm gonna be on flashbacks i mean i'll be with him that captain oh god right give it to me yeah the trick is don't um put yourself in lava um we don't go for fights unless we know we can win them we're better getting survival points from other teams also there's now 25 seconds of grace so it's probably worth grabbing stuff in the middle right okay okay okay it used to be 10 now it's 25 so we can grab stuff and go fruit is making the we're all going to do call outs if we see someone we need to let the others know but fruit is going to be making combat decisions yeah also green i'm sorry but you also need to fulfill the prophecy yeah i'll do it you are the kryptonite i mean it it has happened it's happened more than once every year it's happened so far yeah it's it's no longer a fluke it's becoming a pattern all right where do we want to go we're going middle middle and then we're going to run behind us directly this way because pink will probably go from that path directly south yeah as yes right okay okay guys guys pay attention i'm going for the top left chest i'll go for bottom left chest i'll go back okay and through you go top middle okay okay all right that way we maximize not getting it get uh stepping on each other's toes lock screw lock screw lock screw lock screw locks lock screw all right go [Music] [Applause] that chest was busted okay all right let's go let's go turn around turn around yellow have just ran yellow just sprinting that's fine that's fine um so keep going straight and we're going to go we want to go to the peripheries i've got a bow and i've got a potion of harming which i'm definitely going to take people in front of us people to the right like we don't have beer where where's green green green green green here's a helmet there's a helmet i'll take that oh there's someone right here green green how do we get up here the efficient i guess up the hill yeah and then we just beer left i think you can break glass you can you can break glass where's joe joe right behind jeremy and james there's a chest and i got golden apple out of it oh god i see the lava blanket i've got loads of instant damage potions yeah um there is a anvil up here if anyone has any books do you want an axe yeah yeah where are you i don't know i'd prefer i have a oh green do you want an accent treat for the sword take this yeah here all right uh i'm not happy with the gear we've got guys let's keep moving yeah yeah okay everyone everyone assemble we're gonna go okay yeah yeah yeah coming just kind of running i could go down but i would rather stay up on them there's a pill here there's a there might be stuff up there i see there might be we're not getting much loot here guys where's the other chests uh there's a team please i have one i have an extra ball if you want to i've got bow which is just normal oh right someone take some of these instant damage potions because i've got four now i'm never gonna use all these is this polluted i don't know no it's not i've just got some stuff now right i need to find some chests i'm getting really frustrated now and oh there we go all right um i have a chase plate uh leather chair okay someone need a helmet i have one i'm good on helmet we all have helmets like let's stay with fruit he's gone over there yeah i'm going i saw like i guess we can leave this no this building's open so i wouldn't go in there do you want some damage potions by the way i've got so many i have like half my i'll take some damage i'll take some jewel they're like across like okay we could definitely i don't know we're doing well to be fair like we should have not seen anyone which is nice every time that's we're just gonna cut through the whatever i'm heading towards this air drop i think this house might be not leave i don't know the chest there's a there's a helium has anyone got a sword they want to swap for an axe like i prefer swords i have got a really shoddy weaponry going on here i've got an axe yeah i'm waiting for this drop i'm just under it okay someone's coming over there oh we could win that fight it's up to you i'm just watching behind yeah they're running from this crazy i mean uh they're trying to get out i feel like oh no dreams coming for us i mean we can pressure them but i wouldn't go in in and just don't waste all yeah always follow ours yeah okay i think they don't want to fight us you just kind of play like rotates just careful for everybody cream's just scared of me that's all it is honestly yeah it might be you know if there's an anvil in the middle there's a chest there's a chest over here i'm going to grab this oh yes oh yeah uh does anyone put green green here going to take up iron's heart helmet iron camera i actually have one and i have an iron oh joel you haven't okay we all have i could do with a better chest and let these yeah chest and bits are same for me yeah chicken can go there lava can there's someone just over the edge here yeah it says fingerspelling um oh i've lost you guys no we're here we're gonna we're good anchor coming here just run towards mid is there an anvil i mean yeah that probably is my bow oh it's up there am i good am i safe yeah there's chat there's stuff in these chests oh yeah not that crossbow it's the food that we need to keep an eye on okay um who wants a pudge tube oh oh oh god um oh ain't you come on all right i'm just checking to yeah i have two punch two bows i'll have one okay we're kind of chilling we're kind of chilling and there's a team up there yellow or up in that top building god i have a chest plate for you oh yes please uh yeah pink crap in that tall building uh scott do you need to eat you're on 19 uh i know i'm peeled no pinker got a fallen's [Music] there's another apple oh there's uh fruit there's a golden apple yeah i've got i've got a golden apple uh yeah yeah yeah fruit there's quick charge here okay quick quick charge book i've got another golden apple do you want multi shot is there an anvil in here i've got a multi shot yeah there's an anvil downstairs there's an ambulance speed for a minute guys there's another animal down here yeah yeah where is it right we're pretty geared out guys when when the fight start i'm taking a preemptive gap or i've got three yeah i've got two here's my crossbow uploading i see i see a team uh green maybe i can't actually tell what color it is okay header top building type uh this doesn't actually go up anymore we can go out yeah we can chill we can just kind of chill on the building like we are at the center right now and so we need to crouch if we just crouch here it's very good so we just shot the crossbow that was me i'm gonna just dump some stuff in here that i don't want in case anyone does want anything i mean i am loaded does anyone need a gill and apple if you need do you need one i have three oh yeah there's a pink or just above us but they're in this the building do you see them they are above us above us guys yeah but it's a different one there's no way into it so just be shifting [Music] oh that red team has only only the only people who are dead or blue and ollie that's it this one up there in full leather i think we're pretty yeah this red team very integrated i feel like everyone's alive this is scary i don't like this two simmers have gone out right yeah and only summers and all yeah red have nothing right we are dreaming they're all above us the pink guys are above i don't like that i don't like the fact that sorry yeah every coach they can't get into our building anyway what the heck these boots have depth strider and breaking feather falling okay wait they're ready yeah they're like on our building yeah they're literally on our building uh scion are chasing green i think they don't know we're here i don't think i think they do pink nowhere running i don't think anyone else does i think they can definitely we got cyan to the left we've got pink somewhere above us rambo was shot by puns nice are they fighting in there oh yeah besides they're chasing red they're cheating everyone's fighting i think we were just waiting for you yeah oh who's that running away all right there's people below us tommy's coming they come into our building no no no but borders getting rather close for fun i'm not going to waste arrows i've only got five hours if someone wants to i've got two left i don't donate one of my crossbows i've got two loaded crosstals there's a big fight going on over there yeah uh remember to pre-gapple before we jump into anything yeah yeah our place is the border it's pretty close the next border move we need to go but they are fighting they are fighting right there where do we want to go with pink right above us the border is about to come up do you want to go down or do you want to jump out then i've already yeah yeah yeah we just wait can't get out from now hang her right above us all right we're gonna have to go the second spot oh dang sorry guys someone is invisible there's any gapples in here oh i can't open the chest right let me help you guys out i'll let you know if someone's uh come up behind you that's a monster you're getting sandwiched that's good spam your potion i'm gonna die i'm in the border we'll be careful all right you got yellow to the left okay a yellow or full to the left just to be aware of i'm just gonna [Music] oh my goodness we got 4000 coins for that let's go four thousand five that's the best off oh my god let's go through whoa oh my god you guys [Music] so you check you check the brewing stance there was a speed pot for a minute i didn't check any of those i didn't oh oh my gosh the game we didn't want ended up being the game we popped open wait why how is martin in i don't know i know some earlier he's just like watching he's just expecting expectations he might be on the admin stream i don't know oh let's go check this girl that was the best ever real life thing but maybe it was just like maybe only lasted like an hour or something oh my gosh one game where everyone on the subreddit was like where i think they get survival games purple are screwed and uh watch the fact that we had such bad armor and all of a sudden we were just the most scratched like weirdo yeah wow oh man okay at least dream didn't kill me he did come to try and backstab me yeah callum like two cripped me from like when he fell down like he was in fact thank you the red gramer that's awesome look at the pogs in the chat thank you guys thank you for all the support the purple pandas i love it awful oh good that was so good right and now we have some games where we can succeed if we can get build maps out of time ace race basically all the games any of the last times right what do we want what do we want what do we want we can do wait battle box is still to be added remember oh wait why yeah don't don't don't don't talk we don't say the bb word if batbox gets scared wouldn't be too fast to be honest i would like to skip actively skip battle box uh ace race build mart would be great standard time also great should we get hands should we go for sounds of time next um yeah we could go center time although i feel like if we leave build not to last that's going to get skipped so yeah yeah we're going to build that soon build mark please they're not gonna they're not gonna we're first great and they wanna do whatever we don't wanna do he said please i mean battle box please oh dear the reverse psychology i like it i know i'm fifth guys i can't believe it i think we're gonna get dunked i'm gonna i'm just gonna fight straight away for bill why don't we never get special items because we thought that's my first fruit oh those are special items all right i'm just gonna vote george has a dunk sword i'm securing vote i don't think yeah we're gonna wait no but we're gonna get dunked probably we're gonna get it done maybe yeah maybe maybe watching george with his ball drinks oh chicken with that crossbow i don't even know what he shot oh they're shooting our chickens it's going to be eight races i'm happy yeah i'm happy with this race yeah the pink team is gonna go crazy in this so we gotta we gotta go remember that there is the trident no they've moved the chicken into mega they've moved the chicken and i'll be back yes megan chicken [Music] either one of those is fine i mean i'd rather not hold them all let's go right so how many games you've got left we've got three three left yeah six i love the mega chicken walked into battle box and was like never mind guys this sippy cup is so hard to drink of i'm struggling every time here i'm using energy sipping drink just do the best you can don't try things too risky just aim for finishing i can't actually remember the skips now they'll come back to me yeah it's all coming back not me not hermione you trident's going to probably throw me off oh yeah remember when you tried yeah just remember to just like just aim where you want to go and hold right click position first trident after yeah i've only practiced the new tridents on this map three times only three what that was a joke sarcasm really slash g slash g please allow us to win it's a legitimate way literally when my team were asking the group chat about like like redrawn is like i do not know anything i have not played it like that's a lie told us that he'd played it on the mcc practice server under a fake alias joel's trying to get me canceled again it's a joke guys he didn't yeah as is shown by our performance right come on we can we can get first second third and fourth i believe enough right yeah yeah yeah cool right oh yeah okay i'm going left i always go left i'm gonna get confused if i go right is left better or right there are the same i'm going right just because more people are going left actually it doesn't matter that impacts anymore though so i'm going left because i can follow something as they're doing i'm going live just because i i always go left yeah good we're good we're good i just accidentally moved to the side i almost got deleted oh i messed up wait it didn't auto for me oh oh oh work trident right oh my trident screwing me over you can bring it back bring it back now yeah you can still manually do this why not this time can you fly into the water well i guess i don't have the momentum for that jesus everyone knows this skip now yeah tridents are so cool now ah timing right my god i'm clawing it back oh my gosh i'm so fine oh i've dropped so many places just then i ain't new trident i didn't think i did but i do oh that was rough never focused up i am folks i'm in eighth or seventh no it's literally just the top eight are just like we're just here in a conga line i'm uh i'm chilling at like 20 like points is just gone [Music] oh no oh my god i can do this i can do this oh that was a nice skip oh yes i nailed the skit you got the skip go on i got the skip i'm at ninth okay great i'm a beast i'm in fourth i just hit the nastiest like is it i skipped the last one thing like i just flew to like so far oh that's what green did that's the big i have not i've lost a load because that messed me up the new trident really messed me up then i'm loving this let's try it it's good in like some parts like you can get it ready yeah the fact that you don't yeah you can get it ready you don't collide which is nice i wasn't 30th and now i'm 18. i've made some places i'm 23rd after making that skip right i need to do it again yeah i can do it again i can do it again i've got i've got it now i know i know what i need to do no i'm a speed demon right now cutting every corner oh i need to stop doing that going free individual but like if your team gets like there's just better rewards for where you finish right oh no almost over shot then oh man my hands are shaking a little bit guys oh my god i hit the skip boys you hit it twice yeah go on what position you what's up what's up second i lost a load of places but i am clawing my way back very painfully so same it is painful if i can do that skip again that would be i've done the skip oh no i didn't do it well enough no i made a few positions what one oh god i did the answer where i hit the stairs and it made me slower yeah yeah i missed it it's okay it's okay what i decided pouring it pouring it back pouring it back pouring [Music] yeah i think he's lagging or something he keeps falling off that's fine this is fine oh no now this key my third i stuck it up online fourth oh my god someone's on me oh what i'm leaning so far forward yeah oh my gosh whoops no i hit the thing okay but i'm not done yet i'm close i'm like there's a massive haired office i'm [Music] i think the best i can get now at this point is 25th which is uh it's about my normal spot for mcc i got 17th not terrible that's good oh it's pretty good that's pretty good i got 21st i i can fly in here pretty quickly wow pink smashed it holy moly where did they all finish yeah i i i got 25. ben just finished 23rd 24th pink got third fourth and seventh or eight man i'm messed up a bunch on that rumor really said no i'm going to be the double winner actually back-to-back winner he's like no no limer just ahead of us though and they were the closest right or was it pink or the closest on the overall i think the scoreboard's changed a lot now i don't think limer ahead we were only ahead by like a thousand points yeah it really does come down to the last few games oh hello chat that was not very good we did okay but we could have done better probably oh well we uh we could still win this we'll see how we hopefully get build that and uh what was the other games that were there sounds of time you can get one of those too we're good we're good to be fair though i don't know how long we'll keep this much i've played it for so many mcc's now yeah but look at the look at the detail on the map these take a while to make oh yeah they do i always do that i always go too high like i tell you what overshooting is a problem in this game overachieving [Music] i feel like i never overshot i just kept undershooting like some parts yeah i got the trident timing damp wrong a couple of times and that screwed me over but i made up a load of places at one point so i did like a pretty good lap but then last lap not so good yeah we need to deny pink battle box yeah the issue is is there's a lot of teams that were enjoying the box and lime or light battle box yeah ah i nearly made it same i almost set up [Music] i did the skip and i got through and then i didn't get high enough because i was too yeah yeah yeah yeah you need to get the momentum just right yeah i got i got it every lap so man what the hell crap i've i've never tried it before well no i think i've said it like once [Music] i just finished it yeah yeah that might be the first time we've had all 40 or as one of the few times we've had straight nice fruit okay fred wow i got beat by decimals oh really yeah oh yeah 0.5 there you are for town's popping off yeah he beat me by point 10. he was so he's he's popping off because i keep telling him that he's not playing the next time cc catherine's just in a chair at first though oh yeah let's go no it's so close though pink and lime yeah where are we we're still first oh this is this could we could end up below but we're not gonna we're gonna be we're gonna be back we've gotta get bill maher or sansa time one of the two yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah both ideally hello chat say hi to lizzy for me i can finally chat i'm saying i'm allowed to watch i didn't know that was the age uh i'm wasting my energy sipping a sippy cup yep it's honestly painful uh but yeah there we go joel singh lizzie's ocean palace song i can't remember what it is what was the song again i've gotten a song oh yeah it's unbelievable quartz something something coral roof something like that so i do remember it you're my favorite youtuber thank you crystal clear joel make merch i have no idea for merch right now i would if i could make something that i thought would be cool but yeah i am i've got no ideas at the moment so i don't just like put do merch for the sake of merch sorry joel i have my laptop locks in two minutes no worries thanks for tuning in how can you say hi noah please i love your vids hi noah thank you uh say hi brendan please hi brendan your facetime is behind the chat wait what oh yeah sorry but it's either that or you get don't see the thing on the right so gotta you gotta sacrifice one of them so i thought the chat's not too important because you most of the time it's at the bottom anyway so you can see it can you lizzy say hi in your room i'm not sure if she wants to be on stream right now right where we where eight voice calm comes fifth he's not that far i'm not far behind sapnap which is pretty good really when you look at all these people up here quick puns fruit dream cpk gritsy sap not me and the fundy fund is pretty close so let's hope we have a good next game we want to trained on twitter mcc audience we know what to do wait what's up we want just the bats want uh hashtags for the blue bats trending on twitter right right right right right let's think build money people are more likely to choose sounds of time last so we go build that okay and they might go but here's the thing people that don't like powerbox will they will they go hole in the wall not a fan of holes i'm i'm going to go i'm going to go build mark because that's what i want to play i'm going to make this i'm going to make this really easy i'm going to throw it now so that they have an idea of what we're in turbo is punching them out of hole of the wall table's ability is really busted right no one's throwing 12 seconds and we go build mart yeah i mean that mega chicken's just getting punched out oh he doesn't want to and he doesn't want it in battle box he just doesn't want hole in the middle it's going to be center time isn't it yeah it's going to be sensitive okay i'll take it i'll take it i'll take it yeah it is oh god here we go oh topper wanted beldmark wait what because he jumped down he wanted belt mark it's okay let's go let's go what i don't know how it's that but we'll take double counts as points oh let's go yes okay i know why because five up has that plan which we're gonna do the same thing yeah we're gonna do the same thing yeah okay right for it you can be the runner okay we need two we need two runners two builders everyone gonna buy tablets yeah everyone listened everyone's stream um live by the ocean that's what it's got like by the sea life by the sea right okay listen up i'm going to build the left-hand side joel you're going middle uh scott you're going right through you are going to be the floater your job is not to do what anyone wants in the first build we are taking care of that you are going to go and get all of the different kinds of logs and plenty of them and bring them back and put them in the chest they will be useful for later vlogs okay anything else at the moment we'll see we'll see what happens if you finish logs before if there's a lot of colors maybe colors will be the next one yeah colors will be good but i will probably give you instructions once you've done the logs and as soon as there is a golden belt we all do it like we make sure we use whatever we have on gold because they're worth extra points right once we've done the first three builds i will then move on to the the golden builds and then free you're gonna be are we not finishing all three to start with do you want us just to do two no no let's finish all three to begin with okay so what one am i doing i'll go middle you go right i'm going left so i'm gonna go colors stone so blue blue lime red light blue pink is this diorite it's hard to tell blue blue lime light blue red dye right stone yellow glass i'm gonna get your orange orange for you um joe okay to save time if you are there maybe get the yellow glass as well this stone colors wait colors where's colors colors are all on the bottom floor i'm sorry log give me log hope this is direct no why isn't that what oh it tells you what is when you're looking at remember oh yes right next next next next i need a lot of blue i don't think i actually needed yellow but i'm just going to grab it all right i needed lime needed plenty of lime are there a grind what's it called you need to make any items like i don't need black yeah the only item you don't need to make is um where's horse there you'll like me don't need to make it green if you're in this section do you want to get the yellow glass as well if that's near colors i'm not sure if it is uh i haven't bothered with that at the moment uh fruit can you get some yellow glass yeah yeah give me one thing i think is having connection issues how much yellow glass uh i needed four wait no five five five sorry okay just get six sorry because it's glass panes my bad uh i needed pink and white i think i don't think i need purple is anyone out the build at the moment yeah yeah yeah what's your name what is it you want i just need to show the colors pink blue light blue lime green and red and white one white one white fruit where abouts are you i'm coming back all right okay can you give me that uh glass yeah i'll put it in a chat i should have got the glass myself i'll put a middle chest uh all the logs green can i get that orange and we can complete this yeah i'm i'm literally on my way now so i'm going to place that straight away anyone need anything is it yellow is it orange it's orange oh is it orange glass oh yummy oh that's orange glass oh my gosh i'm going back i'm going back i'm almost there oh i need to go out i'm not i'm just doing hit nothing here so no i got orange glass okay how am i meant to know what's under here oh there isn't anything i'm just playing around doing that yes please just just get that one and come straight back i underestimated all right i think that's everything for me okay you can take care of that uh yeah okay nice i've got a gold build i've got a gold belt right there which i just want to i just put it in there all of that there we go we got it we got it we got it okay don't give it to me light blue i need light blue oh having a nightmare right this is not a good build to have right what two are we focusing on the gold one i'm focusing on the gold one three what's wrong with that you didn't you needed aqua as well oh yeah stupidly i forgot that there you go right free you take care of that we're focusing on these now oh i'm just breaking everything is there enough birchwood green there we go right i'm gonna pass you this birch i need you to cross that up but don't turn it into sticks okay uh i'm should we do in the left one spray slugs where's this blocks what am i doing with this bird am i making uh you're making uh do we need fences green or is it we might need more we are going to need more birchwood i need more i need uh one two three four five six seven eight i need eight more fences and two signs which i will grab more there's sex and now i have to prepare this in the science anyone got any coal oh i need one bit of orange glass for this one okay done right okay we're gonna need i'm gonna go get some stuff what two are we doing the the right two the right two is anyone doing anyone doing the pizza no so we're leaving those and we're just focusing on the side trees okay we're going to roll on your bottom jaw oh i'm doing the right two at the moment so mossy stone brick cobblestone stone can someone tell me what is it red glass i need on the you need orange glass and red glass one of each but you might as well get a few and a campfire yeah do you need to get any scott did you get coal no i don't um i'll get mossy and i'll get cobblestone i'm getting normal stone right now okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go and get coal for you i can get cola are you already there okay yeah all right you go you're gonna sort out the um you saw everything else [Music] have you got that glass joe yeah i've got the glass i just need the the coal for the campfire right i got that yeah there's stone bricks and such and there's mossy stone bricks no one else has taken any so i don't need other people right which i'm getting just get normal i've got some stone i can help you out with the bricks here what's wrong with you done something wrong girl is it the glass glass uh no it might not be do you need more glass what's wrong here what's wrong here oh it's the glass it's one over there gold gold gold all right we need gold block spruce there's some spruce logs i'll do the spruce you do spruce i'm gonna get emeralds golden redstone okay how do you mean how do you make cracks on bricks emeralds you smelt them i put some in scott in one of the fantasies over here okay it's on there there's some emerald emerald gold redstone i'll get emerald and red i've got it i've got that don't do that one don't do that one i might need some more spruce i definitely need mustard get spruced get spruced not that much really i've nearly got it i get some for spare get some for spare yeah i think this is bruce okay right i'm coming back for the gold i mean you still have those trap doors i'll sort out the others yeah i need a few more that's why i'm waiting on there's a spruce now um right red redstone okay you've done this wrong joel have i yeah is it too big oh yeah it's one too big it's go this way it goes sweep away isn't it yeah it's the other way what do you mean oh yeah it's one two back right wait no i'm crazy you need to get rid of this um it's only two wide right or is it three wide you know it starts here okay um okay that should be right there right we need two you need um you need two on the top i've got the emerald i've got the emerald you just need two you need there's three trapdoors there no i don't need black i got that i got it i got it i got it i got it okay yeah yeah okay second to complete that right we need more colors i have actually got some of these colors can you get me black concrete black concrete we haven't do is anyone have the oak woods oh you got that scott no i don't have any birch i'll go get some oak wood black concrete and while you're there uh five but get six or seven what else what else okay while you're there i have i need a lot of awkward for a trap i'm getting awkward right now for you scott okay okay i need i need a couple of bits of orange orange glassware is it just opening scott is that right yeah i need old planks because then i need to make old trap doors all right okay um i'm gonna go grab black glass you just put that angel we're done first verify that stone okay we should be good i'm coming back so right i'm still building at the moment so you're you're on you're on point um right so hey black concrete or black glass i can do that i've got i don't need i don't need black glass come back come back for me you just focus on greens give me the black blocks if you got them uh black i'm just making some trapdoors i'll put orange in this challenge have you got lime green have you got lime green no okay has anyone got one lime green block on them oh come on what have i done oh this is uh yes that's right i got i got is there another stone no i think we're we're done what have i done what have i done wrong i don't i see nothing wrong i see nothing wrong is it a button is that gonna be there i've seen i see nothing wrong i see nothing first guys it doesn't matter um i see nothing wrong at the moment oh there's another one there's a stone button [Music] though yeah yes let's go hi oh good job everyone that was stressful but we did it and i thought we were doing terribly i did terribly on the first build but we said i would oh wait did they make both builds the guy that martin made the pizza build on this thing with their viewer builds oh cool well done martin great apart from the eye i can't i can't believe i've missed that it's such a stupid detail to miss pizza thank you for the nice comment that's really sweet thanks to the purple pandas supporting chat love you guys glory to youtube to you thank you why couldn't it be follow the butterflies my summer yep last game i think i've 13 nearly b my coin record this is i need to be quick wait how many songs quicksand like 100 more than me oh let's go let's get sounds of time signs of time wait fritz on both sides oh fruit you're exactly tied with puns oh wait you both have two nine three two cuz you're in both podiums all right sounds of time sounds of time sounds of time we just don't want to finish on battlebox i think it could it could all go wrong in battle box right who's sandmaster if we get santa time uh scott said yes i'll go i'll be sand daddy i will only answer to sand daddy i will i will be referring to daddy i also how much time there is scott's going to throw the game if you don't reference i only want santa time for this although yeah if we do if there's there's pretty good chance that we we're going to get into dodge balls why don't we do yeah there's two thousand coins we need to really do badly in whatever game we play in to not make it so we don't want to take crazy risks should we shouldn't we play hole in the wall then no the issue is if we learn fruit is very good yeah all to be fair okay because we just don't want battlebots let's see what more people vote for out of hold the wall in times of time i'm personally gonna i'm personally gonna vote for the time because that's what i want to play i'm gonna have a hole in the walker yellow again vote for what you personally want i think everyone wants sans apart from pink paddle box no battle box oh like red wants sans oh there's no chickens in there built battle box oh my god it's so good hero [Music] we can get the first together sounds of time yeah pink had been there they would have got far in it would have been closed with the fox but yeah let's go guys sand daddy let's go guys everything's going so well right now all i want to do is do well in this game perils little whoa that's basically this was that as long as we don't do anything stupid we should be fine yeah yeah we can play it safe don't go for crazy risks right okay let's uh let's manage so sam daddy you're in the middle yep i'm gonna take um a tunnel on the left here i'll go right okay i'll go i would like i would like fan art of just us inside the time when it's just all of you with speech bubbles calling me sand daddy and i'm just like holding a ton of sand massive i saw by the way for the runners light up the spawners then less mobs will spawn it's easier make sure you light up the spawners yeah also don't grab any coins or sand in this metal room leave all which down which path so i could get them blue if you want and go for the vault okay i'm gonna head down that like front and left path okay in the middle so yeah like middle left and for the marker it's one one when you go in and then you put a line in it once you've explored it so you know not to go down there again i am going to grab some torches though before i dive in yeah i charlie get sand daddy trending on daddy i would love to just see this her twitter lady trying to describe why sand daddy is trending yeah why is sand daddy honestly after the rise of the minecraft fandom she must hate her job like pog sand daddy why is my entire chat filled with sand daddy and daddy daddy come on don't be greedy ronald weasley how dare you steal that car that's kind of different to the sand daddy in my chat right torches i need i need some torches all right i got a rusty key already what i'm so confused where did you go here i don't understand that tunnel i'm gonna have to go that's the red valve i'm gonna go over here skills [Music] my favorite thing is when you manage to get creepers to blow up um the other mobs oh no this is a puzzle oh yeah oh i'm wasting my time with these mobs my first greetings from the show are my second yeah we good that's good guys can someone help me this clue my first greeting from his greetings from the shore what could that be wave yeah yeah it's a greeting yeah which one's a w there's a is there a is there a trick for the like tnt hallway stuff and no i don't think you physically can get that one uh my second knot is the pen the sword oh man is that worth it that's not worth it right yeah i'm not i'm not doing it there's a there's a there's a big lava thing down my um my way my third light please the night lights the night but flees the sun the moon the moon yeah remember you can ask chad where's uh wait oh i'm gonna die to a vex do not die to a vx but there's like so many of them it's not just one i'm i'm so dead green i believe in you i can't scream i can't i literally there's there's five of them like there's nothing i could do let me come get you out i just need to go in the water oh there's the sexes are impossible to kill how did i get on there uh i destroyed the um thing and i only saw one spawn then all of a sudden five uh there's an iron oh god why is he coming here yeah what seeing pretty much okay if it's finished just to cover up one way what is does anyone do if you come my way there's a particle that i want you to do oh okay remember if you have any sand when you're passing through the middle please just like everyone has an outline just jump stance and jump okay as soon as you ask green to jump i just like ran i did not push space i'm just not finding any sand at the moment what's the best way to is my stuff going to despawn and no i am next to you where's this part right uh okay come up here yeah i don't know what to do here i don't think you can do anything here let's let's not waste time right it's here i can't play i can't yeah yeah i don't know whether it's working on those there's a lot of creepers i don't know i'll try it uh i mean i'll drop you my my stuff there's just vexis on the spawn area vexes are very unfair oh oh my god just made the jump got hit by a vex and like barely survived still not seen any sand i'm going back to get my stuff there's a vest on me it's being mean yeah sorry i like i don't know what to do there were so many i was just oh yeah no i'm just teasing you you're okay i was just oh wait there i found the is this blue stuff no that's not nevermind how did you get back i'm just gonna try running it i'm being chased by laughing children and i'm not a fan okay i'm going back to the puzzle i saw nothing stupid where's all the sand that's it i don't know what the point of this room is with all this cobblestone is there's more stuff in here where did i okay i have a blue key still if anyone finds the ball um i also have no sand anymore so i have a piece of sand there's a lot of sand by the the sphinx i don't know if you think i'm thinking i just not found a single bit of sand i had a bunch when i died i'm gonna go put one in there yes got my stuff what the other vex is left right i have six sand whoa did i just make it okay you bring that back if you can cause that's a whole minute oh that's why there was there's a whole bunch please tell me there's no more vexes we're still doing fine on time we still have over a minute yeah i'm actually getting i managed to get all my stuff make all right where are you i'll come to the middle yeah yeah i'm ready to go mid um i have five cent i'm going to put it in yeah maybe i've got seven seconds yeah just come to jolteon there all right down oh you wanna give me okay here take this one do you know where the gold is no the goals are i have gold and blue so if anyone finds either of those let me know when i can yeah yeah i'll let you know oh jesus it's a parkour here couch purple i've opened a vault that's us i was like oh my god purple have opened a vault nice all right i'm doing okay i'm doing okay apparently terrible idea the gold vault is the hallway first oh okay i left who is gold key me i have a cookie here i have a bag here take oh i'm not going this way i'm going to name it that was a waste of time wasn't it yeah um so i've only got three pieces of sand on me and we're about a minute and a half that's all i have yeah i'll try to make a quick run but then i'll come back i'm coming back now i think this is better i found a load of sand one sec yeah which way am i getting the sand it's got i've got far sand here this is the wrong way isn't it right this tunnel is now officially done so what do you think moment down the oh my no it's not that way where is it oh it is oh is it gonna go up i think i think i came in through one of these it's in here somewhere no yeah it's this one oh santa time is amazing it must be frustrating to watch because they could they were that way korean but it's not that easy right this is now completely done there's nothing else to gain from here so i'm sealing this off oh i found the green vault has anyone got the green key no i have not get all the sand you've got in the middle green maybe uh has anyone gone down this route doesn't look like it please tell me you guys have been marking yeah i don't know where i'm going oh this parkour's so hard in here the pistons i have a piece of sand keep getting stuck on something man this must be frustrating for people to watch uh i've run out oh that's so annoying rusty key yep wicked yeah i have plenty rusty keys oh that's a ravager how do i get in there oh i think i just got lucky okay i'm not risking it i'm not risking it it's not worth it it's not worth it i'm just gonna keep going we have about a minute and a half and i have two bits on me so you have about a minute and i've got three hands on me and i left did you get that two i left it in the middle joel do you have sand no i've got none sorry i can make this parkour i can make this parkour i'm not that bad at this game we still haven't found blue vault have we green vault is the one then gold is so hard to get so far away yeah i don't have a restaurant we only have uh um a minute and a half minute and a half where do i go okay i think we just bank yeah i think we've got four thousand coins like this if we get back here i can use these for one of the sand sacrifices yeah okay okay i need a rusty key for this one so i don't want to do it until you're back yeah i'm back i'm just i think we stay mid and just is there wait there's sand sacrifice go do that i got this one uh there's okay there's another one over there i'm pretty sure there's two i got one more sand uh joel you want to come back now joel you want to go you need to come back i need one more stand for sacrifice yeah you go go on there you go give me a thing give me a thumb where's the exit that's over there uh go portal i'm gonna get this yeah yeah go portal we got time it's fine where's the exit uh another portal less bank less bank less bank yeah i just threw the extra sand into bc oh okay [Music] okay i think we did good probably yeah we are the first time we must have did good oh no wait they're all just coming out the same time as us like oh yeah well i think we made the yes who made that sense we had we didn't need to make risks that's yeah yeah we need to make a risk everyone else kind of has to someone might get locked out as always let's hope it sounds like i didn't have enough rusty keys to get to the gold bar yeah i i had loads of rusty keys but i kind of used them on dead ends which is annoying you just don't know where they go let's hope we do all right guys we'll see hopefully no one's absolutely smashed it but we'll find out i think we might secure dodgeball we won't know for sure but oh i hate it i'm gonna hate dodgeball even more to be honest right okay so a lot of people will be saying like give fruit the arrows just let fruit take the shots i i say right we we ride together we die yeah when is a team anyone else watching any of one stream do you know how many team coins they've got tell us let me know in the chat that's how we roll purple pandas oh nicki's stuck i refuse to throw a tomato with nikki i gave everyone yeah so thank you sand daddy for an excellent sands of time you're welcome [Music] we're all like oh i don't want to throw a tomato at nikki he jumps over throws one in her face and runs away well people are coming out now yeah yellow just got a vault though really oh my gosh yellow killing it yeah they have so much sand are they are they a danger to us uh no they were they were like eight we're not gonna know this is nerve wrecking i mean like i feel like yellow would need to do like every vault i think to be able to to win who was i second and pinker out now as well but nicky's trapped so um my chat's telling me pink got sick about 5.4k red got three put less than us so pinker i think you've got thousands more than us but yeah but we were like three thousand ahead of them so cyan have about six thousand apparently it's lame that we want to oh this is nerve-wracking orange has 4.8k they were quite close to the top weren't they it was it's lying it's going to be okay if we don't only have 2.7k apparently so at this point i'm used to it this could be it where is who's not out yeah is it just cyan it's yellow yellow and cyan the other one science yeah we're smashing it yeah well cyan isn't oh yeah i'm stupid sir fighters just showing off doing the salmon ladder thing these guys are going crazy i want to watch h-bombs qv yeah he's like he's very yellow and out yeah one of them fails it sounds so mean but if one of them could just not make it that'd be cool this is all the revolt hunter's smp practice yeah i was having a barbecue or something outside my house it smells sweet at home okay come on cyan hurry up they come out if we if we do win this we have one a hundred percent legit yeah like there's no fsans or bats we did this we didn't we smashed survival games as well which yeah wait what are you expecting people to say well what i mean is last time i won people were like they didn't deserve it they cheated all right right because each bomb had the hole in the wall glitch like ah okay like all that sort of stuff so apparently pete's stuck wait what that's such a someone just said pete stuck i don't know if they mean like cyan person is dead someone said in my chat so maybe they've oh so wait maybe someone's not gonna get out it's literally just scion wearing yeah come on i'm i've i've absolutely taken control of tomorrow as i got four more than i got i got something he got stuck yeah okay only by a thousand points so we were 2 000 ahead so guys no no we were two thousand ahead oh oh not last night oh we did it we're in dodgeball oh i am scared i feel sick the p keeps me on my toes i feel so sick i feel sick we need a gong oh yeah i was doing this for you griezmann there's no expectations you see when you're not in dodgeball there's no that you can't lose because you don't mind all right right you ready everyone we're going to take a deep breath in three two one and in and out oh that's how okay fourteen fourteen eventually i came eleven there we go i was the nerf special sex sick i was the nerf guy to all the people on the subreddit who put me lower twenty six i was third i had twenty six coins oh we all right we all have our games was third i did exactly what i normally do i normally do top 15 so i will take it well i i mean to be fair i'm normally 20th 23rd that that's beat me back area so that's that's a big improvement i can't remember where i went really wrong for me uh i have got 2 461 30 ounces that's like i got 10 top 11th with that last time as well actually no so all right let's focus up let's focus up we ride together we die together we get green as when come on guys purple parts of the chat can i can i can if i'm in the middle can i rush for that yeah go for it you do whatever you want i hate this my nerves are sitting in yeah i feel sick i'm to throw up i'm not saying finally there's a firework yeah i heard a firework are they celebrating out first place because i got top six can you there is someone somewhere that has one time done fireworks for an mcc i i bet there's someone somewhere yeah probably people do entire little like viewing parties it's so cute okay look at this at the end of the day we did got here as a team in the middle and i had a really fun i'm guys i'm going to go for it i always go for it i'm going to go for it okay it's my end badly who knows i've had a really fun time with you i've had a brilliant time yeah this has been very good after dodgeball oh right i'm going for i'm going for the quick draw might be a mistake but it's it's worth the risk i'm invisible to me i don't know if i am anyone else okay a million miles an hour all right i'm going for it i'm going for the quick drum all right they're not going to rush it i think they're going to like find it because yeah i could double up [Music] yeah they're not going to rush at when you've got time no okay they're just going to get dreams together we die together oh all right right who's up next i've had one yeah you go joe all right here we go let's get dream because if you get dream then oh i just missed him i'm just going to go for the center yeah just go for anyone nice now hold on oh frustrating take your time take your time no rise no rush let's go that was gonna dream at the start you're doing amazing you got this just be unpredictable i'm trying to jump run oh joel you've done this before oh dear maybe switch to finster the name oh oh my god yeah he's taking you out [Music] going to be dream callum and then fenerbahce we ride together we die together anyone going for the quick draw on dream nah i'm going to save it you none of them have it okay i'll go for a shot then can i pick that up no unfortunately no [Music] okay nice try it's like it's all right they're going in for you for yeah oh i dodged that just gosh guys we played we played through tb oh there's timing on that oh i shoot in between like three of them is stream really gonna take it from you on your birthday yeah what the heck this one to be fair dreams doing were really good because this is a ton of money to charity so let's go have a shot who's got the arrows i've got one first [Music] i'm just yeah for yourself oh close [Music] nice nice nice let's go okay let's go so they're gonna funnel to calum now we ride together we died together oh you're getting close yep once you don't start miss walking let's try yep i feel like he's going for me for some reason oh you're stuck in get away from me there's not much space left nice i missed okay right i got one three two one let's go at the same time hey just go for it you have both yeah yeah i'm ready right we have cpk yeah calum and bad and healer are around the same like oh all right everyone oh there we go let's go let's go i am sorry aunt frost what the hell there's just an arrow on my screen no it's because he's got uh can i quickly i don't know there's just a fake adam on my screen [Music] oh i missed the i missed the arrow oh i've fluffed that one completely can you pick a corner and stop i'm this is my corner that's where i was and then you took it right let's not argue just wait patience get closer you can reduce the angle [Music] my heartbeat okay don't forget to breathe no we didn't keep straight back it's okay i feel i feel good that we're we're taking turns this is how it's supposed to be played oh nearly fell in this one good job i'm gonna we're gonna potty block misspoke bring that little slide in front of freddie i was going to take it right have you got one one the green is one all right do you want one do you want one job no no you go for it no you go through it allen's body blocking dream i think whoa frustrating let's go for any of them let's just get i was actually just trying to wait for them to intercept all right we'll play one player played dream is obviously ideal but like thinning out the herd is a good option yeah yeah oh where is i don't like this either way we haven't been quite clean sweeped yeah take as much time as you need no it's fine we're not over i saw two more rounds nice there we go okay i mean this is true i can't i can't breathe i'm having a panic attack it's not funny guys i'm having a panic attack just keep dodging all right we've got another round after this there's no worries we've got another two rounds but you don't need to win this yeah well done okay green you're doing amazing okay i need to take a second guys yep take as long as you need to take choice you can literally take 20 minutes we can leave we'll come back i need to breathe guys give me a sec you got this i'm so light-headed guys i cannot i can't even see whoa think of it like dodgeball at the end you don't need to see whoops nice shot yes green okay come on move on dodge duck d we've dive him dodge i can't speak having a mild panic attack here guys just breathe i said there's okay all right should we believe in you are we gonna go for this early arrow again yeah why not do you want to do it or don't mean to grab it green uh you go for a fluff every time holy does a little turn you're not the only one who can dodge this is such a balanced dodgeball yeah calm streaming our dream dream is yeah i learned from topple and apple's very good to learn from because he's annoying as heck he's really annoying pissed me i got bad okay okay they've only got one oh we're kind of grouping yeah come on it's because he's sweet i might just i'm just going to try run and grab the arrow no don't do it oh it's psyched me out oh no that's fine it's even it's even 3v3 pounds got one in oh i took the shot here i have body blocks for you i took the bullet you got this fruity you got this fruity i believe in a thing called fruit the other arrows on the floor by the way next year you haven't got it no i have to wait no he does it's a glitched one i'm sorry can i get three okay what he felt like was that intentional maybe all right i think i'm stalling what i'm gonna just scare them i wanna see if i can get another one to fall it was too hard uh three it's gonna make it easier wow wow now we're gonna get cancelled for that yeah that's like w everybody's gonna like scott messaged him and told him to jump in otherwise he wasn't playing all right kind of shaking oh then we're going to the most intense dog oh lucky unlucky nice try guys man dream wins again therefore i'll just not invite them that's the only option oh well played pink went on guys they did really that was very fun yeah very well we got those coins overall guys we can take that victory also three of us were top ten yeah top eleven all four have team skins though disappointing oh i thought that was me that was fun though guys i had a lot of fun and a mild panic attack oh no yeah are you all right now yeah i'm okay now okay i just i wasn't breathing so i got really lightheaded it was a fun time and i don't get cancelled on twitter so it's a win-win all well guys we got top ten we came first overall we just couldn't finish off the dodgeball i miss so many arrows i could have done better but that's all in the past now we did our best we had a lot of fun and uh yeah that's all i can say thank you so much for watching i hope you did enjoy the stream shame we didn't win but you win some you lose some thank you so much for watching goodbye and thank you to everyone who's like the
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 312,335
Rating: 4.9609427 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, mcc, minecraft championship, grian, fruitberries, smajor1995
Id: 6txppvLLtbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 59sec (10739 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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