May Reading Plans | 2021

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hey guys it's laura today's video is going to be my may tbr so i have some plans for may i'm going to be doing a vlog um and i have i actually have nine books that i plan on reading for that vlog i don't know how that's gonna go i might have to like uh divide that vlog into two pieces because that's a lot of books to cover in one vlog but i i am planning to do that and then i have some other books that i also want to read i have a buddy read we have a read-along book a read-a-thon book and then i do have some other books that i want to get to if i have the time so it's a lot i'm not going to mention all of them but let me tell you like my the main the main tbr okay so first up we have the calculating stars by mary robinette kowal this is the first book in the lady astronaut series or the lady astronaut universe it is a alternative history sci-fi novel it takes place in 1952 when a huge meteorite falls to earth and obliterates much of the east coast of the united states including washington dc the ensuing climate cataclysm will soon render earth inhospitable for humanity so this accelerates greatly the space race and which which means that now much larger share of humanity needs to participate in this effort so we have lady astronauts and i'm really excited to read this and see how it goes i've heard really really good things about it and i'm excited even though historical time settings not really my thing but i'm hoping that i'm going to love this in spite of that so that's the first book i plan on reading then we have black sun by rebecca groanhorse this is a book that i recently picked up and i'm really excited to read um i don't really know too much about this except for the fact that it has celestial prophecies political intrigue and forbidden magic all of which sounds perfect it's also inspired by pre-columbian americas so excited for that as well um i've been definitely wanting to read something from rebecca round horse for a while i have two other books by her on my shelf still haven't gone to them yet but i'm to be starting with this one and i'm really excited i hope i love it as much as i've seen other people loving it then we've got network effect by martha wells this is the fifth book i believe in the murderbot diaries murderbot is this like android security unit that has to work closely with humans um and they really don't want to like they hate spending time with humans but they have to do it because it's their job and also they've been able to like hack their governing module in order to like think and work independently and they they have to hide this fact because they don't want anyone finding out and fixing it um but all they really want to do is like watch tv all day like their their serial dramas and ignore humans as much as they can they are hilarious i love murderbot and i've really enjoyed the past four books that i've read in the series this is the first full-length novel in the series so i'm excited about that and i've heard good things about it i can't believe i haven't read it yet it's been so long um that the next book in the series is already out or is coming out pretty soon i think so it's it's about time that i read this one and i really hope that i enjoy it which i'm pretty sure i will because i've enjoyed all the other books in the series the next book i have here is harold of the ninth by tamzin muir this is the second book in the locked tomb series the first book being gideon the ninth i really really enjoyed getting in the night the the more i look back on it i think i gave it four stars but the more i look back on it the more i loved it and feel like it should have been a five stars it's this gothic um murder mystery with necromancers set in space it was so cool so i'm really excited to read the sequel i did try to read this last year i think it was i got 100 pages in and was so confused um it's really confusing so i've heard from a lot of people because i've mentioned this before and a lot of people in the comments told me it is confusing but it makes sense in the end and it's so so worth it so i'm gonna trust you guys and i'm gonna continue on in this and hope that it i mean i'm probably gonna restart it at this point because i've read those hundred pages a few months ago but i'm hoping that i'm gonna love it just as much as i did gideon the ninth and i'm excited to get into this and see how it goes then we have a sight witch by susan dennard i'm gonna be re or rereading this for the which lands along that is hosted by jade from jd ray reads um each month we are reading a book in the which lens series in anticipation for the new book that comes out in june which i'm really excited it comes out in june right sight which is the book that we're going to be reading for may so i'm excited to pick it up like i said it's a reread for me and it's pretty short so i should be able to get through this rather quickly this is a short novella in between the series it's like book 2.5 and i'm excited to reread it again because i think i really enjoyed it the first time and it does have some pretty important information for the series and then we have opposite of always by justin a reynolds i'm actually going to be buddy reading this with tasha from mood reads tasha i'll leave her channel linked down below so you can check her out um this is a mostly contemporary ya with this speculative twist so we are following our main character jack and jack meets kate at a party and they instantly hit it off they fall for each other but then kate dies and jack finds himself going back in time to the beginning of their relationship and reliving it all over again and i think that he continues to do that while trying to find a way to save her um so i think that this is gonna be really great i've been following the author justin reynolds um on social media since before his book came out and i just really like him as a person so i'm really hoping that i enjoy his book you know but yeah really excited about my buddy reid for this one and then the diverseathon 2021 which is the readathon the year-long readathon that i co-host with 11 other wonderful individuals is if you don't know a readathon all about diversifying your reading for the throughout the year every month there is a new host and a new prompt and the host for the month of may is lexie from tails and teacups on youtube and instagram and the prompt for me is books set in canada so for that i am going to be reading the glass hotel by emily saint john mandel i know nothing about this book i know that it's set in canada but other than that i really don't know what it's about um i did read station 11 by this author quite some years ago and i really enjoyed that so i've been wanting to pick up another book from them um for a while now and i believe this book came out in early 2020 and i never picked it up so i'm gonna be reading this i'm actually gonna be listening to the audiobook i think for this one so i will put all of the information for the diverseathon down in the description below there will be a google doc that has a list of all the prompts and all the hosts so you can go follow all of them do check them all out especially the host for the month of may because there will be giveaways and things like that i also i will also have a link in the description to the grand prize uh giveaway information so you can read the rules and enter the for the grand prize if you would like so do check out the description because all the information will be down there for you okay now i have five more books that if i managed to have the time to get to i'd really like to get to so the first one is ready player two by ernest klein i've mentioned this before i think in a tbr um but this is the sequel to ready player one which was this really fun um virtual reality sci-fi that i really enjoyed and i'm hoping that i will enjoy ready player two as well i've heard mixed things i i see a lot of people like not really enjoying this saying that it really wasn't necessary to have a sequel and i i agree i felt like ready player one really stood well on its own but i'm still excited to check out ready player two and see how it goes the next book i have here is magic for liars by sarah galey after reading upright women wanted by sarah galey i've been really wanting to read more from them because i really love their writing in that one but this follows twins i believe in the one twin is uh has magic and i believe she's a teacher at this magical university and then the other twin um does not have magic and she is a private investigator and i believe she ends up investigating a murder that takes place at this magic university so really excited to check this one out and i hope that i have time to read it this month i hope um the next book i have here is kingdom of the blazing phoenix by julie c dao this is the second book in the rise of the empress duology the first book was forest of a thousand lanterns um that one was a retelling or an origin story of the evil queen and then this one is a retelling of snow white and it is asian inspired and just really beautiful world and julie c dao's writing is exquisitely beautiful so i'm really excited to read the second book and then the last two books that i have to talk about are starsight by brandon sanderson and traders blade by sebastian d castell so starsight is the sequel to skyward by brandon sanderson which is his young adult sci-fi series and i really enjoyed the first book um skyward so i'm really excited to read the second and it's been a while since i've read skyward so i definitely want to read this soon because i don't want to forget things in between and i think that we're going to get the next book later this year i'm not sure but i definitely want to give this a read as soon as i can and then we have traders blade by sebastian d castell which is the first book in the great coats series um i don't know too much about this and i feel like every time i explain it i explain it wrong so i'm not going to explain it but i'm excited to give this one a try of course i've tried to read um sebastian d castell's young adult series the spell slinger series and i really enjoyed the first book but then it just went downhill for me and i'm really hoping that i end up enjoying his adult work more than his ya work and i've just heard the best things about this from so many people so really excited to give this one a try this is also one of the series on my series to read in 2021 list so i would like to get a start on that if i can but those last five books are just like if i happen to have time i'd really like to get to them also if i happen to have time i'd really like to get to flame fall by rosario minda which is the sequel to fireborn i read fireborn i think it was in march and i really enjoyed it for the most part and while i have everything fresh in my mind i'd really like to continue on and read the second book i'm probably going to be listening to it on audio um because i do have the audiobook available to me right now through libby so i would like to listen to that before that gets returned to the library um so if i have done i would like to get to that one as well and of course there are some books that i didn't mention that are going to be a part of that video that i'm planning to do this month so i have big plans for may as you can tell but as of right now in april i've read 15 books this month so i'm pretty sure that my reading uh pace is back to normal so i can possibly get all of these books in next month we'll see we'll see how it goes but that is going to be it for my may tbr do let me know down in the comments if you have any thoughts or opinions of the books that i mentioned let me know if you're going to be reading any of these as well or if you've already read them what you thought of them but that is going to be it for me today so if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up hit subscribe and i'll see you in my next one bye guys
Channel: A Book Circus
Views: 357
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Id: uguCivLw0Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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