How to UV a Complex Object In Maya | UV Map Tutorial

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[Music] hey what's going on you beautiful people my name is tie-dye yeah I hope you guys have a pretty awesome day today my name isn't pretty awesome so far so welcome to a brand new tutorial here today I'm going to bring you guys an in-depth tutorial on how to do some awesome UV techniques within Maya we're gonna be using a bit more of a complex object today and more specifically we are going to be you vieng this lamp here now this is a bit more of an advanced object I'd say I'd say if you can confidently UV this object here you should be pretty comfortable using most objects so I'm going to go through every single thing that I did to UV this asset here this is just part of a larger scene here that I'm still working on there's still quite a bit of work to do but we're just be focusing on this lamp today as you can see there are some parts that are a bit tricky for example this long cable here and of these Springs especially some of the bolts and even this head up here might be a little bit different to tackle if you are a bit new to to you ving or maybe you're just not as confident as you as you could be with you viewing so I'm just going to exit out of this or doesn't slow everything down here and we are going to dive into Maya so this is the lamp that were to be working with if you guys do want to follow along I'll have a download link to this lamp in the description below actually so if you guys are still getting used to you being you can follow along and I'd say like I said before if you can confidently UV this asset you should be ok with most assets out there we do over go over some pretty advanced stuff with say these Springs for example and there's some basic techniques that you're going to be using for most objects out there and as since this is such a weird shape I think if you can do this you should be pretty good overall so let's open up our UVs right now to see what that looks like and one thing I would recommend when doing any sort of UV work is to have multiple monitors for this tutorial I'm going to have to use just this one monitor so that I can record and do it at the same time and show you guys what I'm doing but if you are doing this on your own and the super helpful to get a second monitor especially for on a computer you can easily get another one for under like two hundred bucks and a really does suit up your workflow quite a bit so this is the final results of what we're going for here I think I packed this in pretty well obviously there's some room here and some room there and there but as far as where these objects are later I'm pretty happy with this and I think it did a pretty good job with that but what we are going to do is go to UV and then we have to delete current UV set let's see sorry UV Billy you v's there we go sorry I just I don't delete you've used too often I think for most people you'd rather be making them than deleting them so essentially now we don't have our UV there so we are going to have to start from scratch and the first thing that we're going to want to do is make a checker material now for those of you who don't know a checker material essentially allows us to see for where you being Roger correctly because it's essentially just a very formulated pattern in which when we wrapped around our object we can easily see if there is disturbance in the way that it's being wrapped in if there is some stretching anywhere so this is an easy way to check if we are doing our work but a one thing I do want to ask before we die too far into this guy is if you guys could please drop a like on this video that would be great the only reason I'm like really asking for it this time is because you being really isn't the most fun thing in the world and that's not me saying I don't want to make this video it's just that I don't know you being is definitely one of those things that people are like oh god I really don't want to do that so hopefully you guys can learn something out of this and speed up your process I'd really appreciate it if you could support me on this video in any way kind of possible but yeah with that out of the way let's start with making our checker texture so we're going to select our object hold the right mouse button down and go to a sign flavor material let's just do a Lambert for this specific example and wait for that to pop up on the side here and let's find it Lambert ooh I'm just going to call this checker and hit enter there and then under color I'm going to select this little checker box and from here what we can do is actually input a file so by selecting file here we can sort of press this little folder and we can select whatever sort of checker texture what you want now I already have one download if you guys want you can just search on Google Images a UV checker texture or just check our texture and if something will definitely come up for sure so let me just find where I have mine I have a folder called Maya projects and I remember I saved an old checker texture in here before this is just the one that I like because it sort of shows the the colors and very very easily identical numbers on there to let you know if they're facing the right direction and whatnot so if I hit open on there now we have to check your texture the next I'm going to do is under place 2d textures one I'm just going to sort of change the repeat UV from one to maybe two and if I turn on textures we're going to see that obviously since we have no UVs it's just a solid color it has nothing to work with right now so as we start you being it we will start seeing the checker pop up but if we did have any sort of TVs on here we would see something for example if I let's go to UV planar we'll see that now we sort of have these these checkers wrapping around the object from you know up and down from the y-axis so if you look from above it looks really good but then when you look from angles there's some serious distortion everywhere else so obviously we don't want that I'm just going to control Z out of that and we can start to break apart this object and start you ving it in a way that sort of makes sense for this model now what I'm thinking for this object is I'm going to sort of work my way up starting at the bottom and then I think the final thing I'll do is probably this long connecting cable here let's go from the top all the way to the bottom and we can do that in one piece it's really not as difficult as people may think there are certain ways especially around like coils and stuff like that that does make it a lot more simple well let's start with the base of this which is probably going to be the easiest part so if I just double-click on it since it is a one object one group it's just going to select that group there and I'm just going to deselect up into a point where I can confidently unwrap this object so I'm thinking probably this side part is going to have to be unwrapped horizontally in some kind of way and then this could be unwrapped from above and then sideways and sideways and then this has to be from above as well so I'm going to break this apart into even smaller pieces so by clicking a holding shift in double clicking the polygon beside it I can select an entire ring and I'm going to be doing that all the way up the side here up until about there I'd say because this part we can make its own little shell and from here where I can do is go to UV planar and hit the little square there we can project it from I'm just looking at those little axes here we can project it from the z-axis hit apply and get a pretty good result there so now if we go over to our UV editor I'm just going to turn off this texture in the background by hitting this little mountain here we can see sort of a representation of the side of our ru vide faces that we just made here in the UV editor and if we start to rotate we see some serious seriously messy UV work here on the sides and that's because we still have to unfold our object so I need to find a spot where a scene would be pretty appropriate this where can I cut this to unfold it from where not a lot of people are going to see and I think for this specific example I think underneath this cable would probably be the best spot to do it so I'm just going to select the edges underneath that cable going down our selected area that we previously did and with all of those edges selected going down the part we just you vide I can go to polygons cut UV edges and now essentially there's a slice down here that we can unfold from so if I hold right click in the UV editor and go to UVs and select all our UVs and right click on this little sideways T or an unfolded box or even a Tetris piece I'm not exactly sure what that's supposed to be if we right click on that what we can do now is unfold that so if your UV options don't look the same as mine there might be a little checkbox at the top with two options just select the bottom option and will take you to this page but either way just right click this icon here like I said to get here and now that we know we have cut it we can unfold it horizontally what you want to do because it's going to sort of open it up as wide as possible so by selecting a horizontal in our options and hitting apply we have now unfolded our object and we can now see that here as well it is looking good all the way around our object just with that one seam there and the texture that's ok because that's probably the most hidden it'll be so much from certain angles you just cannot see it at all and I'm pretty happy with that and now let's try to unfold it vertically to see if that makes any difference and it just sort of stretches it a little bit just as for to make the tops and the bottoms a bit more even and that's already our first part done so I am just going to sort of keep these shelves the default size we'll go back and resize everything later and I'll explain more about essentially we want all of these these squares to be the same size across everything on this model so I'm just going to keep that the same for now and dive into the next part so next part is very similar and you'll start to see with a lot of the stuff it is a very very very repetitive there's a very clear reason why a lot of people don't find you being to be the most fun thing in the world so I think I'm going to select up to here because this is where it starts to curve up quite a bit and I'll have this as its own piece so for this one I'm going to do a planar from the y-axis because it's going up and down right the best way to sort of project this would be from looking directly above it so if I do that I get this shell here which is pretty much already perfectly done but if I select all the UVs right click on that icon again and just do a horizontal and a vertical unfold just to just to check that it's an unfolded as best as possible we sort of have our next piece already done and actually I think it might be easier just to resize as we go so I'm gonna Blau I'm just going to scale this sorry well I'm slurring my words pretty early in the morning right now I want to have resized this just to sort of match the size of our bottom shell there so that's two parts already done we're going to continue that it's going to get a bit more complicated once we get to the base part here but for now it's just easy street we're just sort of getting our bearings right so once again just click holding shift and double-click on one beside it it looks like this ring this is going to be very similar to this part here we are going to have to make a seam so before we unfolded it along the z-axis I want to do that again and let's keep the seams pretty uniform so we'll make a texture seam where it was before so I'm just going to select all the edges on that piece to line up with the edges with these ones just so it's you know very similar as to where the seams are and then once again with those edges selected polygons cut UV edges select all of our UVs and then we can sort of go into our unfold options here and do a horizontal and then a vertical unfold and that's looking pretty good yes there's a little bit of distortion here look a tiny bit but for an object like this and especially you considering how small that is this is perfectly fine and then I'm just going to sort of scale this to the appropriate size like so and move on to the next piece the next piece though is going to be this ring we're going to want to be separated because it is on a completely different angle than this face ring here in this face ring here so I'm going to sort of select these faces just do a UV planer from why because it's best projected from above and it's already perfect because it is just you know one sort of set and I'm going to scale that to how it should be and move that somewhere where it's out of the way and we're already done the entire base of that so that wasn't too hard at all that was very quick let's continue along here with this set and this is also going to be very very similar to what we just did once again UV planar in Z and as you can see very very repetitive work we're going to select that same edge that we did for all the other ones and just polygons cut you the edges select all those right click horizontal and even a vertical just to see if we can round that out a bit and yep that's looking good rescale that to be uniform with everything else and just sort of put that somewhere where it is easy to to sort of look at and matches with everything okay and this I think is where it starts to get a little bit more complicated so what we're going to do here I sort of break this up into little bits so first thing that I can say here is that once we start to get these like screws in these Springs there are certain parts that are repeating here right like all of these screws are the same and these Springs are all the same so what we can do is just UV one and replace the other pieces we could transfer attributes as well but for this specific case I'm probably just going to manually move them into place and let's get to with them so before we do any of that I am just going to double click this part because this is his own little selection here so if I double click any of these is just going to select very certain pieces as they were all made from different objects and merge together so if I select this by double clicking it I can actually isolate it by hitting this little icon here and now we have something easier to work with and I'm going to zoom in on this and this is something that's pretty pretty easy to work with it's not the hardest thing to UV unwrap is essentially this the same techniques we did as before so once again selecting these faces I can UV planer in Z and let's just try and get that same angle I'm going to select this edge polygon cut UV edges and select everything here right click and do a little horizontal unfold and that's already perfectly done and as you can see that essentially the main thing you want to do here is just break things up into little pieces right it's very daunting to look at the big object like this lamp it and not want to do it all at once but if you are breaking it up into little pieces it really isn't that difficult at all the next I'm going to do is sort of select all these faces by once again clicking holding shift and double clicking and I'll select this entire ring around very same principle once again we're going to planar in Z and just cut it where we cut all the other ones and then fold it this one is going to be a rather long though but I don't think it's going to be too big so really nothing to worry about so we're gonna unfold that and we'll just move it here for now next we can do these faces here so I'm just going to select all of these faces and all the faces on the bottom we can do a UV planar from the y-axis and as you can see we got that you viewed as well these ones though if we look at if the numbers are all backwards so a great way to check if our textures are going to appear backwards is if we hit this little icon here which shows sort of like a blue turning into red gradient or sorry you know the one before just the blue square anything is red and the UV editor is actually flipped back so the way that we can do that is by selecting that shell and going to polygons and then flip and just make sure it's on flip horizontal and when we hit apply the numbers will be back to normal and it'll be flipped horizontally I can then move these shells into position somewhere here with our out of the way and continue along the way we were before by selecting these faces once again you be planar in the z-axis and we're just going to I'm going to turn this off by the way the thing that tells you which direction they're facing this because the numbers do a pretty good job with that I'm going to select that edge there and go to polygon cut UV edges select all of these UV s and just unfold it horizontally once again select that she'll bring it into a size that's a bit more uniform with everything else even this one I should probably bring it up a bit so it's a bit more uniform as well just trying to make everything very similar in size and then finally the only thing we have left to do on this piece is just this top part here so I'll just select all the faces on the top here and we're just going to do a planar from the y-axis oh I guess I I selected these faces as well sorry we'll just do that again and then scale that to size put that somewhere and that's essentially that entire part done so I can unselect this so we show everything and then I can just select all these shells at once and scale them to be a bit more uniform with the rest of the shape and just put that up there out of the way for now so working our way up we're making some pretty good progress here we're going to start to dive into a couple more of the advanced shapes now but hopefully you guys are feeling a bit more confident with this stuff and realizing that when you do break it up into little pieces I really isn't that difficult at all so the next part we're going to sort of dive into is this bracket here which is actually a lot easier than it appears to be so I'm just going to isolate that once again and excuse me guys I'm just going take a quick sip of tea here almost 20 minutes of straight talk and get your your throat a little bit dry so yeah we're just going to dive into this next part which is pretty easy overall one of the main things that we're going to want to do here is separate this into two main components or three main components either the inside faces the outside faces in the faces of wrapping along the top and bottom so let's try to get the faces wrapping around the top and bottom first that shouldn't be too too difficult to do so I'm going to separate that into a couple shelves here so I'm going to select these faces here because there's a hard cutoff angle so if there is a seam here it really doesn't matter all that much let's see what's the best way to go about doing this I'll select these faces here yeah and do a planar from Y and just shrink that a bit that's a bit too large and then I'll do these bottom faces here and the reason I'm doing this is just to sort of break them to break it up into shapes that make the most sense for where I should be cutting these seams I essentially just want there to be this one big rounded edge piece that goes all the way around here and I think this is a natural spot to sort of cut that off so once again I can sort of uv-plane to that from Y and these are all backwards of course yep so I can just sort of flip those UVs and sort of put those into position somewhere with our out of the way and now we can sort of get to the part where we select all these faces around just using our click shift double click method so once again clicking holding shift and double clicking somewhere now let's gone the wrong way I guess this one we can just do it in little pieces essentially I'm just trying to select all the faces going around because I know that these ones can be unwrapped together into a single shell well two parts but one sort of one sort of unwrapped so if either the uv-plane ER and Y and apply bring up these two little rectangles here and they're representing how we see it from above right so essentially since they're already cut we can just sort of go and select those UVs and unfold those horizontally and we'll try a vertical to see if that makes a difference and now we sort of have this perfectly unwrapped all the way around as well so that's on its own already a big part of that done and I just really have to think before you execute right it's one of these one of those things where I'm it's just as much thinking as it is doing right so good planning leads to easier work so the next part is super super easy the only tedious part essentially is selecting all of the faces so we're going to select all the outside faces so let's start by just you know clicking and holding shift and selecting these faces here and the reason I'm selecting all the ones on the outside first is because we can unfold those together as they are all connected in one way or another and then we can unfold all the inside faces at the same time as well so just going around and selecting everything is a bit tedious I'm sure there might be a better way to do that but as of now this is the the method I'm going with so just going around selecting everything and now we have our entire outside selected I just want to make sure yep if there's nothing on the inside that's selected I always seem to be good now that I unselected those points and now if we you be planar from the x axis we'll get it from directly in front and what we can do here is select all of those spaces and unfold it horizontally and now we get this perfect unfold of the outside that wraps around the entire outside faces there so that's pretty cool we're going to do the exact same method for the inside I'm just going to rotate this upside down so it fits - this little selection of it more and I think I can probably do this a bit easier if I select all the faces and then deselect the faces we already you vide it should just leave the ones that we have in you vide here and then from there I can just sort of planar them from the x-axis once again select all of those and do a horizontal unfold and then we have the inside down as well so yeah it's just you know planning leads to a faster in more efficient way of doing all this stuff so now all of those shells are done we can deselect that as our isolation and scale that appropriately to match the rest of our objects and just sort of move that up there to work with later um yeah so that's essentially one of the most complex objects that we have here other than maybe the springs or something like that which we're gonna get to very very shortly so now let's move on to the bolts the bolts are super super simple I'm sure you guys could figure out how to do them on your own but let's get to them anyways because I mean in a sense these don't necessarily have to be you V they could be completely normal mapped but I decided to keep them in just because in case someone was really digging in there and for the scene that I'm doing I want to sort of put as much detail into my models as possible so as you guys will very quickly see giving this is simple it's just sort of you know the concept of using something and then moving it to multiple places in the model that it's interesting that's why I sort of kept it in here so essentially this is really really simple I am just going to sort of select everything but the ring around the edges and planar that all at once so UV planar in the z-axis and as you can see we got this selection here with the texture being super super small so I'm going to scale that down in our UV editor just for now and we are going to unfold that a bit just so we get perfect UVs here horizontal unfold and a vertical just because these edge parts are a bit of a bit of a bevel that need to be addressed in the UV editor and then now we can do the edge part just by clicking holding shift and double clicking the next part just to sort of select that entire ring and this would probably be a good projection from the y-axis and then from there I'd say probably the best spot to cut it from will probably be the bottom once you can go to polygon cut you the edges grab those UVs and then unfold that horizontally and I'm just going to sort of scale this to be uniform with the rest of the object so there we go that's the UVs for that it is rather large in the editor but considering that we're going to have some gaps I don't mind making a bit bigger than it needs to be especially because I am going to put some normal map detail on there for sort of like some slants and slits and stuff and it's sort of implemented a screwdriver could go in there so with that one done there's a couple ways that we could go both do this we could transfer attributes but that would require us to essentially have to make all these different objects and then bring them back together again which is kind of annoying so instead what I'm going to do is just sort of select these faces and delete them and then select these faces and actually what I can do was go to edit mesh or yeah edit mesh and extract and make this a separate object so from here when we extracted our pivot point is usually in a very obscure location so to get it back we can go to modify center pivot and then what I can do here is just sort of put the bolts back to where they should be by pressing ctrl duplicate on a new object and just sort of moving it into position making sure it is secure on there and then maybe even rotating it slightly just to sort of make it look like it is a bit of a different angle and whatnot and then we can do the same for these screws on the back here so just deleting that I'm deleting that and once again ctrl duplicate and move that around one of the things we have to do that was rotate it so go to our channel box and a layer editor and hmm I'm actually going to unrotated so I'm going to bring the z-rotation back to zero just so that we have our access here to be a little bit straighter and then I can actually just sort of grab this axis here and rotate it I guess that's why 180 degrees and plop that back into place so that's that and I can duplicate this one and move it back too which should be on the corresponding edge since you'll never see both of them at the same time they don't be exactly lined up but if you do want to do that you can go into the wireframe editor and maybe even the side viewport just to get it exactly lined up but it's definitely one of those cases where you can sort of get away with not having it like that and then I'm going to sort of rotate it now that we are essentially in a place where it's safe to do so so that's that we are going to use these bolts again for up here and up here as well but we'll get to that later on as of now we are going to move on to this sort of little piece that's sort of holding the spring into place so this is also another one of those things where we can just sort of isolate it it's also a very easy object to do so do you be this I'm going to do a bunch of pieces at once so I'm going to select this ring this this ring and this ring here and I know they're all going to be using Y so I might as well just do them all at the same time here and just go to UV planar and Y and from here I can just sort of rotate to the bottom and just sort of select all the edges on the bottom because that's what's going to be hitting the most and go to polygon cut UV edges grab all of those jeebies and give it a horizontal unfold from here we can sort of separate the shells that we just made so they're a bit easier to identify and unselect that and just sort of bring that down to a more appropriate UV size that's a bit more uniform with everything and I'll move that out of the way for now one of the things I forgot to do that with the bolts is they're actually all separate objects right now so if I select them all again I can select our main piece and go to mesh combined and then we're going to Center up here again so modify center pivot and now we have a bunch of different shells on top of each other so I'm actually just going to make sure that they're not overlapping so I'm going to double click on each bolt and sort of drag down the pieces just so that none of the UVs are overlapping essentially we could give them the same texture but for this I was sort of going for more detailed objects so given them their own UV space would be ideal and now we have this object that we just made here I'm just going to sort of keep all of these sort of bolts together in one way or another so that's going to be there and what we can do now is delete this bolt double-click on this one go to edit mesh extract modify center pivot again control duplicate that and just sort of move it into position here and then once again merge all view shapes and do the same so much combine modify center pivot and then grab the UVs from this and just drag it down on the editor alright so that is that part done essentially if you've made it this far you should at least have an idea as to how to tackle the rest of this object this essentially covers most of it but I'm going to still of course continue with the rest of this I'd highly recommend just continuing practicing and doing this whole thing if you are still getting confident with how to UV this next part is very very different to the rest of the method though we are actually gonna look at how to UV the springs Oh actually um should actually forget about these end pieces here let me just select these and I'm sure there's people who are watching this that actually caught that my bad but as expected these are very very simple angles to UV so I'm just going to give you that from Zee and just scale that appropriately to something that makes sense okay I'm going to move that over here and just make sure these shells aren't on top of each other okay so essentially with that being down that means I need to leave this one and just go through that process again with edit mesh extract modify center pivot I guess it's good just sort of continuously practice this and repeat it anyways so I'm just going to drag these shells down and now we can sort of this merge everything once again mesh combine modify and center pivot all right so now we can finally move on to the spring and spring is definitely probably I would say for most people would be the hardest part just because of it's such an interesting object but for for a lot of people they don't realize there are specific ways to sort of go about doing this for me what I want to do is just isolate this spring here just so we can focus on this and the first thing I want to do is just sort of UV the end pieces the end pieces are what are going to essentially screw us up a little bit if we don't get those right away so I am just going to select these end pieces then in hindsight there's such tiny details if they were you've eating correctly a really wouldn't matter that being said I still do want to youby them correctly just because I want this to be as professionally done as possible so I'm going to select all of those and I think they would both work from a why I'd like to say so I'm just going to put them together in the editor so it's easier to see and blow them up and yeah it's certainly not too bad the way it is of course we want to do our signature unfold and the horizontal and vertical and obviously that is way too big for what they actually are but we will address that later so now I'm going to select all of the faces except for the end pieces it's very important that we don't select these end pieces here and we're going to do something a little bit different here we are going to go through polygons and then unit eyes and what that does is essentially takes all of these polygons here all of them and turn them into perfect squares in our UV editor on top of each other so if I select when these faces and move it there's just a whole bunch of squares on top of each other now which are all these polygons here so this is good because now what we can do is since they're all together on top of each other we can select all of our edges and let's just find sort of a place where well let me just sort of move these end pieces out of the way um we can select all of our edges except for our end pieces and let's just find where I seem would work for this object I think I'm probably going to say along the inside somewhere and then what we do is we unselect that edge where we want to seem to be and as you can see that's not a good spot because it's free in the middle I'm just trying to find a good spot for a seam on this object maybe flipping it to the other side and let's try the inside part here that seems to be a pretty good spot for a seam so once again we selected all the edges and then be selected by double clicking while holding ctrl and we deselect an entire ring of edges there and what we can do with all of our edges but one line of edges selected we can go to polygons cut UV edges and then polygons move in so UV edges and then this essentially takes this object and stretches it into this huge huge line of all of those squares that we had before but with that one scene we created so I can essentially zoom in on and it's near perfect UVs it ain't perfect perfect but it's close so if i zoom it as you can see we have a ton of tiny tiny squares here representing our texture but what we can do now is take this and unfold it and get a perfect UV of this object so once again horizontal unfold and a vertical unfold and we have this ginormous UV shell here and essentially we can scale this down quite a bit because we really don't need it to be that massive and this is just totally out of the question to work with so we're just going to scale and even now say if I unselect this object this is still quite a bit of texture room to work with so I essentially sort of want to maybe get it to like hmmm this size here but we still can cut it along somewhere if we want to for example like if I cut it along the middle no one's really going to notice if I just sort of do a cut here and just put these shells on top of each other with these end pieces there as well which like I said before are too big but I can scale those down and now we have this perfectly you vide and I just want to make sure that's to scale so but hard to tell what it's like wrapped up like that but I think that appears to be correct I know like I know that at some crackers in it'll have a texture wrap around it I'm just trying to make sure that this checker is the same size of these checkers and I think it is for now so I am calling that done as far as that goes and now we can sort of move on to the next one so what we can do is just like before we can delete what we don't need and what we're going to mirror and select this spring here and we can essentially go to let's see put a mesh or Yetta mesh extract to make it its own object go to modify center pivot and we can control D to duplicate it and all we really have to do now is scale it negative one in the z axis just so that is sort of just so that it flips over on itself right so now we have this total perfect copy but it's mirrored over in a sense so I'm going to sort of put that into position and now we have our spring perfectly placed on the other side all we have to do for this is essentially move the UV shells up a little bit and put all of these objects back together mesh combined and modify center pivot and now we have two springs here and I'm just going to check if anything needs to be flipped over it doesn't appear that way and yep we can move to the next part now so that's good the next part is this big sort of like arm shaft thing here so we can dive into that that's also a very easy part that we can tackle so let's dive right into that actually before we do that we just have these bolts here but they're the same as the bolts as before so I'm just going to select these delete them and then we can select these here edit mesh extract modify center pivot and from here what we can do is just ctrl D to duplicate and just move these up into the desired position which is there and now we have the next part u vide so now we can just select everything once again as we were doing before and merge them modify center pivot and then once again just sort of move these shelves so just selecting these faces moving that down and selecting these faces and moving that down in our editor and we are well on our way to being done this so now we can sort of move on to these next pieces which are super super easy to UV we're just going to double select it with our face selection on and isolate that and we are going to select just these faces here with at the top at the bottom and let's do a UV projection from the x-axis so we're facing it from this way head-on and then I would say a good spot to put a seam would probably just be somewhere on the inside here of the back so selecting a face they are going to polygons cut UV edges just continuing our unfold method I'm also going to do a vertical on this one that's essentially that part done right there super super easy we are going to have to do the faces on the top though so just select those spaces on the top and the bottom of course and do a UV planar in the y-axis and then we're going to unfold those as well just to make sure that they are as accurate as possible with a horizontal and a vertical unfold and then scaling them appropriately to match the rest of the object okay now we can just do that for the next one as well and I'm actually going to do all four of these at once now for those of you who are modeling an object this is sort of a good time to think like hey if I were to be modeling this what it makes sense to just sort of model one piece uv8 and reuse it obviously if you're making this stuff from scratch or how do you recommend to you being one of those bolts before you sort of duplicate it so you save the time when you are you being it or for example when you're doing stuff like this like this part is the same as well some of these parts are the same like these two are the same in these two I believe are also the same in height so you might as well just you be one and then duplicate the after so you Ving as you go is definitely very smart but this is just a way to explain how I do all of this from scratch anyways but yeah we're going to the same technique here once again UV planar from the x-axis want to cut that along where we cut it before that inside edge and of course do our unfold and both horizontal and vertical and then of course just get the faces on the top and the bottom I guess I selected more faces than I should've there all right let's try that again hmm UV okay keep selecting more faces and I should let's try this again UV there we go so I just kept selecting the springs by accident but I managed to get over that really fast and just moving these into position and then scaling things to the way that they should be shrinking that down moving that below and let's just put these together for now so that's two of them done let's get to the next two this is becoming a bit more of a longer tutorial than I thought it was going to be man you Ving what a blast I totally understand why people aren't the most fond of you being but it really isn't that bad for me at least I find that if I just put on some good music and I get to it it really isn't the most boring thing in the world it can be pretty relaxing especially after trying to make something look really good and just sort of unwrapping it can be you know in a way just as really good way to unwind and just sort of enjoy your model and look at all the little details of it so once again I'm going to plan out this time from the y-axis and then cut it along the same seam as we were doing before to sort of like the inside and off to the side there this time though sense is facing a horizontal I'm going to do a vertical unfold first and then a horizontal and then just rotate that twice to sort of match the other ones and then we can just sort of select the faces on the end here and I think this would be better to do from the x-axis and when in doubt as to which ones you should be doing just sort of look at the little axis on the bottom there and essentially whichever way it's facing and you think would be the best way to represent a good starting point go from there so for example I'm looking at this head-on and as you can see I'm looking at it from the x-axis so do an x-axis unfold typically you should be able to tell but this is just one of those things where practice and experience definitely aids you quite a bit this one seems to be almost the right size but we've got to scale that down a bit and fit that into place and now we just got one more to go so we are going to do the same thing planning on that from the y-axis cut it from the same seam we were doing before bring that over a little bit so we have more room to work with grab all those UVs into a vertical then a horizontal unfold just going to rotate that put it into place and then just select these edge parts are these end parts rather and from the x-axis as we did before there we go and horizontal vertical and let's just scale those down to match and fit that up with everyone else so now we have all those parts done and as you can see they're a bit larger than everything else so what we can do is scale that up in the UV editor so the squares match the rest of them now let's just put that off to the side our next step is this little bracket part here of course all these screws we've already done so we can just move those into position after as well as a spring and this is actually a new part here this old twisty knob so that's not too bad and then up here we have so similar pieces so we are essentially getting to a point where we have done everything there's a few new pieces that we have to do so just this will holder this holder the wire in the lamp head so this really is coming coming together rather quickly as you can see though we are about 47 minutes into the recording so yeah it is a rather lengthy thing to do but it really isn't that bad I think people make using I have to be a lot worse than is this seems to be like a difficult object but it really really isn't I'm going to select everything but the edges that wrap around the top and the bottom there and what we can do is play these all together and let's see what's the best access for this z-axis so we should have a bunch of pieces here and we can just sort of move these there are some that are going to be reversed yep so just by clicking up square once again and then selecting the red faces I can go to polygon and flip and just sort of move these into sort of a pattern that takes up the least amount of space let's see how how should I go about doing this maybe yeah let's go with this just sort of put them together like so and hmm I think this takes up the least amount of space at least for now always for the time being that's a pretty good way to handle that and that essentially leaves us with just this end part which we can also do with one projection and one unfold so just selecting that ring they're going to UV planar and why we got these rings here and let's find a spot where no one's going to see for the seam probably down here at the bottom polygon cut UV edges and essentially we're just going to unfold that and this part's already done super fast some parts seem a little bit more difficult than they actually are but uh don't worry guys like for the most part you vieng is a rather straightforward thing only gets really difficult when you start getting into like very very complex and like really organic looking shapes i would say so now we can start deleting some of these things that we don't need for example these two screws here you just got to remember where they are more or less but it's like one there one there easy to remember and i'm just going to bring up some screws so once again we are going to extract that and then out just being a separate object we're going to have to Center the pivot and then ctrl D to duplicate it I'm just going to move it up here one was in this position and we'll control D duplicate it again and one was in this position let's just get that a little bit more accurate yep and then we can delete these ones here and for this one there's actually three of them so just remember one for each of the bars so let me just duplicate this and flip it over let's rotate that a hundred and eighty degrees and I believe that is the y-axis yep so we'll plot that into position control duplicate move this one over here and control duplicate again and move one up here at this point I'm going to rotate them all a bit just to sort of differ and differentiate them from each other because don't want it to be too boring or anything all the little details really do take it a long way so actually before I merge them I might as well just do these parts as well and I just merge them all together at once so I'm going to delete that and that and we've already done this part so it shouldn't be too too difficult to do select this and go to edit mesh extract and then modify center pivot and then ctrl D to duplicate it and just sort of move that into position we're ready to vote there those of you wondering yes there are faces on the inside we can delete those later if you really are concerned about that it would definitely be the the correct thing to do though then we can delete that or duplicate that over there and the final thing we have to duplicate is the Springs and then we're finally done with all the Springs at that point actually so technically these should be the same [Music] width and everything so I am going to edit mesh extract these Springs here just so both of the Springs are their own object and go to modify center pivot and just control duplicate those bring those up I just want to get them into the correct angle that we are looking for here so this part could be a bit finicky but you just got to play around with it and wait until you get it it seems like we got it here yep and we are actually going to delete these so it really doesn't matter if it's oh wait this seems to be a bit off okay okay so this is on a bit of an angle this one seems to be okay though that's odd I'm going to go into my top view just by pressing spacebar and I'm going to turn off this grid so it's easier to see everything let's see if I can just rotate this a bit and just make it a bit more in position and then push it back and same with this one rotated a bit so I can push it into position a bit more hmm not quite sure why that happened either way it's really not that big of a deal because what we can do is since we have to delete these anyways we can just make these next ones slightly different positioning so I'm just selecting both of those duplicating them and moving them into position here and now they seem to be perfectly fine so that's a bit weird and just like that our Springs are complete so I'm not going to merge it anything yet just because I know that we have more stuff up here so I might as well just merge it all together at the same time we do have to do this part though which is also another part that's that's fairly easy to do it also has this part here so I'm not going to forget about that so let's just sort of do this one part at a time this part is super easy we're going to do a planar from the y-axis and cut it from the bottom polygon cut UV edges and sort of do a horizontal unfold so that part's super easy this part is just as easy just with a couple more steps so I'm going to select everything and then just deselect this main ring so these parce can be play nerd in the same way oh and deselect this again of course and this can be you vide in the z-axis it appears to be so with both the selected I can select them all and go to the unfold options once again horizontal first and then vertical and now our shelves are unfolded here they do have a bit of a different checkered side so I'm just going to resize this to be a bit more appropriate set that then somewhere and then we have to do this outside part which is super easy once again just a planer from let's say the y-axis and then just cut it here from the bottom unfold it like we have been doing with everything else here and that's that part already done super super easy what we can do now with this is resize it to an appropriate size I'm going to put it everywhere else or with all the other sort of screw pieces and whatnot and what we can actually do now is select these and go to edit mesh extract and before we move it or duplicate it or anything what I'm actually going to do is delete this part here same with this and now we should be good to go and duplicate these parts here modify center pivot so it's easier to work with and then just ctrl D to duplicate and just for a little bit of extra detail we can give it a little bit of a twist and that's want to make sure it lines up with where the screw is on the other side roughly at least alright next we can delete these bolts up here as we know we already have replacement bolts prepared and let's just grab that here's one controlled duplicate and let's just zoom in I'm hitting F to get exactly zoomed in to the object I've selected by the way now we can just bring that through once again in the rotate Y so 180 degrees we'll duplicate and control duplicate once again at this point we can go ahead and rotate just to add some difference between them this one I might even move a bit more and then this final head part and then we can sort of get to the final parts here and put it all together and sort it all out and then we are done we're getting close so if you're still with me here guys hopefully you're learning some cool stuff hopefully this is a really useful because I know a lot of people really do struggle with you being it's definitely a bit more of a harder to wrap your head around no pun intended of course but it does take a while to get used to so I'm going to select all of these this is very similar to what we did before with the other connector piece I'm just going to select all these faces here and do a planar in the z-axis and let's see here let's just do a horizontal and vertical unfold that's also a way that you can flip it on its own anything needs to be flipped usually when you do an unfold it will automatically flip it so let's get all these pieces arranged into sort of a shape where they they're very snug together so essentially you're sort of getting pieces close and tight with one another that should be good for now actually I might as well just do this right yeah and then once again selecting the outside ones doing a planar from Y second the bottom edges because that's where it's least likely to be seen and just where am I going here polygon cut UV edges and then just another horizontal unfold super simple stuff here making sure everything's the same size which totally is and scaling that to these same size as everything else what I think I just hit control Z they're scaling everything in the same size and just moving that out of the way somewhere so at this point what I want to do is since we've taken care of everything but the main head I'm going to merge everything and move them to the correct locations so select everything here go to mesh combine modify center pivot and I'm just going to make sure all of the faces are sort of out of the way from one another and not overlapping or anything like that so let's keep this going also it shows that there are things that are overlapping when you have this selected which is a super super useful tool on the movies down second already tell that there's quite a few overlapping these are most likely overlapping yep same with over here since we duplicated these UV coordinates flip it over overlapping overlapping and like I said earlier it's totally fine to have things overlapping in most cases especially if things are going to be like super mirrored and stuff it really doesn't matter all that much but if you can avoid it I would recommend having things not overlapping just because it adds more detail right everything will be a unique part it's not necessarily needed but say you want every screw to be different like if someone's going to be looking up that close the only way to possibly do that is if you have all of your UV coordinates different right so it is cool to be able to do that and I think that should be it now like if I select shell and shell yep so we have everything separated the only part left to do now is the head and the cable so let's start with this little shaft part here super super easy stuff you guys already know how to do this you be planar from the y-axis and it's going to get into a better angle here it's really small I wonder why I made it like that and then we can go to polygon cut UV edge that's going to blow that up quite a bit and then what we can do is to a vertical unfold because we want to unfold up and down and then a horizontal unfold and I think actually seems to be bit off I want all of these to be perfectly lined so I'm going to select these edges and press this arrow that pushes them all to the right and this I'm going to push all to the left then I'm just going to manually make these larger so they're a bit more even and then maybe if I try and do a vertical unfold now yeah now it's a perfect shell so I was just sort of getting these closer to be perfectly aligned with one another horizontally before I did my vertical unfold because this was just a perfect cylinder it's just an awkward angle to sort of be doing this projection from scale that appropriately and move that off to the side oh I think I also have these overlapping as well let me just see something real quick yep okay I actually have this hmm what is going on here and so this was overlapping but for some reason this part didn't come with it where is it on here oh it's still here okay so I forgot to move this secondary wait a second then where is this one okay so there was just geometry hidden away in there sorry when I moved over the secondary rotation point I had the sort of connector part in the mesh and I was just wondering where it was so just a super super simple thing if you are ever wondering where pieces are you going to select the faces here on the UV editor and press F and here and I'll take your camera directly to where it is f stands for frame so when you hit F it'll frame whatever you have selected I'm now going to select this connector point and go to UV planar and Y and just sort of do a standard unfold by cutting let's cut something looking here what's really hard to see and do a horizontal unfold and just resize that so the squares have the same as everything else and just move that off to the side next we have the lamp head itself now before doing something like this what I would highly recommend doing is sort of repositioning it slightly like for me I think for this would be easiest if I rotated it to be facing down a little bit like so just because when I do out and with this as well if that goes with it yep so now if I like do projection from the y-axis they're going to be more accurate than they were before and then I can just rotate them back to normal just by going to the attribute editor of well I guess I can just manually rotate it back it's not that big of a deal so I'm just going to start doing some projections now and this part is essentially very similar to this bottom part so if you're able to do that with these you should be able to do this part very very easily as well I'm going to select rings with faces that I think should unfold very well together maybe up to about there and the reason I'm stopping there is because this is where an obvious seam could be because people aren't going to be looking there and this is an obvious scene because this is actually a texture change this part should be plastic well this is metal so it's okay to have a scene like that and then from here I'm going to do a planar projection from X I want to be head-on so that I can hide my seams back here so edge edge edge edge mmm bit harder to see actually I'm just going to make this on its own so it's easier to sort of see but once again just selecting the edges up the part where you vide and then once again polygons cut you the edges I'm going to rotate this slightly before I unfold it to make it a bit more accurate and then a horizontal unfold first and then a vertical unfold and that's looking pretty good all the way around there's a bit of distortion like a bit of wobbliness but overall very happy with that result let's get to the inside part now okay so I don't want to get this part but this part seems to be what I want to be you being this can just be done from a planar axis why and I can just do a horizontal and a vertical and as you can see it is pretty distorted in here but when I put the lamp in there it really doesn't matter as long as it's good around the edges that's all that really matters for this specific object so it's a bit cheeky I understand that it could definitely be done better but for this object that's pretty spot-on there's just a bit of distortion there but at least for me I know this is going to be a light so when you look at it you won't even be able to see this part anyways because this is emitting actual light so that's good that part is done as well now we can move on to the next part here I wonder how far up I can do this before it's a good idea to cut off about there and then we can do a planar from X once again you get that same seam line as before if it helps to turn off the texture when cutting I'd highly recommend doing that sometimes I just turn out the texture to make sure my my edge that I'm making is actually looking good and then turn it back on when I'm done so I can then go to polygon cut UV edges and make sure everything's good when I do a nice unfold this one might be a little bit more tight I can tell it's already going to be possible some issues with it with the bottom texture being a bit more intense I'm going to select some of these bottom faces and then just sort of do a none unfold to see how that affects it and I don't really like that I mean you could do this in multiple parts but I don't think it's that big of a deal to sort of do it in this manner I think that for the sake of this is is a pretty good unfold now we can move to the top part this is similar to the screw in a sense where I can just sort of do a UV planer from Y and then just select these horizontal and vertical scale that so it's similar to everything else and maybe I'll just put in there and we are almost done and we are just going to get this piece here and the X like everything else select this edge polygon cut UV edges select all those UV is into a horizontal unfold in a vertical one scale it to an appropriate size and just that top piece and then after that it's just the coil UV planar Y horizontal and vertical scale it down sweet so now what we can do oh and this part of course this part super easy though this is a straight up planar in the y axis as you can see since it's already like a spherical shape it's super easy yeah where it's gonna unfold anyways to smoothen out some of the hiccups and it's super good covering up most of those problem areas and just going to scale it this actually the texture doesn't have to be too important on this simply because it's just light right there's no actual text or detail or anything on it so I'm going to scale that so it's mostly the same there are a bit more detailed areas up there but that's okay I'm going to select the two parts we rotated and just sort of rotate them back into place and hopefully doesn't give us too much trouble here okay that seems to be perfect so now we have all that done I'm just going to sort of move these out of the way and now we just going to do this big coil so this part is very similar to the Springs except for going to cut it in multiple places but strategically so the thing is just make sure you don't have any end pieces when you're doing stuff like this and if you do have end pieces that are sealing up your coil or your string or your rope or whatever it is just to UV those first so since I don't have any it shouldn't be a problem for this though like before I'm going to select all of them and go to polygon I don't know I just press there okay hopefully that was what it was before um I don't know if that is actually weird I said my cursor changed I really don't know you did all right let's just pretend nothing happened I look into that after I record this video but select those phases of the coil and go to polygon and the unit size and now we have all these faces on top of each other this would probably be a good time to save as well because I might slow down your computer quite a bit I'm going to save my scene to the desktop just as a cut for tutorial and when you could also view actually to sort of speed things up and as you can see we have all of these like little details there all those history so we could also go to edit and delete all by type and history to speed everything up so it's going to make it a lot faster as well so with all these selected I'm going to edge mode and double click all the edges on our coil so I'm just going to find an edge double click it or rather just select all of these edges here on these squares and then we're going to find where we want our seam to be now this one's a bit more obvious than before we just want to seem to be at the bottom part so I'm going to hold ctrl and double click that bottom part where we don't want the seam to be and most of it is hidden is just these parts where is poking out where it's not but that's totally fine I didn't go to polygon cut UV edges polygon moving so UV edges and this is going to be just a massive massive chunk and it's going to get bigger when we unfold it so just be prepared to sort of deal with a very very large shell here so I can go to a horizontal unfold it may take a second and then a vertical unfold and now we got this ginormous shell that represents the cable so obviously it's way too big we got to position that and move it back to where it needs to be and sort of put it into a reasonable size and I'm going to scale it until it makes sense here in the viewport until it's the same size squares which it roughly is now but we can also cut it in places where it sort of makes sense so it's easier to work with for example if I were to cut it somewhere here where it's relatively hidden I wouldn't mind that also it's pretty close to well not necessarily that close to the middle the middle is more or less somewhere I'm here they're not yeah and this is a pretty good spot to cut as well because it's not a very high interest point not a lot of people are looking there on the cable so if I do could do a polygon cut UV edge will have two shells for it now they're a bit more appropriate in size and now everything is UV you can cut this into more pieces if you want like for example this part draping off the edge could probably be cut because no one's looking back there and part of it is off the table but for now I think that's it the only thing we have to worry about now is fitting all of this into one square so for me at least when I am sort of putting my UVs together my favorite thing to do is sort of make a rough shape to begin with just try and get everything really tight but I liked it yeah just make everything like roughly a square before I try and fit it into the square if that makes any sense at all so I'm just going to sort of move these as tight as possible up to one another because you want to maximize your UV space right you want to make it so that there's a smallest amount of gaps in between everything that way you can blow them up bigger and have more texture space when you are doing your texturing and say substance or quick cyl or 3d coat or anything like that one important thing though is to make sure we don't really change the size of any of these things simply because we want everything that shared the exact same amount of texture space if one area is a lot bigger than another area in relation to each other that essentially means we're giving more texture quality to a certain area which is important for some things but for this lamp there's really nothing that we need that requires more texture space than everything else so let me just move this stuff out of the way as I try and find an efficient way to sort of fit this all in here your I put the screws down there this can go there and it's just sort of like a big puzzle I'm not going to lie I actually kind of enjoyed this part so it's just more or less yeah just a big puzzle and it's more or less just trying to get everything to fit in just make sure nothing's overlapping that's going to be a big issue if textures are overlapping because then whatever you color on that one spot will apply to multiple polygons rather than just the single polygon you intended it to be applied to [Music] so this part I can't really have too many pointers except for ya don't have things overlapping keep things as tight as possible and and don't go outside of the boundary box more or less if you can do all of those essentially your UVs will be done very very well so now I'm going to try and fit all of these in here as best as I can I hope I can because this would be a perfect little spot to have everything and I should be able to by the looks of it so just move them over a piece by piece and just keeping it all tight just don't want anything overlapping of course and let's see these parts are actually pretty good on their own just like that stick that up straight we have all these pieces here maybe like so I think at this point what I can confidently do is try and fit it into a square and then I can fit the rest in accordingly so I want to select everything in just yeah make sure everything is selected and just sort of position it just fit in like so and from here I can try and get everything in as tight as possible so I can try and get these pieces in here and maybe I can try rotating these what I'm just starting to realize now is I didn't actually give all of the springs you bees like individual UV shells but I'm not too worried about that right now because it seems like everything is going to fit relatively well except for this this is giving me some trouble let's try and do this I'm also trying to make sure I keep things that should be grouped together together like things that are close together in the model should be close together in the UV sheet as well just to keep things simple when you are texturing and more or less like I could go in and tighten this all up but I think for the most part that's essentially it right there like that for the most part is how I would do all of my UVs like I said there's probably more room in there where I could sort of even things out a bit more but I think for the sake of this tutorial that is a good explanation as to how I lluvia like I said the springs I could go ahead and give those their own spot as well so I'm just going to double-click the springs and yeah there's definitely overlap there so I might as well just do that and show you guys how I do that double click and then I could even just like put this yeah some overlapping at all they are flipped though so let me just sort of move that over move that over so now there is room for these and they do need to be flipped because they are red so once again it's a good old flip and now we're in business that is the entire thing done there so hopefully guys enjoyed this tutorial if you did please leave a like on this video I would greatly appreciate that also leave comments of what other tutorials you'd like to see I had a lot of people asking for a tutorial like this for quite some time so I thought it's about time to go ahead and give you guys a full-on hour-and-a-half really in-depth UV tutorial I think next what I want to do is Marvelous Designer but I'm always open to suggestions also a substance painter I want to do some more advanced tutorials on that as well but let me guess-- know hopefully enjoyed this and found it useful like I said comment like subscribe anything like that support this channel would be greatly appreciated but I thank you guys so much for watching once again my name has been tied I hopefully you learned something and hopefully enjoy the video and I'll catch you in the next one see ya
Channel: Tiedie
Views: 64,416
Rating: 4.9622917 out of 5
Keywords: uv, uv map, mapping, maya, unwrap, shell, uv unwrap, uv mapping, how to, tutorial, beginer, layout, export, texture, texturing, maya 2017, 2017, 2018, bonus tools, checker, auto, automatic, cut, edges, seam, seamless, 3d, 3d object, object, environment, tips, tricks, how to make, make, create
Id: EpTezpLOXQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 31sec (5011 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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