MC Championship 4 - Admin POV

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oh wait um harry can you jump on quick um to a psd for the uh team with lauren's ed side on yeah he's being uh switched out for minnie oh you're not changing they're not changing out for the puppy this time uh no i guess puppies aren't available yeah i'll be right on it thank you minnie mooca you want both do you want both of them just the png is fine i'll post it now they just happened they all started punching me and then i flew up and started mooning them admin abuse yeah oh wait whoa oh really um harry what team is that wait what's rt's texture pack it's broke he doesn't have it who's research background wait what is his name magistrax well can he just rejoin he should just be able to rejoin well we do have to ask him hold on hold on show me a picture it just hasn't got it on yeah it's just completely disabled oh no is there a gap in minnie mocker is it all in one um mini mook and it's white listening is that instead of uh yes lauren yes lauren's always a problem oh yeah there's a space harry sorry i don't know if you heard me yeah i don't know it's serious oh good yeah lol standing on the slop just please be throwing a sec hello chat hello chat stream chat i'm not too chatting with stream chat because i got i'm tracking a lot of things at the same time and and replying to people and stuff and also i have uh windows notifications on because i need them so don't be bothered by them uh i got it if you don't like it don't watch the admin stream that's what he's trying to say you should watch the administration get out you should probably not watch the admin stream if you're honest the other streams are going to be way more entertaining watch green guardians i put my money on green guardians so does stefan because he's not original no no i i was always gonna go with green guardians well i just confided for you that i said it first i'm not really like convinced that um purple banters is gonna win yeah i don't think so either i mean the purple uh the green guardians have the first and second player uh of the top ten players of the last game right like their vickstar and pete which were the best and second best player of last mcc but then again if you look at the if you look at the hall of fame there is out of the three teams red rabbits guardians sorry okay sound muted yeah that was rt game that's not fun how's it going your resource pack i have heard is not on do you see like sorts of weird symbols or do you see actual like icons and stuff i see everything now i think it's on okay perfect hello hello confrontational i was scared though i'm sorry sir no it's all good i just wanted to do the homework i just want to check no no you're fine okay cool enjoy homework no worries i'd rather stick okay egg bolt spots today okay it's dodge egg it is well i am done i think we're good right can i ready check both yes you can ready check well whoever says it is dodge egg is clearly wrong because i personally made it you're dodging is it thought is it well yeah but sometimes you're not judging sometimes sometimes you need yeah you should do no it's not no not yet no no no wait why no we're going to do it you haven't passed the torch yet oh okay oh yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what are we waiting for what no no i just i just wanted to have daniel do the honor of starting the event but yesterday we decided that he should only do it as soon as he's taken over as a developer and who knows maybe that's going to be for mcc-5 oh big mystery hey what game did you test earlier with lauren and none because she couldn't connect again okay okay so you didn't accidentally start a game no i didn't and even if if i even if i had connected with her as soon as the players leave the game reset so it's it's fine [Music] okay [Music] here we go oh my god i can't wait for audience takeover i know it's gonna be so good oh wait we need to like be really over active and excited [Music] do we have a a record of the times that we've started mcc uh yeah somewhere oh in my book somewhere i'll check later because that was 13 minutes late this time yeah i think i think that's about the same time as we were late last time god guys most of your streamers aren't even putting their channels live until after the start time do i actually remember an exploit that you can do right now but i'm not gonna say it because the stream just gonna tell the streamers but the chance of happening is really no but it's actually possible to do something that's not supposed to oh god oh we got a commander fire in yes yep this is still a chicken egg if it's come what came first the rabbit or the egg no oh my god why do you have to point that out daniel yeah it's [ __ ] terrible oh my god did you just swear i'm gonna fire skye wait what look how uncentered egg modifier is hey it looks totally fine oh no it's not fine it's not fine it's like no no it's not even yeah exactly i didn't notice i didn't notice until you said i mean we'll see right noctis will uh track how many people notice it yeah she'll have a montage of people going whoa i'm so uncentered all i want is build my aqua warrior tonight and i'm happy and then we'll track it in the reasons to fire skyrecord that i have wait wait do you have such a record on everybody or just yeah yeah yeah can i see my record no it's all private i'm going to send you a gdpr takedown request for this record i'm going to force you illegally it was chicken eggs of rabbit egg and mods made a mistake yes you did oh no did we know what did we call it oh the decision dome tutorial oh sky block hall first this meets you would have noticed the x this question yes it is sky block as people tend to call it wait chat you want the music louder louder is it too quiet on the street you can barely hear it it's just sitting all right all right i'll put it 100. i'll put it 100 schmackadoons right yeah people are not happy about what oh jamie's not happy joey's going rocks well jamie's never happy no jeremy's not i was someone tracking the um happiness meters of technoblade's chat nope oh i should yeah can you do that tour life is gone pimp death it's going quite well someone tracking the happiness levels of james charles chap uh i'm on james charles right now okay perfect that's right they're just shouting this is i highly doubt that go james go nice all right first team to get eliminated in this game go no one says sister sky buckle yet i should say it blue bets lime llamas yeah lime i mean scott's not bad he was the lime llamas have two players on the top ten from last game so you shouldn't disregard that they're not that good yeah but they got carried i mean no no listen those are individual player points you you don't yeah but yes so many of the games are based on teams staying alive for long enough that you can carry individual scores i think fair enough also individual scores get increased by people on your team completing something in knockout bingo so yep your point stands anyone dead yet okay come on green guardians i'm not i've not put my pets in but go on green i'm gonna go into creative mode and just accidentally drop a diamond sword with sharpness yeah you really you really need those bets to come in here there's like like definitely that money stuff ah if i wasn't streaming i could totally do it without anyone noticing like put it in a put it in a chest somewhere and they just find it like whoa somebody would watch the skyblocker oh on twitter and you would get fired let's be real that'd be a riot biggest gamble i'm going to chill with my brother and watch the techno stream with him uh i'll be in a very close vicinity in case anything goes wrong okay good job okay so what you're saying is if anything goes wrong tell daniel got it yes exactly daniel is the new me joey just asked what um enchanting does huh jerry joey joey griffin who's played the [Laughter] fabulous fabulous oh my god he must be really missing out in survival games shelby just went joey i mean technically quite lit jerry's like connected through an entire round of survival games simmers look what they're doing okay all right we'll have to rig it a little bit for them drop an enchantment book on joey it's not as if he's gonna know what to do with it scott are just you know carrying this right now hey the bet so that joey and james are going to be like dream team oh yeah really yeah they're just going to carry it through like like no one's gonna expect that uh scott could happen no scott's there in that team because it's the most fun team james is just breaking leaves he made he made some armor and then somebody was just like yes sister we love armor made by james come i think quinn's in the in the chat oh quinn yeah we all have a hands up for quinn wait what do you say it's not hands up is it what's the word what's the phrase how's techno blades chat with wilbur falling out of the world uh they're all just screaming l and f of course and uh the crab rave song with wilbur is gone how did he fall do you think you fell with like a lot of materials on him probably that this is why i don't think purple pandas have got this is what they're it to choke this is what it is yeah because i think it's consistently full of miscarriages always the weak link yeah wilbur's not like amazing he's decent but he's more of like a like a funny player yeah yeah the waterfall defenses that's pro strats right there and of course it's green guardians come on green guardians oh they've got an infinite water source that's all right yes official apple cake gaming that is what you come here for gossiping about the contestants god they've been training do you think they've been training i mean they are using full blocks because i i let it out in the um in the discord that test testers make green guardians lose already no little we don't we we don't rig things i i told them that the testers were able to reach the middle island within three minutes because kwik was uh complaining that he never finds enough blocks in time yeah i was like there is a way there is a way oh pipe train oh maybe like saw that what's hype train what do you mean uh when people saw the hype train starts wait we've got a new sub wait what what's that what's that um like we don't stream enough to worry about yeah i have no idea about this like subscribe stuff i know i know a bit more about it obviously but oh thing okay for those uh good question good great question quinn there are some very strong teams today i think purple pandas is the community favorite they the community is really set on purple pandas winning because it has techno blade in it who's unbelievably good tommy in it and filzer who is also very very good wilbur yeah tommy in it what did i say you said it's got tommy in it tommy in there you just said you said it's got techno blade in it tommy tommy in it tommy's british as well i'm very concerned about that team because we've had people say if the purple pandas win is rigged and we've also had people say if the purple pandas don't win when it's ready it's rigged so yeah well they got it right it's ripped so anyway it's already at the middle red rabbits is also a very strong team because it has captain sparkles and curtsy and cara who are two cursing cara won at mc championship before crinos is poss i don't actually know how good korean house is um and then there's green guardians which is again two people who've won the mcc before oh no wait everyone on that team's won mcc before how did techno end up in the middle with no armor that just rushed the strike what's in their chest in the center uh electra's um just a light no armors or anything it's just we have food fighters yeah basically this event is between green guardians red rabbits and purple pandas three very strong teams and we have no idea who's gonna win then it'll probably it'll be the lime llamas yeah well could you imagine oh my god that would be rigged that would be like oh you put james charles on it and rigged it yeah oh there's another death oh just to update what you were saying stefan cranius is rated in the top quarter of players according to scott's rating that's a real strong team okay yellows out that how did they die i didn't actually see that uh it looks like uh tommy came to attack them and they all fell apart yeah they're getting a fight with holy crap very purple sir yeah captain sparkles has has been what he's came second twice now the llamas are so wholesome they did make an obsidian generator though generators oh i mean captain sparkles is really good at minecraft so oh yeah sparkles is great not a bad shout anyway i should know they made three obsidian generators i want the blue bats to win how many knocks go online right now yeah lauren uh blue bats ain't gonna win i want the blue bats to win they're not gonna and joey is out i'm gonna make sure ah there's eight of us in this channel right now joey fell again what what i got hit off with a snowball [Music] oh my god look how close he was to the border oh that's so unfortunate stefan there's a couple of interesting fights right now by the way he's attacking who's that aqua one of the purple one of the purple guys lies out and stuck he's pinned down by somebody oh i see this fight between pink and uh pink and lime lime uh james has just shouted that it's homophobic which i think is getting him again yeah i was gonna throw it off at some point oh crikey what a spot he's got there that's a good spot well they got through oh blue could have killed someone they're going in early blue was doing well that's pretty much wow actually all right go on play just twitch okay just [Music] wait one technique tell me use the shields you can't believe blue are there oh do you mean blue bats in center oh apparently you can you can type slash stop space lag to stop the lag oh don't do it yeah don't do that don't do stuff was it that was the thing that knocks you members used to play on each other back in the day in the old days yeah like god they didn't look at that trident without loyalty look at that poor trident yeah [Music] green guardians oh no oh here we go he's just oh techno's just sitting there just like sniping people come on green guardians so accurate of those projectiles yes oh my mama's gone that was he's using the shield who jerome at the top very good find his skin yeah he did not protecting his teammates just got to tell me how you got those sound effects uh sound effects are made in a program called ableton and they use a variety of different libraries yeah the shield light is so good so many of these are techno killed techno kills yeah i know just pick it it's disgusting i mean it's the the three teams that we expect the right at the top right now yep [Laughter] well red hiding wow yeah where's baby paul's gone orange is still up oh yeah reds are hiding in one corner oh i haven't seen them oh no oh wow where is bb hiding i love how everyone's just like awkward laughing at the homophobic shout out yeah that's like whoa i can't see her oh i can see peter right you should be able to i'm not on because you said not to be on this just service such a hiding space stand still um like just in a tiny crevice and a wall [Music] really really close to the floor though oh she's going drinking right in they gotta move [Music] no way red team oh no no [Music] holy crap is such a good strat they'll be slow and you can easily try them oh my god oh my god that is that was a play that was a play right there who's left oh they're just hiding two cyan creepers cbk they're right in the center yeah and they broke the bridge to make it seem like they're not there their team might have to go oh no never mind yeah here they are they've been spotted there goes for lava if anyone can clip that and send it to me delightful [Laughter] oh he's running across there [Music] wow it's a great start rip um harry follow bb paul's in that game when you do a highlight it was really cute [Music] my god that fills are flying into captain sparkles and just oh my god that's so good well it seems like we got ourselves a tournament yeah like it's exactly those three teams that you know that we predicted yeah it probably will be an abode whatever it is [Music] right we haven't gotten to the variety games yet yes they're [ __ ] icon no knocks crew all right no i fixed that i fixed that it's okay actually just to make a point i'm going to try and do it okay see if anyone sees any eggs being found [Music] [Music] i foreign one i found one there's one in the um at the bed at the caravans and i can't click it nice [Music] where he's finding so many [Music] yeah they're actually pretty good at it llamas are funding a lot oh yeah james found like three yeah it's joey as well whoa whoa you should have hit it in more easter eggs boys there there are so many pretty much maximized easter egg hiding space techno just remembered that he's supposed to be looking for eggs hi they were all just loving on themselves for all the kills they got in the last game [Music] do they have like a nice explosion now like fireworks [Music] i don't know if they have fireworks they have the sound they have [Music] done red rabbits come on parkour oh is it gonna be survival games parkour's got a lot oh my god company get out [Music] yeah um they shouldn't do it yeah but we can't stop them so it's fine [Laughter] okay as the entertainment this was announced this was played last time what's that sorry uh he was asking if this was a new game no it's just played last time yeah that's why i was thinking what is this [Laughter] secret message did you notice that no uh it's right there yeah oh my god well i spiked keemstar in the audience but there is yeah there he is wait where oh geez yeah right oh there yeah oh there's bella they got all three easter boats oh there's two keemstars next to each other oh i need two of them right now okay real love funny why are so many people falling holy crap james is sorry upstate doesn't know what to do and he's spinning and falling i mean he respawned right uh martin looks like he's getting angry just falling down the hall god bless him why is so many falling what's going on where are they falling the middle one oh goodbye here goes another oh he just made it um charles is not in discord anymore can you yeah he is yes i see him oh he can't hear them oh man these death messages says someone in uh martin's chat love it what do you have an idea of a compilation for jamie deaths uh notice a mistake bill mart says 12 minutes but you have 15. thank you pro builder in discord yeah got me james has resorted to calling joey on his iphone [Laughter] scott is looking very serious oh wow blue are really like so the sims are really like coordinating they've got glue on back at like all the builds calling out to zeus and what he needs that's so good lewis is in the chat really good at this game shout out to lewis shout out shout out [Music] got uh pretty high stakes on the line not really 10 pounds 10 pounds yeah 10 pounds yay i can do the song i'm not to do this song oh man you can do this song if you like i don't know the song ah oh wait how many how many bets we got not many you're not gonna have a great payout this time where was it general chat yeah oh yeah what the hell only four people i didn't want to bet this time this is not even worth it i was gonna bet for mad lions then g2 won so this was not where's andre the bloody yeah where is andre guy who won 60 quid last time he cashed out he cashed out and ran were you ready get that napkin off your mic yeah yeah all right just for you lewis yes quinn is to copy the builds from the plot oh first one up right tor you can't you can't you're not allowed i'm deleting your message and you can't make a bet bloody like halfway into the second game yeah well well i said i'm reading in sports your uh what you would call it would go down i forgot wait is he talking about cheating and underage so i literally said i read i don't know why you guys are wrong dude where's the oh no i'm thinking that okay i'm thinking a hole in the wall holding the wall has one of the best death messages queen guardians let's go get out redhead rabbits this one's a bit weird to watch from a third person perspective yeah i don't really know what to look at it's true because it's really all about just like listening to the cons and and hearing how they're they're handling it who's everyone betting on well we have internally we have uh two green guardians bets and two purple pandas bets and actually we're i'm very disappointed how many people internally bettered because last time there were loads and andre my brother ran away with most of the money cashed out and he's not betting this time um i mean what about chat sensible what what's everyone betting on in chat apple cake betting on yellow oh a bold bat time's a tough corona oh yeah pink parrots green red rabbits red rabbits oh quinn's on red hmm um i feel like these people are voting for the team that's currently winning [Music] my bet's on purple so if uh if blue or red wins that means i get half the money right nope yes yeah yeah are you accusing me of glory chasing yes uh martin is pink parrots i think this one yep pink yep i mean you'd think after the purple team got basically half of the kills in the first game that they'd get a little bit more love from chat yeah but they are doing very poorly in this game by the looks of it yeah but they're getting it out of the way early that's true this isn't a sprint it's a marathon i really hope to get to the other side gets played fantastic i'm looking at right now by the way steph of just emptiness but is it on the dial right now i thought it was i don't actually remember yeah i don't think it is uh you're looking at it this is what happened to knoxville game show our warrior is on it no but do you understand what it means if to get the other side isn't on the dial right now yeah that's just a big said phonaks did you see my chicken theory stefan because i think it has a better chance to get picked today than ever what's your chicken theory so you you were using chickens to pick the games in the dome right and and the to get to know that is to murder chickens at the end of it to win so the chickens were intentionally avoiding to get to the other side to save their brethren but today today it's rabbits but there's no chickens to kill this time yeah but it's rabbits so they won't care no it's the audience so i was um like the audience i was replacing the the terminology in the tutorial and the tutorial says you have to go to the end and kill a chicken and obviously i was changing it so it said fans instead of chicken and then it said the aim of the game is to reach the end and kill a fan and i was like oh maybe that's not quite right so i changed all the kill words to punch i think that's better punch a fan instead of kill a fan and murder a fan of your choosing choose wisely hey it is really close between red rabbits and green guardians for top spot oh no tour there is [ __ ] we have there's this bug that we have or let's call it um something that we needed to settle for where basically players players cannot shift click the boat around in their inventory this is because of the code that prevents them from putting it in a different inventory and as daniel can probably attest inventory management events are just very bad in bucket so so what happened is um pizza hut was has like put his boat in a different slot in his in his inventory and then was trying to shift click it to get it back in his hotbar but he couldn't do it so i had to slash tell it to him and then he was like stupid game or maybe stupid streamer so yeah daniel if you wanna if you wanna have a look at that i spent like two hours seeing if it's possible to solve that but just came to the conclusion that it will probably not matter but well it just matters see see what i mean about inventory management quinn you see having issues in java as well i've tried everything but every solution that i found that allows you to shift click it in your own inventory would also allow it allow you to place it in a different inventory in one way or the other like put it into a furnace or put it into a chest or whatever you know so i didn't find a good solution and then i just gave up at some point what does it mean to one up someone what well if you one-up somebody you're always a bit better than them like if i say i got a big house somebody else one-ups you and it's like dude but i got a [ __ ] mention i got a bigger house just get one-upped bro yeah or it means you give an extra life i thought mata would be better at this but big practice is right at the bottom okay maybe not they came to eight as i was saying that oh the buttons dude on that thing oh my god which one the hot prospect yeah i don't think rotation is taken into account but yeah the different types are a bit annoying yeah button's mean man purple pandas ain't doing that great on this one no they were they were third for a while but then a load of them kept fooling they are 50 points out of third purple's gonna get a load of points very soon probably people are still like falling like we in testing we pretty much mastered it like yeah barely anyone falls i think people just feel like they should stay on it and i mean peace at the edge of like a pit yeah but peter's like pizza now has to break you just get out of your boat if you're gonna hit the edge there's a like a bit of delay with that so if you get out of your boat you're gonna place way further along so it's pretty easy to fall off on techno you've almost done it on go on there you go ah you fell into the lava what happened what happened oh it's tommy oh it's someone falling and thinking again yeah when you complete a build sometimes it's a bad granite building it just froze i'll be honest people in testing aren't very representative actual players anymore yeah red green and purple at the top still yeah wow hopefully shut up [Music] um the hot cross bun the blue bats are like really struggling is there something about it uh i mean it doesn't look like a hot cross bun no i think let's see what they've got could have they may have used slabs oh no they've like tried to rearrange the slabs instead of full blocks i've got oh no lime llamas have the wrong flowers are all in the wrong places oh my god and incorrect flowers as well some players getting their shopping carts stuck in it's full of blocks isn't it for crossbar yeah can you message me i just did i just did wait some players are actually getting apparently so no you're joking we really need to make it so it counts slabs as well as full blocks yes lewis this game is mean what how are they struggling with the hot cross buns okay i'll just put it in check because i don't think you saw because it's full blocks no no no don't put it in they're building full blocks with half slabs never yeah they're putting half slabs when it should be full blocks but really the coach would just allow both uh yeah post it in chat yeah just say that martin's chat button two half slabs don't count as a full block or something i mean you know what we're at the end anyways just leave it okay don't don't admit don't admit uh a fault here [Music] no need [Music] this team didn't even completely success [Music] no sometimes make your mistakes but what we don't want is that people at the end going ah purple pandas didn't win because two slabs don't count as a block and back in that second game it cost them the 50 points yeah that was the reason why they didn't win dodge vault after they had a 600 point league i'll get it fixed for next time what you're all talking about okay out he worked out about the slabs not blocks oh he worked out yeah okay good good wait he did yeah i just heard him in his chat um i really love the blue bats because they're now they're like talking about how they'll improve next time that's what they've been saying since the first one i found an easter egg i'm gonna hide it i'm hiding it hide it with me people someone else come in and hide it all right okay okay i'm coming over the stairs [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] oh no no no no no no no he took it no hit him kill him we need to do it get him pretty funny can't you make can't you guys make players just think from their team pov instead of ghosting what no they can do that by themselves [Music] if they just speculate their team rather than flying around [Music] yeah we really want people to see a summer minigames festival really really need them sails a lot of people have seen that map [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] they're going out still battle boxes around oh yeah survival games oh uh was to get through the sign i don't i wasn't paying attention yes it was it was the egg okay perfect everybody here is going to vote for get to your side oh wait oh okay what what at the right there i guess that's good enough what happened pandalov so again they removed transparency in 115. by choice they changed the format and accidentally they removed transparency nice oh i see yeah [Laughter] collar didn't come out quite right no it didn't yes ilm i am ignoring you because i told you that i would ignore you [Music] but well i'll happily talk about anything else bats just are running immediately they don't want any stuff yeah it's probably the best tactic it's the best this is the best tactic don't go into the car wait are they just tired what's going creepers just chasing oh no it i thought technoblade was getting chased by an entire team i mean if i would have i'd go after them first if i were me i'd go for me yeah i would not go from there yeah yeah can i spectate them yeah i'll go let's go look what they're doing man if this event goes like no one crashes or you know blah blah blah it'd be great don't jinx why not literally it's a meme in my board games group because every time i'll be the one that goes man everything's going so well and then everything just doesn't go out well after that oh okay what's happened james charles just ran past techno but they didn't fight techno is chasing him now you know i'm watching scott see what he does you're looking for them now are we causing frame spikes when we like when we tp around that i thought all these trunks are generated as long as you teleport yeah like teleporting to a player should be fine actually just uh flying over there should be worse yeah i actually think this is the longest anyone has gone without dying like in the first i know right yeah they're like they're actually playing now usually someone is dead by now surprising how no one got like the resource back timeout which happens remember when we had that long-running dungeon map that people had to stand in the trunks to load it what was that called oh my god i remember this oh yeah it was oh my god blew me back up on their corner oh god bless them would we still need to do that if we were to do that game nowadays no i believe marius made something that forced loads all the chunks in all the games okay and also the code doesn't even require all chunks to be loaded it can just load them later are they attacking someone what's pink pink no i was thinking purple i was watching you no they were just going up to some building i can't believe it yay i say blue would just hang out in that corner like they used to oh what fun i can't believe now they're just like everyone's chilling playing nicely how long is this 15 minutes i mean you say that but purple's uh hunting right now they were on i think they said it was green i wasn't really listening but then i think they might have just got out of the trap oh no they're going they're doing it they're going for it port whoa tommy in it missed five shots there oh we got pizza oh my god oh my god he might actually die if they hit oh get out of there if holy crap holy crap shrink's going to get them tricky might get them oh my four seconds three sec oh my god it might save them oh my god oh oh my god what a moment oh my god wait tommy tommy tell me tell me tommy oh my god oh my god this is insane they've actually like trapped them stop missing oh tommy's tommy's driving too he just ran he's just ran for he's got one health oh my god if they hit him kill him with one more come on shot do it come on don't miss i want to go right now oh oh my god they're actually making those shots oh that was the best holy crap wow that's the best moment yet that that was that boredom man that was beautiful that looked almost like we rigged the border to just happen at that moment yeah i mean technically we were the only ones who coded the border so rigged oh uh green guardians are going on pink chasing them through an alley oh okay this is gonna be a fight james charles really wants to join the fight he's trying to persuade everyone to go fight yes james why are they like near someone oh i think they they can see them and he was just like let's go oh they're running away they saw his techno blade he said he wants to go get the messy scraps oh lord yeah what's techno's chat like about him um i don't know they're just saying the word iron sword oh yes okay yep that's a bit weird he has an iron sword in his inventory and he doesn't have it out he's using a stone sword and so they're all yelling at him to try to get him to notice ah i know this is actually insane 38 out of 40 players on the second shrink that's it's gonna be chaos here in a second yeah oh my god it's so exciting he's trapped nobody is it i know martin's like in a house as it's shrinking oh oh no oh are they actually on the oh um oh my god they actually are no are they there we go they got out they got out through the door oh that door okay and they're out they're out it looked like they were trapped yeah you can't walk through the barrier still can you when it's not moving yep how is there no they can get out we're still on 38. yeah i'm trying to like this how is it possible that there's bloody 40 play almost 40 players right now well i think all of blue were currently on the top where zeus was hiding out last time so that the enemy's safe until the final run oh there is there is something this who's this not really anybody on the roof wait wait wait wait red team's right in the like oh green team just walked right there uh-oh what are you are owing it uh the purple parrots are ripe but or pink parrots are right below where uh scott's team was tell me if anything happens that's like they're like sneaking along they know where they are yeah come to me oh my god [Music] oh i see oh no yeah oh they've have they seen them i think i think so yeah they're being like oh oh wow cyan went from the back oh yeah this is this is really lime was running away from cyan and then got attacked from purple on the left and then cyan cleaned up a little bit from the back and oh my god we're still on 33. [Music] oh oh my god it's gonna get insane it's got the carrots it's gonna get sweaty that's oh um battle in the alley between uh just getting flanked oh my god are they actually exactly trapped here [Music] yeah they're the ones that are going to pincer tv oh my god red team red team at the top you got cyan oh my god what is this what is this there's like four teams on my screen right now and they're all just chilling they just don't know just like waiting for someone to fire oh all of them are just gonna be pulled to the center now there's actually a fight oh my god there's five like ridiculous green team are in the house that cyan was just like it's just outside on the road oh my god [Music] red team just still chilling i feel so sick without [Music] what's red team doing oh they're dropping in they're dropping in what purple team sneaking in oh here we go oh my gosh oh my god look how many teams there are look at this i don't even know what's going on [Music] i can't track it i don't know what's going on purple team let's go blue two purples two cyans still alive without armor techno yeah and you got you got a blue member you got blue bats what's blue what oh my god he doesn't even have a sword [Music] where did he come from that was the best thing i've ever seen what is the hell i mean actually fifth element is the best thing i've ever seen but that was the second list oh okay that final section is gonna be a nightmare to clip oh green guardians man you should just click this entire game you just get the whole yeah you know what you do is you stitch all the deaths together in reverse order and you follow the you follow the kills so you get a on you get it somebody who dies and then you go to the person who killed them until they die and then you go to the next oh yeah that's not going to be a two minute i couldn't that would be less that would be more than two minutes if i do that user joined your channel that was insane like oh my god don't worry apple cake i'll i'll sort it i've got loads of people to do on that one don't worry anybody found the name we can hide it's nice to be off to join the channel then mute himself there's a nick here oh no oh he's better off hello yeah um what are you doing we're streaming by the way oh who are you looking for because marius isn't even in this channel oh didn't he disconnect a while ago he was watching with his brother message him on slack oh it's with that person who who has connected to the server okay yeah i may have solution for it um slack he probably doesn't know he's just talking to him i thought he was here that's all okay would you tell him like physically instead of like being on chat thank you for this placement it's here take all my money cheers bob okay well it's just for in the future we'll need to look into fixing it epic it's not easy but okay yeah no i'm just saying it doesn't need to be urgent i don't want to say your ignorance but your ignorance what you growing mcc yeah what's the hate where is this hate coming from i don't know the internet have you met him it's it's not that i'm not i've never had an opinion on that i'm just saying we don't need to do it right now whilst mcc is going on that is a that is a male quote indeed [Music] something that i can't fix literally what is it what i i wasn't if someone has connections [Music] did you watch the survival games [Music] oh my god yeah the moment where green guardians were chasing no purple pandas are chasing green guardians and then the border just came in at that exact moment and then they ran around the building to catch [Music] oh yeah i can't wait for their reactions [Music] oh that's so good [Music] that's so good i love that techno is so excited because he hasn't played this game yet yeah oh the salt is going to be real i love this camera angle is my favorite one for to get to either side uh martin doesn't look that happy about this um morris is just yeah get that whiskey in there make them use that proxy thing the other one if if this happens again yeah i'm going to i'm going to sit with lauren and debug it uh sometime in a week or two uh but she said that she's experiencing isp issues so yeah maybe how would that fix it because basically i'm moving basically you have a main proxy and i will move an other proxy close to them and because it's using cloud foot as a back end it would basically be more stable than using their internet so basically how i explain this um i'm i'm relatively familiar with the concept of cloudflare but it's mostly magic it's like how would i explain this they don't know it's just closer to them it's like basically putting something closer that and then basically giving them a better route i think i'm kind of disappointed you can't thoroughly explain this to me after all you were the one who invented the internet basically i'm using a proxy to go closer to the other proxy yeah i know and that should just we'll just see if it fixes it but i i just think that she's having firewall or isp issues i'm going to work it out with her he's quick doing his crazy building i don't think he is all right i'm back yeah wilbur didn't subscribe to knox crew this is nice nice how do i get there oh sorry i forgot to push the clock on just leave the server and join it again okay oh [Music] yeah okay this is finished in 33rd place by killing big strong boys oh no oh no i actually saw someone like point out their pink skin and i i don't think oh oh no the pink skin oh that's the guy that's the guy in the trailer that's that's the one in the trailer that's that left a comment beneath it and said oh that's me and she survived that's pog as tor would say [ __ ] jump all right lauren so did you get the info yeah uh perfect perfect perfect when are you tweeting it uh the break so they have five minutes too yeah yeah they're perfect don't forget the boots to pull on like a five minute duration yeah got it thank you zero days zero should still be able to just go straight away that it's homophobic that's kind of yeah i'm not a fan either i think it's hilarious they're joking i know it's still a bit this is cara in the game i'm stuck in spectators just join okay i know they're running messing lou can i join the game again there's a guy one of the chickens called i want to take part is it possible for me to join the game again now i'm in the hub you should have gotten a message like click to join this game oh yeah oh why is she crashing is someone got cara stream no this is happening last time as well because she was saying she was crashing when she was clicking [Music] take a look none of the new maps yeah yeah she is she's using like forge or something yeah yeah yeah with someone don't tell her off yeah right it's not my problem anymore we can't keep pausing for this can you just put like for any multiplying don't even use [ __ ] uh sorry oh it's probably actually forged scratch crashing because of like we had she's using 1.15.2 modded it says it on her stream but she's using forge still up to them don't use forge at all everybody's here now actually can we not like give him an error when you're using forge daniel can you make it start again ford should get a center packet so yeah can you check maybe the future like tell them literally you're using for stop it something like that yeah i'll put it out yeah stefan for the record um if you want to reset the timer to 10 seconds so it has the whole countdown again it's just a sledgehammer skip or a camera set 10. oh vic's going to get techno go on vic oh god oh no okay because you can't um correct me if i'm wrong can you run shaders with just optifine installed yeah yes yeah you can is color corvis using forge yeah well didn't you explicitly say that they shouldn't use forge yeah it's not it's not supported by optifine currently but um i how do you know she's using forge i don't know um i mean i presume she was using forge because of um then just even just say something that is on the stream it shows it on the thing i think it's just the right time that's running up the phone but she's also running another texture pack underneath the one that's on i mean i mean if she just if she just keeps crashing it would probably be helpful if she could give me one of the crash logs she's saying it's not her fault well obviously that's what i would apparently she's the only one she just said well that's that's did you just explain it to the simmers no you don't need ford for shaders you can just use yeah you can just use optifine they edit that like two to three years ago just bridge why can't she rejoin so fast and like if she's i don't know how it crashes for her it's a good question it's never been a problem before yeah yeah she's turning it off okay okay [Music] all right cool i wonder why shader specifically breaks it's a good stock size yeah this is actually it's so cool i was taking like really cool shots of this the other day and i loved it yeah you got this in the trailer didn't you cara's views like uh doubled from from that incident wait how did how did their views double i was all planned because everyone was going to kara's stream to see that what she was doing yeah a classic pr stunt take notes funny don't know oh man they're all going to struggle on that last one this map guys geez yeah this map is very good i know it's so cool oh bb pause didn't follow mc championship on twitter [Music] wow have we had the yes she deserved the death we had the karen one yet oh yeah got sideswiped that karen and the suv i think you're i think you're overrated your own your own joke there now that wasn't even my joke oh really yeah well it was submitted as um got sideswiped by that mother in the suv uh okay so you made it the case [Music] scott fell down into the void just like their career like if why him did they react to it on the stream yeah he's like screaming like him and tommy are both really close to it he's just trying to figure out who put it purple pandas are slaying this ease yeah like it's really those three teams green guardians purple pandas and red rabbits that are going to they're dominating are we gonna get people for come on bye yes oh the suv thing came again for james charles michael mcchill he's gonna get it hell yeah green guardians go put my money in you got second martin third please don't kill me got killed techno [Music] [Music] oh there's daniel daniel you're in here actually yeah honestly oh no dave styles just like literally properly jumped into the void of the collection i have no idea why oh my god that's struck oh you just did the unthinkable he killed chuck norris you should have just had chuck norris punched back i'm gonna say patrick chuck norris should kill you exactly i mean yeah it actually kind of does you know chuck norris do you know chuck norris can divide by zero damn guys is this the biggest lead we've ever experienced in a together from all of the tests definitely what the hell i even in mcc and i was like well out of the two times it's been played probably oh this is so funny from their angle they can't see a map i love this one [Music] what's going on techno just turned up his hands actually a load of people just jumped the edge this one's also beautiful [Laughter] look at that artistic camerawork oh martin that's so clever he's just saying on tommy on tommy's thing and just like blocking everyone else calvin why would you do that there was definitely a moment of surprise when they when they realized that they can jump off i just watched pete's screens he was like oh now it suddenly makes sense lewis pointed out this is like lemmings yeah that's actually quite funny so much though i'm waiting that's really nice i think you've got i think you're fine actually who's got 10 fps what apparently we did but it doesn't look like it do i i don't think so is your stream coming back you wish it doesn't say i'm dropping frames daniel you're in there again what are you chatting on this game is great admins i love you is he being sarcastic i think possibly i don't think so why can't you just take the compliment what can i fear no of the game being great they're first so they probably aren't sarcastic that's massive two thousand point or eggs between first and last there wow i'm curious about that yeah what's this the team residents yeah exactly that's what i'm curious about we will see yeah right now i think it's going to be really even [Music] all right here it comes oh it's oh no it's actually 2k points between the second and third team like stefan our team got to catch up i know right like come on wow like they'll get it it's incredible the purple pandas are actually catching up with time it's time yes between yeah wait did it not do the announcement did it not announce it in the title did not announce it did it not announce it hold on let me watch on the screen it did not announce it i did not see it i didn't watch it yeah maybe maybe spectators don't see it but then understand it in the chat yeah do it do it dude yeah i don't see anything mentioning is the twitter poll time yeah this is good why did that [ __ ] up wow 30 seconds 133 votes i actually think we didn't the titan wants to rig it of course tecno is going to be able to rig it this is [ __ ] great techno's sending all those people to us i approve yeah he's calling rockets please he's calling the shot yep this is a pog moment 1k favorites the votes can't keep up i can't wait to see rocket spliff okay launch here in a second okay parkour i think i just fetched i just fetched it um so it will work the audience take over and 81 are currently voting for rockets belief yeah and yeah and 33 no three percent are voting for a foot race nobody likes foot race and sorry isaac but nobody likes look on bingo either you don't need to apologize will look interesting let's see wait why is he why is he writing oh no uh bear back real quick i need uh i need a wii okay we that's a thousand new followers and a minute still wrong user joining of course we've had 11 000 votes we just gained a thousand followers yeah in like two minutes this is actually kind of big sickening yeah yeah there we go it's it's gonna be 10k by the end of the night right 16k votes that's amazing really wow okay so because i saw santa tell us it was 15 i checked it was 16. okay so i just checked um it didn't show the title in the screen and i also can't remember coding it in so i think i just forgot to cut it in so that's the reason why it didn't show it also has and twenty 1624 twenty five replies oh my god wait that many replies yeah it has that replies already i mean didn't you know that if you reply with your favorite game it comes incredible how how much is there now oh my god let me let me fetch it again jesus also make really not to send another tweet because i made it explicitly so that you can send another tweet just just don't make another poll yes if the actual audience takeover doesn't work are you going to kindly fire yourself well sure i'm going to i'm going to lay down my job position and give it over to daniel good plan right nice but i'm fairly i'm actually a hundred percent confident that it's gonna work like um we're almost at 10k right yeah 10k wait we got 10k followers it did yeah yeah that's amazing here we go [Music] okay here's the part here's the part where it's gonna work here's the moment of truth there's browsing twitter and here we go [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh there's a bug marius there's no way there was 20 000 people in that decision dome no it's actually it's actually uh 50 people separated by their percentage like it's a representation hey thank you for getting my job okay i appreciate it okay that was the most me wolf response i know i was just about to say this is german humor you just um answer through the joke with actual facts we're at 10.2k like i would originally want to 300 npcs wait did you try it with 300 npcs no but we probably should have like removed the spectre and stuff above if we were going to do it i mean i don't think lag is the issue like i remember you had it to set to like 80 npcs but that was too crowded so i reduced it a bit that's really cool yeah it was it went very well i'm super happy about it and i'm probably just going to code in the title now so i don't feel bad i know like how are they doing so well i don't understand can't wait to see how wilbur breaks it this time easter egg man this episode of mcc might as well just be called like techno championship [Music] segment did cara take her shaders off yeah she's all good since rocket sleeve yes we should we have wilbur's uh glitch preferably glitch how's he gonna do it again do you think i wonder why wouldn't you it's so p strip james charles claimed first kill oh that's like no one dropped like straight through the floor this time yeah they're getting better they're all getting better at mcc they'll blast them oh um well james charles this was just a place to get more followers onto the mcc twitter page and i love it yeah yeah i mean it was a habit it also was just a really cool thing to do yeah i mean you know we did we did is something we predicted that techno would take it over yeah um one of the hopes was that his audience was going to fight against his his preference but it was like a it was a win-win scenario i suppose knocks through let's call it techno championship knee knocks crew this is not how you deal with your issues thank you how do we fix the issue then techno you're not allowed to the neck in the next one nope no i don't care what you're paying maybe if we like ddos techno at the time of the poll next time [Music] oh there he goes that wasn't good oh oh yellow as well oh yeah green guardian this is green guardians game this is their game put tethno in the decision dome and give the other teams crossbows that's a good one we might as well just make all the audience members technoblades lauren yeah is there a way to check trending because would that be a thing that's trending as i see in trending it's up to 2 000 tweets for top number 10. uh and that's 2 i'm having a problem right now because apparently it's taking 57 minutes to download this like 100 meg video let me just uh probably because we've got like eight streams open yeah but yeah i'll have a look and see if we are but [Music] only 2 000 for the uk though so probably not but i know this if there's a number for like right in the trending who's glitching michael back to us that's my team rings that's picking the good match i mean [Music] that lead on rockets [Music] the whole of green have the german keyboard what uh german keyboard show merchandise no there's only one audience to take over yeah there is you can get a crown on the mcc website yeah free merch i really don't want to leave that message there for some reason this map looks like a science question that you'd find in like an essay when you when you look at this angle what i don't know it looks like some weird like you know when you're playing a video game and they and they sort of if you look at my stream's angle when you're playing a video game there's like a fake uh diagram on one of the screens it's like supposed to be sciency and stuff right yeah okay [Music] [Music] um yeah it would be i don't know if you delete that but interesting because it's like what poll can we do where technoblade now does not like ultimately influenced it [Music] oh a vote on which player of technoblade's team gets a handicap i like how the garments are doing very well with rockets leaf because they've got so much elixir experience i think if everybody groups up to cooperatively vote against techno's though then it could work harry do you have the willpower glitching video on your um pc right now yeah i don't know will you do the tweet for me please no new on mcc i'll just give you yeah just send me copy i just i have no idea i've closed literally all of my browsers i've checked my internet speed and it's just like there you go i posted it on site to you thank you tell me what you think on that pokemon i just sent you because i don't know what to do on that because that's so awkward i don't think deleting is going to do any like anything good so maybe just okay let's keep this to a minimum kind of thing yeah but i'm trying to find it where the hell is oh yeah we run it on april fool's next time and then accidentally the game that got the least votes wins yeah what there was a build on my april fools so i just coded the whole announcement thing so it's definitely going to be in for next mcc but i can't believe that we've missed it during the testing right i swear it worked i swear no no no no no no i think no it didn't even work at all in testing i think oh because i didn't have enough time i remember so during testing it just changed to regular voting with the eggs you remember yeah but it's okay we still got all of the votes in and i apologize for my unprofessional mistake yeah it's all good um currently techno's chat is just typing who's doing like who's doing the german people why did that not work there's no german there's no german keyboard glitch what it's not a glitch like i know it happened to isis we call it the german club okay he was at his german's girlfriend's house at the time yeah yeah i know i know and he was constantly spamming the the sharp s that's what we call it in sorry harry what did you say the sunglasses remote didn't work when i copied and posted you want me to read sophie's just made me decorating is the scariest color of blood red i've ever seen in my life i think it's barry yeah actually you're right like least least like eight going for least votes in the poll technically does prevent it from being cheated yet because the way he can cheat it is just to remove one game no because he would just say vote for everything else yeah exactly and if they even if he has the largest audience and they evenly distribute themselves across the other three games then it's still his vote basically yeah i'm just wondering if they like an audience like that could be coordinated enough to do that but i suppose yeah i mean yeah if they just pick a random one and the sample size is so large because they have such a large audience i i think it would always get him the vote that he wants but honestly i don't even think that this is a problem because it gives exposure to our twitter account i think we need to create the story that all of them should vote what techno wants somehow like suggest to your streamers or something [Music] how do you mean suggestion of ben to type in chat don't vote what techno wants or something i mean yeah but still technoblade has like 80 percent of the total stream yeah so some of them will like the idea of going against i think [Music] that's pretty game oh my god i just realized that every single member of the purple pandas replied to the to the pole oh green guardians just eat that win then hell yeah back in the game all right which games are actually left for voting battle box parkour [ __ ] up bingo my mother's hole in the wall oh i hope we get hold of the wall in battlebox oh and also parkour would be super good because pizza hut is the best player uh in parker warrior so i really hope that they vote for everybody [Music] i mean the lead from the second or the the difference between the second and third place it has shrunk to 1k it was 2k before so there's still a chance for us stefan especially especially if especially if poker warrior is big because i believe that pete will score big again there all right i'm heading off again see you later most of the comments to that video are just the brrr thing that wilbur did yeah [Music] oh that's quite funny like a weird decision dome where everyone gets to pick some weird oh but you don't know what the next game is what about a vote where player people get to vote i know that would still be swung to techno yeah we get to vote on our favorites because yeah we can easily we don't do anything to influence anyone's wins except forget to pause the [Laughter] [Music] timer [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] landlords like parker [Music] [Music] oh wait wait i can actually do it hold on that's toxic wacky walls oh big seller dunked 13 again she did it before [Music] name that booby oh and they've and they've got all their items in their inventory as well oh yeah oh yeah people are going to be interested about this one forced crossbows one sword guys this is going to go nine for yeah best mcc yeah i mean how can it [ __ ] up right now how what can be the final game guys that can be bad this is we've got two more games after this man yeah yeah but like what could be a terrible final game um bingo i guess i really hope they skip bingo if we don't get parkour boys you have selected techno terror what what what what was that uh saying you're holding the wall voice so you have selected techno terra says apple cake is cara crashed again no i'm not saying that [Laughter] why would you why you want to record something don't you what does that even techno tower oh not techno's discourse like chaos no doubt i'm excited to watch your playbacks and see them reacting to their loadout for like what i hate crossbows oh my god that was [Music] [Music] james charles picking up two kills wow [Music] old sign creepers people made it onto the roof in this one somewhere oh it's created yeah h-bomb could have actually took that one if he managed his shots where [Music] oh blue team are just going for the rush strat is it really gonna oh no i don't think it's gonna work from them [Music] it's just it's oh my god lime and blue battle it was just like a battle of who can put ball in the center faster [Music] i want to see blue bats perspective on this next one it was quite funny there was just with green and wow wow go for it son oh okay [Applause] there's a skin called knoll here with stu's skin yeah i i called it null [Applause] oh blue went up against purple yeah yeah that ended yeah they got it oh they oh they wait until they've got all the kills and then yeah yeah very good it's very club away doing it very good [Applause] this one's a strange one to watch from a spectator view yeah it's a bit awkward [Music] [Applause] so blue bats are actually their nickname is simmers because they they're a bunch of uh full-time sims sims streamers who don't really really play minecraft but they kind of do and they've historically been the worst team no they didn't come last last time oh yeah that was yellow which would have the other symmetry one of the mcc's yeah sure oh it's purple against slime [Applause] oh okay well color me wrong that's not the phrase is it um that zero hearts thing that's just a minecraft book right yeah yeah it's rounding it down so annoying and uh when you die like to play our halfling with so hard that's a bug that we're going to fix but we didn't want to break it today so we didn't do it yeah can we just make it not show how for the number if they've got full rather than zero wait is joey graceffa streaming without his shirt on again is he streaming it's kind of his brand doesn't usually doesn't stream oh his skin okay because he played pterosaurs shirtless did he yeah i feel like how did nobody else know this yeah we like when we found it we linked him we were like look at this it's so funny yeah youtube later for um i checked on the trending by the way we're not [Music] it gives you like 30 i think the top ones right why doesn't the crown have instructions as a text file with it i'm stupid i need help it has little arrows on it does it work with replies though or is it actual tweets actual tree treats treats oh my god yeah martin just got defeated by yellow team i'm turning off personalization and see if that add location it's very funny let me see what's funny if you so all respect all the audience members count in the tag in the tab complete so i tried to tp to technoblade that tab completes a techno sucks [Music] before the map loads in you can see that some of them are flying on they're sitting on bats as well no i might want to make those invisible well spectators can still still see invisible beds actually oh they lost one wow what techno techno's team yeah they capped it before yeah they lost one oh lol to reds wow they even and they only lost one person signed creepers just crept up there they're doing well oh let's see what they're doing pink parrots just beat green guardians god damn it what's up green guardians just not doing as well as they should don't worry uh yeah and uh vicky is very good at parking my wall yeah pete pizza will get to the end i think they will oh my god oh my god cyan stop oh no science dead no wait awkward just took out potatoes really yeah wow god this is a really good mcc yeah man i think of finally getting their stride they've just won their rounds [Music] each other [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] user in your channel timed out oh okay i can't i can't i'm kind of i'm kind of secretly in for red team yeah i hope captain gets away i really do hope captain sparkles finally gets his win well he kind of kind of deserves it at this point [Music] until you get a win [Music] oh my god it's a 1v1 between james charles and captain sparkles oh come on oh he got him he got him the crossbow is laggy when you're from australia [Music] um come on they can make it back man it'll be so funny if green guardians actually get it into so you know how techno responded we win these to our poll well i responded to him didn't win these these battle box rounds though did you oh cpk good job there we go hold on i need to find your own second you did our man dirty [Music] green guardians pulled it back i can't even see that reply anymore yeah link it cause i want to see this flame oh no i've lost it here i'm really enjoying this mcc i'll just yeah it's my favorite something about it it's just really bloody good oh i kind of like that social media stance for the championship account though is if it just trolls everybody that loses yeah and gives all glory to the winner i think that's a good good attitude user entered your channel yeah i agree no i don't agree we might get 11k at the end of this watch whatever you want you know mc champion sas damn shut up i'll put you i can't wait for dodgeball like holy [ __ ] we're not playing dodgeball today oh yeah oh bummer oh what a shame i was actually thinking how we could get block skit ball to work potentially in the future tft what's tft team fight tactics team fortress 2 oh i haven't played team fight tactics no tf2 is team fortress 2 yeah tft would be team w can you not spell it would be like a post game lobby ferris wheel [Music] so it's like a weird like fan pic phase apple cake it's it's not lungs it's a lytra this egg is impossible to get which egg uh the one in like oh yeah what you can guess oh no no it's not impossible because you can climb um oh yeah it's not possible you can use the rocket split jump can't you [Music] it might not be yeah [Music] oh no we got cancelled you got cancelled by someone with seven [Music] wait what do you mean was it remove between i love i love it when there's like an argument on twitter and then someone points out how many followers the other channel has as if that kind of like just like shuts down the argument it makes it's so funny i really want to do like a clip of all of our sass just in admin stream i do think it'd be funny but the or the visuals don't look good for it oh it'd just be like you're terrible looking at like a wall or something yeah it's crazy when should i post the uh blue bats doing their i'm going to retweet that from last week do it do we have a video hold on do i have a video for holding the wall i don't think i do from last time oh yeah hopefully someone catches the new addition to this map hopefully hopefully oh yeah no i don't think i did that's a shame oh we should have done the techno teabagging during starbucks oh oh there's custom death messages here as well we've played all the games because of the messages let's just me to the guy to the transcript next mcc i want to get that invisible texture pack for you nuts so we can just see this game without the oh yeah really really funny oh that's funny that they've all got those big skins on now didn't really help though did it died after five years in hardcore there's the films the reference oh you know what it would have been perfect if it was actually phil's or they got that it could still be we should do something which detects that actually i just got very intimate with jerome um oh congratulations oh is it not the worst horrible oh my god hmm [Music] when did they switch their skins was that after like during the break [Music] [Music] oh was anyone watching houses did anyone notice it recognized his reference in the chat oh my god check out this act through that wall that's too busy reading the messages watching the game man nice oh my god oh it's the australian [Laughter] bless it oh my god [Laughter] dude green might actually uh win back the lead on this one like if they uh they need i think uh god damn it michael now you know how i felt last time they need not do that especially during a 2.5 times modifier oh i like that one he's keeping local mortician in business flambella fell off the map why is that there there's a lot of people that fall off their lap that's a good one itself was a color yeah it's really funny minnie mouse natural should one [Music] captain sparkles is an at an all slime low i've got to check to see if he actually does that drowned while trying to escape an angle user in your channel and he hates this game too well he doesn't like this one oh look at that oh yes this is this is really techno's mcc yeah oh green guardians lost that lead on red so much they really need to lead on red every time techno does anything in this game he just says this game is worth too many points just saying it over and over just check out the uh the individual points but at the end of this thing i can see why he's so popular he's incredibly entertaining i think tecla's the same age as me it's quite young as well really yeah oh my god the slack the the social feeds channel is just dead just spammed it's crafty here yeah how many how many viewers total are we on that moment say again uh oh have you actually oh sorry hundred thousand holy crap that's insane we hit 70k uh total viewers across all live streams well techno's double what he was for the first two yeah because we hit 70k last one yeah he's at 60 right so he was yeah 76k last time 24 plus he's been hovering around the 9200 mark for ages that's cool foreign [Music] [Music] rip i mean to be fair he managed to like through that wall in both of the first two rounds so if thick wins just double family [Music] gringotts congratulatory tweet after the event uh the account must retweet me you're going to do the congratulations tweet yes what's it going to be 100k viewers one okay they can't mustering tweet me mystery tweet okay why is that um because oh my god because i feel like it says technical i think i feel it's a oh my god green guardians and red rabbits oh my god last game yellow yak's doing well better than i thought oh god this is going to be a scary game it actually comes down to this jesus like there's no way anyone else can pull through it and and like grab the third or second spot at this point it's parkour green we're getting through it seeing a pink really user joined your channel yeah this reminds me that test when like it was hole in the wall and we didn't know who was going to win at the end like we didn't know he was going to get second place and we were just like screaming that was so good yeah i think it was one of those tests where already in the third and you guys died on the same wolf with the four of you yes oh my god i remember but it's 60 points come on this is so intense this is a really really good mcc i'm so glad i didn't like i didn't bet for this because ugh i'm glad i did i've been really it lets me root for green more this has been chill but i like the adrenaline rush i don't like it when it's chill [Music] the thing is if it's either foot race or poker warrior i think green is off very well because pizza hut is the best foot race player and also the best poker warrior player he's also the best poker warrior player um knockout bingo is a coin flip i think so i just hope it's one of those two quicks had a better success at parkour yeah but i don't think he's going to catch up but is he on but is he on red ribbon yeah yes that's the only thing that counts only red rabbit's gone right now i really want parkour come on i want parkour no [Music] [Music] [Music] no bingo [Music] as if let's go [Music] are we ever making java maps again probably not we'll be making more mcc games but that's a probably because yeah it leaves room for us to go back on that who is that yeah shush haron a knox crew stream huh i haven't seen one of those in a long time just until stefan just someday says i need another passion project yeah joffrey's chamber free don't don't talk me like that how many times are you guys in your vowel stage we have done a third like you've not been watching we've made yeah monsters from the ice is the third i mean it's not really it is because yes it's the third of that series [Laughter] we have no map called blizzard that has lowercase letters in it oh yeah tsf has taken me the third map in the series yeah yeah how those people falling beautiful oh dear i love it wait this is um is this the first time they'll be playing this rendition of parkour yeah yeah tommy with the with the towers the yellow towers he's killing yeah in it i hate that one so much good luck who's at the front uh tommy tommy nice and pizza but green yeah you have no idea yeah i'm gonna like this this one right here this is the worst thing that landlord has ever made and i was this close to firing on the spot which oh which part seriously this yellow tower's been like my second try when i was testing it shut up and i i bet people are gonna get stuck on it like mad but yeah we'll see yeah someone will one shot like pizza is not gonna find it a problem i know i think i'll fall a few times i think it was the trap door that made me rage quit that's different in this version stefan is a noob confirmed yeah no look like i can do this bit fine and then once you get to this corner and no this corner oh my god this jumper i'm not trying this one yet so i need to give it a go he's too jumpy really quickly the nice part is you need to watch martin's like you need to watch back martin's because he gets angry that's funny [Applause] [Music] wow that one person is making a lot of audience noise [Applause] it's incredible [Applause] always have a helpful dolphin do you reckon there's gonna be a bunch of people like screenshotting people's streams of where they've seen themselves like in the background and stuff yeah look i'm there in that small pixel i did the helpful dolphins first time oh that's a fall i can't wait to see uh pete struggle on that yellow six two man i really want him get past to the final tower i'd love to see him or quick get to the final tower this time what the hell was that job oh robo you're joking right because that is a good timestamp of someone's video what where hold on what oh my god is he gonna do it first try as well no he's gonna yeah on the bit i hate as well if there's a screenshot so oh look oh i was doing something here's the rage the rage is started can you smell it can it's potent once you get through it now he's gonna he's gonna do it isn't he mother clucker is way more than 60 just did it so easily no 62's way harder if you figure out 6-3 it's very consistent you just gotta figure out i'll watch technoblade's gonna screw it up as well right right right oh he's like come on vegas come on yeah what's that quick it's that bit these two jumps yeah quick failed as well well he said he doesn't like that one so i don't like that one there you go stefan yeah oh he's got it again pizza ice minded blue it looks like he's got past that slime bit no problem oh my god i think green is gonna probably beat red here right like i i sure i think this is it i think it's pretty clear that green is going to take second place so it's a green purple finale i don't want to jinx it but that'll make the that'll make the internal betting pretty interesting yeah holy crap because it'll literally be the only two teams that bet on aren't you supposed to like basically just run and not stop on this one ice jump [Music] i think he's got it that's how you do the whole course and if if you stop you have to start all the way from the beginning again because you're gonna need that run up oh my god he made it look so easy and then completely screwed up i was just like watch this oh come on pete you can do it three minutes he'll get past this one crikey there you go come on now we're trouble use all red's been kicked down to fifth place yeah last time i believe they got to this bit at five minutes oh look plenty of people stuck on the yellow bit yeah oh crinos he's had it he's had it yes come on feet yeah pete's took it i hope he's practiced this pete's took it for green oh oh we did it first come on come on keep going pete keep going pete come on peter it's not even gonna be close here oh red must be so angry has anyone got like red open no are they like oh we lost it to parkour red did vote for bingo they had all their rabbits in bingo oh man user in your channel timed out well like like us they needed that was that point earlier oh no this is the wrong harder version well whatever i hear a dutch accent who is that oh wait which part is the wrong harder version the chain pipes because there's another jump instead of a jack that'll be daniel that will be daniel oh dear oh god martin first try i'm not plumb bella is like difficult still on top right next park wario is gonna have this version anyway heck no where's tecna he's he's ice one so many people are stuck on the slimes again oh there's a lot oh one more piece one more come on oh mine's got to like the blue the ice bear that's so impressive pig pirates in second wow yes pete oh man techno just did ice one on the first tripod he killed him he's really funny when he's sucking how's this course ever been beaten yes yes multiple multiple times which is surprising because this is the this is the death obstacle like like it's like there's a worse one if you throw up at the top your sick will go all the way down quick no okay that's not funny when you feel sick okay sorry i should just start making noises oh pete didn't make it to the end well if you watch it from a bird's eye view um it's just the like rapid movements trying to like keep up with like yeah so as soon as someone moves on ah that's it and i want to watch everyone at once making it worse for myself that's it green guardians that's his purple panthers holy crap holy crap techno didn't make it to their whole team was pretty like uh they weren't focusing because they knew they were in the finals at least they thought they were so they were just like fooling around at the beginning and it definitely cost them oh who is that this techno's team huh how much points would have cara got in that round she crashed sorry that said it's just how did you couldn't even understand how much points how much points would she have got how many points would she have got in uh in to get to the other side if she hadn't crashed or if she had crashed yeah how many points have been worth back then do you know i don't know it depends on which place you get two times like it can't have been 400. right no no no oh no it wouldn't have been yeah it wouldn't know when yeah 400. dude we didn't change you completed the task on this on what this is supposed to be a minute long if people are already leaving the pre-dodgeball yeah i know i edit the code for it i don't know why it's not working oh well i guess i'm just getting old oh wait he's in the top 10 in the hall of fame oh quickest i'll take the blades first there we go prepare to be taking the eggs that's incredible i like how kelvin is in the top 10 even though op came in clutch in focal warrior i love this bit we was like let's make it night oh never mind then it's not night all right so what do you guys think proper planets have ten ten pounds on them i just i was i was sparkles no sparkles one one but everybody who bet who bet some money got their got their team in the finals so well done guys i'm sweating i really hope this goes to three rounds oh yeah hey you're in the audience well me wait am i in the audience oh yeah right i'm famous finally i've made it congratulations thank you very much i will remember you when i've made it to the top which is now so i've remembered you yeah no hold on a minute this ain't egg ball this is dodgeball wait he said that no i'm just i'm just trolling oh keemstar's in the audience there are no [Laughter] eggs [Applause] [Music] has set up his announcer uh voice effect it sounds super funny i didn't tweet pizza hut you're on about because voiceover pete was doing it last time i know but um he's doing it as well okay [Music] [Applause] this might not go to three at that rate [Applause] oh oh there's two shots on green come on get both just like damn come on get both get both shots no don't miss why would you miss like that oh no [Music] who's got this second one is it king no he doesn't have one he doesn't have one oh he does oh no oh my god stop why are you throwing it [Applause] okay okay this is the first time where we have to win come on green you have to win this guys come on wait wilbur's playing i mean is it apparent most of them from the same place why is it is it good it's a good mix of uh like american uk this needs to be oh my god they're throwing it like that yeah why is he like these are really bad shots why is he not even trying there's so much pressure yeah i mean though to be honest he bounced it off his teammate at least he got tagged though okay it's over now i think it's over oh it's not it's not dude if he like if he pulls this back no come on vic vic oh he's a convicted noob tommy no don't do it don't do it [Music] yes all right well done well done well done right this was the most entertaining mcc we've had so i know right like holy it was the best one we should have so many super teams again next time yeah like don't even bother making the balance just have three or four teams that are obviously going to be the top four also the red guys are really salty and michael they're writing i hate michael mitchell probably because they took his took their spot and then just shot really badly [Music] apple cake you've just realized on the same team does anyone got a nice screenshot [Music] this was amazing we should do this more often [Music] oh let's just confirm it live on the admin stream mcc 4 was great you happy [Music] i mean why else would two people open up to have uh put money on the windows right the evidence is clear as far as i can tell this was the longest mcc we've ever done but two hours 13 minutes 57 seconds i mean 230 is kind of what we're going for yeah it's the longest we've ever done what were the other durations uh last one was 53 i think wait 153 253 at 2 20 there first like mcc m62 was 225 mcc 3 was [Music] okay 218. so this is the longest we've done that but by like five minutes yeah okay in the little wood that's just foot race slap still they didn't play it this week yeah wait how long did last time i only left because i had the same exact thought like 30 seconds ago when can i tweet my 100k viewer thing uh whenever you want i'm not going to retweet it immediately whenever you want i just got another 5000 on top of that nice you know what's interesting there's a statistic for the most events for the most coins earned across all events and vic and pete are the top two but interestingly technoblade is in five fifth place even though he has played one event less than vic [Music] i mean he's winning most total eliminations as well despite missing one he was there from the second mcc oh did he pass it in you mean well he has one of those yeah that's the end of the stream sky blocker gonna end the stream now so thank you thank you everyone for watching bye-bye thank miss you until next time whenever that will be bye
Channel: MCC Vods
Views: 6,632
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Noxcrew, MCC, MC Championship
Id: kQEumcjqvUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 49sec (9529 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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