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[Applause] this is the [Music] future hello everyone and welcome to another warframe video first I would like to discuss the secret door in the thumbnail which you can see in the new Whispers in the walls Mission tile set these doors can't be open in the outside and there's always a secret passage that you must find to get to the location there is rare loot inside sometimes that is used to increase your cavia Syndicate ranks and you will need to find the hidden path to get into the secret yellow door so don't even bother trying to find a secret altar to use your operator's void beam and unlock the secret yellow door in the mission in addition some players are having trouble finding the murmur sarop in their first run in the cavia Bounty Mission so I hope you will find this video and try to go in the desert region of the tyes set these sarcophagine These are those weird looking containers with hands opening after you shoot or strike them with your abilities or weapons you only need to find three of these sarcophagus and it's always good to have loot radar in your build so you can identify the containers from the rare loot in your mini map now there are a bunch of ways to increase your cavia Syndicate standings in the sanctum anatomica in fact not only in the new Hub but also the New Missions outside of sanctam man atomica can give you vouet which you can exchange for standings to increase your Syndicate rank or purchase new items from The Whispers in the walls update there are new missions Variety in the game right now such as the new Alchemy Mission and the new murmur assassination mission that you can access through dmos all of these new Whispers in the walls have steel path variant and you can find eight VOC in each Mission which you can exchange for standings on the human version of Lloyd ins sanctum anatomica while all these missions have guaranteed vocal Loop but I think exterminate and survival are the best missions right now for farming VCA and ranking your cavia standings fast the exterminate Mission has only one objective and that's to Kill All Enemies and after that you can just look for all the vocas available in the mission on the other hand survival mission is great as from the start of the mission you can go and look for the vocas and extract at the 5 minutes Mark if you have all the items by the way it's not necessary to do steel path levels and in fact doing solo exterminate is one of the best options to farm these voou just kill the enemies first and then go look for the items while survival is good for a team hunt especially in steel path levels I am suggesting this since you can have specific warframes and set up to maintain the life support and find all the vocas available in the mission you can ask someone to focus on the survival Mission while the others go look for the VCA so you can extract at the five minutes part of the mission the good thing about steel PA survival is you also get increase in the resource drop and as well as get steel Essence from killing the acolyte if you can do the steel path grind then I highly advise you to do it but try to do the mission in 5 minutes the main goal here is to find all eight vocas in the mission while The Whispers And The Walls resources and as well as the steel essence or bonuses if you have strong enough setup to do the steel path levels so why am I not suggesting alchem or the new assassination to be honest they are great missions but we are aiming to increase the rank of our cavia standings in here at the fastest way possible the two new missions has some extra step that would take longer compared to other missions which only requires you to kill then focus on hunting down the vocus in the mission Alchemy is an endless Mission whereing players are instructed to mix a chosen secondary element such as corrosive gas magnetic radiation or viral within a crucible by acquiring amp Force dropped by enemies that contain a primary element such as heat cold electricity or toxin the m4s can be thrown via alternate fire and can also be used to damage enemies once the gauge of the two primary elements reaches 100% a conversion progress gauge and a pressure gauge appear on the left side of your screen the player must keep the pressure gauge within the brackets by shooting Mark distress pipes over time the required range marked by the brackets will shift meaning tenno must only vent pressure when necessary a rotation is completed after the conversion progress reaches 100% you get the mission reward and uh after that you move to the next if you wish to continue and gain more rewards it's an easy mission to do simple and perfect for a grindy game like Warframe however we are looking for the fastest way to earn cavea standings and not Farm other stuff so I think it would be better to do missions that only requires a few steps the same goes with the new assassination mission before you can go to the final boss which is just a version of the fragmented one that you have encountered during the quest you must take extra steps to summon the boss while it's possible to coordinate with a team and assign someone to finish the mission While others are looking for the vocus still I would prefer an easier grind and this is not it in my opinion most of the new missions and dmos reward Neo and meso relics as well as the new mods and resources and The Whispers in the walls update however they don't reward you voka at the end of the mission so there's no point in doing this when you are farming standings well not unless you're doing Bounty missions now there are also cavia Bounty missions that I think would be great for farming cavia Syndicate standings right now you can access bounties from the new NPC and sanct man atomica named Fibonacci this big fish can give you bounties and each Bounty can reward a specific VOC at the very end of the mission the same Mission types as the new ones you see in the DMO system are available in this bounty system the only difference is that you have no option for steel path levels and it has side missions just like what we talked about earlier on the murmur sarcophagus there are also side missions that require you to finish the exterminate missions in 6 minutes break several crates kill flying enemies hit enemies in their weak spots and more they are generic objectives and easy to understand and fulfill the only thing that was hard during the first time for me was finding the murmur sarcophagus as I still don't know what they look like aside from that the side missions and the Bounty missions are pretty easy to finish while it has no option to go steel path levels for those added steel Essence and resources I still think that you should grind for cavia standings using the Bounty missions right now as you'll get more vocas from these missions a total of nine Voca can possibly be rewarded in this Mission if not then you will get eight once you find all of them and you will get other rewards on the Bounty pool such as Indo and the currency you need to trade relics from the prime Resurgence vendor you can say that the Bounty missions and The Whispers And the walls are just zerman 2.0 but compared to zerman Bounty you only get a chance to be rewarded with one Voca permission we all know that in zerman missions um you get more void Plum quiles when you're doing the higher tier bounties but in The Whispers And The Walls I highly advise that you don't do the higher tier all the time since it doesn't reward any extra VCA what I usually do is go to either exterminate or survival Mission most players in my server are currently doing the same and most of us are either using a DPS Warframe such as thermal Sunder Garuda which still works despite the nerve to helmet thermal Sunder the damage capability of the Synergy got lowered but since we are not going against Beyond steel path enemies thermal Sunder Garuda still works like a charm in these types of mission in addition the usual Peacemaker Mesa also is great to complete the objective of killing enemies or maintaining the life support and then some of the players are using either limbo or the broken Warframe as crate Breakers or what we call Voca hunters in this Mission they're tasked to hunt down all eight vocus in the mission and it is so much faster to do this with a team the idea is one player will just focus on the objective while the other three will hunt down those vocus in the mission the last part of the video are all the builds I have used in farming The cavia Syndicate standings and The Whispers And The Walls update if you think I have missed some information feel free to write it down below right now we have another endol loot cave in the form of The cavia Syndicate bounties not to mention that after Max ranking The Syndicate we can use the standings to purchase stuff and sell it to other players just like what we are doing with the malt augmented in the zaran missions also you get the chance to somehow get the currency needed to buy relics from Prime Resurgence so it's a great Mission overall to add to your Daily Grind and Warframe so um that's all about it I hope that you find this video informative thank you so much for watching and uh I hope to see you again in my next guide squad leader signing off this is the [Music] future evolution this is the [Music] future [Music] evolution [Music] [Music] [Music] a
Channel: Grind Hard Squad
Views: 24,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: max rank cavia syndicate fast and easy, warframe whispers in the walls
Id: w9zd0rLrYkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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