[TheNoxcrew] MC Championship #9 (Admin Stream ft. Krinios)

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hello everyone we're live i'm gonna tweet it no no oh yeah okay so what what is the swearing uh oh you have one sweater okay i just used mine goddamn i've used oh no are you allowed to join me this is why you use fake i'm already like negative two on the day i don't know can we join the opening party all right wait no crew members sorry again can we be on the server on the opening party as an ox crew members what opening party what is it hold on you mean the count the dance party yeah yeah the countdown um how many people have we got right now 42 right now um wait so we've got quite a few spectators yeah in this channel we should have anthony dan daniel epic possibly joe joe you just no you don't realistically need to be on i'm going for the dance party and then i'll leave i'm is this gonna be the thing okay come on come on okay cool come on for the dance party [ __ ] and then leave afterwards okay fix your [ __ ] next month because this is just so you see the intro right happy birthday to you no one's sung happy birthday to me today three two one [Laughter] i just want to say yes was like a primary school choir thank you so much right happy birthday thank you who who's paying for all the visits to the ear doctor after that all right hold it hold it guys chelsea you kill us all right everyone in my stream was like that was a nightmare what are you doing um hello guys in the chat tell us if the audio is okay with us all singing why is there like two teams that are not who's not like spiffy right guy fundy meths gamerbury menu for a reason or is that just me it's just never joined the server before that's why oh yeah i forgot about that one i'll shut down the training server most people are in uh thank you johnny for the birthday messages does scott know that i'm here yeah you just said this is so for everyone in the chat um there's the usual bunch of the knox crew and then we have crinos as a guest tonight um hi obviously very sad and crying and not really he apparently denied crying i i skipped on this one but i'm here today to spectate yeah to observe to earn our forgiveness just need a little break you know i'll be in the next one for sure let's go let's be back um for anybody who wants to go look at finster's uh stream oh can you link it definitely don't link it so we all have to go type it and everything hang on tonight yeah feeling good please so i'm trying to find it because i didn't have the link so i was like oh yeah you guys can do it oh wow yeah you're actually the worst hold on got it i see a message spencer is cosplaying as techno really yeah oh yeah yeah i'm going to have amazing why did you send the mobile version of vince uh because it's the first thing that came up right run right let's make this break i love it let me see let me see oh my god god i wish i could do my makeup like that oh we're just waiting on finisher and that is everyone oh we're nearly there i've got like a 20-minute ad oh wow it's always like that on the mobile version so i'm just donating that's a female techno oh my god greg thank you for the following wait no that's that's a santa claus with a crown on yeah so technically i see yeah where's the pic where's the pig face where is it you're saying before all the blue bats on their backs hasn't she got like a bet down or something that she's going to kill techno tonight isn't there also something with the red rabbits that if they when tommy's vlog gun doesn't get smashed up by wilbur or something i remember seeing oh yeah oh yeah look at this i haven't done some of these yet i want to do a custom skins even dream even dream changed his uh his skin wait really yeah dream yeah it's just yeah whoa yeah officially important this is what we're talking about i mean are they advertising bits on twitch or something is that what they're doing is it finn wait well then if you put next year then it says gnats finn and quake quick disconnected yeah craig's disconnected we've been having issues though classic legs is he getting nerfed this event is that what's happening yes yeah we have this thing quick was so unlucky last event like he lagged in parker warrior he was well ahead luckily i think he he was still yeah i think he was second yeah 8-2 oh well yeah she better be joining this was like the testers the other day um where like dong fortnite was telling me for every like two minutes that he's just launching mc the music of mcc on spotify by the way a lot when he say on that expired is that what you said no oh okay i can't open up programs and their support is like slow at the moment because of covered so you just can't open ableton no well i can open able i can't open up projects oh no oh oh is that possibly because you have a plug-in that the plug-in expired or something and i've had this before all right don't worry about it really boring let's not talk about it yeah yes i keep hearing no screw yeah someone's spamming that button it's looking good by the way i don't know if he told you guys i don't care about quick uh what's wow use her name dude like finnster sent me they can't login what the email the one that's in the documents the one that scott gave me uh it should steph he might just drop down in that channel and figure it out yeah and maybe go speak but speak oh my god who is spamming that button it's lucas yeah muted how do you turn on your i knew that was gonna come and you should i'm not gonna tell you you figure it out yeah you figure it out no you should have prepared how do you turn around the stove the stove oh i put a lock on it oh i put a lock on it you have to hold the lock button for five like five ten seconds it's like a little square icon you have to hold it for like five seconds okay well done that was your one swear on stream yeah i was just i'm streaming so is this the stream yeah kind of it's but i need to sort something out go right now it's like technical [Music] turn on the shows yeah is an in-joke from like eight years ago or something when when we were running knoxville game show and someone i can't remember who it was toby who was it that accidentally typed reefy instead of ready it was was it so toby i mean toby oh no i know toby yeah he was on the noxia game show so since then it just became like this weird joke that you are reefy instead of ready all the time i never see it i never noticed that it's like it's been in for a couple events i reported it as a bug because they didn't have it initially when when i play in the event then i'm going to see what i'm going to notice i don't notice normally in mcc because i'm too focused on like the game one of the things you'll spend some time doing probably is just looking at you dad sound muted are you okay is everything okay no i emotionally know but the stream is doing good physically yes like you're all okay and you're ready to go all right i just gotta oh he jumped back he jumped back he predicted he predicted we retreat okay they're gone they're good we're good daniel do the thing the thing the thing thing typing into codes 10 minutes 11 minutes late that's not talking is it dance party time yeah it's party time you gotta wait you gotta wait until you hear the beat drop and then you just start like grooving into it yeah you go crazy i went a bit i went back too far that's better let's do it like a flash mob where everybody's just walking around and the music starts yeah they were supposed to add a dance floor here but they keep adding like new mini games and stuff instead like like who needs mini games oh thank you oh it should come in like right now yeah it's already just beeping you just gotta crush the music there's loads of us now we should surely draw some people in [Music] [Laughter] oh yeah yeah we've got a few oh my god it's happening [Music] come on do those oh my god look at the dance party and then there's everyone else [Music] you see i don't know what the others are doing here it goes [Music] right hold on it smells a bit musky in here it's like it hasn't been opened in a month [Music] wow is the sound levels okay so while i was watching while we were watching the intro i swear to god i saw the letter z written in the fireworks and then i was like oh my god we could like we could do like teasers and stuff hidden in the fireworks shows oh oh but don't tell anybody because they'll start looking for it right in the walls and hole in the wall like the cycles last time we all right people who are here for the dance party you can go now yeah over here bye guys have a good one oh yeah games definitely leave before the first game because the hub can handle 10 more players not every game can handle [Music] holograms it's okay guys if it doesn't work it's kurios's fault no no no no no i like it yeah i like that i like that i'm just simply viving okay i'm built different oh my meme meanwhile i'm just praying no one disconnects i'm amazing heart attack yeah that's good we got the system right yeah absolutely it's completely fine but i don't want them to do it anyway this tutorial is very accurate though you do get a resources craft and eliminate your opponents on your own islands fox you should mention the tnt auto primes and we just don't tell them they're all looking for flint and steel for the whole game i'm just thinking someone might think that place it and they're like oh yeah yeah it's our customer it's our custom version of find the button it's find the flint and steel yeah the nether is where it's really at like that's where the second half get out of here jig that's enough how many lines of code for sky battle daniel um is this where we guess not a lot no perfect though you know how many lines of code sky blocko has zero [Music] which team are you voting for dammit he's gone he has to pick now a limelight i'm sorry no i'm llamas i'm going for cyan i want captain sparkles to get to dodgeball thirty three thousand viewers this is so funny blue bats is mining out pink parrots as blocks they were trying to bridge over and they're just mining away the blocks [Music] oh wow he's gonna get caught out yeah [Music] yeah people seem stuck every other team is stuck blue bats is just like taking over oh yeah but they're like breaking bridges [Music] oh no who was that scott stop scott fell off my bridge i think you just [Music] [Laughter] this is good yeah i'm on aqua absolutely come on why why is it awkward so lion llamas are they're gonna win this you're gonna lose well we'll see they're all alive lyman blackway's all alive right now stefan stefan with the technicians yeah i'm llamas you know yeah oh oh watch this aqua is gonna oh my god okay never mind oh no no no they're built different is this lime gonna claim so i'm gonna have to start bridging to the center taboo's low on health yeah boys are the at the moment everybody's gonna be going into center did you just see curtsy's play oh techno's going in the blue it's the 1v3 what oh wow nice what's going on that was unexpected i didn't expect blue at all take any notes because that was so crazy yeah yeah i don't even there there was a bit knocked this way curtsy made like an epic jump into lime llamas and destroyed them i like blue people should realize [Music] to curtsy why did he what what did he do why did he just die i was silly not sure i don't know maybe not sure he died really early this is yellow you did right when it started oh my god what is going on is quick gonna oh quick lived [Music] yeah i want to go stream what was quick doing i have no idea you just went like afk or something green versus yeah i love how risky some people love my speed kill man did you see that yeah [Music] oh aqua has gone to the center straight away i'm probably getting a lot of iron aqua seems to have got a pretty good strength oh [Music] did he just claim two kills yeah he just climbed blue i was not oh lyme llamas have all gone do you want to see not to mention it did you hear me did you hear that yeah what does it say in chat oh my god they should go in and claim some names right now oh they've healed up [Music] oh my god oh my god that was really unfortunate good good work cyan good work good try all right here we go redness is george i don't think tommy's gonna win this one well he almost did but then you cursed him oh no not the caster cursing again come on claim some more names oh what wow wow good job they finished that before anyone even got to the center yeah that was good holy [ __ ] around this round he did put actually skype people on one team and then make a skybell map what's gonna happen oh yeah daniel's quick's fine you okay huh yeah we were a little bit concerned but um it's working as it should so it's techno's tactic to basically rush the middle by the looks of it i'm watching his stream um i'm quite interested to see what they do this round now oh no look at purple they've gone very quickly yeah people are moving oh someone yeah that was oh tommy killed him yes because red are going for pink yeah ready to go for pink i want to see dave redeem himself i'm not jumping up yes lime's got a whole sort of um quadrant himself there that's quite nice oh green just got caught [Music] [Music] yeah i think i think aqua's taking this [Music] point right now more points what you guys missed was literally five seconds before that fight finster turned off auto jump oh no green team no oh is blue gonna try and prevent calvin look at the purple sneaking behind calvin just made such a cheeky jump oh look at aqua and blue that aqua's just gone synchronized jump from awkward just now yeah yeah that was so good oh my god oh what no spiffy oh no oh yeah oh blue bats is just cleaning up now oh wow he just cases oh techno tenor still alive they all saw techno that was hilarious i think the guardians took this right one's points right now yeah they're all just like yeah we're just gonna hang out oh that's quite funny isn't it well since we got cause he's like enough kills in this like final round this map looks so funny after like just the way that yeah everything's been yeah especially with the border especially with the border like now when it's just they actually oh green trying to get it behind i seem like man they should save those arrows but they're going to be corrupted i feel like it was during the last stream we said it but we really need to get that 3d printer and print these maps out after they're done and sell them perfect technically this is funny isn't it oh this is amazing they just get the center come on blue team you got a movie oh [Music] i think everyone just kept forgetting about the vertical border yeah hold up don't forget [Music] oh man that was amazing good job guys that was a lot of fun omega is your question how are we making plugins or how do you make minecraft plugins well he's asking how we're making our plugins so i present how we do it blood sweat and tears okay which side is uh elevated this time it's left but i prefer it they didn't break it was time to be honest that's a very googleable question omega omega i encourage uh sorry i encourage you to go and look at spigot mc which is has a lot of information on that oh they might break down [Music] oh my god hey scott oh my god great scott [Music] wait i think paris for the worst guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh he's going to give tommy 15k and his blog gun whoa that's a lot riding on it and he becomes a member of the sleepy boys [Laughter] that's right this is the high stakes win it's doable they could have won last time it was tommy on his a game it was sounds of time that did them up last time wasn't it um yeah because they tommy missed the vlog i wasn't i'm not sure if it would have been the deciding factor i think i calculated it was it they would have won scott could have done better twice and then fill some missed descent on center time oh yeah we had to spend resources on fixing that at all to be honest that fix wasn't really aimed at filzer though it was more to provide more faces that you could right click your block on to put um to put your sand down so it was just like easier to enter your sound mistaking yeah i know i'm embarrassed by the way this is my favorite to get to the other side map to put that out yeah okay like everyone hates boats but man i i love it i like this map it's it's very satisfying when you get to the end like when you work out how to pilot the boats it's great oh damn that note seems to be having a bit of a bad time oh you should just play better if i could give him advice yeah just just get good as a player in mcc who's been everyone besides this one i'd just be better yeah what's your favorite mcc game kronos uh walmart really i love building yes because a little building a little memorization like collecting blocks like it's all me for the most part before like the changes were made so i like bill martin and then i mean last event it was you as well anyway because yeah the house i didn't build the up house oh look at paul jerome it's the only one so spyfy stood still in the ending pit not knowing what to do and false just whacked him he was the fan of that note that down i love this map the most i love using tridents in uh [Music] thank you for watching i love spectating this it looks so good yeah it looks so satisfying grasshoppers look so weird right guy rocky didn't subscribe a swarm of places i thought the map was bigger than this wow i don't know the bottom of the final like sort of trident jump they get stuck at the bottom of the wall and try and jump is it because it feels bigger when you're playing it i think it feels pretty big feels way smaller what a perspective being in the stream very interesting what is it like a whole new world what is it like like the the actual mcc day when you're playing it's stressful yeah this is this feels like a lot more chill and nice yeah yeah but like so we've only experienced it realistically from testing so we obviously got to play the event through a lot but we've never experienced what it feels like on the day that day that everything is every month kind of thing and you've got all the youtubers and streamers playing it i think my most stressed that one was mtc7 so like that i was very focused that day i tried really hard and like but here is like i'm just watching and it's like it just feels like watching ants jump on a map where if i'm one of them i would be super stressed out like hyper focus make sure i'm playing right you know so it's just it's just a different feeling being here is there like have you ever been in doubt dodgeball uh yes once what did that feel like i think we got i think we got two owed oh no i i have no experience in dodgeball so my first time i was like look that was my first no my third no yeah my second mcc other end it was i had no experience playing dodgeball i was super stressed out and we got i got i think i got first like the first uh kill both times i'm sorry have you like is there anything else in minecraft that you've ever played that gun has the same feeling as mcc event day at the same time i really don't think so i really don't think so i love this event so much it's mostly put like insulin event on minecraft ever [Music] thanks [Music] i'm trying to think no i've said it before i've said it many times i love mcc like more than anything i've done on minecraft like he's the best i've ever ever been a part of so like i can't leave any of them any other moment playing minecraft where i've been this stressed out trying to win yeah oh thank you ivo so it sounds like it's meaningful then to win like even though there's no like massive i mean the coin is pretty damn cool yeah that's the thing right you think that like the ones where you win money will be more like stressful no this one's way more stressful and this one's more fun like serving comes back to play it's fun yeah not because of the big price this house looks so weird to look at it okay i'm being serious did you make the math smaller be honest just tell me because they look so small now i see daniel yeah i think daniel's in the pit is he again yeah who's gonna get the admin [Music] let's make a more crinos next time ggttl s-a-w-a-k okay [Music] [Applause] what do you mean who wrote the death message [Music] oh we basically asked all the previous mct testers not this batch that we've currently got um to come up with a ton of like funny death messages and basically i was the one that decided whether it was funny or not which is why they're all pretty yeah that's why they're but that's my favorite one pizza hut got sideswiped by karen in the suv i think i think that i can't remember who came up with that one whoever that was well done i swear it looks so so like small here i don't understand like is this gonna like change your viewpoint on mcc i i can't tell it's gonna be better or worse anymore yeah it's just all so small and tiny you're gonna play next time you're like oh this is just rubbish i have an analogy like you're doing very well i mean yeah i know you guys are not from america but over the disney world when they open the lights and space mountain you go on the ride it looks terrifying because you can see like how small it is and like how close everything is to your head it's terrifying i know what you mean i know what you mean so when the war on the right like pitch black it looks like way bigger and like the rash feels sensation feels way more because like you're in like a big room but you're really not you're a very small room i haven't been a few years i live in florida so i go there every so often but yeah it was supposed to be there in a week's time two weeks yeah what do you think happened [Music] disney yeah i wasn't gonna be there we booked out like two houses i just roamed my own birthday through like huge houses to sit to have everyone in i got them refunded okay it was all good one question do we earn any money with mcc no no no no of course we're losing a lot as you type yeah losing money do you think i pay to play no see the long term strategy is just to get everybody to tune into the admin stream and subscribe so we can get that twitch sub money yeah so far it's not going so hard but here's a cool fact how much how much to i actually don't know how much ferraris cost but you could probably buy a ferrari for the price of them that mcc cost so and picture picture that right you don't even know how to drive why are you using it no but like exactly because i'm using some sort of like pointless consumerist product as an example such as a yeah you could find pointless it's a ferrari i subscribe to the admin stream i'm really trying to think of another wait i need to check how much ferraris cost now yeah maybe stefan you said that to sound like it hasn't really cost that much but you inadvertently said is he had an oxford just through a remaining project that they don't want to make money on good financial decisions good job oh wait okay maybe not a ferrari it says starting price of 250k yep a couple of people in them the price point chad asked how we're paying for it then marketplace maps this nox crew is funding the project my point that i was trying to make was that capitalism is bad and we can have many cool things like mc championship if people weren't so bloody bothered about fancy cars yeah and street alright that's all i want to say so wait you're telling me if we cancel mc championship you'll buy me a ferrari please everyone protect mcc that way the price for mcc is now going to be a ferrari did they stay between the four they have to tear it is it like a club and then lengthwise doesn't get the engine gets the exhaust that sort of stuff who's gonna take it they all just okay when i say capitalism what i'm really mean is just like crappy rich people corruption oh don't they all live in california oh they're crappy rich people that's what stefan was saying something about living in condos and hollywood hills do you remind some of the creators here now i know this is amazing and i'm just quoting seven from like one stream he's looking sadly at the other left oh now they're running around okay any mixer members [Music] [Music] ivo's right we're gonna cancel mcc and then i'm gonna tweet a picture of a knox crew brandon ferrari that's kind of cool i would respect the hell out of that to be honest [Music] i just realized let's get parkour up away if i were them yeah i think that's battle box oh no it's a draw problem no it's power oh damn five votes six votes damn didn't work before you teleport just so you know it's going to look smaller than it you feel like really setting you up for that yeah there's a cheeky thing in the camera that you can't see has changed but when people see it oh boy i don't want to go to the very end of the map and just take a screenshot there like as i finished it smile i'll post it i'll post it next week and i'll pretend that if it's the practice server isaac is this the eight block jump you put in the middle of the course eight block jump i used to work here next mcc i mean ferrari yeah sure i hope you've saved enough oh i'll shave my head if someone completes it no you will no yeah that's easy to hold you too why did you say that i just said he's shaving his head i'm so tempted to say it in mc chat right now i've got it in my clipboard i most certainly did not retire so yeah [ __ ] what all i see was different i see one change though at least oh that's that's tricky that's that's naughty that's a naughty change wow carver complaining at first oh wow so many people on that one wow yeah this is good yeah these little switches yes i love it i mean i like them but wow evil i see that i see a straw i cannot do anymore and that's upsetting this is going to get some people right here where oh yeah [Music] brilliant [Music] nothing special happens if you complete it does it we didn't completely complete it yeah hopefully that animation works very big fanfare because i heard it was added today yeah that's nice first again both p and techno foul have you seen the game very naughty this one this one you have to do fast i can do it slowly and it took me 20 minutes earlier yeah yeah yeah thank you knox i've checked in first place now to easy powerful warriors oh my god don't curse it isaac it will win let's talk oh i don't like that i don't okay that's a little mean where did you tp me oh yeah this um it's completely black is it just like is it just like an empty pit do you have to jump across you can see it it's one of the black uh chalkboard things there's no logo for the for the for the parkour puzzle oh which one you see it's uh it's the one of the cyan area the space area the first the very first one probably when uh the other thing got added there no but this doesn't make sense this obstacle didn't change neither uh i saw like the day after the last mcc danny was making a new obstacle here in the northern oh okay so he probably removed it then he's danny you put daddy on the blame here daniel who's the first place right [Applause] once you pass halfway point it's all the same map isn't it it looks like it is to me plus i'm just not seeing things properly with my one eye lauren spent 60 minutes doing what dream did in 10 seconds hey it's not about the [Music] but i am thorough i said no which one oh yeah the first red one oh oh i mean have you seen the last red one is it different too yeah thanks taking the lead i mean i hope to meet wig one day yeah yeah oh yeah if you can play it i'm gonna mess up is that your life problems yeah to kill him so he can't become like it doesn't work anymore i have to take any strats now hmm what's happened to wait too i'm confused it there's like blocks to the trap doors now yeah you you would not notice on the first like tell the first um tutorial part of the game i did not notice that at all and all the animals for sure so like so like yeah yes it's changed there's no more drop behind like the yes i guess come on quick come on oh quick quick wait oranger the second yo what are you let's give my guy oh dream got a2 now he's got to take the so which is the one that's supposed to really get them i mean this last bit here because now it's on blocks rather than trapdoors and then the four block you've got to get on the edge of that trapdoor so this is the one that's gonna get him this is this is the bit that no one's going to complete right no i think i think uh people might complete it but they've still got to do the last one as well which is different no but um uh danny was like so sure both of you but i reckon someone will complete that okay dream has got uh a hundred and forty three thousand viewers oh wow on twitter it's quite a few people on twitch that's crazy nice that's awesome it's okay i guess purple oh my god i have almost that many followers on twitter okay that is nothing you haven't seen anything yeah you've seen nothing yet wait till i stream next time on twitch 150 000 viewers dream oh always got that did you accidentally oh my god i might mess this [Music] [Music] oh come on quick oh what we did oh this is so sad so like it gets this is possible right yeah yeah someone has done this this is doable right a tester has done this i just did it yeah yeah 200. completed it okay how long did it take him times like about i think 12 or 13 minutes he's insanely good man with raft wait 13 minutes on this uh puzzle itself or the whole no the whole course that's how about how long he did it oh i did the jump just now it's not that hard guys you just have to double tap space though i think drew's not good at the game cancelled because you're not very good at minecraft not many people are alright wait you're not using like oh it's usually using a skin right it's kind of the right like things on it oh yeah i got it you know i just it's not right supposed to have the sleeves on but only he has it on [Music] me teams and joint fights yeah this one the hard come on come on guys just just do the jump yeah you're just gonna do it it's that final jump i swear if i do before they do [Laughter] what do you have enough time for the tower if he makes it oh no there's no way no way oh they didn't even see tower they have no idea what's happening right now i don't know what town looks like see danny danny was so sure about this he bet he bet 1500 pounds with marius that no one's gonna complete the course tonight oh no oh my gosh i mean he was very drunk but and we were all like we were like danny don't do that don't do that but he had his hands right out he was like shake my hand a thousand five hundred yeah a thousand five hundred pounds [Laughter] good job good job don't show the tower people might copy it yay orange and black oh i mean it's gonna be on the training server anyway isn't it oh that's true yeah i forget these things i should have i should have saved that tower change i changed it for no reason no that's a shame those are hurting people sorry people they want you to do that is make these changes but have them clone into the map when somebody beats the stage before it oh you don't waste it on a there you go every time well you keep your hair unloaded and keep yeah yeah you still shave it don't be funny yeah yeah just like you got fired too i don't know man it's getting cold you should actually fire that guy be funny i'm ascending it's getting cold i need that hair right give me a second i actually need a wii so this this is game four here so we gotta set up the takeover right i'm on it once you need to wait until after the top five teams 600 point difference wow wow even six seven and eight are really close too it's very close uh balance these two very well what are you doing he's just dancing at cara the basement are closed just dancing at cara scott told me we're licking the themes for mcc was it eight no yeah e8 he said i was 20 in the in the seventh one so he couldn't figure on 18 that that made it like not okay [Music] i think scott's just figured it out now yeah after many nccs calculations on the spreadsheet is just it was super super close this time everyone was in like a thousand of each other i think that's martin are we doing that he's just he's not even seeing [Music] [Music] we're trying to take out yeah if someone chicken swaps and then there's a mega chicken swap does that person get swapped back into their pod i think those two can never happen at the same time all right well we need to make that happen in the future there's a few differences what are we gonna give the super power up which switches all of the players with all of the chickens it's already in there i've never seen that very rare it happened once hey daniel how do i teleport back slash join hub oh thank you i did wrong reverse dunk that just throws everybody up in the air give some levitation i want to add a double dunk next to mcc there's two dunks just two dunks dome dunk that drops all the donuts down 20 blocks i want to dunk the audience though who will load in first we'll see it dunks you but also the team you shoot is this this is the first time we've had the invisibility yeah what's going on in the game just like this thank you they've been asking for this for a while hopefully yeah asking for what sorry for a cool feature we've implemented into holland wall so you can now see the holes in the wall awesome yeah are people invisible yet they will well they won't but uh however wait and see oh wait oh there actually is a change to this fun fact about this change when i did it the first time i crashed the server and so we had to go back and redo it but now it's working as it should which is good you'll notice new walls at the final difficulty a new sound oh no they sound very squishy good sounds hold on guys yeah i'll just like okay yeah not successful tweeting do you want actually sweet for it yeah well probably if you tell me what the thing is they are they are invisible it's just not to us like we can see everything we can see everyone but on the teammates perspectives people are uh invisible when they're close to you oh okay oh that's fine when they're far away from you are you changing anything with that or is it i couldn't tell from here so i'm just kind of guessing if you watch one of but even though they're invisible they still have an outline around them so you can still see your teammates but not in such a way that stops you being able to jump through the hole in the wall hey daso max i'm speaking i wish the psych balls turned into concrete powder and dropped down into the water when they failed huh that's really cool i mean you wouldn't you would want to kill them before they hit the water obviously we tried is it in her what's her stream oh they look fine thank you that much i see what she means while she's expected is it is that one of them does she have fast rendered yeah [Laughter] that's weird because no one reported this and the testers play with like a large variety of clients and stuff do you want that one where is cobb i'm not i'm not in this i can't see your hands it's on fantasy we just told you i know i don't know it's in performance right i think it's [Music] okay it's working now it's working now okay she's all good oh no it's not [ __ ] no wait is it oh yeah oh god that is everything's gone i can't see it oh god performance and video settings he's talking to you must be some reason we could ask us to relog in a vanilla client hold on no all right now maybe i i have shaders no i i have everything off all textures are off all shaders are off everything is off just to prevent this from happening i can't i could not even see that second one at some point hello i'm okay if i fail because of my own hi car hi can you like open your video settings on the stream i've never seen this before in all our tests and okay it's peculiar um yeah just going video settings let me just look at that can you just can you turn off dynamic lights okay i don't know what might be causing this um and check your texture packs as well there's no texture packs on i have no shaders i have no resource packs on except you guys know um oh go back again [Music] [Music] i couldn't even see that last one that got me off i know good luck wait so we've done okay she had internal shaders on again so yeah those are quite those are the worst things and i hate that it's by default is it by default yes god when can we start advising sodium okay let's see let's see is it oh is it oh no it's working for her okay oh thank goodness user error big loss at the first bit we may need to go through and say like these settings do not touch under any circumstances well we could just get them to create an mcc profile with all the settings that we want is there a way of like sending them the configuration file i think there is just like with x settings yeah no it's okay they do lauren you just have to ping them twice in multiple different channels exactly the same message just at channel 5. well if they don't fix the settings then they lose a bounce i guess yeah it's just them well that's not that's not really true though we can get your cake sophie we should all be eating cake right now why where's aqua on that leaderboard what the hell what the hell why are aqua at the bottom of hole in the wall [Applause] probably both died first every single branch yeah finster had a rough go of it spike no cake but you have popcorn okay but when you eat it rosie you have to like imagine that it's cake yeah you have to think that way it's like small popcorn-sized pieces of cake oh no uh-oh orange oh god wait i just realized that that's my favorite first in any of these rounds that was my favorite wall no i want my favorite walls it's not here [Music] noctis are you ready i think we've got survival games on it we've got battlebots sunset time survival games and rocket split in that order yeah i actually haven't played a while i forgot about sg i made a terrible mistake i should have paused the timer after round one to fix cars mistake i forgot and then she lost around two because of it bad i mean they came first he said to pause and you said no so it wasn't really a mistake it was what did you cut i didn't say anything well you said it no but she said pause after the round began and that's where you can't pause right like you can't stop the walls moving in tweet is for going live now it's live you'll be voting for squad well i want sons of time but i want to have the end [Music] uh that round though they would have been in first by quite a margin it is like everyone is not that far from each other it's kind of very easy gradual there's no massive dropper could still win yeah mike has zero votes so far yeah sweeter we should get people on top of the volcano and have a giant battle i'll go right now they get like santa time in the final two games anybody could win here still i think well we've had sense of time seventh or eight every single time i wanna see them play it as like fourth for once and then find out how many points you can get from that game they should realize how many points you can get once and take the risks yeah i want to see it's winterfell but will techno and dream conflict looks like it's not going to win the fight what the stream won i think he wants as well yeah it's pretty convincing yes i've won the volcano [Applause] i don't know i don't see but battle boxes at like 70 percent so i think maybe battle box oh yeah that's only 11 000 votes though so this dream not seven oh i haven't started this is my first time voting because i haven't had twitter oh my god it's like amazing for me i actually get a say i'm gonna open up the um better on mcc it's [Applause] oh my god battle box is 82 that's quite a few it's you know great you're late yeah dream hasn't decided he's waiting until the end okay that's just dreams just told everyone to vote survival games really oh what a challenge [Applause] do you think oh my god oh it's doing it he's got more viewers it's doing it do you think it could imitate i'm not sure if he's it's gonna be fast enough i'm back who's that fast they are they are spamming the link and dreams chat as fast as they can and they gotta break up are they gonna break it again see if i can add a crime omega um the winners of the last event where's wear a crown on their heads so that's why dream has a crown dream's just telling everyone to make twitter accounts so long as they subscribe to mcc go for it um yes the previous 61 the winners of the previous mcc the one before this one they have crowns in the hub so you're kind of like you know who to take the crowns from toppo's crown's fake [Applause] turtles are made of plastic i don't know if it's going to make it i see 31.5 and 55. no way oh it was a good try though yeah 55 to 31. this is the first time they've been conflicted yeah no they were going for a rocket spleef and battle box i think weren't they no it wasn't about blocks oh i was gonna say there was the one that didn't happen that was awfully conflicted we finished oh we're very equal now i'm seeing 45 42. oh just one i think did it just about three percent oh my god it's so so close did it close you said something like earlier yes oh on discord uh wait what happened to phil's of minecraft says airborne i have no idea oh what's he talking about like his series or something he's right here he's here he's right here on the mcg oh yeah it feels just she feels just fine he's um he he's uh he's hopping around on his stream oh that's good he's just messing around with like the um the debug commands ah are we gonna check that it's got the right thing on the server can we check that it should do we can just play rockets yeah oh which game one rockets please yeah making fun of us he doesn't he doesn't believe that we fixed our code he thinks the film is going to mess up we should play rockets please why not you know it was just the timing of the tweet i want to play rocket sleeve let's just [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] why did they just leave the game they got kicked for spam okay everyone's back wait we have an anti-spam kick or is that that like been built yes [Music] [Laughter] no i'm being serious i'm being no because like there's literally empty parts on the side that's what i mean it's like it's it's squished a little bit i mean the map is inside isn't it so the same oh i guess there's a little okay i see now hey did you like the joke in the video was the joke the bit where it was like i hope i hope you don't come on i thought that was comedic genius you think i watched the videos all right genius what wait did you make a joke was it good it's really funny yes appreciation yeah it's okay rosie just just pat him on the head and smile look what are you still doing on that thanks look what are you still doing on here kyle's shooting a crossbow at me i'm scared anyway the idea for that joke came to me it's not funny okay how do you get these ideas man i was on the subway once i was looking out the window and i was i was looking i was kind of taking in how fast the outside world was moving past the window you know and it made me think about the world and how fast the world is moving in general in like society [Music] is this the joker movie in a way the whole world is really like one big game of battle box i'm like a dog uh h just threw the healing pulse at aqua just that's a nice good job they're around backwards now just cleaning house oh oh oh scottish george george oh george slime hey they're winning are they first place right now they got one round over everyone i think that sounds like let's go quick quick still get the game somewhere in the fall jinx quick earlier stefan what do you think of the holograms of the items because this was accidentally implemented what the fact that it says potion of healing yeah i love it i think it's brilliant sick we're keeping that there it's just like it's instant tutorialization great because okay because apparently we're meant to put it in the lobby but then i put it there and then sounds like it wasn't meant to be there so that's good most of my genius is accidental um what the act of putting wool into the center what do you think that's a metaphor for in the real world [Music] because i think i think it's about leaving your mark on the world i would say that it's more along the lines of all of those moves that you're supposed to make because of society's pressures but then people keep pushing back with you and like making you feel as if your decisions were mistakes oh shut up they could just share it they could just have four blocks each all about the competition i think it is about leaving your mark on the world but there's not enough territory to for everyone to leave their mark so you do have to kind of fight some people in your life the world's becoming overpopulated people will come and try and take your territory from you i'll just go to the padlock from one of the bridges what if we added a new rule where if both teams just have four capture points battle parks they both get for win like in um what's it called they allow sort of golden balls oh my god we should do golden balls rules stop being deep and meaningful we want to watch people kill each other in minecraft all right yeah pogchamps in chat pogchamp let's clean up the deep deep and meaningful chat let me switch to blue pox for world peace what do you think i will be right back what do you think pogba's is metaphorical from [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah i know but i'm making a mess for out of my acronym oh wow that was a bit pretentious to say that what well no i just think you sound a bit like a douchebag i'm making an acronym out of my metaphor i mean oh my god wait what like serious question what is pogba's i have no idea player of the game oh yeah play the game i think it's what you got on that weekend [Music] isaac i don't like to remember that go on the pog stands for a great moment on the internet represents the happiness one feels when connecting with others virtually now that's deep and metaphorical in itself oh does anyone watch that black mirror episode with the two guys that like play the games but then one of them's a woman oh yeah and then they start making that in the game is that pogba's i think so that's my favorite highest level i mean if you're willing that episode was so poggers i think this is what we call the generation sneaking home on the side come on cbk [Music] no oh no what did red team just lit actually kill aqua what i think you did oh my god are you surprised tommy is not going to shut up about that for the rest of his life i'm not okay with that i hate you i'm not okay with that can we restart battle box oh yeah let's just do that thing while we explode people yeah yeah let's just blow them up we've done it before and it went fine hey guys we're gonna start battle box uh absolutely no one was unhappy something's wrong for the commentary thank you sir caffeine just roasted me [Music] 19 and i didn't have a clue what it was what's one of those things that people say and you just like laugh and start saying it too yeah you're like haha yeah pogba's pogbas i said i said i said pog to one of my friends and they said who are you what have you done good job great what do you mean it's like that's a young person thing i'm like i'm only 21. only 21. only aqua is throwing hey i'm quite yeah they threw them really badly i tend to just go in for the standard lull oh no oh you can't say that anymore my older sister i sang lol at one point she was like oh god 17 and i was 15 and i was looking at her like she was an alien i'm like no that's one there's not really one there's not really one like like people who like say in real life like that oh my god no i think as the internet desensitizes you to all that meme [ __ ] you start by like going oh i hate that i would never say anything like that and then you just like start saying it ironically to be funny and then it's a part of you and you can't stop it just it just carries on yeah it's horrible you have to keep up with it though otherwise you'll get left behind otherwise you're gonna spend every live stream you ever watch googling all kinds of young people terms and you're not going to know what's going on in the livestream simp what what is synthetic and then there's a time there's a time if you do keep up with it you start to look a bit creepy come on orange come on orange that gift like hello fellow kids yeah that no it's kind of weird that that 50 year old keeps saying pogba's and simply yeah what do i get for supporting red yay go orange so i think there's a particular age where society just kicks you out there's nothing you can do about it that's nice when society starts to change and starts to accept that people older than us will start saying these terms you lose your free tv license you guys are your tv licenses what is that basically you're paying to have that television it's a tax there no there is a national tv station that exists because everyone pays that tv tax which is extremely controversial but people you know but you don't have to pay that you just you do not have to i thought you had no only if you watched those shows it's not if you watch that channel yeah if you have a tv if you have a tv that's just connected to like netflix you're fine for you i think as well it's like fine so if you're not yeah if you're not watching any of those shows maybe don't pay that tv license oh yeah do you want to play my tv like i don't know what we're talking about honestly it's one of those arcades it's one of those archaic old things that just stuck and like and it's completely like it's completely hard to be regulated oh like taxes yeah yeah like jax you're american you know about those yeah like it's such an old concept right who needs tags anymore [Music] this is the final round you might have started what oh my god online when they you know they're doing not that bad to be fair stunning amazing i want to see the scores yeah come on roll through why did they put [Laughter] up a bit more oh red oh my gosh oh my gosh i guess like aqua losing to orange there things like that is what make mcc great because even if you're uh average or bad team sometimes you do still get wins in things orange average or bad wow do you mean like david yeah yeah i do like them average or bad they're not even the lowest scoring team like they're like don't be mean no do you remember that time the simmers one hole in the wall no no no guys that's really mean it's not no there was a time when like simmers won something yeah battle box battle box was it about oh okay well that's what i'm on about like you can still battle you still get like occasional wins in certain kind of match-ups or parts or things and that's kind of like what keeps you going because if you were just losing in everything it would be pretty [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] we let's change bingo that fast so that every time you craft an item you get a rocket launcher with one ammo in it and you can just kill someone oh my god and eliminate them yes bingo but deadly yeah there you go i wouldn't read rabbit's last battle box ah someone spawned mega sheep for a rocket spleef and then it's just wandered off oh oh no yeah it's between survival games come on [Music] what did the red and yellow things mean in this red means the game's been played yellow means it's had significant changes i'm a i'm a pogueza what you know like a geezer but like a pogo user actually like jamie's suggestion bingo but house you just like build the living room you get a bingo square you build a bathroom you get another one rosie wants to know if stefan's okay the last bingo test we had just before this couple of days ago we were all just building houses instead of actually different thinker card who me is familiar with me i'm fine why why are you drunk um are you sure have you been drinking all right because i'm here how much has danny been feeding you no i haven't actually drank any alcohol i was responsible i said not before the stream but after stream we're gonna get beep you're gonna get beat beepered oh yeah you can play the course in spectator while you uh oh great to have fun yeah yeah we can just oh wait we can't run it yet you got a trident should we give quick a limit how long he can take to look back in i just ended up we don't need to say a limit right now let's just give it a few minutes that's exactly too much yeah he's got to say he's got the same amount as uh eric did that's good okay bingo but quickly wait while we are still gone we're gonna do a reefy check wait no they started their own cod pasta against me the fans did white oh god damn it let's just ruin the countdown [Music] is loading textures and white though why did we feel then what a tease countdown the cake's been good quinn it's a lemon drizzle kick what's the point of roofie check if they just take yes i know it's naughty isn't it it's like accepting the terms and conditions they should get a penalty of 50 coins because you dodged the music [Music] know if you screw that up you're just you're bad forever how many times did you feel that one stuff it's just bad i've never failed that one thank you very much but daniel didn't you say you fixed the scott bug oh yeah pete didn't it oh pete figured it out according to unknown association should he be allowed to do that nothing he didn't figure out anything actually wait guys i just fly through this i don't know i don't want to do the trend thing just fly through yeah what are you interested in the actual game the um they actually work in spectator mode it's really cool oh like you can go faster yeah like i should have done in the actual mcc last time what's wrong with me wow i'm dumb next i'm going to try this how small is this map wow actually i'll be honest it looks bigger why is fruit berry's name in the middle of his body has he glitched stefan everyone thinks you're drunk oh that's that's the fix and i'm just lying yeah quinn says you're probably like stefan been hitting the bottle again again things have just not been going very well there's not a good record to have again again uh oh you know i used to be called the one beer wonder in uni yeah legitimately i could get drunk on one beer like this there's something wrong with me now you're the two gin giza you're actually racing i guess if he's banned from the event it's not a problem oh yeah am i banned now from the event because now i know how to i'm practicing in the event yeah we didn't tell you that before you joined the stream this was my last time to play mcc you don't know who's at the front there's peter uh like rival in this game i've seen like several times where pete's always been like how is fruit so ahead of me yeah they're both chasing each other at this place it's such a great little like oh here they go here we go he's trying to catch him what's this first wait scott oh no what i'm joking flashbacks across the team speaker [Laughter] oh guys meeks just got me we lapped rip meeks on yellow team oh they said like just amazing is it is it is it bad that i want and wanted to suggest notification that if you get lapped it tells you okay i'll be honest i don't know i would actually quit the game if i style again clap i would literally just leave but you know what guys end my stream bye guys you you only grow when you know that you're [ __ ] not me like if you don't know that you're bad you're never gonna like change no it's not true i'm the best ever sometimes you're just born with talent prove to yourself not to everyone else [Music] these philosophical comments tonight i'm just saying like okay i can give wise advice to many listeners maybe you accidentally improve on the things that you're bad but if you know that you're bad at things it accelerates your will for improvement oh wow that's true it is true is it beats and first now yeah maybe self-awareness is just like you're not thinking you're sure i don't try maybe like games okay maybe it depresses some people but that's what puts the weaklings and the strong-willings but why do you need to learn your weaknesses as things that your [ __ ] out why can't you not just be like hey this is something that i would like to be better at because to kill thy enemy one must know thy enemy oh you are your own enemy so does that not speak to your self-esteem more than anything let's find a quote this one this is minecraft that's this is an mcc related way it doesn't matter look at what a block you just did it for a call yeah did you know that sun tzu said that about the weakness and the strong things shut up this is minecraft that's what sets the weaklings and the stronglings apart sun tzu thank you goodbye thanks for following dude boys versus the man 1.8 1.16 pvp another separate side player was hit by karen in suv sun zoo oh pizza hut yeah first pizza beat fruit damn i didn't catch that fell at the gliding bit out of the cave oh he electro glitched so i ran the course with them and i'm happy to report that i did get first so when the admin team happens we're prepared i guess no one could prove that you didn't that's how we win teams in [Music] we just get first in games where people can't prove but we didn't cheat did we add that slash first command yeah that just teleports us to the front playing better box it says team finished first when is admin team happening yikes nine people finished the race before meeks got so she got lapped by nine people headquake finished uh did he we can't pause anyway jesus just left i think he did [Music] [Music] the interesting thing will be to see what happens with the post-game statistics wait i hope we're not going to be stuck here like three minutes you've noted this quick thing though yeah yeah let's see what happens who's left thin if we kick him he'll look little can you imagine the whole world's watching [Music] it's actually gonna finish when finn i don't know that's not the line just timer all right all right she's got it i do hope quick doesn't find a way play again all right yeah all right yeah just hope he doesn't get extra points or something so close huh oh my god like hope he doesn't lose his points that he would have gotten he already got him when you get them they stay oh yeah enough [Music] yeah you got points for what that's worth yeah notes for my thing quick glitch okay does that work [Music] quick one of the plays so bad he just played again yeah it just came into it again there's no players in my team what fred's practice is just like survival games as well yeah survival games too we've got three teams at 13k four at 11 and another three at nine games crazy it's just three different competitions again who gets lost who gets top half and who gets first [Music] who's intent [Music] you know it would be cool to see oh wait people's placements show up during the event right like on in the hall of fame yeah you can go check like who is currently 10 yeah [Music] maybe we could give them an item that lets them teleport quickly to the um or do you just want them running around they've got like they can ask us like a chicken for rocket screen then who is going though come on [Applause] we've been waiting for this so long three-way time left the game oh no wait was that was that him what was that the teleport telephone teleport okay it looked like yeah is always a bit slow because it's a big map so this has the change where um if you drop out you have your clone yes fun but they shouldn't drop out yeah hopefully that does not ever happen how does that work with a spectator system you just can you tp to their clone yes you can uh oh sweet that's good when they leave um because the technical the mpc has the same uuid as the player so when the spectator menu gets the players it finds the fake entity instead nice quinn recognized world of cars yes it's world of cars bye bye oh quinn's watching happy birthday again lauren thank you happy birthday to you too anthony i didn't know it was my birthday bieber sorry my birthday sorry i'll take those get yourself a cake user disconnected from your channel you got to get caterpillar cake i've passed it out again and just call this the real admins all right no i mean uh should we refeed check oh that's fine can they hear us yeah i can hear us oh hi quinn look at me it's only two teams went there hi hi hi quinn we're behaving we're behaving [Laughter] i don't work for marketplace i can do whatever i want like quinn screw you all right quinoa said that right now said that it wasn't me queen i need one of those oh what yeah wait what's that mixer it's just a go x-wire oh i'd get so annoying with it also a soundboard too and voice effects like uh hello does does the go xlr have a compressor yes it does there's everything built into it nice oh it's that's that's your distance as a noise gate stefan the team you bet it on just spent 30 seconds trying to break a glass door before they realized they could just open it oh no who was that who was it incredible there was two of them this one and i don't know which other one which but that's going in the video yeah no that down definitely apparently you own a drink open a door i call something yes i can't remember why i'm owe him a drink um because you he said he owes me a drink and i'll not report anything oh right right i think that's fine now but you know okay i seem to remember owing quite a few people drinking you you owe me a drink still i think do i yeah damn it i remember betting away a lot of drinks a long time ago yeah i didn't keep track of who it was well pink taking out lines sylvie's got fire sword though oh she almost died oh [Music] shoot him come on oh he's on fire he just needs to jump in the water he just needs to jump in there's like an ocean over there man he only has full house yeah but then he's just gonna get shot again it just needs to be one nice shot guys i really love this map where can i play this map oh it's funny you should ask that right [Laughter] um this survival map is pulled from a map that we released on bedrock marketplace called world of cars it's absolutely massive like you are seeing maybe what like less than ten percent of the map here yeah probably close to a quarter i'd say yeah we figured we could fit five of these it's smaller than that it's definitely smaller than that even and it's got cars in it yeah other cars can you drive monster trucks marketplace and get world of cars by nox crew only if you want mcc to keep happening i'm gonna go because that's what we paid for [Music] all right exclusive to minecraft bedrock marketplace generators i think yeah it does have generators doesn't it uh no but one thing that's really cool about this map is it's got so many cool and different varied areas that we're actually going to pull a lot more things from it to do survival games on come on orange in mcc if you played world of cars oh yeah yes we're going to do the forest next right yeah next mcc will help you i can't wait i can't wait for that it looks so good requested [Music] by orange oh my god 400 coins oh my god that's nothing green might be in the lead now all right there's like yeah they are there's three teams that have everyone alive that's lime though they only have 400 points yeah lion why wants to lost big league just now do you think i'm not writing this down yeah i mean no i mean nice one damn it yeah good job boy i don't know how to answer that of course i'm doing my job there are notes being taken okay good just checking just need to check everest often you know yeah sure yeah so green did kill dream the last time he played survival games too [Music] oh [Music] oh the further away from the border you are on the outside the more damage you take and they were they were quick yeah really damn cyan that was close though that might still be a clue oh no they're going back for the butt to the border for more they've thought nope not had enough no we haven't had enough damage they're trying to eat the cake to recover health i think the cake is a lie oh my god techno has been chasing right guy rocky for eight oh are they about to blue team are about to steal his kill techno no oh what oh uh oh they gonna take down blue bats aqua aqua and blue bats aqua and blue bats right now it's a fight in the in the field in the wheat fields [Music] oh oh just excuse me losing lead now oh signs coming in close up oh no they're going to just stay there i think aqua's just getting claimed oh lou are just bullying yellow this is so unfair on spyfee come on yeah we're after after aqua and then they're gonna run into green i think right system it's broken what our point is is the point system broken off the point system is not broken oh what's broken there were like two cases of coins being slightly different feature not a bug okay sense of time did have a small issue uh with the meds but that's been fixed and it only matters like 10 points per team oh my god there is an issue though with the last defense coins not being the same as a fragrance there's something wrong with the multipliers i'm like what that's nah something like that changed at all man i think blue bats are about to claim this game yeah i think they are like holy hell oh is that who is that sap now [Music] is stop now like what's up let's go i think he just hurt himself he did yeah oh they've seen him now though he was sad did you see it he was here are so kitted look how much iron they have yeah they've just been like the blue bats as well they're flying we're on reddit blues coming towards them oh boy i've got to go are they fighting so oh my god what is this what is happening who did they guess that was horrible clip that knock this yeah i was that was so that was torture killed by oh no scott's gonna get killed they got caught out by cyan creepers now blue bats is coming from behind are they are they committing no where was burning and yeah if cyan got red and now blue are going to go for the cleanup blue versus cyan and then tommy and then tommy at the back there with the crap with the yeah oh oh that's disgusting that's disgusting they got 7k oh we can steal kills then got all the kills at the end and got the bonus for all four players surviving thank god it's just insane yeah you know that's fine wait is it what's the other options you see on the time and what else one more it's just there i mean they just played that game so damn well because he got killed at the beginning yeah i think so it must be a frustrating game if you get killed early yeah you have to if the bear might have the memories saying points are broken but actually they all survived and they all got the fruit berries was cleaning they were claiming kills yeah that was disgusting fruit berries has just like rocked himself up to up to first place i think it's gotta be a thought it's gotta be salt everybody's gonna want sansa time now surely yeah everyone uh dreamworld stands for time oh no watch the uno reverse card this is where it happened oh yeah this is it this is it now wait is there another time oh let's go [Music] here's my small bit of appreciation i do like how the hermits are now in the finals sorters solders solos the hermits went from confront losing last time to now winning a lot come on oh they're holding us don't worry everyone's holding yeah yeah oh look at that no no no no no okay [Music] [Applause] do you think that cyan could take over uh it's very possible it's like it's something that's really good right now they could probably get i wonder if black would come back from this it's like a thousand points they could get a 9 000 coins from this game in this game possibly 11.4k that's what one of those with a times three multiplier yeah 11.4 is the upper limit for this tension uh like raw with multiplayer with three times what's the lead from first second place people are so not happy about survival games completely happy because the guy just killed everyone what do you want it's yeah 7k one game totally scuffed they killed everyone everyone isaac isn't that is survival games the game which you said was had the greatest uh points no salt does definitely oh okay all right i'm making a fix right on the spot here but i think survival games you could probably create like a gap between you and other teams best like is just individually how your team does but if you're getting high in survival games the other people aren't so there's one block that was wrong and to avoid sense of time breaking having to regenerate the dungeon we didn't want to fix it so i had to life move this block away all right remember spectators don't run into traps i never knew about just to reiterate since this is your first time spectating this you can activate stuff in this game yeah yeah i'm saying so stay up high way away from people just follow people rather than go ahead like it just i thought it was like it's like a mountain not like just like in the open on the void i didn't think it was like that you're learning all the secrets on you today yeah i'm i'm you yeah big mistake invited to this side now i know what to do next time now i know more information than i did before it's gonna be even more embarrassing when you lose anyways wait is it always spiders on them immediately is it always daylight i don't know if it was daytime i thought it was always nice but there are some areas where the roof is open so it like lights up even though i never like never look up i guess through those areas yeah it's really nice some really nice green areas now let's see i don't want we're looking at it we're going to win now i'll sabotage them looking at it from the top it looks so cool because this is all randomly generated using a seed i love like the way it's built personally yeah obviously we can't see their coins right now spectators yep uh it's to prevent any form of stream sniping okay i mean you can kind of stream snipe in this game but it's a bit harder to do that because then you'd need to look at everyone's stream and yeah yeah this is the one right now those points is my favorite room which is just so pretty it's with the like it has some green stuff i've never seen it in that stuff exactly is this like a vault room or like a locked off room um wait did you see it i see it is this locked off room or is it like a open room is that perfect like it's an open room that you can get to i'm there there's a lot of like weird history to this game um oh it's not imagine doing slash tpsa to you to show it so like in the game the twitter would love that the game itself is based on an actual game show game called sands of time which was made in like 2012 i think that was made um but this is obviously like a much much upgraded version with like so much more like features and things um but then the build style actually comes from a map that uh isaac was uh working on that we were gonna release at some point but it kind of got like benched for a long long time and it was sort of like a you know like a temple raider type map so there's actually some of the builds that was used like the lobby build was actually the this i believe like one of the it was one of the challenge areas of that map oh so it was repurposed into the hub for this game interesting okay i could still do that at some point there was there was a rendition of this game called meltdown which was set in a um like a nuclear factory um instead of like a temple and you were not what was it you weren't filling the sand timer you were cooling the reactor instead you would give it like giving coolant into the reactor to give it more time before it exploded hey so something funny just happened to aqua that we needed to talk about yeah um so you know finn's never played any of these games right and start of the game finn's running around the sand timer picks up two rusty keys and the blue vault key right it the inventory was already full the key has disappeared into finn's inventory the team has no idea that the blue key existed uh five ish minutes later just about right now finn got a three dollar tip which gets read out loud on stream which said uh tell them about the blue key you picked up in your inventory or something like that and finn read it was like oh [ __ ] guys i got a blue key and it was like give me that and they took it wow that's really great yeah the nuclear factory version of this game i'm super excited for that right wait what right is that being made no no but it might be sure wait one day one day one aca one what was it meltdown just water one day you will see it yeah it was like you were cooling the reactor rather than filling the sand timer yeah it was super cool it was such a cool thing i it was so like gloomy and like like tech techies is you had three buckets so you can only carry three at a time it was kind of forcing just this cycle of your teammates going between but it was a lot differently it was like it was built like a little really rubbish at it so yeah but the whole thing was built like a circle rather than sounds of time which was very like stretched outwards like legit anyone watching anyone watching if you go back and watch all the episodes of knoxville game show you will find so many things that were inspired uh into mcc and maybe even see some things that we will eventually put into mcc yeah not only in the game show though but in all the content content we've released yeah and maybe even some other things block skit ball never blocks the ball oh yeah can't wait can't wait until we do the block skip ball finale yeah yeah that's not no also i realize now i've been recording this my pov and people are purely in my offline chat this entire time just talking and my offline switch chat for no reason i've even noticed until now that there was a conversation going on there i'm not streaming well dedication you you do not want to see a block suitable finale dodgeball in fact you just don't want to see blocks ebola mcc at all maybe there's a way of like i don't think what what's your issue figuring it out it was like the jankiness of the of the the ball throwing imagine taking the jankiness and making there be five times more teams yeah well it would never work doesn't make a fun game it was pretty much black basketball but in in minecraft it was when it worked there was something fun about it but there was this jankiness about in like in in the in the fact that it relied on picking up a block and how minecraft manages that when several people tried yeah first person on to join the server gets priority to pick up items so whoever joined first and just win all the time what if you fired a block and if you hit a teammate it's like they catched it well we can make it custom so you can intercept it so whoever gets hit by the projectile picks up the ball but the problem it looks interesting it combines two not very fun mechanics um like throwing is always in the same arc also that's very skillful tantasor please leave me what what isaac just said um totally possible in bedrock now which i mean i'm sure it'd be easily possible with plugins but bedrock should be awesome man let's make network mcc with just blocks just black support what else um leave the stream we don't want to see your kind here yeah you just he just insulted dodgeball bye-bye this version of dodgeball isn't very like faithful to the original because the original just didn't work for like a year so this one needs to just not work for like a year to be faithful until someone else lets him out oh yeah he's stuck someone don't say anything yeah it's a feature i mean we had this happen to a team last time and we didn't uh save anything we should be consistent how deep is this puzzle pretty deep i find it weird so i mean it's not too far out i know where it is he has figured out that he needs someone to come and let him out but he's not impressed i mean yeah but if you see them when you're walking in you need to acknowledge them yeah yeah he's he's struggling to communicate with his team about it he's just jumping in place oh dear yeah none of his team knew what to do in this situation he can just face the doors hey noxus look i'm looking forward to all the different questions about this this is a new view um livestream's new yeah i think actually discord's relatively chill right now i don't know how long that's going to last oh they're stressed can you see yeah he needs to check the rest of the room wait why i don't know i mean if if he dies it would just be like what you would yeah but he has he currently he's 1 590 coins oh not many then yeah he wouldn't die oh charles boy he doesn't want to die at the moment he's kind of it's funny going for him uh so he said i think someone's trying to get him i only recorded his chats probably told him by now hold on you see the teammates i think it takes like 30 seconds to get no not yet oh red might get trapped in in a minute because they don't have a lot of sand three seconds okay do they have enough time uh is one at the center oh he's left no markings at all no you gotta use the markings yeah you're right you're right like when you use those mazes like oh [Music] yeah oh no oh this is bad oh wait we're gonna get we're gonna get so much trouble luckily lime wasn't going to win anyway oh okay i almost got out no did fun to get trapped hold on five blocks away from the exit oh that's such a shame no one opened or actually people did open the fault oh jesus he only think it's too fair dream is not dream is not that annoyed he did the only thing he said was dumbest mechanic the one yeah the only thing he said was that it was a dumb mechanic and that's basically it i don't know he seems a bit annoyed from the chat right now well we can tell him there's tons of rooms he just happened to find one that's not the best he had two thousand coins uh basically there are pressure plates to get in but in order to get out blue and green guardians so he got in by opening the double doors how much how many coins did they lose you know i lost their six like 40 likes yeah the pressure plates were right up against the iron doors how many people walk on them they opened and then they were like five thousand they would not have been yeah they they could have uh it's like what they they were in blue they were bad just vanished from the last game at least maybe 4 500 i think it was maybe not five mainly my fight not five thousand although there was more miscommunication like the other people could have like gone out during that once that's crazy how close scion cooper's got to yeah they nearly got in there [Music] with crimson krakens you know it's the par for the course i want a green first one i was just saying i'd walk i like all those boys i i want lately because i want the hilarious to do one so wait is it just me and marius right now is that it is that nothing really are yeah or are you losers just hoping that blue wins so you don't know lime and green are similar colors okay we're trash talking are betting yeah internal batteries and i bet green guardians oh did you i bet a hundred dollars yes they did wait wait wait wait hang on yeah that's not how everybody oh it's so gullible wow damn you guys you guys hate the blue guys huh you hate blue guys [Music] it's more like not there's not enough people that want to get in on the fun that we can't all bet for you know not every team gets bet for all people double up because they know that teams don't do well i always vote for the underdog and so i i will lose a lot of money if i vote every time [Music] people are so unhappy with us well i just thought it was saying i couldn't get trapped in the room who just blessed the doors and carried a quick joint over here if i was busy anytime something bad happens to dream though yeah [Applause] [Applause] i mean when we tested it like a lot of different people knew like they're like hey can you come over here and help me with this puzzle countless times people have said oh there's a trap door here like there was because there's other variants of it where you need a teammate to let you in and then let you out that one is you can go in but then you need a teammate to let you out so the danger that you're running with that one isaac though is that that room could be the deepest room in the dungeon and then that really destroys okay so it's like almost a dynamically difficult trap but the the thing is i'm i've made that room less difficult but it doesn't matter about the room earlier in the dungeon as well no it doesn't matter about the room itself just the idea of the trap [Music] pretty sure it took like 20 or 30 seconds to get there yeah that was like pretty close 120 seconds and then we got two people down there did the task and then got back with 20 seconds left and you know it takes a good few jumps there it is there is a part of it that is like well hold on if you're just going to run into some iron doors like what are you doing yeah there's no other hand doors in the map [Music] it's a weird one it's not a good one it's not i might just remove it though but still that's not a screw you trapped yeah but your other traps have some logic for them that one doesn't have logic existing at all well no because like so either you have some weird lever in the room that's like at the end of a deadly parkour that opens the things for you or you teach the player that it's a lockable room by only allowing them in by using someone else which you've done already [Applause] here we go come on false what is the build under this floor somebody no come on tour i like how even wait make a make a better build under the floor so when you see the lava it's not just like originals oh yes yes i'll do that there's the irish flag on the side there you you're welcome like everyone else is like why does that matter and you're like no i get it yeah it makes sense but the door thing i think it's okay oh my god i don't isn't this the point that the floor should get smaller uh how many shots this is the limit already yeah that's the last small as it gets arrows oh wait uh if you keep asking me to look up i'm like actually going to ban you from chat please stop stop stop look up look up no like i'm serious don't talk please [Applause] stop finding loopholes wait what happened i'm sorry nothing i'm just there's just some annoying people in the chat oh stop being annoying chat yeah i was pretty much all my twitch chat just don't be annoying and that works out for me yeah and a couple of others who are just sitting and watching also but they're not saying anything because they're scared now yeah it's just yeah we will what [Music] [Music] hatefully i like singing to it yeah i'm thinking what i don't know [Applause] can you not have like a countdown where they have the arrow for too long it just kills them yeah that's what we're talking about that's what we wanted fruit please just what's he doing no fruit crucial die darius and i shall take all your money was he like [Music] have they both oh they were doing so well they're gonna throw it we're going to throw it in the last moment i'm going to get back positive because of the great guardians [Music] you just want to be on the green guardians next ever if eric wins he's going to be the first three-time champion isn't it ever ever it's only one point i thought you went twice as soon as i always said he went once oh yeah oh no thank you well [Music] get ready to take some screenshots for the twitter please i'll here i'll specs i'll take the screenshots yeah i'm your photographer if you can send it to me so i can get it on i've recorded this oh yes blue yes come on come on if anyone can hit the show it's close game close game oh okay but it'll be if even if they hit both it'd be one person against two with two arrows that's true that's true but it is george what does that mean what is [Music] whether he gives an arrow to ren or will they just feed to fruit no ren's gonna take a shot needs to take out george i don't know yeah it might be pretty good christie's gone x on his back that's how that's how confident he is about the hole there's target yeah but they've both they've all got the back oh [Music] [Applause] mushrooms [Music] every time i say that twitter goes crazy whenever i said something in chat this is nerve-wracking a mild setback for marius and i [Music] focusing blocking out all the sound [Music] i'm about to hear some shouting in the other room [Music] decent hateful is quite good he is twice [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus yes i [ __ ] love it when this happens earlier yeah so this is why it ain't happening yeah you just can't beat this this is the best game i've ever made what it tried to do early shot get someone who's getting down no no they both their heroes no no the biggest throw ever no it was blue blue tactical security come on really really no way oh no this is the biggest throw ever [Music] myself lewis ask again and i will ban you last warning oh no no no way did he just span that make it 1v1 you can make it 1v1 so stressed out and i'm in the game ah this is just the best this is how we feel could you imagine being curtsy right now he's just like yeah whatever what's he doing what's he doing what's he he's trying to think of him out by doing what he does no he's looking at this team surviving oh that was amazing that was amazing that's clever he's still got one so he's waiting for them that was amazing that was so good oh my god i hope they missed this because he like almost deserves that win oh god they have they have powers who has played powers [Applause] oh my god this is stressful oh my god i'm still oh my god [Music] what a comeback [Music] for me please he's in my chat my ass that was such a good mcc wow i had so much fun doing this what can i just say i'm glad you drank some screenshots yeah daniel get screenshots please all right okay i got it thank you send them people that was so good that was so good so stressful so good [Music] that was so fun to watch [Music] [Music] a great mcc we love a reverse sweep [Music] at least nine pictures it's always it's always it's always fun when i send it to you yes i'm i'm doing the tweets now i got a screenshot too it looks like wait did you get one with them with their uniform that means it's hbo's third win right oh my god look at them with their bats oh my god did you get it with this stephan with one think of that oh no no i didn't he's not an employee at knoxville uh i'm not getting a what how where's this picture it's taking forever to load yeah i don't know why what is this 5 8k uh no it's just 1080p i can afford it i'm going to put the discord and put in like this yeah i got i got one from uh i got one from tour thanks to ah hold on hold on [Laughter] [Music] i think they're enjoying what i did congratulations tweet is out tyler begins oh i'm shaking that actually that actually yeah that curtsy shot man oh look at the discord there's some like awesome shots and stuff in this good job guys good job like cara's kara's that's pretty good you could take like scott's close-up and cara's one and then like duel um post it i've already posted it all right already done already done that's also a good screenshot cranius what is that custom skybox it's the texture that pete gave me uh that's cool well called lively plus default damn yeah he's the same one but daniel did the thing oh that screenshot on the twitter is really good just let me be in this so it's so fun to be part of this like i always love from them dude i like watching mpc so i was like i don't want to swatch a stream i want to like at least like expect it in the event if i could so nice thanks for being here hopefully not bad [Laughter] hopefully i'm in the next one we have nothing to do with your attendance in the event i know like genuinely 100 honesty nothing i just hope scott does not like see what i did on twitter scott's just going to add you to the blacklist yeah you'll be the first person on the blacklist the blackness will just be called crinus's list no no i love mcc oh that was good fun i enjoyed that oh i'm still shaking stop shaking harry come on and landlord gets to keep his hair yeah and no one has to pay anything am i gonna wager next time i'm gonna have to lose at some point right back you'll dye your hair blue what do you have any epic my hair is fantastic somewhere i just want to see that's just a style yeah yeah yeah okay i just want to say by the way that marius and i would have won that bet if landlord didn't walk dream in a room so yeah you're supporting stream now no no no that was 2 hours 33 cool i've actually decided that i'm gonna retrospectively place a bet on um blue flats retrospective all right oh yeah you know i'm going to end the stream there so thank you very much everyone uh for joining and next time we'll show up in a ferrari [Laughter] that essentially means that this was the last episode of mcc does this mean i'm fired yeah everyone's fired right thanks very much everyone have a good night goodbye see you next time it's very soon very very soon keep an eye on my twitter keep an eye on the tour
Channel: Aimee
Views: 14,329
Rating: 4.973856 out of 5
Id: ZRN2yWobvoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 34sec (10054 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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