Maya invites over Pokimane, Hyoon, and Aria to meet the animals at Alveus

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we need to set that goal a little higher are we live hello we're live hi everyone welcome maybe we should preface by saying if you don't already know this is the lovely beautiful talented Maya okay and my lovely friends Hune and Arya that are here with me today to visit Maya's animal sanctuary I'm sure you guys already know of it but please tell us more what is this money going towards and are we raising the cat yes hello everybody thanks for being here my name is Maya hi I'm a streamer I also am the executive director of alvea sanctuary where we are right now so pokey's here and H's here and arya's here and I'm going to introduce them to a bunch of animal friends teach them about them teach you about them if you guys have questions you can ask them and I will answer those questions as best I can and we're a nonprofit so we rescue a bunch of non-releasable animals and then do education programs with them here so if you're donating you're donating to support the care of those anim animal and the continuation of the programs so thank you can you tell them about the new an yes we are newest ambassadors or two wolves that we're rescuing and we're building them a giant enclosure you guys will see the progress on the enclosure they're getting here May 4th um are wolves endangered uh some of them are yeah there's like Mexican Red Wolves there's only there's less than 10 in the wild like 10 individuals goodness wow yeah so it'll be some really cool education I'm going to introduce some animals on this table table um and some bugs maybe right here yeah oh snap what did you think this was for this is for us to lay our friend table think are the $50 we're putting on gloves why I don't know wait aren't you supposed to tell us I was thinking like my first thought was an animal's going to poop on me no really no we're putting on gloves for the safety of the animal actually do you guys have any guesses our oils um but what animal it is co what animal oh the animal um chat knows they're saying Georgie Georgie Georgie po knows Georgie Georgie so cute oh my gosh Georgie that's in this big old like guys the tank is right right the heck there for oh my goodness surprise it's George he's so he's so cute he's he's a little guy he's a dude oh my God he's not a little guy's big guy bigy oh he's big he's a Pepe he is a Pepe he's a Pepe who wants to hold is he friendly yes oh he's super chill chill no go ahead go ahead okay I would like to hey Georgie I had a really terrible thought and it said he looks kind of fried oh my God he like a fried chicken piece no he feels like a whoopy cushion he looks like this looks like a little fried chicken wing him out oh oh oh don't think I'm think he likes the table hold the front I think I'm not not this is actually crazy when we got Georgie he was like um he was real small like he could fit in my hand he's getting too big for people to like hold him how old is Georgie especially the ladies he's he's like oh that's nice God soft and chunky I think it's cuz I'm used to holding my big chunky cat is like a whoopy cushion look at that ass you got a little bit of wood chips on your face Georgie oh my God he C you got to clean up so this is an African bullfrog they're amphibians and they have semi-permeable skin so he can soak things up through his skin which is awesome cuz he'll stay buried for like 10 months out of the year but if we touch him with bad things he'll soak that and it and as human beings we're just filled with toxins and plastic and endoc perfumes and moisturizers that he don't need you don't need all that smell you natural they're also really to pollutants for that reason because they can soak things Up's back I love him I'll put him down he's a cute he's so cute I want to hold him are frogs um not the best pets in the sense of like you're just better off not trying to get more I don't think they make great pets they're so fun though I wouldn't recommend but I feel like they would have a bad time being your pet you know what I mean like does anything feel good for him like no like they don't feel anything good okay not a physical touch boy can I just touch one yes yes yes yes he look but he's not guys it's like a pickle it's like a pickle well yeah is giving pickle honestly yeah it kind of is but like cucumber pickle like a gourd a gourd a pickle whoopy it's giving gourd it's giving gourd it's giving yeah thank you for the 15 BM thank you guys somebody said toad not a frog this is a frog um all toads are frogs not all frogs are toads L uh yeah this is an African bullfrog it's the second largest frog species in the world it's about as big as he'll get wow wow yeah he's a big guy picture of geie as a baby he's about 3 years old three how big can a frog and or toad get the Goliath bullfrog is the biggest and I think it's probably like not that much bigger but you know imagine that like on your lap you're just it's like a chaha got a pict of baby baby George tiny look how big you you big old girl now can I ask something really scientific is this his butthole yeah where where where where does he have balls uh internally yes oh they're inside his poops are huge like shockingly big for his size like a finger like bigger I like a fat finger oh my God the but hole is so small yeah chat's seen it there are clips of him pooping George can you show them see there's some mucus yum yeah that's nice Georgie wow he's really showing that off he's got no neck does he can you say hi wait Crow thank you for the $100 thank you so much yippee Georgie the ladies love you where are you going do you guys know what he eats what do he eat he what's his diet like how do you get that body but then once a week oh my God he really does not want to be okay once a week uh he gets his favorite food you guys want to guess what it is it's much bigger than a bug is it a mouse yes how did you know well I mean snakes and then I'm like yeah maybe true true he eats mice once a week a that's his cheat day that's cute he's almost 4 lbs now he's grown so much he's got like some weight yeah so this is Georgie chat what do you think big fans love himig 10 out of 10 we smile for a picture with Georgie all yes love cute George not a pet not a pet but hypothetically everybody say bye to Georgie I'm putting him away bye guys bye we love you all right I have another reptile o snake iguana not a snake it's a skink what's a skink they're like lizards they have like they're like Blue Tongue skinks oh my gosh you guys are who said that uh Hugh H you're a genius she's a genius this is a t skink W this is a blue tongue skink this is toast so pretty wait to toast I I know a toast toaster strudel toaster strudel is his full legal name his full name um he's called a blue tongue skink if you guys wanton hold him you can you'll have to give him a whole forearm cuz he's real long bro his tongue is like H's hair blue yeah it's blue W he turn it's like Chow you can yeah that's fine that's totally fine he match a he you like my hair where you going buddy Mommy there you go wait stick out your tongue it matches my hair he's color mat he's color matching oh where did his tongue go that's crazy that's so funny so his tongue is blue to tell predators that he's poisonous but he's not oh so he he's faking it yeah he's faking it we love that we love that his scales feel lovely like so nice wow wow they love you sickening oh my God and he's just chilling what a good boy he's so chill that's so nice so this is an Australian lizard um his favorite food is snails he loves snails he he just like eat it whole yeah with the shell and all crunchy he loves little worms he loves little bugs um one of the things that I talk about with skinks is that bottle is that where you use pesticides and then the bug eats the pesticide and then the lizard eats the then they eat the pesticide then they die so we want to try to avoid chemical pesticides as much as you guys can use natural pesti mhm yeah you guys want to here you want me to transfer yeah sure toast hi sweetie yay toast it is so blue wow I I love how he kind of like licks to see where he's going yeah so they smell with their tongue like a snake I didn't actually never knew that yeah um so he's catching particles on his tongue and then puts it back into his mouth he's got an organ on the roof of his has ear holes he does have ear holes it's just like a hole into his skin uh I guess our ears are kind of like that they got some [ __ ] around you know like the hole is not so direct yeah he's this looks like a gaping wound I don't think he liked the taste of me he licked me and then he kept his tongue in there for a while he's like I'm not sure about that one he said no he is so like lovely he is he Lov we got toast from another Zoo he was in with other skinks I don't know if you can tell but his brother and sisters ate his tail off like the end of it oh i s was a little bu but then it fully grew back it did w saved um but he couldn't live with them anymore cuz they ate his so now he's here yeah [ __ ] those guys you deserve better deserve better cut off that toxic family you want to you can probably pass him yes are snakes how do I good bad pets I the mean girl at my high school had a snake oh hater but I know she kind of did it cuz it was like I have snake you know but watch out I'm that girl I also wouldn't recommend snakes to most people I they're actually way more complicated than people think like you have to oh my God thank you and another $50 and another five from ly thank you guys so much thank you thank you thank you than you um you have to regulate like their temperature and humidity and like they have special substrate and people probably don't e no they just like put them in a tank and they're like look I have a snake so it's tough oh my God cute just chilling toast is like an unexpected cuddler like sweet you know actually sweetie I'm going to fall in love with everything you should we take one home no they not you know most people will take good carees of snakes so don't do that thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you she's an educator I have a stupid question C no question stupid until you hear it um so for an animal sanctuary you know in my mind it was like oh it's for endangered animals is it just for Animals period how do you decide what animals to keep or not that is not a stupid question it's a really good question yeah um it depends some of them kind of fall into our lap and need a home and as long as they have a conservation story that we think needs to be projected um we usually take them in so this one is we talk about pesticide use we talk about the pet trade a little bit how siblings can be so mean mhm exactly yeah that's that's the Ming for toast siblings suck um so yeah it depends it depends on on what their conservation messaging is we have endangered species here we have some that are least concerned which ones I'm so curious we have an African gray she's endangered we have a taurise endangered carrot oh oh you do know a lot oh my God he shed on me oh a little little I to show you something what this toast sheds you know how snake shed in like one long piece toast sheds in Parts this like a fish is one of toast Mitten sheds these are literally gloves I'll show them yeah please little they perfect like Michael Jackson gloves a little Mitten can you guys tell a little Mitten wa little mittens mittens mittens so cute they're so cute there you go he's so chill thank you for the $50 Don I'm sorry I asked you guys if you had any questions and then stop thanks to the five be thanks to the 15 thank you guys did you have a question you want any questions CH so sorry about anything no it's honestly my fault um is he is there a big disadvantage cuz he lost part of his tail no from from what we've seen he gets around just as well as any other skink what is Arya holding this is a blue tongue skink this is toast you guys want to see his speed if you want to put him on the table you can show him his speed go Sonic he has a choice he ain't got that much yeah toast oh wait he's on the Move he's going he's going baby going gone he's revving up off he goes wow wow that's as fast as they go how big do they get this is about as biggest toast still get he doesn't really actually move that fast this is so sad tell I was like waiting for him to go fast oh wait wait wait wait a second wait go he heard you he heard you BM him and you speed watch this yay on the Move beautiful boy Dam Speedy McGee all right cool boy cool boy all right would he jump off the table he never he's pretty aware of heights like it scares me every time but he like looks down and knows that he doesn't want to take off looks down yeah does he bite they absolutely can bite um he's got like really really tiny teeth that are kind of just serrated you won't be able to see them here but um if he like bit down on your hand it would it would hurt huh toast yeah I like the tongue yeah he's pretty cute look at I love the way his eyes move too he's so present he is so inquisitive can you show them your tongue a tongue just a little y go [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Maya Daily
Views: 36,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mayahiga, mayahiga singing, mayahiga song, mayahiga reacts, mayahiga stream highlights, mayahiga just chatting, maya daily, maya, mayahiga friends, maya twitch, alveus, alveus sanctuary, alveus sanctuary twitch, mayahiga twitch, maya alveus, mayahiga vods, maya qt, maya qtcinderella, maya boyfriend, mayahiga boyfriend, maya reacts, maya tiny mic, twitchcon, twitch, wine about it, maya higa, wildlife conservation, pokimane, hyoon, ariasaki, maya pokimane, pokimane alveus
Id: i4JAG6zcNVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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