maya bake fbx animation export to unity.

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so what we'll do in this video is look at a few well a little bit the main option that you would use to export your animations ready for unity so this is the process that I would like is to use really really simple so you finished animation in this case it's just a very simple idle animation I didn't spend a great deal of time on it maybe like 20 minutes or something so the main thing that I used to do is we're going to call this this is our idle animation so I'm going to name this to idle basic underscore big and it's in cups so that's fine I'm gonna select the root of the skeleton and then want to go to select hierarchy so it's gonna select everything within the high rival chin and then I'm going to go to edit keys the accumulation and then I'm gonna go to selected and all Keeble actually have to change from selected the law so key everything within the hierarchal chain from the top to the bottom that's what that basically means and then I'm just gonna hit keep leave all these defaults of base animation a that arm actually is keep sampled by one or something one leave everything as is you don't need smart back on that's basically optimized ammunition we just want to bake every single for him within the timeline so hit BIC you can see that's big in the animation so the reason that I've set this out as underscore baked is let's say now I wanted to tweak this animation I could then just walk them up the other animation and big about out again whereas I've got a baked animation file I can't really do anything with that now because keyframes all over everything and again to stress it over writes any of these controls that we've created with you know and overwrite any keys that will have on the IKEA controls because effectively what it does is it takes it from being an Ikea animation to a full FK animation pretty much so that's kind of what also exists for that so so again what's really useful is I've obviously said this out wasn't at the scene I mean we want to have a little look at pulling that up you may be looking at this front leg animation so that's what I would maybe do I bake it out and see how it looks in unity I'd reapply this sentence or file let's select the skeleton and the base mesh go to file export selection because what one is selecting these two elements go within the check box it makes you a file type FBX export again defaults should be okay export selection and save it out to where you need it to be placed in this case you would need to be putting it in unity all this what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna save this is but that's the sentence that you should be using to see an export it out you should be selecting the root in the skeleton go on edit keys acceleration there for skeleton and then when you come to export select the root of the skeleton select the mesh and then go to file export selection export as an FBX so that's how you need to go about exporting the animation as FBX and the next video we'll look at the unity UI and how we can pull your animations in unity and then we'll start looking at mecanim and making it a little bit more interactive playable characters so we'll move this around we can have maybe your character objects and all the things so that's that's going to be the next stage okay I'll see you in the next video
Channel: @the3rdplace
Views: 43,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya, fbx, unity
Id: 1by3RRNIgdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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