Matthew 24:3-44 | The Signs of the Times | Rich Jones

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right we are back we are back let's take our Bibles this morning and we're gonna turn to Matthew chapter 24 today we're gonna begin in verse 3 the title of our message is the signs of the times so we're normally in the book of Revelation but our Wednesday studies just a little bit behind so I want us to have an opportunity on this weekend study to really give a foundation to prophetic Scripture as we look to the latter days Matthew 24 is one of the most foundational scriptures we can have to understand latter-day events so let's pray and look to God's Word this morning father thank you your word just speaks your heart after us and we pray that by your spirit you would stir us up and draw us to yourself and show us your heart and so Lord we look to your word this morning in Jesus name Amen and toward the end of his eeeek about Ezekiel 28 God had told Israel that he would gather them from the nations from where they were scattered and give them a nation again and we are seeing that prophecy unfolding now of course that Israel is once again back in their land established as the Lord has said but he also said there that he would judge all those who scorn them around about them and he's speaking here of the conflict between the Arabs and the Jews now to understand that conflict we really go back to Abraham and you know God gave Abraham many many promises but one of those promises he gave them him is that all the nations of the earth would be blessed through the seed of Abraham but Abraham had no son and he was old and his wife was old in fact she was far beyond the age of childbearing so Sarah his wife thought in her mind well I know what let's do you know let's let's take her handmaiden Hagar and perhaps Abraham could raise up a son through her and so Abraham did this and the result was a boy by the name of Ishmael now Ishmael was not the the God had promised and in fact when the angel Lord returned back to Abraham he said no it is through Sarah that you will have the son that I promised now Sarah was in her tent eavesdropping when she heard this in fact the angel of the Lord said about this time next year I will return and Sarah will have a boy and so she heard this and she in her heart laughed and so a little bit later she's out and she's serving or whatever and the angel of the Lord says to her why did you laugh and she says oh I did not laugh and he's oh but you did and in fact the boy will be called Isaac which means laughter but this is not to rebuke her or make her feel badly but instead it is to say no when birth is fulfilled you really will laugh but you will laugh for joy for it will be an amazing declaration of God's hand of grace and so Isaac was born but Ishmael and Isaac there was conflict as the older we get you know and there was to all this conflict and then the jealousy between them and and so finally Sarah had had enough issues as I want that woman and that boy out of this house and Abraham put them out but what's interesting is that there was a prophetic word spoken over Ishmael he will be a wild donkey of a man and his hand will be against many and the hand of many will be against him and he will be against his brethren now all of the Arab nations trace their heritage their route through Ishmael all Arab nations believe of course they are Abraham's descendants through Ishmael but of course Isaac is the son that God had promised because Jesus is the one who will bless all the nations through the gospel of Jesus Christ and Jesus is the Son of David who is a son of Abraham and so the conflict between the Jews and the Arabs goes all the way back to Ishmael and Isaac now having said that we go to Matthew 24 and Matthew 24 Jesus is sitting on the Mount of Olives and he's answering to specific questions from the disciples now the very fact that Jesus is giving this message there on the Mount of Olives is very significant because the scripture tells us that when Jesus returns at the end of the age it is on the Mount of Olives where he will set his foot and that he will enter Jerusalem from there so it's very significant what had happened was this Jesus had just confronted the Jewish leaders over their religious hypocrisy and he had prophesied over the city of Jerusalem saying Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem oh how I've longed to gather you your children together the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but you were unwilling you would not have it behold your city is left to you desolate and so Jesus was prophesying that the city of Jerusalem would be destroyed and the Jewish temple would be destroyed literally not one stone left upon another now as Jesus gave this ominous prophecy the disciples came to him privately and they said not tell us what will be the sign of your coming and of end of the age now that is what Jesus is speaking about in Matthew 24 and in fact we today are living closer to the last days than the disciples so therefore these verses are actually more relevant for us than they were for them alright let's read it we're gonna be in Matthew 24 and we begin in verse 3 now I'm gonna read quite a few verses here because it is foundational to understanding prophecy of Scripture all right Matthew 24 verse 3 as he was sitting on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately and they said now tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and at the end of the age jesus answered and said to them see to it that no one misleads you for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ I'm the Messiah and will mislead many and you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars see to it that you are not frightened for those things must take place but that is not at the end for nation will rise against nation and Kingdom will rise against Kingdom and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes but all of these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs now that is a powerful and appropriate analogy because any woman who's had a child will tell you that as you get nearer and nearer to having the baby that the contractions get you know closer together and greater in intensity so having said that he continues and then they will deliver you to tribulation and they will kill you and you will be hated by all nations on account of my name and in fact we are seeing this right now as we're seeing a greater and greater animosity of the nations against Israel and perhaps you saw in the news fairly recently as the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to condemn Israel and the United States for designating Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and of course for moving the embassy or what will be soon moved into Jerusalem so we're seeing the growing animosity of the nations in fact I I mentioned that a recent service that when you look at the UN resolutions that were targeted to condemn one nation Israel has received like 90% of those condom nations now there's something wrong with that picture because there's a whole lot wrong in the world and yet Israel is singularly being pointed out in the Yoon UN General Assembly so we're seeing this right now before our eyes and at that time verse 10 many will fall away and will deliver up one another in hate one another and and many false prophets will arise and many will be mislead and because lawlessness is increased most people's level broeckel there will be a great falling away from faith and religion many falling away from God but the one who endures to the end he shall be saved like he's speaking here to persevering of faith that authentic perseverance and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet standing in the Holy Place now this is a key verse that we I've spoken it before it and I'll mention in here again this morning because it is so important to understand what it means in regards to the latter day things when you see that that abomination of desolation took place in the temple in other words then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains and let him who is in on the housetop not even go down to get the things that are in the house and let him who is in the field not even turned back to get his cloak but woe to the to those who are with child and to those who are nursing babes in those days but pray that your flight might not be in winter or on the Sabbath for then there will be a Great Tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now nor ever shall again and unless those days have been cut short no life would have been saved but for the sake of the elect those days shall be cut short so if then if anyone says to you behold here is the Christ do not believe him for false Christ's and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders so as to mislead if possible even the elect behold I have told you in advance if therefore they say to you behold he's in the wilderness well don't go forth or behold he's in the inner rooms don't believe them for just as the Lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west so shall the coming of the Son of Man be by the way you know in our our modern culture all of our graves point east if you're ever wondering like why is that why do our graves point east it's right because of that verse right there as the lightning comes from the east flashes to the west so shall the coming of the Son of Man be so is actually speaking to the anticipation of the Resurrection in to the return of the of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ very fascinating verse 28 where ever the corpse is there the vultures will gather but immediately after the tribulation of those days the Sun will be darkened the moon will not give its light stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken and I read another scripture that speaks to the same thing on Wednesday and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn when the Lord returns their first response is to mourn and then it says they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory and he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of the sky to the other now learn the parable from the fig tree when it's branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves then you know that summer is near so even so you too when you see these things recognize that he is near right at the door truly I say to you this generation will not pass away until all these things take place in other words it will all take place from one generation heaven and earth will pass away but my words shall not pass away but of that day in the hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven nor the son but the father alone for the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah for in those days which were before the flood they were eating they were drinking they were marrying and giving a marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away so shall the coming of the Son of Man be all right these are the verses I want us to look at because they're so critical to understanding the latter days and let's start with the application that God would have for us which is this he wants us to watch for the signs of the times Jesus is warning of the condition of things on the earth that are going to lead up to the latter days so that we'll know when the time is there and he expects us to discern the signs of the times expects us to be spiritually on the alert to have spiritual discernment now we are looking but what's happening in the world right now and anyone with spiritual discernment can sense that there is something absolutely dark and evil that is rising in the nations and so therefore he's telling us to be spiritually on the alert to be watching that spiritual discernment and particularly to watch for the signs of the times just like when Jesus came and rebuked the the the Pharisees and Sadducees the Jewish leaders because they did not recognize the signs of the times that were right before their eyes see the scripture gave them in advance the signs of the times for when the Messiah was to come in fact the the the prophecy of Daniel is so amazingly exact that they knew even the timeframe that the Messiah was to appear such such exactness is it that of Jesus who appeared just according to the prophecies of Daniel if Jesus is not the Messiah then there can be none because that timeframe is past Jesus fulfilled it but other signs of the times the blind will receive their sight the lame will walk the poor will have the gospel preached of them the Dead will be raised all of these signs were right before their eyes but they refused right they were blind they refused to see it so God gives us these warnings these signs of the times that we might be spiritually discerning as we see what's happening now he's not giving us these things that we would have greater fear he's not giving us these to make us alarmed he's not giving us these things to create stress I mean we have a lot of stress already I mean we are it's interesting isn't it we live in a modern age with all these modern technological and yet we're living in days of tremendous stress I mean isn't that true which reminds me of a story so a man was having a lot of stress in his life and and he began to feel like it was affecting him you know physically so he thought he'd better go to the doctor so Hina's why good a doctor and the doctor does all of these tasks you know and comes back and he says well here's the thing you have severe extreme hypertension it comes from all the stress in your life now let's listen is this serious hypertension I mean you could die from this and so then he said to the wife would you mind can I speak to you privately in another room and so she said well surely doctor so they go to this other room and he says now listen this is like extreme hypertension and it comes from all the stress in his life and it's like serious like he could die from this okay but now listen you can have a role to help him so what you could do let me suggest to you that you can take all the stress out of his life okay so you know make him his favorite meals like and whatever he says just agree with him let him be right all the time and you know just bring him a slippers in the morning and bring in the newspaper home when he comes to home at night you know give him all the sex that he would like and just remove all this stress out of his life now do you understand what I'm saying to you and she says I completely understand doctor thank you so they get in the car and the husband says what was that about why did he want to speak to you privately like what did he say to you and so the wife says well I don't know how to tell you this but he said that you're gonna die okay well that didn't actually happen but it fit right into the story okay so Jesus is not giving us these things to create greater stress but he's giving us these things in advance to prepare our lives and I suggest to strengthen faith and here's what I mean prophecy actually strengthens faith see when you see prophecy unfolding when you see prophecy being fulfilled there is something that rises up in your faith it's like there it is God is on the move for example when in Israel was gathered again I mean have after having been dispersed to the nations and gathered back again into their land in fulfillment of Ezekiel 28 I mean there is something that rises up as says God you're amazing God is on the move and then you see the the signs of the times you see the fulfilling of Scripture before your eyes there's something in your faith that arises to it because it declares the glory of God I remember when I was at Oregon State I took a class in philosophy and at one point the professor gave us an assignment that we were to write a paper discussing the question are we humans are we just a set of chemical reactions or are we something more obviously the question has to do with the nature of man and are we just a set of chemical reactions or are we something more now as a Christian right I am convinced that we are something more we are given a soul created by God that we would have our relationship to God for eternity because of the gospel of Jesus Christ now that's my position right so here I am at a secular university writing a paper on the nature of man and so I'm just I'm gonna lay it out there right and so I'm writing on the nature of man and the soul that God is given and but as evidence I brought up prophecy of Scripture because I said no prophecy of Scripture is evidence of the hand of God in our minutes because prophecy of Scripture is not a result of chemical reactions it is the result of the Spirit of God moving and I said you know when you look at all of the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled and I pointed out many of them and then you look at our modern day in which we are seeing prophecy fulfilling well it strengthens our faith because we recognize that God is the one who gave those scriptures and God is the one who fulfilled them therefore we are not a set of chemical reactions we are a soul that God made and interestingly he wrote on the paper you made some excellent points and he gave me an A in the paper yes now don't get too excited because I didn't get any in the class but I got an A in the paper but now point is a prophecy scripture a prophecy reveals God's nature look at Isaiah 46 I am God and there is no other I am God and there's no one like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things which have not been done saying my purpose will be established and I will accomplish all my good pleasure it strengthens faith to recognize it God is the sovereign one who reveals his purpose and he gives us the prophecy that we might know it was him who was on the move so he tells us in Matthew 24 that there will be birth pangs he listed several condition of the latter days that are to be considered like birth pangs the closer we are to the latter days the greater the intensity and the closer together these things will occur there will be wars there'll be rumors of wars see to it that you're not frightened there will be famines there will be earthquakes greater intensity closer together in fact if you looked at a charts and graphs from the last 35 years even the last 150 years it's amazing I read an article recently it was the NBC science news and I just caught my attention it was a 2014 article again NBC science news and just quoting from from it it says that the number of great earthquakes and we're talking about like severe strong earthquakes the number of great earthquakes has nearly tripled over the last decade I'm just quoting NBC science news it's nearly tripled over the last decade and an increase of 265 percent over the average rate of the previous century and the point of the article is what is going on here well when you look at Matthew 24 it really helps us to understand what is going on here because he gives us this as a sign of the times it will be like a woman in childbirth growing greater in intensity and closer together as we get closer to the end of the age he also says in Matthew 24 that unrighteousness will increase it will be one of the sign the times lawlessness unrighteousness will increase and most people's love will grow cold there'll be a falling away from faith to be falling away from God and in fact Paul wrote something very similar to this this is 2nd Timothy chapter 3 where Paul writes it this way realize this that in the last days difficult times will come for men will be lovers of self lovers of money boastful arrogant revilers disobedient to parents now that is an interesting one because you bring another's up as a sign of the time saying that in the latter days there will be a disobedience and a disrespect for parents in the latter days like you have never seen before well I'll tell you what when I see what's happening in the generation that is now coming up it is quite alarming to me because I've never seen such disobedience and disregard for authority and just respect for parents that I am seeing today anybody else seeing it and it tells us Paul writes that that is a sign of the times now let me just add that we don't see that in our church I just want to point that out ok but he's telling us this as a sign of the times to be watchful it that people will be ungrateful unholy unloving irreconcilable malicious gossips without self-control brutal haters of good there's going to be an increase of hate there's going to be an increase of meanness oh do we ever see that today people will be treacherous reckless conceited lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God oh do we see that arising now in the culture in times in which we are living yet at the same time he says that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a witness for the nation's until the time of the Great Tribulation and even after because he says in Revelation chapter 14 verse 6 which we read recently I saw another angel flying in Midheaven having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth to every nation and tribe and tongue in people even during the tribulation when the wrath of God is being poured out the gospel is being proclaimed to every nation tribe and tongue in people now that is a declaration of God's grace because what we're gonna see is that darkness will grow darker evil will grow more intense and evil but also righteousness will increase in those who have faith there will be a a strength of faith in those who have faith and there will be a revival in the latter days now he's telling us this he's giving us these signs of the times that we might be ready for the latter days there's a response that we should have to it make our lives ready and there's several aspects of the last days we need to understand so as to not be misled or confused and the verses were studying today Jesus speaks of a glorious return to the world in which he will rule and reign for a thousand years but the scripture also says that we will actually return with him which we're gonna see when we get back to Revelation and we need a deeper understanding of the role of the church as we enter into the latter days so one of the things we need to recognize is that the church will be raptured revelation describes the terrible conditions on the earth when the wrath of God is poured out which we're gonna see but the church is taken up to meet the Lord in the air for God has made it clear that the church is not destined to receive or to be recipients of the wrath of God let me give you a key verse please underline a dog-ear the page we recognize that this is a key first Thessalonians 5:9 for God has not destined us for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ so how will we be saved from the wrath of God in those days answer to the rapture of the church the rapture is when the church is taken up now to meet the Lord in there now some like to say look the word rapture is not in the scriptures well okay that's true it's a Latin word but it's a translation of a Greek word and the the the Latin means to be caught up or taken up and that's exactly what it means in the Greek and it comes from first Thessalonians 4 verse 16 the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain will be caught up and there's that word rapture on the Latin we'll be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we shall always be with the Lord the rapture of the church is a key to the understanding of what happens to the church in the latter days but then he also says Matthew 24 that the Antichrist will arise first so the Antichrist will be a world leader who will be seen as an extraordinary diplomatic genius he will appear on the scene as a hero doer of good able to solve problems and he will be recognized as an agent of light like he does good things he's a hero he's amazing in his in his good nature and and and many was believed that he is the Messiah even thus Jesus says do not be sieved because many false messiahs will show now you might say well well I thought he was an agent of Satan I mean how is it possible that he comes on the scene as a hero and as an angel of light I thought he was like full of Satan but the nature of deception is to deceit right and second Corinthians chapter 11 says no wonder for even Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light I mean the nature of deception is to deceive therefore it's not surprising if his servants disguised themselves as servants of righteousness but whose n will be according to their deeds I mean God's gonna see to the end of it so the Antichrist arises in times of great political and economic turmoil and the enemies of Israel will be rising in power as we are seeing now the nations are aligning against Israel overwhelming voting of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council I mean you look at what's happening in the world right now I mean look at the changes that are happening on the world scene Arab world is being transformed before our eyes there's a new alignment that's happening with the power base of Russia now being aligned with the power base of China who is growing greater and greater in military strength and also you see the nature of Russia's character growing darker actually and you're seeing even in China a greater growing persecution against faith maybe you saw in the news just this week I think it was on Friday the the Chinese destroyed the largest evangelical church in China 50,000 worshippers attended this church and they destroyed it with dynamite and equipment and leveled it to the ground because they say that they had violated some code statutes of the building the building codes were violated and they in the end they destroyed it to the ground because China believes that Christianity is the threat to their authority and yet 50,000 worshippers in that they destroyed it and now we look at the Palestinian problem in the Middle East you know it's important to understand it's important for Christians to understand the Middle East problems because the problems of the Middle East become the backdrop to prophecy because Jerusalem itself will be the center can we say epicenter of Latter day events and so the problem of the Middle East is important so let's let's go back over this history just a little bit how did we get this Palestinian refugee problem well if you remember back in your history class the area of Palestine which would include today Israel West Bank Gaza the whole area around the Sea of Galilee Dead Sea all of that Palestine was ruled for more than 600 years up until 1916 or so by the Ottoman Empire now the Ottomans were Turks they were not Arabs they were Turks and they ruled the area of Palestine in early 1900s World War one realigned the nations of the world and no longer did the Ottoman Turks rule that area but starting in 1916 or so the British started to have rulership or authority over that area under what is known as the British Mandate authorised by the League of Nations so now no longer are the church over that area now the British or but the Arabs living in the Palestine area and the Jews living in the Palestine area both now have national intentions they want to raise up a nation for their own in the area Palestine this is a conflict of interest as you can see but the Arabs became particularly concerned with the number of Jews that were emigrating into the area I mean they were coming in waves of tens of thousands at a time why why were so many Jews emigrating to the area of Palestine well if you remember what was happening during that period between the first war in the Second World War there was the rise of Nazi Germany and Nazi Germany of course we're spreading throughout Europe and the the result was the attempt at the extermination of Jews in Europe six million Jews were exterminated and so therefore Jews throughout Europe were looking to find a place a safe haven a place to call home a place that safe and they as many as could left in droves tens of thousands at a time coming into the area of Palestine and of course the Arabs are very concerned about this and began takes began to arise even to the point before 1948 when Israel became a nation there was literally a civil war between juice and so when may 14th 1948 when Israel declared themselves to be a nation again the sixth Arab nations around Israel declared war on the same day I mean they're not even one day old and they find themselves now at war with six Arab nations and the Palestinian militia inside the area and so in anticipation of that war the Arab nations the Palestinian authorities had instructed the Arabs living in the war zone to remove themselves from the war zone so as to minimize the number of Arab casualties and so they went into refugee camps expecting only to be there for a few weeks I mean who in their right mind thought that Israel could actually survive this war and in fact one of the Arab kings who was part of the Alliance of Arab nations said at one point it's too bad that Israel has pushed this to this point because it means extermination they will be annihilated it was deadly serious so the war then began as these nations had come against Israel but previous to the war 700 thousand or more Arabs according to that instruction had been removed and put into these camps again temporarily but also and let's keep the record balanced the Jews also expelled some of the Arabs what had happened with it would be this they'd come to an Arab as they're now of course not only withstanding the onslaught of the attack that now they are increasing their land they're taking more territory and as they we come upon an Arab village if that Arab village took up arms against it then they would overwhelm the village and expel them into the Palestinian camps if that air village did not take up arms then they would be welcomed into Israel as Israeli citizens and by the way there are many Arab citizens of Israel today and it shows you that it is possible for Arabs and Jews to live it alongside to work alongside of each other go to school with each other and live at peace it's possible but then of course we have the Palestinian problem because all of those 700 thousand refugees of course now found themselves outside of the borders of Israel and not welcomed back those have become the 2.5 million Palestinian refugees today who refuse to acknowledge the state of Israel's existence thus it's impossible to solve this problem it is an impossible problem because they refuse to acknowledge the right to exist as a people then the Antichrist arises on the scene and by all appearances he does what no man can do he convinces the Arabs to sign an agreement a covenant of peace with Israel for whatever promises whatever negotiation happens they agree to it and Israel agrees to it and they sign this covenant of peace and I'm convinced that it includes the rebuilding of the temple but what happens then is that verse 15 is key here when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the Prophet what happens is that three and a half years after this covenant of peace the Antichrist betrays Israel and takes back the temple and sets the antichrists image to be worshipped in the holiest of holy places in the Jewish temple now you can just imagine all hell is gonna break loose at that point let me give you another scripture that supports this 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 the apostasy comes first right the love of many girls colder is going to be a great falling away the apostasy comes first then the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called God or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of God displaying himself as being God and thus all hell breaks loose in it culminates in a great battle at the end of the Tribulation Period called the Battle of Armageddon takes place in the valley Megiddo and that we will see when we get back to our study in Revelation but it tells us that also it culminates in the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at the end of the age he will return in great glory the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky and the first response of the tribes of the earth is to mourn because they will recognize that it was he who had come those years before but when he returns he will set foot in the Mount of Olives and he will enter Jerusalem and it tells us after defeating the nations that had come against Israel that he will rule and reign for a thousand years and the nations will come and they will give him recognition they will give him glory and they'll give him honor because he will be king of kings and he will be Lord of lords it's important for us to understand that God is sovereign over the nations that he has declared the end before there was a beginning and that our Lord is Lord of lords and King of Kings let's pray lord thank you so much for showing us your power and your glory to recognize that you give us these signs of the times for a reason that we might be ready as two people that we might be strengthened in our faith and church this morning as we're before the Lord is just not an opportunity to say with all of your heart God I want it to be known i align my heart with you i align my life with you God I take my stand with Jesus Christ as for me in my house we will serve the Lord I take my stand right here I will stand with the Lord Jesus Christ I align my life with you I align my heart with you Church this morning will you just say that will you just declare it to the Lord I'm gonna ask that you just raise your hand and just say it to Lord God I want you to know where I ain't stand I want you to know my heart I align my heart I align my life I take my stand with Jesus Christ would you just raise your head and say it to the Lord father thank you for what you're doing stirring us moving us drawing this to yourself we give you think we give you glory and honor as we recognize that you are Lord of the nations and King of Kings and we give you thanks we give you our heart and Jesus name and everyone said key can we give the Lord power you little crazed killer honors born amen
Channel: Calvary Chapel Worship Center - Hillsboro, Oregon
Views: 1,005
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Keywords: The Bible, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy, Pastor Rich Jones, Calvary Chapel, Faith, Grace, Revival, Truth, Prayer, Salvation, Calvary Chapel Hillsboro, Matthew, Matthew 24, The Signs of the Times, end times
Id: o0zc_tX_FsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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