HBomb94 | WATCHING MCC VODS (2020/11/15) | VOD

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future chat whoever the hell you guys are how loud is that on the desktop audio not too loud [Music] i was stopping up streaming [Music] hit and run [Laughter] uh how do i get to see his past vods he's the one that i need to grab what up chat how you guys doing first you're one of the first i want to see his battle box and his parkour tag [Music] dream i want to see dreams parkour tag and the vault would have been watch his terrorist reports true that's another thing i need to see uh i don't really want to watch rockets believe i'll be honest with you i don't know the game orders oh there it is okay right there tell them link okay so we got dream sap nap there's no techno this time but chat how are you guys doing who else did really good feels it did really good phil's at 750k let's go why popping off tommy parkour tag i do want to see tommy's parkour attack i want to see how tommy got me i want to watch my own as well h-bomb 94. yo tardy to tiger thank you for the two months welcome back to the h194 community advocate did you enjoy the summer months uh how do i just go back to my is it like click on you i don't want to hear my voice i don't want to hear my voice i don't want to hear my voice good good is this the right one yeah this is the right one because i streamed twice yesterday uh tommy's at 1.5 mil huge day for big man [Music] interesting choice why did i get a tweet from i got a notification did pete tag me in it i just see holy spirit holy s would holy s word from brandon's tweet why did i get a notification why did i get an email about that huh like it showed that i wasn't tagged in it oh that was weird funny ace race true who came in first in ace race i think fundy came in third i came in fifth and uh berlin came in like seventh like we were all like one after each other temple came in fourth fruit berries won it fruit came in first that's not too surprising i know pete came in six i'm pretty sure i think i technically beat pete by point five like half of a second or maybe that was fastest lap that might have been fastest lap that could have been fastest lap i could be wrong about that pete had a rough ace me saying i beat him by half a second doesn't mean it was rough you can hype me up a little bit more too illumina i wanna see how he did too i tuned in for a little bit after uh i stopped streaming to aluminum stream but i didn't see how he did uh like during obviously [Music] wendy really popped off yeah he did he did really well [Music] tapple [Music] quiet more speaking words tommy tag i know i have that i have sapnap dream fills up me tommy illuminati who else do i need chat give me names tubbo i'm already watching a few people's ace race was there anything else that i should watch from tubbo's perspective quick i haven't seen much of qui oh fruit berries you're right fruit berries that's what i was forgetting we raided fruit yesterday right when we raided him he raided someone else it was a feels bad moment funny rockets i'll be honest with you chat i don't want to watch rockets belief i there there are games that i don't want to watch today it's rockets leaf and hole in the wall those are like the two that i just don't want to watch today sparkles sparkles beat me by like eight points the captain let's see how he did obviously he did good i struggled in some games i struggled in some games and did really well on other ones i think i struggled a majority of the games this time i was super disappointed in how i played in bingo uh captain goggy dodge ball okay [Music] uh twitch i like how i keep seeing my name i like that [Laughter] oh that's loud oh i don't like that wilbur had wilbur do individually uh twitch wilbur's son 19th oh he did good then yeah reg thank you for the three months welcome back to the age of 94 community hope you just remotes yeets 19th is really good dude i was so surprised nicki got 40th nikki was killing it genuinely like that's the best 40th place i've ever seen anyone get she was super close to beating lauren and quackity too paw guy like what she did doesn't like what she was doing doesn't add up the points or like individual score a lot so like what she brought to the team is much more than 40th place okay okay uh michaela thank you for the two months dory thank you for the three months reg thank you for the three months azul thank you for the 30 bits yeah thank you guys for the support this morning yo chad you guys got any primes just hanging around actually today is my first prime day i think i get it today hang on when when am i able to use it it's the 15th do i have to wait for like a certain moment okay chat remind me to use my twitch prime later or check if my twitch prime's available whoops i assume that i was like november 15th you're able to use it god dang cpk true cpk popped off i'm sorry uh sikhi pay just go twitch that's easier use it on sapnap no i i think i just subscribed to sapnap i could be wrong no i i subbed to him at the beginning of this but i don't think i used my uh twitch prime uh cpk i always want to do sce yo phoenix cactus and anxious ghost thank you guys for the prime good job guys make sure you use yours if you're not whether it's on me other people just make sure you're using them shirley thank you for the hundred bits you did so well or watch puns sounds of time he did so well okay oh cpg streaming right now remind me to find someone that's streaming a little bit chat [Music] uh you twitch we have a lot of perspectives to go through chat jam kick thank you for the tier one yo guys thank you for the hype can we get to level five again we did that yesterday can we get it today as well if you could subscribe that'd be great it'd be really really nice of you emily thank you for five bucks huns got 13th overall and did so good for his first mcc his tagging stand of time games were great he said 250k too he's a quarter of the way to a million let's go puns i knew puns was going to do good puns is like me puns is the kind of guy that studies a lot of people just go into uh mcc and are like i'm gonna play good without watching perspectives puns watch his perspectives so i believe that he'd do good in the games like sans of time that kind of stuff even without having experience in it okay let's start watching let's start watching we'll go i want to watch dreams parkour tag i'm not going to lie i want to see how he did in this that's the first thing i need to see tell me thank you for the 100 bits h can you watch phil's last round of whole no i don't want to watch hole in the wall chat i don't want to watch a hole in the wall there's two games i don't want to watch today i don't want to watch hole in the wall and i don't want to watch rockets belief you guys could tell me all you want h watch this watch i don't want to watch those two games anything else i'm game for i just don't want to watch those two games specifically from dream i want to see his uh what is it tara swoop force something like that have you seen how dream commented on how you play dodgeball no how he comment on me um i want to see dream play the terra swoop force and i want to see the parkour tag what else do i need to watch from dream i i'm saying that everyone's going to say you're going to watch the whole thing basically oh joel bingo how'd y'all do bingo i can't watch everything chat he popped off okay did joel stream on youtube or twitch this time let me get this down before i forget smallish beans well looks like he streamed on youtube yo chad we got a minute and a half left on the hype train you guys think you could finish that off oh fundy uploaded a new difficulty uh we're not gonna watch today today's mcc bids don't even bother asking me uh small-ish beans is this going to be mcc 12 okay no he did keep it he did on the more small beans channel okay good i wish the other players were uh invisible during this part it's so bad yo loganson thank you for the twitch prime in the two months thank you libra night thank you for the 200 bits thank you for the 200 bits i tried doing that same exact thing he just did and i bounced right into the wall dream flying ahead oh it is the same it's the same they all going past me this is so cool this is yeah i'm going so much faster than i than i'm used to well that's a good thing keep going he's got to know the map let's go that was insane man that's not even close proof barry's got second that much speed how did you go that fast or something like that i tapped something at the very beginning it slowed me down so much fundy got sixteen oh you climb up climb up climb up the stairs yo thank you guys for the seven subs and 700 bits thank you thank you there i go i was in 20 so fast that i was like i don't know how to slam into objects oh my god why am i i think i can watch that that was so intense i don't know how i i want to see my perspective so shelby crashed at the beginning i think what i should have done during the terra soup force once i like tapped something at the beginning obviously i've only i played like terrace for the first time like right before then so i didn't 100 know but what i should have done is die i should have died so that i get more speed but obviously i didn't know i didn't know entirely like i'm going so slow compared to other people why am i going slower yeah that's what i'm saying i tap something there that's why i started going a lot slower too yeah don't touch things i had to keep trying to get momentum like going up and going down i think what i should have done there is just straight up die again or just died rather than just try saving it obviously i didn't know that but that's what i probably should have done oh you got to still hit people oh god mistakes were made i don't know if i'm gonna have enough momentum i don't know if i would have enough momentum that was my leaving the heart of the card leaving the heart of the card dude i'm too slow i was there like like like fourth and then 16. i got i got oh i finished 20 damn i didn't know you had to oh my god i don't think i did bad but like so shelby died right at the beginning and she came back and got 27th place i probably should have just died like i just barely beat her and i survived the entire way huh okay let's go back to parkour tag i want to see dream's parkour tag i want to see how he did in that where's the beginning there's the beginning it's out completely running i want to know run and not get tagged by the other person and you're trying to just are hunters trying to tag the people before our you know before we do this what i want to read is i want to read the rules i want to read the rules that they have because i was not reading during it oh it's from the trailer i want to know how the point layout is are there any spots i just want to know the points i just want to know i don't the points i think that high bit up there over i think the high bit in the top right could be good one player on each team okay that's it okay who's gonna be hunted first um we have to see who we're against [Music] the longer they survive in a bonus if they survive the full 60 seconds hunters get coins by hunting faster than the enemy team so the hardest team moment to pause hunters can see run so chat do you think you get more points from hunting or hiding i like how you guys are still like saying like watch this watch as i'm literally watching something right now calm down hiding sapnap came in first in this but i guarantee you sapnap did three hunting rounds right do you get like no points if you're hunting he entered twice okay so he had one less one he still like beat everyone by a lot though surviving is just really op okay so in this game i think everyone had the same strategy as us like we had to take away as many points as we could so we kind of targeted the weak players first this game rewards like being a well-known good player name because like if you're looking at orange ocelots the target list you're gonna go in are pr is probably nikki king buren me and then fundy like in that order there's gonna be one of us hunting but yeah in like that order so fundy is gonna rack up more points so on purple pandas yeah people are going to go for sapnap last people are going to go for tommy last people are going to go for quick last people are going to go for fruit last huh okay uh i guess i would have said like so they get the extra points for surviving longer they've been performing pretty poorly so i think the best i want to watch i want to watch the hunters perspectives and see what they did and what works the best cause like i said like the obvious strategy is to go for the weak players first to ensure that they don't get more bonuses but i'm wondering in general if it's better to go after the good players first so they have less area to room or move and if they do move around a lot they're more than likely going to lead you to the other players as well so i think if you're going up against a good player like dream or pete i think you target them first right is 100 was really good okay i have to watch a lot of people i i really want to watch parkour tag to be honest this is the one that i'm looking forward to the most okay they didn't give us any like points down here i was hoping that they gave an explanation on how the points works [Music] i get sidetracked very easily i don't think that you can okay you know what something i also didn't notice is i didn't notice if you see through the walls you don't see the names you can't really tell who it is already it's a single yep yeah yeah just run just run give it again [Music] give one more person just stay live a little bit longer he missed he missed the journey okay we got we won we won my god let's hunting okay that makes more sense actually it is who gets there okay got it so it's a matter of food oh wait no you can oh you can keep trying to live oh you guys got to keep trying to live after that i didn't realize that's my bad so i think the strategy for this is to corner them it's not about following people following people isn't going to help you in tag unless they mess up like how dream got uh i think it was shelby was the last one alive shelby in the back corner here and he was right here and he can see through walls and she can't it kind of just screwed her over so i think it's more about trapping them in the corner when you're a hunter than it is just following them high ground is the best not necessarily oh yeah if you have i'm saying if you have it helps out a lot and i get all the like there's areas on the map like specifically like back right was like the tower area that fundy was calling out and over here was really strong as well i think the left side had a huge advantage for the high ground everywhere else didn't seem to have it and that's only usually one player like uh fundy started on the left every time which is just like to the left over here and that helped out a ton of them try and try because you can see they can run this way a lot easier yeah i know i i thought it was over but you tell them link and spiffy we were all moving no matter what okay i think the biggest disadvantage was being the middle person just came over and got me i think you know yeah we're up against oh this is quick give you much time to discuss yeah you don't have much time i don't it's very hard just try and live try and live the full 60 seconds try and live trying to i'm assuming quick is hunting like getting into choke points where they can't really yeah don't bring the near the other people because they'll get like a triple kill or a double kill oh no quick's not hunting sb's hunting oh god they're one you got two of them i made a mistake you got them in the corner you just got to get them into the corner oh quick you're nice okay 30 more seconds sb is really good at parkour that's surprising definitely get tagged trying to lead them as far as this was the team i thought was gonna be strongest at it quick and sb and ryan yep you just keep going yeah i made i made a big mistake there's still two people alive with 15 seconds remaining huh okay 10 seconds okay it's coming for me now that's huge points they're getting right now okay just keep running don't don't say that you have five seconds one let's go can we talk really quick about how good dream is at these moves watch watch the little like flick that he does to keep the momentum keep away from me as much as you can where is it where is it i think i went too far back he does the mouse flick to the right to slow him down he's so good at that okay just keep running right there he's so good at that let's go there we go how much wait how many bonus points did you guys who do you think played the best who was who weren't expecting to do as well i'd have to look at teams i wasn't really focused on other teams to be honest orange bomb fundy i should probably i should probably run on this one so um actually yeah yeah sparkle sparkles do it you do you do okay okay i don't remember how we did in this one michael all right yeah all right i'll run as well then i guess okay i'm gonna go through he got the left side too like i said i think this was the better side for uh hiding it's harder for the uh just just try and make leaps and stuff predict i guess yeah yeah you're good like even like you guys kind of just see the layout here like it's so much harder to get over here than it is over there like you jump to the middle you jump right there yeah dude the left side was so drastically better and then if they come down here dream has the option of debating them to the left jumping over here and going to the other high ground or just going to the left like down this way and just running around the right side you kind of just are cornered and then you have like a really difficult jump to go this way you're kind of forced to go back like i was on the right side you kind of had to just keep going back around and then get up to the left side left was better i mean like it's all the same like we're all in the same boat but like just this map feels off a little bit to me wait are they coming around he missed the jump look out he's gonna get both my god i don't even uh just run i hate that i've been getting out so early right behind you i'm sorry it's one to one so bad or two to two whatever it is and see this is what i'm saying it's so difficult to get up there it's so hard yo aiko thank you for the rain welcome raiders my name is hbo 94. we participated in mcc 12 yesterday we're watching the stuff what are you guys playing i hope you had a good stream welcome everybody thank you so much for the raid kendra thank you for the tier 1 sub as well thank you thank you welcome everybody this one is just like so trick like you can see like fundy struggling to figure out where to go he's got to go up here go around jump over here or something like that or jump here to there just to force them off of this ledge and then he goes the other way and dreams gotta get yeah the left side feels op dude like that's so heavily in favor of the hider i'll tell you where he is he's coming towards he's gonna try and play off a mid yeah bunny did really good there oh okay yeah oh you should've said he killed it there that's why i lived him he did we all lived nice yep yeah i mean it will change yeah i bet they're gonna have a new map i did awful now okay okay so lime is looking like the strongest so he didn't make that jump spicy by the way it's like if you had stayed up there you might have been safe dream did that everyone's smart yeah it should looking like the lime is the strongest should go on on lime then i guess sap nab abuse alongside as they should hunt online for sure the left side feels so opie um yeah they're doing they're doing good they're doing good so let's just let's have uh sparkles you should go again all right who's blue probably pretty good blue is puns illumina cara and cara 60 seconds as always we got this he's right behind you oh i messed up my jumps he's trying to cut you off i messed up oh god okay ah i just completely messed up there it's all good who's alive me uh aluminized down i hope this isn't the same it's gotta be tweaked a little bit i think so oh i messed up i was just nervous oh no i just i like it it's pretty i missed the jump you got 30 seconds but like look at this it's just the thing that the only way to get up here is by going like up this way or over and going around and then whichever way they go the hunter has just the drastic chance to debate them and go the opposite way like no matter like where on the left side it is on the right side there's just nowhere to go the right side's so much easier for the hunter it's small it's good that it's small though it's only a 60 second round i don't mind like how small the map is i think the map size is actually perfect i just think that they have to even out each side a little bit more maybe have it identical to be honest puns did really good wait it was point or was it illumina that was hunting got it okay i just butchered that who hunted there was a puns or aluminum deep breaths oh they have michael hunter getting so nervous with this yeah this is just making me nervous i don't know why it's fun though oh my god we both went to the same spot i didn't know he was there oh i like this spot a lot oh that was cheeky i didn't even think about that oh my god come on he's right i know you're good yes still best out there come on look at how opie this spot is look at how long it takes him to get over there chat like that's not fair it's such a favor how easy it is to get up here and go around for him but the hunter is so drastically difficult oh there needs to be something redone about that come on i need to get a single person come on that was like oh oh oh this might oh that's not is that even possible i don't know if it's possible i think that had to be a double jump if anything just trying as many of them as you can i wonder wait hang on maybe that spot's not as op as i thought it was good yes he can't make this jump there i don't think he can at least if philzo was coming this way come on i need to get a single person come on i think he just had to make the gamble uh no it feels like could see through the wall what should he have done here maybe he's just trapped if he can't do you think he can make this jump chat is that possible it has to be at least a double jump if he goes here i'm assuming that fizzle will be able to hit him midair it might be with pistons you can't reach this like you need the pistons to reach this i think yes hang on let's let's see how he did on the jump like did he do a perfect jump or did he just have a bad jump [Music] it's got to be a double jump then yeah wherever wherever dream went there i think he was dead he had to make that jump i don't know if that jump i'm pretty sure it's possible but i'm not 100 sure i think he just needed to double jump up there he jumped early though i i mean i don't think that was really early i i think that was a good jump i think it was just slightly off did he jump at an angle i wasn't looking at that maybe it was the angle then oh i missed my oh that's not is that even possible i don't know if it's possible bills have failed to jump though i mean so if we watch phil's perspective philza was forcing so the big thing is like trapping them i said like you're trying to trap them in the corner right what failsa did was got him into a corner and forced him to move and wherever dream was going to move it feels like he can see through the wall and start hedging his bet towards that area so he could cut him off midair so i think filzo was gonna get him unless he hit that jump which that jump looks really difficult uh 210 where's park is this parkour tag what round round four bombing coins right now annoyingly it's probably yeah orange what round michael michael hunting he's coming down the middle and he missed his jump nice that was perfect that was bad bike the captain okay he's running to the middle okay uh yeah he's running for uh well for will for well for wolfe he's chasing you chasing oh what i thought i hit that oh he actually did that so perfectly he just missed the jump like hit his direction like it already felt like he mastered this map in like everywhere that he went that was so good he just missed the jump where is he where's he where's he i don't know i don't know i don't know oh he's next to well he's next to well he's still playing well he's still falling out moving up he kept moving the ground on the ground he didn't jump yeah i i think that dream would have been dead where is he where is he where is he i don't know i don't know i don't know oh he's next to well he's next he just like ran off kept moving up kept moving yeah i think i think if phil's uh jumped their dream was that i think that corner is just a pure trap i think if like like it it buys you so much time because it's so hard to get up there but phil's did the correct thing in like that little column thing where you could there's like the 4x4 where is it oh he's next to well he's next to will he still this thing this entire time i've been thinking that he had to go on the outskirts of it but he went in the middle and if you go in the middle and choose like which side you're going on through these walls like either to the left or oh what a caprice how you doing like straight ahead or to the left you're just gonna cut them off and hit a mid-jump i don't know how you get out of that of your dream like i mean dream was almost able to get out of it because phil's missed his jump but also dream missed his job kept moving up to me all right i got them i got them all got them cool leave earlier if he left earlier it's still a gamble because phil's uh okay okay wait let's go over this again hang on i want i like this map a lot and i'm trying to figure it out there's a lot of thinking on this map oh he's next to well he's next well he's still [ __ ] well so let's say dream left now he's not getting away i mean fizza basically has them trapped here right like dream runs to the right let's say that there's nowhere for him to go he's dead if he goes to the left he has to hit that jump if he hits the jump i think he's safe that's kind of it right why didn't he stay there because he would be dead i mean what do you think are the if dream stayed there phil's just gonna jump there and hit a midair he's just dead dream could have faked a jump there's a lot of anxiety and nerves going on during this game i don't expect dream to fake a jump there not at all not at all yo uh zach thank you for the twitch prime elk thank you for the 100 bits dark ruins thank you for the tier one thank you guys thank you for the support i appreciate that feels it didn't make the jump are you if your dream do you expect fizzle to miss the jump like that's obviously like hindsight there like oh yeah phil's have missed the jump so he should have done this you can't just be like yeah phyllis is not gonna make a jump or phil's just gonna walk off the edge like basically you're saying i'm right because what happened was what i said because i've watched this and seen what happened already rubble rubble rubble rubble rubble rubber let's see how uh dream did hiding oh good i survived he's got one more hunter around just trying as many of them as you can michael i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying what's going on with michael the longest but they put michael i'm sorry i suck at this oh michael they put michael up against one of the better teams too he was going up against who else is on green guardians it's tapple george and wilbur and then filza but filzo was hunting yeah that should have been captain or uh [Music] dream for sure that's one of the better ones too i'm assuming that was the first round hunting brand new to hunting just throw them in against the best team ah poor michael you can blame me i'm sorry twitter no you're okay michael michael pulled through right now yeah there you go got this maybe yeah why don't you guys go left one get right one guy and michael's getting sad because he kept keeps getting targeted first but that's because hey he's in the middle part which is the worst part to be in at the starting area and also looking at the other players captain and dream who else are you gonna go after first look out like in all honesty michael did really good like he bought 10 seconds for the other players there it's not just like oh i got taken out first it's like if you buy time you did good like because he to he took uh i don't know who the hunter is on here he took him away from the other time i don't know why captain's going towards him but he took like the hunter like over here away from the teams he did really good below you so just be careful yep same thing like our team nikki kept getting targeted first like she was getting demotivated because she kept getting taken off first but that's not on her end that's just because she was targeted first is that jimmy that is jimmy cpk he's a fart boy okay this is my face i love the spot that dream's going into just on that trap door oh poor jimmy oh god you're doing great oh he's playing him like a fiddle jimmy didn't know how to get up there nice nice oh god i feel like there's so much like stuff going on in this map that for me it's so hard to get around nice that was really good first nice nice poor jimmy i like i really like when dream does the little bit right here like he goes kind of on the corner of the trap door hiding behind the barrel in the block it's a really good spot because hey the hunter could see you regardless if you're behind a block right but it's you can't hit him still right behind me that was that was sweating and then he's able to bait him and figure out which way he's gonna go yo ghost thank you for the three months no thank you cpk was running i appreciate you oh it's josh time let's see what josh does people were telling me josh did really good as hunter two come on please oh my god i'm out i'm out see that's that's another thing like i i said this before for michael spifey got targeted there first and he's going to be demotivated because he was the first one out he bought his team 15 seconds like his his points aren't going to be as high as the others because he got targeted first in that round but he still did a really good job of just taking away fruit's attention from the other two around the front pearl's going to the exact way we're good we got him we got him that was so good that's good that's very good yeah dreams ain't it too dream knows how important that was [Music] you're good he's not even not [ __ ] just oh yeah that's nice he's gonna he's gonna cross around only five seconds that that's the spot that i hate i kept getting hit there too because i was on the right side the whole time that that corner is not good that corner is not good i think he probably knew i was going to do that so did he miss his did he hit his jumper misses oh i should have he just had to force him out that's it like he had to fake a jump and force dream to move and then wherever dream moved brew was able to hit him tom tommy okay and dream you'll be the last one bonus that was not good that was not good and that was that was really not good i don't know how he got both of us he hit us in like the same tick yeah what huh come on quack wait what i want to see i'm confused i want to see this vod too i'm confused i'm gonna shoot you right now there we go we still we've gone up to fifth now man yeah okay brilliant brilliant game we can get in first if no one gets got yeah okay [Music] okay if he's coming towards me i believe where he's right he's right behind you big q but you kept him off me you're a legend [Music] he's coming for you okay he's on ubic you keep running yeah no no no oh he was up there did you actually yeah that's brilliant okay stay alive okay on dreams perspective that looks so that looked so much different i thought like okay so wait let me go back legend were you guys thinking the same way as i did i thought like he jumped down over here and was going up the stairs okay he's on ubic you keep running yeah no no no i i didn't think he was anywhere near dream when that happened the server has ping i mean sure like he was just a lot closer than we all thought he was yeah no i i thought dream played it perfectly it just i guess we didn't see the full like side of it i also want to see uh tommy's first round tommy i think it was first round first round yeah tommy's hunting i think this is against us he got me like right away and i expected to be able to play him a little bit better than that yeah you glow nicki [Laughter] oh chad oh what i'm illumina how are you doing oh poor nicki she didn't know she glue i mean that's not our fault we didn't know that entirely bundy told us during after this round wait i don't think they know that they could wait wait they don't know that they're hiding so if i just kind of ah they wait they don't okay you can't hide by the way this glows you can't hide on my perspective it looked like i had a little bit more time than that i want to see my perspective on that maybe i'm just crazy again no i'm barely navigating seems as well to be honest that's like topple fills uh round four i think we got most of the tough team yeah he got you uh being the hunted do you mind going again or fundy okay no no no no go back as long as you move okay all right it takes time for you to turn yeah but it like on my perspective it didn't really look like that this was also the first round so i expected to make mistakes the first round first time ever playing this game i didn't even see him he was behind me and down yeah oh wait can i go quackity what yeah like that just looked crazy to me when i actually did it like after i got to play hunter it makes more sense but when it happened like i thought i was going to be able to make a turn a little bit more i think it's his pink no i didn't even see him i mean maybe it helped him a little bit but he got me there but when i was playing this for the first time i expected to be able to juke him a little bit better than that as we started playing going on more and more uh you could see that you weren't really able to juke them you just had to hope they missed jumps and you hit your jumps also the other thing was i was i had the lower ground which was in my head i was like oh yeah they're not going to have as good as reach or anything like that but no it didn't make a difference uh let's go back to tommy all right okay yep oh reach is longer he's just stay out of his way i wouldn't he's down on the floor you won i killed everyone okay i've got everyone you guys just stay alive wait you guys are in a different arena to me yeah we are what okay wait guys you kill all of them yeah i killed all of them reach is regular the scoreboard's broken i think so too all of us so that's really not gonna help at all okay wait let's go back to dream let's finish watching dream's perspective wait what happened there was he was on your ass there's no way no i want to see his vlog all right how is it going it's a bonus for you yeah from i'm assuming from their perspective and uh tommy's perspective he was like probably right on him everyone should've thought we should just not go on dream's perspective it looked like he was nowhere near him yo ghost thank you for the gifted sub oversalted cat welcome home ninety four communities uh ren tested it was farther it's just spiking me okay aqua they're they're like last right i'll hunt do you guys think that they may like if it is actually true like someone just said red and tested it or whatever do you think they did long longer reach for the first uh hiding or parkour tag and you think next time they'll make it normal reach just because it's the first time it being played admin said reach is normal oh okay never mind i don't know how good ren is but it's written all right oh i demolished these this team i think i did really good as hunter yeah it was chasing hyder i don't feel like i did that good on but but hunter i think i killed it oh sorry sorry i'm in the same place oh god right behind me man that looked normal that didn't look like i had longer reach there might be some some ping issues obviously for like the players that are not american because i think that's where the server takes place that was really good literally turn your head he doesn't know where i am he's looking he's looking but yeah i don't think it's anything drastic yeah just start crouching just start crouching no they can see you can see your outlines that was the last round okay before we go on i want to watch my perspective and see how i did as hunter visible oh for you round is it third round i don't like them good job wendy i got dream just in time thank god this is awesome oh don't worry all right okay my first hunter round green guardians this is a really good team too see phil oh i get it okay the server is canadian the server is french server eu you guys make up your mind oh my god this is scary just survive to survive i think i was going after uh reaching too much and they're still in line you got this h yeah you got it okay that was really bad the beginning part i did really bad i got better luckily i miss the jump gross miss the jump again gross can you get on that you can oh i got tagged you did good i'm tired i'm in the tower i'm in the tower i think i'm okay for now you got this just run it just run just run behind you behind you still behind you keep running keep running come this way come this way keep running keep running that was bad uh she is i don't know where she is oh she's on the she's on the lower area yeah you got this you got this you got this chasing you still watch out watch out she's getting closer i'm doing really good actually you got it you got it you got it you got it you got it i butchered that a little bit it's okay just keep running she's still chasing still chasing yeah [Music] i butchered the last like five seconds i did really good there i just butchered the last five seconds dang it uh get to the tower just save some let's go that was a huge safe spot it's a bit tough all right oh he's coming green's after me i got them they're out see that's what i'm saying about like how phil's have played it philza did really good there i i got them what like 15 16 seconds and we still have two players alive like uh this one i think i actually played perfectly i got two already guys especially like i was like i said this area was scary on the left-hand side by the tower area green's after me just jumping towards her and giving her no option on going left or right was the correct play i'm gonna get out yeah that's why i was saying earlier that dream had to choose a way to go but i don't know what the correct decision was for him to do like if he didn't jump if he just stayed up there he was just dead because billsa would have done what i just did to him a hundred percent uh fenaldo thank you for the twitch prime welcome h194 community hope you do something else eats oh it's a little easier okay if we go like should i uh it's trying towers right again trying to rest okay i'm hunter again against yellow this team i was terrified of this team i thought was gonna be the best at parkour tag honestly quick and sb and ryan they all start in the middle that's definitely doable go toward a good tower i wanted to get sb i think i tunnel vision but i i'm afraid of sb he is but i know how good he is at parkour on his way towards you uh on the left side no he's uh trying to get you burn uh he's on the lower on the lower end and last was quick uh you're right yeah dang it i got him i got him i got him no you're okay oh he's coming it took me 26 seconds i feel like that's good against quigg sb and gizzy he's behind you like his house or his tower we don't need to watch my hole in the wall aluminum don't worry with more and more practice more mcc's you'll do you'll get better and better that was awesome that's what i was saying like uh phil's or not phil's uh illumina i popped into your chat afterwards and aluminum was like i feel like i could have done better in ace race you have to remember that we all have done like five mcc's with ace race the only thing that was new was it was a new map we all had an advantage over you it's all gonna be practice you're just gonna be getting better and better don't worry too much dream is literally carrying pink right now yeah i keep saying like he survives like yeah each time it's like the fact that you came in top half also shows how good you are oh you're different and also you had another new player on your team too long ways all right and i was hearing that you guys did really really well in signs of time which is one of the harder games to just pick up on uh good luck no practice service i don't even know why i'm doing this part i miss puns oh god i've lost vision she's in the middle oh she got me i have no idea where she is she's on the lower side on the low and on the lowest she's she went up is she going for mirrors she's behind you right behind you okay okay i can't see her anymore she got i don't know i don't actually know how she got me there either i i still don't know okay so she's behind me right now right she's behind you right behind you okay i do a good turn there how does she hit me at that point like i'm going as fast as i can it's just a straight line i don't know i don't know i got top five in both battle box and the other side just struggled really badly the ones i didn't know exactly you're right those ones are going to get better and better at underneath especially for the team games like sands of time uh what else ace race watching other people's perspective is going to make you so much better they're going to kill in the next one that's why whenever like we make predictions like me pete or anyone in general that have been in mcc a lot we'll always place the teams that have new players in lower i didn't expect that just because it's so much um it's so much more unlikely for them to do well because they haven't experienced it yet they haven't had the practice that other people had it's not like a sign of like disrespect or anything like that like we know how good players are that are joining usually uh it's just they're at a disadvantage build mart oh dude i love people do something hopefully yeah no you got this team chat we would have been first if parkour tag was build mart a hundred percent a hundred percent before we yeah just go for the week once get it before we die what place did we come in on this we're in eighth place right now but just barely behind red rabbits i think we came in seven not too good pete's by far the strongest player like not even close oh i run right into it he's behind you fundy i should have been getting better calls than that he's getting to you i think oh no he fell down he's going for you i'm not making the same mistake i did last time just survive just run he's very far away from you just come to me yeah that's a good spot it's a good spot good spot scene can you reach me from there that's the hardest he's going around he's going around oh well this is where you're going to get me i think he's he's going for you go back go back go back 31 seconds he's gonna i miss a lot of jumps that i shouldn't have good good that was really good by fundy good job burn good job he's right behind you i got tagged yeah good job burn good job fundy good job good just the little delay we got seventh in the second to last game and we still came in third gg that's how good we did in sans of time okay this one's pretty fun yeah it is pretty fun it is pretty fun it's stressful 700 ish behind 700-800 that's okay yeah this fundy guy was quite an mvp huh he was he played out of his mind all right seventh and then overall he's nuts he's cracked chat are you not winning my i want to watch more parkour attack i will see you snapnap came in first individually i believe also chad if you don't follow luminor fundy you should do that by now just a heads up right there i was like why is there no sound okay is this the first time yeah i'm afraid oh no so you just have to get his team where is he even oh he's down here he's down here okay and he's chasing oh you got me watch out show me you got me he said in the middle he's in the middle he's going up for dinner he's got it for dan shaw you don't you're not seen done watch out he's coming over okay it's hard in this game not to be greedy he's coming he's under you i needed to know which direction he was coming from sparkle i said below but i see him yeah no no no no no oh wait so can you stop nope are you still hunting yeah i got them all yeah oh you got them all okay like when i say greedy let me show you what i mean thank you chasing oh you got me watch out shelby you got me he's in the middle he's in the middle he's good like right there that's like being a little greedy but i think it's the correct play is rather than just trying to get closer you're like i think i'm close enough now i will go for the tag and it slows you down so much i did that quite a bit too that's gonna be something that i have to learn i hope there's gonna be something on the practice server to help out with this you're not seen done what should he's coming over like i don't think it was a misplay by any means it was just a gamble shelby he's coming for you he's coming he's under you i needed to know which direction he was coming from sparkle i said below i see him yeah no no no no no no oh wait so can you stop nope are you still hunting yeah i got them all i have no idea okay play hide and seek instead of park sapnap went to the dream spot oh this is against fundy as well oh my goodness how oh god oh god he went to f5 during that i wouldn't dare go into f5 i feel like there's too many small movements okay i'm trying to do let's run i i'm i'm running a little bit it's one to one right now i got hitch i got him nice you got them all yeah i got everyone before oh funny did a good cut off there that was so close oh yeah oh i touched all the enemies in 27 seconds it's arrived green this is false no run spread out spread out yeah i think this is a correct decision i think the teams that were the strongest at this were probably yellow green and pink i think that's where you had to save your best hunter for he's chasing me i'm pretty sure we kind of didn't think too hard about it we were just like funny you go first he's behind you shelby he's going through scott he's falling to the bottom you're good blue blue as well you're right yeah he's coming up oh i've fallen sorry no okay so shout out to sapnap here hang on he like i said earlier it's hard not to be greedy he did such a good job of not being greedy here i would have gone for the tag right there a hundred percent i would have jumped right towards this area and tried tagging george i don't think he would have gotten them but that's exactly what i would have done when you're dead you need to be like calling out exactly what he is yeah yeah are you doing something green fully survived a few turns i think i i remember seeing green and pink doing it a few times like they're over here they're chasing you i don't remember any other colors that were doing it purple might have as well but i didn't quite know what side they are red rabbit survived the entire room against lime it's much easier because you can see where everyone has all titans uh he's in med he's coming for me he's coming for me there was a crash where is he saying he's chasing he's he's running he's just behind you so just kind of keep moving i think you have to be on the high ground on here okay if someone's in sapnap's spot he just buys so much time by being up here [Music] okay but those moves are really good you are really done if you fall yeah fruit fell he missed one jump and i got him my issue was just it's basically whoever they go for first i can't believe you've done this yo banshee thank you for giving me the illuminati again because i think thank you for the 34 total gifted subs is really good at this yeah he killed it after the first like couple of rounds i haven't noticed like any mistakes at all he's going to the dream spot false is in the middle she's coming for oh she's behind us she's oh she got me she's right back she's right behind you she's going for her shelby chubby keep getting up i know she's going for sap now she's done oh i just jumped over yep chubby needs to yeah so now if you can keep hiding just tell me where she is i want two of them i can get one more or she's coming up yeah oh she she did the same thing uh i don't remember who was chasing him last round cub fan did oh she she got me she went this way to the left rather than going up here that just allows sapnap to go straight to this area did you know the originally green gardens was supposed to be techno instead of tackle if you thought they were overpowered now i think they could have been i mean i think topple and techno are both very good players i don't think saying if techno was on green they would have been better i think they're both very very good and both very good at communicating i got quite sorry okay okay guys tell me where he's at just tell me i i i wouldn't say that strictly one player is better than the other one yeah he's coming if techno was there that maybe they wouldn't have gotten first he's right behind you who knows oh got like what place a tap will get in he was he did amazing messing oh yeah we did six yeah he killed it that's good dude he's good i think he struggled in dodgeball at the beginning but then pulled it back in like the third and fourth round i think he did really good on there too i think that was just nerves from it being his first dodgeball puns coming over here is he coming after me he's going for shelby's going for shelby i've fallen where is he he's chasing shelby yep he it took him a while there to figure it out but once he got up to this spot there was nowhere that sapnap could go i didn't know you could jump up there it's just a death trap the the right side of the map is a death trap i enjoy this game way more as hunter is hunter except satnav enjoys it the opposite i like that he's insane i'll hunt them i want to do better second right so he's right on the bottom fruit got first phil got second snap got third he's gonna reach that scared me that he went on that side of the trap door and like that he's underneath you right now oh my god can i make a jump he's at the back i'm not seeing him he's coming so would you straight head on head on so is scott chasing down pete right now okay yeah he was starting to get p that's acceptable pete's pete's gonna be one of the best at this game wait pete dream sapnap fruit okay i should be able to outrun probably tommy as well oh i'm so mad lauren pete jimmy cpk yeah they do good on here uh jimmy was the one chasing i think on that round is so important as well yeah that's what's starting yeah pun staple true doubles going around over here yeah he's going into metal he's in metal oh he's coming for me he's coming for me yeah he's coming for me oh he fell he's down i thought where he's chasing me i'm pretty sure yeah oh good jump oh he's i i just felt like he was gonna make that jump and he did scott did so good buying time it took double like 30 something seconds to get him out there and he's on the floor that's what i'm saying even if you get taken out first and early if you just buy some time for the other teammates to do well that's huge get high get high yeah just keep up shelby where is he is he still chasing scott bad influence he can't get to you nice so we just got the first we just got the first they did really well there sapnap survived like three or four rounds it was green at the top as well oh we shot there by like 200 points yellow fell to six that's good for us he's on the floor top five players puns number two tackle number three dreaming captain sparkles [Music] look at the point differential too sapna got 100 more points in second place 105 and then like after dream it dropped off by 120. holy crap i think i got like 700 like five or something like that because hunter's really targeted him that's what i was saying at the beginning uh the players that are more well known for being good at parkour like pete sapnap dream they're gonna be targeted last so it helps their uh point bonus go up quite a bit nothing they don't deserve it but like i'm just saying that's how the game i think is gonna be played you wanna get the players out for the the less nimble players out first so they don't get the point bonuses right i i think that's correct that's how we played it at least yo cassim thank you for the tier one welcome back to 1994 community hope you just have notes eats has guardians been watched yet no uh i want to watch tapples uh parkour tag i keep want to say parker warrior round three oh watch park cortex that's actually like all right what do you think was the most entertaining game that was played uh from this mcc mostly people say battle box but it wasn't played this mcc so far i really like parkour tag that's what doesn't count ace race rocket split rocket spleef really guys a luminous hole in the wall i don't even know what happened but it sounds funny to me i see a lot of to get to this side as well to get the other side sands of time battle box was played oh oh no no i meant uh what's what's the the sky block sky battle that's the one i meant my bad i meant sky battle not battle box that's the one that everyone always finds the most entertaining shut up chat i misspoke one time i've never misspoken before in my life i don't want to hear it we could pick a side where to start okay cool we should split up right yeah shut up okay i'm gonna go i'm going left careful guys okay i don't see his outline oh we could crouch he's up oh ah crust i thought we saw his outlet was that pete he's behind me he's that no he got me oh my gosh oh oh watch out harvey's coming to you hover he's coming he's behind you he's coming oh what ah 21 seconds okay okay so wow 10 20 seconds you get uh points that was a high risk high reward play there especially against pete he went for like the high ground which might have been smart but i guess i think against pete you don't do that yeah that's why i left them you just have to run and hope to survive as long as you can rather than hyrule but that was also the first round so i don't think he like none of us really knew what we were doing the first round you got to throw them off you got to throw them off they will the hunters will try and interest too slow he did that really fast that wasn't slow at all it's just it took really like those jumps you have to go back and forth which takes away a lot of momentum everyone's first run was the mess that's expected the first round was catered towards the hunters 100 you're gonna catch the quickest like right right after uh right after tapple died there and like after 20 seconds or 21 seconds whatever it was uh he looked at the tablets and only quick or sb was alive it was someone on yellow that was alive okay yeah like everyone died immediately [Music] first you've got me little quack you run phil he's quite phil he's coming you need to keep moving phil you got to keep moving bro whispers corner of himself he's moving i didn't think i didn't see the trapdoors on the edge oh my god is he close is he closing yes he's gonna intercept you man he's gonna you gotta keep it guys there we go the the cheeky the cheeky roundabout does not work out in parkour tag at all i watched him doing i was like oh no oh my god is he close as he closes like a little roundabout yeah i missed [Laughter] don't that well tag not so much double moment it was second round everyone's still getting their footing for this [Music] all right i'll do it he's gonna talk at me i'm just i'm just running out of hunters though this is his second time being hunted and i get three you only get three okay i'll i guess i'll do the next easy one this is green this is oh wait no this is not green this is uh purple purple is sapnap sapnap dan shelby and scott no oh he's fallen okay how did dan do this mcc oh no i can't see him coming last mcc was his first time and he got like 24th he did really well he's not intercepting you've got time he's comfy 29th he's done there we go okay dan's he's not like a pure like minecraft or anything like that he's a lot of random games too and coming in and like first mcc getting 24 the second mcc getting 29th is really good also something that i got something that we got to keep in mind for the next mcc or next time we play parkour tag i noticed apple tackle felt this way too i did as well whenever i did it wrong uh whenever you miss a jump you feel like it's the end of the world like you feel like you let your entire team down when you're hunter specifically you don't i'll show you what i'm talking about no not there okay oh my god i'm so close oh no i can't see him coming nope okay that's my fault now he's gonna start like stuttering a little bit he's not intercepting you've got time i know the feeling that tapple's going in his mind right now he missed three jumps and he knows that he could make them but it's really not that big of a deal it like maybe cost him like two seconds but you just have to bounce back and come back and just try trapping the other players that's just gonna have to be something that uh as a teammate you have to remind the hunters that it's not the end of the world if you miss a jump and also for yourself too it's really not that big of a deal if you missed a jump because like as you can see like he missed the jump and he like was kind of panicking a little bit he just got them in the matter like two seconds you know i've realized about it does that make sense was i hunting yeah i was hunting yeah i struggled at the beginning of this round this was my this was my first hunt around and i did really poorly maybe [Music] i kept missing tackle by like inches i kept being greedy more coins more coins more like there i know i went bouncing for him that was my boy he's all the way down there look look at him oh god okay and then i started panicking on not knowing where to go to survive i think we're gonna have to like go through all the perspectives and see what is actually considered a good round as a hunter and what's a bad round as a hunter like so far what do you think time wise is good as a hunter like do you guys think it's 20 seconds because that's what i kept aiming for or like 30. 25 20ish i i kind of agree 25 sounds about right to be honest like i just barely missed that like i'm gonna say the same thing that happened uh to tackle last round when it was hunter happened to me this round i missed a jump in i felt like it was the end of the world but then i got george and tapple like near each other and i was able to take them both out in the matter of like five seconds so you could bounce back really good you guys think 20 seconds yes and no if you get 20 seconds against like dreams team that's kind of insane like if you're hunting dream or peed or fruit or tackle if you get those in 20 seconds that's crazy good but if you're going against them i feel like anything better than 30 seconds is good i guess it kind of depends on who's who you're playing yeah okay it is yeah has anyone even survived yet i don't know i don't know i don't think so maybe because i feel like i struggled there but i bounced back well for 27 seconds i feel like it took me still a little bit too long but i'm not upset about it because of the the people who i was going up against yeah i feel like it is what's i feel like i could do better but i'm not upset who's in yellow oh that's being quick are really good at parkour i saw five up in his chat too there for a second yeah yeah this is pink hey come on he's hunting michael michael oh michael [Music] he's coming down the middle and he missed his journey we know what happens here i i don't want to watch this i feel bad for michael michael put so much pressure on himself when you survive keep counting who joel's following yeah yeah call call college a huge clutch huge what are you gonna do yeah if you don't know then just keep running okay okay okay all right i feel like i feel phil he's on phil he's on phil he's on phil he's on phil he's gaining on you phil i got one okay he's gonna intercept you phil okay i couldn't can you like parkour somewhere okay he's coming he's almost oh kept going for the the finessing moves kind of nice and i think once you start getting like i'm gonna say finessing move like this was good to turn around but instead of just booking it that way he decided that he was gonna go up which i think was incorrect i think once you start getting targeted you have to stop going for the flawless plays you have to start going for the survive as long as you can to help your teammates out i think that's it joel also did really good of cutting him off there like a lot of uh players did that really well michael did it really well in one of the rounds too that uh instead of going for really good jumps and maybe taking the higher grounds and going for the high risk high rewards thing it's better just to like okay he's gonna get me within the next 10 seconds let's get as close to 10 seconds as we can by making him run the furthest and longest i got them more let's go nice nice i'm trying to get in what's the right mindset next time we play this okay because i butchered a lot of this too yeah wait where are they are they going for me so [Music] okay they're in the bottom middle oh he is so lucky false was not looking at him i think false tunnel visioned oh oh oh and then he just held still i think he thought he was that i thought he was dead i don't know where they went i don't know i think i i i think i hear them in the basement yeah yeah yeah they're right behind me yep chapel and h-bomb for mcco13 there are pairings for me specifically that are just not balanced to be very honest the meta this sounds like a flex the meta favors me the meta is usually towards the last like four game or three games specifically the fourth the last game is not chosen by us or the teams it's more chosen by the uh bigger guys like dream and techno it favors me because it's usually team games so if i have someone like tappl or techno on my team that's really good at pvp it balances me out the games that i'm really bad at to be decent or good at to where i'm just going to win i need to have people that aren't nuts at pvp which is why i don't think i'll ever like i don't think scott knows this too scott's not going to pair me up with tableau techno it's just not going to happen that's how i keep coming back and that's how i kept coming in first because the last games are usually like sands of time and build mart those are the games that i'm best at would i love to be teams with them yes i'd love to have them but i don't think it would be balanced and that's not like me being like flex like i'm so good i'm like i'm good at communicating and taking charge i'm not good at minecraft that's kind of it and if i have someone with just like the raw talent that apple and techno have i just go in bossy h-mom mode and just just lead them to victory [Laughter] same thing like i can't have dream on the team because dreams that's a pvp too dreams on everything on the floor on the floor they're going up they're trying to get up right now careful keep moving keep moving there would have to be some massive balancing for me to be on like techno tapple's team or like dave for that matter too tommy me and tommy would not be balanced either since tommy's been taking it more seriously and doing really really well i think our dynamic would be hilarious two one oh my god let's go oh my gosh all three of them survived holy cow that had to catapult them in points these other guys also have tough this is going to be like they don't come down this way hunters don't come down this way these hunters are going to feast me and quick are going to feast real real hard i think quick is so good [Music] he's behind you uh he's george keep running phil don't punch with him i didn't know he's in the mid i didn't know so okay you have to be very decisive during parkour tag i'm realizing it's more and more as i watch it you you can't second-guess yourself at all like you guys remember how i said like tubber did the roundabout thing you can't do stuff like that it allows like people to catch up so much quicker like ryan here like went to the right and decided no i'm gonna go to the left which allowed apple to catch up so much like right here right there you just see how much it allowed uh to catch up on you just have to go if you feel like you had you went the wrong way you still just have to live with it and go we're still in first as as currently look just enjoy that number one green guardians just enjoy it for now it's going to get whisked away from us that was a really good play the the the slow down and read where he was going to go was really smart and that's hard to do it's really hard because you're like i gotta tag him as fast as possible but this was really good here of just like i'm gonna slow down and see which way he goes and get him away from us that was perfect oh there you go they're all in that sp i think yellow are gonna overtake though i think yellow maybe maybe yeah we'll see we'll see and it was the same thing that i said about uh just enjoy that number one green guardian same thing that i said about uh ryan where he kind of faked going right and went to the left sv show just kept going don't think about it just go when someone's chasing you you just gotta survive he made the jump maybe yeah we'll see look just enjoy that number one green garden okay so it is doable did he double jump into that you gotta throw you gotta spin a dime nope just a really okay yeah he did like a perfect jump there just enjoy that number one group this one he's in the middle he's going for me he's going for me is it illumina or puns wow five seconds careful careful okay i'm gonna try to call out someone trying to call it curly on filter on full keep running aluminum okay okay all right they're wall hacking they're wall hacking hackers hackers oh no no just keep going straight lining is huge straight line is huge yep temple realized it too in the dude have you gotten anyone yet i think tap will realize that after being the hunter how important straight lining and just running is important that was a really good call out by him okay okay okay i'm assuming he said that before and i just like fast-forwarded over it oh no it's the blue bats there one behind us wilbur was hunting there let's see fruits uh parkour tag oh i messed up you guys were saying he killed it on uh as a hunter he attacked skip round one let them come to us illumina everyone messed up round one literally everyone oh he got me he got me illumina what are you doing sir i have x-ray vision i'm going to win i just need to kill this [ __ ] don't worry nikki did that on our team too he's behind you all keep going straight keep going straight and i won let me show you something here he's behind you all keep going straight keep going straight and i won this is round one and it's 21 seconds in and do you see how many people are still alive basically no one no one did good round one round one favored the hunters everyone was getting their learn their learning caps on don't worry about being bad at round one we butchered it as well we all did really bad nice dude that's so quick well done no one read the rules we were all just talking strategies yellow's dominating so yeah 35 seconds and only yellow remained two players on yellow somehow yeah you got them real let's do it round one favorite the hunters a hundred percent down there good job is that cyan yeah that's cyan nice we're still alive you going uh cub behind you he's on you okay okay he's really trying to get you he's like tunnel vision right now oh man that's okay that's all right that was really good by uh uh that was really good by callum i'm like comfortable here i was bad that was bad all right wait wait wait who was running there wait wait wait i'm so confused wait wait wait wait was cub fan on wait who who who was running god this is hurting my brain right now cub fan was running it was really good by cub fan god i went full paper mode you going uh behind you he's on keep running he's really trying to get you he's like tunnel vision right now oh man yeah callum was hunting there this cop fan did really good about just going in the straight line there and buying as much time as he could yeah he's getting a few i'm kind of i'm not comfortable here that was bad that was bad come on keep going just keep him distracted and he won't go for me so he got out of the death trap quite quickly i love seeing him like crouch because everyone does it but it's like it does nothing one guaranteed i'm pretty sure yep nice good job oh yeah keep going he's right behind me keep going oh he got me i would have loved it if he tagged fruit as well right there because he wasn't that far away either he was like right underneath them first place though here you go come on we're coming for you dodgeball red rabbit holds me uh hell good luck around what's up oh my god he's fast oh is that tommy or who on red is that oh he's right yep he's coming for you he's coming for you still no he killed me that was i missed the job no it's wisp it's wisp run that's what i'm saying the red side is just a i death trap i'm chilling over here for a minute that's all right i can see you he's coming yeah i see him i see him there i'm going fans doing really well nice nice you're going to this let's go spot i think my thing is fine everyone's been smooth that's good it's shoopy dooby doo she tunnel visioned she should try trapping them i got stuck on a wall dang it what am i oh i don't know keep running it was pretty good as well yeah how do i do chat oh my god i know he's really good at minecraft in general but how do you do during mcc uh that sucks you got this joe oh she's on the opposite side of the map as he used uh she's close 26 for first mcc that's really good seconds oh lucky gg we're still first still good survived a decent amount how you doing yeah no 26 is literally just pretty good that's good you got it who is it left sat napo that's tricky wait was this his first time cc or has he been one in the past i feel like he's been in one in the past but like one of the early ones i don't know the map yep like like mcc three or something like that very first one oh okay burn killed it he got him in like 21 22 seconds against fruits but the timer is so quick but yeah they were going a little bit i got two of them right there that's great tommy was guiding him really nicely that's good to hear let's go i like saying that tommy's trying mcc and not goofing around as much anymore always come for me i like that mcc is more competitive but not like okay well he still got me okay crazy competitive he's below me and i think that's pretty much all thanks to scott's uh teaming you guys he's on youtube yep he's going to eat fruit he's changing where's he at oh yeah i wish he could see him stay up there oh i missed the tree this is this i'm gonna say it again this is the thing the part where you just have to keep running and probably wouldn't the bottom like more than a second there but it's still just bee line even let's say it didn't last him a second that was more points for him too you just got to b-line it you got to not think just straight run straight it's competitive not toxic true that's a good way of putting it it's like we all want to do good but we don't care too much about losing yeah because they can see where you're going but you can't see where they're going yeah i think our team was a good combination of that i really liked my team this mcc they were the hardest team i'd say as well so i feel like we did pretty well against them maybe pink's gonna be pretty true all the most recent teams for me have been so much fun mcc 9 mcc 8 mcc 7 mcc 6 mcc 11 mcc 12. i feel like i missed one but i wasn't an mcc 10. i feel like i missed one but like the last like six mccs i've been awesome i'm gonna wait till the end thank you brother there we go good luck interesting have fun chad it's also uh it's electabuzz community day by the way open up pokemon go if you have your phone in front of you catch some shiny elect the buzzes a little strat i can tell he's like far on the right i'm checking i want to get a live shiny oh my gosh i just jumped into you i didn't realize he was there oh man that was terrible man call out he's in the middle at the moment spiffy did good there like i actually did good there like it sounds like it sounds like i'm lying when i say like that kind of stuff because he got tagged out first but genuinely like if you buy time by just running a b line towards somewhere for your other teams just or other teammates just to survive longer you did good oh gosh i just jumped into you i didn't realize he was there oh man that was terrible man call out he's in the middle at the moment like he lasted an extra like five seconds there than he should have that was really good by him coming to the up that you can see it's hard you find your boundaries michael's doing it perfectly too he's not going to get like flashy amount of points he should have gone left there but like that entire time he did really good he bought dream like another like 10 seconds there and also did a good job of driving fruit away from him you can't get up there he like knows them michael thank you for the two bucks completely up to you but puns was a very good perspective to watch especially as a hunter and he did amazing overall coming 13th in his first mcc no he did amazing 13 is really really good i have it open we're going to watch this part quartet because everyone's been telling me that too yeah i trapped them in an area i didn't okay cool what is h doing we're watching parkour tag yeah it's all together korean red and false yep all right yep here we go have fun with your butts i want my first selected bush shiny so bad we thought that would enjoy that all right watching watching fruit do these small jumps is so like therapeutic like uh god dang it he's blocking it right now this first jump isn't easy he just makes it look so easy like i have to take my time with that jump he's on oh wait no he's on joe he's on joe yeah he's on you he's coming to you pog pog pog pog pog pug pug pug shiny shiny shiny shiny red elected but sunburned electabuzz sun burnt electabuzz park wait run for your oh hello i had to get my first one chat i'll stop looking at my phone as much i just had to get it okay it's very good by the way yeah you can get up there we got this keep running he's right behind you guys you went under it's weird seeing fruit get taken out first to be i know honest i said the game straight i think for everyone is about the same you got this he's right next to you we got this what's whip doing he's right behind me i think it's flip right he went under he's falling pearl oh oh okay okay so it gets pearl oh no you got this why was flip up here pog pog pocket puck back-to-back shinies pog [Laughter] i didn't realize sorry do you get all of them there age what team are you i was orange ocelots have fun with that uh i haven't loaded how did quigg do it do during our parkour attack chat and now you've got reload again i was hoping it was three for three that was close i'm gonna come middle did he do good pistons actually straight away he killed it that's good to hear yeah it's hard to get a judgment uh like from battle box and this unless you're like top five i don't remember was quick top five the only time i saw a quick was when i hunted him and i got him pretty early six seconds he played that perfectly he stayed right in the middle and waited for him to jump oh he's still on the other side man quick knows that this area is so yep how did they catch up to me perfectly i don't understand did you just jump down or something i mean i'm jump that was good yeah yeah that was really good by both of them honestly that was that was that was a cool little matchup okay the longer we stay alive if you take the other team before we do like they both played that very smart they both missed a few jumps there i can't see him so it started at about 45 seconds there that uh quick was the only one remaining outside the map he's coming for oh he's still on the other side he missed the jump but that was the correct place to go and now once he went all the way around quick saw that and quick moves did he just jump down or something fruit did a great debate there and forcing him to jump yeah there you go got him quick took the risk and going straight ah straight in the middle rather than going all the way around but he obviously doesn't know that that was just really good that that was actually like my favorite moment of parkour tag because that showed how smart and intelligent both of them are at this game that was really good i like that yo maria mariah maria thank you for the twitch prime welcome h194 community hope you enjoyed seven months yo chad you got any more primes in there that you're just not using huh you got those huh that's how that works he's on the other he's coming now joel he's coming all right people wanted to watch me uh watch puns puns is uh that sounds of time uh everyone's did it about two-ish hours you get the medium teams then puffy and i can switch off literally it's literally really well on ace race i mean illumina got first and fourth on the cliff one we got us oh we didn't do this okay so he's hiding now what i got aluminum illumina pepe the wall oh i forgot about that i totally forgot about it i can't see him okay trying come here hiding doesn't work by the way because they can see you through the walls through walls i don't know if you just i got tagged immediately again i don't know is that ren hunting i don't know these guys are i'm sorry you're doing good i'm sorry no you you're doing good you only need one more well done he's going a completely different way keep running just just don't let him uh catch us he's nowhere near us he's all the way here yeah yeah he's on the ground he's on the ground where is he oh he's behind me he's behind me i'm trying to find him good oh i didn't realize that was bad he's on the other side i see him that the way ren give away his position was the fact that it was the pistons i had no idea where he was until the pistons were extended he's like oh yeah he's right on the pressure plate what's up he's nowhere near you good boy he's knows he's behind you nice nice good job puffy i know he comes up behind me guys just don't go to the middle just have vision on him is that ryan hunting it looks like it yeah it is ryan he's coming after you puffy oh god okay is illumina hunting i think aluminum is hunting the other direction yeah this is one of the better teams i believed at parkour tag they have three very strong players it's hard to see where he is he's on the ground he's on the ground puppy puns is in a very good spot right now i'm not good at this game perfect time to jump you got this puns he was very patient there oh man i didn't he should have kept going on yeah well no that was round three he's gonna keep learning i know i thought he was gonna go up there behind go behind good boy no don't don't just stay in there it's my like i'll go i'll go for this one oh yeah yeah yeah yeah go for it once it's so good first person yeah him and illumina did really really good 13th and 17th sparkles i want to see you jordan car caron cara god dang it brain hurt that was loud oh god why did i do that oh he's right near you illumina he's chasing you [Music] cut him off good good i got all three that was perfect nice keep going puffy where is he aluminum said before that he was gonna throw so he and fruit can team uh with him being in 17th place he he's not going to be on fruits team he's coming to you he didn't throw hard enough okay well you gotta throw harder than that um to be on fruits team especially after he plays number one individually just stay alive longer than they can stay alive i like going on the right side he's going for you guys oh nice you're okay it's fine her falling there helped her oh it's pete i didn't realize it was pete go that way line he's doing really well everyone started figuring out that the b line and just running like a straight line kind of happened towards like around six for everyone round six round seven sapnap raid yo if we're getting rated already or if it's about to happen i don't know but thank you sap now welcome everyone i hope you enjoy your time here we're watching mcc vods we just actually got done watching a lot of zap now welcome welcome everyone you guys should spread out too there's a lot of people here hello hello welcome everybody sapnet thank you for the raid i appreciate it i got spoiled a little bit there welcome everyone what up sapnap how are you doing bud you killed it yesterday i just saw you top watch sapnap again stabbin that what we watched your parkour tag what else do you want me to watch boss we're going through we've been watching parkour day for the last like hour or something i really like parkour tech i'm not going to lie welcome raiders my name is hbo 94 i mainly do minecraft stuff battle box you bullied us in battle box i don't want to watch battle box all right after puns i'll go watch your battle box sound like a deal people have been telling me that uh puns absolutely killed a parkour attack and so far he has you killed parkour tag too after every single mcc chat all new viewers i watched the vods of mcsearch to try and get better that is loud that is still so freaking loud but welcome everyone thank you for the followers i appreciate that and the raid thenx here too ah so many people what happens wait was it a bennex raid 2 god i missed what happened puns absolutely killed it i was too focused on the rain he killed tommy super early it's quackity and who else yo glitter pog thank you for the uh the sub welcome h194 community yeets yo what up fenix [Music] he did puns got 13th in his first mcc yeah that's crazy that's so weird vip nap true i need like a document explaining to me how the points works on here because they kind of explain you get a lot of points for surviving till the very end but i don't think we got like an exact amount like per 10 seconds how many points you get and also how many points exactly you get for surviving the entire round where the hell do i get up from here like sapnet got first by a lot and i he survived like three rounds or three or four rounds the entirety of it and he hunted two rounds [Music] so i'm curious if it's actually like smart to keep your best players i know it's so hard hunting only really good teams and keep the players who aren't as familiar with parkour to be the hunters during like everyone else like i don't know where they can go anywhere this map seems cause the thing about the thing about being a hunter is you don't get like an insane amount of coins yo mumblin colin d right back to you thank you for the 20 bucks jesus christ thank you thank you so the thing about like putting a not so good player as a hunter is it's more likely for them to get more points because they're more than likely mumlin sorry [Laughter] oh mom one's well known i didn't know that thank you for the 20 bucks thank you mumblin um god i'm losing my train of thought right now so like if you put a not so good player in it it's more than likely your team will get more points because you're more than likely to survive and if you're able to keep a survivor alive till the very end that's a massive amount of points but it's the same thing for the other team like if you put a not so good player in and the other team's able to survive till the very end you lose a massive amount of points mumbling gifted 200 subs jesus [Laughter] holy cow to be honest you can't keep watching i check i stop and talk about everything i can't go again i don't shut up this is against our team i think it was bjorn that was hunting oh i hit my [ __ ] thing by accident run welcome back happy almost birth love you too thank you thank you he's coming puns is doing really good right now puns is making bee lines the way to play this is once you get followed just be lying away from you don't be cheeky just be line up oh you didn't cut me off got it i got them all i got them good job puppy all right stay alive for 10 more seconds right behind you don't go back there burn puppy all right stay away for 10 more seconds so burns right there now why is burn over here yeah stay up there stay up there where's it going yeah you wanted to go up oh if you think you could beat them just stay separated like i said once you get like targeted and you know you're being targeted it's not about being cheeky it's about surviving as long as you can one of our teammates if you buy another teammate like i think at that point when he started being tracked and like made a b line there was two of them i think it was him and illumina alive he bought his teammate illumina like an extra five seconds the more time you can buy for your team it's huge where is it no i don't i have no idea what we're doing he's maybe coming from behind us i see him on the ground on the ground underneath you okay puffy underneath me yeah oh yeah run puns run puns he's behind you run puns keep running philly philly phil puffy he's on the ground oh wow nice just stay alive stay alive stay left just stay alive wilbur did a really weird tactic here oh i didn't even see him all right that's okay he's going after you 20 seconds 20 seconds i don't like that he turned around it worked out for him but i don't like that no reach is insane car you got this i shouldn't have felt can you reach me from here yeah no no you're good you're good there we go okay i'm good i'll just stay here yeah some of the some of the higher up jumps like when [Music] thank you thank you i appreciate that welcome h194 community i'll be doing some notes yo all right sap nav time battle box was first right chat i shut up too late i want to see you react to my parkour you killed it like you actually did do you really want me to watch your parkour tag again you're not up just go back and watch it i did it like an hour ago you were i think the second person i watched after dream i watched the battle box first you're not going to get my actual reaction because i already watched you do it you fool clara thank you for the tier one welcome to h194 community i hope you showed some of the votes as well can i distract them and i'll go full screen oh you put the bow in the off hand oh i don't want to watch this who puts their bow in their off hand what kind of psychopath does this and then dante's cross to the right okay yep oh good you took it out i can watch this okay it's fine okay i got the portion i got the portion illumina is on the left did illumina throw the potion oh nice shot oh wait that wasn't your kill i thought that was you that killed her the crossbow killed me i got caught i got oh nice they're all dead they're all dead i thought you were a dead man when illuminate got the crossbow off techno does tactile puts the crossbow the crossbow you put in the off hand the crossbow's different no no no no the crossbow is smart when you put it in your off hand the bow looks disgusting if you've ever watched cs go and you're like not a professional player and you see like someone have the gun on the left hand side rather than the right hand side it looks disgusting that's what the bow looked like in my mind i hated it flexing on puns he's a bully new age pvp as well yeah that was one of the better pvp teams that they beat too that was a really good team this is awesome yeah i i have a confession this is that's not really a confession i hate this map are you doing the same thing chet this is the worst map ever created is it pretty sure does it suck yes why is there a knockbacks someone explained to me why is there a knockback sword when this is the wool area explain to me explain why why is there a knock back too sorry right here we picked it i know i'm upset that you guys picked it why was train not picked train was perfect train had that damage lingering potion so it wasn't just like rush mid it was more thought thought-provoking and actually like one-on-ones and it was fun this one was just rush mid knock people off it sucks this one's awful i hate it i hate it i hate it poor builders no the builders made it look beautiful they're all coming over here there's dreams on this side he's gonna die dream's gonna die oh i got i got them with the splash potion if you can get them captain okay sloomski thank you for the five gifted subs yo thank you so much hearts in the chat i appreciate that evenings with eve lisa lisa moose yummy ducky and nico welcome to my 94 community eats in the chat thank you thank you i'm stuck i'm stuck so kind yeah i love the uh i love what scott says there is going to clean them up i thought dan was about to kill him i was so confused yo ma thank you maja maha thank you for the tier one welcome welcome thank you guys for the hype train too like dan came up with the crossbone just stared at him like he was ready to murder him with the splash potion but i took like half of them half hp's with it that's how it's done i will take a kamikaze bomb for battle ball that's really good those two also during battle box i hate to admit it but i think i butchered the damage potion like five times and didn't want more damage to myself than the other team like i was gonna run to your side and i came around i i should not have a potion in my hand ever yeah i can't believe you've done this i don't like that i don't like being targeted by my friends yo liz thank you for the gift it's up to lily lily welcome back 94 community thank you for the train oh we got them all yeah we're cleaning up we're actually off oh [ __ ] i think we got a total of like five kills through battle box my team did really poorly especially me i was really disappointed in myself especially with the potion dead pink thank you for the tier one welcome as well thank you for adding to the hype train so close to your goal where are we at right now take them i think we just hit 30. thank you guys i appreciate that it's great yeah it works perfectly nicki figured out the strategy that we had to go with we started getting wins like towards like the last like three or four rounds where it was just h-bomb takes the sword yeah and just rush mid and place wool green is like the best pvp team i think oh we got me straight away good movements good movements i don't know if you hit someone there okay he's almost dead he's almost dead watch the bridge watch the bridge short they're getting the while they're getting the wheel i got tab oh it's happening get the will if you can or get phil yes maybe get the wheel sapnap do you want to talk about this tunnel vision on gagy you want to talk about how your entire team is saying get the wool and you see goggy in the water miles away from you doing nothing and you decide to go for him goggy has to die i hm i think there's some uh some tension going on between you and him here i hit him also how the hell this is like the third round of the first four that we've watched everyone forgets about you how are you like a ninja like last round captain sparkles and i think it's like michael mchill just totally forgot that you were over there and they started tunnel vision in the other side and the same thing happened here what happened what how do you do this they're getting the welder getting the wheel i got tapped literally there's like four wool remaining here and sap snap is like oh george is underneath the boat doing absolutely nothing to help his team except somehow distract sap nap never mind yeah it fell off y'all are crazy okay though i think the win is more important than killing oh that was sick i think oh it's a good team poor goggy he just wanted to go for a drink alley they were the 500 bits yo yo yo hit today's sub goal pog thank you guys thank you for the 30 subs today i got i got pearl pearls pearl killers see that's cub and uh fruits mama bear now now we can start calling like josh came in for his little cub he's the little mama bear he'll do anything to protect cub here he heard that there was a a sap napper coming to take him out mama bear has to come in an attack fruit still live fruits live watch out for it's going to watch the world watch the world watch the world he's taking the center he's taking the center i'm going i'm going careful he's really good he might does he have the knock back sword no he doesn't it's nice job nice job okay okay we're popping off hello you guys are have you lost around they're five for five right is harvey here too what up dapple we watched your parkour tag you did you killed it dude gg is on mcc congrats on the wind out the sky battle actually is our game yeah there are so many people that it's so good this mcc oh quick yeah he's not bad either yeah so many people here hello everyone when they verse tommy yeah honestly that's been working i'm guessing i don't think they've done it yet so one of the last four ones too right dodgeball yeah we have to watch dodgeball the entire dodgeball i was rooting against you however you're not gonna lie see the reason why let me explain myself that's my dog fruit came in before mcc started and gifted me five subs so he bought my love i'm surprised that yellow didn't i don't know where they finished as a team yellow just like on paper is such a good team like i i fully expected them to be first or second they came in six six is still like all teams were balanced but i i like if you told me the ordering of the games i think that i would have put yellow up there because that team just looks like it's broken in parkour tag with sb ryan and quigg and then i assume because quick is on the team they do good at times of time too and you can see them doing well in uh pvp too i don't know how good uh sb is at pvp but i know that quiggs nuts at it quigg is one of the best too fruit destroyed bingo i bounced back on bingo i did so poorly at the beginning i think for next bingo i have to focus more at the first yo mumlin thank you for another 20 bucks calling d back to you jesus christ thank you for the 40 bucks holy cow thank you money money money thank you for the money i appreciate that the first like part of bingo i kept tunnel visioning and i think i need to sit there for the first like 10 seconds grab wood and just focus on the map without thinking too much i think it was just so much me being nervous and not paying attention i end up getting like six completions or something like that but at the beginning part of it i did so bad like i tunnel visioned on soul soil because i kept seeing souls and i could not find so so soil to save my life i just couldn't i i said this at the beginning i'm not watching hole in the wall rocket sleeve there is so much better content than those games there's so much better content yeah they look so good hermit crafters and flip kindness be gentle please be gentle don't kill me [Music] be nice be got the nice i got the pot they've got this oh yeah no i've got spices okay rain's almost done i got flip at the back oh i'm almost dead watch green's coming i'm dead i'm dead but greens are two heads yeah i got around and died green's in the middle he's like two hit quite they're going for the well they're going for the will get [ __ ] nice it's fine he's jumped off just please hold the world just please i think yeah yeah sapnet pulled me oh that makes me feel so much better gift will be a year subscribed to you mcc i wasn't able to catch it yo rosie thank you for the 11 months we'll be here uh who won mcc uh green guardians 1 mcc uh orange oscars my team came in third dude i i i'm not touching any other potions other than healing from now on i refuse dude i i um nice quick they're going for the will they're going for the will i want to watch this again that's literally a meme nice it's so funny to watch one dive there i have one heart i didn't want to do it show me something well i just want to stop not to dive off of that bridge oh i'm going i'm going after him for sure yeah you're getting the car zap nap has a mur like just murderous intent in his veins i feel like that's the curse of like he doesn't care about like the woe or losing he just wants to kill people it's working out well for him imagine not showing up in team skins i got does the damage potion hurt teammates it hurts you but does it hurt teammates no yes okay i think more people are saying yes i'm not 100 sure about that to be honest he killed me he's at half hp yeah he just creeped me twice [ __ ] or kill them zap nap they're gonna get now oh yeah that was cheeky i actually like the shot that he took on uh but i think it was whisper tubbo up there like like this is where i think he should have whipped out the bow yeah but this was a really good play like debating tommy he's backing up right now so the idea of going for the people above and just like he backed up so he's blocking the line of sight for tommy just he didn't expect tommy to go aggro there he made a really good play here like right there that's when he did it thank you so much i appreciate that go get some hearts thank you thank you i mean no pressure george dodgeball please chat we have so much to watch there's a lot of things i need to watch still i need to watch like all of ace race too who was that that guy was that jimmy oh i got shot a lot pete oh i got i got um jimmy in the head i shot people i got cow i shall calm these i'm saying oh what it's hard to tell between these skins [Music] he's at six and a half hearts right now what i that was so many kills jesus christ that's really good first coming in shield slash the bomb if i got the potion it's an important role okay i need to wat we're gonna do ace race next there's a bunch of people that you guys are telling me to watch across but i want to watch fruits first fruit came in first i want to see how he did this what was the ordering for ace race it was it was fruit who came in second did tommy come in second fundy came in third i think philza came in second oh okay feels like came in second fundy came in third tubbo came in fourth i came in fifth and then i i think pete came in sixth rubik thank you for the sub welcome to my 94 community phil came in second okay how did phil's uh how was philza doing in the last ace race uh map i don't remember seeing his name too much three two one ace race top ten always okay you guys did it that's really good what up cara how are you doing how did you do this mcc don't watch your mcc oh i will if you're standing where i'm standing you can kind of just jump straight for the first two okay i can't see there is not being able to see anything i wish they would make them difficult where's my mouse there you are oh i can't see i'm an f5 let's watch carlos what up scott so for the first round i think i actually did like a really smart play the first time going through there's so many people stacked up together but i knew how slow the ladder is so what i did was i went to where the mine cart was waited a second for people to go by and then jumped on it so i was a little bit behind the people in first but i was still ahead of the majority of the people because they all took the ladder like you could see me uh with fruit here like i'm gonna pass them on the left here so that's where it put me i think that was a cheeky play to put me ahead i love that michael mitchell just walked off the edge that was my strategy with that i i was like this seems like a good play i'm gonna go with it whoa where do we go also like the music just wasn't working for the majority of my mcc i don't hear it for uh i'm in fourth oh fruit as well yeah okay where where does this jump this jump i struggled with oh it was so hard we did too okay good that's so hard oh my god how do i get up i missed that jump every single time oh where am i going i don't know oh no my ping is gonna lose it leaves me here this map is awesome there's no business being there come on jesus come on jump pad oh no [Music] this map is awesome it's so hard to keep putting trees everywhere man this is harder than the old one in it i feel like it's something let's see so get out of the way people jeez come on what am i doing i actually dream just went back it's not activating for me i want to go back and see his perspective on that dream decided to go back for the red jump boost wow this sucks someone crashed his long alongside with him too yeah fundies and seven fruits right now in sixth grade i think at this point i'm somewhere around 10th i know this one burns in front of them oh yeah i finished like two spots behind them oh it objects you instantly yo twaimsie thank you for the year and a half just wanted to let you know that the second baby is finally here oh yeah what's their name another nine months i don't know what i i don't choose the name that's too much effort you choose thank you for the year and all right yeah wait wait how's the second baby here i got the shortcut yeah oh yeah 18 months i'm an idiot you're right eats elytra hello fundy was slowed down so much everyone was this entire map was really difficult dude like this was a drastic change from the last one like the only hard part about the the uh last mcc ace race was really the rose one the rose part of it and once you figured that out you're good double did really well yeah fourth place is insane nice dude keep going does fruit take off from here on this place go oh there he is he's up in front okay that's weird how it was changing him in between you just didn't see him maybe he did a shortcut or something sorry just don't don't panic don't worry because the the jump boost they don't activate for me that was really well don't go back yeah i had that a couple times don't go back i don't like these these guys going back for a speed boost always be moving forward whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa electric remote that's a really is that shelby in front of him it's cyan wait where am i going whose skin was that come on man why do you put this not going that way i was gonna say that was lauren oh okay lauren has a similar skin to shelby yep i should have seen that coming is the shot hang on chat we're doing something here i got my shiny electabuzz nice congrats i got two so far i've kind of stopped doing that for a second we're gonna do something here chat nice dude we're gonna get to when fruit gets to the shortcut wait where am i going so right now if he wasn't going for the short could he just be going straight we're gonna go to my perspective because i did not take the shortcut i want to see how much time it actually saves god this is going to be weird to watch ah go wide when was uh ace race played chat there it is the music does make this so much better i'm already done at this point okay um let's do it i'm in nine i'm right behind me i'll back away like this entire like you guys could see on the right hand side here me burn and fundy were neck and neck with each other the entire time like the entire scoreboard for me was just orange it was kind of cool okay so right here is when i decided not to take the shortcut how the hell do i time these both correctly okay so if i click play it should play it should play this one okay come on man why didn't you kill this game that way all right going all right okay yep i should have seen that coming this is like really not tense without chad that wasn't even close that wasn't even close that was not a shortcut that was not a shortcut i that wasn't even close fruit got debated so hard like you could see how much further ahead i am i'm almost done with this bit you risk the shortcut you lose time i love that that's a thing i love that that's a thing ah come back okay so temple's in the chat too scott's in the chat i did you guys a favor don't take a shortcut next time skip that crap just go straight ahead yo agents thank you for the two months i appreciate the support yeets like i think we all assumed the same thing everyone in the the whole thing was just like yeah that's a four block jump it's gotta be faster i ain't really gonna fall black jump anyways i wasn't either i failed that way too much on uh when it was foot race i wasn't even debating about it but my god i love that fruit loss so much time because he took a risk and made the risk i love that that's kind of hilarious watch dream elijah we already did we watched the terror supports at the beginning that was i think the first thing we watched by the way i i don't think i ever hit that jump during my my ace race come on buddy good boy oh i made this finally finishing the first lap he hesitated i mean the hesitation didn't cost him like five seconds on how much i was ahead on mine not taking the shortcut the hesitation maybe added like another second [Music] and even if he didn't hesitate it's still like the same time and he took an unnecessary risk that was perfect that was actually perfect i tried i haven't seen anybody in like two minutes now that was really good says there's people behind me that was really good very glitched i have this glitch i'm just behind oh i've got the glitch where i'm on the ground me too i got it too oh i know that should jump on the torpedo going to the end baby he is literally a torpedo oh he finished i thought he had one more round nice dude he finished with six minutes and 40 left fundee just finished in third tubbo fourth fills it with second and then me yeah i just barely beat pete and tommy apple seventh where's burn wanna say hi buddy dream ninth ninth right yeah tonight actually working for me for once we're in town here three of us got top ten we did really good stupid tree i i i wanna see how other teams were reacting to uh nikki come on we were cheering nicki on so much [ __ ] first with like two minutes that internet is terrible oh there yeah i can't imagine the moment where nikki nikki almost got 39th oh wait did he not show it yeah yeah not like this nikki literally missed the final jump go behind buddy nikki just barely missed the final jump it was one of my favorite wait where's h bomb where's h-bomb there you are this is very intense for me one of my favorite moments of like any mcc ever you're going a bit too fast you're going a bit too fast we are doing our best to help her out i think we stressed her out a little bit more but we were trying like really hard to explain the jumps she did get a lot better towards the end so i think it worked out okay all right all right all right hey yep just keep going all right we gotta get to the moment though all right all right all right just keep going finish is there it's right there uh-huh she had 39 she had 39th in the bag just don't fall just don't fall just don't fall you have enough time she's got seven seconds to finish the map okay okay okay i got it [Applause] you had to make it intense for us didn't you talk you as always funny fastest lap let's go i'm still really impressed that everyone finished i know i fully didn't expect like with the new map and it was much harder to be honest i expected there'd be like 10 people that didn't finish to be honest looking back like josh finished with like six and a half minutes remaining so i guess it was probably a little bit shorter than the old one probably i want to watch my perspective really quick and see what i did wrong uh settlements 40 so okay here we go oh we can't punch people i thought you could punch people i think we were able to punch people during foot race and that's what i was kind of assuming see that's what i was saying earlier i like this play we can't punch people it's not greedy i think it's just smart i can't see anything it's i i don't like when i'm clustered with other people during ace race specifically and i'm like afraid of just like dying in the lava so i like this that there's like some people going for the mine cart skip i waited for them to finish and then jumped up there and like i said like these people down here i'm still beating them because i took the minecart uh track but i was safe see i think that was a really good play it wasn't the fastest play but i think it was a safe and smart play i wonder how big of a skip that actually is because it doesn't look like it would be that big i was right it was it was not big i wish that they would just make the people invisible that was on my screen too that wasn't like obs what no what no but i got really unlucky yeah me too i went the wrong way i had to i had the first lap george oh where do we go man what you're gonna do george punch me off again the first lap you have to line things up i was just jumping this is wrong by me clearly i was just jumping hoping for the best that's not how you're supposed to be playing new maps a little bit of nerves anxiety seeing everyone go past you but i should be playing like that i'm fourth i'm 11 12. let's go you're fourth exactly what i did yeah i think everyone was in the same boat i'm first i'm glad that i bounced back i tend to as like time goes on i tend to get a lot smarter and actually like try learning from my mistakes but i still just never figured that one not like this not out this not like this with all the mistakes i'm making i'm so surprised that i'm in 13th oh i love it when my life doesn't [ __ ] work i love literally no music okay that was good i'll float my boat that one was really good better lightroom was really good as well i'm right next to you i sometimes surprise myself chat all right lab two we know the map now oh god the speed that just dropped was terrifying i hated that yeah it was not that was not okay i keep things i keep getting see now when uh there's like no players near you it's much easier to go for the little mine cart thing oh that's a skip i just saw it yeah i never know okay i never risked that i don't have the finesse to make that hey scott during your perspective were you not hearing music as well hard left hard left hard left i don't know if i was going crazy but like isn't there usually music during this got it got it got it i think i had music i wonder what i head off that just wasn't working uh noxide told me to put on background music but it was up to like fifty percent i did the same thing i don't learn chat got it still i'm in fifth right now this part i absolutely nailed nice i'm in third you me h you me let's do it i'm in nine i'm right behind second and third oh wait what just happened there's something that goes on wait wait wait wait wait there's something that goes on with the standings that's really funky i think it's just this part but you could see me and me and fundy were like third fourth like going on now all of a sudden we're in eighth tenth it's like bouncing all over the place uh which way do i have to go okay now i'm lost i wonder what's going on there no like it was between us uh us two and pete that entire time for our placement where did we go where did we go oh apparently i'm good with the trident just kidding nope i felt back a lot i fell back way too much not like this all right this is all right please delight get your beta chat no what oh joel place eleven i had a really bad landing okay i'm not gonna lie my ally training skills has gotten so much better behind you dream i don't even see tridentine is still an issue for me but a light train was on point for me at least there's a lot of like time i made up because of the elytra no idea no dream fail the skip dang it he got greedy joel mama all right going good going all right chat that's enough of you today okay okay this is like really not tense without music this is very intense for me i have music music i got jordan's thing oh there you go only bangers in this house did i learn okay [Laughter] i don't end up getting the the speed boost but i think that's still a lot faster do you have any like questions for us like you need any help with specific areas oh i just got stuck a few times george is in front of what harvey say join me to beat him up for you i'll do it yeah chad i can't believe all of you true hey look temple you're famous stop beating me get beat get wrecked [Laughter] never mind no my lighter didn't go off it happens one event for me or one part of the acers every single time my elijah does not go off it just doesn't work oh you guys are doing so good nicky i'm coming back for you no dream is beating me i'm proud of myself for immediately not like going over what i didn't did wrong i just went for it to help nikki look at how much time this saves up for me chat i can't believe you've done this the elytra saved me during this entire round to get me into fifth nicky i'm coming back for you like there's so many like like seconds i saved because of the elytra and i beat pete by half a second anonymous thank you for getting this up to temple table welcome home 94 community thank you thank you thank you for the buck have you watched nikki's little trident skip at the beginning of the try section no third fifth and tenth that's good did nikki figure out wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did nicki figure out a secret we didn't know about it oh wait no there's joel uh she was on twitch yeah the burrito uh niha chu she just passed 500k by the way do you you oh they can still do it when was ace race that's to get to this i think it was after to get the other side stay ever topple wait where did she get her skip have you watched nikki's little try and skip at the beginning at the triton section when you were watching her wait when we were watching her i looked back at your vod in my vod and there wasn't even music in that ace race from oct from october there wasn't why did it feel so off to me that there was just no music chan am i crazy oh no what no what i did am i going insane chat no way you got it oh [ __ ] okay all right we got third fifth and tenth that's good oh my god climb it back up i'm going to try to skip this [ __ ] line it up before you jump these big jumps just line it up okay we're gonna go and then go forward and double oh this this is where it got stuck the first like this is the first step i had i thought so line it up don't press space yet line it up for the next place perfect oh get up you guys are walking like yes earth sprint when you jump we're trying so hard to explain it i like this okay without like trying to stress her out no god it's difficult this is probably i think next mcc regardless if nikki's on my team or not i i want her to come in a call with me and watch this with her so i could explain it to her while showing her what to do when he had just other music on he said yeah the worst section just because of those angles yo that skip is massive if you would have had that she kept bumping her head on that one block you just failed on mickey go to the far left on that is right behind you yeah on the far left so here i'm doing i'm doing some cinematics i'm doing some cinematics there she did perfectly there he goes okay can i lower my flight speed oh shoot okay so just try it back up there click on the feather you should be able to mickey come come back to where you're go okay huh i was trying to explain to her that she could skip i tried that but i didn't work it over there good job good job where's installed i do remember her getting some weird trident skip that worked out well for her but i don't remember what it was you uh uh yeah that's pretty good we're second by the way oh we did really well i'm proud of you guys it's our game you're doing fine there's a lot of people who aren't done yet don't worry this one this one is where i didn't this was it nikki like nikki found a skip without even trying to find there's a lot of people who aren't done yet look at this this one this one is where i didn't know where to go oh that was a good skin like that saves her a lot of time that was impressive go through the wall thank you up to the other side okay uh wall again yo ever wait wait for the 10 bucks again okay you want to be on pace with you and suddenly leagues ahead after the shortcut it looked like your analyses are great fruit was okay come here buddy i'll check it for sure i knew nikki was the carry on your team dude scott she actually carried us in sans of time absolutely no joke she killed it she did so good uh h-bomb second lap what are we at okay i'm done at this point uh lap 103. okay so we're about to see it oh now the speed that just dropped was terrifying i hated that i told nikki that that was not okay she came in 40th but that doesn't show the entire thing i told her specifically that was the best 40th placement i think i've ever seen she did so good the individual ranking didn't show how good she actually did figure out a way to get out okay so fruit berries yeah yeah we're about the same time right now yeah i never know okay did i butcher this at all or he's above me at this point i didn't butcher anything huh did i show the third when i did it did i show the third lap he did beat me by a little bit even even that i don't think it's worth it yo uh who was that jay blue thank you for the twitch prime welcome h194 community yeets you didn't do the jump i didn't do the jump but even then okay so wait let's go back let's go back let's go back let's look at this i keep i keep getting okay fruits in front of me by like what five steps right now figure out a way to get out and do your thing oh that's a skip i just saw also you could do the little jump there that i didn't do okay so he's about five steps in front of me before it started to make that jump he's about 10 15 steps in front of me hard left hard left hard left i wonder what he did differently that time i mean we could look at it maybe he just like did it better the sec on lap two rather than lap three uh 139 what lap is he on three he's done he's done i hope people have finished the first lap i can't even get past the first job let's see if he just did something different this time this is a four block i'm going to try oh yeah we're blocked i don't know what i like where i am but i'm sorry no you could even do that faster wait did i miss time or i got this at all i still don't think that's worth it elytra like it gave him like an extra like two seconds on us oh come on and i didn't even do the jump perfectly like there's a safer skip as well let me show you got it got it got it fifth sixth i never know i keep things i keep getting stuck like i'm curious if i would have beaten him figure out a way to get out and do it no pause pause pause no pause god dang it where fundy just jumped i never know i keep being i keep getting stuck just take your time so if i did and do your thing pause i clicked pause if i did this jump we might have been at the same speed i decided to go around to play it safe or slap one i'm on left two i think it's just best to make this jump to be honest it's less risky than that jump and it doesn't like give you much more time oh that's a skip i just okay so fundy but yeah i never know fundy was behind me at the point where fruit went for the jump by like maybe five steps as well i don't have the finesse to make that jumper if you do the normal jump like fundy did versus the shortcut got it got it got it i don't have to look in that more oh i missed phillies race okay i'll watch phil uh felsa ace race was before bingo yeah i don't know went too far i'm riveting information oh we could slap each other still right here i missed people i just think of that one i didn't want to go for it i was scared yeah i forgot minecraft i think you should do that the little short skip it does save a lot of time honestly doing the thing zoom in i wish they hadn't revealed in the um teaser that they were going oh yeah that would have been nice it would have been funny if we were just like wait hold on this is foot racing oh cool that's the wrong way it's okay it's okay you you basically you basically spawn right oh my god man what is going on did they test this hey i see it is it's always a question of ace race did they test this it's the answer is always no phil it's the worst game i don't know how many times i can expect chad is there anyone else in mcc that thinks ace race is the worst game other than freaking wilbur i've never heard someone complain about ace race wilbur's the only person i've never heard anyone say anything bad about ace race i've heard people say they suck at it but that's not mean it's a bad game it's just wilbur oh press this it's so bad it's i i have to hear this wait this is one i need to hear this whole thing oh my god man what is going on did they test this oh i see it i see it does it scream it's always a question of ace race did they test this it's the answer is always no phil it's the worst game i don't know how many times i can express this it's so bad it's so awful wait tackle you're winning i'm wait i love it i just pulled off [Music] yeah i really think wilbur's alone on that i i don't think anyone else feels the same way it's a glitchy game i mean the glitches aren't that big of a deal to be honest like the glitches are like you go into torpedo mode like fruit berries had at the beginning or when we watch this thing it's not really that big of a deal he definitely plays it up on stream i know i could tell but still like i've never heard anyone complain about this game this is the best game it's so much fun to play and it's so much fun to watch i've parkour tag is probably taking over from that for me but i still wanna i don't know where to go wilbur the kind of guy to love sky block all but hate ace race run of the mill standard standards that nicki skip is so much better like actually nicki found the best skip i think of this ace race i'm using that 100 next time that that is that is the best tactic i don't think anyone else saw that during uh during the actual event other than nikki semi skinned bastard [ __ ] what other people might know about it now because like nikki did that on the final lap and a lot of people were done at that point oh my god that was nice techno blade take the wheel take the wheel let's go let me out this dream actually did it first no no no no no it's a nicky skip don't take it away from nicki don't you dare take it away from nikki there was one part that was a bit scuffed but now i know not to hit the tree part one part there's one section that was about aluminum i don't want to hear it it's mickey skip man you really hit this shut up phil sharp i hate it it's the nikki's it's coming no i'm really good [Music] during battle box it's the nikki skip nikki wins [Laughter] nikki has now killed technoblade and dream during mcc chad i think she's cracked everyone failed that nicki supremacy it's true she's cracked oh my gosh oh no i wonder if that does save time like me and uh me and phil's of both of us do we're doing it with the elytra but we do slow down tremendously because we don't get the speed boost oh no i got stuck on someone even though i hate it i'm not going to let the team down he realized it but it wasn't as good as the nikki skip what nicky perfected it weird parkour okay okay okay i'm still there i'm still there no the tub is in the way no not the tom no you blasted you bastard you asked did you run another mill you skipped monsters semi-skimmed bastard come on that was my nickname in high school a little okay i'm still there i'm still there no the tub is in the way no not the tom no you bastard you bastard you asked did you run out of the mill you skimmed milk monsters semi-skimmed bastard come on come on come on you little you little wanker little wanker you're just a little wanker aren't you i think you're trying not to swear [Laughter] anymore sparkles did the jump skip with three doing the hard jump that mavroot hesitated on but he also fell a lot so i think you're right about it not being worth it lol nicki skip best skip true so it is a four block jump so it's not really that easy like it did say fruit a little bit of time when he did it well so i mean like for players like dream and fruit it's probably worth it i don't know i'd still rather just take the risk of the lava jump that's like directly after it were straight ahead or it's like a three block jump rather than a four block jump that yeah it just went down like one word like i think it's always correct to make or go after this jump rather than this jump i kept going to the right and like playing it safe but i should have gone for this jump he just lost that yeah it's it's a fairly easy job we said the g word it's over here we go here we go here we go here we go i'm in my element i'm running against the wind i'm i'm playing outside a cathedral my dad tells me oh you gotta you gotta keep studying for your science degree but i wanna follow my music in my heart because it's what i believe in and yes i'm getting a noise complaint but i don't care i get because this is what i want this is my passion no that's going to be the next uh song and fills up i'm in love with the oh boys they absolutely nailed this outside the cathedral i think this is going to be this is going to be hands down the hardest part of this map it's like the roses part of the last one people are gonna be like looking at this one over and over again to make sure they know what to do because this is the straight up the hardest part you gotta you're gonna fail the most science degree but i wanna follow my music him and it's hard to focus when wilbur's having a mental breakdown oh i'm in love i'm in love with it i'm in love with the not ace race they they both absolutely nailed that i'm sorry bills did the electric a little bit better but they both killed it you're in her bed and i want to finish this that person's going the wrong way what are they doing good session you're in her bed and i want to finish this it's better to drop i'm realizing this now hang on it's better not to jump up here it's better to jump down here and i'll try and down that way okay there's another skip that i'm realizing so yeah you don't want to jump towards this ledge here that's like the obvious thing to do because we did it during foot race so it's in our brain we want to jump down here in a lightroom while we're about here so we get a little bit of a heads up i found i figured that out nice i did not you have the advantage because you weren't in foot race this was an original like foot race part where you had to jump towards the end and then make a jump over here ah illumina's gonna skip now too the first time playing ace race came in handy for aluminum god dang it in the wrong way what are they doing yeah no that's a hundred percent better i don't want to do that not by a huge amount but like it's better what did i do to deserve that oh oh i got stuck no phil's he feels like kind of figured out the nikki the nikki skip but he wasn't as good as nikki nikki was was much much much better at the nikki skip okay i don't know if that was efficient it's a hands down the nikki skip i don't want to hear it for a good moment it's the nikki skip so good at touching water for some reason that was a good time though oh blueberries everything's pumping that was perfect fact that he landed on the speed boost is like what we should be aiming to do this is the final lap [Music] that was really good like that the final elytra bit is what put him above uh bundy if he missed the speed boost or didn't even make it to it fundy was right behind him what i'm pumped i'm pumped it's fine um [Music] like fundy just finished then the second behind him yeah fundy got third and then tubbo got fourth that's what we love and then for me let's fill i just barely half a second not even half a second in front of pete wait wait wait not yeah no wait it is half a second i was looking at the lap it was half a second 0.55 ahead of pete dude tommy and pete actually tied they finished at the same exact time five thirty three point five five yo i want to see the thing pop up at the same time nice work film oh okay so we gotta watch tapples uh actually i'm gonna put you guys on to another video while i go pee your boy needs to urinate like a madman you guys watch phil's i'll do bingo or something i'll be right back i gotta travel gravel there's loads of gravel right near the spawn if you go down i saw it okay okay okay okay wait wait i found some gravel i'm gonna get two and then they go to you okay don't just teleport in phil george teleport now we need an arrow we need an arrow okay uh uh any brown mushrooms has anybody seen any brown mushrooms uh no no no no no no wait no no no no no i have afraid i have red i need brown as soon as you get it let's try it wait we didn't make the plain steel yeah we're doing it need we need arrows bro like really bad yeah yeah get that uh anyone to get arrows tp to me as soon as you can please because that spectral arrow is going to get a lot if you see a brown mushroom just let me know as well okay okay i got that yeah nice you have arrows what do you use with the arrows right we need something i'm getting close to them i'm getting gloves right now i've got glowstone tp to me tp they will okay show me the arrows give me the arrows oh we need what do you need if you need what do you have what jeff wood i do i do how's he doing okay make a crafting table on the floor wait why is that do did we get another bricks already or what uh why isn't that working got it okay nether bingo was stressful i did really poorly at the beginning i was like all over and insane i think we were all in the same boat that we were panicking and not knowing what we were doing it was fun it was really different i actually liked it but i i think from now on i need to like stop at the beginning of bingo something i hope they do i hope they do this scott if you're in the chat you could take my my my opinion on this and maybe talk to an oxide or something uh give us like an extra like 15 seconds with the map before it starts it would make it feel a lot less panicky at least for me it would but that also also put me an advantage so it's probably not the smartest thing but it would just like i think make everyone calm down quite a bit eh it's still all the same like it's all a balanced game as it is now because we're all in the same boat and knowing what we're doing but i i i personally like to have like an extra like 10 15 seconds to just look at the map because it's kind of uh let's let's look at the beginning it's kind of like we just jump right into it uh 145 or at least it felt like that i could be wrong and i just wasn't paying attention i i don't want to be right oh god all right minecraft uhc but say that again it's probably gonna want to make us like a fishing rod with like a little room on it so recording according to this post of like oh wait you can see the items already yeah so we get 10 seconds yeah i should i should have done better also something my end nothing on uh the game's end i kept having the the chat go over my my card i should have put it in my main hand for a while instead of that and i just wasn't able to look at the bottom i was very focused on the top like two top two lines of it rather than the whole thing that was on my end though i panicked so much during that uh temple when was to get to the other side is [Music] let's go oh i can't see anything thanks aluminum oh wow you don't hear anything oh my god i can't guys are actually flexing with the music in the presentation i cannot i want to know why i like everyone got more momentum than me at the beginning like i ended up hitting something and it slowed me down but at the very beginning like everyone was passing me oh no phil oh my like he's in the same spot as me right now to apple like i felt like i was going so much slower than everyone else cross dude crust why is captain sparkles going so much faster than him i'm going really slow on this part oh i thought i actually died yes wait 13 13 nice i didn't take it he did really well during that he did way better than i did did they always change the doors every every time or something chad i got first in one of the to get the other sides was this the one that i got first in i'm gonna go for number two i'm feeling two today perfect it's okay i'm gonna go for them i think i got first in one of them i'm going all the way to the left [Music] it's number two guys oh my god these guys are trolling oh no aluminum two times first goddang aluminum popping off can you go see me oh i'm falling quickly probably a smart thing to do i'm getting stuck on the thing i just got dream off oh all right i'm throwing them through all right all right dude the other doors is the first one by the way well at least that one this one i guess correctly on i'm pretty sure that's what i was wondering there i am i guessed it first all right and then now it's the fourth so it's yeah easy rng on each side hell yeah dude let's go you love to see it go boys we roll the net 20. easy rng get the other side normally i'm much better than how i performed also give me a clip i also tried knocking people off and i ended up getting knocked off during that bit oh please say potions again potent oh fruit is so good at that first again dang that was so good i own this place aluminum did you speed bridge you did that's probably really smart to do on the last bit i like that idea actually come on guys i'm assuming you speed bridging not just normal bridge [Music] nice [Music] fruit is so good at the like sideways thing like he was gonna get hit off on this bit and the last bit too but like right here by tapping like what he did was so smart it wasn't like the fastest route but it was just smart and safe was like go side to side and go towards the middle so that if you do get knocked off you get more area to save yourself and you won't fall into the void if you do get knocked off like temple killed this but i'm just like amazed by like how fruit played it that was such a smart play first again that was so good by both of them and then illumina over here i own this place let's go i'm sick people too smart on here i was like 20 something i think come on guys there i am come on now the blue one [Music] oh this one oh this one real talk i got knocked off twice and then there was one block missing on the final bridge and i jumped off of it this one hurt my soul i came like 36 or 37th i hated this this one really hurt my overall yellow team i'm not even kidding this one was bad for me i can watch i think i had like two good maps the rest were all just bad i'm gonna follow someone's bridge i'm gonna follow pete's bridge or something or aluminum is very good at bridging oh my god look at you illumina getting complimented i died i died it's good to die early though even though you died there it just means you're not gonna get like first what what they keep taking it their team is really good all right all right nice nice all right the recovery there was really good bye don't slap the ride i died right here i kept getting knocked off like i'm back here right now i think this is where i jump and i'm like oh yeah there's a bridge here safely there wasn't okay wilbur slap gog if you must okay that's fine that's fine nice wall nice nice nice turn nice turn let's go first i i messed up i i'll go with fog if you must okay that's fine that's fine nice wall nice nice nice turn i hate it i also think i saved myself and then i'm like nope i'm just gonna die you're over on that last jump did you actually i was punching randomly and i just and i hit someone and you screamed i didn't know if it was you oh no i'm why is this still a map we're getting rid of maps there are two maps we gotta get rid of this one and the final one where everyone just punches each other i hate them i hate them i muted it somehow i don't know what button i even pressed to muted it the triton one's gone you're right the trident one's gone but this one remains [Laughter] [Music] yep resetting he's doing really good of resetting velocity remember to get out the boat i know you probably already know that [Music] [Music] what a nice bonus i've been i haven't been pulling my weight this this 720p isn't good enough chat i've been oh no you were doing well you're doing well no no yeah thanks to you guys i'm gonna stab it if this next one's the trident one just you wait oh i would have preferred the trident map over the last one i am saying it on my own as soon as this starts ready okay okay okay oh [Applause] jimmy aluma did you punch jimmy off illumina you don't punch jimmy off he was killing it target temple next time not jimmy you you couldn't let him get first this one time jimmy's a good guy no team bonus is worth that [Applause] did illumina get first there i think he did team bonus team i shouldn't ever [Applause] i died i think like three or four times during this i hear this i hate it so much team bonus team bonus there i go see here we go here we go [Music] [Music] i tried knocking her off which was the correct play by the way it wasn't toxic it wasn't toxic it was the correct play by me and luckily i had people calling up for me so with this being the map that it is if i'm ahead of one person and we're at this point they can't knock me off unless i do something really stupid but what i could do is knock them off and not let them finish so me taking that risk was smart because like i was here and she was like back here or something like that so i waited for her to get to this point and then i sprint ran at her and punched her but i didn't knock her off it almost cost me one placement but it was still worth the risk [Music] poor nicki yeah nikki who else didn't finish there was three players right nikki george and who else didn't finish or was there just two jimmy didn't finish george did finish oh i thought he didn't finish never mind jimmy didn't finish illumina if you're still here i hope you're proud of yourself jimmy went from first to 40th because of you i'm mad at you jimmy deserves better not like this not like this also temple actually killed it you said yeah temple got first by a mile illuminated really good zap now did really good as well holy crap 928 points how many times did green get the actual uh team bonus you tried to kill puffy yeah but shut up that was a smart play about three times oh god dang i just wanted first well you being a greedy boy made jimmy come in last i hope you're proud of yourself jimmy didn't punch anyone the entire time and you waited till the very last moment to punish him came first overall tackle why you're so strong you came first overall and you went oh cool i'm first and then you came first on the team when you went i'm fine but what do you mean you mean like you mean individually overall yeah no like him first like in the entire game you came first what he didn't realize it oh i did well and like everyone who's ever played comes first individually i did well temple you're too innocent wow i did things yay oh my god yeah all right who else do we need to watch chat i have a feeling you guys are all going to tell me dream george dodge well yeah let's watch dodgeball i haven't seen dodgeball yellow from my perspective you run into this guy in a dark alley chat what do you think he starts doing this how do you react i would turn and run the other way as fast as i could dude i'd get the hell out of there i don't know dude i wouldn't feel safe he seems angry [Music] that music is so loud oh he's streamed for afterwards too who did really good in sans of time other than my team they're like a good tactic is to wait till we have both arrows right like don't take the first shot off the start of the round because then we have all the power yeah but don't be predictable if they expect you're gonna do that every round it doesn't matter because someone has to take the first shot watch out you're stacking you're stacking yeah yeah yeah blue did really good tackle the gun yep puns okay you're gonna get two shots you're gonna get two shots coming up isn't support wasn't round one like a 4-0 sweep by the way i hate that shot i hate that shot oh i hate that shot so much louder i got you i i i don't like the shots that are someone's aiming down you or someone else and you stop and take the shot i don't like those i i no they feel too risky also what happened here boss he was concentrating on you table so i tried to try to knock him out no no [Laughter] it's just one round it's just one round it's first of three [Laughter] [Music] it's just everything that happens here it's just everything just comes together and it's something beautiful it's temple turns around realizes that cub fans shooting right at him temple panics and just shoots randomly it hits over here where there's absolutely nobody and then he walks up the edge it's it's like the mona lisa of dodgeball it's it's perfect it's it's absolutely stunning [Laughter] temple straight up said no one kills me but me he was concentrating on you so i tried to try to knock him out no no it's just one round it's just one round it's first to three it's all right check it out what what oh the ground wasn't there for me that is i think the first like death to falling off in dodge bolt ever from the actual event like that's happened in uh in like uh the practice dodgeball and that kind of stuff burned it oh you're right burn did die never mind you're right that was the one against us too nina thank you for the nine months and that twitch prime thank you for the continued support and being a smart individual using that twitch product aurora thank you for the three months total poor table first person to full during this event we found out dave did two in mcc four uh dude i blocked out everything before mcc six i don't remember any the only thing i remember from mcc before mcc six was mcc two dodgeball that i was in and ryan killed seven out of eight people that's all i remember that feels like such a long time ago cub has it go why is cub having it first i don't know we should wait until they shoot yep you think so i don't think they're going to shoot though i think they know the tactic one is if no one does anything it'll just get boring maybe oh that's your thing oh they missed okay yeah the tactic i think that's what we're starting to realize with dodgeball is there has to be some sort of timer on the arrow i think there has to be because we don't want the stalemates just to keep happening it's like the the person who wants to be like who doesn't want to sit there waiting anymore because of entertainment purposes gets punished for going first i think there has to be like a 30 second timer or something like that on it like it doesn't have to be super fast like a 10 second like timer but there has to be some sort of timer on it it's too stressful yeah i understand like i i've been the person saying like i i don't want people to feel rushed during it but i think there has to be like nothing crazy but there just has to be some sort of timer on it where you're forced to shoot like it could be a minute i'm not even against that but there has to be some sort of punishment for just holding on to it and like nothing happening for 60 seconds 60 seconds is too long i mean it comes down to the person like like during mcc 9 fruit was having uh a lot of nerves during that where he he needed like time to gather his head to get his head together a little bit so i understand that perspective and i don't mind like he wasn't doing it to bm or be unentertaining he just needed the time right like he's under a lot of pressure and that kind of stuff but there has to be like these like stalemates of like nothing happening for the person who pulls back the arrow first is more likely to be punished than the other player they're i feel like as we've gone on it there just has to be something let's give the best shoes i'm not a game designer i don't know what's the smartest thing but i i think that punishing the player for taking the initiative because the other team is not kind of sucks nope nice nice nice that's a miss watch out maybe go for fruit if he's not looking at you oh no oh that's my theory on it like it kind of sucked i don't know like when we were going up against uh oh god i don't remember what color team it was it was uh dr it was last mcc and they just weren't picking up the arrow it kind of put like a lot more pressure on us and they didn't get punished for it because like we also wanted to save the arrows for so we could take the double shot but it kind of just sucked it just it put a lot more pressure on us it was smart by them like i'm not saying that they're wrong in doing that i was smart by them but it kind of just sucked like i i didn't want to like feel like an unimport like like an unentertaining person because we just didn't want to shoot it was it was a lot it's their surgery i know it's strategy chat i get that but what if we did it too like we could have just sat there not shooting and been like all right we're just gonna keep dodging like you guys are it kind of sucks right no it's a smart strat okay next mcc if i see someone doing that we're not picking up the arrow it's just gonna be 50 minutes of us running around the arena doing nothing i don't know chat quackity's here what up quackity let me vip really quick what's happening i don't think he is actually here by the way chad i think you're trolling me but i love that i want to go vip just in case he was here and it's just quackity pee quackity papaya peck oh quaggity in the chat gotcha game chat what was he saying doggy get naked h is salty i'm not salty i'm saying like what it what the issue is okay so like uh they were saying like it's gonna be the first person to shoot gets punished like does that require patience yes but it also just sucks chad if i get salty you'd know a hundred percent i make it very clear like if it's just like people running back and forth like this isn't meant to be a competitive like tournament it's meant to be a for fun tournament and it would suck that if it was just like 10 minutes of people running around for everyone including the players playing and then the players watching it would get very very unentertaining that's why i think there should be a timer false okay you're you're okay okay okay okay okay i'll do you do you boss small small aiming okay nice good miss get out of the way oh cub cup cup comes going for phil oh all right go get that all right get very close they come back from a 2 3. wilbur and george come back from a two three guys the range okay oh i'm sorry i went out mr sanders then you need to take your time take your time oh okay go go go for small go for school yeah that's fine it's fine you guys got this i didn't mind that shot though come on he just didn't lead him enough nice two minutes all right get close get close and dodgeball i think there's a much there's a i said this during the last mcc there's good shots and bad shots every shot i've seen so far has been a good shot the shots that i think are bad shots are the ones where you just rush it or the shots where you're like someone's bowing me down i'm just gonna take a shot and pray for the best i think those are the bad shots a lot of players like uh sapnap's first mcc i don't remember which one it was it might have been it was the one against us i'm pretty sure when it was him on green guardians um was that like nine it might have been nine mcc seven no no it was mcc nine i think it was mcc nine uh us against when it was the blue bats are the ones where you fall in the lava true um he ran up at the very beginning and just shot and hoped for the best those shots i don't like it's literally feels like a 50 50. and sapnap's a good enough player to where if he takes his time with the shot he will do better than 50 of the time hits the shots like i'm not targeting him out like i don't i think for most players that's not a bad idea but i think sapnap's good enough to just be like let's take our time and let's line up the shots rather than let's just rush it and see what happens and if you do miss it hurts the team a lot because the advantage does go down to the team that has two arrows why are people arguing with h-bomb uh people are very defensive about dream so i i i called out that like i think there should be a timer on it and people like no that's a strategy and it's like okay it's a strategy sure but it's not entertaining is the issue so people are gonna defend dream and that's fine it's it's they're not even like setting up an argument they're just saying no you're wrong dream right was dreams and the the argument also was what dream was doing was smart i wasn't saying that it wasn't smart i was saying that it wasn't entertaining for the for the event because i want there to be a timer like not even a long time or like or not even a short time or like not even like 10 seconds it's just have enough time to line up your shots where you don't feel rushed but also you're punished if you're taking too long and forcing the other team to uh to shoot because at the beginning it's going to be like straight up like a tie like we're both going to grab the arrows at the same time with like let's say it's like a 60 second timer once the arrow drops in the middle is when the the timer should start so once the 60 seconds starts going you have 60 seconds to pick it up and shoot that's what i would ideally want just so we're not sitting around for a while because even watching mcc 9 when i was in it and like uh fruit was taking his time with it because i like i said fruit was having like nerve issues he was scared there's a lot of pressure on him which is understandable which is the reason why i fought against the timer in the past with that being a thing i want there to be enough time to be able to let like those kind of players or people that are having the issues from the pressure gather up their thoughts and i think 60 seconds would be a good amount of time for that or even just pass it off and let him get his head together the reason why i want there to be a timer is i was watching people's perspectives like technoblade for instance you guys had me watch that one was mcc nine blue bats when he was cheering and on there was a lot of just like two minutes of no one shooting which isn't entertaining for other people and i get that that's why i'm saying that i think that it should be that kind of thing i'm a dream fan but i don't think everything he does is right okay chat i'm not calling everyone i'm call there's a big difference between being a fan and being a toxic fan chat i didn't call anyone wrong it's just people are like i'm the one i'm the one that talks about the reddit where like everyone on the mcc ready gets upset about dream stance it's not stands it's people who are just toxic dream doesn't breed stands or anything like that it's just people come to him and they see him as a god and that's okay it's okay to do that it's just don't like call other people incorrect or wrong when the only thing you provide is dream likes this so it's the way to do it that's it nothing that dream did was incorrect me saying that what dream strategy was doing was smart is a good thing it's just unentertaining for other people that was my argument are we good now was it entertaining for his side probably because there's a lot like it's entertaining for his side because we were eyeing him down because we had the arrow and no one was grabbing it so it felt like it was on edge for him so i get that that makes sense that it was entertaining for him but because we like didn't want to just shoot and hand over two arrows it kind of just sucked cause like i said during dodgeball you get the advantage when you have both arrows because you're not worried about anyone shooting you you're not worried about having to dodge you get to line up your shots okay we good stands aren't bad they're not bad i have stands and that's fantastic it's the ones that go and be mad to other people are not good be nice to everyone okay not all opinions that differ from you are wrong they're opinions opinions can't be wrong if you state a fact and say it's a fact or state an opinion say it's a fact then that's wrong or can be wrong k he loves us i do love you guys let's better ourselves everyone i'm sure there are people in my chat that like fan over me and all that kind of stuff that are mean to other people let's not do that okay good good good we need a shot we need a good yeah you need to internet so i'm gonna get one all right nice that's one two okay stop don't don't just be like a dream stance papaga that's just that's against the point of what i'm saying and thank god you've only written two messages and that was one of them in my chat god careful i'm so irregular he's going for doors he's going for george careful careful doggy okay irregular i'm so irregular i don't even know what i'm doing yeah nice nice nice that's nice i love that statement she's going for george careful careful doggy okay irregular i'm so irregular i don't even know what i'm doing nice nice nice nice i think that summarizes majority of my life you got this you got this one nice you have two shots nice you got two you got two two shots in a dream get the other one pick the other one first take the other one and the corner get the corner i'm so irregular i don't know what i'm doing you still have it you saw it first and second shot that wilbur's ever taken in mcc wilbur has been in a bunch of dodgeballs before but i don't think he's ever shot an arrow mcc four he did okay i remember like the last few times i've seen him in dodgeball he'll purposely just hand over the the arrow to other people he's only been in mcc four i thought he wasn't more than that for some reason i pictured him handing off arrows to techno was that really only a second dodgeball mcc seven okay yeah i'm not crazy i was against him in that did he take any shots during mcc 7 chat yeah no i was against him that was when it was me pete aaron and uh and flip against techno he took one shot in mcc seven okay like my perspective of uh wilbur is from that mcc and he kept handing the arrows we have to be calm he shot against you did he hit me regularly you're right let's go let's go you said earlier in the round two oh okay all right i'm gonna grab it just so we have it all right i think i think fruit got it i'm throwing it over to you i think fruit got it thank you no it's got fantastic okay they both have it they both have it do you want me they want me oh you missed okay okay okay wait should i take it okay he did want him outside i'll go for fruit oh no these are the kind of shots that i don't like as well a lot of people do them but i just don't personally like them for me at least it feels like uh a lot of people do with a certain dodge bolt is they'll literally just try shooting in between two players and hope for the best i think that george is once again good enough to be able to just aim someone down and be more likely to hit someone rather than just hoping that one of them goes in between them i'll go for fruit oh no like right there he kind of hoped that one of them would turn around is it a bad shot not really but in my mind it is george i'm not saying he did bad i'm just saying those are the shots that i don't like there are a lot of shots in dodge bolts that i don't like i like i like what tap is doing right now trying to line it up and take his time that's why it's so much more important for me to have two arrows than just one it was good it was good good try okay okay fruit has it oh what'd you say temple hang on i aimed at fruit four times and missed all four times then got 100 accuracy on all those teammates nice should we uh okay i'll go for fruit again dodgeball is one of the most pressure the most pressure you'll have in like any game it's so stressful just staring down people especially the first times in mcc 9 i started off one for six shots i think it was that and then i hit six straight like as you go on you'll start getting better and better like it all just starts like adding up to you the pressure lowers a lot unless you're on like a losing streak if you're on a losing streak then the pressure heightens but once you start like evening out like you get your first win or something like that it feels so much better so i get a hundred percent that you like struggled at the beginning but came back good job coming back dude just chill out chill out if you have to just take a minute you can sit there i'm gonna you just you can just chill you can just chill we have time this is what i do like this is what i like about not having the timer is like if they feel a little stressed out they have time to just breathe for a moment because the other team can do it too once they both shoot and they both they have the other arrows too that's what i do like about it but i don't like that they could sit there forever that's that's the issue that i have about there not being a timer just like calm down see i like this i like this i'm so irregular oh i actually just minimized that's not good do you think wilbur knows what's going on where do you think wilbur's head is right now that's not good we have time we have both arrows just like calm down we have time we have both the arrows deep breath and then we're gonna hit the shoulders i'm so irregular he's so irregular i i love that he's a regular irregular when they have both the arrows this is the time where wilbur can just breathe hang out lean back in his chair there's nothing bad going on in his life let the other two take the shot just you know stretch a little bit he's in the back of the dodgeball map just running around jumping i love that for wilbur i i love that he's prepared just in case one of them pick it up really quick and shoot him love it that's not good oh my god how surprised you saw nice nice nice that was a good shot you're stacking a little bit you're stacking okay through and oh my god is this where uh goggy starts killing fruit okay it's fine it's fine fine you got me too fruit fruit has the tendency to do that he gets in his own mind i think a little bit he did that during mcc nine dodgeball two i think it happened to him twice during this as well you can't hold still for that long during dodgeball unless you have both arrows poor fruit i love fruit i think he tunnel visioned a lot and usually that's not a bad thing and usually that's a really good thing but when your teammate shoots and they have the other arrow you have to make sure that you're not holding still that was a really good shot by george though spotting that come on come on i think i'm i'm i'm get his eyes on wilbur and i took him nice nice one irregularity all right they're both nice that's one gagi is so happy yeah he is he's being a regular he is so proud of himself okay cub fan did not learn from for its mistakes i don't have the arrows he's got he's got it he's got it yeah you both have one he thought i was gonna spawn in the middle no small has it small has it oh small has he's aiming he missed wait wait don't do anything don't do anything are you okay i ain't i ain't to the left of him you're into the right corner if you need to corner if you need to i into the left you went to the right are you ready oh it's good to go no oh it's fine it's fine it's fine okay sorry that was no you guys are good you guys are good take your time take your time right now it's so hectic get ready you missed it one that's one nice okay okay okay wait don't take the shot we shoot together okay i am left to aim right okay okay three two one go yes yes one more one more did wilbur not shoot by the way let's go wilbur shoot yeah will brushes didn't one more one more he did shoot did he where's the arrow this is good hey my man my man let's go okay okay shoot together okay where did the arrow go am i blind [Music] look at his vid yeah i believe that if he did shoot it was on his side but we just didn't see it from george's nice nice good shot you're back you're back in the game let's go it's a 4v3 but don't get ahead of ourselves we haven't won a small mess nice small chat you got to learn from your mistakes you gotta learn from your mistakes josh is too good for that josh is too good for that also look at gagi's face have you ever seen more happiness in someone's life he's got a big mouth ow am i just getting old green guardians are proof that you could still win if you're old he doesn't know the people on the other team let's just go both of them who are you aiming for yeah yeah this is smart okay oh that was just there's just no hesitation oh that was just i'm aiming boom dead okay just let's just kill both of them are you aiming for yeah yeah i'll go for cub okay okay oh no harvey you didn't even let george get set up harvey you're usually no this man's dead i'd be yelling at you if you did that to me i'd be like give me a moment here i'm like all right let's breathe let's breathe who are you aiming for god boom wait for me away from me are you ready wait should we do he did okay good he took two don't count down just shoot when you think you can techno take the wheel temple or not temple uh philza did so good during this event [Music] [Applause] let's go [Applause] get over here [Music] we're standing together it doesn't matter wait wait wait so how many people got the first win phil's is one yeah feels it went on like sleepy boys right so this was temple and wilbur's first win correct goggy won this is the second only topple wilbur won oh he won mcc four you're right never mind never mind was wilbur and phil's of both on that team why do i feel like that was wilbur wilbur fills a techno and who else was that tommy it was tommy okay that makes more sense yo caitlyn thank you for the sub thank you for the twitch prime thank you thank you beats wilbur okay so this is phil's second win fills up wilbur and george's second hand thoughtful you are about both game mechanics and fandom watching your post game analysis is an important part of my mcc experience and i'm glad the community has someone like you talking about the block game anyone can do this there's a lot well better spoken than people than me thank you for the 1500 bits i appreciate that thank you for the love too that was really nice of you george's third one is it george's third win wait george has three wins now wait george is tied with me and pete no just second oh my god i was about to say like literally george has been in half the amount of mcc's as me and pete he's already gotten up there with us god dang okay oh it is so it is still just me and peter three wins it's me and pete racing for three wins it's all their second yeah so wilbur filza and george's second and then tackles first i like whenever a team has at least one player that gets their first win it makes me happy three dodgeballs two wins yeah we beat him in mcc nine dodgebolt i think yeah yeah that was against green guardians him dave sapnap and eric wilburn feels 100 right true i've been in six dodge bolts i think and i have a three wins that sound about right mcc two we won mcc six we lost mcc seven we won mcc eight we lost mcc nine we won mcc 11 we lost so yeah three for six i have a 50 rating i can't be below that next one i go to i lose huh i can't lose he's got a six point sixty six point six six percent win rate true wilbur fills a hundred percent tackle a hundred percent and gagy sixty six point six six percent this team was stacked carl a hundred percent win rate now carl's got 100 win rate in the event in general not even just dodgeball the boy's nuts he's out of his damn mind we gotta watch uh punz's stands of time i don't know how people stream after mcc i'm dead i'm exhausted after mcc all my energy just gone torch there's a torch right there looking at me you can get it wilbur is six six you're right he lost an mcc-7 nevermind i'm an idiot three yeah go for the big jump first this was actually a really lucky spot that he found this first as well i didn't want to go in there i don't think i think i already watched someone do this someone i watched ended up finding this like super late and they already had a lot of coins so they risked it puns only had like 20 coins or something like that finding like lava parkour when you do that is super good dream did okay that makes more sense then i don't think i watch stream we watch dreams did we watch stream sounds of time i think we watched anyone sans of time who'd i watch i found a door but it looks like it requires two people like somebody to actually stand on the pressure plate oh god was that from a past mcc dream terrace yeah we watched streams parkour tag in terra swoop would i watch these freaking vexes dude [ __ ] i think i'm getting old dream found the gold key but it didn't go to use we found we found a few keys but we didn't use any either and luckily chat so there's a huge like debate that goes on in the mcc reddit that you need to get vaults in order to win mcc sans of time we won by like 500 points and we didn't get a vault like we we did really good without it you don't need a vault like it all depends if you find a volt like early on and you don't waste too much time getting it like vaults aren't crazy like they're 400 coins which is really good like 400 500 points which is really really good but if you take like a minute of your time to get it you could have spent the minute still just going down a freaking tunnel and getting more coins that way it really depends it depends that's what i'm saying like you don't necessarily need a vault in order to do it like like i just said we didn't get a vault we beat everyone by at least 500 points like coins so is the vault helpful yes but if it takes time out of your scavenging around here to get that vault it's probably not worth it p found the gold vault is that what people were finding i saw i think there was like three teams that find found vaults this mcc you really killed something i don't think i did nikki and uh fundy and uh burn did really good i think this was my worst sense of time yet as a team we did really good but i i didn't do too good by scavenging around this was probably my lowest amount of coins i've ever gotten through it my the direction i also went had no sand which was super annoying because we were low on sand majority of the time i guess i just went down the wrong one though like mine had a lot of coins but no no sand you had like 1750 you did great i mean like last mcc i think i got like 20 400 or something crazy like that jean wasn't the only one locked up he got locked up actually i didn't look at did anyone else get locked up was it only dream we we were the last team to finish and i didn't go look at it so i just i was more focused on the overall standings he banked oh oh okay wait what wait wait wait he banked like he he did the 20 off wait i actually need someone to explain this to me what what happened because what what you're basically telling me now is he decided to go do the sphinx rather than go through the portal he wanted wait wait he wait wait he want to try a risky play but he ran out of time oh okay that's that's fair so i'm guessing he was gonna do like lava parkour or something like that and he decided that he was going to bank the 20 to try getting there the tnt room oh oh dream could do the tnt room without doing that okay yeah i want to see what i want to see what happened we'll do that after puns is uh pov what are you doing here i'm curious what was my uh his perspective on that was wait what oh i need to time this better can i even they're so brutal dude i'll come save you don't worry no i can't there's parkour how do i feel about anyone that's watched my reactions to sans of time knows that i hate what puns just did i don't know if i should go oh my gosh what's the matter nothing nothing just don't do the stuff in the middle just go go i hate that chat use torches use torches just light it up really quick kill the mobs and then break the spawner it's it so let's let's let's narrow this down if there's other people in here that do signs of time as well or like any other mccreers as well if you light it up nothing more can spawn so in this case let's play oh my no go back a little bit further go back a little bit further they're so brutal dude i'll come save you so he checks over there there's nothing i he sees that there's two here once he takes a few more steps they're gonna spawn right like there's gonna be two mobs on each of them that spawn two pillagers and i think this was magma uh magma cubes what you want to do is light this one up and then immediately not not kill anything just light it up go over here and light it up and then kill the mobs one by one so there's not more spawning once they're all dead then you break the spawner and then you could just say h you could skip this skip killing the mobs if you want to sure you could do that the reason why you don't do that is because obviously there's a spawner back here and let's say there's a skeletons that shoot you up a little bit you take a lot of damage and you want to run away then there's like 14 mobs just hanging out here ready to kill you so what you want to do is light them up so that you have to kill less mobs and then move on the coins aren't that you're not going to get more coins from the spawners by breaking them early rather than later you're going to get the same amount of coins so that's how you want to handle spawners you want to just light them up you'll see me constantly i did this in the last or the the most recent mcc where the spawners at the very beginning i didn't even break them i didn't give a damn about them and the reason being at the very beginning like when i went through the whole i'm gonna come back through that way regardless on my way back i could break them or nicki might break them nikki's in the middle doing the sands timer maybe she comes in to check on me she sees oh spawner lit up i could go break it easily so it works out it's more time efficient it's much smarter this is this is puns first time but this is the lesson on why i want them this is this is just a lessons on santa time it's too slow what's too slow oh my god are you calling me wrong on this i i'm not wrong on this there's parkour here so okay as i said two mobs spawn two magma cubes spawn right he wants to do it puns decides to break it he could have just lit it up walk the other way right now he decides to kill the the illagers or pillagers what the hell they're called while he's doing this look at the spawner on the left-hand side oh my gosh oh look another magma cube that he has to kill huh that's gonna take a little bit more time right what's the matter nothing nothing just just don't do the stuff in the middle just go go out do other stuff okay this is his first time so i'm not judging him i'm just saying that this is how i played and this is how i get better by learning from mistakes puns is a smart boy puns will look back at this and realize that that is the better play to do it golden apple like i said also puns watches the the povs of other players so puns will look back and be like oh yeah that makes more sense i'm sure he doesn't even need me to tell him that you still think breaking the spawners better chat oh he got away with it before the second one spawns oh my gosh oh lava parkour i thought that was a vault at the very end keep [Music] um well i have a couple minutes around here but if you're coming talk to your team before you do lava parkour like you nailed it awesome but holy crap like that's that's how i i'm assuming since you guys told me he killed it he's gonna nail on the way back too but my god dream did it too but you talked to your team beforehand you asked them if you want them to want you to risk it or not if he risks it and he falls down it's not only losing all of his coins the person in the middle which is either kara or cara i'm not sure who's in the middle at this point has to go take her time to put another stand in there and use another sand and then he has to go back all those coins are gone already it's a huge risk it's not just like oh yeah he did it it's over it's you should talk to your team before then if one of my teammates did this to me i'd be honestly upset it's punz's first time so i get it but my god he didn't even say a word and he just goes for it oh give me the sand oh i got a golden vault key so let's be clear if puns like was on my team and he's like i see lava parkour i would ask how much gold he has how much sand our sand timer had or our scent the person in the middle has and then we will wear it way if it's worth it or not i would also ask if he sees a golden or a vault key at the very end of it if he says yes i'd 100 tell him to go for it if we we weren't like in a major league or anything like that i'd say yes go for it i believe in you can do it but you you ask your teammates first you don't just do it oh oh this is a team so i hate that jump too i hate that little jump there tommy did it without discussion oh no no no no i don't like that either ouch there's so many of them okay he's doing really good though like him going through here he's not hesitating i feel like he's going to watch and learn everything from what he did on here you can keep going okay i only have three of those what just happened there let me know like yellow if you actually need something because i can okay so this is why i say light it up first because he gives more time for zombies to spawn which takes more time for you to have to kill them and break the spawner right there was something weird with like smoke where like something was supposed to spawn and then it didn't like watch like right there like right underneath there i think like a mob tried spawning on him and it failed does that make sense i don't think that's it wasn't a critical hit thing and then that guy spawns without any smoke or anything like that i only have three though weird here i'm dropping it so that's why i say light up the spawner asap he would have had to kill one less mob i have to kill these blazes sometimes it may work out for you that you kill them super fast but just light it up it's easier does he go down there good um okay now we're still good on stand for a little bit perfect i'm just gonna avoid this perfect okay i got my center back he did that to absolute perfection the only thing that i would have done better which isn't necessary or not not better the only thing i would have done which isn't necessarily better is i would just jump straight to the spawner but i would have taken more damage he was smart went through the ladder that was a good play by him i would have just said screw it i wouldn't think about fall damage it's good that he did though and it's good that he's not killing them either oh here we are he didn't waste his time with killing them that might have been something that i did i might have tried killing them is there a spider or a skeleton oh no it's an actual wait what i heard an arrow thank you were there skeletons down there pillager were there pillagers that oh you're right there's a pillar up here oh are you going okay i'm gonna help you illuminate who is that over there yeah i'm over yeah i'm here okay uh i've i've checked every row so after you check that path you can probably leave okay i found tnt i want to avoid [Laughter] he missed the sand yeah i saw but i'm assuming that i'm gonna drop sand in the middle for you uh oh he assumed that illumina would come back and go up here yeah uh keep looking for vaults remember yeah i have a i have a golden vault key still we found i think oh we didn't find the yellow one but we found the red and green we have the blue vault key as well if you load it up there wouldn't have been one less uh zombie there oh my god i hate this he's doing really well though like he's really good at uh what is it pve i think i'm not gonna try that it's stupid he's handling his uh his health total really well as well okay i have seven there's like 14 magma baby magma cubes around him and he just stops in the middle of them and minds it he gets away with it again it upsets me that he gets away with it two babies right there that could have put like they'll give him a little touch puns was hyping you up [ __ ] it was so wholesome i love puns that was during the uh afterwards right i don't think i can get through that i've actually never seen someone open there's a lot of gold there open all of those and then jump down for the mobs i'm assuming it's not going to be bad honestly yeah there's so many mobs this time that was really good i've only done that once where it's like the water in front and i clicked it uh two of them one shot out gold and one shot out of creeper and i was like oh there's a creeper i'm not gonna deal with this but yeah the creeper will just stay afloat and you could go underneath that was a really good play he just knew he's watched this before i guarantee it i saw the golden vault why aren't there so many zombies like in these you need sand i hated that uh yeah just drop it in the middle and not find it okay i'm coming back i'm just coming back i have so much so okay you can you can put them in the same time if you want i don't know if i i don't know if i checked everything okay well there's nothing left in that path besides one lake where that big dip was where there was three hallways or two hallways i went i finished the other hallway so you don't need to go down that okay wait okay well there's nothing how'd the zombie get on fire i left in that path besides one lake where that big dip was where there was three hallways or two hallways skylight was there a gap on the roof or something the blaze he didn't take damage like the bikes didn't shoot him and the blazers are blocked off yeah there must have just been a gap in the roof or something like that that was unfortunate i went i finished the other hallway so you don't need to go he also didn't get knocked back glitchy zombie where do i go where can i even go at this point i dropped sand in the middle by the way anyway it's for anywhere that hasn't been uh gone yet it does upset me that he's not using torches it's like a little i don't have ocd but there are things that trigger me and i think pokemon cards has been explored and not using torches during sands of times or triggering me um blazing a glitch i i'm guessing let me see here i don't see a hole in the roof i actually have no idea what happened maybe it's a slab it's slab or anything doesn't matter really and it was just one of the zombies too not like i think there was he was fighting three or four i wonder what caused that glitch it had to be a glitch right so i said earlier that i hated that he did that as he was running through here with all the zombies chasing after him it's because he's not gonna have a good way out he's lucky because there's nothing to his right right now like far right there's nothing to his writing right now so he has a place to back up you got to make sure that you clear everything so that if you get overwhelmed at one point i got overwhelmed a lot during this mcc stands of time um so i had to keep backing up if there was a mob behind me i would have died so many times so him taking on this blaze this blaze thing is a little bit scarier but because he knows that now behind him both ways like behind him left and behind him right where he's facing right now is safe oh i found a green ball i don't know he's got a potion of healing as well someone asked me this during mcc i don't remember who it was it might have been burn does potion of harming hurt blazes or heal them hiring only hurts on dead mobs i don't think they're undead mobs too okay you think it hurt okay i wasn't 100 sure this looks dangerous um i only have four sand left if anyone's supposed to be entranced with sand i i took on the same exact sand time or sand thing nice well there's so many blazes in there oh no i'm coming back oh yeah luckily someone in my chat or my chat was spamming uh use a bow where's his bow wait that's sand feel free to come in this looks dangerous why'd you take the bow off his hot bar um i only have four sand left if anyone's supposed to be entranced with sand feel free to come by i do parkour well there's so many blazes in there oh no i'm coming back yeah not messing with those blazes yeah yeah you don't have to is this a puzzle oh sorry explorer it's not mark this isn't marked off here i'm saying thank you hold on just light it up just light it up did i bother with them please why did he get oh that was from the blaze that one yeah he was aggro on the blaze the blaze hit him i love x's i'm not gonna bother with that puzzle's gonna take too long he's better than me at marking where he's been does he see the sand i think he does he's yeah he's like he just kept debating about whether he should grab it or not [Music] are we finding any vaults at all no i haven't found any i still there's still a path i need to go though no one has found a vault yet i might die this is where a lot of people die i'm scared of this area i'm in where's the sand puppy i i put it on the thing i put two okay well i have no so this little thing here is string by the way what he should do now if he's watched other povs trigger this run underneath here and then duck underneath there i didn't see that there was a part underneath here does every time you or every single one of these tnt rooms do they have this little hole in the ground it's not string it's snow well it's whatever i think it does i think it does too but people would do the same thing i would do which is jump like tnt to tnt avoiding it avoiding the string because a lot of people that i've seen do this haven't like walked over that no sand left i have no sand left and we have a minute and a half oh you're right oh there's no other i should do the parkour in the vault right like i should just go for it didn't think it was gonna i wouldn't survive it looks easy it looks easy i honestly didn't know you could survive that he he played that really well i think like he waited to see where the tnt like there's two tnt here he waited to see which way it was going and then he went the opposite way i should do the parkour in the vault so yeah that one was further back so he went to the left a little bit so he took less damage [Music] what he should have done the ideal play now that we know is this probably wouldn't have worked out for him what he did was actually correct now that i think about it well okay what he should have done starting from the beginning is run down here trigger this because i i'm guessing he knew about it i did not uh clear out this area then go back up trigger it run down and go back in so at the point where he was at right here when he didn't clear out this area let's say he jumps down here and goes in the hole there could be just a spider there waiting for him knocks him back into the tnt and he dies so the decision that he made once he didn't clear out this room was correct tommy ran he didn't have a hole in the middle oh okay so now noting that for the tnt room run through the middle and see if you fall anywhere if you don't i think that's when you say nope not doing this like this one was different can you make the jump over the string no i don't think you can like the string is above the uh the snow it's not the snow can you make the jump from this tnt over the string and then even if you go back you're dead you might be able to shoot the trip all right this is true i don't think i've seen anyone do it but yeah you could shoot a tripwire hook i've done like games in minecraft with that it's possible are you sure i've never see every time i've done this or seen people do it the sand right here has been the string on the block lowest to the ground let me show you what i'm talking about why i don't think it's possible let me see if i can where's the string god dang it yeah okay he's got it outlined the string is a block above oh no amber alert not good every time i've seen this where the sand is has been the string tommy did it with a string up here i think they're different chat i think i don't think you can make that jump i don't think you can make that is no there's no way there's no way you could jump from that far back over the string he still triggered a chat oh come on then why the hell are you guys telling me he did when he triggered it i was asking whether it would trigger it or not hang on we're testing this out in minecraft show it there we go create new world not hardcore creative watch tommy do it okay i want to test this on my own first chat you can't do anything unless i approve you're playing minecraft unacceptable okay where can i get to a safe spot just give me planes really quick i think extreme hills works as well not the skin what am i not adorable there's no way back okay let's do this so you snow you're going across here great place you up here is where it was tripwire string [Music] is this even in vanilla can it you can perfect okay and the tnt was like right here okay i'm running no i'm not i'm running now you can jump over it okay you can jump over it there's no way there was no way on the way back that you couldn't trigger it though so the correct way was to go trigger it down there and then there was like a hole about here with a door like right there that he could go through and hide from the tnt like right around the corner and then go back up the ladder so that's how you're supposed to do it yeah i don't think you'll be able to make the tnt was much further i don't think so i mean i could pull it back up now i think it was just two blocks yeah it's just two blocks it's literally two blocks so yeah the jump that i just did was the same exact thing that's why i moved it one over from the tnt so yeah you could do that jump the t that tnt is not above his head i don't believe although i think it's four blocks above so he won't bump it there either we have a minute and a half i entered a room i'm in a vault thing i'm amazed that he survived this though i should do the parkour in the vault right like i should just go for it he picked up a gold chess play in iron boots does he have any other new armor on chat was that it i remember specifically picked up iron boots on a gold chest plate anything else trying to pee the tnt true i don't think that makes a huge difference well it makes a difference but not like half health difference from the tnt if it's hard i wouldn't no it looks easy it looks easy we need sand i'm coming back i'm coming i'm coming i have sand well this this proves that he made the correctness [Music] no it looks easy it looks easy this proves he made the correct decision about not running under there to avoid the tnt watch tommy you could shut up i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i could watch tommy afterwards i want to watch uh puns right now calm down stop being annoying i don't know how to figure it out or if it's going to lead to like a vault uh okay i'm almost back with that all right uh i can come back if you need this playing around with the puzzle here uh here's eight thank you perfect blue cyan what did i do [ __ ] i'm gonna mute you guys you're going into mode only for a little bit i need you guys to be quiet go on timeout all right we have two sand left mr streamer watch my favorite streamer you're not watching him um i'll come back eventually soon how do you have a vault yet i entered a vault it was like arrested [Music] how much do you get from this oh gold vaults are worth so much i have 2 400 coins nice so someone told me that all vaults are about the same no most vaults are that we've opened in the past few events have been like 400 gold that one was 1.5 that that was huge also i'm curious [Music] i wonder if like this vault looks bigger than the normal one i wonder if because the vault is bigger that means there's more in it i got the golden vault and i have the key it still upsets me that he just ran past the spawner i have 2 400 coins nice good job if there's any sand in there i'll get that yeah i'm getting it yeah get all the sand [Music] is chad i don't think i can watch people who don't use torches at sands of time it hurts it hurts me it hits me on a different in a different way i i need the torches chat it really does seeing him just running around the spawner letting spiders spawn it hurts tapple please tell me you use torches you see a spawner you you light it up right right apple you don't just go and break it or anything like that oh tapple all you have to do is place one torch on the spawner and then they don't spawn and then you kill the mobs and then you break the spawner or you come back later and break the spawner please please table i will watch your next sans of time if you do that please he's better than me at using the carpet at least i never use carpet i'm really bad about that i can try to make it green he already has that yeah another blaze place dude can you find a helmet during this or pants i don't know if during scents of time i've ever seen pants or coming back with sand there's way too many places pants are a helmet nice good job i haven't heard much about the the sand timer at all oh i go up here i would have been lost i did not remember that at all i don't want to go that way there's nothing i can't take on those blazes maybe i can i don't know places are tough dude like don't risk it if you're gonna like if it's too bad they are um you could see that they're slowly making sansa time harder and harder as we're getting better and better like those rooms used to never be blazes i think every single room with like the four sand blocking it like the one that puns just like grab the sand in the left has been blazes every single time it used to be like pillagers illager skeletons and something like that but they are making it more and more difficult each time we play it i like it i like it a lot um how much how much sand do we have right now i have eight cents okay i'm going to come back with some eight cents yeah i'm coming i'm coming i'm very close okay hello we have a minute left here is this worth i don't even know what uh you already go that way everyone are you done exploring down there yeah there's a blaze place there's two blaze places in this direction but i don't want to mess with them there's two okay this is risky wait wait let me give you a blue vault key because i'm not gonna be finding the edge okay if he if he goes up there he doesn't light up the splinter i'm gonna go insane chat it it's it's gonna hurt me it's really gonna hurt me i'm coming to get it i think puffy's taking care of it oh my god this is hopefully there's a vault up here there's um there's parkour with coins over here but i don't i can't do it oh there's so many of these you know what stop them from spawning [Music] i need to open a door but it's like we have one them to stand on a anyway plate for me okay well you're running the wrong way this way he's got two healing potions if we haven't yeah we should get our like grin out there's literally just a door there might just be i think that was an accident so far what's been your favorite play this mcc here i'll go you guys like i just need you to stand on the pressure plate so i don't get trapped we have we have like we have 30 seconds i don't think there's any specific play okay are we good let's go [Music] that vault was worth 600 coins goddang it's pretty pretty good that put them above i think they came in second only got like 2300 or something yay or nay second or yeah it's probably either second or third right oh no i need to see what happened to him the explanation you guys gave me was confusing there we go we got third they got oh wait what it didn't change at all no we were nine we were nines before this weren't we no we were seven oh really that performance didn't move them up and let's be clear like the difference between like i guess second did get a lot more points but i was gonna say like third and like seventh isn't by much it's like just barely over two thousand couldn't you have used an iron he picked up he probably just didn't see it i've done that before there's a lot of things that you pick up during uh sands of time that you don't process and it's also different as a viewer like i could backseat game no issue here like that that's just what i'm doing right now i can backseat gaming i can process what he's doing because he's thinking ahead making sure he doesn't die he's got a lot of pressure on him but i can sit there and just be like oh yeah he should have done that he should have done that it's much much different to be fair our performance didn't move us up either what place did wait you were you were green guardians you come in you came in wait were you guardians yeah you were tapping was green guardians 4 000 wait okay chat this these amount of coins are with the bonus already right yay or nay so like since we got like 5 500 that's with the three times multiplier right and i could tell yours didn't move you up at all by the way it might have moved you up on yellow and red a little bit okay so it's not like fifteen thousand yeah that wouldn't make any sense i never really thought about that i didn't catch it i caught it after a minute my brain's all over the place shut up harvey dang coming in eighth place you must add a huge lead i don't remember what what the score was before the eighth game you guys must've had a huge lead coming in eighth in the final game with a three times multiplier and still finishing first is huge nice that was good okay i need to see what happened in dreams uh sans of time um yes yes he doesn't i love watching dreams yep well one or two means you're exploring all three of these two big risks lava parkour is no don't do that don't do love dream uses torches that is correct okay he didn't go down the debate hallway green vault's in here okay nice yeah green vault green vault spice spawns so we're fine chad did you see him did you see him he did the thing he he did he did it he knows he's a smart boy you guys make it untimeouted now good job he uses the thing that makes things not spawn oh my god it's beautiful and then he had no issues mining it please maybe not okay i was wrong when i was i said it earlier i thought there was always blazes no there was a blaze spawner and an illager uh spawner in here i didn't notice that i was wrong earlier i thought it was just blazes i mean both are really tough to handle but yeah it's having an illager in a blaze is much better than having two blazes chat this is like going to therapy oh dream just take the wheel guide me he's playing it perfectly he went in here and lit it up he went in here and lit it up no more things are spotting now you just got to take care of the mobs one by one no risk of dying i'm getting some dream therapy now 10 seconds on the count look at that or was it a torch oh no he missed arrows i'm good yeah he missed stairs oh whatever that's fine you're doing great dream i thought it was gold and not arrows back there right here star wars thank you for the twitch brian thank you for the love i love it thank you thank you happy eight months yep that's fine thank you [Music] oh god i love sans of times dream i don't know how i don't know where the spawners were for those wait was that a skeleton and there was just none that spawned i don't think i've ever seen a spawner without spawning two mobs that was weird um or was that the vex one was that why the vexes were underneath look at it chat he went up there immediately turned around after the the ladder remember to try and lit it up it does way more damage okay we're going to critique here for a second we're trying to crit it's it's hard to think like a backseat gaming backseat gaming backseat gaming chat this way hasn't been taken you hear that there's zombies above them right oh my god that means there's a spawner up there they're trying to crit them up that are spawning things he shouldn't have worried about breaking this yet he should have gone up stop them from spawning kill them all loot the stuff and then come back down and on their way down he should have broken it backseat gamer so you see how there was i think that's three four zombies up there maybe there was two okay that's just the difference it makes oh my god it's not like it's drastic or anything like that but it's just being time efficient sounds um you don't need to break the spawners chat um like if it's on your way back you could break it on your way back when there's no threat all right respectfully yes this is how i get better i'm not saying this to say that dream was bad because that wasn't a bad play that was just me backseat gaming i'm saying this so that in my future mcc's when we do signs of time i know more that i should be doing that that's why you just look for where things are that's why i constantly watch mcc vods to get me to be better i completely cleared one area okay i put i put a line through it it's like totally clear this one i found one okay did you completely clear out this way no way oh okay i watched nikki and she did she went in there i was like okay the debate hallway there's the big arrow uh i'm gonna go down uh there seems is he playing pictionary while playing sands of time i think kevin sparkle says he did that arrow for vault okay i mean fair i guess but like my god have to be that big to be there seems to be okay i'm gonna um i dropped santa i wasn't fully listening so i didn't know it was for a vault but it's just like that thing's huge red ball or red vocal okay here here's more michael here's two sand um i just dropped it down on you in the water behind you how many times have michael and dreaming paired up with is this their second or third i feel like this one's smaller practice for a build there's still some sand around the edge at least there's one okay he saw it there's a lot of it's good that he's gonna have someone's tunnel because i can find it was him burren michael mchale dream burn and techno are you down through a maze or i remember that team i don't know if they had one more after that amazing oh god wither skeletons okay yeah you're down here geez all right i'm gonna go oh do you need help okay okay there's more sand there there's lava parkour so the reason why i always go underneath the nether portal is the first two times that we did sands of time i didn't see it i didn't know there was a tunnel underneath there because you start above it and you don't really like look down underneath it i don't think anyone on his team went underneath there and that's why i go there first because you don't really think about it or process it you just think it's left or right so that's why i get it out of the way first every single time i just make sure that it's we did it we don't worry about it we go again so like him running around not knowing where to go i don't think he knows that there is that area underneath the nether portal so that that's why i'll always make sure that i go and do that one first or this is like easy level parkour though so i'm going to attempt to and then like i i have it lined out that after i do that i go back to mid talk to the person at mid see if they went underneath the like the sand timer and if they did then i'll talk to the rest of the other two and see if there's a tunnel that they didn't go down that's how i kind of mapped my sands of time route out oh dream did do this okay as i say that i'm going to follow um be careful of that bring us on book okay i have seven there's two minutes yes please also somebody said that there was a red key down i hated that jump i hated that jump i didn't i didn't see i didn't see where the red key was but like if anyone's gonna do it really two minutes yes please also somebody said that there was a red key down there okay um oh whoa this jump from here to here to here to here was worth six gold i didn't i didn't see i didn't see where the red key was but some of my chat said that i hate that that's what it was worth obviously dream didn't know that but like i'm just like sitting here like if i did that jump i would be upset if i only got six coins i i guess this piece of sand too but uh torch okay oh there's more there was more gold at the bottom where there wasn't parkour than there was in the entire parkour area uh who else is bringing red keys in the middle apparently i hate that there's red key in the middle so oh then then we need to come back here with it asap i will come drop off sand and then i'm going to come run back to do red vault if then we need to come back here with it should he have messed around with this yes or no oh i think jordan already did never mind he made the right decision okay never mind i will come back like some some lovers are flicked back yeah captain sparkle's already dead yeah try and try and get ready please look for it and michael look for it well nip never mind is it in the middle i thought he just looked and it was like ah it's not worth my time no he i would have but he knows that captain sparkles already did it so he was 100 percent below they're saying it's the middle below oh okay it might have that spidey oh my god what oh no wait did you did you did you flick levers or you wouldn't pop out of a level though there's no way it'd pop out of a level let's see how he handles this michael you're not here that's exactly yes puns is smarter than both of us that's exactly what i would have done i would have jumped right on the spawner puns saved his health by jumping on the ladder the ladder is safer this is faster what we did or what i would have done um i'm coming up oh i'm gonna fully delay so you didn't find the red lever apparently it burned in lava apparently it was on i hear vexes oh yeah yeah yeah i did that last time too oh did you really okay i i had no idea it was a game man my bad i'm sorry that's yeah my bad i didn't even know that it was there i just thought did michael ruin uh did michael get that like little like lever flicking thing where it's like there's like sandstone and then you flick a leather and sometimes the samsung will come down and you gotta land it on the bottom one and then jump to it is that what he's talking about yeah okay i think everyone's messed that one up the first time they've done it i just looked at it and it was like do i want to do this and then i flicked some levers and saw things falling while i was like all right i ruined something second time i did good and i got got it but the first time i messed it up i think everyone's on the same boat as michael in that case realize what i was doing oh no okay well hopefully we can come back that's that's just the way that it seemed it just looked like it was uh it just looked like it was coins yep what are the colored levers do anybody know that's fine yeah i'm not did michael really beat him up beat himself up this much during the mcc the two things i've watched he like beat himself up because he didn't do good on a hunter uh parkour tag and then just this oh that doesn't show the entire thing michael's a good teammate i like michael a lot i think michael's in his own head too much right now i'm sure he's just gonna keep pointing out like what he did wrong but i'm sure he killed everything else spyfy did too ah there's no reason to be hard on yourself that much your team ain't gonna win or lose because you accidentally burnt the key i'm gonna go up and i'm gonna check the i have no idea what those do at all also dream did that perfectly yes king slay yes he didn't even mind the two the two spawners before he went that one up yes yes dream yes i don't have a rusty key usually i have plenty yes maybe i do have one i'm gonna check in a second i can't hit these dumb magmas i was gonna say you're missing a little bit too much but that's okay you're not in any danger i have three sand but i'm i'm exploring a little more i got one right now oh dream you're making me so happy right now you have no idea the fact that he killed the spiders before he mined the freaking spawner he's making sure he's a route out and no one comes over and kill like as he like maybe gets overbeared by a bunch of pillagers he has to escape oh no there's no spider there waiting for him perfect do any of you guys have rusty keys yeah i have a couple purple i don't think i saw any rustic keys either during this yeah there's nowhere i can go over here other than russell i got like a miniature that's pretty cool i have a russian team but i also it's fine your phone got it by just flipping everything and brown yeah there's no way i can go over here other than rusty key i got like a miniature ball is that a rusty keychat in fairness it's hard to see it he might be thinking it's like tortures or something like that pretty cool it's just funny how he's looking for it it's not worth it and it's just hanging out right there what happened to me too so i'm guessing it's just the way that it's made it's me yeah what do you say is a hundred percent correct about this oh i didn't mean to break dream you're doing great [Laughter] he mined the torch this is like an iron door maze and i'm going to get it later okay maybe i believe it no it's not is this chat yelling at him uh we have 60 seconds yes does anyone else have sand i'm looking around i'm not seeing anything very limited i have i want him to see it so bad i have seven sand eight sand on me nice nice the way that it's made you mean poorly no it's not made poorly it's not made poorly in the slightest it's just uh it was an oversight yes all right how much time left because i need to know if i should come back right now or uh we have 90 seconds i think something that i need to get in my mind okay we're fine maybe come back and bring some sand yeah we're a little bit okay i can explore a little bit more when you know let me give an example when i'm doing sands of time i don't think i've actually ever come across a tnt room maybe i did one time but i just don't remember it but same thing with like lava parkour and that kind of stuff how much time left because i need to know if i should come back right now i need to wait a second and just look if there's any vault keys there like i know there's gonna be a lot of gold there but i have to look if there's any vault keys there and see if it's actually worth it before like making a decision about anything or even just like writing it off that i'm not gonna do it like mcc nine there was no hesitation that i wasn't gonna do it because we had such a huge lead but in the case where it's like super close i i have to make a quick decision or like not a quick decision but just make a a good decision on whether or not i should do this pete did it that's why i love pete pete's so smart pete's such a good player everything like pete's another player that gives me like therapy it's so great watching him pete's always the first person i watch after mcc spiffy i know it a lot well spiffy hasn't been in that many mccs that's something that like i've done like what like five sands of time six sands of time or something like that and i'm still like learning more and more about it every single time hour uh we have 90 seconds on the clock oh he went for the torches chat okay we're fine maybe come back and bring some yeah we're a little bit i can explore a little bit more oh okay oh we are nearby each other right now oh there's actually like absolutely nothing over there but a spawner um i'm gonna bring my sandbag there's a tnt thing i feel like i have to try it for us so oh what what place were they in before this chat like as a team h is a dream confirmed of course i am dream's awesome they're in sixth yeah they have to take risks i don't know if that's the risk they have to take but i think that is a risk that they probably should and dreams smart enough to try and figure out how to get it only 800 coins behind you still have to take risks a hundred percent during signs of time yeah we do but 800 points isn't that much but other teams will be doing the same thing as you as until you understand i hate saying that word too by the way i suck at it is anybody near middle that has rusted the same thing with like discs uh well i don't need to go with me i just you could drop me the recipe here take the sand behind you michael help him [Laughter] find you michael find you uh where are you got it got i got it thank you find it in your middle i do arrested here i can go with you uh well i don't need you to go with me i just you could drop me the rusty here take the sand behind you michael behind you michael find you oh where are you got it got it thank you uh michael i have four sam there's a rusty key back there okay so i don't need it then i don't need it i'll grab it just just it could have helped with like the spider goes for a while um i think it goes i believe that there's a lot down this place i was gonna say i saw the sparkly sparkle every other path besides the ones you were in right now oh wait someone in my chat said that you passed the key dream i passed the rusty key okay i'm gonna do the tnt even though it seems dumb he just got better armor too i think it's worth the the risk i think i can probably do it and if i don't i mean then we i don't know i like that he's not just going for it though like you guys know when i was when i was talking about puns just doing the lava parkour i'm glad that uh dream is taking in uh his teammates wording like help with the decision rather than just going for it dream knows that he or feels that he has to do it but he's actually like listening to uh his teammates rather than just doing it like it it's we have uh we have two minutes on the clock and i have nine sand left okay nice pretty good so i wish you would stop and look at it so so i could take a look at it 537 okay tnt room didn't have a passage well we haven't confirmed that yet i don't know i have to go back and look at punses hang on guys so many things open on punz's were we able to see where was it i'm just going back i killed i killed it it was earlier than this there it is were we able to see the passage oh like the thing underneath i don't want to go that way there's nothing i can't take it he already do it at this point i can i don't know sand places are tough dude like don't risk it if you're gonna like if it's too bad pawn said let's see i i i want to see if there was like a room underneath like it might be different but i just want to see if we're able to spot it or not i have eight cents okay that was earlier okay so earlier than 2 38. thank you there it is okay so 234 um we need more sand should i come back is that it or is that just like a lighting glitch i actually can't tell rusty key no that's just a lighting glitch you can't see that there's a trap there or not yeah so with that being said where's dream dream walked on the tnt so he didn't set off if there was a trap there tnt at back wall sure but that doesn't mean there's a trap or not a trap there right that doesn't mean anything it's too chat i'm i'm saying yes you are correct they are two different ones okay but i don't know a hundred percent if there's a trap in the middle that dream could have gone into and avoided the tnt or not end of this area then does he walk on the side over here like down here dude all right i'm not gonna risk it yeah no even there on punz's one it was a few more steps when he where dream landed on the ground it was a few more steps like backwards towards the the the gold where punz's whole broken so i think now knowing the knowledge that i have if i was presented a tnt room like this it's going up steadily the correct play is to walk around this area and see if there's a trap down there and see if there's a way of surviving rather than just jumping in here it's got the same like lighting glitch that he had as well so that doesn't mean anything there might okay i'm gonna you guys keep telling me it's two different rooms it might be different chad but i don't know because dream didn't walk on this so i don't know if there's a room there or not fruit just shot an arrow on the ground and it triggered the floor trap dope that's actually much better okay look at the back wall oh my god chat i'm i'm going to start banning people i understand they're two different rooms i don't know how you know what we're going back into mode name remote chat i understand they're two different rooms that doesn't mean there's not a trap here that he could go and hide in that's what i'm saying i don't know if there's a trap here or not how do people not listen they have ears all right i'm not gonna it hurts i feel like i can do it though so like i said dream did fall down here but when puns like ran through it triggered like when he was at this point like over halfway through the actual like hallway rather than at the very beginning dream fell like over here and like walked over there like right here yeah i'm not going to rest so that doesn't prove it to me i can't do it though i've seen how to do it i feel like i can do it two minutes on the clock six hand left um i where's the right you guys are saying mr rusticky where guys it's rolling like i don't see a rusty key anywhere there's flying gold down there how does dream plan on surviving that's what i'm wondering is he planning on jumping over this the tripwire hook so by the way i'm gonna be trying can you do that hang on more testing yeah okay you could do it fairly easily i've never tried jumping over a trip wire hook before oh yeah oh oh oh oh that was way easier than i thought it was going to be huh yeah no if i'm on dreamsteam i'm telling him to do it if i'm able to do it that easily dream could do like [ __ ] freaking like jump rope on that i'm gonna do it nine five full coins easy wait once again did he ask his team i'm gonna do it you guys die so we have uh 100 seconds left on the clock i have sex and i'm going to put two where was the rusty vault down here so by the way i'm going to be trying to keep force hand on me just in case you guys die so we have uh we have 110 seconds left so again this is lava parkour but let's do it ask nine flight full coins or might have been captain i couldn't tell who was speaking they're just i don't mind him doing it i do mind him not asking i got a vault key if he was my teammate and we were behind i would say do it but still i want people to ask before they do it oh my god do you guys have extra because i don't really have much extra sound and if you really want to do that bad just explain to me that you want to do it that bad and i'd be like okay go for it all right i'm going to place this in then so uh we have a hundred seconds left on the clock oh uh there's another section that can be opened here but he had a block above his head he would have hit his head into the wire anyways michael come to me here uh let's okay here let's put did you see how easy it was for me to jump back and forth over the tripwire hook do you want me to show you again like here you know we'll we'll outline it even better for you let me get some uh redstone where are you there you are give me uh some give me a redstone lamp there we go perfect oh this is gonna be great okay okay okay okay perfect and then you all the way across here same thing over here okay okay this could be great it's gonna be fantastic welcome to my redstone tutorial chat this is work oh oh there it is you see you see that you see that okay okay get ready get ready get ready there's a block above the tnt head but just going through here [Music] slight miscommunication i think chat doesn't mean tnt and back wall but no hole slash ladder in the back wall no way up from below therefore no hole in the floor probably sorry for being annoying just wanted to explain you're good thank you for the the clarification everwing think of the five bucks too you guys see how hard this is i'm struggling out here chat it's all dude it's it's all oh chat oh no ah ah ah from the specific dnt i mean sure like in all honesty if there was like a tnt block right here i would do this that's just safer if i noticed that there was a block right here i wouldn't do it i think there was a tnt block up here though which shouldn't make a difference yeah i mean i could take a look at the the room again and see if there was a tnt block above there because unless like you did what i did here like if there was a tnt like if there was a tnt block i'm doing that every time i didn't know that tripwire was this hard to trigger like i straight up have to like walk in to the tripwire hook i wouldn't have done it but knowing this now i had to slowly go up the tnt hallway until i saw the tripwire hook and then just jump over it grab the stuff and then just go on my merry way can you look at pete's perspective yeah i can do that later i don't know how much longer i'm gonna be streaming for to be honest though uh and we'll do this really quick i need you to stand on a pressure i never knew that it was that easy to jump over a trip wire hook i think you need a third person but i'm like right here by you guys so it's a one person pressure plate this one that's different with the other one all right so michael just stand on this pressure plate here fruit shot both of them and only one headed floor trap rusty key rusty i got many so they are different hold on because you have to stand on it for a moment um okay sweaty are you in this same should i do the tnt what if i what if i bank how much how much gold is there i think i mean maybe if i bank my coins then go to the tnt that could be good 1450 divided by 0.20 that's like 150 coins yeah it's 100 worth it ah how much how many coins do you get from doing that tnt vault tripwire was higher tripwire was higher in punz's one i'm not sure about dreams one we'll take a look really quick what are we at now 2 24 16. how long ago was it 2 24 16 too far too far there's no sand here i don't know where the tripwire hook is this must be the end of this no the trip wire hook is higher you're right so yeah you can't jump over it or maybe you can hang on let's try that now i didn't see the sand here or the the snow i think is what it was so i thought that it was on the ground let's try this then okay so i think it was like that's where the tnt was let's take a look at this yeah two blocks one up okay two blocks one up i guess technically yeah we can do it right there so it's the same height that we're going to be at for this okay so now we can make that jump now how the heck do you get back huh oh it's easier oh it's oh wait yeah no it's easier wait maybe it's not hanging that's three blocks behind so tripwire hook is at this block right here so that's one two three blocks behind so there's two different jumps you could do for this one right so there's three blocks behind and two blocks up so let's see this yeah it's two blocks up run like tommy i mean i think you can make it out but just it would be better if you just don't trigger it right i think then i think there's a fence gate on this am i doing this correct no i think it's one down is it the same height yeah it's the same height back here i think this is it and then a fence or a wall or something right there so he doesn't have more room to back up with yeah no you can make that jump if i can make the jump dream can make the jump you could also go from the side here i guess i think i'm doing this the correct height there are also blocks above him where he can't hit his head are you sure the tnt block is in the middle this this tnt block is not above his head there's no blocks above his head here oh no there wasn't a fence the fence was over here not over here is there are those blocks above his head can i get a better view of that no that's three blocks above that's four blocks above those aren't gonna no no it's the same exact jump the tnt right here is at the height that the tripwire hooks at this isn't gonna affect his jump one two three yeah no so he could make that jump really easily so yeah it is literally like i mean i don't even need this anymore it is just this jump unless the tripwire hook is different during mcc that's really easy let's see do i have to do like a bad jump in order not to make that like let's say i don't double jump i just jump nope let's say i do a bad jump yep even then i think you guys were saying that tommy just ran through it if i run jump from back here and trigger it that gives me a big head start on it easy but with this saying again dream doesn't know how hard or easy this is because i'm assuming he's on the same page as me like i i don't 100 know or was before i just tested it out how hard of a jump this was going to be or if i'm going to die during it if you trigger it on the way here i think you're gonna die but if you trigger it on the way out it's gonna be easier because you're already running that way to get out and you could get up here really easily by jumping on either this or that yeah this doesn't look like it's that much gold though to be honest so if he banks he's getting rid of 150 gold do you guys think this is more than 150 gold yay or nay this isn't like hindsight if you already know that it is i mean just say what you think this looks like i honestly think this looks like maybe a hundred you guys think yay that's close okay we'll go see what uh how many coins tommy got afterwards all right i'm not gonna risk it right now so a lot of you are saying he bumped his head he's bumping you can see it here this tnt is not above his head it's a block behind so this isn't a block a head hitting block jump on the way back it is because they're all in between there but on the way to this jump and back there's gonna be no blocks above his head and you guys are right there is nothing i don't know if that absolutely means there's no here's an enderman i don't know a hundred percent if that means there's no trap down here because i feel like i've seen pete do this in past uh mcc's where there's been nothing above his head on the back either but there was a trap in the middle so that doesn't confirm for me that there is no trap there i feel like i can do it though i've seen how to do it i feel like i can do it two minutes on the clock six hand left um i where's the right you guys are singing mr rusty key where guys it's rolling like i don't see a rusty key anywhere there's flying down there a hundred and uh a hundred seconds left on the clock i have six and i'm gonna put two right where was the rusty vault down here okay dream so by the way right now we already watched this didn't we i've exercising because i don't think i need a favor and i need you to go light up more spawners for me please i need it right now all right i'm going to place this in then jesus are you still watching vods no of course not on the clock why do you say it like it's a bad thing that can be opened here jeez are you still having fun watching videos of mcc come on dude wow four months hs his was thank you for the four months thank you for the continuing support get some meets in the chat i think you need a third person but i'm like right here by you guys so it's a one-person pressure plate this one that's different than the other one all right so michael just stand on this pressure plate here and just band on it uh rusty key rusty i got many rest it's kind of amazing that there was only three volts opened and blue and green open at the same exact time hold on because you have to stand on it for a moment um okay swepty are you in this same should i do the tnt a long way through what if i what if i bank how much how much gold is there i think i mean maybe if i bank my coins then go do the tnt 20 of 1450 is basically 150 right i'm not doing my math wrong on that i am that's ten percent it's 300 i really want to do this i have 600 it's 300. uh yeah guys okay do you know where the golden vault is or no idea yeah asap would you say did you sign michael yeah get back get back it's 300 coins if he vaults that he'll lose for twenty percent no one's been there get back get back get back get back do you have sand cap sparkles or no yeah i know okay look for sand get backs by get back get back now get back yeah get back here you have 60 seconds 60 seconds get back here okay so something uh that i want other people to do i'm also pretty bad about this too instead of just saying get back uh dream and michael are just sitting in the middle they should be going where he is and trying to help him lead him out of there like constantly be like if you're doing nothing else you might as well be doing your best to get him out of there while playing it safely that's what we have been saying just get back get back okay look around for sam look i think michael's realize that now yeah dream is as well you need to get back just so that we can bank you see where i i'm jumping spiffy just hurry hi hi come here come come here you're right here you're right here yeah michael killed it okay michael did a really good thing for now everyone just we don't have any more sand captain get back okay uh we've got we've got four we didn't get any vault portal yeah everyone get over to the portal i'm just looking around real quick you need the okay everybody just look around briefly there's a little bit more in this path i'm gonna go back down first there's a lot of time i think spiffy's voice was getting drowned out by a lot we were having that issue during uh what was it uh twitch rivals where i think it was this microphone sneak whenever someone else talked sneaks voice went like down by like 90 percent so i think that was the same thing that was having a spiffy there i don't know what was causing that minute hurry up like it wasn't like him going quieter as a person i think it was the microphone not like him i feel i feel real real bad about michael stop it uh what does it do stop it michael you're pissing me off you've only got 60 seconds left you made a mistake all right i'm banking and then i'm trying to get there's eight games you're gonna bank i just bang yeah he lost 300 coins where's my path to the tnt oh god if i don't know where my path is this is bad uh 40 seconds 40 seconds i don't think we can is it that close 30 seconds almost 30 seconds oh dream i was so proud of you up to this point it's not going to be up here i already banks like zero i'm just going to try anyway but just everyone else get back everyone else bank everyone else bank uh get in get in get in get get going you guys get in yeah just get in the portal get in the podium i just cost a 20 feet i shouldn't have done that oh that's my bad hopefully we don't lose out by barely any i just i just feel bad that the red vault key went in oh he is the only one in here i got locked in but technically i got locked in with zero coins but that's that's unfortunate because uh yeah there was a whole path that was not like this he was doing so well mine was the last one he did so good the entire um who's out here hold on we we lasted a decent bit who's all out here i mean i only lost 20 by doing that so it's not a huge deal but yeah so the only so the only people who found a vault key how many times i've been in a model lane mode today i think this is the second or third of them i love that just came up and spiked them in the face with it i'm pretty sure two of them lime was definitely ahead of us blue bats there's a chance somewhere um it doesn't matter because green guardians are head and blue got out so unless blue somehow had way less coins than us then i'm gonna be so upset if it's 20 of my yeah if you're oh if we're only like 200 points away muted we just didn't get a single volt so i just was like okay i think cost them on this game uh they came in fifth place i think or six something like that uh the 300 coins i don't think would have made a difference they might have moved him up like a spot or two but i i the it's hard to just be like yeah if he made this decision they would have won even if he did just go for it at the beginning part when he was first there i don't think they would have moved up enough like there wasn't that many coins in there so bank team coins they would have gone up to 40 780 something around there i think it was just barely under 300 coins that he lost if they did that they would have been up to 4 700 if they got like like i said it didn't look like there was that many coins there like let's say they got another like 200 they would have been up to 5100 i don't think they would have moved up too much i think that's just something that we all like this is why i watch the vods it's also entertaining but i also do get better at the game that now seeing that i know how to handle the tnt room if i see like how it's done by other people and now that i've tested it out in my own world and been like yeah i could do this no problem i feel much better so now it's the same thing with the iron trap door when uh not the trapdoor the iron door when dream died when we watched that pov of him i said i would have done the same exact thing i was behind on coins i would have just gone in there and not double thought about it like he did now we know not to go in there it sucks that he was the first person to have that happen to him but now we know we've smartened up next time we do better and hesitate before iron doors it depends we'll see whether it was worth it or not you're saying lime got 5k and lime had a vault so that means the they were the only ones i i don't think him making the 5k making the decision to do the tnt and survive like let's say he does do that i don't think he would have gotten a dodgeball still so i think it's okay that he didn't go for it he shouldn't like dread about it too much and then they're going they're going to dodgeball it's going to be them versus i think what he should do is watch his pov a few times do what i did and test it out in the creative world or whatever really quick and see how he would handle it next time dream is the kind of person to do that was it just like you were flipping levers yeah you just flip levers what's your favorite game now you see history sounds of time or ace race it just falls parkour tag might grow on me i do love it but i it's only been played one time that really like emits a particle that you can like immediately see is gold so you're like okay but obviously they waited a long ass time for us chat they were one of the last teams out i don't i don't know if they were the second to last or how close they were to last but there was a lot of people in the lobby before them that was uh that we were in there we weren't leaving it's also like well you're not going to jump over lava to get the gold because that's what we established if you are low on the rankings you need an amazing sense of time would it be worth it to have no sand person and do four people export no no there so if you have four people exploring and no sand timer person everyone has to go down like a hall for like two minutes or like not even two minutes you have less than that a minute and then come back and then go down the same hall again which will take like another like 20 seconds go down there come back go down further it's just not gonna work out you need a timer person you need someone near it if you don't it's gonna be stressful everyone's gonna be yelling at each other it's never the correct decision to not have a sand timer person unless like the halls are like catered to you to come back every minute which i doubt it's it's best to have someone designated to taking care of the middle area a hundred percent like you could switch like there could be a timer person and then they could come back and you could switch the people with them but there has to be someone near that area the entire time it helps the rest of the team relax it enables more people that's what nikki did for us nikki enabled me fundy and king buren to do really well that's why you need a sand timer person we're very lucky like every time i've had sense of time i've had really good time with people i've had uh i think it was jimmy it was either jimmy or martin oh god i think it was martin i already forgot and then i had whip flip wren mcs11 was flip and then i had nikki they all did it perfectly and as we played more and more sands of time i have distinctly like learned that like you are allowed to tell us to shut up we will not take it hard nikki if we are not listening to you you are allowed to scold us yell at us it does help their confidence up a lot and i think nikki actually liked the job too i hope she did at least she had the most stressful job the sand timer is the most stressful part of the job and she killed it every single person that i've had on signs of time has nailed the timer job it is the most important job if they do anything wrong our team is screwed that is it that's why i'm saying like nikki got 40th individually but that does not show how good she did she was the reason why we got to third she was the reason why we got out of eighth place or tenth place whatever we were in at the very end it might have moved us up one place but or before this the last event the last game it was fun no it was fun 550 points we killed it 1400 points more so that would have been two vaults and no banking that's so i'm the only one in the cell let's be fair i didn't even i didn't even die like i just what kevin sparkles was saying is true he was like uh they beat us by like 1400 points i think he said something like that so we would have needed two vaults we didn't get any vaults chat i think everyone kind of tunnels that you have to get a vault to win the gold vault was huge i think puns got the gold vault that we just watched right which was 800 coins if he stumbled upon it which is huge like if you get that that's awesome that's so many coins for you but if you're going out of your way to spend like two minutes of your time looking for a vault those two minutes could be used for something else that's like i could get like 500 coins rather than 400 coins from this vault which you might not even find the vault so everyone's like yeah you got to get the vault there might be a vault like at the beginning that everyone gets and then you probably need that too like if like you guys know how the first hall in the right uh side of this uh mcc had the vault like right there i don't know if anyone got that vault key but if there's a vault key near spawn and there's that vault near spawn you probably need to get it to keep up with the other people because that's just like a free 400 points right if there's a team that misses it they're missing out on like 30 seconds worth of getting 400 points there are some vaults that are necessary and then there's some vaults that are just like oh maybe this will work out for us the punz's team puns got extremely fortunate that he found both the vault key and the vault on the same tunnel i don't know if uh anyone on our team went down that tunnel or got far enough to where he was to do the same thing but that was really really good for them that was really really good and especially because it was a gold vault usually the vaults that we've seen in the past mccs have been only like 400 coins that one being 600 was literally 1.5 times as much get 1400 points more so that would have been two volts and no banking so am i the only one in the cell let's be fair i didn't even i didn't even die like i just i went in voluntarily i didn't even look at it i didn't even know dream was in there i mean that means nobody died to not getting back on this one i was busy talking to humans that means nobody died is that a nautilus shell now you guys can get out of a mode only mode what the hell is that it's a chorus root so that's what they had the birthday thing be oh popped chorus fruit what the hell is a popped chorus fruit you could smelt chorus fruit is an atom obtained by smelting chorus fruit and used to craft end rods and perper blocks i learned something today chat i never knew that was a thing never knew that was a thing i in fairness i don't think i've ever eaten chorus fruit or used chorus fruit other than in my most recent all-advancement speed run because i had to because i had no food never even considered tried smelting it now i know how to craft a what are these end rods yeah and rods cool or purple blocks oh boy all right chat that's it for today's stream i need food dude and it's football day if you guys haven't followed yet be sure to drop a follow let's go find someone to raid who's strumming right now tommy's got a hundred and eleven thousand viewers right now tommy popping off let's go he don't need my raid that boy's nuts uh let's go ride bennex we love bennex in this household he too nice five up i actually don't know five up i've never talked to him before i know a lot of people in the minecraft community know him i've but i've never talked to him bennex i know thanks good human go drop him follow go drop him some yeets go show him some love chat thank you guys for coming out i hope you had fun like i said follow if you haven't also thank you guys for the uh god i can't even 42 subs today my screen is too white just like your boy all right get out of here yeah knuckleheads
Views: 12,415
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: HBomb94, HBomb94 VODS, HBomb94 Stream, Minecraft HBomb94, HBomb94 Minecraft, HBomb94 LiveStream, HBomb94 Live Stream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 331min 24sec (19884 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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