hey guys Co here welcome back to another R Video we're on the test server today looking at mata's black FL he's going to be offer through the 15x going on um I believe Tomorrow there's going to be like a super summoning event H additional event that they're going to be doing for the fusion to get extra 50 fragments he's going to be part of the 15x plus other Champions if you want to summon you can go for it but I would say don't really go for it especially if you're not going for the fusion this guy I'm just going to give you the The quick summary and guys before we go on with the Showcase a quick word from today's sponsor and thank you to Warcraft Rumble for sponsoring today's video guys Warcraft Rumble is an action strategy game set within the world of the warcraft Universe where collectible units can be used to beat up enemies in PV PVE situations and PVP situations I have my own separate Channel well I'll be featuring videos dedicated videos on the game beginner guides more advanced guides PVE fights PVP fights and possibly maybe against other creators so make sure you follow me on my secondary Channel guys and download Warcraft Rumble to play alongside with me thanks again to Warcraft Rumble for sponsoring today's video and guys let's get back to the action summary he's all right he's not that great he is going to be useful probably mostly for the I would say fire night and maybe for the Hydra a little bit but overall he's a lower lower than average I would say Champion added into the champion pool especially for for non voids we're looking for those special Champions we're looking for the haras right you're looking for the tras the rodos when you get these Champions into the summoning pool then the odds to get those Champion drops and then this guy comes in and he's not that great why am I saying this well he has a very unique skill set okay he can triple hit with his A1 not where he's unique he can remove Buffs from the target at a 30% chance 40 if you book it out heals him also based on the damage inflicted that's right pretty a aage uh not going to be that amazing but later on on his A2 if you have a look he has a probably double hitting attack very very conditional so if the enemies have no Buffs that's when he can do the conditional and do a double hit the extra hit ignores 20% of the target's defense that's where I think he falls off a little bit because I would have preferred if he always had the ignore defense that would have given him a little bit of extra Edge being an HP based nuker he does not benefit from increased attack increased defense there's no way for him to buff up his damage okay so we are comparing him with other champions in the game that have higher multipliers double hitting multipliers okay his only additional damage that he gets is this ignore defense and that's on the double hit and that's if it's if the condition goes through okay his multipliers at the 0.2 which is relatively lower than other Champions we'll have a look at his damage potential uh in just a second but you guys get the idea that if if like one enemy has a single buff on them then they won't get the double hit on them okay which is pretty sad sad and you're going to hit for a very low amount of damage so are you going to build him as a damage dealer well it depends you can build him with a little bit of damage but then his A3 comes in being a four turn cooldown with a two- turn duration taunt and basically you're left wondering okay should I really go with this Champion um built like a tank or should I built him with damage I've I've done a mix of the two he's HP based so he can take a few hits but uh you're not going to give him a lot of Defense to a company that HP so really having a Taun on him can be um a little bit um worrisome okay so if he gets hit he can possibly die so um it all depends on how you want to build him I'll show you guys exactly the stats that I have on him at the moment the increase resistance feels pretty nice especially for the Hydra and the reflect damage is very nice for the fire knite which I've mentioned before then his passive comes in so when he has Taun he counterattacks with the A1 doing basically another triple hit plus the reflect damage on the Fire Knight you're going to have five reflects assuming you don't have a shield going into the fifth um uh going into going into the fight right um assuming you don't have a shield then the reflect will actually reflect back on the damage um that you take it's going to reflect back on the shield on the boss and reduce those numbers by another five so five plus three that's a solid eight you have Phantom Dash on him can be potentially 10 um 10 stacks off the boss just like like that are you really going to run that I don't think so I don't think people are going to run this but the reflect um The increased resistance um actually helps you build your Champions with 250 resistance or so it can even um resist debuffs on the Fire Knight on hard mode but I wouldn't really use this guy on on hard mode even though he's got this A2 that can can look like something that you want to be running for okay um terms of masteries I went with Helm Smasher for for the this part of the video I don't think I'm going to change it up uh Giant Slayer is something that you can go for but I want to test out his damage as well on the A2 so I went with Helm Smasher plus merciless uh 35% ignore defense plus the chance to decrease a random skills cool down by one turn when dealing damage so he can deal damage extra with his A1 when he counterattacks he can deal with the A2 a double hit so there's the chances there for his skill to reset it's the fact that he only has two attacks basically and the A3 much longer cool down only two turns duration on on the Buffs and the taunt makes him a little bit underwhelming okay overall stats about 100,000 Health not even that 238 crit damage a little bit low on the lower side but I guess you could run the crit damage way higher than this to about 260 280 110,000 health and you would see a little bit higher numbers but you will see even with these stats he he does um significantly lower damage than I would have expected so if we go go to dragon's layer let's go stage 23 um we don't even need to have Arbiter in here honestly but let's let's just have her defense down weekend only all right and his damage potential uh we'll have a look at that so uh let's just quickly do the A2 here defense down weeken he hits for how much guys boom 89 and then another 77,000 quite okay I mean if you consider that this guy is also built with high resistance um to gain the benefit of the buff plus the taunt for the purposes of throwing him into the Hydra okay so that's how I've built him that's why he stats are a little bit on the lower side I did forgot to mention that I have him with about 280 resistance plus the 50% extra resistance it's going to help him reach about the 400 Mark plus if you have like a resistance lead easily being 500 resistance that definitely helps out for nightmare Hydra for lower Hydra like hard mode you're going to be fine with even you know 350 if you include the resistance and the aura you're going to be totally fine so I want to show you guys the A1 here all right let's uh let's just have a look at that defense down weekend let's have a look at uh when he hits with the A1 here 30,000 then at 25,000 and 27,000 to almost like 990,000 damage solid solid A1 right solid A1 so let's have a look at him in the Arenas so in arenas you don't care about buffing up his damage not really um so let's have a look against this team with Wukong in there hopefully we'll be able to just um outspeed them I don't know how fast uh this guy is O Stone skan all right buff up let's lock them out usual usual kind of setup I would use him in Arena with the resistance by the way just saying let's uh boost up again let's have a look at the A2 here potentially can do a weak hit here on Wukong but it's fine should kill him there we go some solid damage as you saw there but definitely not the highest damage you've seen out of an HP based nuker okay so I could see him being used in your like your Arena Team you're really uh needing a nuker but um again let's test it out against like a team with maybe like a bolster set no a bolster set would be a protected buff okay that's a protected buff so I guess I won't be able to double hit there see o multiple Buffs that's unfortunate we couldn't sleep them there so let's see now we're going to single hit unfortunately here so we're going to go for how much damage he didn't even even go through the shields so very unfortunate um didn't even go through the shields no second hit so no ignore defense um potential so that's why he's uh definitely not going to be the the one that you use for arena I don't think so unless you don't have anything else which probably even have magnar so magnar can potentially be used and and do a double hit and potentially do much better damage so here let's see with the taunt that's going to help us against um against kadron so TR remove the Buffs there we go okay that's what I wanted to see let's sleep do I have my cooldowns there's the A1 did a little bit of damage oh we also have the dutches by the way uh reducing the damage that they take from AOE so it's it's even worse plus usuga let's see 31 45 we actually manag to kill Kon barely did any damage on the dutches though barely did any damage to the dut so we get hit now with the TA he hits back uh no chance he would remove any Buffs from mithala does like 5,000 6,000 7,000 um oruga so if I if I built in with completely crazy gear could possibly see higher damage but but still the multiplier is very low 0.2 when we compare it to 0.25 on other Champions who also have additional boosts um on the multiplier it just seems Seems so bad and and him doing weak hits on The Duchess doesn't even help us cuz she she'll eventually just re revive her whole team and we'll probably get wrecked by an AOE from Cadron so U guess we can reset try and try and test it out see um yeah let's do a single hit here yeah does so little damage when it's the single hit so little damage so let's just exit I wanted to show you guys on on his damage somewhere here in the Hydra okay so I I've made a an adjustment to my Hydra team just to show you guys the potential he's in here he obviously does not have a blessing so he already falls off on terms of damage but um he's built as a kind of support for the team here where he's going to be tanking the head of Mischief hopefully because of the taunt so um yeah keep hitting on them let's decase speed here so how much would we hit on these heads with this uh I would say I'm going to put the taunt first hopefully we'll get hit by the head of Mischief so 2 46 2 4 6 7 he should get get hit resisted that's that's the goal right that's the goal we extend the Buffs here cannot extend taunt I think I I think two turns because I just placed it right I didn't take a turn yet all right let's provoke good and um the idea behind him is is like he's going to be a support mostly he's not going to be used as um as a straight up damage dealer okay like mishin Nagi is for example Mishi is is crazy good for the Hydra so this guy how much is he going to hit now for 41 42,000 very very low I've done epics who do like four times the damage here so um even though he's he's a tank I would have expected a little bit a little bit higher especially with the resistance he has like two 280 resistance is very low to justify um you know all the other stats um but I'm running mercilus that's why i' I've tried to run him on mercilus because I wanted the cool down of his A3 to come back sooner so I can have taunt more consistently on um so here we even get um attacked onto my crisk which unfortunately he had more Buffs than I wanted maybe I had him faster maybe I didn't have him at all here would have been better consistently getting hits on the taunt I want to get the head one of the heads down so we can hit on those with him and have a look at um at his damage potential so see so there we go there's the T flect is also very nice yeah we're getting hit there so he would have been countered attacking with his A1 that would have been nice so let's uh let's have a look at the um I want to get the defense down first so let's just hit with the A1 uh here and this guy 18,000 19,000 not not not great by any means here we hit them on a week kit with 50k on a weekit we hit with the A1 with 50k with the Archer let's see let's cleanse up I want to see let's see the A1 on the decapitated 50 67 66 so about 150k very nice let's see decrease defense there but I wanted to see do some damage here no more fear great defense down weaken on at least two of them and then I want to see the damage on this this head for sure so let's see the A2 here he hits four 200k 250k yeah not not the worst not the worst not not as much as I I I I was saying it at the start cuz remember his damage is not that high so Archer hits for how much 400k all right and it's a single single uh attack there so he hits for about that much more more than that and he doesn't have a blessing so maybe I was I was too mean at the start maybe I was too mean at the start uh because probably with a blessing he could have done a little bit better let's taunt up see the head of Mischief now so yeah yeah Chris cast so many Buffs I'll probably build him with the the blessing that Chris cast a one here he has much more Buffs he got hit but um actually if you have Chris it's better for him to be getting hit because he then can apply defense down and decrease attack so let's see the A1 very solid when the heads are down with the A1 it's very solid damage but you cannot take advantage of his passive when that happens so let's just exit no reason to check on the damage more 2.5 million five on the Archer so double the damage 6.6 on Mission I very much expected but chrisk with a 1.1 ba barely like War Masters and the a2s so yeah Matas is has okay damage but you're either going to go full damage on him or you're going to make him as uh like a provoke set provoke set I would say would be maybe the best thing provoke set on him and then a little bit of damage mostly resistance and probably accuracy for him to be removing Buffs from the Hydra so more like support than then if you can take like 100% crit raate you are going to go for it so I would say provoke it's going to go best on him if you don't have a provoker especially in your team like nothing like the Archer or or um or chrisk that would be the set for him Mercy sounds okay but in in theory sound sounds okay 35% ignore defense on the um on the skills that he has great great but it does not benefit him um as much as I would say just building him as a support so that was a video guys on Maas black play I just wanted to show you guys what he does and just um if you guys were wondering on how he fares in all of place especially if you want to build him for damage is not the way to go I would personally build him as I said in a provoke set and just have him for the Hydra and be like that and let's say for Fire Knight you want to be going in there with the team it's not going to be like this but I just want to showcase his ability just going to go through the waves very quickly with sear and showcas his reflect um damage ability basically so we go in there and we're going to have a quick push through the waves with um SE all right going to get the reset and then we go to round three where we're going to see the reflect in action basically if if you can run lower speeds on the this one you would because of the reflect that's going to help you basically survive a little bit um let's have a look so uh the boss is going to hit us and it's going to be pretty nasty hit even on 25 on normal so hard it's going to be very tough especially without Shields if you want to benefit through the reflect um you're going to have an issue so once we get our turn we can uh build in um let's do Hex got resisted there so here here's where he shines all right he he'll do the buff there we go and now we get hit uh there we go five of those are gone and then three three more after that the the shields were gone so the reflect actually went through because the boss hits pretty pretty hard and now we just put it on auto and then we keep on doing our attacks he's going to do his A2 here after this one we don't really have much damage here with this team we have like sear and stuff but um still not that great SI actually removes our our A3 but we're going to place it up again because of the the reset going to hit hit by the boss oh she she got reset through the what was it the reaction not reaction um the accessories that reset your your your cool down so yeah not that great in terms of damage because we're also doing weak hits so on 20 he's going to be better so for earlier accounts might be the key for you to beat this one so there we go the boss's going to hit us de wonder if you're GNA if we're going to die from this yikes yeah he hits pretty hard like if you don't have a if you don't have a decreased attack you're going to get hit really hard on uh even on 20 25 hard mode 6 hard mode 10 pretty Prett much impossible without a proper shield on him and then you're going to have to use him as uh as a way to just guarantee the reflect goes through if your Shields go through so uh that's that's his use case for for the Fire Knight definitely useful much lower um on much lower difficulties you have like a defense up and then you have the reflect definitely usable but like other Champions are so much better for this one in terms of just beating the Fire Knight Mar is so good can even be used on hard mode and doesn't have the reflect mechanic has she has Counterattack mechanic so if you had a Counterattack mechanic I would have been so much more happier so that was it the videos uh that was it for today guys for the video on Matas what do you guys think let me know down below your thoughts thank you all for watching subscribe I'll see you guys in the next one see you [Music] a [Music]