MAX Dark Vengeful Monkey Temple Vs. True Sun God Temple! (Bloons TD 6)

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if you didn't know the 3.0 updates there was a new monkey knowledge and it was called there can only be one and description for what it does is there can only be one typical ninja QE description of course so like the community the t v6 community has a whole band it together to find out what exactly this knowledge does and well recently somebody found outs and the results is something that's been in TV 5 and is now back in this game and it's called the vengeful monkey temple so we're gonna get that right now in this game save as I see right now we are on a cornfield row 92 with a million bucks should be more than enough money to see exactly what this new MK does let me just sell everything first yeah we have about one point two seven million definitely more than enough to use this so in case you don't know mostly you probably know by now but if you don't know what the bench will temp all this is how you get it took a lot of trial and error I'm pretty sure from the entire community but I'm gonna start with this super monkey in the middle here first we have to get a max temple or at least the max here for temples let's do that so if you don't know how to get a to your for max temple let me show y'all real quick all you need is 50 K of supports or just 50 K of any of the three categories I'm just gonna choose supports military primary because I think those are the best three I don't think it matters what kind of temple you get or what kind of maximal yet cuz you know there's different types of max nipples I don't think they make a difference so I'm gonna do this oh that was a little bit overboard for the Boomer a little bit defensive but that's mine so first let's get this tier 4 max temple there we go now we need 50k of every single category and I know some people are saying uh get magic and not support or whatever category you wants I would like to disagree if you just do trial and error like test the max temples the different types of Max temples you will see that magic is on on average generally worse than all the other ones I mean you have to try you can try for yourself I've tried it for myself already and I didn't see why a lot of people skip the magic this support is really hope you guys although not in this situation because the ventral temple is you'll see is a lot stronger than the main temple but support on general in general is really good for all the other or our towers in its range okay that's 50k of each type here's how you get the eventual temple what you're supposed to do is first get a max temple course and then get the tier 5 super monkeys of the other path so we're talking legend of knights and the anti balloon however you'll see I am short money I'm short about 130 K for this so clearly I didn't farm hard enough in the early game perfect now what I you do I cast drop my way to 5 into K probably not we got every star that one point for 3 million should be enough if I play this carefully son temple all right now 50 cave ever been well yeah as you can see I kind of messed up we are now 10k shorts that's mine I figure we can get that in one round so no worries now we got you to give everything I'm not sure if you need a max temple to get the ventral time Oh blah I believe you do I don't think there's I don't think there's such thing as a vengeful vanilla temple I don't think that exists at least from what I hear all right another round I will you're just be really forward with 4k despair so you'll see when I upgrade this to the true Sun God it will not be a true Sun God well what should happen is that it should turn into a dark eventual temple so let's see so this one is gonna skip magic so it's gonna be even two to one to temple and then later of course we can see how much better the other ones are so maybe a to two to one temple if you don't know what that means the notation of 2 2 2 1 1 second Bell because you see right here are two super monkeys our to your memories have been sacrificed to make this this thing and that's its that's dimensional temple let's give an extra range of course and play the round yes I know we don't have a count detection funnily enough this temple does not have camo detection unless you get a the bond path that's okay that's what villages are for so we'll get this and we'll take a look at just how powerful this thing is from what I've seen so far this thing is like magnitudes in order path more powerful than the golden temple so it's actually kind of insane that one monkey knowledge can make your tower like that much stronger here's how it doesn't resist the bad not even close there's our 2-0 through against a monkey that I ran 100 win I've heard that this thing can solo up to around 300 on easy maps and quote field is kind of an easy map now that you've cleared all the corn I mean what makes cornfield hard is the fact that there's corn blocking the way yeah also keep in mind this is a 2 2 to 2 1 to 10 bulbs so apparently guys say it's not as strong as if you got to magic in it and that is correct because of course if yet to in support it's not really gonna help in the situation because you don't have any of the towers in range of here other than the village just a plain true Sun God or the max true Sun God was only able to school to like around 150 or around 170 on hard maps but the fight of this guy can get double that round just by one knowledge it's probably the single single most powerful monkey knowledge in the game if you have not gone that yet then yeah better grind - its so that you can unlock what you see right here right now comes with a nice pair of visuals as well like you see the Sun avatar purple beams honestly you we shouldn't call the Sun avatar anymore Oh No maybe a vengeful avatar although as seen in here is not changing name the name of these things yet now I don't know how long I want to go with this because from what I've seen we are probably going to be sitting here for I don't know a couple hours if we're gonna wait for it to die by the way this is without an alchemist without going Toulon without any sort of buffs except for a camel on the village and you'll still see that it is not going to be a problem versus any of these loons do you need to get the other two Superman just right away yes you have to get them before you upgrade through the true Sun God so if you upgrade to the fifty or true Sun God first and then you get the two super monkeys to fifth-year it does not work I guess that's how the monkey launch may make sense you know there can only be one or there can be only one so translation that means there can only be one - you're faster monkey you just sacrifice the other two - your fives to make your truce I got into an even better sample yeah it is indeed very sick well worth the trade-off in my books did somebody figure this out by accident or didn't it could we tell them no ninja 2 is very very secretive about it like when people were asking them up can you give us hints on what it does yeah they they completely avoided it they acted like they didn't know about it they definitely sure well didn't know of what it did but obviously you didn't tell anybody honestly this just took a bunch of trial and error I mean you got how many people in the Blues community I'm pretty sure there's at least a hundred thousand players in this game right now right maybe not right now but like active players so that's a lot of people and a lot of options they can try to see if this works or not so eventually one person came across it just by doing a bunch of random stuff in a real game no this is not working sandbox I can try and sandbox but it does not work so that's actually a really good way of also making it secretive aka hard to find if it doesn't work in sandbox you'd be inclined to believe it doesn't work in a real game as well but know this monkey knowledge is pretty uh pretty sneaky it only works in a real game the dark temple is nice but the only use for it is lakeya me ah true in the legit game you're most likely not going to be able to afford the virtual temple but I'd say it's really good for super late-game attempts like if you're trying to go for the high score ever then obviously what you want to do is get a max ventral temple like this guy's gonna save you a lot of leg if you do go to the super high rounds speaking of high rounds I've actually have not gone back to like trying to get to the high score never goes ninja kiwi is still not fixed late game so liam is steals easy as it was when the game came out a kay you gets around a thousand pretty easily if you have the patience to wait like 10 million days to get to that points alright we've seen how good the eventual tilma can be up to around 148 right now I want to see how good the plane at truce on God is it Kate we're gonna do the max one we're going to get a two-to-one to max temple without the vengeful okay so this is the truce on God not a bunch of one see we don't have any of those two monkeys and we're gonna get back of course that radar scanner give this guy a 5 to 0 and we'll see how good he is nurses or compared to the eventual temple we'll see how long this can last for you know I tell right now it's doing a lot worse these guys aren't even fortified and they're getting like up to here I appreciate the vengeful temple for for divides only go up to here as well so already you can see a pretty noticeable difference okay I'm probably going to have a lot of people asking this like what does to two once you mean when I'm talking about temples you can actually refer to my video on that about how to gets the max juice on God yes every video that's a long kind on that it's been out for quite a while yeah here for five hours um geez they're done pass light look and halfway so you can tell that this guy is not going to last much longer than like 140 if you ask me maybe like what 155 160 so we got a new way to get to the highest round theoretically I'm not sure if anybody is actually gone to a save to run to the house neots I'm kind of curious to know that because I've heard people got to like round eight hundred why I haven't heard about it since maybe people have just got bored of like game and it turns out nobody in the end nobody cares you get so easy late game is not has a scale it's more of a test of how long can you play t6 until your phone burns out you might leave soon with this temple and I'm pretty sure look at this round 144 bad and see how far it's getting like it's approaching almost the last last corner over here lecoeur me if I'm wrong but I believe the formula for late game is lat starting around 80 each round gets one point seven percent more health and it's like exponential very very slow exponential curve but it's there so if you want to know how much health around 180 has the formula is basically a health times one point zero one seven two exponents 100 multiplicative not additive if it was additive and holy crap around 2000 Monday be impossible but it's exponential but very very very slow like honestly I think the biggest issue with replays that the pollutants don't get any faster that's the reason why it gets like around a thousand because the Blues are just as slow as they are around 80 of 100 all those grounds so like I know in be td5 and BC battles both of those games and free play had like balloon speed scaling so I'm kind of wondering why in this game they decided to get rid of it I guess because honestly I think it's kind of needed in free play over here I can't walk free please to be a challenge not like a test of time to see how long you can survive for yeah it looks like this true Sun God is going to let up very very soon seems to be really struggling versus uh these bats and the four or five um geez not to mention DDT's so my original guess was about yea round 150 and rom 1:16 somewhere in between looks like if anything is gonna kill us it's going to be DDT's because the wand is super fast we don't have any stalling again we don't have alchemist I just want to see the true Sun God and the true Sun God only cuz we're here just to see its raw power and nothing else oh yeah we're dead were dead those fortified easy is way too fast I'm actually good continue here so we can see that the true Sun God makes it to the mid round 150s on this map we're actually going to sell this yes we now have one point four five million again we're gonna get back the vegetable temple if we can yeah we can get back or anti balloon and let you tonight now that we sold our dark temple it's just that we can't get these guys uh when the turqu vengeful temple is still up okay this should be enough for a another max eventual temple again so let's get it back for round 157 and we'll see how it does this time because we can see the Sun Temple cannot beat 157 and you'll see these guys it gets sacrificed and there we go back to our eventual temple so yes in case you were wondering you can indeed a sell your financial temple and then you get get it back so it's not a one-time only thing you can definitely still rebuy it yeah we're back in business and this in it maybe even close not even close to make to the exit now and again just referenced this is a temple without the magic second sacrifice it only has one magic sacrifice so it's a two to one to temple so you'll see now that I sacrificed the 2/5 years the temple we're not allowed to get a another anti balloon not allowed to get a legend of the Knights but if you didn't know this pop count or damage counter does does cap at a certain amount and that amount is indeed it a 32-bit integer max which is 2 of and 31 minus 1 AKA 2 point 1 4 7 billion I misread this I thought we were at I thought we were 2 billion but wonder why a 200 million holy Torah million damage this thing sucks guys that don't get the central temple only those 200 million damage in 200 rounds that's that's a little bit subpar if you ask me very lackluster only 200 million anyways here's round 200 the bandit bad how far does it get you [Music] well it got past the first band so oh there's two of Bad's to skip this round okay hold on there's too bad this round let me do this actually okay so we saw that the super bad got to around here before died so for reference I will drop a pin drop road spikes yes so it got to around here I'm your actually gonna use the power yeah some guys just for this I'm gonna show you how far gots the bandits insides got around here for this temple so I'm gonna sell it yes legit canna solids and I'm going to get back the bench will temple however this time I'm going to do different sacrifices so we're actually going to skip supports because support does not actually help out the main temple as much as other things can so for example another magic and the camel village to top it off let's see if it makes a difference although if you had to ask me I'm going to assume it's a very very very minimal difference let's see I didn't miss it anything up did I cuz it's doing way worse than before that's way worse that was a Mac stumble yeah well let me actually exit out and I'll show you again yeah the one thing is I know that not all the Sun avatars are spawned but still I really don't know how strong these things are you actually might be right though sometimes actually looked like they make a huge difference okay never mind never mind cuz you're looking right now look before the super is going without any Sun have hairs that spawn at the front because you know if you reset the round the center avatars also get reset so they don't autumn I can get spawned turns out these Sun avatars or the Dark Sun avatars are way stronger than I thought alright so if you're going for the strongest soul temple then it looks like two two two one is what you want to go for why not - - - - because that doesn't exist that's not possible for the first temple you're not allowed to get sacrifices in all four it'll choose three event for you if you sacrifice all four so in that case it doesn't really make a difference yeah I think we've seen everything we need to see basically all you need to know is that eventual temple is a thousand times better than the normal temple if you don't have the monkey knowledge for there can only be one then go get it because if you don't get it this is what you're missing out on also make sure in the drop of magic sacrifices it's like the sonnet our Tsar or the Turk private ours are super broken [Music]
Channel: ISAB
Views: 2,609,408
Rating: 4.8496542 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, btd5, bloons td battles, btd battles, isab, gameplay, strategy, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons tower defense 6, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd 6, btd6 best strategy, btd6 true sun god, true sun god, true sun god btd6, true sun god guide, btd6 true sun temple, vengeful sun god, btd6 dark temple, btd6 dark sun god
Id: 6Vpjcn6qhXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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