Maya Beginner Tutorial | Learn Maya in 40 min!

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hello everyone and welcome to this very special video so you want to learn Maya I am going to show you how to use Maya in 40 minutes or less I'm going to try to guide you through the whole process I'm creating this bomb right here we're gonna go through the basic things such as the interface the main tools how to create Primitives and I'm going to show you how to get all the way to this point now keep in mind we're gonna be a little bit we're going to kind of speed run this thing so there might be some Concepts that might be a little bit too fast for you don't worry just pause the video go over them and if you need more help we have premium courses where we offer all of this knowledge at a really really affordable price and you can check down them down here with a udemy as well this today is the final day of this very amazing bundle hello everyone and welcome to this special announcement spring break is almost here and we want to celebrate by offering an amazing discount for all of our courses all of them from March 20 to March 24th you guys will be able to get all of our course any of them with a very special discount for the next few days we're offering a massive 90 discount on all of our courses on udemy whether you're a beginner just starting your 3D Journey or an advanced student looking to take your skills to the next level we have the perfect course for you do you want to learn Maya we have it do you want to learn zbrush here we go do you want to learn substance painter 3D quote Houdini blender we got them all we have over 60 courses available for you right now all courses include the files the resources and we have a dedicated q a to answer all of your questions so what are you waiting for head over to udemy now and take advantage of this amazing offer don't miss your chance to start your 3D journey and become a great artist in no time so there you go guys if after you watch this video and you create your own bomb you are ready to jump into the 3D World we have all of these courses available that's it let's go very well guys so let's jump right into Maya this is the first time you're probably seeing the Maya interface or one of the first times and I'm going to guide you through the basics of the movement and how to like manipulate the whole things or the things here instead of Maya and then we're gonna go into our exercise so the Maya interface is compromised by the menus the shortcuts the shelves which is all of these parts right here our outliner which might or might not be activated in your computer which is the collection of all of the things that we have inside of our scene right now we have nothing but the default cameras the basic movement and selection tools the basic viewport layout over here and on this side you're either gonna see the channel box which is empty right now or the attribute editor any of this two things right here which are common places where we find information about our objects inside of Maya this thing right here is called the viewport and we're using something called the viewport 2.0 which allows us to see lights and shadows and a lot of really cool stuff that we're going to be seeing later and to move inside of the viewport we're going to be using alt the the like key alt and then click alt and click will rotate the viewport around alt and middle Mouse will move the viewport around and ALT and right click will zoom in and out we're actually not moving the viewport we're moving the camera that's saying the viewport um but it looks like we're moving the floor right here so those three clicks you're gonna have to master they're the basic things that we're going to be using here inside of Maya to move our scene around and once we have that we can actually jump into the 3D shapes so if we go up here to the Shelf you're gonna find this one called the poly modeling shelf and here inside the bottom modeling shelf we have like sphere a cube any of this ones if you click any of them you're going to create that shape here inside of the 3D World by the way if you get lost like if you don't know where things are just press f if we'll frame things back into into the world and you're going to be able to see where things are now being a 3D World we actually have access right like front side and top and bottom by default you can see the little Gizmo down here actually you can't because my picture is covering it there we go so right here you are going to be able to see a little Gizmo why should be pointing up okay so white points up X points forward and C points left and right sorry sorry my bad my God what am I teaching you guys why points up Z points forward and next is left and right there we go now several softwares such as um like blender Unreal Engine they will switch things around so it's very important that you know which axis you're working with uh depending on the software you're using so now that we have this thing right here how do we move this how do we manipulate this object well if you're a MOBA player if you play League of Legends this is going to be very easy because the shortcuts are q w e and r let me turn on the little software that we use for the keystrokes there we go so now you should see the shortcuts on the little corner right there on your screen so Q is selection mode W is movement mode e is rotation mode and R is scale mode I would personally would have changed the E and the r it makes a little bit more sense but that's how it is so if we go to w you're going to see three arrows which represent the three axes that we have here inside of the 3D World so we have the y-axis we have the x-axis and we have a d z axis and if you click on any of the arrows and move them to the different parts you're gonna be moving the object to a different position on this 3D World so let's say I push this up you're gonna see here on the channel box if you don't have an enable make sure to click this on the side the channel box that this sphere is a five units up from the origin of the world this point right here the zero zero zero is called the origin of the world and right now we have push this element five units up if we then press for instance let's delete this one let's go for the cube that's easier to see if I press e now and I go into rotation you're gonna see that we have this rings which represent at the axis in which we're going to be rotating if we rotate on the y-axis it's kind of like a ballerina or like a top uh just like spinning around the different things if we wrote it on the C axis it's like a plane rotating from left to right and if we rotate on the x-axis it's kind of like doing a front flip right so by rotating these things we can also see on the translations over here how they are changing depending on where the object is if at any point you rotate really crazily you move really crazily you even scale really crazily in different elements and you want to go back to the original shape you can zero out the rotations and translations just write zero and you can set the scale to one very important that you set the scale to one because otherwise if the object disappears if you have an object with zero scale it has no volume therefore it's not existent well it exists but it exists with other volume so uh yeah those are the basic things W for movement e for rotation and R4 scale those are the things that you're going to be using the most when we're working here inside of Maya now we're going to jump into uh we're going to talk about very quickly about some cameras because we're going to be using these cameras and we have the perspective camera which is this one right here and if you press if you press a space bar you're gonna jump into what we call the orthographic views the top view the front view the side view and again the perspective view you can hover your mouse over any of this windows and if you press the spacebar again you're gonna jump into this camera and you're gonna know which camera it is because it's going to tell you down here depending on which one you have selected so again perspective camera side camera front camera and we're going to be able to modify and and change things around by using this at different cameras right here we go over all of this in way more detail in our like Advanced courses I'll talk this about a little bit about this at the end of the video uh but uh yeah these are like the basic basic things if at any point something happens with your cameras you can't find them you can press this one right here this is the perspective this is again the orthographic view this is the double View and you can just press any of these layouts right here to jump straight into any of the like preset elements you can also go here to workspace as you can see we're in workspace General right now and you can just say reset current workspace if something's like not working or you can't find something on the on the UI now that we have this uh we can start well working on our little project and uh since the Mario movie is coming very very soon I figured out it would be a nice idea to do a bomb there we go so if a bomb is a relatively simple element I think if you're just starting your 3D career this is a perfect exercise to to try to replicate and we're going to do our best to copy this bomb right here so I'm going to right click this object I'm going to save this image usually when we're working in south of Maya we keep orders using something called a project for file and like folders and stuff I'm going to keep it really simple for you because I want you guys to be able to do this project and I'm just going to save this uh oh it's a weeb I hate this I'm just going to use my Snipping Tool here I'm just gonna snip this there we go because I don't think Maya Works nicely with uh with webmp elements and we're gonna save this and you can save this on your documents or wherever you want I'm going to save it on the desktop for now just to to have a quick access to it but ideally there are folders and subfolders that we work with so now that we have that I am going to go to my side view so I'm going to press the space bar and then hover my mouse over the side view and press the spacebar again and what I want to do is I want to bring that image here inside of Maya so that we can use it as a reference and try to replicate all of the shapes as nicely as possible so I'm going to say view on the viewport menus right here and I'm going to say image plane import image and if we go to the desktop we're going to find the bomb here and we can open it and there we go now the problem with this image you can move it and scale it around it's pretty much like an object like a sphere or a cube so I'm going to move it and scale it up a little bit but the problem is as you can see it's facing backwards the C is always pointing forward and this one is facing backwards I'm going to press R to scale it and I'm going to scale it to minus 1.7 eight eight which is the the size that we have on the other elements and that way the image is facing forward and there we go we got our nice little bomb right there and we can push this image back so we have free space here on our grid and we can start working on the very very simple shapes that are going to be making this character right here so let's start with the most like basic one the body right the body of the bomb is just a sphere so I'm just going to create this sphere and the only thing I need to do is press W to move it up and then R to scale it up and create this nice little like silhouette right there we can even get it out of the of the center I'm actually going to model this post so I'm gonna try to match the concept as close as possible this is not something that we normally do there's a whole like different thing about rigging and preparing your characters but since this is just a quick render that we want to do we're going to be doing at this uh like post so that's it that's the body of the bomb and we're sure that this is where we want to keep this sphere so this is an important thing as you can see this is sphere has information translation info information and scale information if I were to send this file to someone else and they see this information they might want to zero it out to keep the image or the scene clean and if we don't want to lose this current like situation that we that we have right here so what we're going to do is we're going to use this little button up here again on the poly modeling tab that says freeze transformation it will Zero out at these new transformations of our object and now this is where we're going to find our elements okay so there we go our sphere is ready if we want to see what's behind the sphere we can press the number four on our keyboard and by doing that we're going to be entering into this thing called the wireframe mode which allows us to see transparently and appreciate where other elements are so now we're going to create the base for this sort of like uh flicker I think it's called the flicker or the little candle thing so I'm going to create a cylinder now I'm going to move the cylinder up I'm going to press R to scale it make it a little bit bigger roughly about there I'm gonna scale it down with a little Cube to make it flatter and if we position it with rotation and everything we should be able to position it right around there and there we go as you can see this little cylinder is going to live right there but one thing I'm seeing is that the cylinder has a rounded Corners well here's where we're gonna start increasing the the level of things every single object that we create is made out of something called components the components are the vertices the faces and the edges that make up this three-dimensional object and the powerful thing about Maya is that we can access those components and modify them to create well more interesting elements so for instance at this cylinder right here if I want to round off the edges like what we have here on the reference I will need to go into the edge components which is this Edge right here and which at this Edge right here and use a tool which is this one which is called the bevel tool I'm going to right click on top of the little cylinder I'm going to select Edge and then I'm gonna drop the click again right click select Edge and then you can see the shape changes now it's no longer green because no longer we're no longer in object mode we're in component mode and the specific component that we're in is the edges now we can select these edges and if we want to select the whole Edge ring we can just double click so double click and that will select the whole etch ring and once we've done that we can actually start editing this component and modifying it to create something more complex that's the whole basis of the 3D world creating complexity out of Simplicity we started with basic shapes and then we edit and modified those basic shapes until we get what we want so in this particular case with this Edge right here I'm going to click this bevel tool which works very well with edges and when I do this you're going to see boom that we get a bevel we remove some of the volume and we create a little bit more curvature but this is too much right this is way too much curvature so how can we fix this very easy we're going to get this little box right here you should get this little box and if you don't get it on the channel box down here you will get something called the inputs and you can see we have the poly bevel input and what I can do is I can modify the fraction here and make it a little bit smaller something like that like a 0.1 seems good we can also add more segments if we want this to be rounder so I'm going to add two segments and that's it now I'm going to do the same thing down here so I'm going to select that edge Loop right there I'm going to Bevel it make the fraction really small as well and give it two segments and there we go now if we want to go back to object mode we just right click on top of the object select object mode again and with that done we're now ready to continue working so this one we can press W again and just push it down so that's sitting right on top of our silk look at that very nice right now there's a very important thing when we created the sphere and we positioned it properly where we want it I told you guys that it was important to freeze the Transformations so that now everything is clean and if someone opens our scene they won't be able to modify this or if they modify them we can go back to this original state but there's one important thing you can see this object right here has something called inputs and all of this inputs are the things that we did to the object to get it here so we created the cylinder we did two bevels and then we transformed the geometry to position it right here if we want to keep our scenes clean we also need to delete this history because otherwise we we get objects with a lot of history that could potentially crash in the software so when we're sure that we're not going to be modifying anything on the inputs we can go to this buttons again and use this one right here which says delete by type history and what that will do as the name implies it will delete the history and your object will now be clean and there we go we get a really clean object right here and we're able to continue to the next shape if I'm going a little bit fast don't worry just pause the video do the like simple shapes that we're doing and then continue this video is not going anywhere it's going to be available here for you all the time and of course if you want to delve deeper we got the introduction to Maya 2023 available through udemy so uh continuing now with this like uh I think I think the proper name is the the Flickr is we need a cylinder right we need another cylinder so I'm gonna go again to my side view and you can see oh we lost the side view what happened here well I might have used some of the shortcuts that I normally use accidentally if that happens don't worry just click here and there we go our side view is back here and I'm going to create a cylinder I'm going to press W and move it around and let's say I lost the cylinder it's like oh it's inside the sphere how can I select it don't worry press number four select the cylinder right there press number five again and you can get it out I'm gonna scale it and I'm gonna make it longer now one thing that you might notice is that this little thing right here actually I think it's not flickers weak I think the reward is weak the candle week so this thing right here has a little bit of curvature how can we create that curvature well remember the inputs that I talked about like any modification that we do to an object here's the thing that we can do when any object is born such as the cylinder right here it is born with a specific amount of uh inputs so if we go here to the inputs you're gonna see that this thing is a cylinder with radius one height 2 and 20 subdivisions which is 20 divisions along its circumference and another thing is you can see we have the subdivision height with only one meaning there's only one phase between both caps if we want to curve this we're going to need more division so that we can move those divisions and create a little bit more of a curvature so I'm going to go here to subdivision height and I'm going to say give me five subdivisions and there we go as you can see we now have more divisions and the more components you have have the more control you're gonna have over your specific element so we're going to press the spacebar again go to the side view I'm going to make this smaller but I'm going to make it taller small and tall like this we're going to position it right here on the center and then we're going to go to the components again where we're not going to go to edges now we're going to go to vertex I'm going to right click on the object and instead of going to the edges right here I'm going to go to the vertex the vertex are the singular most important unit of any like polygonal object because everything originates from vertices okay so by going into the vertex mode as you can see I can now manipulate and modify whatever I want with this vertex we're not going to use any tools we're just going to use movement translation and rotation so I'm going to grab this guys right here I'm going to press a w and I'm going to move them right there I'm gonna rotate them so they're facing that specific Direction then I'm going to grab this one right here W move them I'm gonna rotate them you can see that we're stressing the topology quite a bit but as we keep like modifying this and and moving it we should be able to to recover it so we're going to select all of them move them and as you can see I'm pretty much tracing the silhouette of the little candle week right here there we go and now that we've successfully like positioned all of them you can see that the candle wick looks really nice right not bad now let's say we want to add those little like borders that we have right there could we do it of course if we know the proper tools so I'm gonna right click go into the edge mode and the first thing I'm gonna I want to like soften up or round off the the top of the candle wick here so I'm going to select this thing I'm going to Bevel it similar to what we with the with the cylinder give it one segment but a bigger fraction I actually want this fraction to be a little bit bigger because I want this to be really really round and now to get those lines right there here's what I'm going to do I'm going to double click this guy again which selects the whole element and then I'm going to double click this with shift to add to my Selection double click this one as well with shift and double click this one as well with shift and what that will do as you can see is we will generate or we will select all of the edges and now with all of this edges selected I'm gonna bevel them and as you can see what we get here is a little sort of uh separation between all of the elements that's good it looks good it's looking a little bit better but now if we want to give it even more texture like really push in those new like roads that we created we need to go to the third component which is faces so I'm going to right click go into face mode I'm going to select this face and then shift and double click the face right at the side so that we select the whole ring we can't double click here because it's going to select everything so in order to select a face ring we need to click on one and then shift and double click selected the one at the side and then we can do the same thing again so shift click shift double click shift click shift double click and that way we select all of the faces on those Rings now the next thing I'm going to show you is one of the most like common tools in any 3D software which is the extrude tool which is going to allow us as the name implies to add or remove volume by extruding this specific faces I'm gonna go here to this tool which is called the extrude 2. click it and just push the blue arrow a little bit towards the inside and as you can see that's going to give us a really really nice texture there for our like candle week now let's take a quick break here to show you one more mode remember when I talked about number four and number five which are the wireframe and shaded modes well there's two more modes that we're gonna talk about here number one which is like normal displayed mode and number three which is called smooth mode okay so if I press number one and number three as you can see we're gonna switch between the different uh like visualizations of this a particular object we go from a hard like a jaggedy effect to a smooth version this is pretty much if you've used other softwares like using a smooth like modifier or subdivision modifier it's smoothing the elements but we're gonna get cleaner more nice nicer looking shapes by pressing number three so you can select each object and like apply and unapply this mode it's not a permanent mode it's just a preview and you can enter this preview mode as many times as you want it's not to get permanent so we're happy with this candle week I'm just gonna say delete history and freeze transformation and there we go we got the candle wig we got the top here we got the sphere let's do the eyes real quick so if we go to the right view you're gonna see that the eyes are pretty much just like elongated spheres right so I'm going to create a sphere here get it close to the eye it's scale it and then elongate it a little bit more give it the general shape that we would expect something like that there we go now of course on the 3D view we're going to push it forward and we definitely need to rotate around so that's right there probably scale it in so that's not like super intense so something like that and we're gonna move it to the side push it here and rotate it so that the like roundness follows most of the circumference of the sphere there we go and then in order to mirror this because we want to have this thing be mirror right we're going to use a tool called the mirror tool let's just get this to look as nice as possible following the the surface of the object there we go so the mirror tool is going to be found inside of the modeling tab over here on the mesh menu you select your object that you want to mirror to the other side you're going to go mesh mirror option box every tool has an option box and then we just need to tell hey we want to mirror this across the x-axis right because we have on the on the negative X right now we want it to be on the positive X so across the world axis on the on the world on the x-axis on the positive side and we hit apply and there we go that way we get the two little eyes for our character not bad right now we can of course modify them a little bit as a single unit if we need to to modify the elements there we go and once we're happy with the result we can phrase transformation delete history but see how the pivot point is on one of the eyes instead of both well this is where the third little tool comes into play because with this one we can Center the pivot point on the center of both so we need to modify them or like move them around in a in a more like symmetrical Way by having the pivot point on the center of the object we're going to be able to generate a a way way better result so that's it we got the wick we got the base we got the bomb we got the eyes now we are going for two of the most complicated Elements which is of course the little um thing here the mechanism and the little uh boots so I would suggest again if if I'm moving a little bit too fast just pause real quick because the next couple of things are going to be a little bit more complicated and uh yeah so for the back mechanism again I'm going to keep it simple normally there's ways where we can play with something called topology and stuff to to make sure that everything looks as nice as possible but let's keep it simple let's just use very very simple uh elements and tools so that you guys can follow along so we see this big base right here that's just another cylinder so let's add another cylinder that's going to be right around there we're gonna rotate this Let's find let's say 70 degrees that seems about right let's make it a little bit thinner and a little bit longer and you can see the cap of this thing is around so we're gonna right click go to this Edge bevel it add a couple of segments to make it round and there we go now if we press number three you can see we get a very nice effect very nice like a smoothing of the object now for the main mechanism this sort of like butterfly thing we need to think about simple shapes okay what simple shape do we have right here that we could mimic and I'm not going to be modeling this in perspective I'm actually going to be modeling this in a sort of like straight way here and then we'll just adapt it and make sure it fits so I'm going to use a little tool here called the blue pencil just to sketch out I know that this is sort of like a b shape right has like a straight edge right there and then another b shape right here and we have the holes on the center so if we can create this shape we can adapt it to this side very very easily and if we take a look at this shape we're also going to see that it's pretty much cylindrical right like if we can find the cylinder right there it should be easy to get the rest of the elements so I'm going to create these cylinders here I'm going to move it to the side rotate it so that it's facing us like this 90 degrees I'm gonna make it so that it matches the sides the size of the element right there there we go now from this cylinder on the on the perspective view I'm gonna grab this face is right here the same way we did with the elements remember click shift double click to grab all of these faces Ctrl e to extrude them that's the shortcut or you can click this one right here and we're just going to push these things forward now if we go to the side view again we can see how big this element is it's probably a little bit more so something like that there we go so that's what we want now of course at this face is here we don't want them so goodbye and we got the initial like half part of or close to the half part of this mechanism right here I'm gonna right click and go to Edge component because I definitely want to bridge these things I'm going to double click this guy shift and double click this guy and there's another tool right here which is called the bridge tool which will bridge two elements together if this happens to you which is relatively common just go to the bridge offset and move it around until you find the proper in my case is number four the proper connection right there cool so we got the um the basic shape but as you can see we have this like straight area right here and then another basic shape now we know that this shape is mirrored so if we just do half of it we're going to be able to do the other half without having to worry too much about the whole element right well what I'm going to do here is as follows I'm gonna try to find I think it's this face right here and it goes to like this face right here so I'm gonna go one two three four five six seven faces I'm gonna press Ctrl e and then press W to go into movement and I'm going to move those faces down and then with r I'm gonna scale them so they're perfectly flat and then again with W just move them down a little bit this is not the cleanest apology but again if you're just learning this is perfectly fine and it's gonna work with what we want so there we go now we have half of the little element right here and what we need to do is we need to mirror this so that we get the other half I'm gonna go back to face mode and I'm actually going to delete this faces right here on the bottom all of this ones why because when we mirror it and we like combine or like paste or glue together both of the elements we need to make sure that there's no extra faces in between ah it wouldn't be a tutorial without me sneezing there we go so now we're gonna mirror and some of you might be like oh okay well this is simple we just grab this object we just go mesh mirror and in this case it's y we're in the positive so we need the negative and we just hit apply what happened well it did mirror it but it's all the way over here it's the all the way over here because remember we're using the mirror position and we don't want to use the mirror position we do want to do y and we do want to do negative y so that it goes down here but we're not going to be using the world position we're going to be using this thing called the bounding box which is going to find the lowest limit on the object right now and do the mirror from there we do want to merge border vertices we do want to combine it with the original and I have this custom .001 merge threshold don't worry just follow along on this one if this is a little bit too confusing this just means that as long as two vertices are together they're going to be merged and I'm just gonna hit apply and there we go look at that we got our little shave right here so if I press number three you can see we're gonna get a really nice effect but in order to get an even better effect I do want to Bevel the edges so I'm going to go all around the edges right here on both at the inside and at the outside of the little mechanism and we are gonna bevel all of those hatches all of the external borders so we bevel and I'm gonna on the bevel options and we're gonna get here I'm gonna add two segments so that when we smooth we get this very nice around the sharp effect and that's it so now we can go back to our side view right here and just position this thing so that it matches as close as possible to what we had let's enter the Pivot Point let's rotate around maybe scale it a little bit there and there we go we got our nice little mechanism right there I actually don't love the angle remember the angle that we had it was supposed to be like 70 roughly close to 70 so something like this maybe a little bit bigger and there we go that looks really really nice oh it seems like I forgot a little uh Edge right there this was from my bevel um I'm just gonna go back let's control C you have usually you have enough control C is here instead of Maya there we go that one was that one that was the one that I missed let's do this again so bevel two segments and there we go let's face the Transformation Center repeal Point delete history go to the right view again and now if you remember it was 70 so I'm gonna rotate this well in this case is like 50 degrees or something and we're gonna get it right there and that's it we gather a little mechanism right there I think this looks a little bit big so I'm gonna make a little bit smaller I'm gonna try to line this up perfectly or as perfectly as possible with this thing right there so I'm using the lines as a sort of guide there we go and that's it we got the little mechanism now if this is too thick or too thin we can change it around of course with scale I think it was a little bit too thick and uh and we have a very nice looking mechanism there for our the bomb now finally we're gonna go to the little boots and the little boots are a little bit more complex they're a little bit more organic looking shapes so we're going to take a look at some tricks here and this is the final part again I'm trying to teach you this and in as little time as possible so you guys can follow along and create your own little bump so I'm gonna go here to my uh Cube I'm gonna create a cube actually okay I'm going to create a cube and then I'm gonna go to mesh and I'm gonna smooth this Cube this will create this very nice looking round Cube and we're gonna get the uh this is going to be look or or work as the border of our boot so a smooth cube is going to be the border of our boot then I'm gonna grab this bottom vertices right here I'm gonna press R and I'm gonna snap them so they're perfectly flat there's going to be the sole of our boot right there I'm gonna grab this four faces on the back I'm gonna click extrude to extrude this guys and I'm going to press a w and push this guys back to create like that like the heel of the boot which is going to be right around there and if we press number three you can see that we get a very very similar result it's looking quite nice right like a little smooth Booth but one thing that we definitely want is I want the little like heel or soul that this guy has so I'm gonna grab this faces on the bottom part Ctrl e and just push them back a little bit that's gonna add another Edge and as you can see that's gonna make it so that the border on the bottom part is a little bit more intense now if we want we can also grab this edges up here for instance and with W just push them down a little bit more so we can create a a softer looking effect right there and that's it if this are a little bit too intense same thing we can just grab them push them back push them forward it's going to give us this nice looking uh both shape right here I definitely want to make them a little bit wider so I'm going to make a little bit wider right there and now the only thing we need to do is we need to create the little cylinder and the cylinder is nothing more than a sample cylinder right here so let's go to the right view again we're going to make a simple cylinder right here make a little bit thinner I am going to Bevel the edges on the top and on the bottom very very slightly there we go and that's it and now we just rotate this around it's going to be the first boot well I'll show you let's do this one first so it's probably a little bit bigger here we can even like play around with some of the vertices and make it a lot closer to the to the original boot a little bit sharper there we go get this right there and of course this one on the left so it's probably going to be like right around there I probably need to make the leg a little bit longer so it actually touches the character and then I'm gonna Ctrl D to duplicate this guy move it to the right I'm not gonna like perfectly mirror this I'm just gonna guesstimate where those things are supposed to be this guy we're gonna move it right here and if we want to give this sort of like walking effect we can move this up rotate and now as you can see it's going to look like it's actually like touching the ground we get this where it's supposed to be right around there and there we go cool that's it guys if you've followed along for the past 35 minutes you should be able to get to this result right here which is a very nice looking bomb just taking a walk and moving forward now hopefully with this I was able to teach you the basics but I do want to show you another part of the of the whole process which is the rendering stage and rendering is one of those super important things I teach them I teach this extensively on the course because not only should you be able to create something like this it's always good that we can actually render it and create something that looks nice like a composition that looks nice so I'm gonna keep going it's gonna be a little bit longer than 40 minutes I know that on the thumbnail on the low thing it says 40 minutes but this is kind of like a like an extra part of the process I'm Gonna Keep it really simple because uh rendering can become quite quite quite complicated so I'm gonna again keep it super super simple this is what we're gonna do first we need to create a ground plate so I'm going to create a plane just make this bigger and there we go and if we imagine how the render is going to look which is probably what you saw in the thumbnail which is something like like this right or probably like this we need to have some sort of like background so I'm going to rotate the ground a little bit and I'm going to create something called an infinite background um I'm gonna I'm using this thing right here which is called resolution gate to frame our stuff I'm going to grab this edges right here on the plane and I'm gonna push this up and then this edges push this up and then this edges and push this up this is going to give me a when I press number three which remember is our soft mouth uh this is going to give us a very nice like soft effect right here and we're going to use something called an hdri we're gonna we're gonna do this again faster I wanna I wanna make sure you guys can get a nice result we go over lighting like way way way more inside of uh instead of the premium course the complete guide to Maya 2023 make sure to check it out down here and uh we have this hdris right here so an hdri is an image that has light information and you can use the slight information to generate a very nice looking render so for instance I'm using polyhaven here I'm going to use this one right here it's called the distribution board I'm gonna download this you can see it's an HDR file actually we need to download the exr file not the HDR so make sure you click here and you are downloading the exr file and it's this one right here and if we go to Maya I'm going to go up here to Arnold I'm going to say lights and I'm going to create something called a sky dome light this is like a big ambient that's going to live inside of Maya and we're going to be plugging in the image we're gonna go to the left here to the attribute editor of this sky dome light and where it says color I'm going to click this little note here I'm going to select a file and on this little folder here I'm going to select from our downloads this distribution board hit open I know I'm not going to explain exactly why I'm doing this on this particular video because otherwise the video will be like two hours long uh but just just keep in mind that what we're doing here is we're bringing this image so that we can use it to generate a nice render so by doing that if I now create a new camera I'm gonna go to rendering I'm gonna create a new camera I can position this camera and move it around so that it frames the object the way I want it in this case I'm going to say panels look through selected to look through that specific camera I'm going to turn on the resolution gate that we've talked about before and I'm gonna frame my little bomb right here then I rotate the the element here I'm frigming it here because I want to add more bumps in just a second so I'm gonna keep this one right here like this and now finally if we go Arnold and hit render we're gonna get this look at this a very nice preview sorry my my computer is getting a little bit slow it's a very nice preview of our little character with some nice light bouncing around the scene and giving us a really really nice clean render we're gonna assign some materials now and again I'm I'm I apologize that I need to to make this as fast and as as easy as possible I'm not gonna have the time to explain how all of this happens I'm just going to show you how you can quickly get a render out and it's gonna be up to you to study and get all of the rest of the information we have a lot of content here at the channel as well or in the live streams so make sure to give us a like if you want to follow all of this along so I'm gonna go to my render settings up here which is this little icon which has a little uh Cog wheel and if we go to system first thing I'm going to change it to GPU on the common tab on system I'm going to change the GPU so the renders with my GPU and on the common tab I'm going to change this to full HD right here once I do that if I go back to my render and I render again it's not gonna have any issues with my recording and it's going to give us a bigger cleaner image there we go to assign materials we're gonna do the following you're gonna select the object that you want you're gonna right click and you're gonna sign a new material and under Arnold you're gonna sign an AI standard surface which is our basic material for anything we're going to click it and we're going to get this output over here and we can select the color we can just select hey I want this or like dark blue color and there we go now if we render the object as you can see is going to have that nice dark blue color it will want this to be rougher we can change here on the on the material itself anytime you select the object your material is going to be here on the attribute editor at the very like border you can increase the roughness and that is going to increase the roughness of the object so it's going to be a little bit rougher if we increase the roughness a lot it's going to be like a matte effect and if we bring it really low on the on the roughness it's going to be like a glossy surface so depending on how you want yours to be you can change the effect right now I have this thing called IPR turn on so as long as I leave this thing is in play I can like make modifications and I'm gonna see them in real time if you're struggling with your computer don't worry just pause it do the render and then come back let's go for instance to this two pieces right here right click assign new material I'm going to assign an Arnold AI standard surface I'm going to make this metal and the color of the metal I'm going to make this sort of like gold color so now when we render that thing right there is going to be a gold metal color and again we can change the roughness if we want this metal to be rougher if that's a little bit too too gold we can bring the the intensity down a little bit and that looks a little bit better at this top part it's also a metal so I'm going to assign a new material Arnold AI standard surface and this is going to be the sort of like blue steel material metalness up and a little bit of roughness and again when we render we get that nice little effect right there the shoes they're plastic so we grab the shoes and the legs all at the same time right click assign new material Arnold AI standard surface and we're going to use we can even sample the orange color and there we go that's a little bit more glossy so as you can see we get this very nice glossy effect the eyes are they're quite flat same for the little Wick here so the eyes I'm gonna assign a new material Arnold a standard surface and I just want a white glossy material and I'm going to leak the week as it is right there there we go so now the eyes shine a little bit better and that's it we got a very cool bomb right there now what we can do here finally is I'm just going to grab every single thing on my scene on the on the character I'm going to press Ctrl G to group it and I'm going to press Ctrl d to duplicate that group and create another one right here so we can have one right there and let's do another one right here we're barely gonna see it but it's gonna be right there you can select the group here on the outliner too to move it around and there we go so now not only do we have a little render we're actually telling a story and this is one of the powerful things about the 3D world is that with very simple things you too can tell a story and connect with your audience in in ways that you might not have have imagined we're gonna push them all forward a little bit more there we go so we can see the the composition a little bit better and I'm gonna use a little bit of like negative space here so for instance this one I'm gonna push it back so that we are not like kicking the other guy and then this one's also going to go back a little bit right there I'm also going to move my camera a little bit so that we can actually see the other guys might even like zoom out a little bit and everything like we can do whatever we need to do to modify our composition and once we jump back into render and we render we're gonna get a very very nice render right here oh you know what I forgot to select a piece I have to go back all the way back so this piece right here I forgot to add it middle Mouse and drag it to the group and now it's inside of the group there we go so let's push this one right here let's duplicate the group push it back duplicate the group and push it back let's push the floor back a little bit so we're not like creating anything weird there we go and we can play around with a lot of things such as like the camera focal length and things like that but there we go with this we now have a very nice like marching line of uh of the bombs kind of want to go for a little bit more of an epic shot here there we go that looks a little bit better I think I'm gonna go in a little bit more that looks good ah maybe a little bit too much I want to see the separation between all of them properly there we go so yeah here's where you can play around with all of the different positions for your for your characters and you're going to be able to get something that looks really really nice finally I'm gonna go here to the little cogwheel I'm going to add an imager I'm gonna add a denoiser Optics which is going to clean the image and it's gonna remove all the noise as you can see right here and you can just go file save your image then export this image so you too can use it for your little uh portfolio that you're gonna start building now with uh with this one and uh and that's it guys so if you manage to get all the way to this final part of the video thank you very much for for following along hopefully you like this format it's a small simple video to get you guys to know the software understand how it works and how we can produce really cool looking effects and yeah if you like it make sure to check the udemy courses that we have down here at the time of this recording this is the last day March 24th to get 90 discount but they're always we're always offering like new ways for you to engage with our content so make sure to hit the little links down here also a like a share is it always helps for our Channel thank you very much for being part of this class and I'll see you back on the next one bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 23,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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