MAXIMUM CRINGE Programming Language Tier List | Prime Reacts

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I would just like to First tell everybody here I'm sorry guy I'm sorry what's up everybody how's it going to win this video is gonna be a very fun one we are going to be doing the very important task of ranking programming languages on a tier list now the tiers that we're going to be using are going to start off with the god tier at the very top this is going to be reserved for a very select few truly god-tier languages perhaps even just one then we're gonna have the amazing tier pretty self-explanatory then the wood code in tier this is gonna be for languages that are like D to C D to C down to code is that what you're trying to say is that is that what that means a little D to C a little down a code I'm down to code you know what I mean I'm down to code I'm always down a little a little bit you know what I mean I'm always down for a little bit of code in that language you know what I mean it feels good that like wood coating but not really then there's gonna be the Met here the Met here is really just gonna be firm you can see I'm reading his notes do you see that do you watch them read his notes hey don't read your notes while you're doing it okay let it flow from the heart okay when you talk you let it flow from the heart don't read notes meh languages you know languages I assume it's named after trash death right and so these are languages that trash Dev programs in which is going to be uh typescript um um uh react uh Redux a link slack slack messaging for trash tier languages that belong nowhere other than in the trash can and then finally we're gonna have one tier that is going to be even lower than the trash okay and that is going to be the PHP tier so I will leave it as an exercise to the viewer to figure out should have been Dog Water by the way we all know dog water is way better okay it's way better what language also whoever made up the tier list business you could tell that some people who make up things just shouldn't make up things because somehow the tier list item has red as the best and green is the worst which is already just like a logical conundrum for anybody looking at this right I I just feel like I've always felt a little backwards working in in this in this grid because you know I don't want to put things in the red I want to put them in the green you know I don't wanna it just feels weird it just it's going to reside in that tier but there should be only one language that resides in that one without further Ado by the way I'm an engineering of choice smash the like button because this is gonna be a very fun video and let's jump into the ranking so the first first language that we have is python now python is kind of hard to hate it's a really popular language it's a very beginner friendly but it also I actually don't find it very hard to hate I mean personally but I know guy some coding guy in here right now loves Python and he is going he is he is going to be offended at the fact that I just said that he is going to be truly and deeply offended yes we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna speed up this to 1.5 oh it's very useful for advanced programmers and even experts it's used a lot in machine learning data science basic scripting sure it's not the best at things like web development and sure it's got some quirks like the fact that white space matters in the language which are kind of annoying but overall it's a solid language and I think it deserves a spot in the amazing tier now the second language that we have I can never disagree with this I always feel like Python's either at the top or the bottom there's no middle ground is go go is one of those languages that kind of begs the question why like why no one really knows maybe to solve some obscure like Google specific problem because it was crazy I already hate this take we're just gonna keep on going just just we're gonna make it through this I can feel myself making it through it like Google and you guys know that I can tell this video has been weaponized to induce maximum amount of cringe and I'm feeling it as we speak okay this is this is this is an assault on all Engineers as we speak okay of everything created by Google but go again like why like it's kind of an annoying language you can't really do anything and go that you can't do in Python it's got weird syntax I'm just gonna pause there since really the problem is why I'm gonna put it in the net category Okay the third language JavaScript now we're talking good pause uh you know I think code I think uh go would definitely be a d2c you know what I mean I'd be down to coding it you know if I gotta jump in there and do some stuff I would I would definitely get down on some minimum I would never see go below wood coded right d2c for sure minimum for sure um he is pogging but he's pogging in a weird face he's actually more doing like the office space show me your o face this one's a little different okay I'm not even sure I nailed this [ __ ] ing there are so many ways to describe exam script like beautiful elegant a masterpiece of engineering human Ingenuity at its finest truly a stunning gorgeous jaw-dropping language the web would not be the web without JavaScript it's just the best language like truly there is no language that comes even close to JavaScript so JavaScript just deserves its spot in the god tier next language C plus plus C plus plus like vectors and C out and you see what's got like a heavy language like it's a lot of annoying fluff and stuff and this is just purely this is designed to make me upset this is actually designed to make me hate what I'm hearing I can feel it happening inside my body right now muck and mud and C plus plus but I understand it's a very fast and performant and reliable language it kind of underpins a lot of modern day programming like I get it it's not my cup of tea but if I had to code in it would I probably not but kind of so I'll put it in Wood whoa that's a d2c one okay whoa whoa whoa I'm not down to code in C plus plus like I I'm gonna try to avoid C plus plus right I'm gonna try to not do that I I do not feel like it's a d2c language okay it is not a d to C language this is not this is not this is not where it's at it's not where it's at he clearly knows JS yeah the code in the next language is Java so Java without hesitation without question without a shadow of a doubt is going to go straight in the trash tier the reason it's going to go in the trash here is because it is a trash language it is utter garbage it is synonymous with filth the only place that it belongs in is inside a trash can so find your nearest trash can mine is right over there and just put Java in it there's nothing okay see now look at this now now all of a sudden everyone's happy right it's like you guys don't even know what you like okay you went from hating this to being like Oh I mean I mean sometimes sometimes his opinions are pretty good I mean you know it just you know just happened just this one happens to be a pretty good decision right there good about Java except perhaps the fact that it almost sounds like it's related to JavaScript but it absolutely isn't the god tier language that is Javascript has nothing to do with Java and that's it Java equal trash I mean let's be honest for a second okay there is no human being on this planet Earth who wakes up on one morning and thinks to themselves you know what I would love to do today I would love to write some Java code so funny he should say that I just got done talking uh with uh A co-worker and they got done writing up a new service and I was just like yo what's that service and I've been developing a library for a little while what's that service in they were like Java and my boss in the meeting was like well no way I'm going to convince him to write in that language [Music] foreign [Applause] I was even the one that like threw it down it was my boss was like well that's that's not gonna happen what else do you have it was pretty good I I really like that response from my boss no one says that no one thinks that no one wakes up and thinks nobody would want to do today I want to write the words public private and static 10 million times in my code base for no reason whatsoever no one says that okay I'm just gonna stop talking about Java otherwise I'm gonna get mad I'm Gonna Wanna Go delete it from Aldo expert by the way for software engineering for technical interviews for discount on the platform don't worry if you want to do algo extra problems in Java I'm not gonna remove it from the platform if you want to write in trash then be my guest just be warned that in any future code base that you go you will be leaving a trash Packy smell from your fingers or from the lines of code that you write anyway enough of that Java let's move on to the next language PHP oh great PHP just 25 you can get any trashier than trash itself Java you get to PHP so PHP like a hinted at the beginning of the video has its own category aptly named PHP because PHP should have put it in the hentai category really when you think about it like it would be unfair too I just made at least half the chat up set so don't know what to do with that one chat okay don't know what to do with that one do you Chad a little confused right now feeling some conflicted feelings right now aren't you yeah yeah you are generous super PHP in trash like PHP is really just like an Abomination anybody who decides in 2022 to write their application personally if you're going for the true troll you don't put PHP in PHP right like you would have definitely put it in a wood coat in right I mean that's that's the truest that is the truest one to do right and the fact that HTML is even on a language I'm pretty happy about this but you have to give credit where credit is due without HTML there would not be the modern web and so HTML deserves a spot in the amazing category similarly the next language CSS you know I don't necessarily love CSS I've definitely had my fair share is CSS related to Tailwind Beast code what are you talking about is CSS related to Tailwind no okay just a question of banging my head against I thought they were the same thing but apparently they're not oh is Tailwind is Tailwind supposed to be HTML it's the wall while doing CSS but just like HTML without CSS you wouldn't have pretty websites so the modern web just wouldn't work and therefore CSS is going to be in the amazing category and that's kind of typescript so typescript is made of JavaScript with a bunch of other stuff that's just incredibly good so imagine JavaScript plus more good stuff like the best way to convey to you what writing in typescript feels like any typescript code base is imagine having an orgasm while having sex maybe while not having sex up to you imagine that but while writing code perpetually like constantly that's typescript so typescript I don't have a giga god tier category that's where I would put it but we're gonna put it right next to JavaScript in the god tier next is C Sharp now I do know that a lot of you are Arts users so I'm sure you have imagined a lot of sex in your life I mean I get it okay I mean I get it I get you know he's just trying to speak to you that's all that's all that's all that's happening right there okay he's just trying to relate to the average Arch user C sharp is kind of like very similar to Java but it's not Java like let's be fair to C sharp it's not Java they're just created by Microsoft so it's got some level of respect typescript I I do feel like this this video is a Master Class and just saying everything I hate all in many sentences all together right like it's just like it's a it's a consistent it just feels consistent it just feels like I'm getting kicked in the shin right not enough to actually like hurt me but just enough for me to hate it you know what I mean just enough pretty by Microsoft that automatically makes anything that Microsoft touch is a little bit better it's a C sharp not make up as T but I get it it's used a lot if you want to develop games let's put C sharp in the wood coding category I wouldn't be like shooting myself in the head if I had to write in C sharp but you know it's not amazing then we got Ruby so Ruby is this weird language like hey hey base kill looks like you and this guy share a love for the same language piece Co how does that feel just quick just just wondering peace kill how does it feel how does it feel but it doesn't feel that oh it feels real good okay well that k I feel like you've got a lot of positives and a lot of negatives that are kind of like pushing it in opposite directions the positives are that it's pretty easy to learn it's very like user friendly you can do a lot of cool things it's got a lot of abstractions but on the flip side he's got a lot of abstractions which make it really like unclear to users as to how it's achieving certain things it's also got a little bit of weird syntax and perhaps most importantly it is an absolutely dying language like I don't think anybody's gonna be writing Ruby in like one year basically for that reason I'm gonna put it in these meh categories next we've got bash so bash is kind of like HTML and CSS where it's a little bit weird to compare to these other programming languages I'm not even sure you still do it I'm fine I'll agree with Ruby being in the meh you can go 4X is there a faster I mean I I Feel Bad setting it any faster because okay we'll set it faster and you have to give credit where credit is due and Bash is very cool it is the energy way into your computer when you're working on your terminal it allows you to do a lot of interesting things about scripts useful stuff it's pretty hard to learn but overall good skill good language I'm gonna put bash in amazing next we have C I feel like all the C's just make you like thigh like kind of ask yourself like why am I here like is this really programming I can like see the best way to describe see like is this really it this is what I have to deal with like when I become a programmer I would see in the meth category because like why write and C when you've got C plus plus then why we're in C plus plus have you ever accidentally reached over on your table picked up a piece like picked up a coffee mug and drank from it only to realize it was yesterday's milk left out I'm having some serious yesterday milk Vibes right now serious yesterday milk Vibes going on right now okay I don't like it I don't I'm not I'm not I'm not feeling it okay this is this is old milk vibes old lukewarm milk Vibes now we've got a couple of like edgy up and coming languages so the first one is kotlin I'm gonna put kotlin in Wood coat in because it's way better than drama it's like not some that actually might be his best one he's done yet I could give kotlin a try like if I ever had to I'd give kotlin a try you know what I mean if I if someone was just like yo we're starting a new service and it's on jvm you need to pick out Java or kotlin I'd go need to see any day okay God if I gotta do it I gotta do it similarious was Gotham way way better I've actually written a lot in common I wrote All the Other expert Solutions in kotlin and like it's a wood code in it if I had to if I really had to but it's not amazing either but then the next one's gonna be rust I know very little about rust but I just heard a lot of good things about it a lot of people say that they love rust so I'm gonna put in Wood code and I'd be open to trying it and perhaps even moving into the amazing category I feel like if you're gonna put rust there I would be less offended if you put it in the trash tier you know what I mean rust does not elicit a middle of the ground response okay it only elicits it's the worst thing ever or it's the best thing ever it's it's just like python it is just like python you know what I mean it did there's just not a lot of Middle Ground so putting it in the middle is actually the most offensive thing you can do for rust if I really like that up next we have Swift oh wait wow I was convinced that PHP would be the only language in the PHP tier I didn't think that there would be more than one language that would be a true Abomination and blasphemous crime against humanity but I guess I was wrong Swift no question about it belongs in the PSP category Swift is truly the person who created Swift they literally just want to torture developers walking in iOS developers to have to use Swift what kind of maniac does that I don't know if you've ever tried working in Swift but if you haven't do yourself a favor just don't I spent like is this Swift like is is Swift an ml based language isn't Swift semi-close to rust just less annoying it's not it's no ml okay okay uh ml obviously stands for machine learning duh there's no other there's absolutely no other thing in programming that would use the term ml hours trying to debug a tiny little issue in Swift it gives you zero indication of what's going on when I think of Swift I'm just so like I lost a word it's just like PHP it would be an insult to trash to put it in the trash category and that's saying Java is in the trash category this weight is worse than Java but it's got a cool logo next we've got assembly or machine code I'm gonna have to put this in the amazing category just because assembly is assembly you say assembly or machine code what am I listening to um closest thing to talking to a computer it does what it's supposed to do no one's really asking you to write assembly and you're probably never write something in your life but give credit where credit is due this way draw the ones in the trash can assembly belongs in The Amazing category next we've got Haskell so Haskell is one of those weird esoteric programming languages I've never really excited but every time that I've spoken to someone who's written a lot in high school they always say really good things about it so I'm going to put it solidly in the wood coding category I actually agree with this I I feel like if if I said I'm gonna learn a brand new language today I maybe Haskell would be it that's I spent of this whole thing besides the word esoteric uh this is probably the only fair thing which is a lot of people say it's awesome therefore you should probably consider coding in it yeah no I'd rather code an O camel though not gonna lie to you Fortran I'm gonna put Fortran in the meth category just out of respect for you know the grandfathers of modern day programming but these days I don't even need to talk about Force man we'll just leave it there next we've got latex so latex I gotta put in the amazing category latex is a link is he calling it latex how did he I think he fully mispronounced that latex is that a fully mispronunciation of it I call it law Tech you know there's a very unlike any other language it's really good at what it does if you're writing you know math papers or if you're writing a cool resume in a cool you know way Tech a template I'm gonna put latex amazing don't do dare disagree with me that's where it belongs end of story then we've got SQL so SQL like it's squeal okay this whole SQL business is a clear demonstration of lack of ability fight against sequence equal SQL is kind of annoying toys writing sequel but if you have to write SQL you're gonna write SQL so I'm gonna put SQL in Wood code in but it's certainly not your my cup of tea is foreign it it's also used to configure neovim the greatest editor of all time if you don't know this is neovim okay you see that nice little thing we got there do you see this nice little switching right here yeah that was written in Lua mad not mad right now like statistics and that I'm just cringing where you're writing math papers Matlab is just like another language that really deserves to be in the class here and ultimately the biggest impact that lab has on the world is to traumatize like hundreds of thousands of students across the world when they're in college math classes or statistics classes and by the way are the other statistics programming which is also been doing the crash category for the same reasons as maplab then we've got Visual Basic so Visual Basic it's kind of like like when you hear visuals basically like have you met one person who writes individual basic oh wait oh wait tell me in the comments Below have you met one person who writes Visual Basic I thought so so okay fair in the sense that I've never heard of anybody actually I've never met anyone that writes official basic okay fair I've never personally met anybody okay I but I do feel like R should be swapped minimally with Visual Basic okay at least r you can do a lot of things there's a lot of things done with our very mess it's not as bad as like Java right job is like de facto trash but I also don't use um I also don't use Excel I use Google Sheets so so this whole thing like I I think Visual Basic is allowed and Google in Excel or some nonsense right VB is used for exploits huh okay you're not really selling it out of the trash here JavaScript yes always right with the world so this is the tier list that we've made today I think this is a fantastic tier list extremely objective extremely factual very undeniable let me know what you think about it in the comments below don't forget to smash like button if you enjoy the video share with people who think might enjoyed subscribe pictures and I will see you in the next video dude this is a lot of me how why does why does why do they promote me to me you know what I mean why do they promote me to me I don't even get it uh I think the whole thing was either satire or cringe and I don't know which one it is
Channel: ThePrimeTime
Views: 521,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, computer, software, software engineer, software engineering, program, development, developing, developer, developers, web design, web developer, web development, programmer humor, humor, memes, software memes, engineer, engineering, Regex, regexs, regexes, netflix, vscode, vscode engineer, vscode plugins, Lenovo, customer service
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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