Mattermost: Free Open-source Alternative to Slack

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every good team needs good communication tools well even the bad ones do this discover matter most a free open source alternative to slack to communicate with your team in the most efficient way it's not just a copypaste of slack even if I have to admit the UI and the core features are quite similar but with a focus on security deployment on premise and the playbooks features it really stands out as a powerful and customizable solution for teams looking for more control and flexibility in their communication tools before diving into the platform overview let's see how to start using it you can self deploy it yourself following their installation guide for Ubuntu Docker or kubernetes or use a platform like ours eleso to take care of the installation updates backups and maintenance for you to install m m on our platform go to ls. and click on login deploy my first service search for mattermost select choose between different cloud provider regions and service plan based on your needs then click on select adjust your level of support I will keep the free included one and once everything is good for you click on create service once your instance is ready you receive an email follow the click here to get the password link then copy the password to your clipboard here and access your instance by following this link because this is the first time we open mattermost it will ask us if we want to open the desktop app or if we want to view it in our browser but let's have a quick look of what are the available apps right now so follow the download the app Now link and you can see we have an iOS Android version for mobile and windows Mac OS and Linux so every platform is supported so now let's log to our account so username by default it will create a root account and the password is in our clipboard then login we have the onboarding process so what is the name of our organization we'll write lso then continue what tools do you use here it's to install by default some Integrations so we have GitHub gitlab jira Zoom service now we'll choose GitHub and let's open visit the marketplace to see what are the available Integrations we arrive on mattermost websites and we can see there are a lot of Integrations organized between different categories you can find the one that might be useful for you okay let's keep only GitHub and then continue and then last step is to invite your team members so let's invite a fake account so we won't be alone on that communication tool instance let's follow the invite Link in private browsing so I won't have conflict between authenticated users and we have the same onboarding process I will quickly choose viewing browser and create an account so an email address my username and a password then create account we have the onboarding process but let's follow it on our main account so let's get back here finish setup launching your workspace now and we have the onboarding so we can watch an overview video it's asking me if I want to receive notification I won't accept it we have the overview video that you can watch but we are doing it right now so we can skip it and then you have a tour to discover all the different features so for example here it's channels it's explaining Point by point but we will see a few of them together so we can just do next just know that it exist to onboard every of your new users and you don't have only channels for this you have all the main features so let's say no I figure it out myself before having a quick look at the channels let's edit our profile because currently we are the root account of the instance let's change it or by default you can keep it and create a separate account for you and use this as an admin only so let's go to profile I will edit my full name then hit save I will edit the username I don't want to use root so I would just use John my nickname it's if two users have the same name if not it won't display it so it's not very important but let's use John 2 position okay it's not important here and we can add a profile picture this is more important so let's select one pick your profile picture and Save fine now let's dive into the channels so by default it created two channels Town Square and of topic let's chat in Town Square hello everyone here is done with my main account let's see on the other tab if we can see it too so here we can reply hello so we have the second user and we have emojis on the top right so we can interact with the user so let's say Greening and we have a list of emojis here you have the classic list of emojis but you can customize it to your team so let's do custom emoji any user is able to so here I'm not on the admin one but I can add emojis add custom emojis let's add lso we will add our logo open then save you can see on the list of our custom emojis and you have the creator of it so now let's try to use it go back to John here we can search for lso and we have our new or we can even type it directly here and it will find it let's go back to our main account so it should be here and let's reply to the user we won't type directly in the chat box here but with the reply here so we can reply it will open the sidebar because it's the first time we have a guide explaining what it is and how it works so it's creating a thread also you added the icon so I can write here and by by writing in a thread or by being mentioned in a thread automatically I will be following it so I will get notification every time something happens here and a good thing is you can opt out so if it's not interesting for you anymore you answered what you had to then you can unfollow by clicking here or following it back when you need to if you were not involved in the first place but you want to see what is happening here then about the channels itself you can add more information so you can add a header here explaining what it is about let's say it's onboarding room a place to welcome new users save so I wrote in MD in markdown syntax save and you can see onboarding room is in bold while the rest is normal on the left of your channels you can rename them you have different options with the three dots Mark as unre favorite it mute it or move them to different groups so let's say onboarding I create it now it's separate between the general channels one and onboarding before diving into the playbooks feature let's have a look at the mobile app in the app store you can search for mattermost search then you have two ones I think the classic is the old version so let's take the most recent one once it's ready let's open it welcome so next you have the nice onboarding and then sign in to get started because it's not one Cloud unified version but on premise what you need to do is to enter your server URL you can copy it from the URL so here until dot up and then thanks to the iPhone you can paste it directly paste and display name I will type John and now I need to log in to my account so my username it was root but I think we change it to John and we need to paste the password so again from the dashboard and once you're good click on paste and log in perfect we arrive on the app so we can see we have onboarding and channels let's open onboarding we have a system user that tells us what is happening directly so I updated the channel header I guess it's something you can disable if you want to let's try to upload a picture capture photo hello revert hello then use Photo hello to add the photo it's uploading then send it head back to the desktop version and everybody should be able to see that beautiful picture now let's see an amazing killer feature that matter must have it's on the top left playbooks this is something I really like with Mod M so every new thing that you interact with they have a nice onboarding process process we have seen it when we arrived then with the threads and now with playbooks we don't have any but we have templates we can use we have nice explanation so we never feel lost and it's not in every product that we can see it so which one do we have product release incident resolution let's choose Customer onboarding because we started with onboarding let's see what we have so playbooks what it is is to run some procedure that you can reuse over time with some defined rules some condition it will be clearer when we will dive into this one so the template is already filled it's explaining us what it is about so here you have uh the responsible of the team so TBD is to be defined but let's say it's j do I need to open the edit mode so John do you could add the link to that person it's not very important for now so you have information about what it is then you can Define to have some status update when is expected so it will add some notification to the user so we'll have to report but for onboarding it's not useful so we just keep it then we have some tasks so they are predefined because we chose a template but you can do it by from scratch based on your needs I think I choose customer onboarding but I expected it to be team member onboarding but it's not a big deal so what we have is to do those kind of tasks when we have a new customer and then every time we have done it we can check it and we are sure every time we respected the procedure So based on your team based on your business it can be very useful let's say we want to create a custom one just say hello then we can assign it to someone but it's not important here we want to create a general one that anyone can use we can use command add a time frame or task as actions so when it will discover that a message has been discovered it will it can automatically validate this task so let's say hello posted by anyone it will Mark the task as done save it then okay we have the other actions we have the retrospective so when it runs if we want to invite people well we can configure it the way we want it to be then let's run it so you can choose either to run it for you in a private Channel or or if it's something that the whole team must play with or if you need visibility on it you can create it inside a public channel here it's a customer onboarding let's say it's only for me start and run it just for me so you can see here we are inside the Playbook so we have a bunch of information and we have all our task we need to do so we can say okay I've donate I can assign to people whatever but we can also go to channels and Auto automatically oh nice picture what it did is it created a private channel for this so you can also do your tasks here and we have the task that we created manually that should be in the right part but I can't find it so maybe I didn't save it properly but I what I wanted to show you is that you can type a message here it could automatically detect the content of this message and automatically validate task and just one last thing I forgot to show you is if we go back to town square to one of the user we can click on it we have all the information but we can also do calls like you can do on slack so it will ask for your microphone for your webcam and you can also share your screen thank you for watching we hope you enjoy discovering MOS with us if you find our content useful please hit the like button to help our content be more visible to other open source lovers don't forget to subscribe to not miss our upcoming platform overviews in the meantime continue your open source Journey with this video available here
Channel: Elestio
Views: 3,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open source software, open source alternative, elestio, open source, free software, free open source software, opensource, self hosted, slack, slack alternatives, free open source alternative to slack
Id: E3yowWCDC9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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