MBM Inside with Mike Barber - Eastham Unit March 7, 2020

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hello everyone Mike barber here remember this program is tape-delayed for many reasons but you will see it still alive and well men women worshipping men women listening to the life changing Word of God it'll touch your heart in many ways the Bike Barn ministries this is our church this is where we live enjoy it because you will be blessed and I don't have a context for the cross and that kind of love I don't understand I can't comprehend all I know is that I need you so I run to the Father fall into grace I'm done with hiding no reason to wait so my heart needs a surgeon my soul needs a friend so I run to the Father [Music] and against it [Music] my heart spinning your side long before my first breath running into your arms it's running to life from my old ways of death I feel this rush deep in my chest and my soul is crying now sit just as I am since you pulled me in and I know this this one thing it's I need you sees us so I run to the Father I fall into grace I'm no reason to wait said my heart found a search my soul found a friend so I run to the father again run to the Father I'm fall into grace I'm no reason to need to search my soul needs a friend so I run to the father [Music] again and again I need you Jesus I said I need you Jesus come on is anybody in here that can say I need you Jesus said I need you I need you I need your lovin touch [Music] gentleman I know that it's it's it's not kosher in this culture can I say it that way it's not gonna now stay there just stay in the presence of God it's not kosher in this culture to show emotion you can show angry emotions but if you show what is considered a weakness of emotion to let something just begin to just move on your heartstrings it shows your weakness but the Bible says that in his weakness in our weakness we find strength in our weakness we find strength [Music] super laughs me now masae Hey [Music] I can't you to the free Jaime Oh bless me now to have come to thee come on hugs all night long hugs all night long all you gotta do is speak the name of Jesus and demons flee all you gotta speak is the name of Jesus and your mountain comes crashing down all you gotta do is speak the name of Jesus and everything that you've ever asked for in your life come it's to flourishing all you gotta do is speak the name of Jesus and the impossible can come so Jesus Jesus Jesus oh there's something about [Music] he loves you bro it's okay Syd Master my heart cries out Savior I'm singing this for you [Music] [Music] let all froak [Music] secure [Music] and keynotes shallow pass away this is him but there's something about yes there's something there's something I know something about the name Jesus I'm trying to compose myself something about the name Jesus [Music] Oh something about the name Jesus something about the name Jesus [Music] oh come on y'all sing it [Music] [Music] oh I love the name Jesus [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] come on give him some praise that I know hallelu [Music] where's uh where's pastor father II you see here faster chaplain father II run all these men make it crystal clear thank you [Applause] yes sir [Applause] just a couple of things number one it is our privilege if half of what I see in your faces really happened we're beginning something that will change this unit and if it changes this unit and your lives it will change your families and the world we live in power of Jesus Christ and his salvation and his Spirit comes to dwell in us is the greatest power in the universe [Applause] lay down all of your own conniving xand things you can try to figure out to work out fix your eyes on Jesus keep breathing and keep walking [Applause] amen you got a great leader here great pastor I don't know if I don't know if the warden is still here or not thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you sir [Applause] want to thank all these officers start that 30 minutes and I'm gonna try to stick with that I doubt if I'll be able to preach what was on my heart but let me put all this in perspective if I can if you've been here I told you this is my 34th year full time 40 years altogether my last six years on my league and the league I spent all season [Applause] one of my highlights for the Mike barber ministries is I used to go overseas to the Ukraine I've been in every single prison in the Ukraine I built libraries in every single prison hundreds of messages I put in every single prison over there in their Chapel in their language every prison that I used to do because the sadness of those prisons over there and the summertime they had to select what day that they that have ten days in the entire winter that they could have electricity in their prison they had to select what day during the summer months hoping that they they selected in that winter time was the right day and they to do nothing about it if it was a beautiful day and they didn't really need the heat as far as their clothing and things family members have to bring it to and I got permission every prison that I went into I fed the entire prison then and there now those people over there didn't know me I didn't announce for feeding just did it never president went out there we we had to go out in the yard cuz then they let the entire prison I'm talking about big prisons big numbers it was a very special time for me it was a highlight I've been in more than half the prisons in Russia I've been in I can honestly say that I think I can say I know what you say I've been in at least 80% of the prisons here in America been in every state I've seen some incredible revival time I've witnessed healings there's not a denomination bone in my body I don't like denomination I respect denomination we all need a covering but no denomination has all the answers if he's the same yesterday today and forever and he is then God is still in the healing business I went over to Seoul Korea years ago they have a place there called prayer Mountain all you do is pray thousands of people are on that dirt mountain every single day and people just pray I went over there as a mainline denominational guy when with 210 people since I got there I walked away from everybody just on my own finding that right place to pray that's all gentlemen on his knees Gregg to this day I've never seen his face he frozen me up against the tree he was praying in a language that I knew it wasn't his native language and it was so beautiful and it made me realize god that anointing of that Holy Spirit it's no longer if it's for me it's for me and I was filled with a spirit the denomination Mosley says is no not of God as soon as I got back to the states I went to a prison meet Lee in Atlanta Georgia I'm preaching as I was preaching I noticed an inmate being brought in in a wheelchair and I could tell from a distance looking at him chief that he was very ill he looked like his bones about to protrude out of his skin when I got through the officer walked up to me so Mike you probably noticed the inmate coming in the wheelchair toward the end you services said I did he'd really love to meet you he's eight up with cancer he wants to die in his cell giving three weeks max to live I went back there I got down on my knees where I could see him face to face I could tell by his countenance that he had a relationship with Jesus Christ I could tell I didn't have to ask I could tell I said you know Jesus big old tears coming down his eyes he said Mike how a God could forgive me I was a hit man for the Mafia I don't know how many people I've had killed and killed I have no idea and and the thought of God forgiving me just like this I found myself coming out of my mouth do you believe God couldn't heal you and with confidence Alvin used the word need while ago it's okay I'd like to say it like this God doesn't respond to need he responds to faith we need faith I got that and I said you mind if I pray for you and he said I'd be so honored I put my hand on his knee I didn't know what I was doing I know what I felt and I knew it was a different feeling that I've never experienced in my life I put my hand on his knees and I just simply said father in the name of Jesus I speak so help me God guys you see your Bible great hang on the Bible so help me God three or four weeks later I did a phone call by that chaplain in Atlanta Georgia but my I just wish you could see what I'm seeing right now so what's up you know that inmate that had three weeks to live you prayed for I said yes sir he's playing he's playing full court basketball [Applause] see got a genuine walk with God we'll get you out of your comfort zone a true relationship with Jesus Christ will deliver you from people and their opinion and what to think because the most important thing two years you do what God tells you to do and you don't want you don't worry about what anybody thinks I didn't go around hey I'm a healing evangelist I don't care for that junk TV's full of that it's kind of junk that's not where I'm coming from the greatest gift that there is is the gift that's needed for that very moment not long after that I'm at Ellis walking out the chapel and met on the very end all idea was won't by pat him on the shoulder Roger looked him right now I said I love you didn't even stop walk there couple weeks later here mr. barber I'm the inmate that you pat it on the shoulder I was dying of AIDS now they tell me there's no trace in my body [Applause] I've had a handful of others as I felt the spirit I've had some amazing weekends in the prisons through the 34 years I can remember playing against the New England Patriots we're down 23 to nothing at halftime we received two kicked off the second half I don't know why so here my guy let's grab hands guys in the huddle I'll say let's do it nobody else believed in us found out later they were gonna we need to do something in five minutes that we're gonna switch games on us we came back and kicked their but 26 to 23 I got fortunate scored two mid game two towns touchdowns in that game and what was so fun about it I hooked up over the middle and the middle linebacker for the New England Patriots that time was a guy by the name of sound Sam hunt and we played high school football together it was sure fun making him bite on my head faith was amazing moment it was an amazing moment when we played this Saints one time we win the game we go to the playoffs it's the loudest moment that I can remember it was just a ringing in your helmet you cannot hear any voice just the ringing really couldn't do it everything was my field it's a moment I'll never forget all of that to say this this is not to put pressure anywhere we had one of our greatest weekend's just three weeks ago in the co field unit it was just extraordinary gentlemen this weekend I believe it surpassed that it's been an awesome weekend and that's because of you guys you may be different worship is amazing and when we leave you have an amazing worshiper leader I know chief don't like me to say this but you give credit where credit is due there's a unit my opinion and I know all the unit's pretty well got an amazing pastor you got a warden it's all for it it's a major part unfortunately I'll walk into a lot of these units and warden didn't want to visit with me talk to me or nothing and I do my best not to go in those prisons because if I'm not supported there they're gonna be successful all starts at the top but I'm telling you guys if you'll grab ahold other awesome ministries come in here I know that you got something special if you'll grab a hold of it and you'll hold on to not only make a difference in this prison but it'll go statewide and then it can go even further than that so now you can be a spectator or you can get in the game that's up to you amen let me close it this way I was going to talk tonight I'm gonna see if I can do this the name Pharaoh in the Old Testament King Pharaoh was none of their names the Bible doesn't talk I'm sure if he studied deep enough you know the actual names of each king of Egypt but the road word they rode meant the king of Egypt it wasn't that person's name is what they were titled and this particular in the days of Moses could not be more hard-headed if he tried known anybody in here hard-headed don't look at him man Roger twenty people looked at you what's up with that ah through the leading of God Moses tells Pharaoh Moses grabs his staff puts it down turns to a snake King Pharaoh's magicians matched it pretty cool then he turns the Nile in the blood still hard-headed sworn by frogs still hard-headed and then the next thing max at this point the magician's could not match we're defeated but yet still hard-headed you see if you follow people that are hard-headed not willing to listen it could cost you your life there's many of you in here you're paying the price for following a person that was hard-headed and most like there's probably still a Turk but here you are paying the price now this is for two people this fits the people that are leaders that are spokesman's that are teachers but it also fits the people that choose just to follow just to flow with the norm I believe in tonight as we close this out that will change because I'm very careful with my words and I truly believe this place can be a spokesman for the king of God for the King of Kings and the Lord alone I truly truly believe from that he send thee a curse on the livestock and then balls all over people and the animals and then next to that hailstorm and then locusts still hard-headed people come in here and they preach the Word of God and they teach the world of God but hard hit I hate for me long story short here because of my time he put darkness which is the last time Moses saw the face of favor for days Steelheart had finally it took the firstborn which took they rose Sun finally pharaohs said I've had enough get out of here take all your livestock with you get out of here now we go to Exodus chapter 14 listen carefully then the Lord gives these instructions to Moses let me ask you a question whose instructions are you listening to then God gave instructions to Moses this weekend through your chaplain we're giving you instructions who are you listening to verse 2 says this all of the Israelites to turn back once again a hardened heart turn back kept out by the sea were you camping out where are you camping out you came out here to nod to get you sold so this ain't the norm for you where you're camping out could cost you your life verse four and once again there was heart was hardened he chased after them who you chasing after who you chasing after how about your heart somebody disappoint you tell me what a hardened hearts got you again it could cost you your life verse eight pharaoh chased after the people again what are you chasing guys all the way to verse ten up until ten pretty much talking about the followers whose instructions are you listening to but then in verse 10 that's where the leadership comes in as favor all approach the people of Israel looked up and panicked they panicked when they saw the Egyptians overtaking them they cried out to the Lord and and they said to Moses why did you bring this out here to die you see when you're a follower that's what happens when things get tough panic sets in but that's where leadership comes in didn't we tell you this what happened verse 13 but Moses told them people don't be afraid just stand still that's what this weekend is all about trying to get you to stand still and truly hear the voice of God and I close with this I had a whole lot more here we got to tear down tonight we got a whole lot to do one of my favorite verses in the Bible Exodus 14 14 and the Lord Himself will fight for you just stay [Applause] [Applause] to God be the glory you can sit down my son Thursday night talked on patterns it's never too late to cook start a new pattern the right pattern of life that right pattern is toward the cross my son last night just knocked it out of the park tying his testimony into the Word of God simply this even behind this amazing worship I'm here just to tell you just stay calm as God Jews Pharaoh to prove his glory God is using this place to prove his glory so leaders those you that are leadership people are watching you how you're responding how you act and when they see you Jesus name your body language you're making fits telling them just stay come to God be all the glory and all the honor in Jesus name and everybody said [Applause] I could say so much more right now but I've got to honor our time worship was perfect as it always is when you get out of the way I mean every word I said about this place whether I get invited back or not doesn't matter you men that lead in here your best days are ahead of you in the midst of it all freedom's gonna come to you that you well deserve I pray that all of you begin to show up in church know when churches here during the week Sundays and get involved don't sit back there's nothing that back there can do you like being in church can't happen to God be all the glory and all the honor in Jesus name let me say this in closing everybody pray this with me Heavenly Father of all my heart with my mouth I can fish you with my heart I receive you be my lord be my Savior in Jesus name Amen amen [Applause] god bless you men thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you giving us such a blessed weekend to all my staff all the guys behind the camera sound guy my director Spanky his wife Andres with him tonight thank all of you guys when we stay calm we bring glory to him and everything that we do in Jesus name my name is Mike barber now prove this message love you God god bless you thank you for watching this awesome program remembered it was taped delayed and yet it's so special just to watch I know you were touched and were touched because the only way this can happen is through our awesome partners that understand where we go our congregations the inmates can't respond financially but our partners they do they send us even into the least of them thank you thank you thank you for watching and we'll be back with you very soon once again you
Channel: Mike Barber Ministries
Views: 1,455
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Barber, Mike Barber Ministries, Eastham Unit, Texas Prison, Prison MInistry, Justin Howard, Alvin Richardson
Id: UreK63wvl9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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