May 13 Live Stream Talk: Fr. Bill Casey – Lady of the Rosary

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[Music] 100 years ago in 1917 at the height of the carnage of the First World War the Immaculate Mother of God appeared to three children in Portugal and trusting them with a plan for world peace and with a warning about the dire consequences man would face if he did not convert from sin her peace plan a series of simple requests involves the whole church and all men of goodwill oh good afternoon everyone and wish all of you happy feast day of Our Lady of Fatima this 100th anniversary huh it is great to be with you and let's begin with the prayer in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of thy faithful and kindling them the fire of thy love and send forth thy spirit and they shall be created and thou shalt renew the face of the earth let us pray O God who did instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit grant us in the same spirit to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in his consolation through Christ our Lord amen Mary Mother of mercy pray for us our lead the Holy Rosary pray for us Our Lady of victory pray for us st. Joseph pray for us Saints Francisco and Jacinta pray for us in the name of the Father and of the son of the Holy Spirit amen well I want to begin with a reading from the book of Revelation chapter 12 verses 1 through 6 and 17 a great sign appeared in the sky a woman clothed with the Sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars she was with child and wailed aloud and pain as she labor to give birth then another sign appeared in the sky it was a huge dragon flaming red with seven heads and ten horns on its head were seven diadem's its tail swept away a third of the stars from the sky and hurled them down to the earth then the dragon stood before the woman about to give birth to devour her child when it should be born she gave birth to a son a male child destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod her child was caught up to God and his throne woman herself fled into the desert where a place had been prepared for her by God then the dragon became angry with a woman we're off the wage war against the rest of her offspring those who keep God's commandments and bear witness to Jesus now before I begin this talk there is a book that I want to highly recommend to you a book that I found very very helpful in my preparation for these talks and the book is entitled that fat amount for today mmm the urchin Marian message of hope it is written by Father Andrew Apostoli of the Franciscan friars of the renewal it is published by Ignatius press and you know I have seen many great books about Fatima in my day but father Andrews is I think by far the best hmm so get a hold of a copy of it if you can okay I want to begin with a quotation here from Pope st. John Paul the seconds for a speech that he gave at the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia is Cardinal vojta whoa and he said these prophetic words quote we are now standing in the face the greatest historical confrontation humanity is ever experienced we are now facing the final confrontation between the church and the anti Church between the gospel and the anti gospel between Christ and the Antichrist we must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long as will demand of us a disposition to give up even life and a total dedication to Christ and for Christ with your and my prayers it is possible to mitigate the coming tribulation but it is not possible any longer to avert it because only thus can the church be effectively renewed how many times has the renewal of the church sprung from the shedding of blood this time - it will not be otherwise we must be strong and prepared it and trust in Christ and in his Holy Mother and be very very assiduous in praying the rosary and quote I recall that Pope Saint John Paul also said there's no such thing as coincidence in the realm of divine providence my brothers and sisters you must know that we are living in historic times for the church and for the whole world think about where we are on this 100th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Fatima mm-hmm we have just come through the Jubilee year of mercy the extraordinary your grace 2016 and I hope that all of you have a clearer understanding of what it was all about how providential it really was for the whole world remember it was not by chance that Pope Francis designated last year as the year of mercy in the church he did that because of what is coming this year now our Pope emeritus Pope Benedict the 16th said 2017 will be a very significant year for the church and for the world he didn't say exactly what significance he thought would have don't get me wrong now I don't try to play the Prophet I'm not in the business of trying to predict times and dates and events but we can't miss this think about what is coming in the span of just one month the month of October of this year in October of this year we're going to observe the 100th anniversary of our ladies final apparition at Fatima and the miracle the Sun we're going to observe the 100th anniversary of Red October the start of the Communist revolution in Russia the spread of organized militant atheism all over the world which in the past century has resulted in the deaths of an estimated 90 million people worldwide is still bearing its rotten fruit of this day and in October we're going to observe the 500th anniversary of the starch of the Protestantism which fragmented the Christian worlds that introduced the doctrinal confusion and division that has endured for all these centuries now like the Pope's I do not believe that this is coincidental mm-hmm I recall also the more than a century ago pope leo xiii had a vision a terrifying vision of satan and after that vision he wrote the great prayer to st. Michael the Archangel Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil now when Satan appeared to Pope Leo he made a boast he boasted one hundred years and I'll destroy the church one hundred years and I'll destroy the church now if our Lord had to promise the gates of Hell would never destroy his church you can be sure it was because he knew the gates of Hell we're going to try mm-hmm but if the devil has been given a hundred years to do his worst the question is always arisen when did that 100 years begin when did that century long all-out assault on Christ and his mystical body begin well I don't know nobody knows but if I had to bet on it I'll give you my opinion for what it's worth I'm not saying I'm right I could be wrong but I believe again you can take this or leave it right I believe that 100 years began in October of 1917 if I'm right something is coming as it says in the book of Revelation the devil is on a rampage the devil is raging because he knows his time is short but whatever may come we know we have got to be ready and one thing is for sure we need the mercy of God the mercy of God my brothers and sisters we live in an age when Christianity is under a worldwide attack we see our holy faith being driven from the east by persecution in exile if it's true to say that Christians are now once again the most persecuted targeted minority in the world and we see our holy faith being rejected in the West and this part of the world by a new paganism paganism it is truly as Pope Francis says an age of apostasy that we're living in now the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the section under eschatology eschatology is a theological term for the latter days and the last things hmm it says that many Catholics mistakenly believe that in the latter days the days before our Lord's second coming the church is going to gain a gradual domination gradual ascendancy over evil in the world not so says the Catechism in fact exactly the opposite is true the Catechism says that in the latter days the church is destined to suffer in a mystical way what our Lord suffered at the time of his passion christ in his mystical body will be abandoned betrayed denied it scourge mocked and crucified it will be a persecuted church and so it is and we are called to stand at the foot of the cross with our Blessed Mother Mary the Mother of mercy mother of Sorrows Our Lady of Hope Our Lady of victory Our Lady of the Holy Rosary hmm and we're called to persevere to the end hmm now Pope Paul the sixth in October of 1967 wrote a letter to the world entitled a senior monument as a Latin for the great sign and he wrote that letter to mark the 50th anniversary of the miracle and his son and in doing so he related Revelation chapter 12 with a miracle of the Sun at Fatima where 70,000 people saw the Sun appeared a spin of the sky has suddenly plunged down toward the earth the great sign that confirmed the veracity the reality of Our Lady's messages to the children at Fatima and Revelation chapter 12 goes on to say the dragon the servant the devil wages war on Mary's offspring who are Our Lady's children those who keep God's commandments and give witness to Jesus the world has been through 100 years of intense warfare spiritual and otherwise now Pope Saint John Paul the second called the messages of Our Lady of Fatima a summary of the entire 20th century and what I want to do here is to examine and summarize for you the content the gravity and the enormity of the Fatima messages some of which our lady called secrets and put them in some perspective for you what I'm talking about here are the facts the facts the warning and the promise what our response to the message of Fatima has got to be now in May of 1917 with world war 1 still raging and no end in sight Pope Benedict the 15th began a worldwide at novena to Our Lady for world peace toward the end of that novena on the eighth day of that novena May the 13th Our Lady appeared for the first time to the three children ten year old Lucia dos Santos and her two younger cousins now saints Francisco and Jacinta Marta on May the 13th our lady tells the children that they will go to heaven but they will have much to suffer first then she requests that they and everyone pray the rosary for the cause of world peace and she tells them to come back there to the Cova area while the thirteenth day of each month until October now June the 13th 1917 June the 13th is a great feast day for the people of Portugal the feast day of one of Portugal's greatest Saints Saint Anthony of Padua of course was born in Lisbon Portuguese right On June the 13th our lady repeats her request to pray the rosary every day and then she tells Lucia she must learn to read and write obviously because she has chosen Lucia to be the Secretary of the message of Fatima in much the same way our Lord chose Saint Faustina to be the Secretary of the Divine Mercy and our lady reveals to the children her immaculate heart surrounded by a crown of thorns obviously reflecting her suffering motherhood in the face of this state of the world and the loss of souls then July the 13th the July apparitions are the most important and powerful of all the Fatima messages they come in three parts dire warnings to the world and Our Lady's promise of ultimate victory hmm now the first part of the July 13th apparition the first secret is the vision of hell Our Lady appears to the children she opens her hands bright rays of light emanate from Our Lady's hands this is Lucy's description what happened next quote the rays of light seemed to penetrate the earth and we saw as it were a sea of fire plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form like transparent burning embers all blackened and burnished bronze floating about in the conflation now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke now falling back whatever he sighed likes parts and huge fires amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair which horrified us it made us tremble with fear the demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals black and transparent like burning coals terrified and as if the plead for succour we looked up at our lady who said was so kindly and sadly you have seen hell the souls of poor sinners go to save them God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart if what I say to you is done many souls will be saved and there will be peace now sister lucia x' description the vision of hell is amazingly similar to the description of hell written by st. Faustina at one point our Lord commanded her guardian angel to transport Saint Faustina into the bowels of hell so she could be a witness to its reality Sister Faustina st. Faustina said there was revealed to her that the vast majority of souls who were in Hell were those who did not believe that he'll exists hm-hmm why the vision of hell precisely because hell is real and hell is forever because fear of Hell can move at least some people to repentance hmm there is a reality TV show that comes on cable it's called scared straight and in this show they take these teenagers who are constantly in trouble with the law and they try to show them where they are headed and let them spend a day in a state prison surrounded by the meanest the toughest the ugliest the most obnoxious inmates they can find at the end of that day most of them gone straight they changed mmm they're changed young men and women hmm the same principle is at work you see now the vision of Hell was not for the children remember our lady said the children would go to heaven the vision of Hell is intended for the rest of us for the whole world to remind us of the reality of Hell then after the vision of Hell our lady asks that the decade prayer be added to the Rosary Oh My Jesus forgive us our sins save us from the fires of hell lead all souls into heaven especially those in most need of thy mercy by the 13th part - its the warning the second secret our lady foretells the coming end of World War 1 but she tells the children that if people do not repent if they do not turn back to God and do penance for their sins if they do not heed the call to prayer especially the Holy Rosary they would come another war far more terrible than World War 1 during the reign of pope pius xi Our Lady at Fatima actually names of future Pope and then there's another warning unless people turn back to God trouble will come to the world from Russia Russia will spread evil teaching grave and deadly errors provoking wars and persecutions of the church then of course just three months later there comes Red October the rise of Lenin and the Bolsheviks Our Lady says this I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the communion of reparation of first Saturday's if my requests are heeded Russia will be converted and there will be peace if not she was printer errors throughout the world causing Wars and persecutions of the church the good will be martyred the Holy Father will have much to suffer various nations will be annihilated now think for a moment that our ladies use of the word annihilated if you take that word at its literal meaning it means total destruction total destruction at the end of World War two as awful as the fighting had been there was not a single nation we could say was annihilated literally annihilated so it may well be that our lady had warned us that the worst may be yet to come hmm it's not hard to figure out why just as people today typically don't believe in the reality of Hell there are so many people who should know better who fail to recognize the inherent evil of communism hmm a nationwide survey was taken across this country recently on college campuses everywhere and they asked young people about their opinions in regard to democracy versus communism and about half of the young people surveyed said that under the right circumstances they would not hesitate to vote for a communist and many of them said they could seek communism as a viable alternative to a democratic form of government so this is the mess that we are in today hmm as we see militant atheism spreading like wildfire across college campuses in this country taking in more and more of our young people all the time Russia is still spreading its errors throughout the world there's no question about it I want to speak a little bit here about evil of communism the objectives of communism unless we forget the objectives of communism or these number one by means of revolution by any means possible set up the totalitarian state in the place of God second is the destruction of the Christian faith Drive God out of the hearts and minds of the people by any means necessary the third objective destroy or confiscate churches in those lands where communism prevails to set up a puppet church a sham religion in its place and the result of this of course has been the killing an imprisonment of tens of thousands of clergy nuns and religious who resisted the fourth objective stamp out Christian education Christian schools ban the teaching of God in religion indoctrinate brainwash young people with communist marxist ideology that is materialist secular atheist utilitarian and immoral fifth introduced fatal errors in regard to the philosophy of man the idea that the human person is not made in the image and likeness of God the Creator with free will an immortal soul and an eternal destiny but actually no more no better than an animal an instrument an object that exists primarily for the good of the state the state which takes the place of God and of course when the individual is no longer seen as useful for whatever reason or is seen as an enemy of the state that person can be readily eliminated under communism basic human rights individual legal rights are crushed millions of Russian families experienced the terror the dreaded knock on the door in the middle of the night a visit from the secret police and family members loved ones arrested arrested without just cause without due process no proof no evidence taken away most never seen or heard from again millions executed many millions of others anonymous men and women suffered and died in a brutal inhuman system of labour camps across Siberia called - gulag right number six a sixth objective of communism is the attack on the traditional family Karl Marx saw the traditional family as a source of rivalry to the power of the state right Marx believed that parental authority would be a hindrance to the ability of the state to exert total power and indoctrinate young people hmm under communism the institution of the family is Zdenek rated and made subservient to the state starting in October 1917 communism spreads its horrors throughout the world it does provoke the so called Wars of liberation then comes the arms race the threat of annihilation the Cold War and friends it is not over by any means don't you believe that it is this is my opinion anyone who believes that Russia has been truly actually morally converted is delusional to get that hmm to this day for example Russian women have the highest rate of abortion in the world Russia in case you didn't know it has recently updated upgraded and modernized its nuclear weapons capabilities mm-hmm so there is still the threat of the proliferation of nuclear weapons which continues especially in Russia China now North Korea those nuts nobody knows what they're gonna do right all right the Russians and the Chinese at least with their nuclear weapons were rational not so these crazies in North Korea hmm anything can happen believe me so after 50 years of communism Russia East Germany Eastern Europe the Baltic States China North Vietnam Cambodia Cuba Central Africa and elsewhere more Christians have been martyred than in all the previous years of Christian history combined itll pius xi condemned communism in his 1937 encyclical letter DVD radium tourists he said this but the ongoing persecutions of the church around the world at that time quote as far as possible every Church and every monastery has been destroyed every vestige of the Christian religion has been eradicated even though intimately linked with the rarest monuments of art and science the fury of communism has not confined itself to the indiscriminate slaughter of bishops or thousands of priests and religious of both sexes it searches out above all those who have been devoting their lives to the working classes and the poor but the majority of its victims have been laymen of all conditions and classes even up to the present moment masses of them are slain almost daily for no other offense than the fact that they are good Christians or at least opposed to atheistic communism and this fearful destruction has been carried out with a hatred and savage cruelty one could not believe possible in our age and quote finally July the 13th that comes the third secret revealed of the world by Pope Saint John Paul the second on May the 13th 2000 the third secret came in three parts the first part the vision of an angel with a flaming sword obviously the symbol of the punishment about to come upon the world here is how sister Lucia described the angel with a flaming sword of the left our lady and little above we saw an angel the flaming sword in his left hand flashing it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire pointing to the earth with his right hand the angel cried out in a loud voice penance penance penance it is commentary on Fatima Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger interim pope benedict xvi said quote the angel with a flaming sword on the left to the mother of god recalls similar images in the book of Revelation this represents the threat of a judgment which looms over the whole world today the prospect that the world might be reduced to ashes by a sea of fire no longer seems pure fantasy man himself with his inventions has forged the flaming sword unquote the second part of the third secret the apocalyptic vision the vision of the Pope and the people climbing the mountain here is sister Lucy is description taken from the Vatican translation of her handwritten account well we saw in an immense light that is God a bishop dressed in white we had the impression that it was the Holy Father other bishops priests men and women religious going up a steep mountain at the top of which there was a big cross before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city in ruins and a half trembling with halting step afflicted with pain and sorrow he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on the way having reached the top of the mountain on his knees at the foot of the big cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him and in the same way there died one after another bishops priests men and women religious and variously people at different ranks and positions end quote on his theological commentary for Benedict explain the Symbolists of the steep mountain the great city in these words in the vision we can recognize the last century as a century martyr's a century of suffering and persecution for the church a century of world wars and the many locals wars which fill the last 50 years and have inflicted unprecedented forms of cruelty in the mirror of this vision we see passing before us the witnesses of the faith decade by decade end quote then the third part of the third secret the vision of the two angels sprinkling the blood of the martyrs sister Lucy his words beneath the two arms of the cross there were two angels each with a crystal estrus aureum in his hand in which they gathered up the blood of the martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God this is the revelation the church of the 20th century as experiencing the via cookies the via cookies the way of the cross now in my opinion the best commentary ever written on Fatima was written by pope benedict xvi Cardinal Ratzinger he describes the Third Secret as the revelation of the way of the Cross for the church the byuk witches and of course he relates the Third Secret of fátima to the assassination attempt on pope john paul ii he writes this in the Wyatt could use of an entire century the figure the Pope has a special role it is arduous ascent of the mountain we can undoubtedly see convergence at different Pope's beginning from Pope Pius the tenth after the present Pope they all share the sufferings of this century and strove to go forward through all the anguish along the path that leads to the cross in the vision the Pope too is killed with the martyrs when after the attempted assassination on May the 13th 1981 of the Holy Father he had the text of the third part of the secret brought to him was it not inevitable that he should see it at his own fate he had been very close to death and he himself explained his survival in the following words it was a mother's hand that guided the bullets path and in his throws the Pope Paul dented the threshold of death that here mother's hand had deflected the fateful bullet only shows once more that there is no immutable destiny that faith and prayer are forces that can influence history and that in the end prayer is more powerful than bullets and faith more powerful than armies end quote hmm again best quotation best commentary on Fatima that I have ever seen hmm at the end of the July 13th apparition the children asked our lady to tell them who she is and she identifies herself she says I am the Lady of the Rosary our lady told the children of the rosaries power to bring about world peace the conversion of sinners the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and of course we know Mary's heart is an immaculate heart but it is also a sorrowful heart precisely because it is a mother's heart the heart of the greatest mother of them all you know everywhere that we go these days preaching we meet the mothers and the grandmothers who live every day I believe with the crown of thorns around their hearts we meet the mothers who suffer the heartache wounds their wounded families the wounds inflicted upon them by family members loved ones will left the church and abandon the practice of the faith that are living terribly terribly immoral eyes the wounds inflicted on their families by divorce family breakup at the crog's alcohol abuse women who mourn mourn and every day of their lives the ruin other marriages and families the suffering and trials of their own children imagine if you will our ladies sorrow from her place in heaven from which she sees all of it what Saint John Vianney the Curia var said our Blessed Mother will never rest until after the Last Judgment between now and then she is far too busy with her children yes she is the prophetess of our time she is the mother who never abandons her children the mother whose love never grows cold a mother whose greatest solicitude is always for the weakest the most wounded the most sinful of her children always calling them back all right and August the 13th the children do not make their rendezvous with our lady because they are taken and by the government administrator to the county jail at the city of or em and they are held there for the day and there they are threatened they are interrogated severely and even threatened with death if they do not recant what they have said about what our lady is revealed of course the children will not break in hmm September the 13th the children bring to our lady the prayer requests and the petitions of the people of Fatima the people of that area who are coming from everywhere to be there at Fatima and once again September the 13th our lady repeats her request at the whole world pray the Holy Rosary that we the people of faith take up the rosary once again for the cause of world peace and of course October the 13th there comes the miracle of the Sun now December the 10th 1925 Our Lady returns this is Lucia who has entered the convent of the Douro thean sisters at Ponte Vedra Spain as our lady had foretold Francisco and Jacinta died soon after the apparitions both died in the worldwide swine flu epidemic of 1918 through 1920 Francisco dies April the 4th 1919 Jacinta dies February the 20th 1920 in December 1925 our lady comes back to request the communion of reparation and our lady shows Lucia a vision of her Immaculate Heart Our Lady says this look my daughter at my heart surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierced me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude you at least try to console me and say that I promise to assist at the hour of death were the graces necessary for salvation all those who on the first saturday of 5 consecutive months shall confess their sins receive Holy Communion recite five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries of the rosary with the intention of making reparation to me hmm well there you have it now the five first Saturday's devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary are not in any way hard to understand I find that to this day many good Catholics are confused about the first Saturday devotions what is involved in them many Catholics have got the idea that what is required is just kind of like a laundry list are the things that you've got to do the things you've got to get done they can't remember them all so they don't bother with it hmm it's not a laundry list it's pretty simple so I want to reiterate this today because I know this is being filmed and although you may understand the first five Saturdays of reparation very very clearly there are many people who don't mmm so I want to go over this again make sure we're all clear about this hmm now there are four main elements to the devotion and to conditions the four main elements are the following number one they'll go to confession either on the first Saturday itself or at least one week before or one week after the first Saturday itself number two to receive Holy Communion on the first Saturday itself three pray five decades of the Rosary on the first Saturday itself fourth to keep our lady company for at least 15 minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the rosary following the praying of the Rosary on the first Saturday itself then the two conditions necessary for the devotion are these number one that the practice has be done on the first Saturday of five consecutive months and number two with the intention right intention the intention of making reparation to our lady for the sins of blasphemy and ingratitude toward her toward her Immaculate Heart that's what it is okay nothing so complicated about it hmm but let me go back again for a moment to the July 13th apparition when our lady said this if what I say to you is done many souls will be saved and there will be peace if not God is about to punish the world for its crimes by means of war famine and persecutions of the Church of the Holy Father see our lady's message for warning at Fatima is an all-or-nothing proposition either humanity will repent and turn back to God her requests will be fulfilled or there will come the divine wrath God's punishment upon this world hmm now here are the conditions for the conversion of sinners World Peace in the triumph of her Immaculate Heart first of course pray the rosary second again the communion of reparation the five first Saturdays and third the consecration of Russia to Mary's Immaculate Heart by the Pope in union with all the bishops of the world in June 1929 Our Lady returns the sister lúcia tells her the time has come for the Holy Father to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart the consecration is made the consecration is made fifty five years later hmm after an inexplicable 55 year delay the act of consecration is made by Pope Saint John Paul the second on March the 25th 1984 now sister Lucia before she died confirmed that Our Lady has accepted the act of consecration performed by Pope John Paul hmm in case there is any one was not clear about that now let me tell you a story here just to confirm this for you and I know this for a fact I'm not getting this second hand right I know the man was involved who is now a priest hmm now in the mid 90s there was a group of American seminarians at the Vatican and they were received by Pope Saint John Paul the second in his Wednesday morning audience and as Pope John Paul was meeting with the seminarians he was walking by them all walking down the line greeting them and one seminarian along the way said to st. John Paul Holy Father when are you going to consecrate Russia to Mary's Immaculate Heart st. John Paul was walking along quickly but he stopped turned around came back to the seminarian raised his hands and said to him how many times do you want me to do it how many times do you want me to do it so folks there you have it right so please don't claim the act of consecration was not made now any serious student of church history will be quick to tell you that the normative state of the church is turmoil conflict struggle the church the Bride of Christ will always follow her divine spouse along the way the cross and this is how God gives his faithful people the opportunity to practice heroic virtue to virtues of the saints so it is today more than ever before you know that we are living in a dangerous and uncertain world we see today the rise of international terrorism the rise of militant Islamic fundamentalism communism still tremendous threat to the world the proliferation of nuclear weapons militant atheism Marxist ideology still spreading like wildfire as I said we see the spiritual confusion to moral chaos the moral meltdown of our culture in our society the spiritual battle is reaching a crescendo hmm and today Pope Francis at Fatima calls on us once again to pray for the intercession of the mother of God Our Lady of the Rosary and if you study church history you will see that some of Christianity's most decisive battles some of Christianity's greatest victories were fought and won not so much with a sword but with a Holy Rosary hmm the victories like Lepanto La Rochelle Malta and Vienna for one for the courage the courage of Christian martyrs and the power lowly rosary in his great letter on the Holy Rosary rosarium virginis mariae st. John Paul has said this the church has always attributed special efficacy to this prayer and trusting to the rosary the most difficult problems at times when Christianity itself seemed under threat its deliverance was attributed to the power this prayer and Our Lady of the Rosary who was acclaimed as the one whose intercession brought salvation why should we not once more have recourse to the Rosary for the same faith as those who have gone before us the Rosary retains all its power therefore I looked at all of you brothers and sisters of every state of life to you Christian families to you the sick and the elderly and to you young people confidently take up the rosary once again today I willingly and trust to the power of this prayer the cause of world peace and the cause of the family then he wrote with an exclamation may this appeal of mine not go unheeded yes my brothers and sisters we are now in the greatest battle between good and evil the world has ever known and my fear is that the spiritual battle of our time is quickly turning into the spiritual massacre of our time and you know something you know that if you're gonna win at war if you're gonna win in battle you gotta have the right weapons right you can't win without the right weapons well I say this to people and they seem shocked at first I'm a priest but I own an assault weapon that's right mm-hmm I don't need a permit to carry right I have in my position at all times hmm at all times an assault weapon I've got right here a high-capacity magazine you see that and a 50 round clip here it is folks [Applause] [Applause] here is the weapon to assault the gates of hell the Holy Rosary here is the invincible weapon that comes to us directly from heaven through the hands of our Blessed Mother Padre Pio called the Rosary his weapon the shield against Satan here are our beads for battle every time our lady appears on earth she exerts us again and again to pray the Holy Rosary if we do if we do the world will change only then will the world change my brothers and sisters you got to understand that at every moment we have got access to one of the most powerful weapons on earth prey by an army of holy souls humble souls hidden unknown Souls the kind of souls that God raises up as he cast down the proud history has proven time and time again that the Rosary defeats tyrants it crushes heresies it brings back sinners it turns back invasions it knocks down Berlin walls it keeps families together it brings peace to the heart joy and consolation of the soul still one of the most powerful instruments of the divine mercy ask yourself what does the Heavenly Father refuse to grant the mother of his only begotten Son nothing the Saints believe they taught us with the ages God will never refuse the prayers of our Blessed Mother because she never effused God anything you asked of her when she was on earth not even her only Son Pope Saint Pius the tenth used to say give me an army of holy souls pray in the rosary and I'll conquer the world no no the rosary does not appeal to the proud it never will vain intellectuals are gonna reject it unbelievers scoff at it modernists hate it so what what do we care huh rosary is the prayer of the most humble of God's children that should surprise no one Archbishop Cardinal Carlo Guevara was a friend and confidant of Saint John Paul the second said that recently he said this recently that shortly before her death he had written a personal letter to sister Lucia asking for clarification about certain things that our lady had revealed at Fatima he said that he really was not expecting a reply as sister Lucia was sick and she was in her last days actually but to his great surprise Cardinal Kafar received a personal letter back from mrs. Lucia and sister Lucia said this that our lady had indicated to her at the last battle hell's final assault on the church in all humanity will be the attack on marriage and the family hmm the attack on marriage and the family as I said he before who could deny now that our lady is truly a prophetess of our time if ever there was a fulfillment of prophecy albeit private revelation it is the message of Our Lady of Fatima hmm my brothers and sisters the battle is here the battle is now we know who's going to win in the end don't we hmm Jesus tells us we got a fight he says fight like a knight our Lord said this to Saint Faustina and I will leave you with this quote always fight with a deep conviction that I am with you I will not delude you with prospects of peace and consolations on the contrary prepare for great battles no that you are now on a great stage we're all heaven and earth are watching you fight like a knight so I can reward you do not be afraid because you are never alone amen [Applause] may the blessing of Almighty God the Father and the son of the Holy Spirit descend upon you and remain with you forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: franciscanfriars
Views: 31,272
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Id: ae0SrDo18ZA
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Length: 56min 59sec (3419 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.