MauLer Creates Art | EFAP Highlight

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knockoff so knockof you just draw a picture draw a picture but since the first one you get plenty of time and you can make it as nice looking as possible and then the next round you'll get like half the time of the first drawing and you have to redraw it from is it from memory or is it tracing well you get to look at it and then you have to draw it from memory right so yeah first one you know we can have a nice leisurely chat while we all draw a little image how about that m oh damn it the next Super Chat was Dev did your application to hollow live get accepted anyone know the answer I hope it's a yes I hope it's a no what that is well that's that V they make the the little vtubers right oh cool yeah it was on an EAP thing someone mentioned to us is that they were like look at this [ __ ] monstrosity and so we did they got very upset at us for saying they all look very similar do they yes yeah if you go to Hall it's like the it's an like imagine an assembly line but for anime girls right ice that sounds awesome that sounds awesome you know that's great Rax the proper term is P or person of clown that's where I messed up that's where I messed up yeah I've told you so many times but we all yet again uh I second The Stormlight Archive recommendation the audio books are great as well as cause as well as cuz Anderson is a bit of a long man Mark's video about sa 2 was great also H rags and everyone other than hello wow that's okay duma's kind of a a weird guy have you he hates on Interstellar at all films calm down oh my gosh why do you hate art and people enjoying their lives yeah is it because you can't enjoy your own it would be more accurate to call me an Interstellar Defender is that true I don't know are you are you g to commence Interstellar rangering Interstellar rangering background noises is who's getting murder in the background oh no Adam likes um deception I'm looking forward to the interstellar e fap one day people have been asking that for literal centuries literal like go really far back I'll come on and defend it I'll defend its honor oh I didn't realize just how much time I have we got to add details here that's the thing you don't have to but you can but you can if you want I'm drawing the one thing I know how to competently draw it will be very clear when you see ity I'm not toow any spring or any of you guys little FR is not vain he wouldn't draw himself unprompted no except for that whole year when I was making a comic where I was the main character he burned out of drawing himself I am a little burnt out of drawing pry I to do draw it so much and have to do I I'm already burned out drawing fringy and I just been here in gar phone I will never be burned out of drawing fry look I'll take one of these sounds I don't know something is going on those are words someone have a video playing in the background this is the kind of audio you expect from one of those um horrifying 911 calls compilations I've just pulled up the stream it's an interesting little thing you why would you do that boilers spil for me you spoiled yourself I did I don't even I really [ __ ] it up because i' I out of time to really fix it but that's okay that's what it means to get good at Art is you just got to you got to learn by drawing you got to get all the bad drawings out yeah took me like took me half the time just to figure out what my prompt would be it be that way sometimes donut Donuts want to hurt donut I think it's going to appear and we have to like memorize it right and then recreate it um Works in a manner of speaking in a manner [Music] of Jesus Christ that is ugly as [ __ ] but I've done it oh you weren ugly oh wow [ __ ] you [ __ ] you whoever did this what is this it's not fair that I have to memorize whatever this is [ __ ] hit you I got M's I know I got M cuz I've got his trademark right here you do you I knew you would I was thinking of you at the time a yeah feel so so blessed I don't I've already forgotten what the [ __ ] I was looking at y I think the person who did this intentionally did it the [ __ ] with me I mean mission accomplished probably you specifically they knew you were next they're like precisely yeah actual piece of [ __ ] oh wow the amount of time you got the second one already jeez yeah this game don't [ __ ] around oh [ __ ] um I finally caught a goic phone oh God surely this event will Mark a wholesome moment conspicuously free of cynicism and depravity oh I'm not promising that but yes I promise that there's going to be some depravity sorry depravity privity and citiis [ __ ] maybe perhaps maybe if you are lucky enough I feel like that was what the drawing was but I don't even remember anymore people are saying I've gotten it wrong you're all mean how could you um new trend clussy are you down to clown clown girls sure I mean I kind of hate that that was said I hate the person said that thing you don't want to try the background I mean the movies might not have been any good for the most part but marar Robbie played Harley Quinn she the clown kind of I'd be I'd be up for it I'm so sorry you've already you've already had such degradation I tried to get every detail to my I got no colors in here damn no no you did perfect meme I'm so happy it was you who got it yeah [ __ ] this yeah all right calm [Music] down yeah uh this is about to get intense by the way they start giving you like 10 and then five and then two seconds to draw time I'm it's like choose your one line wisely yeah the beak looks like an old I got I got it I got this for [ __ ] sake oh thank God this is relatively [Music] Simple Man yeah see see that timer Tim little aggressive the timer can eat my pain and die horribly can time die is that a thing uh well theoretically you know there are some theories about the eventual you know some say that time is an illusion as three-dimensional being you know late people say that that's true people who are late criticize time no no one on time ever says oh time's in [Music] done easy all right we got this we got this the Champions undefeatable oops there goes gravity [ __ ] oh God hey mbes hope you've been well who was the heat wave as bad in Wales as it was in england got up to 34° here in the southwest love you all I took precautions to remain as cool as I could get to be but yeah it was still a bit hard Jesus oh all right this ends too quickly I can't draw shittily in such little time I think perhaps you can you got to believe believe in yourself and others will believe in you chicks love confidence now go hurry the clitorus has spoken I didn't even look at I didn't even look at the last picture confidence oh that's easy got a f the clear I was just going to say that's a deep reference right there I love that but I got it that movie is amazing I saw that when I was when it came out so it would have been super [ __ ] young and I like memorized so much of it cuz watched it so many times so [ __ ] funny that mov is I could probably still do all the songs the music is great like that they are they know how to write music those wow I think uh yeah I'm not drawing this what the [ __ ] you go seen the Book of Mormon no I have it's good it's really good yeah I mean they're they're really talented [Music] songwriters tomorrow night our lives will change tomorrow night be entertained tomorrow night there is so much room where baby b flowers BL tomorrow night so I will going soon shut your [ __ ] face you're Uncle [ __ ] I you [ __ ] your uncle yesterday what our mothers what oh yeah that's right why did our mother start this war what the [ __ ] are they fighting for when did the song become a marathon I want to live Canada dead and g s completely forgot what I was oh my God stop ringing so quickly I'm my green go what is what is this out of AR we green blue red green blue red green blue red oh I had way more time on that one that I rushed to get that I'm done jeez no idea what it was I don't remember what order but I remember the colors that is all that matters there red green blue blue red green that's like the shittiest racist in the world I remember the colors I just can't remember what the shitty racist what looks like aial oh thank God this is just mainly squiggles good good good good good oh yeah they all become that toward at the end I think this was it I I think I've already done it I'm going to give him some more squiggles I love how we got two more rounds I got a piece so bad [ __ ] no big for you [ __ ] kidding me [ __ ] it's like it's like everywhere at the end of time the game yeah uh I don't know what I'm doing anymore [ __ ] no not that one um okay I just got to get the letters no h no there one more thing okay good blue [ __ ] oh that was so close yes P yes P yes yes yes oh I feel Vindicated for all my time drawing peen finally it is paying off no not like that this the last round thank fck oh my God got to go we did it question why is gtic throne free answer you are the product see Skynet oh that's fine with me I don't care if this is free and they're farming us for funnies that's fine they're farming us for all the robots are laughing at our wi we'll get them to write jokes for us all right if to be fair if you desperately need to pee uh do you want to go do that before I hit start Duma or or is he gone to PE it's fine all right here we go okay I think well this last progression mine is not good oh my god oh no I like we just added color e like what is it is inevitable oh dude mine doesn't have color cuz I took too much time trying to get the 5:00 shadow dude this totally needs to be animated you could oh so unfair we can't that on especially for that one made a o00 sh you can download a GI I guess happen with that one I I could just capture the last 20 minutes [Laughter] of well question where does this go cluck [ __ ] still in there why is it the cluck cluck [ __ ] will be what survives yeah cuz I think people know they can do that in a way that's understandable oh what happened to cluck cluck I like how said surely CL [ __ ] will survive gone my mind will be blown if cluck cluck [ __ ] comes back right oh man he had one strand and three strands and one strand again oh it's his coming in all right wow well at least it didn't become one solid color again just Brown we're looking at the life of with Alzheimer's why did we do this a little smile why hello no there I don't remember drawing anything like this like you repressed fortunately it was lost cuz I'm yep that's Coy why didn't you just remember what the word said Just remember the word whips oh now he's married that's nice this is like Mar I'm sorry but the ring is very important the ring is the identifier why did there be a ring did the ring have the ring if you don't have the ring it's not go got progressively more pale as well I'm glad there was a what is This Rags you're the one who did this oh that's what that was where did this where where does this go I don't even know that's why I made it I just wanted to see where would go it starts as a flag I want to know what what happens along the way oh that's a shame hey we figured it out well all right BR it just draws a little superhero I hope he gets married oh here we go I didn't know that was meant to be a c if I'm going to be honest I like how it's he's getting more detailed there's more things appearing for the Superman as time goes on generally it's the opposite we just lose detail it's a SP 100 brother what what is what was he why did you draw 100 what was that about I I thought that like oh that was mean yeah okay I was trying to write blue number 100 I can neither draw nor write and I can't distinguish letters from number nft what's happening it's a non funable nonf Frable token it's pretty good nonf Frable token well so so J there's a there is a fill bucket tool for future I didn't know [Laughter] that this is how we learn this game they need to when it ends put the two the first and last side by side yeah yeah they really should I mean cuz this is just staying yeah this one [ __ ] it up wait I thought I completed the T oh we got it back we got it back it's okay good good good hey that one was actually good yeah it stayed in for ages actually good wow they're all actually good D wow yay is this one going to turn into Homer please turn hom oh yeah and got a du I think I think it does actually now we Homer it's the law like he's still he's still really happy he may look weird but you know is it mer who turns it into home it's already G it's a chicken it's a chicken nugget oh no I I know where this goes because I mean consider this is this is why I was so happy towards the end cuz all of my time and experience had gone into this I mean that's that's literally the best you've ever done seriously scroll up to the top scroll up to the bottom like it turns into a chicken nugget oh my [ __ ] god oh god I remember how much I [ __ ] this up best friend son I don't want to see my one don't do it I now someone in a in a Sonic costume what is [ __ ] the kid from Home Movies return baby what's my technique copy [Laughter] Doomer [ __ ] it whatever somehow Sonic returned somehow Sonic returned Sonic in the rings of power I like fumbled the controls I did not mean to make whatever that is what you you're supposed you're supposed to make the pupils black I just I managed to not do it to both ear one of whole oh God he's like degrading and he just becomes this weird alien oh my god oh man remembers home movies you can tell that I tried to kill him blue I chose the wrong blue and I didn't close up the Sonic drawing so it made the whole IM yeah re the first the first thing I thought was Brandon from home movies you're not you're not alone there if I visit Wales I am never ordering a lobster what is that pyramid SCH oh bring Aid scheme I have no idea how this looks when it gets to me something happens at some point I remember this thing it's living it's living it's living there it goes there go like the single Green [Laughter] Dot all right wh play playing man who the [ __ ] is this character I don't know fry how does it feel that used to be you I know good job wait who made it yellow it was J made he gave it a yellow face and then m g yellow SK is we lost yeah I was G to say the first time we' moved away from fry can you believe it but we know the next step we know the next step from fringy is hooded pissed person no [Laughter] why Ray re it was supposed to say Ray [ __ ] Ray [ __ ] Rex by Rex by Rex is by's ADD letters oh no R is what what one letter will be left I'm curious I know what or Rex Rus I I didn't know what that word was you know this this last image does sum up her performance that last her mouth is open her eyes are the distance yeah no idea that was meant to be Ray you were indecisive oh I completely forgot this halfway through drawing it yeah this one very abstract by the time it got to me oh okay you know what sexuality flag is this [ __ ] ice crem shle the one imagine if you were gay but only for balls hey look at this to myself wait merer were you drawing ice cream oh well I don't know what I was drawing that's balloons I think I don't know what I like how the colors change I I tried to memorize the colors first and foremost that's exactly what I did yeah I was like okay pink brown yellow let's do it I was like blue green red blue green red blue green hello you just listened to a segment of the podcast every frame of pause or EAP hosted by YouTubers mer rags and fringy and joined by a cycling variety of guests across the internet they critically analyze media with exhaustive detail while pausing at every single frame subscribe to the EAP Channel and catch new episodes on Saturdays as well as catch their smaller videos reacting to the latest and not so greatest movies and TV shows throughout the week you can also subscribe here to EAP highlights for the latest shorts clips and Super Cuts also uploaded throughout the week links to all the relevant channels can be found in the description section below as well as links to their communities on Reddit and Discord thanks for watching
Channel: EFAP Highlights
Views: 19,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Every Frame A Pause, EFAP, MauLer, MooLer, Rags, Fringy, Podcast, Live, Media, Video Games, Movies, TV, Show, Gaming, Games, Drawing, Funny, Hilarious
Id: TO5K9beqwV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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