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hey guys C here welcome back to another raid video this will be um a two-part video first part I'll just do the giveaway very quickly for that free-to-play account that I was uh playing for the past three months of the year uh this was basically my freeto playay account guys let me show you boom here it is this was my freet toplay account I had Valkyrie plus other legendaries in there Arman also farmed plus a lot of stuff um so a pretty cool account to somebody out there who may have not been playing the game as much and wants to get a good start with Arbiter and all that good stuff so um yeah we'll be doing that giveaway I've mentioned in the video that if you're somebody who strictly wants gems just put in just your um code if you want more just put in a comment and maybe even your um code so you can win both possibly so we'll see on how that does and second part of the video I'll be covering the Wix well the new Fusion the skills of that one I did not cover it when we were given those they were leaked actually we were supposed to cover them each week when they would be out but apparently um there was some kind of leak so um that's that's how it's going to go with the skills of the brand new Champion that will be coming out since those will be voted by the community so um let's do the giveaway this is the the link for it we have the random picker here we put it up at the top um let's let's draw in all of the the comments for the video uh 2 296 comments Let's see we need somebody who does not have strictly his um code it must be something else so Emir H all right you win gems okay you win gems but not the account let's save you right there let's pick another winner and see he has to have at least something more than just it all right he he didn't have it so he just wanted the account so you did a great job thanks for the chance to win whoever wins it we'll have lots of fun so rich kids uh I'll I'll message this guy on uh on YouTube and hopefully hopefully he'll be able to reply and I can give away the account um but let's pick another winner here we'll do actually nine more wow what are the odds for for the same one to come that is so weird uh let's see all right this guy garaza okay won uh the gems okay so I'm just saving his unique ID and then I'll do this eight more times guys basically and uh send the the gems to the win so you should get them by the end of the month okay so that is it for the next part of the video let's go and have a look at the skills the A3 has already been voted I'm not sure if we were um given the information on this one since the voting has uh finished but in my personal view since this would be an A3 skill we don't know the cooldowns of it we all know the multipliers it's already very limited I don't kind of like this way that they decided to go with it but whatever all right um damage Focus it's his one ability that seems like let's say the red abilities there's different colors for all of them um so damage Focus I guess if it would be like a champion who's strictly a damage dealer so it attacks one enemy ignores Stone skin this is that kills the target Feels terminat by 50% pretty strong skill to ignore Stone skin but again uh you're not ignoring Ally protect you're not ignoring Shields so it's very difficult to actually do something other than just ignoring Stone skin it's it's all the other stuff that also adds up um then the next one defense Focus places two intercept stacks on a Target Ally so if I'm not mistaken the way that it intercept uh buff is going to work it's going to be a brand new buff it's it will be like a buff that you apply on a Target Ally and that buff will basically protect that Ally from a crowd controlling effect for uh basically two times or uh I believe I believe it's two times on how they've described it it wasn't very clear on how pum described it but this is also a very strong skill in terms of having like a support that protects let's say your damage dealer from uh getting Sheed or your debuffer from getting sheep so you know you'll have that uh as a way to protect yourself and actually go in there and maybe use rantu to apply the the remove passive skill plus all the Buffs that he can remove so imagine if he can basically ignore the fact that he can get sheep because of the intercept off that's going to be very good so increase defense and shield on all allies and then a shield that's proportional to this Champions defense that is pretty huge um in terms of just overall support so I think the A2 will probably be the one voted up comparing to the other skill here but again it depends on the multiplier for the a uh the A3 being damage focused and then support Focus here revives all dead allies with good terer and HP uh places 5% poison debuffs on all enemies for two turns the number of poison debuffs on each Target is equal to the number of allies revived this is very very very conditional I don't like it maybe you could do some tricky stuff all right maybe you could have done this and have a team that dies and then you revive everybody and in that way you apply four 5% poison debuffs on enemies would that be really worth it um it could be used for soloing stuff I guess but we don't need more of that we need more unique supports and damage dealers so the the red and the the green ones would be the best ones right in in my eyes at least I think that the the green one is the one that's going to get voted or or got voted already already then for uh this week this is actively going on right now so damage Focus taxel enemies before attacking places a 50% increase attack buff on this Champion for two turns um that is a pretty strong skill the damage inflicted with this skill increases by 5% for each buff on the target if there are no Buffs will ignore 25% of the target's defense Instead This is this is something we've seen before in other Champions and even on mythical Champions I believe so it's not something new but I like the fact that he's buffing himself uh sometimes you're going to run a team that does not buff itself so it it depends because if we're going to go defense Focus what's the point of going damage focus on the other skill I don't see it I don't see it because the the heavy defense focus of the A3 skill is all about The Intercept skill and being fast to apply before your Ally goes to do something that might get him crack controlled right so why go defense and then go attack it doesn't make sense to me so attacks all enemy 75% chance of placing a 50% decreased attack debuff for two turns also increase the duration of all Ali Buffs by one turn I like it I like it then increases the value of all Shield Buffs on allies the value of each Shield is increased proportional to the number of Buffs which had their duration increased that's okay it's not going to be an unlimited amount of uh Shield boosting but it's still pretty cool the decrease tack it's very nice and it's an overall good defense skill um again it really depends on the multipliers for for this one if I would vote vote for this one maybe the support focus makes more sense here so uh tax all enemies places a poison sensitivity and then instantly activates any poisons and heals all allies so the support Focus already makes kind of a good sense at least together with the previous support one unfortunately it's not going to be the way that this Champion is going to go I I I doubt anybody voted for support in the previous one so for this one it wouldn't make sense to use this one although it's a great skill poison activation it's it's very nice for just clearing up waves would have made this Champion a very good solo um Champion for Dragon and stuff but it again it depends it depends but he's already like a powerful Fusion a powerful Fusion if you think about it the possibilities of any of these skills being the on chosen it's going to make him strong enough but I just don't like the fact that we could possibly see um some um you know difference in the skill so one being damage focused one defense focused it it would kind of suck so the default skill default attack uh double hit and then extra chance uh 25% chance to get an extra turn it's all right um nothing too crazy though doesn't even ignore defense or anything so the damage Focus version of him is a little bit underwhelming so the defense Focus has a chance to provoke so that's good that's already good for the Hydra the target is a boss chance increase to 80% so that's going to be 100% um if you're fighting a boss so it's already amazing for the head of Decay makes him a great great Champion um for for Hydra so I I guess people are just going to go for the defense Focus side of it and then uh support Focus attacks enemy two times each hit has a 50% chance of placing a 5% poison debuff um yeah it's all right the the support fogus a1's all right but I hope everybody votes for defense honestly that's gonna make him the most uh ideal and then finally what would the passive be prevents the Champion's death if the Counterattack uh when hit with a fatal hit then counterattacks if the Counterattack kills the attacker fully heals this Champion all right if the Counterattack doesn't kill the attacker kills his Champion set it's it's kind of cool it's a cool skill but uh okay what you gonna do I mean uh if you if you kill them it's great you going to Counterattack with the A1 it's not going to be that great I guarantee it I guarantee it since the A1 is just a double hitting attack so what's it going to do is is it really going to hit him it depends on the multiplier so it's very tricky um at the start of each round places a Counterattack buff on this Champion for one turn this buff cannot be removed at the end of this Champion turn places a Counterattack buff on them for one turn Ah that's cool so you'll have a Counterattack buff basically forever and then counterattacking you'll be provoking whenever you get attacked by somebody so basically this makes him a perfect head of Decay for the Hydra champ perfect head of Decay cuz the head of DK will attack you because you provoked it you Counterattack you provoke it again right unless some weak hit weak Hits come through I'm not sure if the of the fusions Affinity I don't think we were told that so I'm guessing he's going to be an affinity and not void I doubt he's going to be void so uh finally support Focus would have been allies deal 5% more damage for each poison debuff on the target Stacks up to 30% so batt Kazar kind of passive which not exactly but still very strong this would have been huge for the hia so look for the passive I'm all for the defense Focus right for somebody who's brand new the defense focus is going to help them with the provoke you don't need it though for the head of DC so for the fusions passive um I would I don't know I would I would like the support Focus just just for this the 30% extra damage because um all right this chap will not be applying the poison because if you run other poisoners in there you might be able to see some crazier teams with the trenas for the Hydra okay him being the support um I don't know they're not making things easier cuz this has already been voted and I the support Focus went through so he's not going to be the poisoner you're going to run so if you're not going to be the one placing the poisons you're going to run another poisoner in there um some teams with the trenas guys they use battle Kazar in a protection set because the protection set on a NP bonus provides um damage based on the Buffs that you have also so if you have a battle Kazarian there you'll be playing poisons those poisons will also be helping through with the support Focus here that we have uh but honestly you need to have a full stack of poisons for it to really be really matter right so um yeah it gets it gets interesting it gets interesting on how this guy is going to be it's probably going to be all defense Focus that gets voted my view is that do not risk it with um voting for support Focus even though it sounds good on paper I think the Counterattack buff being on this Champion basically forever is a a must he's going to be a great champ chion to be tanking the head of Mischief head of DK uh the Counterattack buff is going to force the head of Mischief to attack him all the time so you give him high resist give him high accuracy to apply the provoke it's going to be fantastic he's going to be a great support um and I like him although the visual of that champion didn't didn't really give me the the thoughts of like a support it give me more the thoughts of um like a a damage dealer but all right uh that's it guys for today's video uh I hope you enjoyed my views on it what do you guys think what you guys think the community is going to vote I'll have to search a little bit to see if there's like a voting page where they actually show the results last time I checked I didn't see any results but I might be mistaken so let me just double check um and see on on the skill votes yeah here's here's the page Fusion skills vote um all right they voted for The Intercept already okay cool I can actually see it now all right all right fantastic right so the A2 is getting voted I I I'll personally be voting for The the support version of this all right I I kind of like it 59% already it's it's going through um I like it so time left until next round one day 14 hours yeah this is definitely this is definitely the way to go uh with this one I think it's a cool thing that they're adding a fusion for May which is going to be this it means the next two weeks we're probably going to have like a tight end event or something like that and then when May comes we have this as being the fusion that we voted for it's going to be pretty cool guys thank you a lot for watching the videos thank you for the support all this time I'll see you in the next one see you [Music]
Channel: Cold Brew Gaming
Views: 5,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vLkbIxXKYm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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