Maya 2014 tutorial : How to model a Gladiator Arena

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hey everybody welcome back this is Mike here at MH tutorials and today we are going to model a gladiator arena okay here we go so we're going to start off by creating a poly cube and we're going to drag that out in a grid something like that and we're going to pull that up to about so and we're going to hit 5 for shared mode which will give us something like that okay maybe scale it back a little bit something like so all right next we're going to create a polygon cylinder then drag that out let up hit E to rotate that and make sure that's exactly 90 on this case minus 90 like so and we're going to cut that thing in half so we're going to switch to our side view hit F to zoom in and let's give that a bit more subdivision to make a national route let's say 40 there we go okay right click and go to face and we're going to drag select the bottom half like so and we're going to add delete okay then we're going to go back to our perspective view right-click object mode just move that thing a bit to the side at W okay we're going to hit f2 zoom in on that object and we're going to do is we're going to right click go to edge and we're going to select the outer edge hit W and pull that down until we get something like that and we're going to use that to create a gateway okay so right click object mode just like that go to your polish under tab and set all the translate values to zero like so and we're going to do the same for our cube so we know it's in the middle it should be anyway and we'll just check that okay so that's that guy it our scale it out so it sticks out at both ends how far doesn't really matter because like I said we're going to use that to create that opening I have to zoom in okay so we got that guy selected we're going to hit our the scale down to something like that and we're going to add W and I'm going to pull it down until this line is just below our cube okay now make sure it's sticking out at both ends for for wireframe mode hit R okay cool fine for shadow mode looks about right we're going to select that guy shift select that guy and we're going to go up to mesh boolean and difference which will give us this opening here okay now next we're going to create some kind of a gate to close that up at one end okay so for that right so we're going to create a polygon shoulder and we're going to keep that very very small okay and we're going to switch to this view here to our side view and we're going to hit W and we're going to bring that in okay and bring that down now let's hit F to zoom in so we can see what's going on okay let's make this a bit thinner so hit our scale of down even some more and pull that up until the bottom section is almost hitting the floor okay we're going to do is we're going to hit W we're going to move that over just a little maybe something like that we're going to control D to duplicate that move that over to about there and hit shift D shifty shifty shifty and shift D like so and then we're going to hit ctrl D to duplicate that guy it II rotate that until right exactly 90 and we're going to hit W to move that into position something like that it W to pull that down hit ctrl D to duplicate pull that up here and now we're just going to tweak the top here right click vertex actually we're going to select these guys first shifts like all of them we're going to go to mesh and combine and then we're going to right click and go to vertex which will allow us to select these and pull them up and then drag selected these pull them up and try to click the ones in the middle and pull that one up something like that okay now so we've got this gate here select it and we're going to move that in hit F to zoom in until we are comfortable that it's sitting inside look like we miss these two you know I'll just select all of it right click object mode select all of that mesh combine modify center pivot and now we can move that in yeah looks about right okay we're going to go back to this few here to our side view and we're going to go to edit mesh insert edgeloop tool' and we're going to add an edge let's see where are we going to add one let me think I'm done Darrell that's giving me on the top none nevermind I just wanted to create some decorative thing here but that looks ok the reason why I'm not doing that is this is going to be very very small in the end product so it's going to be very hard to see okay so we're good there so we've got that end now next we're going to create another polygon cube pull that up to something like that and we're going to move that on top of the section here let's go to our top view and we're not going to start at the end we're going to leave a little section open there something like so hit earn scale that out until one edge lines up and then right-click edge just like the other one at W and make that one line up like so alright let's make sure it's sitting on top of the other one so we need to bring that down just a little right click object mode like that alright still not done yet we're going to do is we're going to add some edge loops to the top so let's do that from our top view and let's go to edit mesh insert edge loop tool and we'll do one there and one there and that looks about right ok back to this view here we're going to right click go to face oops queue in a keyboard first select face edit mesh extrude hit W and pull it up to something like that and then right-click object mode select the whole thing hit R and scale it down a little actually let's approach that in a different way I'm going to right click go to edge I'm going to select the bottom edges or at least I'm trying to it's not doing what I want right now but that's fine I don't give up that easy okay so I want this edge down here doesn't want to play ball for some reason but we're getting there right click edge level that out Greg select the bottom section there and then shift drags like the middle section which will give the same result yeah okay cool and then we're going to pull that up something like that and then we're going to write like object mode select that guy and bring it down until it's sitting on top again like so okay then we're going to switch to this view here so we got that one ready we're going to hit control D to duplicate that we're going to pull that back and we're going to pull that up hit f2 zoom in make sure you got a clean connection like so and then we're going to hit shift to D to duplicate that all the way up and that should be about there okay so what do we got so far that looks about right okay cool all right so we've got that part now we're going to do is we are going to create another cube and we're going to create that around here something like that let's switch to this view here we're going to bring that in bring that down so it's level bring it in some more that looks about right and let's hit our just scaled back a little bit something like so and bring it back in okay right go now we're going to check out the width here it should be the same as our our steps so hit our bring that back until this side is level and then right-click edge just like that one hit W and bring that in like so height looks okay cool and then next we're going to do is we're going to create another arch down here and two up there so first I need to deal with this side here it 5-4 shaded mode edit mesh insert edge loop tool and we'll do one and two let's see if that's working out the way I had intended yeah it is and we'll do one and two up here these look about level cool hit Q on your keyboard right click face just like that face in the middle and shift like that one edit mesh extrude we're going to hit W we're going to pull that out just a little just to give it some definition and then we're going to right click go to edge just like these two and select these two and go to edit mesh and bevel just to give it a little bit more definition okay cool now we're going to create another polygon cylinder let's pull that up hit E rotate that by where you go there by 90 degrees and give it some subdivision let's say 40 again we're going to cut off half of that thing so we're going to switch to our side for you hit have right like a face just trying to keep this reasonable as far as time is concerned okay looks like that didn't go as clean that I thought try that again right click face okay that's better I'm going to zoom in on that guy right click edge and then we're gonna select the other edges like that hit W pull that down like so now we just need to this guy out of the way so right-click object mode pull it over here take this guy pull it over here and pull that in let's see if we can get this nice and center that looks about right maybe bit down like so and as we need to make one more likely to more while we got that thing selected we're going to ctrl D and move that thing out of the way so we can use that on a second actually we can do that right now and we'll move the copy up to about there pull that down hit our scale that down quite a bit it W and just have it rest on top of that ledge there and then hit control D once more and move that on up here which should give us this situation here right now they're all sticking all the way through which is important let's click this guy shifts like that guy go to mesh boolean difference shift like that guy and hit G to repeat just like that guy edgy to repeat okay then we're going to move this guy back in just make sure it's lined up that looks about right okay so what's next what we're going to do is we're going to create a canopy so first let's decorate this edge a little bit right-click edge click these two actually that's like the face go to edit mesh extrude hit R and just scale it out this way G to repeat pull that up G to repeat are the scale at am G to repeat W to pull it up just to give that little edge there okay so now we're going to take another polygon cylinder make that nice and thin I'm nice and long okay I'm going to go to our top view now let's move that thing over there let's see if that's about right try to align that with this line here something like so and we're going to ctrl D to duplicate that there and do the same here bring that in a bit something like so now we're going to check our height and so forth so let's dislike these two hit W and copy an object mode sorry object mode no not that I want that guy and that guy there we go it W and move that up to the top like so okay cool and then we're going to hit control D first we're going to group these together or actually not group mesh combine modify center pivot now we're going to hit control D we're going to hit E and we're going to structure rotate them oops wrong one let's throw about that we're going to start to move that to a bit more than 90 degrees let's say - hundred we're going to switch to that thing they switch to this view here I have to zoom in we're going to hit W and we're going to move that out to something like so pull that up and right click go to vertex drugs like these kind of bring that out a bit and bring that down something like that okay then we're going to shift select these control D again bring them out e rotate them to something like that let's just check that out see what it looks like okay that's cool we're going to take the two tops here and these are combined so that shouldn't be a problem right click vertex drive click the top there hit W and bring that up to about there okay let it get them both yes cool now we want one cross section in the middle here so the thing won't won't be in stable so to speak object mode I just need one actually so my separate one control D e to rotate let's do center pivot first modify center pivot then rotate to 90 and then let's cut that this size so to speak at the zoom in and W move that over and hit R and start the skill data in until it's inside both and now we just need to check the height there hit W bring that up to there okay cool okay so what's next so we're going to create some flags and some canapés okay take a polygon plane drag that out to something like so and make sure you have enough subdivisions in this direction let's do 5 by 4 that's fine okay just like that guy bring it up bring it in and we're going to start to fit that between these two so we're going to go to our top view we need to bring that in bring it out like that right click in vertex drags like these vertices and just bring that in to about there and then we need to check it from this angle here so we're going to hit the let me think actually we'll just hit E and we're going to right click object mode first and we're going to start to rotate that until we got the angle and hit W and start to move that in we don't have the exact angle yet so tweaked a bit more at W and bring that in a little bit more that looks about right after zooming bad okay all right so maybe we can take a little bit off the top here so what we'll do is we'll go to this view right click vertex not on that thing there we go right like vertex I don't want those I want these optimal vertex there we go and we're gonna hit W and we're going to bring that in let's see what we got that looks ok all right so now that we got that right click object mode just check this from all angles to make sure looks okay so we've got that and then we're going to go to our let me think and dynamics menu and mesh and create ncloth that's one then we're going to go to select it field and gravity then we're going to increase our frames to 100 we're going to select this guy again and we're going to do is we're going to right-click go to vertex and we're going to select a few of these so we're going to switch to our top view which will give us a little bit better side here we're going to drag select this row and shift drag select that row and we're going to go up to end constraint and transform cool now we're going to do is we are going to hit play on our animation and we're going ahead stop so we've got this nice curved look here I'm going to drag select the whole situation here we're going to go to edit delete by type and history so now it's not going to change anymore on us okay and what we can do is we can create a little cloth here as well so what we'll do is we'll create another plane something like that it'ii rotate it by 90 and switch it issue it W and bring that in F to zoom in or scale it down something like that and we'll pull that up we'll hit ctrl D to duplicate that pull that down to about there and it shifty once more actually I forgot something ctrl Z ctrl Z we need to add some subdivision I think otherwise it's not going to work let's see them down there just checking here okay so subdivisions all do just zoom in here yeah we need to have some subdivisions at this end let's do ten here and five there that's fine okay so we're going to bring this guy in that looks seems to be our copy so it looks it's in between these two here okay so now we're going to hit ctrl D to duplicate pull it down to about here and shift D to repeat that once more I'm going to select all three back to our polygons menu mesh combined and then we're going to go to our end dynamics and mesh create ncloth select them again field gravity select them again right click vertex and we're going to drag select the outer vertices and we'll do that from this shoe here so we should be able to proc select all these and shift drag select all these like so and go to end constraint and transform and then we're going to hit play and we're going to stop our animation at the point where we feel that it looks cool and it looks pretty nice you can clearly see that it's cloth right drags like the whole deal edit delete by type history and we'll just get this guy and hit delete so now we're at a point that we can start to create the shape of our arena drugs like actually not yet we're going to create two flags so for that we're going to take a simple polygon plane like that add some subdivision let's say not too much 4x4 F to zoom in right click for Drex like all these hit our scale that in looks like these scale that in racks like these scale that in and rex like these and let's just tweak that a bit till it looks something more like a flag okay something like that might click object mode let's hit e to rotate that by 90 like so let's move that towards our scene here pull the way up after zoom in now clearly this guy is too big so we're going to hit our we're going to scale it in and let's start to move that into position so we'll check it from this view we need to bring it in here and pull that up to about let's see tip out there okay now let's see size-wise it's still a bit big so hit our scale it down a little bit W pull it in and then we're going to hit ctrl D I'm going to duplicate that and pull that over until the other one is in the middle as well cool we're going to select both we're going to go to our polygons menu mesh combine and dynamics menu and there are no and necessary creating paths it's like the once again filled gravity just like them once again right click vertex go to this view here and we're going to go way up there and we're going to add tracks like these vertices and constraint and transform and then we're going to go to our play button hit play and stop let's see what that looks like looks like there is no wind going on so let's play back hit play again and we can actually just let's see where we're at I think that looks a bit better so I'm going to stop that here like select that edit delete by type and history and we should be good we're going to drag like our entire object we're going to go to polygons menu I'm going to go to mesh and combine and now with the tricky part first of all we're going to take that thing move it out so we can get rid of this stuff oops let's just make sure I'm not deleting anything important at a delete by type history modify freeze transformations there we go and get rid of this here we're not going to see that in our render so that's fine these are copies what we got going on there handily okay let's see if we still get everything going on there yeah we do cool just like this guy modify center pivot and now we're going to go to this view here we're going to hit ctrl D to duplicate move that over and F to zoom in and make sure that these two touch like so right we're going to zoom out and we're going to hit shift D quite a few times hopefully my system isn't going to crash because of the number of polygons so do I act like everything mesh combine go to your animation tab we're going to go to create deformers we're going to go to non-linear and bend and our bend deformer is horizontal so we're going to hit e we're going to rotate that let's see from what angle I can do that best so and we're going to rotate that until we're exactly 90 and now let's just check and see where our bend will take us hit the bend okay so now we're going to pull that all the way out to exactly 180 degrees click here select everything edit delete by type history like so and this gives us a very good shot of our arena modify center pivot tool we're going to create a ground plan for that make that nice and big and let's get this guy down onto our ground plane something like so and we'll take our ground plane and we'll push that in somewhat okay cool so this is our scene let's make this a bit bigger cool okay now let's check out our render settings okay first of all what we'll do is we'll take our object right click assign the material I'm going to go with that Lambert and I'm going to select something that is almost white let's say this option here okay now we're going to go to our render settings I'm going to select mental ray I'm going to go to indirect lighting and I'm going to click on physical selling sky in addition I'm going to select a global illumination make sure you got final gathering selected we don't need to cost X or anything like that in our quality tab let's make sure we've got ray tracing selected which is good in in this type here we're going to increase the image size to HDTV and the only thing we do now is to position our Sun okay so we're going to go to windows outliner here is our physical Sun so we're going to hit W we're going to pull that up and we're going to add 7 on our keyboard to see what the light is doing right now okay so we can kind of change the angle we're going to hit we're going to rotate this kind of turns that away okay and we can also do something like that now I think this is pretty cool so we'll do something like that I'm just going to select my resolution gate okay this looks about right maybe one more okay and let's give this a render just going to take a minute so well just a whole lot for that what I'll do is I'll just quickly pause until we're done okay see in a sec well there you go guys this is our gladiator arena hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial if you liked it please subscribe thank you guys for watching as always a big thumbs up to my subscribers and see you guys next time bye
Channel: Mike Hermes
Views: 125,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tut, tutorial, gladiator, gladiator arena, first person shooter, game, game design, fight, fighter, how to model an arena, How-to (Website Category), Autodesk Maya (Award-Winning Work), Software (Industry), 3d modeling tutorial, autodesk maya tutorial, maya tutorials, mh tutorials, 3D Modeling (Film Job)
Id: o83t1tXCqDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 33sec (2373 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 07 2014
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